
俄国圣彼得堡霎哈嘉瑜伽医学会议 1995-09-19

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What about asking the questions?

[speaks aside]

I’m also a communist.

[Question: “Are you the Holy Spirit?”]

Write it down and give it Me please.

[.Are you Holy Spirit...?]

Now, I’ve already told you that I’m not going to say anything about it. I’ve already told. Now, if I say, why should you believe – blind faith? After Realization you’ll know everything. I don’t want to get crucified.


You see, let them discover, it’s the point. You can not force anything. Only thing you have to be honest people.


Thank you, thank you very much.


There was one question, “What is the purpose of human life?” The purpose of human life is to enter into the Kingdom of God. Is to enjoy the bounties of God Almighty. The purpose is to become the Spirit so that there is complete peace, harmony and pure joy. That is the role of God also. This another question.

Mr. Roerich [a famous Russian painter who lived in India] went to, definitely he went to this gentleman to get some kind of a Buddhism. He was, himself, a very good man, but I don’t know why he got allurement with this kind of a Buddhism. Is another kind of religion, which has not helped anyone. Buddha has talked about compassion, compassion and compassion. And the Japanese are the greatest Buddhists. So you can see what sense is it. Compassion – Japanese are only doing their business. Buddhism has not entered into their mind. Like any other religion, only after knowing yourself it will happen. We have horrible cults in Japan under the name of Buddha.

I went to Canada and there was one fellow who came in the orange dress and I asked him, “Why are you wearing this orange dress?” So he said that “This is the only dress left now to me. I was a very rich man. All other money, everything is gone to Mr. Dalai Lama.” He’s a great beggar and I was surprised that in the West people like if you beg money from them. In Boston they asked. “Many, how many Rolls Royces I had?” I said, “I have none. I only have one car that my husband has.” So they said, “You are not in the business?” I said, “No.” They said, “We don’t care for you. Get out.” That’s American style. So this Dalai Lama has accumulated so much money. He has come in our country. No one likes him, but he is sitting on our heads. He’s very fond of gold. He tells people, “You take sanyasa. You become ascetic. Give all your money to me”, like all other false gurus.

Buddha has failed, Christ has failed, Mohammed-sahib has failed because people never understood them. They were too great for human mind. So the first thing I did was to study human beings for about forty-seven years of My age and I saw how complicated they were and then I found out this method of en masse Realization. There were many Sufis who got Realization. There were many Saints in India who got Realization, but very, very few. Also, among Christians, there were some who got Realization – Kahlil Gibran. But they were all tortured.

So we have to say now, to understand them also, you have to have your self knowledge. They’re all making money in the name of these great founders of religion or they’re spreading poison. In Mecca there were thousands and thousands of Muslims and there was one fellow from Sudan. He was black, absolutely jet black, and he was spreading poison in the name of Mohammed-sahib. I had somebody close to Me who knew Arabic and I was shocked. And just after that, there was a stampede and thirty-two people, innocent people who had gone for Haj, died in the stampede. You can’t spread a poison in the name of divine people. It is sinful.

Also this gentleman, this painter and his wife, both suffered a lot from physical health.

[“How can achieve good attention?]

You don’t have to do anything because whatever you will do, you’ll do through your mental activity. Mental activity is linear. There’s no truth in it. It goes up to a point, recoils back on it. But the power of Spirit spreads on all sides. [speaks aside] Now they’re asking about attention. It’s very simple, when the Kundalini rises, the attention which is spread out here goes up like this, up. It is brought in the centre. And, at this Sahasrara, it breaks. When it breaks, you see, this whole attention is filled with enlightenment. You don’t have to do anything, but you have to go on raising your Kundalini like this yourself. That’s all. When you watch something, watch something without thinking. Can you watch Me without thinking? Now you can feel the all pervading power in your hands, you’ll see that. This is the namaz, but Muslims don’t know anything. You will feel the cool breeze. This is the all pervading power and on your fingertips you will know about your centers and about the centers of others. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their hands or out of their fontanelle bone area raise your hands. So, all of you have felt it. So simple because you are ready and because you’re Russians. May God bless you.

