Energy of Pure Desire

Energy of Pure Desire 1985-05-14

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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14 May 1985

Energy Of Pure Desire

Public Program

Milan (Italy)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program, Milan, Italy 14-05-1985

I bow to all the seekers of Truth. But one has to know what is the Truth and what are we seeking. For this, one has to realize that these modern times are special times. When many people are born especially, to seek their Self, their Spirit. But this method of seeking has to come from understanding of ancient times. It cannot just start a new method, some sort of new fact that could be called as a seeking way.

Like I went to a place called Pune in India, and there were some people suffering from all kinds of diseases: blood pressure, anginas, heart troubles, spondylitis and I was amazed at their suffering. So, they said that they have a guru whom they followed and he has given them some sort of odd thing called “shakti path”. I said this one I never heard before, where did you read this book, in what scriptures it is written? It has to be mentioned somewhere in the ancient scriptures as well. If your guru cannot even keep you in good health with such sufferings, such a guru! Because as a mother I feel that he should look after your health.

So, it has to be based on the traditions of seeking, that what they had said about Self-realization is the experience of the Spirit. Now, this book that they were referring to was written only 60 or 70 years back, by somebody who talked of these things which are not mentioned in any of the ancient books. So, it means that people like to go something new, without understanding that it may have some sort of endanger in it.

In India, it had been prophesized long time ago, by a great astrologer who was the pioneer of astrology, that in modern times people will seek and they will find their Spirit. The knowledge of Kundalini is not a new one. It is a very ancient science. It is described in most of the Upanishads, which are the second part of the Vedas. Up to the 6 th century, when it was openly talked about by Shankara, and then by Guru Nanaka, Kabira...All these people have talked about Kundalini. Even in the Koran, it is described as Assas; in the Bible, it is described as the Tree of Life. All these things are there to show us that what we are seeking is an ascent through the power of Kundalini which is within us. This power is residing within us, in the sacrum bone, which is a triangular bone at the base of the spinal cord. That means that the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone that they called sacrum in their language. Now, this bone is specially respected, even in the medical science, because when the whole body burns this bone doesn’t burn easily.

Now we have to understand that whatever has to happen to us, in our evolution, it has to happen on our central nervous system. Like, we are human beings, in our awareness, whatever we feel, more than animals, is in our central nervous system. Like an animal has to go through a dirty lane, it doesn’t matter, but for a human being it is an impossible task. So, one has to understand that whatever has to happen to us has to be something in our awareness, which should be actually felt on our central nervous system. It cannot be a mental projection. Nor could it be an imaginary faith but actualizing on our central nervous system the existence of the Spirit. I would say this is the knowledge of the roots. In the West, we developed the tree very well, over developed, but we must know the roots. And the roots are, very nice to show in this figure, residing within ourselves, all made ready for this special triggering, the last triggering, to become the Spirit. All these things reside within us.

But Kundalini is your mother. We can say that She is the reflection of the Holy Ghost; the power that is going to give you your second birth. As it is a living process, it has to be spontaneous. If you want to sprout a seed, you have to put it in the Mother Earth and it sprouts by itself; you don’t have to pull out the preemie. In the same way, this power resides within us, which is awakened, as a result of the power of some other person who is already enlightened; as one candle which is enlightened can enlighten another candle. It is such a simple thing because all that is widely has to be simple. So, this is the energy within us of pure desire. All other energies, or we can say all other desires which work out of our energies, are not pure. Because if they were pure, then we would have been satisfied; but we are never satisfied in general. Like we want to buy one thing, then we’d like to buy another thing, we go on like this, but we are never satisfied with what we have.

So as a result of this awakening of the Kundalini, what happens is that all these centres that She crosses through get enlightened. It passes through six centres, enlightening all of them; as a result of that, we firstly are given the blessing of a very good health. This is the first blessing a person gets, as a good health.

