
关于威廉‧布莱克的公开讲座 1985-11-28

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1985年11月28日 英国伦敦

对我们所有人来说真是莫大的荣幸,能向这位伟大的诗人、画家和先知--威廉‧布莱克(William Blake)致敬。我初来英国时,有人告诉我,英国是学术文化荟萃之地,有很多博物馆,可以看很多展览。一次心血来潮,我对那些霎哈嘉瑜伽练习者说,我想去Tate展览馆看威廉‧布莱克的画。他们都觉得很惊讶,因为我很少去看展览,特别少去图书馆及看书。去到那里,我看见这位伟大的诗人、这个了不起的人,以其如此的真诚关切,以其对上天如此深切的了解和感知,倾诉着心声,告知英国人民,上天的力量何等伟大。但让我惊讶的是,有些滑稽的人拿着放大镜在看画中人物的私处,我说“看看这些卑鄙无耻的人,他们看不到威廉‧布莱克想要描绘的崇高的、至高的东西。”他们还拍照,我对人们的反应感到惊诧。于是我意识到,布莱克在世时,与那些对上天一无所知的人在一起,一定受了许多苦。他曾经一定在荒野里痛哭过,也一定曾默默抽泣过。那时的人根本不可能接受他,那些低俗的心灵根本没可能接受崇高和伟大的东西。我心如刀绞。主啊!为什么他要降生在这样一个地方,叫他受尽折磨,叫他说一些人们根本不可能接受的言论。但事实并非如此,我知道他是谁,他要做什么,为什么他要在这里。我们对他所知不多,因为从书里你理解不了他是谁。

他是神祇巴尔伐亚(Bhairava)的降世,又称为天使长圣米迦勒(St. Michael)或乔治的降世。这位正是你们所说的英国的守护天使。他因此而降世,对他而言这就是他的角色,他要在世上毫无畏惧地公开宣示上天的知识。他必须要用象征性的语言,如果你是个已得到自觉的灵,便不难理解他。你将浏览他试图解释的一切,你能随着他时而笑,时而哭,跟随他观赏整出戏剧。


他所描述的基督形象,是他用开悟的眼睛所看到的。他所看到基督的形象完全被世人扭曲了,与基督的本性截然相反。我也有同感,我出生在一个信奉新教的基督教家庭,我对基督徒的行为感到震惊,不禁要问:这些是基督徒吗?他提出的观点非常清楚,你能很好理解。有些人的温和只是矫揉造作。 “我很抱歉”“我恐怕...”“我猜...”。看看这些。我们经常使用这种语言。布莱克说,基督不是那种绅士。我也常常说:我不是在作竞选,不是在讨好你们,我来是让你们取悦自己,享受自己,享受并彰显自己所有的财富。他也正是如此将基督的形象呈现在你们面前,基督不是那种绅士,基督不会四处造访,表面上对人极其温和友善,矫揉造作。但基督对那些地位低下的人很温和,祂在渔夫身上建立了神性,可以说他们绝对是普通的、没有受过教育,处在社会最底层的人。基督把他们拣选出来,让他们成为圣人。基督并没有去找那些部长、总理和州长,祂没有。你们看那些大人物,本该负责照管人们神性的信仰部分,却只是忙于拜见州长、国王和王后,向他们鞠躬礼拜。他们只是政治活跃份子。





这正是他作为一个诗人,一个杰出诗人出现的原因。他押韵的方式,他所拥有的幽默感,以及他展现的语言之美就象任何诗人应有的一样。在梵语里是这么说的,vakyam rasatmakam kavyam—充满rasats的诗歌;rasats代表精华,从文字中迸发出的精华。如果能做到这一点,那么它的魔力被称为诗歌,而这就是你们在布莱克这个伟大诗人身上发现的。诗歌只有在谈及上天时才伟大,当它谈论的是低俗事物,就会将你带向低俗的事物。几天前我听到一位澳大利亚诗人在浴室唱歌,我非常惊讶,太可怕了,你怎能将歌唱生活的卑贱之物称为诗歌,这样的歌曲会将你带向低俗事物和感官欢娱。但他很明确的说,如果你能理解他所说的,“这些书是为了什么?这是为了从中赚钱.”。那么你如何赚钱呢?通过利用人类的弱点,纵容他们的自我和贪婪。如果所有这些事你都会做,你可以非常巧妙的愚弄他们,他们会感到非常快乐,感觉良好。心想“哦,这是怎样一本好书。”