Now we have centers here and we have doctors and we have people here who know how to cure you. You can go to these centers [tell them] and get cured and you can also cure others. One thing I’ve seen, Russians in a huge crowd of sixteen, eighteen thousand people, they told Me they got cured in the program. Only possible in Russia, not even in India. I respect you very much. I don’t know of what metal you are made.

[“There is a central charity Christian Orthodox fund, Shri Mataji. They want to cooperate with Sahaja Yoga.]

Oh, I’m very happy. Now Central Charity Christian Orthodox Fund wants to cooperate with Sahaja Yoga. Thank you very much. Thank you. That’s what I said they are wise. They are very wise people in this country. They will not stand in the way where they see that people are helped. For no rhyme and reason they will object to Sahaja Yoga. Thank you very much. I would like to thank.


Some Sahaja Yogini has written to Me. ‘llI go home and read the whole thing and I’ll answer them.... answer them in the program, all right. It’s a very big question.

[“Shri Mataji, do you have a good opinion about Mikhail Gorbachev? What do you think about him now?]

It’s all again political business. I don’t want to say anything about Gorbachev. I think he fell into the trap of these Americans or something. I don’t know what to say. I have all respect for him. But somehow he never wanted to meet Me. I tried. It’s all right.

[“What is the attitude to the husband?”]

The question is there about the women, they want to know my attitude towards the husband.

[“Sorry, Shri Mataji, Moonies” – unclear]

What a question. My goodness. You please don’t ask Me about devils.

[“If each and every person could be a Sahaja Yogi?”]

The question is if each and every person could be a Sahaja Yogi. Yes, of course. But say he’s an idiot. He’s stupid. He has fixed ideas. What else – who’s arrogant. You see if your one foot is in the mouth of the crocodile and put one foot in the boat, what should we do?

[“Shri Mataji, please say how to tell about sects, about false gurus. How we Sahaja Yogis have to talk about sects?”]

Sahaja Yogis have to talk about how they should talk about the false gurus. You see those people who have been to false gurus are already suffering. They could be even quite mad. For example, I went to Chicago and there was one fellow of the Hare Rama Hare Krishna. He was the Chairman of Chicago Hare Rama Hare Krishna. It was very cold and he was wearing the dhoti you know this common in India, very thin. And he had shaved his hair and with a pony tail, a little bit like that coming out. I said, “Sir, I’m a Mother, why are you wearing this dhoti in this cold weather? It’s very cold you know, I’m shivering.” He said, “My guru has told me that if you wear a dhoti, you’ll get moksha, nirvana.” I said, “What? In My country eighty percent wear this thing, so they’d be there already.” He had shaved his hair.

I said, “Why did you shave your hair?” He said, “That my guru has told me that that’s the station to get into the heaven.” He was American, you see. I said, “There is Kabir, a great poet in India, said that by shaving your head if you can get your place in heavens, then what about the sheep that is shaved two times every year. Those sheep must be already there. Where will you have the place?” So he got very angry with Me. “You’re talking against my guru.” I said, “See, you need not be angry with Me. Do what you like, your guru has said, but tomorrow if you get sick with this dhoti don’t come to Me.” This “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” we say everyday in India. We don’t say good morning like the English. We say, “Hare Ram,” just like the Muslims say something, “Allah.” So we say the same way. It’s just a lip service. How can you go to heaven. He got angry but then he developed varicose veins. Next year he came to Me. So, to deal with them, you have to be careful. Firstly, they are slaves of their gurus. They have fixed ideas. Some of them just start shaking before Me. They fall in the ground. But most of them now are finished.

First thing they mesmerize. We have one in India who used to mesmerize and bring out Swiss watches to give to people. Lastly, there were very great people from India went to see him. There were four cameras. He could not mesmerize the camera. So the cameras clearly showed how he brought a necklace and passed it on. And also our rich people in India are so stupid – rich not the poor. They used to go to him to get diamonds, can you imagine. I mean all kinds of tricks he did. But he was exposed by newspapers now. They’re all getting exposed by God’s grace. All falsehood will get exposed. Firstly if you tell them that you don’t have to pay any money to the guru, all the gurus will jump in the sea.