Now in the human mind, as it is, we have three energies which have worked out our evolution. The first energy is on the left hand side and another one is on the right hand side, and then one in the centre. These three energies are responsible for our three actions. The first one is the one by which we desire and looks after our emotions; the second one by which we act and looks after our achievements; and the third one is the evolutionary one by which we become from amoeba to the human state.

Now, this fourth energy is the most important one which is dormant in the triangular bone. When It is awakened, spontaneously then It passes through these six centres and integrates them completely.

The first centre that we have is just there to inform the Kundalini if the person who is seeking is alright. This is the centre of our innocence. If a person is innocent, the Kundalini rises very fast and establishes itself by piercing through the fontanel bone area. But if a person is a cunning person and a cruel person, then Kundalini takes some time to rise and sometimes it may not rise.

When it passes through the second centre of Swadhisthana, then it gives you a special dimension in your awareness that you become very dynamic in your creativity. Such a person can create tremendous amount of things which he never imagined before getting his Realization. For example, Michael Angelo was a realized soul and because he was a realized soul he was tremendous and he had no fear of any kind. He expressed himself without fear and with full compassion in his heart.

This Swadhisthana centre is very important also for health. Because when we think, this Swadhisthana centre actually transforms some of the fat cells in the stomach and gives it to the brain.

So, when we think too much and we are very futuristic, we are planning all the time, then what happens is that this chakra gets very weak because it is doing so many other things as well. So as a result of that, a person who thinks too much, who is futuristic, gets into trouble because his heart becomes weak, his other organs also become weak, because this Swadhisthana cannot look after those organs like liver, spleen, kidneys and pancreas.

So theses diseases like that, which are diabetes and liver trouble, all of them are developed, but the worst of all one develops is the blood cancer. Now the blood cancer is caused because of a person who is hectic, all the time is leading a very hectic life. Then his spleen is put into emergency all the time. Now this person, supposing he gets up in the morning, he sees the newspaper; and in the newspaper he gets all the bad news, so he gets into emergency; because newspapers only give bad news, never a good news. So, when you read such a bad news, you are already in emergency, then you are hurrying up for your job, again you are in an emergency, then you meet some jam on the road, then again you are in a emergency. So, all the time you feel frustrated that you cannot achieve what you want to achieve. So, the rhythm of your life is out of here. As a result of that, what happens that as soon as you get out of here, your center goes absolutely into a situation where it breaks into two. When this center is broken into two because of too much because of too much pulling on both the sides of the sympathetic nervous system, then what happens is that it loses the contact with the Whole. As a result of that, you develop a situation where you are about to get into the problem of blood cancer. Now what happens when the Kundalini rises, She actually nourishes the center. And when the center is nourished, then the whole system becomes again connected with the Whole. So, a serious patient with blood cancer can be easily cured by Kundalini awakening.

In the third centre, the Kundalini establishes a balance in a human being. Most of the diseases are caused by our imbalances in life because we go to extremes. Anything people learn, this, that, for example, they want to jog, so they’ll go to the extreme till they get a heart attack. They’ll go to tan their skin till they get a cancer of the skin. But Kundalini when She rises into the Nabhi chakra, as we call it (the navel centre), then She establishes a balance within us.

Any kind of imbalance, even fanaticism, is a sign of imbalance. All the great saints on this earth came to teach us the balance. When they found that people were going to the extreme of following any so-called religion, they came down to bring them to the other side. That’s a beautiful, blissful balance is established in the Manipur chakra that we called the Nabhi chakra. Even people who drink, go drinking like a fish and then they die with that, or they take to drugs and die with that. But when Kundalini comes to that centre, you just become so powerful that you do not become subjugated nor in any way dominated by any of these habits. Automatically these habits stop off. I’ve seen people who have come to Sahaja Yoga who have been drug addicts of the worst type and overnight they have given up their drugs.

