
保加利亞公開講座 1992-07-23

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耶穌說,你們要得到重生,但這不是要頒發給自己一張證書,便可得到重生。在梵文,得到重生的人叫 "Dijaha",與「鳥」是同一個字。鳥首先生而為蛋,然後重生為鳥,同樣,我們生而為人,然後成為得到自覺的靈。我們不可稱一隻蛋為鳥,鳥有它的能力。這種神性在我們裡面,這個力量在我們裡面,你們不用花錢去買,也不能花錢去買,這是個進化的過程,是個活生生的過程。為甚麼你們要認同於那些對你們沒有任何好處的事物?






我們要知道靈體的本質,永恆的靈是我們內在的普遍存有。喚醒靈體以後,你變成是普遍的存有。通過靈體之光你看見,所有宗教都是同一棵樹的不同枝條,是同一棵樹上的不同花朵。但人們摘下那些花朵,說這花是自己的。因為我們像聖雄甘地那樣,相信所有宗教,那些宗教的教條主義者,便不喜歡我們,要加以打擊。要小心他們,他們能收買傳媒。我們要小心,耶穌的門徒也受過這樣的苦。因為他們有真正的知識,他們被稱為「真知派」(Gnostics)。Gna 這個字來自梵文,意即純潔的知識。這個知識是內在於你們的,你們不需要甚麼高級學位,因這些都是內在的。就好像你們能看見我坐在這裡,你們能感知到這無所不在的力量。當靈體之光在你們注意力之中,這個能量便開始在你體內流通,你們便能感覺到這力量。你們不要問別人,你們自己便知道。你們可通過這些清涼的能量,知道甚麼是真是假、是對是錯。你們不用盲目相信任何事情,只要張開雙手,問:「有神沒有?」便可感到手掌上的涼風。你們可問:「耶穌基督是上帝的兒子嗎?」便可感到掌上的涼風。如果你們問希特勒或斯大林,便會感到熱力,甚至兒童也可做到。





There are three conditions, which are very simple. The first one is that you all have to have complete confidence in yourself that today you are going to get your Self Realization. Secondly you have to have full understanding that this All Pervading Power is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by the Ocean of Forgiveness. So please forgive yourself, forget your past and know that you are no more a sinner. Have full faith in yourself. In short, you have to be placed very pleasantly towards yourself. Thirdly you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. You may say that is difficult but logically if you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are very happy while you are the one who's suffering.

Moreover the center, which is formed by the optic chiasm, is like this, very, very constricted. This center can only open like this if you forgive everyone. Otherwise you will miss because Kundalini won't rise. So please forgive everyone without thinking about them because it's a headache to think of them. I hope you will forgive, you'll feel much lighter. These are the only three conditions. I would request people sitting on the chairs can remove their shoes and also those who are sitting on the ground please remove your chairs. Because this Mother Earth helps us a lot, She sucks in our problems. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right but those who are sitting on the chairs have to put their both the feet on both the sides because there are two powers, left and right. The left power is the power of ordinary human desire and the right is the power of action. But the Kundalini, which is your Mother, individual Mother, is the power of pure desire. So please have the pure desire in your heart that you should get your Realization. So now you have to put your left hand towards Me like this, which is very symbolic that you want your Self Realization and with the right hand you have to nourish your centers on the left hand side. This only you have to do today, not all the time. So before you close your eyes we'll tell you how you will nourish your centers.

So please put you left hand towards Me like that, comfortably and put your right hand on your heart. Everybody should do it. Those who don't want to do it should go away and not watch other people, it's not very civil. If you don't do it you will not get your Self Realization and why miss it? For what? When you are entitled. Please sit down, please be seated. Better sit down, be comfortable. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you are the Spirit then you are your guide, your own master. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center for your mastery. This is created by great prophets within you. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge, the divine knowledge. Take back your hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen, then on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This is the center you catch when you feel guilty. But with this you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs.

