The roots are in India 1986-01-28
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
28 January 1986
The Roots Are In India
Public Program
Madras (India)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
1986-01-28 Public Program, Madras India
I bow to all the seekers of truth. In this Kaliyuga it is so very difficult to find people who are seeking the truth. As I told you the other day as described by Shri Krisna, awareness is moving towards adhogati(descent) as he has said that the tree of awareness has got its roots in the brain but when we do not have the vurdhvagati(ascent) we move towards adhogati. Without knowing we are moving towards adhogati and the whole world doesn’t understand why this confusion is there. We can say in the west the growth that is taken place is like the tree growing downwards. And as I said the other day the roots are in this country. While we Indians have taken the western education to such a limit that we have forgotten the great past of our country. Because of that I do not understand who is going to save this world. The main problem today is that nobody even thinks that he must, or she must have urdhvagati that the whole personality has changed system of going upward. The whole movement of the whole society is going downward. And you can see it expressed in so many ways. In the same context one can say that this Kaliyuga have brought forth a kind of a seeking in every true intelligent man. If you are purely intelligent not egoistical then you find that there must be some remedy to this kind of complete destruction of human beings by human beings themselves. So, when this tree has grown so big, roots also have to grow to sustain to nourish that. The problem today is how to reach the three kinds of people of whom we can not predict to what extent they can look at themselves. The first kind of people we can say are the kind of people who are extremely emotional embedded into their past. Like we are. we are doing certain rituals for the last 100 years maybe we are doing them without understanding what is the meaning of these rituals. We are following a particular type of a method without understanding how it relates to our ascent. Day in and day after, ages after ages, generations after generations we are doing the same same thing without realizing that all this must have an end. These people we can call as the people who are bhakti yogi also. Those who wants to have bhakti yog. They wanted to have bhakti for God. The another type we face are the people who are right sided started with Vedas. When the Vedas were written it was as I told you the other day is the Vidha, Vidha means to know on your central nervus system. But the way we have taken to Vedas is just pathanam(chanting) pathanam pathanam. Its just on the lip. It’s a lip service. Which doesn’t give us any ascent. So, what’s the use of reading these Vedas? says Vedas itself. Not me. The third type of people are those who are neither here not there. They have denied God, they have denied anything that is higher, to them money is everything and they say what’s wrong or the people who say that what we do is the right. There is nothing like God. The people who used to worship God himself now feel that there is no God. The reason is they think they have created God. And they have been worshipping God themselves. So, how could there be God. And some of them think, that we should be honest to tell people that there is no God. I met a priest in London, and he told me to be frank with you, “Mother, there is not God”, I said very kind of you to be that frank. Now did you find it out? Yes, I have been a priest, I know it all befooling, in this there is nothing like God. Its all befooling. People are stupid, it’s a business, we are doing a business and my brother who says better openly admit that there is no God and get-out. So those who are supposed to be in charge of our churches, temples, masjids(mosques), Mandirs are the people who themselves are not sure that there is God, Or else that they think that this is a good issue to take out and fight as fanatics. Fanaticism is against God. Is against God. So, the whole setup of people who are trying to know the truth are in such a big confusion about. Now is the time a blossom time, the last judgement. This is the time when you get your realization. Never so many people got realization as they are getting today. Buddha said - you must get your self-realization, Mahaveera said - you must get your self-realization, Lao-Tse said - you must get your self-realization, the Abraham said it, Moses said it, Christ has said it, Mohammad has said it, of course in India everybody has said it. Shri Adi Shankaracharya who was exponent, w should say is the savior of the Hindu religion said the same thing that there should be Atmabodh. Otherwise, we are talking to blind people and that’s why they tortured this sage. Now you have got built in within yourself all these powers. As shown here which Dr. Warren has described to you, all the system exists within you absolutely, efficiently, accurately made to workout the other system by which you get urdhvagati(ascent). It’s not a cock and bull story. All those people in the ancient time talked about the Atmabodha, they were not telling lies. But in the modern times as I told you people have talked all nonsense about Kundalini which is not true. You give your realization to others as people say, but actually you do not give any realization to anyone. By the nature of a personality itself you get realization. As I told you it’s a living process and as you can sprout a seed by putting in the Mother Earth, you get automatically, spontaneously, sahaj this sprouting