
維也納公開講座(部分節錄) 1984-09-05

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奧地利維也納 1984年9月5日


Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth.

It is so enamouring to see so many seekers in Vienna who have come to receive their Realization.

Sahaja Yoga is not a new thing. In the tradition of spirituality it is mentioned about 14.000 years back by Markandeya. That ultimately it is the force within you of the Holy Ghost, which is called as Kundalini residing in the triangular bone has to give the Realization. But for that happening human being had to be prepared. People had to be balanced. And that is how many prophets came on this earth after that in the same tradition to prepare people to have that balance. Right from Abraham, Moses we see them, follow them up, up to Raja Janaka who was the father-in-law of Rama. And later on we had so many others like Mohammed Sahib, Nanak Sahib on this earth to tell us about having a balance in live. They taught us moderation and not to go to extremes.

You can see within ourselves we have two sides - one is the left, another is the right side. But the human nature is that that whatever one may try they make extreme of everything - they can do it. Like when they talked about God they went to the extreme of thinking they where God themselves or they thought that now God can be organized by human beings. Because of this extreme nature they could never recognize the reality. Reality lies in the central path. Like those who are very futuristic people who are planning all the time, who are running in the future will always miss the point. And those who are on the left side, who are lethargic also miss the point because they stick to their past. Whatever they have achieved from the past they think that is the right thing, that is what that is - is the reality. Specially those who are very much conditioned by the past cannot see the reality at all. So logically we reach a point where we understand that if you become a futuristic person or if you deny that there is nothing like reality, I have to find out myself then you miss the point. And those who believe in their conditioning like, "Now I have got it, I have found it, I am that", are also away from reality. You have seen right from the beginning how Jews thought that they are the ones who are chosen by God. Because Moses brought them out of the mire of slavery. And then Moses Himself saw the way Jews were going, so He said, "All right, bring a very strong law," as you have seen in the chapter of [Jeremiah ?], where He says that you have to kill a person who does wrong. These laws of Shariat were taken over by the Muslims and Jews do not regard it as something of their own use.

Then it advanced further when Christ came onto this earth. He also said in very simple straight forward words that, "You are to be born again." Then Nicodemus asked Him that, "Why to enter into the womb of my mother?" Christ said, "No, whatever is born of the flesh is the flesh. You are to be born of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is going to give your birth, your second birth." So that whatever is born of the Spirit is the Spirit.

But there also Christ completely failed to communicate I think, because nobody paid attention to this fact that you have to become the Spirit. Now how do we become Spirit? Whatever we become in our evolution is felt on our central nervous system, on our conscious mind. As human beings we know what is the color, we know what is dirty, filthy, but animals do not know. So if you are genuine seekers, if you are truthful about it you must know that the experience of Spirit has to be on the central nervous system. So one thing we have to accept from these great people who came on this earth that we have something called the Spirit within us. And we have to become that Spirit. In an ordinary language we can understand that so far in our attention we do not have the Spirit. So this Spirit has to come into our attention.

I don't know about German language but English is a very elusive language in what Spirit is - what we called the Atma, Spirit in the heart, the reflection of God, then Spirit is also a dead body, also Spirit is what you drink as alcohol. (Laughter)

But in Sanskrit language it is called as the Atma, is the Self, is the being. Now when we, I say I, I say so, either I say through My ego or I say through My conditioning. So when we live to our mental projections which is a limited instrument, whatever we do is not absolute.

For example one "Mister I" doesn't think the way another "Mister I" thinks. But the Spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty within us in our heart is the collective being. That is the absolute. That is the light. When that light comes within our attention we start seeing how we are related to each other. And we find out our wholesomeness.

We find out we are part and parcel of one personality, which is called as collective consciousness. But you actually become, it is not that just that, "Now I am the part and parcel of the whole," but you really become on your central nervous system. When this Kundalini rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area you start feeling the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head.