I don’t know about Italy but in England, in London City, on the South-West, there are children who are below 12 years who are taking drugs and it’s a kind of epidemic, you cannot just stop it. Maybe most of them might be seekers and are frustrated with life and are taking to drugs. But nothing can tell them not to do it. They have no fright of anything; they are just bent upon destroying themselves. They think they have the right to destroy themselves and nobody can stop it. That’s when the balance is established, you feel so blissful that you do not go to your destruction at all, but to your construction you work out in a proper wise manner.

Now, by saying that we follow this religion or that religion, or we follow this great prophet or that prophet, we really do not follow. Because we haven’t got power to follow them, they are very powerful people and to follow them we must have a power within ourselves to follow. And this power we can only get when the Kundalini resides in the Nabhi chakra or in the manipura chakra, where you get that balance, that wisdom and that strength to stand on what these great prophets have told us. No use blaming Moses or Abraham or anyone of those great prophets who came on this earth. But it is our mistakes that we didn’t understand what they were talking about.

There are ten balances that human beings have in this Nabhi chakra, ten sub-plexuses, and these balances are determining our human race. Like carbon has 4 balances, human beings have 10 principles within them which must be adhered to. If they do not adhere to it, then they go into imbalances. So, when the Kundalini comes up in the Nabhi chakra then She enlightens all these 10 balances within us, and in that light we see clearly what are we up to.

For example, if somebody is holding a snake in the hand, and he is standing in the darkness, and you will tell him straight away, he will never throw it because if you tell somebody they will never do that, they will do just opposite. So, what they would do if you just ask them to see it in the light? If the lights are put on, they see it and what they would do is to throw it away without asking a question. They would not then question you, they would not then say why, how, but they would just throw it away. In the same way, all habits and all imbalances drop out as soon as the Kundalini enlightens the Manipura centre. Without this enlightenment, it is no use talking about any religion whatsoever. And then, to your amazement, you find that all religions say the same thing, all these prophets say the same thing; there is no discrepancies between them, no problems between them. It’s only we who are fighting.

So this light has to come within us to give us the balance. But then one may ask “Why the balance? Why do we want to need the balance?” Apart from the health, without the balance you cannot ascent. So if you have to ascent to a higher life, your Spirit, then you must first establish a balance within yourself, that’s what the Kundalini does. Every one of them has said that it is within yourself that you have to find the Spirit, the source of Joy and Bliss. But the problem is that unless and until the Kundalini has awakened, which is a spontaneous process, it cannot happen. Even with a proper training, by developing a balance, the Kundalini has to be awakened; otherwise the balance will make you static. But those people who have balance always are the best to get their ascent.

But today that is not the situation; today the situation is that the Divine is anxious that you have to get your Realization, that you better know your Spirit. Whatever may be the problems of your centres, whatever may be your personal problems, makes no difference: Kundalini will rise and give you your Realization.

For which, you don’t have to labour, you don’t have to pay. It is very absurd that human beings think that they can pay for God. God doesn’t understand money; none of the saints who were here had ever taken any money from anyone. How can it be a money-making proposition? It is a living process of a living energy of God Almighty. And what can you give for a living process? These flowers, when they become fruit, what do you give to the tree? The living process doesn’t understand anything about money.

So, it is a spontaneous thing, happening spontaneously, and that is the significance of the word “Sahaja”. “Saha” means “with” and “ja” means born; that means it is born with you, the right to be one, united to the Divine. Yoga means union with the Divine. It doesn’t mean standing on your head and doing all the exercises. Patanjali who has written about Sahaja Yoga has just called a very very wee bit so much as what we call the exercises. We too have to do exercises later on if the Kundalini is stuck in anyone of the centers but with discretion. Let first the Kundalini rise and then you can see that the obstruction is in a particular center, then on that center you have to use maybe some exercises, or maybe some mantras, that you should know as the Kundalini moves, not before that.

But the indiscriminate use of the exercises can take upon your health in a very funny way. You may be physically alright but emotionally you will be very sick. If you do too much of physical exercises, and you pay more attention to your physical side, you may become a person without any emotions. You may become a very dry person; you may have divorces in the family, quarrels, fights, anger. So the attention should be placed in a very balance manner, in a way that is necessary for you to have your Realization. That is the ultimate, that is the epitome of your evolution. That is to be achieved; all the rest is of no value. Once you get your Self-Realization, you will be amazed how powerful you become, how compassionate you become, how blissful you become.