and the ankura comes out. In the same way, your Kundalini rises spontaneously. But I must admit because of these five types of people that are around, it happens that I have seen Kundalini, poor thing just like a terrible wounded snake goes on putting her head this side that side, this side that side poor thing with its all power tries to rise and again drops down. Some people have harmed Her so much that sometimes I feel that how are we to fix this personality into the higher realm of life. Though they believe that they have to have Atma-Sakshatkara, but sometimes it doesn’t work out. But if you have patience, it can be worked out. Because She is your mother for so many, gatanu gat(ages), so many years. And today she is just waiting for a chance that she could give you your second birth. This Kundalini is a three and half coils, settled in this triangular bone as he has told you. Now people might say, that why three and half. It has Mathematics, it’s a mathematics on which it is based. Which I have described in some of my lectures. Why it is three and half? It has a reason for that why it is three and half? But in the Kundalini sastra we say that three and half coils represents the Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi, Maha Saraswathi and the Adi Sakti Durga Mata. Now it is too much for any intellectuals to believe in such a thing. Because he thinks no end of himself. He has no knowledge. He is anjan, he is agnyani, he doesn’t know anything. But he thinks no end of himself, he thinks he is a very clever man. He thinks he knows everything. I personally think that first of all, you must be humble to know about the University of God. If you have to enter into any university you have to be very humble. First of all, this knowledge is the knowledge of the roots. And you have to be a subtler being to be there. You can not go there with your gross attention and your criticism and your nonsensical talks. If you want to have your benevolence and your hita, is best way is to be humble about it to see that you receive your realization. There are many people I have seen, very egoistically they will come and say, “Mother we haven’t got any realization. See we don’t feel any cool breeze, nothing of that kind as if they should be given a special degree for that. Maybe they are suffering from cancer. Maybe they are suffering from some emotional problems, maybe they are possessed, maybe some problem with them. So, those who unclear(forced) about it also should know that to get realization is a thing of ages. In these modern times to talk about God or Kundalini, people think its absolutely out of place. Because everybody thinks that they are very clever. The cleverness that they have what have they done out of your signs is to create these horrible bombs and now you want to talk about peace. There is not peace within yourself. How can you have peace? We talk let us integrate. The whole world is our own. How can make the whole world as your own when you do not cross the limit of your selfishness. How do you cross the limit of your selfishness? By not lecturing, by now scolding, by not love, all these bannering, all these marches not by that. But you have to become that which is itself the collective consciousness. Now this itself is the Atma - the absolute within you. So, to get to the knowledge of Absolute one must be first of all humble about it. For example, you see one gentle man comes and talks to you. Oh, he is a very nice man, he is a very good person. Next moment you see, oh God this man is horrid. You criticize somebody and you find that person is saint. How will you know that the truth about anyone is absolutely this or that? The only way is to go to the state when you are absolute and not relative. All our knowledge is relative knowledge. May be good, may not be good. None of the knowledge that we have got is absolute. Because the absolute is in the spirit, and the spirit has to come into our attention. Into our central nervous system. Then only you can feel the truth. But I have seen newspaper people coming, writing something absurd, writing something stupid, foolish. They don’t want to see the point. Do they want the benevolence of the people or not is the point. What they want is all the time sensationalaization, give some sort of a unclear(tension,sensation) all the time to make money. With that money, are you benevolent? Are you being benefited by that? This kind of money can never give you joy and happiness. Only the spirit, the Atma - Atmanyeva atmana tustah:, only the Atma itself will give you that joy and satisfaction which we are seeking today in the name of peace, in the name of collective consciousness, in the name of all the big big words we talk about. The whole personality of a human being is not what it should be. Its just the human awareness with which you are enlightened. Supposing there is a superhuman being that is within us which has to come and play, suppose. If it’s a hypothesis like a scientist has, you must have an open mind that I have not known this so far and if somebody saying so and so and so, let us work it out. If the hypothesis works out, then it’s a law according to all the scientific methods and this is a process of convincing you about sahaja yoga. But still we have a very great convincing factor in this great country of yoga is that all our ancient sears and saints have written about Atmabodha. And all their writings have in drain into our blood that we must get our atmabodha. But we can not conceive God according to our own conception. He is what He is. We cannot organize Him. He is organized by Himself, and He can organize us, and we cannot organize Him. This is all the play of our stupid ego, that we think we can organize God and talk about Him, and we can do whatever we like. Now, to prove the existence of God is also very important. Because people will say “Mother, you are talking about God, what is God?”