Now what is this Holy Ghost is nobody knows as far as the priests are concerned. To My amazement I asked a high gentleman who was a priest of a very great repute that, "What is the Holy Ghost?" So he says, "I am agnostic." So I said, "What are you doing?" He said, "I am doing my job."

Now what could be this Holy Ghost? Let us see because if there is the God Almighty, the Father and the Son, how can you have a Son without the Mother? So there has to be a Mother and that Mother is the Primordial Mother which is reflected within us as the Shakti or you call it as Kundalini. So this is the Holy Ghost as described in the Bible.

To understand about Christ also one has to go to other scriptures. Same about Mohammed Sahib, same about Moses. But all this religions surprisingly have become like small points stagnating. So one has to understand that when we talk of the Holy Trinity it is the Father, the Mother and the Son. So this Mother, this Holy Ghost is represented within us as the Kundalini. She resides within us as a living force. And is called as a residual energy because the whole body is created, the mind is created, ego is created, but that has not yet manifested itself. It has not manifested because when it manifest then you get the effects of it. So the Kundalini is the power of pure desire, the desire of God, is the Primordial Mother. Now this pure desire within us has not yet manifested, if it had we would have been satisfied people. But we are not satisfied because we haven't found that which gives complete satisfaction. So this power of our pure desire resides in the Kundalini in a sleeping state till we come across someone who has the capacity to awaken this Kundalini.

Now it is very simple to understand if you understand how we sprout a seed, which is a living process. When you sow the seed into the Mother Earth, the Mother Earth has the capacity to sprout the seed. How much do you pay to the Mother Earth? How much to you exercise about it? It is all spontaneous, it's sahaj. So this spontaneity is the sign of life's force. Our evolution has come through that life force of spontaneity. But it is very difficult for many human beings to accept that it should happen spontaneously.

( ...child was suffering of epilepsy during the speech... )

What is it? What is the matter? What is it?

I mean, if you have somebody who is suffering from epilepsy it's better to take the child outside, because the force here is so much of spirituality that it reacts, so better take the child out - but the child will be cured, no doubts - but take the child out.

Now when the Kundalini rises She passes through these six centers within us by which She enlightens these centers. And as a result of that we get our physical wellbeing. Now for example if a boy who has epilepsy is a possessed personality. And you know when Christ also addressed people the epileptic started shouting. So on the left hand side when we have problems of our mental problems - schizophrenic or this epilepsy or all these things - they also get completely cured. But this is not so important, it is just when we are going to have a vision of our Spirit and when we are going to establish the purity of God within ourselves our whole temple gets cleaned up. So the temple gets automatically cleaned up and we feel that we are purified. The innocence gets awakened within us automatically. Now Christ has said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." But how many people there are you find who have no adulterous eyes? Now these are the people who are innocent. Those eyes are innocent have to be something special. And they are the ones about whom Christ has said that, "They are twice born." So the innocence within them is awakened.

Then after the entry into this chakra which you see there the Kundalini sucks in both your ego and superego as a balloon, you can see them there. By that you become thoughtlessly aware, you go beyond thought. A thought raises and falls of, and then is another thought that rises and falls of. But there is a space in between and you go and steady yourself in that space of thoughtless awareness. But when the Kundalini pierces through then you start feeling the All pervading power all around you. Like the Cool Breeze. You feel in the hand something going in from all around. And when you start growing up then you start giving to others. But you become again collectively conscious in the sense that you can feel your own centers now, you know which center is catching on the fingertips.

But now I feel here all of you have one common problem, it's the left Vishuddhi as we call it - this finger is catching. Now what does that mean? That means that you people feel guilty for nothing at all. You condemn yourself for nothing at all. And you think you must suffer for getting to God. Now logically you understand that why should you suffer to go to God? It was all right before Christ, but why after Christ has suffered for us? Are we going to suffer more than what He has suffered? So why should we suffer? In the name of this suffering, people go to the left side.

