Kundalini can only be awakened by somebody who has Divine authority 1989-06-29
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The post is also available in: Portuguese.
29 June 1989
Kundalini Can Only Be Awakened By Somebody Who Has Divine Authority
Public Program
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador-Bahia (Brazil)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
1989-06-29 Public Program, Salvador, Brazil, Part 1 , 64
(Introduction part in the Portuguese language)
(Shri Mataji’s talk started)
One has to know, at the very outset, the truth is what it is.
We cannot organize it. We cannot order it.
It is (not clear)
The greatest truth is that we are all looked after, nourished, and brought to this total awareness; by the All-Pervading Power of God’s love.
This power does all the living process.
Like this flower you see here, are miracles. How they sprout, is tremendous.
But we take everything for granted, we take everything for granted.
We take everything for granted because we are not used to it.
In the same way, we have taken our human lives for granted.
We have beautiful eyes which are like a camera.
and we are computer, in a way that we are already programmed for many things.
But still, we are not in the absolute truth.
We live in a relative world.
So, somebody thinks that a particular theory is good, and some think that another theory is good.
But there is no one idea, about oneness.
One has to know, the absolute.
Unless and until we know the absolute there will be all kinds of problems existing within us.
Now, whatever has been told to you about Sahaja yoga, whatever you have heard about Sahaja yoga is the knowledge of our roots.
Now, what we see outside our growth, is the knowledge of the tree.
We have to know the roots otherwise this tree will be destroyed.
Now, whatever I'm telling you just now, you have to just understand it like a hypothesis.
And you should keep your minds open like a scientist.
And see for yourself, what is the meaning of our being.
Why are we on this earth?
So, first of all, we have to know ourselves.
We don't know ourselves.
And for that, we have to have our self-realization.
In our evolutionary process, we have become human beings.
And we are very evolved compared to animals.
Supposing a dog or a horse has to go through the dirty way, it cannot go.
But if human beings have to go, they know it's dirty, they know it's filthy.
But there is a higher state,
which you have to achieve.
You have the right to achieve it.
It is the living process of your evolution, the living process.
So, you cannot pay for it.
As a seed has to be sowed, in the mother earth it sprouts by itself spontaneously.
We don't pay to the mother earth.
It is spontaneous.
That spontaneity is Sahaja, is Sahaja.
And this has to happen, to most of us.
And we all have to know, that unless and until a complete transformation takes within, just by talking about peace and love, we cannot establish this.
Now, as...(not clear), I have worked (walked)for one hour I think, all about Sahaja yoga,
because we lost our way, and we are late, I'm sorry for that.
I must have given thousands of lectures about Sahaja Yoga.
But any amount of lecture doesn't just work out.
It's an actualization of your baptism, it's actualization.
So, this has to work out.
We should not be lost, in the realm of words.
By arguments, it won't work out. It is something that has to work out within.
So, I would say that you can ask me some questions, sensible questions and then, we can have the session to have your self-realization.
(Question & answer)
(Question in Portuguese) Lady do TM Meditation?
(Translation unclear)
Shri Mataji answered:
Kundalini rises like a jet.
But sometimes you have problems in your centers,
so we have to attend to it.
but in any case, in this session today, your Kundalini will breakthrough, no doubt.
Most of you, I should say.
But later on, you have to fix your connection.
and you... (not clear)
and you have so many Sahaja yogis here who can help.
(more questions)
Yes, so Kundalini can only be awakened by somebody Who has Divine authority.
And so far, we have had so many people who had been to Kundalini awakening, and they never felt any bad experience.
and one has to know that, awakening your Kundalini is the easiest way.
But you have to know the job.
Now, in a place like Bombay, I get about 12,000 to 15,000 people.
and they get realization, all of them.
Also, Sahaja yoga is like this, that first, a little light is tingling in your attention.
Now, suppose you are holding on to some snake, and I tell you there is a snake.