. But the first thing has to be done is to take this state of self-realization. Otherwise, you cannot prove it. What is the reason? What is the reason you cannot prove the existence of God? Because God Almighty, His power is unlimited. And our brain is limited. So, something has to trigger it so it breaks into away that it goes into the space where it relates itself to the all pervading power which is unlimited. So, in the three dimension that we are, we can not feel that all pervading power around us. The Kundalini has to rise and give you realization. This is the only way it has to happen. Now, it is sahaja means born with you. You can not pay for it. It’s a simple thing, you cannot pay for it. I mean the other day one lady was quite shocked to hear that I don’t take money. I said, “how much will you pay me?” we can’t understand how we became so money oriented; I think all in our head the money rupees has gone into our head set. We can’t think of something that is free. Whatever is vital has to be free. For example, you are breathing. If you are breathing, if you have to do by paying money, I don’t know how many will exist or by reading some books or by going to the library or going to somebody, if you have to do your breathing that way, is going to be difficult. In the same way your ascent whatever has happened has been free it has going to be absolutely free because it is invaluable. You can not pay for it. We don’t pay to the Mother Earth, do we? For sprouting our seeds, for doing all the rutus(means seasons) and all the wonderful things do we pay? In the same way we must realize in all humility that money cannot purchase God. In all humility. This will break many gurus that are on this Earth making money. Thank God they are all getting exposed one by one. But in the beginning you need not talk about them. If you tell somebody that such and such guru is no good, people would really come out which unclear() me. Now they are suffering, they have got problems, they think that “Yes, what Mother said is true”. But now they are suffering. So, the whole thing is that when there are seekers of truth also, how they get mislead. The greatest misleading thing is that the spurious gurus all around. The foremost thing that should happen to you if you have a guru, your health must improve. You must feel better in health. I find here, he gets heart attack, another one is unclear(Epilepty/Epilepsy), another one has got that, I have got such and such guru. I have got a back pain will you cure me Mother? I have got such and such sadguru. How can it be? Because as you have seen, when the Kundalini rises the first thing she gives you is the good health. And the sadguru is that who just gives you realization other gurus who talk this read that, do that, say this mantra, this, that. This is of no use. It doesn’t help. The don’t know what is to be done. So, the sadguru is a person who has to be self-realized as well as he should know the Kundalini sastra. That is the pure sastra. Is the purity of it you must see. It is so pure, no body can touch it, no body can govern it, no body can takeover it. It is something so innate within your personality. That the personality itself emits it. Its innately built, you don’t do anything about it. Like people praise me this and that, I don’t know what to say when they praise me. Because I am like this. What so great? I have been like this, I am like this, I will be like this. I haven’t achieved anything. You are the one to be praised because you have achieved something. I would say Dr. Warren. He was a very different man when he came to India, and he gave me a very hard time also. But when he got realization, being a very intelligent, and a pure intelligent person. He could see through that this is the solution for all our ills. Now the evolution time has come. And that the whole world has to change. The whole world has to change. And that’s how he took it. Doesn’t matter whether you are educated or uneducated. Not necessarily it should be Dr. Warren. You can be anyone, like the other day I was going by bullock cot in a village. Because villagers are much better than city dwellers. They are very good, thousands of people getting without trouble, they become so beautiful, they lead a very nice life, and they enjoy themselves. And when I was going on a bullock cot, the man who was driving the bullock cot I talked to him, and I was amazed. I felt that he was Kabeera the way he was talking. I said where did you get this knowledge? “Mother, it’s the spirit that gives you the knowledge. Isn’t it? I was amazed at his ascent. All the great saints of this country has proved that its not this avidya that you have got like Surdas has said after writing Sur Sagar, such a big book – “Surdas ki sabhee avidya door karo nandlal”. This is avidya. So, you cannot judge sahaj yog through your avidya. And you have to have suddha vidya through the suddha icha that is the Kundalini its rises within you and your suddha vidya system starts working. As I told you its an absolute system and it’s the system by which you achieve complete satisfaction in life. Because it is suddha icha. And suddha icha completely satisfies you. With that satisfaction you really become dynamic. Many people ask me “Mother after coming to sahaja yoga are we to give up anything?”. I said, “What are unclear(you/we) to give up? What is that to give up?”