宽恕轮 Agnya Chakra 1983-02-03
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宽恕轮 Agnya Chakra
1983年2月3日 印度德里
宽恕轮是天国的门户,是每个人都要通过的。耶稣基督便是在这个轮穴之上。在印度的经典中,祂叫摩诃毗湿奴(Mahavishnu),是罗陀(Radha)之子。祂的本质是由十一个毁灭力量(Ekadasha Rudrus)构成。但最主要的本质却是格涅沙的纯真。因此祂是纯真的化身。纯真的意思是完全的纯洁。祂的身体不是由大地之母造的,因此祂的身体不会毁坏,祂是唵(Omkara),因此祂死后能够复活。祂是罗陀之子,你们很容易便能看见祂和其他神祇的关系,在Devi Bhagvat一书,便有摩诃毗湿奴的记载。
可是谁会读这本书呢,没有人有时间读这本书。他们只读那些没有用的书,读那些书,你们不能找到关于降世神祇的知识。因此要明白耶稣基督,你们要读Devi Bhagvat。可是如果我们向基督徒这样说,他们根本不会听,因为对他们来说,圣经是最后的根据。这怎么可能呢?因为圣经中所记载的,只是耶稣一生中的四年。在其他书中,也应该是有提到祂的。因此我们要张开眼睛看那些书,然后自己去判断那是否真理。但他们欲成立有组织宗教,所以他们说:「只是这样。」没有其他。因为如果有其他,他们的组织便会瓦解。可是事实不如他们所想那样。
因为Devi Bhagvat一书曾清楚地描述耶稣。灵量可以帮助我们证明这点。当灵量升起,停在宽恕轮,你们要念诵主祷文,否则宽恕轮便不会打开。你们要唤醒耶稣基督,否则便不会打开。你们要念诵祂的名字,否则宽恕轮不会打开,这证明耶稣基督是主宰这个轮穴的。甚至你们念诵摩诃毗湿奴的名字,宽恕轮也会打开。因此你们要正视这些证据。只是你们想拥有耶稣基督,才会否定他人,视他人为异端。你们是大错特错了。
Translation from Hindi:
Let Me tell you in Hindi. One of My acquaintance had come, his wife was a simple person. When she came to London, she saw people’s eyes looking like this (seeing here and there/ roving eyes). So she asked, “What is happening?” I told, “This is known as flirting”. So she said, “Why do people do it?” I said, “People here do.” What do I tell her why do people do it? I don’t know why people do it. I said, “This person’s wife likes another person. That person’s husband like someone else, it goes on”. She asked, “It goes on even after marriage?” I told her, “It goes on till their death”. She was shocked, “I don’t understand. Our things belongs to us and others things belong to them. What is the fun?” I said, “You ask them”. And not one but everyone is like that. Even when Indians go there, they become like that.
Delhi is very bad in that matter. In Punjabi’s it is a special thing. It’s not there in Maharashtra. In Punjabis, they keep turning their head and looking at every woman till their neck breaks. Till then they will not stop. It is their specialty.
When I got married in Delhi, I saw. While I was studying in Lahore, it was even worse there.
This happened because of parda (veil) system. Parda system increased people’s curiosity for women. Now there is no parda system, still this is going on. There is no feeling of mother and sister, very less. That’s why Christ has said, “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes”.