Then you have to take your right hand and put it across on your forehead like this and now please put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive others. Take back this right hand now to the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now the last center is important. Stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm just on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone. Now push back your fingers and put down your head. This you have to move round your scalp, pressurizing, scalp, seven times clock-wise. Push back your fingers, push back... Seven times. Please do it otherwise you won't get your Realization. You see, if you make fun, you'll be left behind. If you have come here to make fun you better go away. Stupid people cannot get Sahaja Yoga, anything. That's it. Now that's all we have to do. These two ladies should be asked to go because they are all the time troubling. They have no brains, I think.

Now, please put your left hand towards Me like this and have your self esteem that you are all going to get your Realization. Please put your right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. You may call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji. Please [UNCLEAR] put your both feet away from each other, those who are sitting on the chairs. You can take out your spectacles because you'll have to close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you.

Now, the first question is: "Mother am I the Spirit?" Please close your eyes now and ask a question: "Mother am I the Spirit?", three times. If you are the Spirit, you are your master. So now please take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question, three times "Mother...." Please keep your eyes shut. Here ask a question again three times: "Mother am I my own master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom and the pure knowledge, the divine knowledge cannot be forced on you. So now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals: "Mother please give me pure knowledge." Now raise your right hand again on to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini has started rising. So you have to now nourish your upper centers with your self-confidence. At this point you have to say ten times with full confidence: "Mother I am my own master". Now, raise ten times left side, ten times.

I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and ego but you are pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say with full confidence, twelve times: "Mother I am the pure Spirit". This All Pervading Power is the Ocean of Knowledge, Ocean of Compassion and Ocean of Joy but above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness and you cannot commit any mistake, which cannot be dissolved by the Power of this Ocean of Forgiveness. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here, with full confidence you have to say sixteen times: "Mother I'm not guilty at all". I've already told you that if you do not forgive your Agnya chakra won't open out and logically it makes no difference whether you forgive or don't forgive. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head, fully. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." You do not have to think of them at all, just say it from your heart: "Mother I forgive them fully".

Now take back your hand, back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, again from your heart, not how many times: "Oh, Divine Power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Please do not count your mistakes. Now just stretch your palm nicely, put your right hand on top of your head and push back your fingers. Please put down your head. Now please push back your fingers, very important. And now move your scalp seven times, but you have to know one thing that I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it, you have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times, saying: "Mother please give me Self Realization". Press it hard.

Now please take down your hands. Please put both your hands towards Me like this. Now don't think, you can do it. Please don't think. Now put the right hand like this towards Me, bend your heads and see with your left hand if you are feeling the cool breeze out of your fontanel bone area. It could be also hot, hot breeze if you have not forgiven, but you can feel it. Now please put your left hand towards Me and bend your head and see. [UNCLEAR] Some people get it far, some people get it nearer. Then again put your right hand towards Me and see with left hand if there's a cool breeze or a hot air. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head and now ask a question, anyone of these questions three times: "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? or "Mother is this the All Pervading Power of God's Love?" or "Mother is this the Paramachaitanya?" Please ask three times from your heart anyone of these questions. Now please bring it down, put your hands [UNCLEAR]. You'll fell very peaceful and pleased. Don't think about it. It's beyond mental, it is beyond mental.

All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze in their hands, fingers or out of their fontanel bone area please raise your both the hands. Again, loudly. Oh, the whole of Bulgaria! I bow to all of you. Your saintly life has started. Have respect for yourself and for your Self Realization. Please, remember that you have to come to the collective to grow. You don't have to pay for it. In your own right you have got your Realization. So please respect it and grow. Your problems will be solved like miracles. May God bless you! (That's all right. Everyone got it. They are all in silence.) Next year again I'll be here. We have to just know what we are now and you'll enjoy your own glory and your own beauty. Now to protect yourself only you put your left hand like this and move your right hand like this, every morning like this, three times. Just to protect, from negative forces. And now enjoy yourself.

Zala Festivalna, Sofia (Bulgaria)

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