Public Program

Public Program 1989-07-19

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Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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19 July 1989

Public Program

Munich (Germany)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

1989-0719 Public Program Talk Germany.

I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to understand that truth is what it is. We cannot organise it. We cannot conceptualise it. It is what it is. So one has to open the mind like a scientist to see for yourself what is the truth. Now whatever I am telling you, you may not believe into. You have to take it as a hypothesis, and then if you get the experience of self-knowledge and you see for yourself, you'll be amazed. You know about yourself.

It is wrong to say that you are sinners, and it is very wrong to make you feel guilty. St Thomas who was a disciple of Christ on his way to India, went to Egypt and there he put lots of treaties in a big jar hidden near a mountain. It was discovered only forty eight years back, where he has clearly said that you are here to enjoy the beauty of God's love and you have to know yourself. After that you will enjoy your complete freedom. Whatever he has said is what Sahaja Yoga is.

Here you have to know that you are at the epitome of evolution. Only people who want to make money out of you or want to make you slaves, tell you that you are sinners and you'll go to hell and they'll frighten you so that you can pay them well. One has to get out of this kind of a stupid understanding. Another thing St Thomas has said that God Almighty, who is your father, is a father of all the fathers and he is the kindest father you could think, and He's waiting for you in the Kingdom of God to see His children enter into it. So when you receive your self-knowledge you are amazed at your own glory and your own beauty. You have within yourself the tree of life built in properly by which you achieve this.

People will definitely criticise Sahaja Yoga because there is no money involvement. Nobody has to do confessions. There's complete freedom, complete freedom and you can achieve that freedom by which you are not dominated by any habits. We have now people in the world who follow say all kinds of say religions. They are Hindus, Christians, Muslims, all kinds of brands but they are all brands. Anyone belonging to any religion can commit any sin. Like I went this time to Brazilia and there was a gentleman who said he cannot take a divorce from his wife so he has got five 'keeps'. Another one who is a Muslim [unclear] says that we are allowed to have four wives, so we should have it. Hindu religion says that in everybody resides the Spirit, but still they have caste system and all kinds of nonsense. So when we follow something actually we must know that we are following something absolutely blindly. Our forefathers followed the same thing and we are following the same. What did they achieve?

We have to have courage to break through conditionings because it is for our benevolence and the real religion that is our valency, should be awakened within ourselves. A person who commits all kinds of sins makes people their slaves, gets them into problems like not marrying or marrying and all kinds of absurd things. Such a person cannot give you self-realization. Even Buddha in his early days when he spoke is a fact that he never preached asceticism. He never preached asceticism, and if you suppress somebody's natural urges then one can become absolutely anabundant personality.

So then you find in the world there are two types of people who find fundamentalism or they find what you call them is atheism or what you can say, anarchists. The first one has not become yet spiritually equipped. He has not felt the all-pervading power of God's love. Only talking about God you do not become self-realized. Christ has clearly said you are to be born again but it's not an artificial happening. It cannot be just you are born again, now you are certified. It cannot be like that. Nobody has a right to certify that. But it's a living process so when you get self-realisation you get the actualization of your baptism. You feel the cool breeze coming out of your head. You feel the cool breeze around you. The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. And once it happens, you'll be amazed. You discover you are so dynamic. You are so compassionate. You are so wise and so discreet. And then you develop a great dimension, a very great dimension which is called as collective consciousness. Jung was a scientist and he described that once you get your self-realisation you become. Again he said 'become' not certificate. You really become collectively conscious. Means that in your consciousness where you feel the centres of others, you can feel them on your fingertips. You can feel your own centres also the same way. Now if you know how to correct that you become perfectly all right.

You cannot organise God and once you start organising God you become artificial. This is a big handicap we have when we start thinking about capitalism and communism and all kinds of theories that we think we believe in it. Both have lots of defects in it. So we see that there are defects in what we have been thinking to be right. So we should try to see why, why we have missed the point.