而如果你是一个真实的人,只是一个真实的人,就不要对此感到罪疚。不要觉得你犯了罪。印度有个小故事 ,一个传教士去到一个村庄,印度乡村的人非常质朴,你知道他们没有那么复杂。因此当他离开时,他们大肆赞美他“神父,非常感谢你告诉了我们什么是罪恶,我们是罪人。”他们不知道他们在犯罪。这也是布莱克给我们展现的一个点,即基督带来了摩西没有传达过的新信息。当然在犹太人不得不奋起的那个时候需要摩西,正是他们需要律法的时候,摩西带来了这些沙里亚律法。这是由摩西创制的,而穆斯林一直遵循着。现在我们处在二十世纪,我们坐在这里,必须要理解这个伟大的人威廉.布莱克的预言。你能想象到吗,他的生日在这个月,导师那纳克的生日在这个月,穆罕默德的生日在这个月,所有这些伟大的人都在这个月出生。我们也要在这个月庆祝光明节。这是一个如此了不起的月份,在这个月出生的这些人是伟大的人。










我们得到了什么?我们不爱自己的孩子 ,我们杀害我们的孩子,我们虐待他们。你们正坐在宇宙的中心,这是宇宙的心脏,你们要给这个世界什么?是灵。灵存在于你的心中,这就是为什么布莱克说英国必须成为耶路撒冷。因为英国是(宇宙的)心脏。意思是灵要来到宇宙的注意力之中,否则事情便不能成就。但它将从何处而来呢?这个灵,将在哪里得到唤醒呢?灵将在人类中得到唤醒,而那些在心脏处的人类在哪里呢?他们住在哪里 ?就算是移民来到这里的人,他们也迷失了,一点用处都没有。而那些土生土长的人都早已昏沉怠惰,以致心脏疲弱得无法泵出任何血液。





这就是布莱克为什么要提到 阿尔比恩(古时用以指不列颠或英格兰)的女儿,因为他知道女性在这个国家受压迫的方式五花八门。梵语里有说“Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devata ”,“哪里有女性受到尊崇,哪里就有神祗所驻留”。在她们被尊崇的地方,而她们必须值得被尊重,她们不是妓院的妓女,不是那些赤裸地走在路上,炫耀她们的裸体来刺激低俗人性的女人,而是那些值得被尊重的人,她们住在哪里,神祗就驻留于那里。

女性受到如此大的压迫,以致于任何地方的人都不愿意把神当做女性来谈论。因此,圣灵是种抽象的东西,是一只鸽子。好吧,祂是只鸽子,然后怎么样?祂做了什么,那只鸽子?为什么我们应该得到白鸽的祝福是如此重要?没有人解释,这是一个谜。 我们不得不带着谜而生活;一切都是谜,这里的银行制度是个谜,钱去哪里了也是一个谜。它和黑手党有关,那也是一个谜,然后共济会的人组织的瑞士银行也是一个谜。一切都是神秘的,被隐藏着,被搁置一边,“哦,这种事不好说的,只说是海外银行业务就行。”名字倒是起的挺好听。“什么海外银行业务”诸如此类的。我们持续着这种虚伪,我们持续着所有这些错误的观念,“哦,这没问题,那没问题,那个部分没问题。”这是不能原谅的。对于这些狡猾的人怎么宽恕?对于奸诈的人怎么宽恕?对于撒旦怎么宽恕?



















The Sahaja Yogis didn't want Me to allow you to ask Me questions, but I think better ask Me some questions. Q.....about the chakras....

Shri Mataji: Yes sir. That's what I said, that I didn't talk about them because it would be too long a lecture but we have got a book on this, a little book and there it is all written though I say that before realization don't even read that book, can create problems. You can know all about the subtle side, the chakras and everything without paying anything, without any effort. There are people now in England, you will be surprised, so many of them are excellent Sahaja yogis who are experts and they will tell you all about it very clearly. We have got books to explain. As you see there are seven chakras are shown here. The lowermost is the Mooladhara Chakra, is the innocence.

Q:...can you see it with your eyes, outside the body, can you see it? Shri Mataji: If you see something then you are not that. And people have seen it because they were not that, because they moved on the sides, on the sympathetic nervous system, what we call the Ida and Pingala. When you go on sympathetic nervous system you can see it from outside. Like this building you can see it from outside, but when you are in it you don't see it, you see only the inside. So that's what it is, when you ascend, you need not see anything, you become, you get the powers. People have seen it no doubt, but that one should not ask for. I can see the glass - better to drink the water. Now what else?