If a human being leads a moderate life he'll never get diseases, he'll never have any trouble. But under the imaginary idea that you have to suffer and that you are guilty you go on moving towards the left. And what is on the left? Is the collective sub-consciousness, is all that is dead. In Vienna or Austria I think there are more dead than living. (Laughter) The whole left side is catching. Since My arrival here I am trying to clear out the left side of Vienna. And on top of that you people feel guilty. (Shri Mataji laughing) You are moving in the wrong direction all together. Now see the seriousness of it.

The other day I saw a very good demonstration of the cancer research doctors who showed on the BBC that when a person is vulnerable to cancer he is attacked by some entities, some proteins which exist within ourselves since our creation. They gave the name to those things as proteins 58, protein 52, just giving names, but they do not explain it. So this area they are describing is nothing else but the collective subconscious. And this attack comes to you from that collective subconscious. That means if you try to go to the left you are in for trouble. So we create our own problems. Those who try to live with the left sided ideas of feeling unhappy all the time, frustrated, suffering - suffer. Now those who feel guilty on this side of the left Vishuddhi which I am feeling it too much you all are caught up, get the trouble called Angina or sort of a thing where the blood cannot flush up.

Now we have so much leisure in life that we sit down and try to create our own miseries. To understand real miseries you must get out of all these affluent places and go and see for yourself what misery is. But those who really face, really face miseries are happier people. In the developing countries I have not seen many people who feel guilty, very few. They never feel guilty, they have no time. (Laughter) That's why it is said that cancer is a rich man's disease.

So as a result of the Kundalini awakening you come in the center, your attention from the left side is pulled in the center.

Same thing like this boy today was attacked by the left side will come to the center and he'll be cured. Now the right side people are the people who are extremely aggressive type. Both are just the same, one aggresses other, another aggresses himself.

Those who are very much futuristic and of that kind get another type of trouble of a very active heart and a very active liver. They suffer from over activity and they go in a circle and they can't stop it. (Shri Mataji laughing) So to compensate it then they take to alcoholism or all kinds of things which are left sided. And the left sided take to violence and all kinds of nonsensical things - just to balance.

The whole world is today filled with violence. We all talk of peace but there is no peace within. We have created atombombs to kill each other; no animal has done such a thing. How can we get over the war situation unless and until there is peace within us. But when you get collectively conscious you know we are all part and parcel of one personality.

So if this finger is feeling sad or rather I would say is hurt another comes to help it without feeling any obligation about it, it's a relieve to yourself. Then the question comes, "Who is the other?" But only after Realization when you are connected to the mains then only you start feeling that compassion that flows. Otherwise whatever compassion you try to express gives you an ego. But after Realization you become a personality which is hollow and the All pervading grace flows to you and you enjoy witnessing it. In that state you are completely at peace with yourself and peace with others. When a person gets Realization for the first time you enjoy human beings as beautiful flowers. After Realization only you have some meaning to your life that you yourself realize, "Oh God, I did not know that I am such a glorious thing." Because once you become the light you give the light. And the whole priorities change in such a beautiful manner that you become absolutely confident, fearless and loving personality. Your mere presence can cure people. Your mere presence can do thousand and one thing which you are amazed how it works out. Many people ask Me a question that, "Why is it in India which is such a Yoga country people are not happy?" I would say relatively they are very happy people. But materially they are not so good. But Krishna had said that, "Yoga kshema vahamyam" - when you will get your Yoga you will get your wellbeing. But Indians after the 300 hundred years of slavery have become very westernized. Now they are trying to develop on your way the plastic affluence. Say in this all group how many Indians there are? None. So those who are in charge of affairs have no wisdom of their own, they take their wisdom from the West. I think they will also dig out everything from the Mother Earth, have big factories, then they'll have tinned food and then after right that they'll become Hippies and then they will come to Sahaja Yoga. (Laughter) It's a circle they have to go trough. But it can be short circuited and in the villages Sahaja Yoga is working out very well for your information by which people are improving in every way, even in material way.

