How to be identified with Reality? 1985-02-12
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
12 February 1985
How To Be Identified With Reality?
Public Program
New Delhi (India)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
1985-02-12 How to be identified with Reality? New Delhi, India DP-RAW
I bow to all the seekers of Truth. Today I was saying that I’ll speak to you in Hindi language. But the problem is as I have to speak about the physical side of human beings it would be better if I use English language. I hope you will excuse me for that. First of all, we have to know that everything that was created before has a future. Every seed has all the map of all the trees that it is going to produce. It’s such a marvelous or we can say as a tremendous task to plant or to plan such a map into a little seed Unclear (). If you ever try to measure the greatness, the acuteness, the preciseness of this great planning you will be Unclear (never grasp) it. Your human brain cannot grasp it. How much this kind of work has been done, not about one seed but about many seeds. Thousands, billions, millions you cannot just count them. Same about human beings, if you see, that we are human beings, all of us are made different textures, color, complexion, temperaments the permutations and combinations of so many varieties of huge and colors that it is impossible to understand how we are made so beautifully Unclear (defect less/different). But we never think about ourselves. We take it for granted. Whatever we have got from the nature, we don’t want to see what sort of machinery we are that the nature has made. For example, a computer if you make you have to feed it. You have to feed it with a programming which reflects back when you ask a question and then gives the answer. But this computer of a human being is such that it does not reflect, it’s a reflex action. It’s a reflex action. As soon as you see something, you know this is so. As I am standing before you, you know that I am here to speak to you. You don’t have to think, go into a programming and find you. Such a computer we cannot create. We must understand first of all that we cannot do what Divine has done. Whatever we do is all our dead work. We convert from one dead to another dead, we convert say a tree into a chair and then we think we have done something great. Actually, the one who does it doesn’t know that He is doing such the way it is done because He stands in a position which is called ‘akarm’-where he does not do anything. He thinks He is done nothing like the sun’s rays. They are flowing, they are coming to you. The sun doesn’t think that he has done it. Now the problem with us is we have built-in system which makes us feel that we are doing this. This system was deliberately built-in within us. Because if we did not have this system of building up our ego, we would not have formed a complete balance within ourselves. There may be many doctors sitting here as you know that, we say that the pineal body is now most Unclear () is not functioning. But its not true. It functions in a very subtle way. Pineal body is the one that developed till we were animals. Then the ego started developing as human beings or in certain animals also when they come in contact with human beings, they too have an ego. The ego started developing and with that ego we developed a shell of super ego and ego or a ‘manasa’ and ego. So, we have a shell in which we are bound. Now, this was deliberately done to make us grow into that shell in our individual capacity to make all mistakes or to make ventures to understand in our own capacity that whatever we have been doing, have been, has been in the wrong if we went into imbalances. This is how we have to learn about dharma. The dharmas are ten within us. These ten dharmas if you go into imbalances, then they spoil the balance and either you develop the left-side or the right-side. So, the causes of our problems come with these imbalances with us. Now, the right-side is the physical side and the left-side is the emotional side. In the physical side we can say the physical side has been derived Unclear (er) has come to us from all these five elements. These five elements have they made this physical side but the left side is made by the emotional side where Ether also placed, ‘Akasha’ is also placed Unclear (). So, our body is made of two sides if we do not know how to keep it in balance, we do not stay in the center. I will give you a simple example to understand how we have to understand the working of this body. Like in car we have one accelerator and we have bought a brake. We have to have a brake. If we have an accelerator and no brake, you know what will happen to the car. So, to drive the car properly to put it through the roads we have to have these two energies working. One as the one that accelerates and another that retards. In the same way we have got the right sympathetic nervous system and the left sympathetic nervous system. The right sympathetic accelerates and the left retards or we can say left is the emotional side and the another is the mental side. So, it is not integrated force. It is divorced. It is against each other and that’s why when you go to one extreme, you miss the other by some points and that’s how the imbalances created. Now, when these two we try to master, the brake and the accelerator we become the master. We can say we first become the driver. Then automatically without even knowing about it with reflexes only you drive your car. You don’t have to worry where is the accelerator, where is the brake how do I have to Unclear (drive/feel) it? You just become automatically a person who knows what is right, what is wrong. And it is a reflex action that makes you a driver. But you are a driver and the master is sitting behind. Now, when you get your self-realization, what happens that you become the master. You become the master and then you will see the driver within you and you see the accelerator within you and also you see the brake within you. You see all these forces. When you see all these forces, then you know where it is going wrong, what’s happening just sitting down there in silence you know what’s happening because all these three forces you know how to master them. And this is exactly what is Sahaja Yoga today is that first of all, we have to know that these three forces. The first one is the one which actually is the emotional force, the second one is the physical and mental force and the central one is the one which is evolutionary. Now, when we say dharma, our idea goes to say dharmas as we know that Hindus, Christians, Parsees, Sikhs and all that. These are names given to a particular type of people who believed in particular type of version or in particular incarnations. But actually, what is within us is the innate dharma within us that we are human beings. Now, as you have studies chemistry you would know that, carbon has four valances then the other things have different valances. Even if you see the chart, the periodic table, you will be surprised how all elements are beautifully distributed, how their atoms and their molecules are so beautifully arranged so that they should have eight categories. So, they have eight categories the three on the minus and three on the plus, four on the minus and four on the plus and while the carbon has the both. It is something very surprising that