. You don’t have to give up anything, you don’t have to make a fuss about it, you don’t have to make a drama out of it, nothing of that kind. It’s a genuine thing that should happen to you is for your benevolence, is for your good. As a result of that you get good health. First of all, you get good health minimum. You know that we have cured many people in Madras and we have cured everywhere else. Today also I have cured a little girl who was suffering from polio. It takes hardly five-ten minutes to do all these jobs. Another fellow had a heart ( heart problem), he was also cured. But main thing is that first of all you have to seek your spirit. Otherwise, what is a sensible personality? And he doesn’t want to help someone who is not wanting to meet God. When we are trying to raise our Kundalini, then what we are doing is to go towards God and on our way to get purified (Sucheerbhut). And that happens absolutely spontaneously. Now the linear movement of mental projection doesn’t give you. It requires upon you, it doesn’t give you also the linear movement of the emotions. If you have emotions, you go on saying alright, I love Rama, I love this, I love that. So, the main thing that has to happen to you is that the Kundalini must rise and you must get your realization in simple words. All the rest of it is no use talking to you and tell you. He has told you so much about Kundalini. He has told you what are the Chakras. How get purified and all that. Actually, to tell all these things will again your brain will start working on that. How is this? That is this and all that. Actually, to achieve it is the main thing. Supposing I tell you, this is how I cook my food, I make this food, and this is this and all that and don’t give you to eat what’s the use? So, first thing is you must get your self-realization. This talk we have to give just to make you think that it’s the most important thing for any human being it is to get your realization. But people are today not in that mood. Till they have reached their complete destruction, they do not think that we have reached the complete destruction. It is a shocking condition into which we are living today. And we have to realize that unless and until we go beyond this personality and achieve that spirit, we cannot be in anyway helped any other method. Try any unclear(agology/algology). For example people say that communism is all the problem. Nothing. I have been to Russia myself, I have been to China. I know the condition of the people, they are no better than us, in no way. May be in one way they are better, other way they are horrid. I have been to America, I have lived in England, I have been to France, I know all the countries practically I have been to all the countries. And I can tell you all these ideas of democracy and capitalism and communism is all is just a outside theory. It doesn’t work out. But I would say I am the greatest capitalist because I am the powers. And I am the greatest communist because I am a share. I can’t help it. I am a unclear(share). This automatic, spontaneous, compassion, and the love and the sharing capacity is only possible when you have the sampatti (wealth) which is Divine, but this aasuri sampatti (demonical wealth) cannot be shared. And this aasuri sampatti is taking over and I would like to warn all of you here that one should understand that the destruction is very close. Either we take to destruction of ours or we take to God. Then there is no question of bad health, there is no question of imbalances there is no question of financial problems either also. Will be surprised your financial problem are solved. This is all the Mother’s chocolate She is putting for you to understand it is important to take self-realization. Self-realization is a very difficult thing. I agreed. Only one or two people could get realization. Agreed. But supposing if somebody is doing in thousands then there must be something about that person. Then why should you doubt such a person? This is what I do not understand that when somebody is doing this to thousands of people, that must be something about this person that it is happening. So, how can we say that it is very difficult? Supposing I say there is a diamond lying here, and you will get it free. Will you wait and see? You will come and take it. In the same way if I say you have to take your self-realization it is very easy thing, it can happen to you to take with humble attitude this self-realization. This is the most important thing, no discussion, no argument, no amount of lecturing, nothing is going to help you. Is just this your self-realization. May God bless you. Because Warren has explained everything, I am very happy you have listened to him so attentively, and he has told you all about Kundalini, we have got so many books also which you should read later on. First you have your realization. The Mother would say, “Please have your food first”. Simple thing as that. You all have very good mothers. And you know what the mother’s attitude is. So first have your self-realization, and then will talk about it. May God bless you all.
We asked some people to ask some questions. The other day I had asked some people write the question if you have any, but so far, I haven’t received any questions whatsoever. But if you think you have some questions, you are welcome to ask. Because its better to ask me directly now that you go and say something nonsensical later on to be unclear. Yes please, please come here. Its alright. You tell. Is it a personal question or a general question? If it is a personal question, then you can write it down. But it is.,
Non-yogi: It is a simple question – Mother said realization first. We would like to know how to achieve it.