So, the first and foremost thing is to get your Self-Realization. As we are a little bit disillusioned now by the various methods of these fake gurus, and these cults and all that, let us understand that you cannot form a cult out of human beings who have to ascent. Why should you try to surrender to any guru like that when you, yourself, can become a guru? But there are very few real gurus, - that is to be understood -, in these modern times we have to come across somebody who is a real guru. And those who are, are hiding themselves in the Himalayas or some far off places and even if I told them many times to get out, they are afraid of the people. They think they will be crucified, or they will be given poison, or they might be tortured. That has happened to all the real gurus, so far; nobody accepted them, then they leaved. But they died, then they built huge buildings in their names and they are making money out of that. One can’t understand that, because people did not get their Realization; but now, when you get your Realization, you will know that the real gurus are the ones who do not take any money, do not ask you to do anything for them but work hard for your Realization.

So as the Kundalini rises, pierces through all of the six chakras, and comes through the fontanel bone area, then you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head; you must feel the cool breeze coming out of your head. I was amazed to read in some of the modern books that when the Kundalini rises, you start jumping like frogs. How can you believe such stupid things? We are not going to become frogs or any other form; we are going to become superior human beings. But people do believe into all such things, and not in ours because these are facts, but please be sure that when you get your Realization, you yourself get some powers.

First of all, you feel the all-pervading power of God which is an abstract power which does all the living things. You feel like a cool breeze blowing into your fingers. Mohamed Sahib said that at the time of Resurrection, your hands will speak. Mohamed Sahib has talked about it that it is within you and through Kundalini only that you are going to achieve your Realization.

So many poets have written about it, even a poet like William Blake, who was born about hundred years back in England, has talked about Sahaja Yoga very clearly. He has said that men of God, - meaning the seekers -, will become prophets and they will have powers to make other prophets.

That is exactly what happens: once you establish your Realization, you can give Realization to others. You can cure other people with understanding of what are theses centers, what are these diseases. You can feel your centres on your fingertips and you can feel on your fingertips the centres of others. That means that your awareness itself becomes collectively conscious. And you become like a witness of the all drama. You are no more lost in the waves of thoughts. Like the thoughts that rise and go down, again another thought comes up and we are jumping on the crest of these thoughts. But as a result of the Kundalini awakening, you station yourself in the present. You do not go to the future or to the past but you see the dynamism of the present. And when you are in the present, you see the whole happening as a witness. You are no more involved into it, and that’s why you can correct everything so easily.

We must realize that we are fantastic things. We are the computers of all the computers. Just as the computer has to work, that means you must be put to the mains, that is the Yoga. As soon as you are connected, then your computer starts working and you are amazed at yourself. This should happen to all of you. Tomorrow again, I will tell you about the Spirit, about the nature of the Spirit; and I hope that by tomorrow, most of you will be established in your Spirit. So today, I would like you to ask me some questions if you are willing, and then we’ll have the experience of the Spirit.

A seeker: Do we must feel the Kundalini in any case when we are spiritually grown?

Shri Mataji: But of course, but you have to first be spiritually grown, that’s the point.

The translator: He asked if you must perceive the Kundalini in any case or maybe you...

Shri Mataji: Not through mental projection. If you believe that I am spiritually evolved, you are not; you must feel the Kundalini all the time if you are a realized soul, but if you are not, you will not. You have to be a realized soul.

A seeker: How should we put ourselves in a good condition to get this experience?

Shri Mataji: You are all right; all of you are in good condition. Don’t worry. Only we are to be human beings, that’s all. You want me to start?

A seeker: How could we perceive, the vibrations, the energy of the Kundalini when She comes out?