in the human nature we do not realize that we too have valances. As human beings as the creation we too have valances. And these are ten. And they reside in our void. In the stomach, in the abdomen or you can say the abdominal hole area it resides there. This is what the valency of man is his dharma. Is his nature. Dharma means the one who sustains. The Unclear (other) is the adharma. So, in every atom it has come out by one dharma it has taken more valances, more valances, more valances and it comes to a point when we become a human being here the valances are ten. Now, these ten valances represent very very subtle things within us. And once we go out of these ten valances one is missing then a negativity is formed then some negative comes into it. if some positive is missing, then some another positive comes into it. Its very simple to understand, a man who is a normal person, who he thinks normally, who lives normally, doesn’t go into imbalances, it doesn’t go into extremes, is absolutely happy with himself. He doesn’t have to bother as to how to take one flag and run after something, and Unclear (read) something and do something. But the trouble with human beings is that, when they are futuristic by nature or right side, they always tend to form. Always tend I would say to form a kind of a group. Which represent some sort of a phenetic nonsensical extreme ideas. These extreme ideas, whether it is politics, economics or anything makes you a person who has a barrier to all that is reality. Because reality, you can only know in the center. But because you have moved so much away from that, so it is impossible to tell them about reality. Now today as I am talking about physical things, I would like to tell you about how because I also did medicine so I know what happens to doctors. Now, doctors when take to medicine their egos built up. Everybody who doesn’t anything like that, builds up an ego. The reason that they think we are doing it. when we think that we are doing something, we buildup an ego. Its not only the doctors, it’s the vaidyas or anybody any profession the pleaders anything they study use their mental processes. Anybody who uses mental processes, they develop ego which is built-in process with in us and you develop that ego with in you. Then you are not identified with reality actually. What you are identified with is the knowledge you have plus your ego. Now, this ego comes in between because somebody takes a view then he sticks on to you. He says, this is cancer means cancer. The thing is if you somebody says it is curable then you say how can it be? I have never said it so there is nothing in the medical sciences, nobody had discussed this, this is something impossible, this is coming from somewhere which is very arbitrary and we cannot Unclear () you. This is a very big barrier for people of profession to understand Sahaja Yoga. Because they have developed a certain amount of ego and a conformity that this is the science the thing exists beyond that. But I would say then a person is childish because if he is a scientist then he must keep his mind open to everything, whatever may be the realm. It may be the Divine realm any other what you call, ‘Adi Bhautik’ or ‘Adi Daivik’ means on the subconscious or from the supra conscious. Whatever may be the realm a scientist must keep his mind open that I am dealing with one side of life which has given me one sided at two. I have studied at the universities; I have studied in the colleges and all that and now whatever I have studied is not complete. If it was so, you should have been able to cure diseases. But you are not. There are so many diseases you just cannot cure as Dr. Warren has said you do not know the cause of it. You cannot explain how it Unclear (caused). So, you have to go in a very Unclear () way to find out the cause. And then you fight with the cause and then you fight with the cause and the effect. But could be a realm, there could be a realm which is beyond the cause. There could be an area let us take a scientific attitude if somebody put before you a hypothesis then you should take a very scientific attitude towards it, there could be a realm which is beyond the effects. And which is beyond the cause. If you find between the cause and the effect, you cannot reach very much. Because you try to create one cause, improve one cause, it will give another effect. When you try to give penicillin to cure some infection you see there is another effect. That’s why what we find, when we give some medicine to one person, it has an effect another than this, as they say ki ‘ek bhoot ko nikala to doosara bhoot bhaitgaya’. Now we have to go beyond the cause and effect. How do we go beyond cause and effect is the point. At this point we must understand, we must have the humility of a scientist that I am not known to that realm so far. I have not been there. I have not understood that. Let us move to that new realm of Unclear () of cost. Where you just go beyond cost. Now this, how it can happen and how it can work out? We cannot find in medical science books. It’s not written there. Because medical science has started say treating the leaf for its diseases. It has not gone to the roots. It has not gone to the sap. It has not risen through the sap. But it starts from outward inside and what we have to go is inside to see what resides within ourselves. now when we talk about our plexuses and we say because of this plexus gone out of control, that plexus gone out of control or by this Unclear () gland not working or that not working this happens. But still our limited knowledge doesn’t take you beyond that cause which we are trying to cure by some medicine or something. From one cause to another, another to another we go on creating causes and thus Unclear (). You must have seen many patients who go in the hospital, they are suffering from one trouble so they develop another trouble. Now, to go beyond it, the God Almighty, which the doctors don’t want o accept, that’s not good, they should accept. He exists. He does exist whether you like it or not. We can say Nature if you like that word, the Nature has created within us a built-in system. A built-in system which is a comforter, which is a curator. Which cures you, which redeems you, which takes you away from all the causes of the Unclear (). What is that system with in us we should try to do. Now, as the doctor has already told about the chakras, I will tell you about the force that resides within us which is called as the Kundalini. This is Unclear (coiled/coir) in three and half coils with in us in the triangular bone called as Sacrum. Now just see the word Sacrum. I went to Greece and ask them, why did you call this triangular bone as Sacrum? They said because it’s a sacred bone. Why is a sacred? Because it is said that when you burn the body, this still remains. I said why? They couldn’t answer it. It’s the Kundalini. They knew that there is some force in it which was sacred, that’s why they call it. You will be surprised in Greece they have done so much work that the word Athena is comes from, they said from the word Ath. Ath means what? They said in Sanskrit it means Primordial. And also, in their language it means Primordial. And what is the Athena - is the Primordial Mother. You will be surprised that when you see Athena herself, She, has a snake in her hand like this with chakras made. But they