[“Is it possible for people who are not realized to feel the vibrations in your presence?”]

You see those who are not realized can not feel any vibrations, even in My presence.

[Answering a written question:] Then she’s saying that how is it that the people do not accept or recognize that it is You and only You who is the Holy Ghost? They are asking Me again and again the same question. But I must tell you about Russians. First time, when I came to Leningrad nobody had heard about Me. Nobody had seen Me. There were only some advertisements in the newspaper with My face. I also look like Russians sometimes and, you know, they saw only My face in the newspaper and when I went for the program the whole place was filled already, two thousand people and two thousand were waiting outside. I was surprised. I went inside and people got their Realization and when I came out they were still sitting. They said, “Mother, what about us?” I said, “All right, you come tomorrow. We’ll sit outside in the open.” It was very sunny and there were two thousand from outside and two thousand from inside and two thousand more, six thousand people. I was amazed. They all got their Realization. I said, “How did you come to My program?” They were not realized souls. They said, “Mother, Your face, it’s absolutely evident. We know who You are.” I was surprised. That’s why I praise Russians very much. They are sensitive to truth. They are sensitive to spirituality. Maybe last lives they must have done lot of good things. I just don’t know, but I find Russians extremely sensitive.

Another are Romanians, compared to all other Western countries. I’ll tell you a joke. In Tagliatti there was a joke that a Tagliatti fellow asked an American, “How many Sahaj Yogis you have in America?” So he said, “Fifty-six.” He said, “You have Fifty-six thousand. We have only twenty-one thousand in Tagliatti.” We had to hold the meeting in jungles near Volga River, because there were so many. Very sweet, very sweet, very sweet, I don’t know how to express Myself for your love and understanding. Here I talked to scientists. There were two hundred fifty scientists sitting. They said, “Don’t tell us about science. Tell us about God’s science. We have had enough of science.” Just think of it, such beautiful people like the flowers about to become the fruits. No credit for Me. I go to all the countries, sixty-five countries. Among all of them, you are so special. I don’t know, when I leave you I feel somebody is wrenching My Heart. May God bless you.

[“If there are chakras above Sahasrara?”]

There are chakras above Sahasrara, but first of all establish yourself. Gradually everything will work out.

[“What is to be attitude to the members of the family who are not Sahaja Yogis?”]

My family members were not Sahaja Yogis to begin with. My husband used to say, “I know You are a Saint, but You can not transform others. You are moral, but You can’t make others moral.” Now he’s changed. He said, “I’ve seen all this happening. You’ve made them into angels. I have to be honest that You have done the job.” Even now, My daughters, My grandchildren, everyone in My family, husband’s family, My mother’s family, they believe in Sahaja Yoga. But I would say that I showed all compassion, love and patience. But I would say they are not great Sahaja Yogis like Russians, but they will be. Also it’s better to keep them out because Sahaja Yogis make such a fuss out of them which will spoil their chances. They should come to Sahaja Yoga like ordinary people, otherwise it will be like nepotism I don’t want that.

[“Mother, please tell us how to overcome the daily suffering of how making enough money to pay for the food.”]

Now she’s asking how to make sufficient money to have the food. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, many people have solved their financial problems completely. How? First their attention becomes so good, that they can do many things which they could never do before and the blessings of the Divine start pouring on them. You have to have faith in yourself that you are Sahaja Yogis and you’ll be amazed so many things will happen. Such coincidences that you’ll be amazed at yourself.

I give you two examples of a miracle. There was a girl, young girl, who got frustrated because she didn’t do well or something and she shot herself on the stomach on the left hand side and the bullet came out from here from the right arm. Also there was some blood, but she was quite conscious. So they took her to the hospital. Doctors were surprised. They x-rayed her, did everything and found that the bullet did not touch any nerve, any muscle, anything. Doctors said as if the bullet had a stroll around. Nobody could explain it. She came out of hospital second day.

Another miracle, recent, I mean recent one, there was a lady who’s son was in America and who got into a horrible disease which is in her family at a very young age. Normally, they get it in the old age. She was working in the UN. She wrote to Me three letters praying that, “Mother, please cure my son. He’s so young and he’ll die within a month’s time.” And the fourth letter came from her, that he’s all right, nothing is wrong with him. I didn’t do anything – this All Pervading Power.