Shri Mataji: You perceive it because you can feel it very clearly; but it is subtle. So, because we are rising from a gross awareness into a subtler awareness, it takes little time for us to really feel it, but I’ve seen people in the simple religious, see, they feel it very fast, they don’t need that; but we are a little complicated, so it takes some time for people to feel it.

A seeker: I would like to know the precise meaning of Kundalini.

Shri Mataji: Kundalini is a Sanskrit word. Kundala means a coil, because It is coiled into three and a half, that’s why it’s called as Kundalini. But in Athena, the tense is the same; Athena represents the same: Atha means the Primordial and it’s the Primordial energy which is reflected. And She also has got three and a half coils like a snake in the hand. And It is compared with a snake because the movement is like a snake, and It is coiled like a snake, but It is not a snake.

A seeker: How to understand when something is or is not fanaticism?

Shri Mataji: Fanaticism is only mental. But this is happened to you because you can feel it on your fingertips the cool breeze. You can cure people by touch, you can raise their Kundalini, you can see with a naked eye the pulsations in their triangular bone, you can feel the pulsations here (on the Sahasrara ) first coming and then the breaking. You can just see it!

A seeker: When I lay to sleep in my bed, I can feel something going up the spinal cord, going here (back Agnya) and here (front Agnya) and then here (Sahasrara) . Is it the Kundalini or not?

Shri Mataji: Maybe. It might be Kundalini but It cannot break through. It must break, that’s the important point. Then you should feel the cool breeze coming out of your head.

A seeker: I feel something.

Shri Mataji: Then it’s all right. You might be a born-realized. But you should know through Sahaja Yoga what it is exactly. You will know the exact thing. Even if you are, you must know the whole knowledge about it. So you can make use of it and you can give it to others.

A seeker: When one does not know how to control the Kundalini awakening, could it happen that the Kundalini troubles you?

Shri Mataji: No, never, never, never. That’s a wrong idea. It never troubles you, She is your mother. She loves you, much more than anybody can love you. She cooperates, coordinates, She thinks and She loves. Apart from that, She knows everything about you. She knows how much you can bear and how much you can understand.

A seeker: What’s the difference between the awakening of the Kundalini and the Self-suggestion?

Shri Mataji: Self-suggestion cannot achieve all these things. You cannot pulsate things by self-suggestion, you cannot pulsate here (on the Sahasrara) , you cannot get the cool breeze by self-suggestion. If you say “now I am getting a cool breeze”, you don’t. Because It really acts, it is Its compassion that acts, that works, that corrects, that cures.

A seeker: Is the Kundalini outside or inside us?

Shri Mataji: Inside.

Now, there is here a lady who wants to ask some question. Madam? You have some question?

A seeker: Why did you talk only about the first three chakras and not about the others?

Shri Mataji: I will, I will tomorrow. In these two days, how much can I talk? But in any case, we have brought a book, written in your language, which you can read and all this knowledge you can have. But one thing one must know that talking about it doesn’t give any experience. Now, if you want to, say, put the lights on, I have to just tell you to push on the switch and it puts on. But to explain from where the electricity has come, how to shift electricity, everything, is boring. Better to have the light first. So, one should be anxious to first get the light...and then, discuss it.

(Somebody speaks loudly in Italian. No translation was done)

Shri Mataji: I should have an objection to Indian people. We have got an Italian lady as Prime Minister’s wife. All right?

This hatred should go away; we are all belonging to one God’s world. We should forget these hateful ideas of Italians, Indians, this, that. God has just created human beings.


Shri Mataji: And when you will become the Spirit, you will be amazed that you are part and parcel of the Whole, all of you are; there is nobody “other”.

The yogi who plays the translator role explains in Italian that Shri Mataji is going to give Self-Realization. He adds that the people who are not interested in the experience can simply leave the room .

Shri Mataji: That’s a very narrow mindedness.

The same attendant tries to make trouble.

Shri Mataji: No, please let us have some peace.

Once again, the translator invites those who are not interested to go home, and the others to remain and adopt a nice behavior.