So now when you receive your Realization the first thing that happens to you that in your attention you become collectively conscious. Mohammed Sahib has said, "At the time of resurrection your hands will speak." He has written more about resurrection than about doomsday, but Muslims do not think about it.

So you start feeling in your hand the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost, and by this Cool Breeze, which is the energy of the integrated Divinity you can, you are anyone, you can vibrate the water, and it can be sometimes ten times. With these vibrations you can cure a mad person. Not only that, but by giving Realization to others - anyone can give Realization to so many people that you receive the blessings of your own being. And this new dimension makes you feel that the whole world is one. All petty-mindedness, all short-sightedness, all useless nationalism, everything falls off. You become so powerful that all your habits fall off. You are like a lord, nobody can entice you. But the attention that you have works, it acts. If you pay attention to something it acts, it works. Like - there was somebody who said, "Mother, how can it act?" I said, "All right now what to you want to know?" He said, "I want to know about my father who hasn't telephoned to me from Scotland." I said, "All right, put your hands and just think of your father. And these are the centers of your father. And he started getting a burning in this area and I said, "That's it, that means he is down with very bad bronchitis." So he telephoned to his mother and he found out that his father was down with very bad bronchitis. (Laughter) Now I said, "You pay attention to it, just think of it." And after an hour he said, "Miraculously I am cured."

So the first meaning of yoga means the union with the Divine, which is fantastic itself. But the second one means the deftness how to handle this All pervading power. It pulsates into everything. But you have to learn how to handle it, which is called as pure knowledge - Shuddha Vidya in Sanskrit. And within a short time you become a master.

It is very surprising I came to Vienna, and in such a short time there are so many people in Vienna who have got Realization. And within this short time there are so many masters we have in Vienna. An interviewer asked Me, "Have you got all your children, Mother, who are scholars?" I said, "No, they are ordinary people." I said, "You become the knowledge after Realization, so you know everything." Because you know the essence of everything and that's how you can explain everything. As a result of that you really become dynamic. Your problems are solved automatically, and you are free, you have entered really into the Kingdom of God, where is no taxation, no laws, no regulations, and you are looked after like a king. But in the beginning every human being seems to be diffident, if not sceptical. Either this or that. They start thinking, "How can it be? How can that be? How can be I am such a bad person, I have done this," all guilty business starts coming up in the mind. But you must know that this creation has created you as the epitome of creation, and the creator Himself is worried. If you do not get your Realization then what about Him, what's going to happen to Him? He is more, much more anxious than you are because the time has come, this is the Blossomtime then thousands of you have to get your Realization. But you have to listen to Me with a scientific mind - that is an open mind and not a closed mind. It is like a hypothesis for you, all right, but if it is proved, why not? Why not have it, if you have all this powers, all this properties, all this glories within yourself? Why to hesitate? I don't want anything from you. You cannot give Me anything. Except that you get your Realization. That is your birthright. But very difficult to convince people. Only the false gurus can do it because they mesmerize everyone - so finished. But you have to rise in your own freedom. You have to evolve in your own glory. So such a method is useless. So whatever has to be achieved has to be through your freedom and through your wisdom.

So I think for today's introduction I have covered lots of subjects and I've tried to bring you to the center of the subject, that we have to have our Realization. So after this we'll have the program of meditation, but those who want to leave should leave. Just a minute, please. Just a minute. Those who want to leave should leave first because after this I will not like people to be disturbed, so please to be civil and fair to others, if you want to leave you can leave first.

Please, those who want to leave should leave first.

Aside: No, no, Gregoire, let them leave first, because most of them, those who asked questions last time left. So I want them first to leave and then ask questions. They should not waste the energy. No, no, no that's waste of energy.