Shri Mataji: Alright that’s a good one. That’s a good one. Beautiful question it is.
Question from audience: To achieve realization should each one have some secret mantra or secret guru?
Shri Mataji: No no no, no mantra nothing guru, you just sit down that’s all. Nothing, no no need at all. No mantras. Nothing needed.
Question from the audience: How to find out if the guru is real?
Shri Mataji: That after realization you will find out. The guru whether is real or not you will find out after realization.
Question from the audience: We have been initiated into Kundalini yoga by a guru. That guru is no more. Can we switch on to another guru?
Shri Mataji: I don’t know what sort of initiation you have got to my child; you better sit down and get the real war. Alright? Somebody has initiated Kundalini yoga, there cannot be initiation, it can be only self-realization.
Alright, the first sign is that do you feel the cool breeze in your hands if you are a realized soul. Secondly, did your guru tell you about the ascent of your being into different stages of Nirvichar samadhi and Nirvikalpa. Have you achieved that? The simplest test is that are you transformed? Is your life transformed? Do you feel samardh? Do you feel powerful within yourself of love? Are you confident? Are you feeling the Chaitanya in your hand all over? Do you feel the Chaitanya coming out of your head? Out of your fontanelle brahmarandhra? Do you feel that? Now, Dr. Warren talked to you, you know he is an Australian. He had ever heard perhaps the word Kundalini, may be Kundalini or may have heard, I don’t know about that part, because he was a seeker, he might have read it. But the things that he has told you today and all that thing he knows is only through his ascent. When he got his ascent, you can make out that he is a realized soul the way he talks to you with authority. And he is not from Tamilndu to know this thing, he is not from India, he is a person from a country where there is no idea of ascent. It’s a narak, it’s a naraka, all the western countries are nothing but naraka. They have no idea. They have just adhogati. They never even talk of self-realization. So, how can a man from there can do this? This is what should happen to you if you have got a proper guru who has given you realization. But if the guru has not given you realization, its alright will find it out and will give you. Actually, Mother’s idea is different - is to make you as your own guru. Our sahaja yog today is like this – that you first get your realization, the light comes into you, you judge yourself, and you become your own guru. So, Mother has no headache. What is Mother’s love? She wants everything She has to give to Her children. What does it matters? Whatever powers unclear() , you see what is matter? To a mother even if she has the whole property of the world, what does it matter if her children cannot enjoy it? And all that you can enjoy, all that you can have. That’s what it is as simple as that. So, you don’t have to worry just now about what is needed, what is not needed nothing of that kind. Forget the past, forget the past it is finished. Don’t think of the future because it doesn’t exist, the present is important. Just now you have to take your realization, you are going to get it. It is a very important day and a moment which is very crucial. Because this is how you are going to get transformed.
Alright? Now, should we have the session for self-realization? I would request everybody to be seated. Everyone who is here has to do what I tell you, there is nothing much to be done, because in this way I will tell you only one thing simple, is how raise your own Kundalini, and how to cleanse your chakras in a very very simple manner. And you yourself will raise your Kundalini; I am not going to do anything. So that later on also you can raise. Its very simple. But you must sit with a very simple heart.
First of all, you all must forgive yourself. Because many people think “Mother, I am so guilty, I am so bad”. Let me judge. Why do you say that? Why do you consider yourself to be bad? There is nothing wrong with you, you are a temple of God, only the light has not come, that’s my job. And once it comes, you will enlighten other people.
Alright. So, a simple thing that you have to do now is to take out your shoes, put them on the back side and touch the ground in a parallel way. Left side is the icha sakti (desire). So please put your left hand towards me. And right hand is the kriya sakti (action). So, what ever chakras we have to touch will do it with the right hand. Now we have to just now work out is only on the left side of the chakras. So, you need not close your eyes just now you see for yourself. First I will say on the heart then in the upper part of the stomach. Then in the lower part of the stomach. Then we will go back again in the upper part in the stomach then in the heart again, then here this portion. Here which is a left Visuddhi as we call it. Then Agnya in front here like this we have to put our head across like this and then this hand goes back, push back your head and hold your head like this, then stretch your hand. And put this hand on top of your head. Here on the Talubhag and press it hard and rub it seven times. Which I will tell you one by one which is very easy to follow.