Q:....what do You do with all Your wealth, all your money? Shri Mataji: My money? Are you from the bank? What I do with My money - what do you want Me to do? What sort of a question is this? Ask a simple straightforward question madam I don't understand what do I do with My money, I don't do anything with it. Actually My husband manages his money, I ask him whatever I like. Of course he earns a lot no doubt, he earns very much. I sometimes tell him, "I'm ashamed the way they give you money," because he doesn't even pay any tax you know. Of course I do spend some money on Sahaja Yoga, I must confess I have to sometimes, what to do? One has to and these people have their own ashrams, where they stay, and look after it. For this hall they must have collected some money I don't know, I don't know what do they do with their money, I don't know, I have no idea, I've never seen that. They are honest people, they all know all about it. I don't know anything, I have nothing to do with it. This is the aggressiveness, "What do I do with My money" Just look at this. Yes sir?

Q....a man has mental illness, he wants to know whether he'll have it after he dies.... Shri Mataji: No, no, no, just now you can cure it. Why to think of death? You can be cured of your mental illness at least, minimum, that could be done.

Q....How can you tell that it's Self-realization? You feel a breeze but how does it become... Shri Mataji: You see, when you feel the cool breeze is the beginning of it, all right? Now you have to see what this cool breeze is, all right? Now if you go to a college of science or a college of medicine what you have to do is to see what it is, isn't it; and to see whatever it says does it prove. Now, when you see the cool breeze in your hand, what happens that it is, as I said, is the compassion of God say for example, you just believe in the hypothesis just now. Now what is this compassion doing, is made you a computer. On the fingertips you can tell what centers are catching, of yours and of others, so you become the diagnosis. Now if you know a little few gestures by which you can handle this power, you can cure them. That's the minimum, all right? You can know from this whether you have mental problem or you have emotional problem, or you have physical problem and of what nature. This is how is the self-knowledge starts, from the very basics.

What's your problem with you, first let us see the problem on the centers, all right? Then you move forward when you go with it, then you understand what's the problem with others; then what's the problem in the collective; then what's the problem of this country; and if you know how to solve them, sitting down here, you can do it, you can solve it. But this is the breeze which has to be felt first because this is the breeze which we call as the all-pervading power of God. Now, just because I say you should not believe Me, because blind faith is of no use, but you can experiment and see for yourself. Even little children know. They can tell you what is catching in you, what chakras are catching. You can have ten children, ‘fold' their eyes, put them before a gentleman, immediately they'll raise this finger or this finger. Supposing they raise this finger, means this person feels terribly guilty. He must be a Catholic that he feels so guilty. That the children won't say but you will know that this is the chakra is caught up here because he's feeling guilty.

Like that you can go on finding on your own being like a laboratory the whole thing becomes like a computer because it is knowledge, knowledge through your central nervous system, through your evolutionary process. But you have to practice and understand what it is. If I give you a car, how will you know it moves unless and until you get into it and know how to drive it, isn't it. You have to give some time, not much, but you enjoy, best part of it you enjoy doing the whole thing. It just flows automatically, you don't have to do anything about it.

But one has to learn, little bit, what it is. Before realization you don't have to do anything, it just forms spontaneously as the seed is sown in the Mother Earth, all right? Then when it comes out, then you have to look after it; the same way you have to look after your realization, respect it. Then you become the masters. We have one master standing here and we have so many. They are just like you to look at, but they know so much and they are so humble. They don't go about with a big plate on their heads "I am the master of this and master of that" nothing. They are doing all their jobs, they are doing very well, they are blessed and also they are helping people to get their realization. You'll be surprised in Sahaja Yoga very difficult to get an unemployed person. All of them are employed. If they are unemployed they get employment with God also. Basically they are employed by God. All right?

Q... is this the only way to get realization? Shri Mataji: Yes, of course; there cannot be another, God could not make thousand and one, could He? That would be too much of a headache , like as you sprout the seed, how do you do it? Spontaneously. Sahaja Yoga means spontaneous, living process is always spontaneous. Now supposing we want to sprout a seed and we take out the primule, push it out and push it inside the Mother Earth, will it sprout - no. You have to take advantage of the powers of the Mother Earth, to sprout a seed, isn't it?