But in darkness, you (not clear) and you'll not accept.
But, if there is light, even slight light, you'll throw it.
So, the first thing is that you should get light, and in that light, you'll see.
If the light is less, we can increase the light.
I tell you, there have never been more seekers in the world before.
As here, so many of you are great seekers of truth.
And it is very remarkable.
Have faith in yourself.
(Question: He wants to know if there's something to do between Sahaja Yoga and Tantra yoga.)
Of course, Sahaja Yoga is tantric (??)
Because I tell you, I'll explain it to you.
They try to spoil your system by mesmerism.
And, then they charge you,
and you are supposed to give all your money, everything to them.
They are very immoral., and (?)
I would not like to tell you once they do it.
But you can say, they are your people who are in black magic.
So it's the misnomer, you call it, the tantra.
A misnomer is the wrong name, you call it tantra is the wrong name because this is the instrument.
(Question: What is the responsibility of a spiritual leader?)
(Answered by Shri Mata Ji)
To love, all the disciples.
And forgive them.
And guide them to get benevolence and to rise,
and complete responsibility,
to look after the health and all the problems of the disciples.
(Question: The disciples, do they have any responsibilities in their ascent?)
The disciples themselves become the gurus.
They become empowered.
(Portuguese question:)
(She said that in this society, there are many disturbances, many things that they have to do and how can they ascend to get the purity themselves with all these bad things around)
You see because (not clear)
There's nothing to give up.
It is something within that happens.
(Shri Mataji’s talk started)
One has to know, at the very outset, the truth is what it is.
We cannot organize it. We cannot order it.
It is (not clear)
The greatest truth is that we are all looked after, nourished, and brought to this total awareness; by the All-Pervading Power of God’s love.
This power does all the living process.
Like this flower you see here, are miracles. How they sprout, is tremendous.
But we take everything for granted, we take everything for granted.
We take everything for granted because we are not used to it.
In the same way, we have taken our human lives for granted.
We have beautiful eyes which are like a camera.
and we are computer, in a way that we are already programmed for many things.
But still, we are not in the absolute truth.
We live in a relative world.
So, somebody thinks that a particular theory is good, and some think that another theory is good.
But there is no one idea, about oneness.
One has to know, the absolute.
Unless and until we know the absolute there will be all kinds of problems existing within us.
Now, whatever has been told to you about Sahaja yoga, whatever you have heard about Sahaja yoga is the knowledge of our roots.
Now, what we see outside our growth, is the knowledge of the tree.
We have to know the roots otherwise this tree will be destroyed.
Now, whatever I'm telling you just now, you have to just understand it like a hypothesis.
And you should keep your minds open like a scientist.
And see for yourself, what is the meaning of our being.
Why are we on this earth?
So, first of all, we have to know ourselves.
We don't know ourselves.
And for that, we have to have our self-realization.
In our evolutionary process, we have become human beings.
And we are very evolved compared to animals.
Supposing a dog or a horse has to go through the dirty way, it cannot go.
But if human beings have to go, they know it's dirty, they know it's filthy.
But there is a higher state,
which you have to achieve.
You have the right to achieve it.
It is the living process of your evolution, the living process.
So, you cannot pay for it.
As a seed has to be sowed, in the mother earth it sprouts by itself spontaneously.
We don't pay to the mother earth.
It is spontaneous.
That spontaneity is Sahaja, is Sahaja.
And this has to happen, to most of us.
And we all have to know, that unless and until a complete transformation takes within, just by talking about peace and love, we cannot establish this.
Now, as...(not clear), I have worked (walked)for one hour I think, all about Sahaja yoga,
because we lost our way, and we are late, I'm sorry for that.
I must have given thousands of lectures about Sahaja Yoga.
But any amount of lecture doesn't just work out.
It's an actualization of your baptism, it's actualization.
So, this has to work out.
We should not be lost, in the realm of words.
By arguments, it won't work out. It is something that has to work out within.