因此耶稣基督说:「你们不要有淫邪的眼睛。」耶稣基督给我们一条诫命,但没有人遵守。就像在回教,穆罕默德叫人不要饮酒,于是Umar Khayaam便写诗反对穆罕默德。现在基督徒也一样,他们反对基督,作出各样反基督的行为,完全破坏人的纯真本性,完全破坏他们的眼睛,完全破坏所有思维的纯洁。
耶稣降世以后,有许多人是不接受耶稣基督的,像犹太人便是这样,他们不接受耶稣,并说:「我们必须受苦,我们要为神而受苦。」现在就算是基督徒也有认为需要受苦的。甚至印度人也相信必须受苦。但他们知道有摩诃毗湿奴,有一天祂会降世,吸去我们的罪业,这样我们便不用再受苦。其实耶稣基督在你之内被唤醒以后,便会完成这项过程。祂会吸入你罪业,你的自我和超我,祂吸入你的业报和罪孽。可是那些来到印度的传教士,一点都不知道摩诃毗湿奴,他们也不了解耶稣基督。他们一手拿枪,一手拿着圣经,而那些愚蠢的印度人,一点都不知道他们的文化遗产。他们说:「且让我们成为基督徒,这样他们便会给我们一份好职业。」于是那些职业取向的人全都成为基督徒。其实,我们应该告诉他们,摩诃毗湿奴已经降世。如果他们读过Devi Bhagvat,且知道摩诃毗湿奴已经降世,那样人们便会抛弃需要为过去的业行受苦的想法。现在的印度人还认为应该为过去的业行受苦,他们认为需要禁食,游方,或把自己吊在树上。这都是不需要的。你们要做的,是要等待宽恕轮打开的时刻。你们要持守中道,像佛陀教导的那样。当灵量升起以后,那些过去积集的都会被吸去,你便得到解脱。这是很简单的。但许多印度人仍然相信我们必须受苦,必须禁食。
现在没有任何人需要受苦了,你们要提升灵量,在霎哈嘉瑜伽之中巩固自己,你们的苦难都会统统去除。女神的一个名号是Papa Vimochini,即祂能去除你们的罪孽。格涅沙的一个名号是Sankat Vimochan,一切生命中艰难险阻的去除者。当你得到祝福的时候,便能明白神有许多方法祝福人类,好像是奇迹一样,绝对是奇迹。许多人来到霎哈嘉瑜伽以后,说奇迹这两个字已失去了原来的意义,变成生活中惯见的事实。
在霎哈嘉瑜伽怎样清洁宽恕轮呢?你们可使用我的相片。在相片前燃点蜡烛。光是能治疗宽恕轮的元素。常常用光或太阳光,因为基督是在太阳中。故此你要做的是将烛光放在面前,放另一支烛光在后面,在你的宽恕轮后部做像崇拜动作[倒马蹄形]的灵体保护(Aarti),这是摩诃格涅沙(Maha Ganapati)及摩诃巴尔伐亚(Maha Bhairava)所在的位置。你只要在这里做Aarti,宽恕轮便会打开。如何打开呢?十分简单,若有甚么杂念来到,你要说:「我宽恕。」这是基督给我们的最大武器。你只要说:「我宽恕,我宽恕。」便能胜过你的自我。这是宽恕轮前部的口诀,在那里你只要说:「我宽恕,我宽恕,我宽恕。」你会发觉你的宽恕轮会打开,你会发觉你的自我会跑掉。「宽恕」是人类得到的其中一个最大的武器。但有些人十分愚蠢,我说要宽恕,他们说:「不宽恕又如何?」他们说宽恕十分困难。我说有甚么困难?你要做甚么呢?你说宽恕的时候,你有甚么要做?你是否要做甚么呢?甚么也没有。相反,若你不去宽恕,有甚么会发生,就那个你不去宽恕的人,实际上是在折磨你,而不是你去折磨那人。故这是宽恕轮前部的口诀。在后部的,我已告诉你,就是要把烛光转动。有些人会尝试做一天,或是做两天,但霎哈嘉瑜伽不是这样生效的。你要认真的完全去做。我看过有些人眼睛倒视,从不能张大眼睛,但现在,已能张大眼睛,眼睛发挥正常的功用。要做是十分简单的。
即使耶稣基督也曾说:我是光,我是道路,因为祂是唵(Omkara),祂是道路。祂是那门,祂是那闸门,每个人都要从这闸门通过。祂从不说谎,但人们就把他钉死。他们就是要钉死祂。很幸运的是在我们的国家中,没有已组织化的宗教。若你们有甚么已组织化的宗教,你们便不会去接受霎哈嘉瑜伽。因为根据那些已组织化的宗教,你只能相信个人,而那个人就好像和其他人甚么关系也没有,他就像个孤独的人挂在空中,他和甚么人也没有关系。因此要感谢神,在我们的国家中没有发生这样事情。因此我们这里的人比其他国家的人,更适合霎哈嘉瑜伽,因为他们没受太多的条件制约,这是一个很大的祝福。例如赛乃夫是原始宗师原理中最后降世的一个神祇,祂是回教徒,但祂的所有门徒都是印度教徒,他们不是回教徒。但回教徒不承认祂的神性。不单这样,有一个地方叫Hazimallang,那里有个回教徒圣人逝世,但他说:「只有婆罗门(Brahmins,意即得到自觉的灵),才能崇拜我。」故此他们聘请一些婆罗门,他们不明白「婆罗门」这个字的意思。那里有印度教徒崇拜回教的先例。故此,若有人成为自觉的灵,他便没有宗教,他是超越宗教,他「成为」宗教。没有甚么可束缚他,因为水滴已进入海洋,他成为海洋,因为对海洋来说是没有限制的,因为他已超越限制,他是在一切事物之上。这是我们所相信的,就是若他是自觉的灵,他就是得到自觉的灵。有一次我到一个小村落,叫做Mian Ki Takdi,当我步入这村落,我感应到巨大的生命能量,我问:「有甚么伟大的圣人在这里居住?」他们说以往有一个回教修行者(peer),我说:「无论怎样,他一定是圣人」。当我坐着讲授的时候,有光照射我的头上七次。第七次我如此举起我的手。但没有人看见那光,只有我知道。我知道那光,我和那光欢笑。而那些人拍摄的,便能拍照出来,在相片中看到。
但我仍然要说的是,就如在我们的身体内有不同的感官系统,同样,我们在霎哈嘉瑜伽里都是一样。有些人来练习,他们只是初学者,便不用说给他们知道,那些他们所不能承受的真理。若他们已明白了很多,已进入无思虑的入静状态(Nirvichar Samadhi)的人,他们便可以进入新的向度,但核心的人是那些在无疑惑的入静状态的人(Nirvikalpa),这些人才可以真的教授霎哈嘉瑜伽。若那人还是在次阶段的,便会被筛走,因为这里有吸入及排出的力量在工作,一种力量是把你吸引回来,另一种力量是把你赶出去。没有人担心要拥有一个庞大的成员组织。若是庞大而有好的,自然是希望拯救愈多人愈好。但没有人会去游说你,没有人会像马戏团般去招揽你。到来与否是那人纯洁的愿望。这是个人的愿望,那些来了的人,你不用做甚么,你不能勉强人得到自觉。
If you have any questions, you can ask Me again today for a while and then I’ll make a move because today I was unusually late. But it happens. You have to get out of time. You have to get into timelessness. You have to get deconditioned about timing. Those who see time too much, they must learn to get out of time. And that is very, very important because time is according to certain auspiciousness has to be worked out. It is not to be worked out the way we think ‛this is the time“ and I cannot be the slave of this watch. I have another watch of My own. So it all works out that way. I am not guilty for coming late, but I’m sorry because you had to wait.