Q. ...saying she has not come across Sahaja Yoga in the religions, that there are many religions. Shri Mataji: In the religions there's no ... religions are no religions, that's the trouble is. I have told you all this just now that there is nothing, they will never mention that is sensible, but it's not so. I would say Sikhism, we can say is the latest religion. I mean there are so many verses about, much later than Islam, Sikhism came on this earth and they have said that, complete description, I mean you don't understand Hindi otherwise I would have told you - Ida, Pingala, Sushumna - everything they have described - Kabira has described at such length that we have in India a great poet Gyaneshwara and He has described all about kundalini. If you go in Maharashtra and tell them that somebody is going to awaken the kundalini, they'll all rush, they know all about it.

How many years did Christ live? How many times He could talk to people? How many of them accepted Him and how many of them understood Him? He went to a wrong place, I tell you; all were deaf, dumb and brainless. How will they understand? How could He talk about Kundalini when everybody was after His life? But He did talk of Holy Ghost, He talked of the Comforter He was going to send. He talked of so many things in that short time. Do you know for four years I was struggling with seven hippies in London; for four years. I must say, it's very creditable for Him in three and a half years to talk so much. How many years Blake had to work hard to talk to you? Is it easy to talk to people about truth? Very difficult; everybody is extremely intelligent and wise, nobody want to listen to anything, do they? But in India we have a tradition; we know it; that you have to ascend. The whole thing works out that way. If they talk of kundalini, not in the North so much, but in Maharashtra, if you go, if you go in the South, you'll be amazed six thousand people, seven thousand people come in a village. They have seen it, these people have seen it, they come in bullock carts, they come in, any way that is possible for them, buses, and trains, and they walk miles together when they hear I'm there.

Once I was coming from a program in the night and suddenly I found lots of people lying on the road. I said, "Who are these people?" They said, "Mother we couldn't reach Your program, we were late, You give us realization here." I said: "All right, have it." They had it, they are the ones who'll get much faster than anyone else, I know, that's why I don't mind spending some time here. Once I go there, you will see the whole country would be ablaze, I'm not telling you lies, you ask the people who have been there. They are very different type of people, to them most important is their spirit. If you tell them what, the way we talk about Christ here, so disrespectfully, without understanding, they are shocked. Any Indian who is a Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu, doesn't treat the way you treat Bible. The respect they have has come to them traditionally. Of course you don't judge Indians by the Indians who have come here. They like your company, they are this type, they are materialistic, they want to have money, they have come here to earn money, but the people who are in India in the villages, not in the cities, are still seeking, seeking God, they're very simple people, humble people.

Traditionally we have known for thousands of years. I talk of Markandeya who was there twelve thousand years back, who incarnated here as William Blake. Twelve thousand years back He said the same thing which is said in England after twelve thousand years, because that time I don't know what was here, may be only jungles, I think. And that is also waste, isn't it, tell Me, isn't it? How much could Christ talk about kundalini? He talked of Holy Ghost. But why stick on to that, now I have come to talk to you. Better take your realization; when He came, they talked of Moses, when Moses came they talked of Abraham. What about the present, I am with you, why not have your realization? All religions were built for this day, that you get your realization, to give you the balance, to give you that property by which you ascend. Like when we have an aeroplane, we fix it up properly; in the same way they wanted to fix you up, but the religions went astray, they made people crooked, the things they fixed, wrong bolts into wrong places, the whole aeroplane is in a tattered condition if it flies, it will all fall down. Better give up all those ideas. But kundalini is such a great force, it's such a great force; it comforts you, it cures you, it builds up all your centers and slowly moves upward and when if you get realization, also it goes back, attends to all these problems that you have. It's such a mother she is. Any other question, please?

Q. Why are you to be known as Mataji, Mother? Shri Mataji: I didn't follow. Yogi: Nor did I. Why are You to be known as Mataji? Shri Mataji: As Shri Mataji? That's the title they gave Me, what can I do? In India. You have to be an Indian to understand that. There are certain things described, about Shri Mataji. If you have read any books, of Adi Shankaracharya, or of Markandeya Himself, then you will know and the qualities described there of such a person, if they find it in someone, they call that person by that name, isn't it? Like Gandhiji was called as Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma means a bigger spirit than others, because he had that. He didn't care for himself or his own family, everything for his own, but he thought of the whole country; that's why he was called Mahatma. Now, but I didn't call Myself; if others want to call I think is all right, I have no objection. You can call anything, whatever you see, you can call that. By calling that, what is your objection? Can I ask you this question? Beg pardon? [No objection] No objection. All right, that's all right. See, then it's all right, if you understand that it is must be some reason also. (Further question from same person)

Q. Do you have some divine power? Shri Mataji: That you better find out; I am not going to be tactless on that. Christ said what was the truth, that He was the Son of God, all right, but they crucified Him. I don't want to get crucified so soon.