All those who want to leave should leave. We'll only allow people to stay here who would stay for about 15 minutes more in patience, and not people who only ask questions and then leave. We don't want the time of others to be wasted for nothing at all.

There is some (space). Let these people also to be seated more. Be more comfortable. You have to be comfortable, please. If you can come this way and that way. You all can come, there is a room there. Better. Be comfortable.

They can come this way. Is there some of the Sahaja Yogis can give room to these people who are standing all the time. You please see that they are seated properly.

All right, now you can ask Me questions. (Shri Mataji laughing)

Last time those who asked the questions for hours together, and then they disturbed everybody and then they went away.

Now, please ask the questions now, if you have any. I'll be very happy to answer your questions now.

Left - see, this is what happened last time.

Aside: Who is that? Now, what is he saying? You tell Me in English.


鍚吕.瑪塔吉:基督教的傳統是富爭論性的話題,現在這話題已經來到關鍵時刻,讓我來告訴你有關基督教的傳統。最近有一本英國人寫的書,他挑戰基督的奇蹟,祂的無玷成胎(天主教信條謂聖母馬利亞蒙天恩而無原罪懷孕)及有關祂的事情。這個作家說,保羅並沒有提及這些事情。我告訴你真相,我必須告訴你真相。這個保羅,當我在聖經讀到他,我感到很驚訝,為什麽他會在聖經裡?他是折磨基督徒的猶太人。他看到史提芬受折磨,忽然他進入超意識,像患上癲癇症,他看到一些光,跟著他變成基督教的組織者,而他卻從未遇過基督。他是知識份子,他把基督教理性化,在聖經建立自己的位置。他怎會在聖經裡?他做的是寫信給所有人,告訴他們他在組織神,因為他想做異教徒,他與彼得一起鬥爭,但他們並沒有結盟,因為彼得不是知識份子。所以保羅建立自己的宗教。很奇妙,紀伯倫(Khalil Gibran)也曾說過我說的同一番話,他說..「這個奇怪的保羅是誰?」他像個有癲癇症的男孩談霎哈嘉瑜伽。還有,紀伯倫也曾說保羅不知道自己在說什麽,他對自己沒信心。紀伯倫在他的著作「耶穌 — 人之子」(Jesus — The son of man)中清楚的這樣說,請你們閱讀這本書,要讀完全部章節。保羅把有關彼得的一切完全刪掉。跟著他降世為奧古斯丁(Augustin),開展那些所謂的傳統。



我告訴你,不單耶穌基督是無玷成胎,祂所做的每一個奇蹟都是事實。他是真理,當你來到霎哈嘉瑜伽,是能確立真理。祂是偉大的真理,虛假的人想惡意中傷祂。挑戰基督是非常危險的事情,非常危險,因為你必定知道,祂擁有十一種毀滅力量,梵文稱為Ekadasha Rudra。祂是摩訶毗濕奴(Mahavishun)的偉大降世神祇,是純真的化身,祂擁有所有純真的力量,誰能挑戰祂?除非你已經得到自覺,否則你是不能明白基督。



我在社會的另一階層遇過很多大使、了不起的知識分子,他們全都說基督的門徒都是笨蛋,因為他們沒有上過大學 — 基督進過什麽大學?因此在感到基督是神性的化身的人和挑戰基督的知識分子之間,有很大的鴻溝。霎哈嘉瑜伽能證明基督是在額輪裡,那個交叉位置。因為當靈量停在那一點,在額輪處,你要唸誦主耶穌基督的名號,靈量才能尊貴的昇起。基督曾說..「這是窄門。」




Now let us have our Realization.

Now, we'll have tomorrow, all right? You can bring the question. I'll definitely answer your questions. All right? It's already 8:30. Because you see, it depends on how it works out.

Now this is only just to take help from Mother Earth, though there is something plastic in between. Contact is - there is plastic, but doesn't matter. (Shri Mataji laughing) If you are sitting on the Mother Earth it would have worked out much faster. (Shri Mataji laughing) But with shoes you are a little bit tied up, so you leave it lose, it's better.