Again, some disturbance in the room.

Shri Mataji: I am not taking any money from you. It’s not proper, it’s not very kind.

The translator addresses the man who makes trouble saying that he’s the only one who is not interested. He asks him to be nice enough to not disturb others.

Lively discussions in the hall.

Shri Mataji: It’s all right, don’t get angry with him. It’s all right, don’t get angry with him. Leave him alone. He’ll be all right.

He’s maybe drunk.

All right, be comfortable. There is nothing to worry about; I’m not taking any money from you, nothing. Have peace now, have peace.

That is the reason why we never want to have any questions; but I thought that the Italians are very traditional people and sensible, and I said all right, let’s have questions. Because in Greece and in Egypt, where the people are traditional, they are very sensible, and they behave in a proper way.

It is your own, it’s all your own, and I have come to give you the keys of your own wealth. Christ also came from East and you crucified Him.

You should not disturb others, that’s not very civil.

They are seekers of Spirit, they are saints, respect them. If you don’t want, you can go away. I have come here because you can’t come to India.

A woman in the assembly speaks in Italian (not translated).

Shri Mataji: Ok, now keep quiet.

What does she say?

Translator: She said “thank you”.

Shri Mataji: May God bless you, please be seated. All right, Madam.

Let’s start.

Now, all of you should understand that I cannot force this experience on anyone of you. You have to, yourselves, ask for it. The Divine is not going to fall at your feet. So, one has to humble in one’s heart. Those who do not want to have the experience, please leave the hall, it’s the best. But there is no use disturbing others. All right.

Now, the simple thing one has to do is to sit down comfortably in your seats, taking out your shoes because this Mother Earth also helps us a lot. It’s a very simple, smooth operation that takes place; nobody feels any hurt or anything.

We have to know that the left hand represents the power of desire and the right hand represents the power of action. So you have to put the left hand like this, on the lap (palm upwards) , and the right hand is to be used for the action. And you, yourself, can raise your own Kundalini. I can tell you how to use your hands on different centres on the left hand side. It is a very simple method by which you put your hand on different centres of the left hand side and raise your own Kundalini. If there is anything very tight on your stomach or in your neck, you can loose it a little bit so that you don’t feel uncomfortable; that’s the main point.

Now the attention has to be inside, that’s why please close your eyes.

Spirit doesn’t shine in people who are frivolous, nor in those who are aggressive. I cannot give Realization to Hitler, can I? As it is described in the Bible, it is for the people who are seekers and who are meek. Aggressive people will not come to God, they can go to politics.

Please, put your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit.

Left hand like this (palm upwards), on the lap, comfortable.

Now, we have to use the three centres below: the heart, then here in the upper part of your stomach on the left hand side, then in the lower part of your stomach on the left hand side; then again you go back the same way and then you come to a centre here, which is here on the back side, between the neck and the shoulder. But you have to put your hand from front, not from the back. This centre is always very much caught up in the Western life. This comes because one feels guilty for nothing at all. So, at the very outset, I have to request you that you should tell yourself that you are not guilty at all. And that you are the temple of God, only the light has to come in the temple.

Then, you have to put your hand here, on your forehead, and then at the back here which is the centre of Christ. Then you have to bring your hand stretched here (fontanel) ; the centre of your hand should be on the fontanel bone and turn it clockwise.

Until I tell you, please don’t open your eyes.

If you get your Self-Realization, you will find a cool breeze coming out of your head. It just takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

Now, please put your left hand towards me and the right hand on the heart. And now, please close your eyes; forgive yourself, do not count your sins and all other guilt that you have. And one should be in a pleasant mood because you’re going to enter into the Kingdom of God. It will happen to most of you. So don’t have any fear or apprehension.

Now this hand on the heart is to be a little bit pressed and you have to say in your mind or ask a question to Me, a simple question, three times. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji, whatever is convenient: “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask the question three times.