[INAUDIBLE Q:] But the one who is an Indian, who is an Indian and Englishman. [Hindi]. You see it is for an ... Indians understand it better. [Hindi] I'm sorry I'm speaking in Hindi because I have to little bit chastise the Indians here, I hope you don't mind. [Hindi]

Now, what is another question please? Yes please?

Q. Yogi: Mother, she is asking if you can cure physical ailment, I mean the answer's yes, that comes from Self-realization, no question. Shri Mataji with your permission, the majority of people have come for the experience and are anxious to have, I may be mistaken, but I think most people would like to stop questions and ...

Shri Mataji: But sometimes you know those who want to ask, let them ask, otherwise the brain will again put out a question. Now madam, what is it..?

(SY. She's asking You, Mother, what life was like for You as a child)? Shri Mataji: As a child? I mean that's another story; you come and see Me, I'll tell you all about it. Why do you want to know about My past and future? Let us at the present time to get your realization; makes no difference what I was as a child, or what I was as an old woman.

Yogi: ... She's asking whether you have an opinion about the growth of interest in spirituality in England... Shri Mataji: What spirituality? Yogi asks questioner: spiritualism or spirituality? Questioner answers: spiritualism. Shri Mataji: That's the witchcraft, revived; very, very dangerous. Ah, is very dangerous, never go near that, all this parapsychology and all those things. We have described all these things in our book; you can have a look at it. Is a very comprehensive thing, Sahaja Yoga is. Is the witchcraft, you may call it spirituality, because a spirit can be also a dead soul as I told you, in English language. There is no ‘ism' about God. It's infinite. ‘Isms' are all finite things.

Q. SY: she's praising Your lecture, Mother, and saying now that....she'll go back to read Blake again. Shri Mataji: I'm very happy, I'm very happy that you say that, madam, it's really such a great poet, but you'll be surprised in India, none of them brought Blake. We never read Blake there, never; you see we studied English language, we studied Shakespeare, we studied so many things, but never they mentioned Blake, you know. I don't know why. In the whole education system of India, they never mentioned Blake.

[another inaudible question ...]

Shri Mataji: That's very nice, such books you must read. Such books you must read. [Here someone disclaims in Sanskrit] You see there's a Sanskrit scholar here, but the greatest Guru is the Mother, don't you think so? The Mother is the Guru of the gurus. But it's very difficult, because guru is a hard stuff, you see. A mother has to be very soft, kind, gentle to manage the show, but the guru can be very hard and they are very hard people, but Mother as a guru is a difficult task, it's very enjoyable.

Now I have given at least eleven lectures on Guru tattwa, all right? So you can take tapes from them, you can read it and you will enjoy it very well. Here the Guru tattwa is expressed in the Void, there, where the ten Gurus actually incarnated basically and they reincarnated. Say we can start from Adi Nath, then we can come to other ones like Nanaka, Janaka. Janaka was much earlier, then we can say Abraham, Moses. All these were Guru tattwa, Socrates, all these were Guru tattwa people, the people who came as Prophets; the ones who came on this earth to teach us balance, to teach us the code of life. That was also important part, but that was forgot. Why? Why the code, why the religion? Religion is for the ascent, to build you up.

Q. ?Tattwa Shri Mataji: Tattwam assi, that's what is the tattwa there; tattwa is there; tattwa is nothing but your kundalini is your tattwa, is the principle....

Q: [INAUDIBLE] Parvati, Shiva; She's also called as Kundalini. Shri Mataji: Of course. Yes, yes, it is all over, same thing. I'm just giving you the gist of it.

SY: She's asking, Mother, who was Mother Durga, she's asking about who was Mother Durga? Shri Mataji: A very direct question; I told you, I'm very tactful, I'm not going to confess anything. You better find out, it's better to find out. It's nice, isn't it? To find out yourself.