cannot relate to something spiritual. They cannot have that rapport with that spiritual realm because they don’t have those people. They have lost all that knowledge that they had from some Indians which said that put a proper symbol of Athena. The symbol is perfect. Even, if you go to Unclear (Persepolis) where they have made a temple of her. Then they have there a beautiful with a child God sitting there – Shri Ganesha, and the steps are, they said are three and half. Means three are complete and half is short. And they said if this is in circular, its in a circular way put it. It’s a circle. But the circle covers the whole world. Just now you cannot see the moment of the angel but it is calculated in such a way that it can cover the whole world. They cannot relate though they have these things with them, the past has given this, they cannot relate it to Kundalini. Now, we are going through them, so how are you going to related to anything that we have here. Now, this Kundalini is a living force. Is a living force, is the true desire – the ‘Suddha icha’, the pure desire within us. It’s a living force which has to ultimately give us our second birth. The second birth has been described by all the saints but as we are so separated, there is no integration, saints do not have in the books of medicine. They have nothing to do with it. they are some another category saints are put there, doctors put there, psychologists put there, another one put there, we are also disintegrated that there is no combination made. Why not go to the saints and find out what they have to say about it? after all they also know a lot. The saints have told that this is the force which resides in the triangular bone, which rises through these six centers, the seventh one doesn’t play the part, it is below the Kundalini, and comes out of this fontanelle bone area which is the soft bone and gives you realization. Clear. Now this has not happened to many, it has happened to very few. So, the people don’t want to believe the saints, they do not want to accept that this is possible. Now, this Kundalini is your individual mother. Everyone has this Kundalini of their own is all your past written on it just like a tape recorder. When the Kundalini raises like a primule in a seed Unclear () it pierces through all these six chakras and then I hope the doctors wouldn’t be shocked that the deities of these chakras are enlightened. Now we have one deity, we know that there are deities. We also talk about deities. In the house of a doctor, you will find a Ganapati kept they say namaste but that Ganapathi has something to do which our pelvic plexus, they will never try to relate. They will never try to relate. The whole body is integrated body and it is so complicated that you cannot just separate it with some physical being to the emotional being from other whatever his habits and things like that. I will give you a simple example now. We had a person, very saintly person I should say because he came to Sahaja Yoga, and he was a great worshipper of Ganapathi. And he came to see me, he has a heritage also of Agnihotri they used to have three hundred Agnihotras and all that. He came to see me and said ‘Mother I don’t know I am suffering from prostrate-gland’. I was myself amazed because it is controlled by Shri Ganesha the first center. Now how can he suffer from prostrate gland? Now, see the doctors should see the subtler side of it. I said alright, doesn’t matter. My prasad is some chana I gave. I gave some chana. Alright you have this chana. He started looking at these, I said why what’s the matter? He said today is Shankashti, and I do not take chana. Now, can you believe it? this is adharm to do fasting on the day of the birth of Shri Ganapathi that is Shankashti. It is adharm. This is an insult because that is the day he is born, that is the day he is to be celebrated. That is the day you must have some sweets in the house, instead of that you are celebrating as if somebody is dead. To a mental mind it will not go into that. But will be surprised as I said alright, now this is the biggest mistake you have committed. Give up your upavas on the day he was born, take this chana. He ate it when he went back, his prostrate was cured. Is a fact. You can find out. There are so many factually we have cured so many people which doctors have accepted, so many troubles we have cured. There is no doubt about it. But how I have worked it out by correcting the entire personality not one physical being that you cut the prostrate, take it out finished and you are alright. Now, Mooladhara chakra which is the first chakra within us is a very very important center. But chakras are not the one on which we can jump and say we are beyond Unclear (cause) it is in the Kundalini. Kundalini is the center part. It is not attached to anything. But it gives light like you have seen a flame. Flame is not attached but it gives life. In the same way the Kundalini goes and she gives a light to these deities and the deities are enlightened, they start throwing their particular type, the peculiar type or we may call the very innocence in the case of Shri Ganesha, it starts Unclear (). Now, doctors will never believe that innocence anything has to do with the troubles of pelvic plexus. Nobody will believe. Now, when I went to America for the first time, I told them ‘ don’t go into these Unclear () and nonsense, he is a rakshasa, he is going to finish you all. You don’t know to what extent he has ruined you’. But they would not listen. They said, what’s wrong? What’s wrong? Now, they have got a disease. I told them you will get a disease which will be in curable. They have got a disease called Aids has come out of the same because they have lost their innocence. If you lose your innocence, you develop all these diseases of the pelvic plexuses. Left-hand side. All left-hand side diseases of the pelvic plexus you get when you have lost your innocence. You know all the diseases which we call as dirty diseases which we cannot curable are because of that. So, to go to the cause to the end of it where we land up is to see that Ganesha is being insulted. On the right-hand side of the Mooladhara, supposing a person is very over active, very futuristic, he has not time for his children, he has no time for his wife, he is all the time working very hard and he is all the time over activate his physical being or with his mental being, he will develop the trouble of the right like constipation and all other stuff. Austerities- Austerities of funny type that people have austere things, I have seen people doing all kinds of non-sensical austerities which are not required. Actually, God has made you to enjoy life. He has made you to suffer at all. He doesn’t want you to suffer at all. On the contrary He has made everything so beautiful that you should enter into His Kingdom understanding how gracious He is. But we are the ones we make ourselves Unclear (suffering). For example, now people have a great sense that we must suffer to get to God. This is another non-sensical idea very prevalent with us. So, we say we must fast. I can understand somebody’s fasting for the physical goodness. But not to the extent that everybody is trying to slim down to become and actress. Everybody is going too fast and spoiling their health. Now the fasting is not to be done for God at all. Its wrong. It is insulting to God. Why