Now please close your eyes. Take out your spectacles also because eyesight improves a lot in this. You have to keep your eyes shut so you need not have your spectacles at all. You have to keep your eyes shut. But it has an effect on your eyes. It improves your eyes and eyesight. Now, you put your left hand all the time towards me like this, both the feet on the Mother Earth. Sit little straight, not very straight. Not put any strain to your neck or to your body, just in a straight manner in a sahaja way. And now close your eyes. You are not to open your eyes. Please put your feet apart from each other. Apart. There should be some distance between the two feet. Separately.
Now put your left hand towards me. And right hand you put it on your heart. Please don’t open your eyes till I tell you. Everybody must do it. Please everyone should do it to help each other please do it. which will help you; it will help others. Now in the heart resides the Atma. The spirit. So, you please ask me a question three times: “Mother Am I the Spirit? Am I the Spirit” In the heart, you ask in the heart. Not loudly. Now, this question means that if you are the spirit, you are also your guru, your master. So, you put your right hand in the upper part of your stomach on the left hand side. On the left-hand side in the upper part of your abdomen or the stomach you put it and press hard. Which is the principle of guru, the master which is built by the sadgurus. Here you put your right hand and ask another question to me three times in your heart: “Mother, am I my own master?” ask a question. Sincerely ask this question. Now take your right hand down on the lower part of the stomach on the left-hand side and press it hard with your fingers. Take down right hand on the left-hand side of our stomach in the lower area and press it hard. Now here, you ask a question or I would say, here you have to say something which I can not force you to say. Because this is the center of suddha vidya. So, you have to say: “Mother please give me the suddha vidya – the pure knowledge of the Divine” this is what you have to say to yourself. I can not force on you to say this. In all your freedom you have to say that. So now here you ask for it and please say: “Mother, may I have the true knowledge, the pure knowledge, the suddha vidya” what every you want to ask, you should ask like that six times. With this saying six times with heart, with your heart in it. The Kundalini starts rises. It starts spuing upwards into the higher chakras. So, you raise your right hand keeping left hand towards me in the upper part of your stomach and press it hard. At this point, you have to say, with full confidence to make the kundalini rise in this area to say: “Mother I am master, Mother I am my own guru”. Say it with full confidence. Don’t feel diffident about it. Kundalini won’t rise in a person who is diffident. There should be no diffident just say that. This has to be said ten times because there are ten guru principles. Please everybody do it. Please do it. it’s very simple to say in your heart.
Now, raise this right hand on to your heart with the left hand towards me. Here again with full confidence you have to say twelve times: “Mother, I am the Spirit. Mother, I am the Spirit.” With full confidence that is the greatest truth that you are the Spirit.
Is somebody shaking? You should open your eyes. Please open your eyes if you are shaking. Now, raise your right hand on the corner between the neck and the shoulder from the front side. Hold it tight from the front side, not the back side. On the left-hand side corner. Hold it tight. Very tight. Now this chakra is caught when one feels guilty about things. And is very badly caught up with all of you for nothing at all. So here you have to say sixteen times. this is Sri Krishna’s center: “Mother, I am not guilty at all”. Sixteen times please say. You should be Prasanna chitta. You are entering into the kingdom of God, and why should you be so unhappy, why should you curse yourself. So please say it: “Mother, I am not guilty at all”. Moreover, God your Father is ocean of love. He is ocean of grace. He is ocean of compassion. But above all He is the ocean of forgiveness. And you can not do anything that He cannot forgive. He is so powerful. So, you please depend on His power of forgiveness. Please say it sixteen times from your heart. Say it from your heart. Say it from your heart believing in yourself. “Mother, I am not guilty at all”. Like Ganesha, you must say. Like Ganesha, how he is free with his Father and His Mother. Like a child, he doesn’t bother about small small things, he is enjoying the bliss of his father and mother.
Now, raise your right on top of your forehead across. Please raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put your left hand towards me. Now, press on both the sides as we press when we have headache. Now here you have to say: “Mother, I forgive everyone”. Many would say that it is difficult to say such a thing. But weather you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. It’s a myth. But when you don’t forgive, you play into the hands of wrong people. So please say with your full heart in it, how many times is not the point, with full heart in it please say: “Mother, I forgive everyone”. Better.
Now put your right hand on the back of your head and push your head backwards a little on the hand. Here again from your heart you have to say: “O Lord, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive me”. But remember don’t feel guilty about it. Don’t feel guilty.