Yogi: ...I'll explain, Mother, the program is that tonight will be the experience of realization and we have another program on Saturday evening, here in the same place, which will be for this knowledge part; after realization, the knowledge makes more sense, so it's better to get the experience... Shri Mataji: But our experience is very funny, I must tell you that for My program, even if there may be one thousand people, for getting realization, after that they just get lost, never grow. That's only more in England, they just don't ... they'll get lost, I think they must be going to the pub after that. I can't explain why it happens but they just get lost, they don't want to know anything anymore. I don't know why, I cannot explain, I mean, is something I cannot explain. All right, let's have it now.

So now, if we are all settled down, it's very simple, Sahaj also means simple, Sahaj; saha means ‘with' ja means ‘born'; is born with you, this right to get this union, this yoga, is born with you, is within you and is the living process of the living God so it is spontaneous. Everything that is living is spontaneous and should happen to all of you, no doubt about it. You don't have to do anything as I said but you have to receive the power within yourself, to invite the kundalini to rise. Now first thing I have to request, I hope it is not too much of it, that we have to take out our shoes to touch the Mother Earth. Is very important because the Mother Earth is the one which sucks in, for a while. I don't know, is there a carpet there? Be in a mood of reception, and also of well-being, in a happy mood, because this is the greatest moment of our lives.

Now as I said that these fingers, here five, six and seven, on the same way this way, represent the two sides of the chakras within us, the sympathetic sides, so we have to put our hands like this, just like this, simple as that. And sit, not crossed legged but putting both the feet with respect, towards the Mother Earth, in parallel to each other. Now maybe some of you must have started feeling the cool breeze, I don't know, might have, because today's lecture was rather too terrific and William Blake must have worked it out I'm sure. But otherwise is very simple. Now we have to do is to ourselves awaken our own kundalini, which is very simple, which I will tell you. In the heart resides the spirit so first we'll have to put our hand to our heart. I will tell you one by one. And then in the upper part of your stomach where the guru tattwa is here, the principle of guru is there. Then in the lower part of the abdomen, where it is the divine, or we can say the pure knowledge that exists and which works. This is the center through which the pure knowledge, the pure technique, works. Then we take this hand again back, same way, up to this point where, it is here, when we are guilty we catch this chakra. Now here works our self-confidence, our faith in God that He forgives us. Then we put our hand on top of our head - this is the Agnya Chakra, which is very important. Here we forgive everyone; then at the back of the Agnya Chakra again, where we have to say that, "If we done any mistake, oh God forgive us". These are the two sides of the Agnya Chakra. And then you put your hand, stretch it, put this part on the fontanel bone area, the soft bone which was on top of our head and press it hard and move it hard, for a while. That's all one has to do. I'll tell you one by one.

First and foremost thing is, we have to close our eyes, because eyes take out our attention; but attention will be sucked inside our body in the sense it will go through the - just like this cloth - it is spread out, but as kundalini rises, She sucks it in and then pierces through this attention, enlight[en]ing all of that. It's a happening that takes place without any trouble whatsoever. As a result of that, what you get is the cool breeze coming out of your head; you can also feel the cool breeze in your fingertips; then later on in your hands and you get that shine on your skin. Christ has said, "The face that does not shine cannot become the star." And then you get that glint of shine of the spirit in your eyes. That's all, is not the point, is much, much, much, much more but just a wee bit that we have to today testify and later on to find out have we got realization all right, then can we work it out, can we do this, because later on we have to play our role now as a spiritual being, that's the point one has to understand.

So now, have respect for yourself first of all; and not to feel guilty at all. You are the temple of God, really believe Me you are made that way, only the light is to be kindled and that is in your heart. When the kundalini rises, she's something like an energy that does that because when she pierces through, this is the place where the God Almighty resides, who is reflected in our heart as the spirit and the all-pervading power, which is the Primordial Mother, the Holy Ghost, this vibrations that you feel, the power of God, the love of God which is represented within us as the kundalini, rises and unites us, our attention to the Divine. The spirit enlightens the attention and by that enlightenment you know, on your fingertips, on your central nervous system, through your new collective consciousness about yourself and about others. Through Sahaja Yoga you know how to cure, improve, and through this happening, through the spirit you enjoy because spirit - the nature of spirit is satchidanand, means it is the truth, it becomes the attention and it is the source of joy. Without getting realization you can be happy and unhappy but you cannot be joy, which has no dualism. You become the source of joy. Such a person, when he meets someone; he sees someone, he looks at someone, just a kataksh is sufficient to raise the kundalini - just a glance is sufficient to cure that person; just a thought, can give comfort to the other person. Miracles after miracles, so many miracles that as Sahaja yogis say, "miracle' has lost its meaning Mother, in Sahaja Yoga," that's true. So miracles of miracles and every moment you feel that God is looking after you.