do you want to fast for God? Who has told you to fast? They might say particular bhakt has come and told me, particular pujari has told me. Now, what about him? Does he fast? He takes all the money from you, makes you fast. There is not need to fast at all for people who think that they have to reach God. You don’t have to suffer. If you ask for suffering, you will get it. As it is in our country, we are dying of fasting. Aren’t we? The Jews refused, I mean they denied Christ and say will not accept Christ because He says He has suffered for our sufferings and you need not do anymore sufferings. They said we don’t want to accept this proposition we must suffer. Alright, you suffer. You have Hitler. Enjoy the suffering. We should be happy people, we should be joyous people, we should be festive, be thankful to God. Count your blessing every day. That’s one of the ways to keep yourself very healthy and not to fast in the name of God, cut your hair in the name of God, put cold water on to it, do all kinds of non-sensical things in the name of God. Which God will be happy? If you want to make your mother unhappy, you say alright. I will fast today. So your mother is unhappy. She thinks this boy is angry with me, I don’t know why he is not eating. And this what exactly we are doing even in our spiritual practices. So, those who indulge into spiritual practices in a wrong way, suffer from physical problems. Those who indulge too much into futuristic things like the people who are very futuristic. They are not bother about God; they are not bothered about religion. They have no time. They are very busy people. You can just see their faces as if an aero plane is passing before you. They have no time for anything. Such people suffer from so many diseases like heart attack. Now, heart attack can be of two types. One is to lethargic heart and another one is to over active heart. The person who has an over activity, temperament. Especially in Delhi, everybody is busy persons. Very busy no time. I asked somebody, are you coming to the program? No mother I have no time. I have to do some files. Everybody is responsible as if next Shri Krishna there holding the Govardhan on their heads. Such people suffer, have to suffer from Unclear (heart) no doubt. Because what they are doing, they are going to imbalances, they are going too much to the right side. And they are forgetting what resides in their hearts – the Spirit. They have no time for their Spirit, Spirit disappears, they get heart attack. High blood pressure is also due to the same. Now you might say, that Mother high blood pressure comes because this and that and that. But basically, it comes when you have imbalances. Those people who are over active, think too much. Then what actually happens I will tell you. What actually happens that you have a center, what we will call as a aortic plexus as you know has the subtle center which look after a Swadhishtana chakra. The Swadhishtana chakra is converting your fat cells into such cells which will be used by your brain for your Unclear (). When you are thinking too much it is to be replaced and for that replacement the cells are created in the stomach and then they are transferred in the blood for the use of the brain. Now, you are thinking too much, the process is too much but this Swadhishtan chakra has to do other jobs also, is to look after the liver, look after the pancreas, look after your spleen, look after part of the uterus and intestines. So, neglecting all that, you are just thinking all the time. So, the first thing that will happen to you, you will have Unclear (), heart temperament, you will be very thin person, you will have a temperament then at the slightest you can be shoot off to the moon because you are thinking too much. The Swadhishtana is not giving any balances to the liver and the liver is heated up. The heat is not carried away and the heat is in the liver. When the heat is there, the person, such a person become very hot tempered. But then you develop cirrhosis of the Unclear (layer/liver) and all the troubles of the liver come out of that. But also there could be a lethargic liver which is the other side which I will tell you tomorrow. But today I am telling you about the over active people. Such liver patients have biliousness and they suffer from a very bad attention. Their attention is very bad. Now another thing we have done stupidly, I don’t know from where it has come, I don’t know, it has come to India also. That we have to use our eyes not for flirting. We have not to use them for sex activity. They are not for sex activity. I don’t know from where this idea has come, that eye should be used for sex activity. So, the whole sex system is upset. Then your eyes are upset and you cannot keep your attention in level plus your liver is out and your attention is finished. Today only somebody come to see me an architect. I was trying to tell him something. He could not listen he could not hear me. It was nothing in his head. Nothing could go into his head because his attention was like this all the time. He was only known what he has to say. He was saying again and again and again and again. Unclear () stopped up. Then he realized that he is not listening to me. This is what happens to you when your attention goes like that. Now, when attention is lost, your attention is not there, you become like a mad man. It’s a funny thing to talk to someone, you are talking to someone looking that side, looking that thing. Nothing is registered. One tenth of what you said doesn’t, nothing is registered. Such a person cannot know anything what is happening. Now this Swadhistan chakra when you fail it in the way that you are Unclear (always) thinking, you are flirting, you are using it for some another purpose. Then what happens, your liver goes out, your kidneys go out that’s why high blood pressure, you get your pancreas out of gear so you get diabetes, then you get also spleen in to trouble. Spleen is the most dangerous thing when it is out of gear it troubles you much more. Because that is the one which regulates your timing. It is the time cube. Now, the people early in the morning will read a newspaper. As it is newspaper should not be read in the morning time. But such a shocking thing. They believe in giving a sensation you see and you are so much used to sensations that unless and until some sensational news you don’t like it. So, they try to find out some sensations, and when you get the sensations, what happens that you get shocked. After all you are a human being. You are not a stone, that you won’t be shocked. You are shocked. Then you have to take your food, go to your office in time. Now you start driving mad on the way maybe you are in a bus whatever you are, thinking now how will I reach the office, all the time you are hectic. That time may be you are eating breakfast on your way and thinking that I will finish the breakfast. Now, this is a very hectic way of life. When you are hectic, the spleen does not know how to react hectic activities and it starts becoming crazy does not know how to act and that’s how the vulnerability for the blood cancer is set into your system in the spleen. So, we are in for blood cancer. Now whatever you may try for blood cancer, you do this, you do that, whatever you may try it will again settle. Because the machine that is set that way was subtle way. You may