Aside: Are you all right with German?

Do you follow his German, is it all right? (Shri Mataji laughing) All right.

There is no language for love. It is silent.

Please put your hands like this.

Now again I have to make a humble request that don't feel guilty. At this moment forget the past. Don't condemn yourself, please. Forgive yourself and forgive everyone.

Now at this time you have to just close your eyes and I'll tell you how you yourself will be giving energy to your different centers - yourself. And your Kundalini will rise spontaneously because with your energy you'll open out the spaces of chakras.

Now the left side represents your desire to get Realization, is a power of desire so you put the left hand constantly on your lap towards Me. Like this. On your lap, on your lap. Very relaxed way, but with the fingers opened out.

Still the guilt is too much, please. (Shri Mataji laughing)

Now, with the right hand we have to do the action, which is very simple. You have to first put your right hand on your heart. On the left hand side. Now, all the centers on the left hand side we are going to nourish.

Place your hand on the heart and press it a little bit, not much.

You can keep your eyes shut till I tell you to open, because if your eyes are open the Kundalini may not rise.

Now when you put your right hand on your heart, close your eyes and you have to ask Me a question. You can call Me Shri Mataji, or if it is difficult - Mother. "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question three times. Without feeling guilty.

Aside: [Hindi] Heart! [Hindi]

(Note: Shri Mataji asks for a candle to be placed at the table)

Now without feeling guilty again you put your right hand on the upper part of your stomach on the left side. This is the center of the Primordial Master. Left towards Me, left towards Me. Left hand towards Me, please. Left hand towards Me.

But other way round you have done. You are doing the other way round. Left hand towards Me. To her also. Yes, left hand towards Me, please, again.

Now logically you have to say when you said - when you asked a question about the Spirit you must know if you are the Spirit you are your own Master. So, logically you ask the second question at this center, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times please. Three times.

Somebody should see also if somebody is not doing properly, it's all right now.

Now you have to put this hand in the lower region of your abdomen where resides the center for your knowledge. The instrument to work out the Divine resides there, called as Swadishthana Chakra. So to know the knowledge of working out the Divine power you have to ask Me that you want that power because I cannot force it upon you.

Now when you put your hand there, six times, because there are six sub-plexuses to this center, you have to say, "Mother, may I have the true knowledge?" Six times please.

"The true knowledge, Mother, give me the true knowledge."

Aside: Hm, better.

Six times please.

Aside: Hm, good. [Hindi]

Now six times you ask for it.

Now raise your hand above on the upper part of your abdomen where you had put it on the center of Primordial Master. Now as you have asked for the true knowledge the first thing you have to say at this center with full confidence in yourself that, "Mother, I am my own master." Say it ten times please, in My presence.

Keep your eyes shut, please. Please say it ten times.

Aside: Heart. [Hindi] Hm, better! [Hindi] Hm, better! [Hindi]

Now raise this right hand to your heart, please.

Aside: Better.

At this point now you have to again assert twelve times because there are twelve sub-plexuses, "Mother, I am the Spirit." Please say it twelve times, on the heart. And the heart is very much catching - open your heart! With full confidence, not to be frightened of anything.

Aside: [Hindi]

You must have the earnest desire, that's very important, because it's the power of desire.

Now you have to put this right hand on the base of your neck on the left hand side, from the front. Now this is the center which gets caught up - it gets caught up when you feel guilty. That's how you also get spondylitis. Now at this center please say 16 times, "Mother, I'm not guilty." And if you want to suffer and you have been doing all this guilty business too much then say it 108 times to punish yourself. (Shri Mataji laughing) You have to be in a cheerful mood - you are entering into the Kingdom of God.

Aside: Ah, now it has worked out.