When this great volcano burst, exploded in Mexico, a miracle happened they say, that the children were saved. The wrath - no this was not in Mexico but later on more in Colombia, because Colombia is sending all kinds of these horrible things all over the world, making money out of it. The wrath of the Mother Earth poured that mud and the people were drowned but the children survived. Their heads were above the mud, the body inside the mud. The same Mother Earth looked after them because they should not be burned so She covered them with the mud, why? Because of the innocence in them. Those who have even the slightest innocence in them will become realized souls, no doubt about it - slightest, a very wee bit. All the seekers are a special category of people and they have to become realized souls.

So forget about the past, forget whatever you have done in your seeking, whatever you are told, whatever you are branded with, just forget it and forgive yourself, once for all. This is I am telling you this because this is one of the biggest problems of the West that everybody sits down with a bad, horrible trouble here and sometimes I feel it so much that I can't even hear people. Is terrible. This portion is so bad here so I have to request you that please forgive yourself. You are the glory of God, without you God has no meaning also. It is He who is anxious, much more then you are, to give you realization. Just help Him out a little.

All right. Let us see. So we put our both the hands like this, close our eyes. Now you have to keep the left hand all the time towards Me, because is the desire, is expressed through it is the power of desire in the left hand which expresses that you want to have realization. The right hand is the power of action so you move your right hand but don't open your eyes. You have to keep your eyes all the time shut, just the opposite of mesmerism as you can see. Now please close your eyes; now put your right hand on your heart.

Now here you have to say, or ask Me a question, "Mother am I the spirit?" You may call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whatever suits you. "Mother am I the spirit?" is a fundamental question and if you are a computer it will answer. "Mother am I the spirit?" Ask the question three times please. Put your left hand properly, please close your eyes; everybody should do it, please. It's uncivil not to close your eyes; please close your eyes because others may feel self-conscious so please close your eyes, to be courteous.

Now you have to take down your right hand on the upper part of your stomach, on the left hand side, we are working only on the left hand side. Here is the principle of the master. If you are the spirit, automatically you have to ask the second question, "Mother am I my own master? Mother am I my own guru?" Please ask this question, you have to ask this question three times again, without fear, with all confidence you ask this question, you are the spirit, you are your master.

Now move your right hand on the lower part of your abdomen on the left hand side, lower part of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of the divine work, of the divine knowledge or the pure knowledge, of the technique of divine manifestation. At this point I cannot force you to do anything, as I told you, you have to be free, I can only request you and here I say that you have to ask for the divine knowledge, you have to ask for the pure knowledge and when you ask for it the kundalini will start moving. Here with sincere heart, in a humble way you have to say, "Mother may I have the pure knowledge, Mother may I have the divine technique?" Ask this question six times because this center has got six petals.

Now to make the way easy for kundalini, we go along the same centers upwards so you put your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen, to make it easy for the kundalini to rise you have to open this center by asserting, by saying "Mother I am my own master", by saying "Mother I am my own master", ten times because there are ten petals, ten Sat gurus basically who incarnate ten times, of Prophets, the Masters.

Now raise your right hand on your heart, press it. With the same confidence you have to say twelve times "Mother I am the spirit, I am the spirit, I am the spirit". Just assert, that's a fact, that's the truth. Press it with your fingers. Now, twelve times, have full confidence in you, believe Me you are the spirit, you have to just become in the sense it has to come in your attention on to your central nervous system.

Now raise the right hand on the left hand side of your neck, in the corner where the neck and the shoulder meet, press it hard, take it backwards, press it hard. This is the most difficult center in the West, as I told you, that we feel guilty all the time but as I have told you, God is the ocean of love, ocean of compassion, but above all He is the ocean of forgiveness. He's the ocean of forgiveness. When He's the ocean of forgiveness, what guilt can we have that He cannot wash away or dissolve it? So just you have to say sixteen times because there are sixteen petals, to say sixteen times with full belief in yourself, "Mother I'm not guilty, Mother, I'm not guilty, Mother, I'm not guilty" sixteen times will you please say that "Shri Mataji I'm not guilty". If you still feel you are guilty and you can't forgive yourself, better say it to punish yourself hundred and eight times, if that pleases you.