There is one common thing among all the religions, one common precept in every religion that seek the eternal and gravity is to be gifted at its own limitation and in full understanding. There is one common thing in all the religions that one should seek the eternal and whatever is transitory is to be used in its own understanding and in its own limitations. For example say, we want to have say a car and a house, this and that but in general the wants are not satiable and that is the reason one must understand that there must be something within us which is a pure desire. I tell you the pure desire within us to be united with the Divine. Not artificially, but really, in reality and for that you cannot pay. You cannot even force people. It has to work through their freedom so that they achieve their ultimate freedom.

People talk of peace. Peace foundations - they have no peace within themselves. There are ecological problems because there's no balance in human endeavours. For all this the humanity has to emancipated. The whole thing will come only through the transformed humanity. So beware, be careful. You have to look after your emancipation for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world.

This is the special resurrection time where many people are getting their realisation. I agree there are many false people in this world and they have mislead many people. But you have to know how to discriminate. Like I went to Rome and there was a lady who came down before Me and she collected $1.6 million from the Romans in three days, telling them that you are sinners and you must pay for your sins, this type – the old story. But first and foremost thing you must know that you cannot pay. How much did you pay to Christ? Did He live on your money? He was a carpenter's son, so He lived like a carpenter's son. He didn't want to have huge big palaces for Himself with the public money. If you are well-placed in life, supposing if you have money then a saint spends his money for the emancipation. If he is a king then he lives like a king but he spends money for the emancipation of people. A saint does not have a sense of comfort, he relies on the comfort of his spirit.

So now we have to awaken. We have missed the point so far. I would say, for your information that in Delhi university now they have recognised Sahaja Yoga and have given three doctors the dignity of MD on three subjects, Because definitely in Sahaja Yoga people have been cured of horrible diseases like cancer. It's not guaranteed but it works. They have done all three subjects. One is the physical fitness. The second is epilepsy and the third is psychosomatic diseases.

I was surprised in Brazil the way the government understood Sahaja Yoga, it was remarkable because they see that they're following religions and they are so poor, have so many problems and they don't know how to get out of it. Even Columbia. I was surprised in Columbia, such an awakening is there. But specially a place like Turkey, a country like Turkey where Sahaja Yoga has prospered so fast because people have learned that fundamentalism and this blind faith is not going to help us anymore. Now we have to see in Germany what happens. Of course Frankfurt we have done well. I want to see in Munich the same thing happening that people should in their freedom earn for higher freedom, complete freedom. I am sure it will work out because it's important today for our children, for the progeny and for us to be the part and parcel of that transforming process which will be marked in the history. I hope you will understand it very well and try to get the experience of self-knowledge.

Tomorrow I'll explain to you more how it works out because today I wanted you to enjoy the music. You see this is a very big miracle of Sahaja Yoga that Germans or English or any Europeans could never pronounce or sing our Indian music so easily. But they have picked it up in no time, because our rhythms are difficult, our melodies are difficult and even Indians take time. It was surprising how these people especially the Swiss. You'll be surprised, the Swiss. They are not here most of them but they are wonderful. Even the Indian musicians were surprised and they gave Me a big tribute in My last birthday that really we are ashamed of ourselves, the way these people have progressed. They are saying now instead of you asking Indians to go there, let these people come to India and sing those songs. So there's nothing to be very serious about it and nothing to be very intense about it. It's a very simple method of living process which works it out.