So, I would say that you can ask me some questions, sensible questions and then, we can have the session to have your self-realization.
(Question & answer)
(Question in Portuguese) Lady do TM Meditation?
(Translation unclear)
Shri Mataji answered:
Kundalini rises like a jet.
But sometimes you have problems in your centers,
so we have to attend to it.
but in any case, in this session today, your Kundalini will breakthrough, no doubt.
Most of you, I should say.
But later on, you have to fix your connection.
and you... (not clear)
and you have so many Sahaja yogis here who can help.
(more questions)
Yes, so Kundalini can only be awakened by somebody Who has Divine authority.
And so far, we have had so many people who had been to Kundalini awakening, and they never felt any bad experience.
and one has to know that, awakening your Kundalini is the easiest way.
But you have to know the job.
Now, in a place like Bombay, I get about 12,000 to 15,000 people.
and they get realization, all of them.
Also, Sahaja yoga is like this, that first, a little light is tingling in your attention.
Now, suppose you are holding on to some snake, and I tell you there is a snake.
But in darkness, you (not clear) and you'll not accept.
But, if there is light, even slight light, you'll throw it.
So, the first thing is that you should get light, and in that light, you'll see.
If the light is less, we can increase the light.
I tell you, there have never been more seekers in the world before.
As here, so many of you are great seekers of truth.
And it is very remarkable.
Have faith in yourself.
(Question: He wants to know if there's something to do between Sahaja Yoga and Tantra yoga.)
Of course, Sahaja Yoga is tantric (??)
Because I tell you, I'll explain it to you.
They try to spoil your system by mesmerism.
And, then they charge you,
and you are supposed to give all your money, everything to them.
They are very immoral., and (?)
I would not like to tell you once they do it.
But you can say, they are your people who are in black magic.
So it's the misnomer, you call it, the tantra.
A misnomer is the wrong name, you call it tantra is the wrong name because this is the instrument.
(Question: What is the responsibility of a spiritual leader?)
(Answered by Shri Mata Ji)
To love, all the disciples.
And forgive them.
And guide them to get benevolence and to rise,
and complete responsibility,
to look after the health and all the problems of the disciples.
(Question: The disciples, do they have any responsibilities in their ascent?)
The disciples themselves become the gurus.
They become empowered.
(Portuguese question:)
(She said that in this society, there are many disturbances, many things that they have to do and how can they ascend to get the purity themselves with all these bad things around)
You see because (not clear)
There's nothing to give up.
It is something within that happens.
1989-06-29 Public Program, Salvador, Brazil, Part 2 , 64
A man speaking: And about the bad things that surround, like the bad photographs, the bad deeds (not clear)
Shri Mataji: They all run away.
Shri Mataji:
They are afraid of light; they are afraid of enlightenment.
They are afraid of God.
Man: After Self-realization, what do they have to do to keep it.
Shri Mataji: First of all, you get your self-realization, and we are going to have a course, (not clear)
We are going to have a course about 4 times,
They are going to tell you all about it.
How to feel the vibrations, how to clear the problems, how to correct them.
(Question asked)
Man: Who’s Sahaja Yoga?
Shri Mataji: I tell you one thing; I did not come to Brazil before.
Because there was no one here. Now we have (not clear) That’s why I had to come.
Otherwise, Brazil is a very beautiful place.
Man: What does realization can bring. She wants to know what self-realization can bring to everybody.
Shri Mataji: So, those have many, and that many can give it to others.
(Question asked)
Man: What is the.... somebody that had been realized, is it compulsion to give realization to the people or not. Does he have to give realization, somebody who was realized?
Shri Mataji: It is most joyous to give realization to others.
Like one light; one candle, which is enlightened
(Grammarly suggests: one enlightened candle) gives light to another.
It’s as simple as that.
Shri Mataji: That is how it has spread. It is going to spread that way.
Man: What’s the price, if he seeks realization today if he passed realization?