takeout the blood, put another blood, do what you like. Ultimately you will find it will again get it. So, you have not gone beyond the cause. The cause is hectic behavior. You cannot get over hectic behavior. Because you are used to it. From childhood you have been a hectic person. There are mothers who are so hectic, their children get blood cancer. Mothers who are very planning type, this should be like this, so cool, everything should be such that, they set themselves up as if they are going to shoot off to moon. Such a process of militarization or sort of a putting a human being into a mechanization and making into machine like things makes you so hectic. Because your body cannot take that nonsense. It cannot. It’s a human body. Must understand it’s a delicate human body created with love and affection and here you are making it into a machinery. You cannot make a machine out of it. once you start to make a machine, body reacts. And as a reaction to that the spleen is vulnerable for your cancer and other diseases which can be very dangerous. So, when we do hectic activities, it happens. So, then we say let us go getup give up this habit of hectic nature. You cannot. Even if you want you cannot. You cannot do because by temperament you are like that. I have seen people who once see at the airport they go off their head. If they are carrying some luggage with them, they forget it, they don’t know what. And they can notice also when they go to the airport, or to any busy place to the station or any place that you catch a place, they go off their head. The reason is the mind is not set that way. You cannot change it. you cannot change that mind. By whatever thing you try, today you will say alright no hecticness, slowly slowly I will sit down have my food, let my wife fan me with that rhythm I will eat. That’s not possible. And you will see in moder times how to do it. It’s true. You cannot. Now what to do at that time? You have to become the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, the nature of the Spirit is such that it is restful. You live with peace. Whatever may be the hectic activity outside, you are at peace with yourself. There is no problem about it. Like you are going same into the water, you see the waves you are frightened of it. The waves are rising and falling you see the waves you are frightened of it. For supposing you are in the boat, and you know that you are in the boat, then what happens, you enjoy those waves. You are no more hectic, you are not bothered, and you remain in that silent position and whatever may be the way you live, whatever may be the styles one has to adopt because of his circumstances in these modern times he is at peace with himself. That’s how he can put down all these problems of hecticness of problems of imbalances within himself. The other thing happens is that a person who becomes realized first of all becomes nirvichara at this Agnya chakra means there is no thought. When there is no thought, there is no wasteful energy going out. Because those people who think, go on thinking like you see there is yarn and yarns of thinking going on the thought is all the time bothering you so much that this thought cannot be stopped. No doctor can stop the thought unless and they give some injection. Even then the thought is there. Even when you are sleeping your thought is there. tranquilizes the thought state. So what do you? At the time you have to become nirvichar. If I say you become inrvichar, you cannot. You cannot. So when you become nirvichar what happens to you that there is a thought from the future, thought from the past all these thoughts you are jumping on the cusp of the thoughts but what happens really to you is that in the center of the thought is the present where you just still yourself. There is no thought. No thought at all. When there is no thought, the wasteful energy of thinking goes away. So the stored energy of thinking is such a lot. That you don’t have to worry. Whenever you want to think about something, you go into a dimension which no body has go. All the great artists, all the great creators have been realized souls. You name anyone of them, they have been all great realized souls. You can make them out by their vibrations. Like we can say the Michelangelo. Michelangelo was a realized soul. You can see from whatever he has created emits vibrations. Any great writer you tell me they were all realized souls who have given a substantial amount of reality to human beings. And these are the people who have felt the existence of the peace within themselves have lived with them gone thorough all kinds of bad experiences but have kept peace with themselves. That’s why self-realization is very importantly for people who have to think and who have to plan. Now the planning you do is also a planning which is very defective as I told you yesterday. The futuristic people try to plan out too much do this and do that. That also is very responsible for sometimes bad health. Because you plan something. You plan that I will take this this this this this this and do that. But it doesn’t materialize. It doesn’t materialize. It just you feel frustrated with it. Because it does not materialize because you plan it at a time where you are not integrated with the whole. You are planning on your own on a very particular area which doesn’t cover the whole. Once you plan the whole thing, in such a way that you know the plan of the Divine then its much easier. I will give you my won example: I never plan it. I never plan. There is no planning needed for me at all. Because I know what is the plan is. Like yesterday they wanted me to go to Jaipur and they said ‘Mother we want to go to Jaipur’. So, they were trying here there there there and they said no, there is no plane ticket, there is no this ticket. They came to me and they told me. I said alright doesn’t matter. Next moment we phoned we received that they are already booked. Now how it is worked out? You go beyond thought. You go beyond the realm of cause. What was the cause? Was congestion this that, you just go beyond that it works out. But it is not easy to understand with your mental activity. You cannot. Because mental activity is limited. I am talking of the unlimited. The unlimited is so tremendous, it is so effective that to go beyond the cause is the only way you can master the whole thing. Otherwise, you cannot. You try anything else, any other method or any theory it will not work out. And you can go there. I will give you another simple example: there was a Sahaja yogini and she was going in a very busy auto bar means a very big road which was carrying big lorries and big vehicles and she lost her control over the brake or something. And she got very much worried because from all the sides the cars were coming and she knew within few minutes she will be finished and there was another one with her. She just closed her eyes she said, ‘Mother, its finished now you look after’. And when she opened her eyes, she saw her car going to the side of the road and there it was standing. She was surprised you see; the brake was alright. Now you won’t believe this. It is not to be believed because with this brain it is not possible. You have to see yourself these things this Dr. Warren dint tell you what happened with him also. On the matter also you can go beyond cause. Because the matter is controlled by something. If