Now raise your hand and stretch it. Put the stretched palm on the Brahmarandhra/the talu bhaga/the fontanelle bone area, press it hard and move the scalp seven times. At this point I can not again force you, cannot say that you say these things, I have to respect your freedom. So, you have to ask for your self-realization. I cannot force it on you. So please say: “Mother, please may I have my self-realization?” with humility. Say it seven times. Move it and say it seven times.
Now please bringdown your hand. Keep it carefully on your lap. Open your eyes. Please open your eyes and watch me without thinking. You can do it. Very easy. Without thinking. You can wear your glasses if you want to. Watch me without thinking. Watch me without thinking. Put both he hands like this. Now put the right hand towards me. Not the left, right. And left hand on top of your head about four inches and see if there is a cool breeze coming. This is the saleelam saeelam. See about four five six (inches) some people get here (a little higher than six inches) also. So just see move it and see for yourself. Some people get it very higher. Put both the feet little apart from each other. Now changeover. Now see with your left hand towards me and right hand (on top of your head) see if there is cool breeze coming, left hand towards me with the right hand. Now with the right hand towards me and the left hand. Wo corner me dekho photo leraha hai. Le nahi sakta aise (Please check on the corner, somebody taking photos, can not take the photos like that).
Now you raise your both the hands like this, push back your head, and ask a question: “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Is this the cool breeze of the Adi Sakti? Is this the all-pervading power of God? Just raise it put back your head. Is this the Brahma Sakti? Is this the Chaitanya that we are feeling? Now bring down your hands please. Now see for yourself if there is a cool breeze in your hands? In your head?
Now those who have felt the cool breeze from their fontanelle bone area or from their hands or fingertips please raise your both the hands all those who have felt it. Most of you have felt. Now, please put down your hands. Now ask a question: “Mother, is this the self-realization?”
Now there are some people who might not have felt it. You can ask the question about your Kula Swamini: “Mother, are you our Kula Swamini?” Take the name of your Kula Swamini and ask the question. I am not afraid, because you have to recognize. “Mother, are you our Kula Swamini?” The person whom you worship anyone ask the question. Any deity. Three times ask this question.
Now those who have not felt the cool breeze either on the head or in the hands please raise your hands. Not felt? Alright. I would request all those people who have not felt to sit down so that these people can go and see. We have many realized souls in this place. They can help you out and find out what’s wrong with you. You might be having a wrong guru or may be some problem. May be some of you are feeling on one hand. There must something. So you put your right hand towards me and left hand like this to have a balance. Right hand towards me and left hand like this. This is what is the kriya sakti which creates the doshas of ahankaradi we have to put it on the Ether or the sky. Right hand towards me and left hand like this. Now with left hand towards me and the right hand towards the Mother Earth. It takes away your jada tatva. Now again see if you are feeling the cool breeze in your head. Again this side (vice versa). You have to feel here, little above which could be four inches five inches may be some people it much higher. Now those who have felt the cool breeze please raise both of your hands. Now even after balancing. No no altogether. Quite a lot. Now those who have not felt should come on the sides and these people can see you and you take your realization today is very important because I will now come after one year. Best is to take your realization. Those who haven’t got your realization, please take your realization. All of you sit down and these boys will give you realization. We have many people, and the ladies can sit on this side or that side. We have many ladies also. Pleas be seated. Now these people have got the vibrations in their hands, and they know how to manipulate and give you realization. Better take your realization. Sit down please very nice of you. Please come along. Please sit on the Mother Earth it will have to be work it out. Why don’t you take some of you and go and give realization?
They could come one by one also to me. One by one let them come to me. Those who have received the vibrations can come one by one here to say pranama then the others can come. First of all the ones who received the realization. You Put off and just give them the realization. Aaavo, utha (come, getup). May God bless you. Now you must increase alright? and improve a lot. Alright? Feeling very relaxed. What? Open it. Can I see? Are you better now?
Man from the audience: no
Shri Mataji: What did you take? I would suggest why don’t you come to our center? Alright? Just tell him what is to be done. Let him sit here. Unclear()
You are alright now? Perfectly alright? May God bless you. Perfectly alright now.
Some more people for sahaja yoga. Give them the realization. Unclear(), who have to go? Very happy to see you. Give-up all that unclear()
Unclear discussions while the audience taking the pranaam from Shri Mataji.