Shri Mataji: (not clear). How much did you pay to become a human being?
The audience answered: None
Shri Mataji: That’s it. Alright? You don’t have to pay anything for this. There’s no price.
Man: What’s the price to give realization, but you don’t pass to another.
Shri Mataji: Nothing will happen, but you will enjoy it (not clear).
Shri Mataji: You feel like doing it. There’s no compulsion.
Now, I think we should give a realization.
You want to have your realization or question. (showing Her watch).
Question asked and translated:
(Shri Mataji moving head means no)
Now, I should say, you become your "own" guru. Alright. (not clear)
You don’t need anymore.
Hello, listen. Have you got your realization?
By reading, you cannot get your realization, you cannot.
It’s the Kundalini has to rise.
Now you are a seeker. You get your realization.
You have to get your realization.
Then we know, (not clear) just now you take your realization.
Also, by asking questions, you’re not going to get it.
It has to work out.
(Question asked and translated.)
Man: Asking (not clear)
Shri Mataji: (not clear) These are some money ways proposition.
Just money-making. It’s no sense.
Next time, I will have to learn Spanish to talk to you.
(lady asking)
Man: She said we can use a microphone so that everybody hears the question.
Shri Mataji: I think, we should finish questioning with too many questions. It’s not going to help us. We experiment.
If you do have questions, you can write there and send them over, (not clear)
Questions are not going to give you the answer, which is the Kundalini awakening.
(Man translating)
Shri Mataji: We should have a realization now.
It will take about 10 minutes at the most.
Now there are some chairs, you can sit down. There are some chairs.
And those who don’t want self-realization can go, as it cannot be forced. It has to be awakened.
It takes about 10 to 15 minutes.
If you don’t want to get self-realization, better you should leave and give room to others.
We have to take out our shoes, it’s important.
It helps us because of the mother earth.
Now both the feet have to give space, apart from each other, as left and right.
Now, as is, the left side and the right side. We’ll be using your left hand like this from your lap...
And the right hand, we will be used for helping our chakras, our centres.
So, we put the left hand like this and use the right hand for giving help to our centres which are on the left-hand side.
And the left hand is the hand, which represents your desire to get self-realization.
17: 20
Now so, I’ll have to show you what centre we have to touch.
And then you can close your eyes and I’ll tell you.
So, first of all, you put your left hand towards me, and the right hand on your heart.
And in the heart resides the spirit. The reflection of God Almighty.
And, Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost.
It’s the power, side power of God Almighty.
So now, Yoga is that; when the Kundalini rises, She pierces the fontanelle bone area and connects you to the All-Pervading Power of the Holy Ghost.
And the seat of the spirit is also here, where we have a soft bone in our childhood.
So now, you need to take your right hand on your heart first.
Then, you have to take it to the upper part of your abdomen, which is the centre of your mastery.
Then, you have to take your right hand, on the left-hand side of your abdomen on the lower portion and you have to press it hard.
Now, this is the centre of pure knowledge.
And pure knowledge has to manifest in your central nervous system.
It is no imagination.
It works at your fingertips.
20: 50
Now again, raise your right hand to the upper part of your abdomen.
Now raise it higher to the heart.
Now, you have to raise it to the corner of your shoulder and your neck and turn your head to your right.
Now, this is the centre to (?) when you feel guilty.
Now, you have to take your hand and put it on your forehead. And put down your head and press it on both sides.
This is the centre of forgiving.
Now, you have to take the right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head (not clear).
This is the centre; we have to ask for forgiveness, without feeling guilty.
Now, you have to stretch your hand, and the centre of your palm has to be put on top of your fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood.
Now, bend your head and push back your fingers, and move your scalp slowly clockwise seven times.
Now, this is all we have to do.
But we have to finish the art (?)
There, I’ve seen some who are not doing, so they should leave the hall (not clear).
You do not know how glorious and wonderful you are.
So, you have to be very pleasantly placed towards yourself.