Now, please take your right hand in the upper part of the abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the centre which is built by all the prophets within us and is that of the mastery. Now, you please ask, at this centre, ask a second question: “Mother, if I am the Spirit, am I my own master? Am I my own guide?” Please ask this question three times.

Now, please take your right hand in the lower part of the abdomen, on the left hand side. Press it hard. This is the centre of the true knowledge of the divine laws. So here, you please understand that I cannot force you to have the Divine knowledge, you have to ask for it. So, you have to say “Mother, please may I have the Pure knowledge, the Divine knowledge.” Six times, because this centre has got six petals.

Now, please raise your hand again on the upper part of the stomach, where we have the centre of the mastery, on the left hand side. At this centre, now, as the Kundalini has started moving, you have to assert with full confidence, the position of the centre by saying “Mother, I am my own master”; say it 10 times.

Now, please, raise your right hand and put it on the heart. And here please say, again with the full confidence in yourself: “Mother, I am the Spirit”; say it 12 times.

Please, say it 12 times “Mother, I am the Spirit”. Which you are, that’s a fact.

Now you have to know that the Divine is the power of Compassion and Love, but above all, it is the power of Forgiveness. So, what wrong can you do that He cannot forgive? He is so powerful and He is forgiveness. So you just have to say by putting your hand on the shoulder, in the angle between the shoulder and the neck, from the front. Hold it very tight. Please say, here, with full understanding, 16 times “Mother, I am not guilty at all”.

“Mother, I am not guilty at all”.

Now, please raise your hand to your forehead across. And here now, from your heart, you have to say “Mother I forgive everyone”, that is very important to say from your heart, how many times is not the point, but from your heart, you have to say “Mother I forgive everyone”. When you say that, many might think that it is very difficult to forgive but it is not because it is a myth, whether you forgive or if you don’t forgive. But if you do not forgive, then you play into the hands of wrong people. So please, say “I forgive everyone”.

Now, please put your right hand on the back of your head. Now, for your own consolation, you might say to the Divine “please forgive me if I have done anything wrong or anything that is not honourable to You”.

Now, stretch your hand and put it on top of the fontanel bone area, where it was a soft bone, and press it hard and move it clockwise. Here in front. Seven times, you have to say that you want your Realization; I cannot force it upon you. There are seven centres which have got their seats in your brain, so please say seven times “Mother, please may I have my Realization”.

Now, please bring the hands down on your laps, slowly. Now, please open your eyes, slowly. And put your left hand on top of your head and right hand like this (towards Shri Mataji) , and see there is a cool breeze coming out; right hand towards me.

Here, here; see, it’s coming, it’s very subtle.

Now, try with the left hand towards me and right hand on top of your head. Good. Try here, let it higher; it’s very subtle, it’s a subtle thing. There’s no thought in your mind if you see that; you’re watching Me without thinking. [UNCLEAR].

Now, put your right hand towards me and the left hand like this.

Now, you can put both of your hands up, and raise your head, and ask the question “Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?”, “Is it the all-pervading power of God?” Push back your head. Now, see for yourself on your hands. Feeling it on the hands? It’s there. And you are relaxed, absolutely relaxed.

Now, those who have felt through the head or through the finger tips, please raise both your hands. I would like to see; all those who have felt It. Most of them have felt It. Good, good, good. May God bless you.

Some attendant asks a question (inaudible).

Shri Mataji: I beg your pardon? Those who have not felt, don’t feel bad about it. Tomorrow again I will tell you about the other centres and also about the Spirit, the nature of the Spirit. Now, the peace you have got, you grow in that peace, don’t argue about it, you are beyond thoughts. And tomorrow, bring your friends. This is The thing one has to have, The thing you have to give to your friends. Those who have not felt, they will also feel tomorrow; it doesn’t matter.

May God bless you.


(A boy offers flowers to Shri Mataji)

Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Oh beautiful! Thank you, let me kiss you.

There is nothing to feel bad, it’s normal. May God bless you. Enjoy yourself, and please bring more friends tomorrow, right?

Milan (Italy)

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