Now those who want to have self-realisation should be here because I know it is difficult to give realisation to people who don't want it, and they actually do not help us much, and those who do not want should leave the hall graciously. I'll be very happy with them. It will take about ten minutes and tomorrow I'll explain to you how you got it. It's like you come into this room and you have to just put one switch and everything comes on- lights. But if I have to tell you about the history of electricity and the source of electricity you'll be all bored stiff. So best thing is to have the light, the enlightenment. In the darkness if you are holding a snake as a rope, whatever I may tell you you may not believe it because you believe that this is a snake – this is not a snake, it is a rope. But as soon as the light comes in thus you drop out the snake by yourself. So you become your own master, your own guru. You don't need anybody as a guru because you yourself know through your vibratory awareness what is right and what is wrong. Of course something that is enlightened light has to enlighten another candle. Enlightened candle has to enlighten another candle. But if you get enlightened you can enlighten others you can get your own powers. All those people who you see here they are just like you to look at but they all have powers to give realisation to others. They have given up all their bad habits and they know what they are doing. They are very aware. All of them have become very dynamic and are doing very well in life and they are very happily married and have very happy married lives with very sweet children. Such a beautiful race we have to be.

If you have any questions you may write them down and tomorrow I'll try to answer them. But at the very outset I have to request that don't doubt yourself. Don’t think that you cannot get realisation and forget the past. Just forget the past completely. Think of the present. This is going to work out in the present. Forgive yourself and don't feel guilty at all. Please don't feel guilty because as I told you, you do not know how great you are.

Right. A television, if you take to a villager, he will not believe that it can manifest lots of dramas and songs and music. But once it is put to the mains then you see why is it made? What it is for? What is the meaning? That is how you discover your own meaning, your own wealth. So you are to be connected to the mains. Actually you become like a divine computer, believe Me. You have to believe in yourself and in your capacities. So please forgive yourself. After all we are human beings and if human beings commit mistakes, what's so difficult to understand, they are not God. While the Divine is the ocean of forgiveness so it can dissolve all your faults, so you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself I mean to say.

First of all we must open our hearts for ourselves and then forgive everybody else. Just forgive. You will be so much helped if you forgive. If you don't forgive then this centre, which is the centre of Christ gets blocked. So the message of Christ is to forgive everyone. I hope you understand this message of His resurrection was when you forgive people because He was crucified by them and insulted by them. We don't have to suffer. He has suffered for us. Are we going to suffer more than what He has suffered? So forget the idea of sufferings also. If you want the truth you can have it, but if you want to live with untruth and falsehood, who can force you? So all the delusions must be cleared out and you are quite capable. I have great faith in the German capacities. If they can take up something they can do very well. But it should not be done under mesmerism or some sort of a brainwash. It should be a free choice. All right.

So now it's very simple. First thing you'll have to do is a very simple thing you have to take out you’re shoes because this mother earth helps us a lot and please put both your feet on the ground parallel to each other because tomorrow I'll tell you because we have two kinds of systems within us, left and right.

First of all we must open our hearts for ourselves and then forgive everybody else. Just forgive. You will be so much helped if you forgive. If you don't forgive then this centre, which is the centre of Christ gets blocked. So the message of Christ is to forgive everyone. I hope you understand His message of His resurrection was when you forgive people because He was crucified by them and insulted by them. You don't have to suffer. He has suffered for us. Are we going to suffer more than what He has suffered? So forget the idea of sufferings also.

If you want the truth you can have it but if you want to live with untruth and falsehood, who can force you? So all the delusions must be cleared out and you are quite capable. I have great faith in the German capacities. If they take up something, they can do very well. But it should not be done under mesmerism or some sort of a brainwash. It should be a free choice. All right.

So now it's very simple. First thing you'll have to do you have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot and please put both your feet on the ground parallel to each other because tomorrow I'll tell you that we have two kinds of systems within us left and right.

Now first I'll show you how you have to do it. With the left hand you have to put the left hand towards Me suggesting that you want your realisation because this is the power of desire. And I will also show you how you will be using your right hand, which is the power of action, to give nourishment to your centres on the left hand side. Philip will show you this. Now sit with a very relaxed free mind, not slouching too much, or too much of stretching but just like a normal posture.