The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone.
Now some of you might say that to forgive everyone is difficult.
But whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything.
It is a myth. But you’re playing to the wrong hands when you do not forgive.
So please forgive everyone.
Now. Let us be in meditation (not clear)
So now, you put your left hand towards me.
And your right hand on your heart.
And now close your eyes.
You don’t have to open your eyes till I tell you.
Keep your eyes shut, because your attention has to go inside.
Now please close your eyes and your right hand on your heart.
27: 22
You have to ask me a very fundamental question, three (3) times.
You ask the question; you can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji.
‘Mother, Am I the spirit? ’ You ask the question.
Now, ask this question three (3) times inside your heart.
‘Mother, Am I the Spirit?’ Ask this question three (3) times.
Now, if you are the spirit, then you become also your master, your guide, your guru.
So, take down your right hand on the (lower), the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side.
And ask me a question, ‘Mother, Am I, my own master?’
Now, you have to know that I cannot force pure knowledge on you.
You have to accept me in your freedom.
Now take down your hand in a lower portion of your abdomen and here, you have to ask, for your knowledge. So please say, ‘Mother, please give me Your knowledge’.
Now, you have to say six (6) times because this centre has got six (6) petals.
When you say this, Kundalini starts rising.
So we have to help by our confidence in raising the Kundalini.
So, we raise our right hand to the upper part of the abdomen, and here we say, with full confidence ten (10) times, ‘Mother, I am my own master’ .
Now, we have to know that, we are not this body, we are not this intellect, we are not emotions, we are not ego or conditionings, but we are pure spirit.
So now raise your hand to your heart again,
and with full confidence say,
‘Mother, I am the spirit’ . Please say twelve (12) times.
Also, we have to know that the Divine is the ocean of love and compassion.
Divine is the ocean of peace and joy and above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness.
So, whatever we do is dissolved in that ocean, so we should not judge ourselves (not clear).
So now, please take your right hand on your forehead and put down your head and press it on
both sides.
Now here, you have to say, not how many times but from your heart,
‘Mother, I forgive everyone.' Say it.
Don’t count the people whom you have to forgive.
Otherwise, Kundalini won’t rise beyond this centre.
Now, take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head.
Again, here you have to say from your heart, not so many times.
‘Oh Divine, please forgive me if I’ve done any mistake’
But don’t feel guilty. You have to say for your satisfaction.
Now stretch your hand, and put the centrecentresr palm on the fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. And put down your head.
Now, press it hard, push back your finger. This is very important.
And move it seven (7) times.
Clockwise and I have to request that I cannot force self-realization on you.
You say seven (7) times, ‘Mother, please give me self-realization’.
Push back your fingers.
Please bend your head, please bend so you feel better.
Press it hard. Press it hard.
(Shri Mataji blowing on microphone)
Now take down your hand.
Takedown your hand and open your eyes.
And put both hands towards me.
Now put the right hand towards me. Put down your head and see with your left hand. Bend your neck and see, there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head.
Bend your head. Bend. Above not on. Above.
Now, put the left hand towards me.
Again, bend your head, and see for yourself.
Some cool breeze coming out. Sometimes it comes very far.
Please put your right hand towards me, and left hand.
There’s a cool breeze coming out.
Now, raise both hands. Push back your head.
And ask me a question, three (3) times.
‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’
‘Mother, is this the All-pervading power of God’s love?’
‘Mother, is this the Brahma chaitanya?’
Ask any one of these three (3) times.
Now take down your hands.
Watch Me without thinking. (not clear)
All those who felt the cool breeze out of their head or in their hands;
cool or hot. Sometimes the hot comes in; please raise both your hands.
Both the hands. Both the hands.
So many of you.
So many of you have got it. (not clear)
It’s all-pervading power.
Now you have to just learn how to fix it, how to use this power.
May God bless you all.
Now don’t argue (not clear).
If they want to meet me, (not clear).