you become That, if you become the Divine, then you control the matter, you do control but you do not do chamatkaras (magic) and all that. That non sense you don’t do. But you see it working out this way like when Dr. Warren got his realization, he was surprised that such a great thing has come that we should give realization to people and he was very enthusiastic. When he went to back to Australia, he found that he had very little petrol in the car. He said alright doesn’t matter will drive the car. Twenty-one days there was strike and twenty-one days is a record. You can see find out. He visited places, went around, he talked to people and when he went to the gas station, they said it’s all full. Now, you may say how can it be? It is miraculous. God is miraculous. Divinity is miraculous. Because it cannot conceive, this brain cannot conceive. Doesn’t mean that there is no miracle I have got. It is so miraculous that if you start seeing these miracles you will be amazed. That’s why Krishna has said ‘Yoga kshema vahamyam’ – first you get yoga then I will look after you. How he manages? Because you go beyond cause. You just go beyond cause. Now, it has appeared in London papers about one of the miracles that Sahaja Yoga has done that there was a meeting in Unclear () I was speaking. And it was about 8’O clock, the meeting started at 7’O clock like this. I mean lots of people for that meeting and one boy fell down from a bridge about eighteen, nineteen feet down below. Absolutely down, which is motor bike. And the people saw him falling down. They sent for an ambulance, the ambulance came in, but this is not the boy walking up nicely? They were quite surprised. When he came, in the ambulance they asked him how is it you are walking? Nothing is wrong with you? No no, I am alright. I am cured. Is it cured? Who cured you? He said, I will tell in the hospital. The police had come and everything was there and he gave a statement that I cured by an Indian lady who wears a white saree and has a white Mercedes. Actually, they said, there was no Mercedes, there was no Indian lady nothing. He is just telling you something. But doctors were amazed. Because nothing was broken, there was no blood nothing. There ware surprised. So, it appeared in the newspapers. Later on, when he saw my photograph, he said this is the lady who did it. but at that time, I was speaking so many is a witness. Then they asked him what did you say? He said, I just said ‘Holy Mother, please help me’. That’s all he said. He said, I just said Holy Mother please., It is in the newspaper. Of course, the newspapers abroad are not so funny as they are here. Here the newspaper people neither here nor there. either they are modern nor they are ancient. I don’t k now where they are hanging. I don’t know what they are looking for. The people there are have printed all this in the newspaper and they said that this was a miracle. We did not Unclear (). Another example is there was a lady, she was suffering from a disease where she would not get out of her house at any cost. She was so frightened, she would just sit in one room, and would go to the bath room, stay there, eat her food. She didn’t go out for days together. Everybody was surprised that this lady, what’s the matter with her that she cannot be cured. Doctors came give her tranquilizers this that whatever could lay their hands on to, they tried. And it was surprising that she would not Unclear (). So, the newspaper people just came to test me. and there’s lady who cannot come to your program can you help her? I said really? I can. But can you get her photograph? So, they showed me the photograph. I said alright. its alright. you go home. They went home. And then, I told then leave her alone for eight days. But they were mischievous so they went to see her. Next day she had gone out on the woods for a walk with her husband. And it’s all in the newspaper. And they said the guru that fulfilled her promise you see. And the one who had not done for years, I don’t it now. What did I do? I did nothing. I looked at her photograph that’s all I can tell you. I did nto do anything whatsoever. But I stand at a point which is beyond the cause. If you go beyond the cause, you will also find the same thing working out as we say ‘Yoga keshama vahamyaham’ what Krishna has said is true. But first take your yoga. Once you take your yoga, your health improves, your material being improves, everything improves. But if you are an intellectual filled with these mental projections you cannot reach there. Try to understand this is beyond your mental activity. Beyond your emotional activity. Now Bhakti, they go on bhakti bhakti bhakti they say Mother, nothing happens to us. This is nothing but an emotional projection where personnel things, o I am at the feet of the Lord, I am praying to him this that. Whatever you have heard about Christ, about the saints, about Gnyaneswara, or anyone is a fact. There is not miracle about it. Because the realm where they stand sounds miraculous to us. Because it is beyond our mind. It is beyond the limited human mind. So, let us not just get into that arrogance and that kind of an ego which denies such the reality who’s the loser? Who is the loser? Those who are enjoying that? Or those who are not enjoying? Who is the loser? The one is not enjoying the bliss is the loser. So, let us enter in to that Uncelar (). I can tell you thousand and one things how one can cure diseases. One can cure cancer. One can do that. For that you can read some books we have. You can yourself practice it once you get your vibrations, you will know this. But the main thing about the matter is that you must get the integrated idea about your own being that it’s a integrated thing and whole integrated being reacts to something that is foreign, which is imbalance, which is not Dharma. And when it reacts with that, you get into trouble. Some might say we are so dharmic. That’s your self-certificate. Some person may look to be a person who is an atheist but may be a very dharmic one. And a person who believes in God and goes to temple everyday may not be. So, the imbalances that has created within us with our mental projections or through our emotional projections, are to be brought to the center. That’s it. once you bring to the center, the chakras are like this, if you take them to the left and the right, they get just disturbed or sometimes dislocated and you have no relationship with the whole. That’s how you become malignant. But when the chakras are brought in the center by your dharmic behavior then the kundalini easily passes through, and you get your realization. But now, today the situation is such that you really not even have time as it is. When you put your hands towards me it can work out. the charkas can be brought like that. And then the Kundalini will raise. You need not bother about putting your Dhrama right first and then your Kundalini will raise. Your Kundalini will raise in any case. And it will help you in any case. This is what we have to understand that we have to go beyond the cause. And all the cause are controlled and cured, redeemed, comforted by the Divine. So, whether you have faith in Divine or not it works. It is there. And so many things you can start explaining when you will get into that realm which is your own. Which is there with you is within you which you should take it. As a Mother, what