When you forgive yourself you have to forgive others and so the greatest message of Christ, that we have to forgive others you have to put your hand to the center which is the adornment or we should say which adorns Christ, on the Agnya Chakra on your forehead, please put your right hand across,. Press it hard and here you have to say with full belief in yourself and in your powers that, "Shri Mataji I forgive everyone". Some may say that's very difficult but what do we do when we forgive or not forgive - no logic in it. But when we say that, then we are out of the clutches of other people, so please say, "Shri Mataji I forgive everyone. Now say it with your whole heart, how many times is not the point, please say it with your whole heart. Now you move your hand backwards onto the back side of the same center - Agnya - press it hard. Now here, you have to say once only without feeling guilty at all, without feeling no remorse, no condemnation, to God, one for your satisfaction, "Oh Lord, if I have done anything wrong, please forgive me" but don't feel guilty, that's very important. Even without saying He has forgiven you. Better.

Now raise your right hand on top of your head, stretch your ... stretch your palm, press it hard on the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood, press it hard, move it seven times. Again here I cannot force anything on you. You have to say that you want your Self-realization that, "Mother, please give us our realization. We want our Self-realization. Please give me my Self-realization" and press it hard and move it seven times and say that. I'm sure it will work out.

Now bring down your hand, slowly, and bend your head a little bit and feel with your left hand if there's a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Try to bend your head a little, little bit and about four inches above the head, bend it a little, that works out better sometimes. With your left hand, right hand towards Me and with the left hand you see the breeze. Right hand towards Me and then with the left hand you see, you can feel it better, with the left hand on top of your head; first with the left hand. Aah. Now put the left hand towards Me and with the right hand just see if it is blowing because it should come in both the hands. Open your eyes, open slowly and watch Me without thinking. Let us see if you can do it - just without thinking, just watch Me, without thinking. There's no thought in your mind, no thought. Now just put your hands like this, are you feeling the cool breeze in the hand?

Now put your hands up in the air, like this, and in your heart ask a question, "Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Ask the question, put it up nicely, ask the question three times: "Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Is this the brahma shakti? Is this the all-pervading power of God? Ask the question. Now put down your hands and see for yourself if you feel the cool breeze. All those who have felt the cool breeze on the head, coming out of the head, or on their fingertips or in the hands please raise your hands, both the hands. That's Blake. You all have become Blake. May God bless you.

So many. May God bless you. But I must warn you, after this don't talk about it because it is beyond reasoning. Secondly you must come back, must all of you come back and work it out. Those who haven't got realization will also receive it. Those who have got it, will establish it. Please come back. You will enjoy the silence, the stillness within. But that's just the beginning of it. We have to go further. Otherwise you won't be able to manifest it properly. It has to be looked after. It's just a shoot that has come out, a little shoot we have to look after it. May God bless you all. Thank-you very much. Why not sing Jerusalem to them ... will be good idea.

Yogi: Mother with Your permission the music group would like to sing one song for You but before that we have a little memento of this evening which we would like to present. Shri Mataji: You want to sing, all right? You have all the arrangements here. All right. If you don't mind, just sit down for five minutes.

Yogi: So Garuda take wing. While we were preparing the program of Blake's Birthday Festival Mother, we found out there was an Exhibition of Blake's work in London in one of the galleries and we very much wanted to give You something that was made by His own Hands and with the good wishes of all the Sahaja yogis of England we've been able to do it for You. Shri Mataji: Oh that's too much, that's too much Gavin, that's too much.

Yogi: No it's something special Mother, we hope that it'll be our pledge to try to do some justice to You as You've tried to do some justice to Blake. Shri Mataji: I'm so proud of Him, really. Can you - I am not good at opening. Done so well. Ohh. What a beautiful one. Trigunatmika. Do you see the trigunatmika is there? What a vision. I mean how can you understand Him without Sahaja Yoga ... picture, you cannot ... May God bless you. Thank-you very much

Yogi: This is the engraving of the Daughters of Job from the illustrations to Book of Job. Shri Mataji: What is? Yogi: Daughters of Job. Shri Mataji: Trigunatmika. Three Powers - the Comforter, and the Counselor and the Redeemer, three Powers, which you will know, later on. We have those three Powers within ourselves. Go ahead.

Yogi: [INAUDIBLE] Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. [The mike is not all right. Loudly.] Song: ‘Seek and You Will Find'.

Song: ‘Jerusalem.' Yogi: We'd like everyone to stand up to sing Jerusalem.

Shri Mataji: May God bless you all and bless this country. God bless you.

Hammersmith Town Hall, London (England)

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