Another is another Sahaja Yogini in Turkey was thinking that her husband is not well employed in Turkey as a pilot and just out of the blue he got a job in Germany and now in America, a very big job. I don’t do anything. I am the laziest person.

[“What can save Russia?”]

I’ve already told you, you have to be patriotic. This is another revolution. You have to sacrifice and you have to understand not to waste your money on these Western nonsensical things. And Divine help will come to you. So many Sahaja Yogis who dare touch you, you’re all protected by the Divine. What else?

[“Shri Mataji, one of the symbols with Denmark is the elephant. Will Sahaja Yoga be established in Denmark?”]

If they’re asking if Sahaja Yoga will go to Denmark because the symbol is the, what you call, the elephant. Sahaja Yoga in Denmark will move likes elephant only, I think.

[“Will there be other incarnations on the Earth?”]

They’re asking about incarnations, will there be incarnations and all of that. Why do you worry about all these things. I can’t tell you.

[“I want to know about these big problems .... China”

He wants to know about China? You shouldn’t mind if I say that we couldn’t start Sahaja Yoga there in that way because still they’re communists. But I’m sure the government of China will accept it very soon and then we can start Sahaja Yoga in a big way. Chinese are other very ancient people, very wise. Culturally, they are like Indians. They have morality in them. One thing I noticed, they were extremely hospitable, kind and gentle. You saw people there who were from Germany, from Africa, from America. They looked so gross. But Chinese, you know, they had arranged, through their students, the volunteers, very well trained girls and boys and so gentle. They were paid nothing. They are very patriotic people one has to learn from them. I wish Indians were like that. They are very dignified, very well mannered. Of course, if you insult them, they don’t like. I must admit that Indians did that, insult them. And art, what art they have. Their government doesn’t allow much to come inside China. They also don’t care much for the Western culture. They dress up just like Chinese, most of them.

Moreover, they’re very learned. They had two great philosophers, but the greatest was Lao Tze, who talked about Kundalini, Realization, everything. Confucius talked about humanity. So they believe in Confucius because it suits communism. In Hong Kong there are many Chinese and I asked them what will you do when the Hong Kong goes to the China, mainland China? They said, “We are Chinese and we’ll be with mainland China. What does it matter? We’re not going to run away.” And do you know how they became rich? So many Chinese have gone abroad. And after this episode of killing the young students they were angry, but when it was explained that how can you suddenly give freedom to these young boys, students. One can do it gradually.

Otherwise, like Russia, there will be problem of mafia. They are very wise. So the Chinese who are abroad understood and the Chinese abroad send fifty to sixty percent of their income to their government. They are not attached to money. That’s how they have become rich, very dedicated. Thousands and thousands of people are there, but the system that they have built, so beautiful that nobody will start playing. I was amazed that while working nobody drank anything, even a drop, so very alert. But when we were coming by that plane first class all the ladies and men were drinking vodka, vodka, bottles after bottles. I got a headache. Chinese are ashamed to do such a thing. Also they have told Me that the Chinese men marry Russian women and then give it up and call the Chinese women. I tell you, Chinese women are really very sweet. They don’t compete with men. They are very sweet and they win over men with their sweetness. I also know they are very sensitive to spirituality. Even their prime minister asked Me about spirituality when I went with my husband. And I’m sure one day you’ll find your brothers and sister very closely in China.

I hope I’ve been able to answer most of your questions. I thank the organizers of this conference from My Heart.

[“Many questions about how to give up drinking Shri Mataji?”]

When you get your Self-Realization, in the light of Spirit, you give up everything which is destructive. How? I’ll give an example. Supposing I’m very obstinate and I have a snake in my hand and there is darkness and you tell Me there is snake in your hand. I will say, “No, it’s a rope.” But when the light will come, immediately I will throw it away. In the same way, not only you give up drinking, that’s not the only thing you do, but you give up everything that is bad for you. Because you also become very strong and free. Nothing can attack you, no habits. All drop out.

St. Petersburg (Russia)

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