I feel is a concern why not people open their eyes. This is way are there Uncelar () their ego, with their particular ideas are there. why not they open out a little more and get the fragrance that is within us, within them. This is what is my concern is and that’s why I am requesting you as a Mother that please open our mind, open our mind to this thing. Whatever saints has said is true. Whatever incarnations have said is absolutely the truth. Just you have to receive it and get into it. Don’t get unnecessarily wasting your time into some nonsensical comments and some usedless babbling. That is the worst thing that you can do to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be nice to yourself. Respect yourself. You are a human being on this Earth, especially on this country, which is such a blessed country. And then now at this time be nice to yourself. This is the swarth, so arth – to the one which gives you the meaning of Unclear (Swaroop) is swarth. Our saints also ver very clever. They said get the swarth. Swarth means swa the Artha of Unclear (Swaroop). So, why not get to It and have it and enjoy it? For a mother it is just you see when the child said no no she just puts a little bit in the mouth see, then the child seems alright. So, let us not be that kind of children, let us be open minded and get into yourself. It is beyond the cause and the effect. Which Confucius has written which so many Chinese philosophers has described, Lao Tsu had said it, t hen many people up to hundred years we had in England a great poet William Blake who has talked about it, I mean there have been so many people talked about it. Mohammad Sahab has talked about it, Nanak Sahab has talked about it, Kabeera just now has talked about everything. You heard the song that Kabeera has sung is nothing but Sahaj – spontaneous system of awakening our Kundalini and taking you beyond the realm of cause. I hope it will work out again today and that will settle down with yourself, with your peace and bliss which is your own nature. May God bless you.
A simple thing has to be done. Just again cause and effect. I just gave a bandhan it worked. Just the same. Just now before you. But one person can’t do it. Many have to get into it to have a collective effect of that kind. Many people have to do it. Is a collective happening. It’s not individual. One person sitting on the Himalayas cannot work it out. If anyone could have done it, I would have done it myself. I cannot. It is to be channelized through many people. And if many people come around and work it out together in a collective way, then it works out. Because I have seen people who get realization and they never appear in the center and after ten years they meet me that I am in a Sahaj bhav. I said what is this Sahaj bhav? You must come to the collective then you will have the effects of it and understand and you will also support the whole collective working of the mechanism. It is a collective working. It’s not one individualistic. So, it’s no use giving realization to person who is hanging somewhere in the far fest places. But it’s a lamp or you can call a huge big beacon that is to be lit by many flames. And all these flames must work out together. Then it works out. And there Unclear () I find people with ego fail a lot. Because they think they are big position people, they are rich people or they have this and that and they do not know how to cope with the other ordinary people. This is one thing I must say that in the Islam if you see, even if you are a king or an ordinary person Namaz time everybody on the same level. In the same way, in the realm of God, you are all same. God doesn’t understand money, position and all those things. But he understands how much Divine you are. That’s what one has to understand that it works out in a collective way and not in individual methods. So, if you start working it out in individual methods and say ‘Mother it did not work out’, I am not responsible for that and then I should not be charged. But if you come to our center, and we workout collectively you will be amazed how things will work out all your problems will sorted out in not time. Because you will go beyond the cause and effect. At this time when we are talking of science and so meticulously describing A B C D that is the time to talk about abstract of this kind would rather very much of a venture. But it’s a fact. And this is the only time when one can talk about it and this is the when you can get it also. So, I better do it whether you like it or not so at least you won’t say that I dint tell you.
Now, only thing you have to do it to put both hands towards me like this. Before that, take out your shoes because we have to use the Mother Earth. Both the feet on the Mother Earth, separated. Already most of you are beyond thoughts. You are beyond thoughts. Takeout your shoes and you must know that also it has an effect on your eyes so please takeout your spectacles, if you have anything heavy in the neck or any malas given by gurus and all that please remove it. Better keep this little lose so your attention is not diverted to that. Now, with a very open mind one should sit down that whatever is the reality, I want to see that. And not to feel guilty as I told you yesterday that I have done this wrong, that wrong because once you know that you are going beyond cause and all these problems also will vanish. So, just do not have these ideas, I have committed this mistake, I should not have done that or I am guilty about this. So please remove the guilt from your mind. If any little guilt is there, just remove it and start with the clean plate. With all respect and love about yourself. Now, you have to use the left side which is the desire power as the hand towards me and the right-hand as the action - ‘Kirya sahakti’. And when you use this right-hand, I will tell you how to use it and how to raise your own Kundalini. You are doing it to your self and it is very simple to do it.
First you have to put it on the heart and then you have to put it on the upper part of the stomach, the lower part of the stomach and then you have to go back same way and then here on the shoulder and this corner and then you have to put it on your head here - forehead and then at the back and then your palm on this fontanelle bone area or the ‘Talu’ and move it clockwise. Is very simple, which will take hardly six, seven minutes to do it. But please be attentive and don’t open your eyes. Its and antaryoga which works within yourself. And as Dr. Warren has said that the whole thing takes place. But after that you must respect it. You must respect your realization. Must work it out and you must develop it. Those who have been yesterday here will find that it will improve. But gong home then you don’t think about it. Because you will lose your vibrations again. So, please try not to think about it. It is the realm which is beyond thinking. So, now without feeling guilty, without having any such depressive thoughts, you have to be very Prasanna Chitt – that is pleasantly sitting, waiting to get this great experience of your spirit. Prasanna Chitt. Not to be smiling, not to be doing any acting like that but inside you should be prasann. That today after so many births you are entering into the kingdom of God. Which is your right to enter. But today it is going to materialize actualized. Thank you very much.