Now you have to put your right hand across your forehead please, and hold it. At this point you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone." Many people think it is difficult, but it is a myth. When you don't forgive what do you do? You just torture yourself. Just say that, and you'll be amazed how your head will become lighter. Say it from your heart.

Now put this hand at the back of your head. At the back of your head you have to just say, without feeling guilty, without feeling guilty, again I say, without feeling guilty that, "Oh God, if I have done anything wrong, please forgive me." But don't feel guilty. Because God is the Ocean of Love, He is the Ocean of Compassion. Above all He is the Ocean of Forgiveness.

Now will you please not feel guilty, I am telling you hundred times please don't feel guilty when you say that. By feeling guilty is not going to forgive you. Just say it out. To feel guilty is not your idea, I can assure you, because you are the Spirit. Spirit cannot be guilty. My only worry is that you don't feel guilty and your Kundalini doesn't stop at that point. (Shri Mataji laughing)

Now put the hand on top of your head on the fontanel bone area with your palm pressing against the scalp.

Aside: Now, better. It's coming.

At this point you have to again ask Me for your Self Realization, I cannot force on you. I have to respect your freedom.

Aside: [Hindi]

Now you have to say seven times, "Mother, please I want Realization, please give me my Realization."

(Shri Mataji blowing into the microphone)

Now change over your hand. Please put right hand on your lap and left hand on your head. Keep your eyes shut.

(Shri Mataji blowing into the microphone)

Aside: [Hindi]

Now just feel if you are getting the Cool Breeze on top of your head. Change your hands and see. About four, five inches high.

Aside: [Hindi]

Change your hands again.

Hm, better. Are you feeling? Good? Good! Just move it like this then you can see. Don't think, don't think - watch Me without thinking.

Ha! All right! You got it. You got it? Good!

Both the hands now. Now you put your hands up like this. And ask a question, "Mother is this the power of Holy Ghost? Is this the Breeze of the Holy Ghost? Is this the All pervading Power of God?"

Aside: Color of the hands changes.

All right? See now in your hands are you feeling the Cool Breeze?

Some are feeling on the left, some are feeling on the right also.

So, those who are feeling in the left should put their right hand towards Me and left hand like this

After some time you'll start feeling in the right hand also.

Now those who are feeling the Breeze in the right hand should put the left hand towards Me and right hand on the stomach. Those who are feeling on the right hand. Right hand on the stomach. Better. Feel it. Better now. And watch Me without thinking.

Aside: Hamsa is catching.

Tomorrow you must put some nasal drops and then come here because you all have got little sinus trouble.

Ha, all right? Good? Now put both the hands, see now. Just. All right? Did you feel? Good!

Now those who have felt over their heads and in their hands raise your hands, both the hands.

Great ! (Shri Mataji lauging)

Sahaja Yogis: Bolo Shri Durga Mata Shri Adi Shakti Shri Nirmala Devi Ki Jai!

Shri Mataji: Oh, I'm so thankful to you.

My greatest desire is that you have touched your Realization. Now you don't think about it. Keep quiet. Tomorrow relax and come to the program and you have it completely fixed. But it is like a very small primule being sprouted out like a germinating power, a little plant of your Spirituality. You have to be gentle with it and careful. Say, even a month if you just establish yourself you'll all become great trees. Don't discuss about it, enjoy the silence. Who haven't got it I know also, haven't got it, doesn't matter. Please come tomorrow and you all will have it.

Now you've got the absolute and like a computer you can ask any question, any absolute - like ask a question, "Was Christ born out of Immaculate Conception?" Ask a question in your heart.

Ask this question. You'll get much more Breeze.

All right? Now, you ask another question, "Did He - did Christ walk on the water?"

Ask a third question, "Was Christ the Son of God?"

You are in without thoughts.

Ask a question, "Is there God?"

Now the last question you should ask, "Am I the part and parcel of the Whole?"

Tremendous experience!

May God bless you all!

Vienna (Austria)

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