So we are working on the left hand side. Now you put your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty. Then this pure desire within us in the triangular bone is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. This has to pass through six centres to pierce through the last one here, the sixth centre here. And the seventh centre is below this bone, triangular bone or sacrum, meaning is sacred.

So in the heart resides the Spirit and in the upper part of your abdomen on the left hand side you press it hard with your right hand, resides the mastery of Divinity. Then you go to the lower portion of the abdomen in the lower area and on the left hand side you press it hard. Now this the centre which manifests your Divinity through your nerves and you become the knowledge of the laws of the divine. So this the centre of pure knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper part of the abdomen on the left hand side. Now then raise your right hand on your heart. Then raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This centre gets blocked when you feel guilty. Now take your right hand on top of your forehead and slowly bend your head, let it rest on your hand and press it on both the sides. This is the centre of forgiveness, the centre where you have to forgive everyone. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and try to put your head on it, rest on it. This is the centre where you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine without feeling guilty. Now stretch your hand and put the centre of your palm on top of your head where it was a soft bone called fontanel bone area. Now push back your fingers and bend your head and move your scalp very slowly clockwise seven times. That's all we have to do but remember you have to push back your fingers and put a complete pressure. That's important.

Now don't worry about thoughts or anything. Don't try to force anything. You close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you. And you can remove your spectacles.

Now please put the left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart. Now ask Me a question in your heart, not loudly. Ask Me a question. You can call Me Shri Mataji, or you can call Me Mother, whatever you like. “Mother am I the Spirit”? Ask this question three times. Now if you are the Spirit, then you are your own master. You don't need anybody to guide you. So take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask another question. “Mother am I my own master. Mother am I my own guru”. Ask any one of these questions three times. Ask this three times.

As I have told you already that I respect your freedom and pure knowledge cannot be forced on you. So you have to ask for it in your own freedom. So please take down your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. And here you say, “Mother please give me pure knowledge”, six times. Now raise your right hand and put it in the upper part of your abdomen on the left hand side. As you have asked for the pure knowledge the kundalini, the pure power of desire has started moving. So we have to open the higher centres without full confidence. So please say ten times with self-confidence, pressing this centre, “Mother I am my own master.

Now one has to know the truth about oneself. You are not this body. You are not this mind. You are not this intellect. You are not these emotions. You are not these conditionings and you are not this ego, but you are the free, pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart. Now here, with full confidence you say twelve times because this has got twelve petals. The heart has got twelve petals. Twelve times. “Mother I am the Spirit.”

Now I have told you that the Divine power is the ocean of compassion and love. It is the ocean of bliss and joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So there is no mistake or error on your part which cannot be dissolved by this great ocean of forgiveness. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck, between your shoulder and your neck. Push it as far as back and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say with full confidence in yourself, “Mother I am not guilty at all”. Do not count your guilt. Do not condemn yourself please.

Many people will think that it is difficult to forgive others. But whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. So it is a myth and if you do not forgive you play into wrong hands for a myth. So now raise your hand onto your forehead across and put down your heads slowly and press it on both the sides of your forehead. Here you have to say, “Mother I forgive everyone”. Say it from your heart. Not how many times but say it from your heart it will act.

Now take back your hand on the backside of your head and put your head on top of it and slowly push it upward. Here you have to say without counting your mistakes, without counting your guilt, just for your own satisfaction. “O Divine, if I have done any mistakes please forgive me. Say it from your heart. Now stretch your hand and put your centre of your hand on the soft bone that you had in your childhood, known as fontanel bone area. Push back your fingers and put down your head. Press it hard and move very slowly clockwise your scalp, seven times. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to say that you want your self-realisation. So please say seven times. “Mother please give me self-realisation”. I cannot force it.

Now please take down your hand. Open your eyes slowly. With both your hands towards Me like this. Now put the right hand like this and bend your head and see if there's a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now see for yourself. You have to certify. You have to certify yourself.

Munich (Germany)

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