Now put your attention. If possible, in this area but (Shri Mataji addressing to the audience: please sit down. Please sit down)
Put your attention in this area (fontanelle bone) and don’t turn your eyes towards it. But just close your eyes and just put attention there means you just watch there. But don’t turn your eyes or concentrate nothing. Just in a very mild manner you can just look at it. That’s all. Now with the right-hand, I will tell you that you have to put the right-hand to your heart. This is very important. Yesterday there was such a catch on the heart you can’t imaging. My heart finger was really, I was thinking some people are about to have a heart attack or like that. Its horrible. So, please be careful on this point. Put our right-hand on the heart. Not in the center but on the heart and press a little bit right-hand. This is very important because this is the seat of the Spirit. This is the seat of the Spirit. And now, placing this hand on the heart close your eyes and you have to ask me a question which is a fundamental question ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ ask this question three times. ‘Mother am I the Spirit?’ no, in your heart. Need not loudly also. Need not ask loudly. ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ just put it to your heart. First let us do this. Important. Close your eyes. Don’t open your eyes at any cost. Don’t open your eyes. Please don’t open your eyes. Because Kundalini won’t raise. I tell you. ‘Mother am I the Spirit?’ ask the question. Right-hand on the heart.
Hindi: Right-hand apne hruday pe rakhe. Left-hand hamare ore. Jise ki icha hamare andar hai. Hum apna atma sakshatkar chahte hai. Ab teen bar ye saval pochiye.
Please ask this question three times. With all sincerity ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’. We have to be sincere to ourselves. Ask this question ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ without doubting yourself or doubting me or anyone just ask the simple question. Now, it follows when you say, you are the Spirit or you as such a question. You have to ask another question by putting your right-hand on the upper part of the abdomen which is the Swadhishtan chakra. Which is the guru principle here. Right-hand on the left-hand side of the upper part of the abdomen.
This center is the guru principle. Because you are the spirit, you become your own guru. That doesn’t mean that you show disrespect to any sadgurus. Means that we ask them to give that principle of guru within ourselves. Just say ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ ‘Mother, am I my own guru?’ ask this question three times.
Please keep your right-hand on t he lower part of your abdomen, on the left-hand side.
You have to say here that ‘Mother, give me pure knowledge’. Pure knowledge is the knowledge of the Divine power that you have to know. You have to be deft in it and that deftness is what we call is the Yoga which means ‘Kushalata-Yukti’ ‘aisee jugatti karo’ we have said it many a times poetri bhee, aisee jugatti karo. Yukti means the deftness to play, to enjoy to maneuver this power which is Divine. So, you have to ask for it because I cannot cross your freedom. So, you have to say ‘Mother, please may I have the Shuddh Vidya?’. Now this is the point when you ask initiation of the Kundalini takes place. The Kundalini starts moving. So, please say it ‘Mother, please, May I have the Shuddh Vidya’. Whatever the saints have said which described as you have seen Kabirdas today was saying that this is what happens the AshtAsht kamal opens out and this happens whatever they have described, they are not telling us lies. Whatever they had said is today going to happen a mass. Whatever they were, they were truth. So, we have to understand that the Shuddh Vidya we haven’t got so far, so we have to ask for it in all humility. Six times.
Now, please raise your right-hand to that point where you had the guru principle. Now the Kundalini had started moving. At the guru principle now, you assume the power of the Kundalini by which you should have the full confidence in yourself to say that ‘Mother, I am my own master’. With the blessings of the great sadgurus you have to say ‘I am now my own Guru’. Because your Guru tatva is being enlightened. Your Guru tatva is being enlightened. Before that the guru has no meaning. Even the sadgurus do not know who is a guru. Though they have described, everything is told still we do not know that. So now, at this point you say ‘Mother, I am my own guru’
Please put your right-hand on the left-hand side of the angel which is made by the neck and a shoulder and press it hard. Now, this is the one a very bad center which is caught up very much with people. Because conditioning is such that they all the time try to find faults with them. Tomorrow I am going to tell you about this center when it is caught up, how the troubles are caused to you. But just now, please put your hand there and press it hard. Which is very badly off, I will tell you which is very badly off. Now this is the center which is blocked when you have a feeling of guilt for anything. So, please tell yourself or tell your mother that ‘Maa, I am not guilty’. Please say it sixteen times.
Please keep your right-hand on your forehead in such a way that you can press it from both the sides. At this time, at this point, at this chakra you have to say ‘Mother, I forgive everyone’ please say it that I forgive everyone from your heart. Please say that I forgive everyone without thinking that is difficult. Actually, you don’t do anything but mainly when you do not forgive others then what you do is to play into the hands of others. Say it from your heart. Now, put the right-hand on the back of your head. At the optic-lobe area.
Please keep this hand on the fontanelle bone area where you had a soft-bone as a child. And put your pam on that place. Please put your hand on this area and press it hard and move it clock-wise and you have to say here that ‘Mother, I want my realization, please give me my realization’ because I cannot force it on you, you have to ask for it in your own freedom. If you don’t ask it, just I cannot work it out. So, just put your hand here and move it. or you can put your fingers if you cannot free Unclear (strap) area. Put your fingers and just move it seven times. Seven times you have to say that.
(realization part - Hindi)