Hindi Speech:
Q: What is the reason for having dreams?
Shri Mataji: The reason for dreams is that when you are sleeping your attention moves either to the supraconscious side or to the subconscious side, your attention starts moving. And then you start seeing things which are connected with your subconscious or your collective subconscious and all this thing. And you may go onto the supraconscious side where you see your future and all this thing. But the reason why you get dreams actually is that the unconscious, which is within you, or you can say the Kundalini or your Atma is trying to guide you to the right path. And how does it guide you to the right path? Is through dreams. But these are misunderstood.
How do you understand these dreams because you are so confused. First, you go deep into yourself and you touch the unconscious — sushupti stithi. But from there you come out. And then when you are coming out, you touch your subconscious or maybe supraconscious. So whatever anubhuti you had, or whatever experience you had, of the depths of the sushupti gets confused and you don’t know what you dreamt, and you don’t understand and you forget it. But those who are realized souls go to their sushupti and see exactly what they have to know. Like many people in Bombay when I came, they didn’t know I was coming but they were at the airport because they got the dream. So at this sushupti level, at the deep level, you get the communication with God if you know how to go in and come out fully aware. But if you get confused with supraconscious or subconscious areas or if you start, your chitta is not so clear-cut, then there can be a big confusion.
Question — How can you compartmentalize? What happens when a person is a realized soul? What is the state? When he is a realized soul, what happens to a man?
Shri Mataji: See, the first thing is to say that ‛how can we compartmentalize it?“ because is the ego and superego is on two sides. Actually, have you not noticed in our body, everything is a compartment. You see even a cell is a compartment. Everything has a boundary. It’s not some sort of a ... even the blood has to pass through the channels. It has to go through these arteries. Everything is a compartment. There’s nothing like something just left there like a pulp. If it becomes the pulp, you won’t exist. So, everything is in compartment. Its ego and superego are like balloons and they are two balloons which can press each other, which can flow on one side. Now see the ego, though it is placed on the left hand side more, is placed like this on the left-hand side more, and this one on the right-hand side is the superego. Still, the ego when it increases in size it starts moving on the right-hand side and the superego, when it starts moving, it starts moving this way. So everything is in a compartment in our body. You are sadly mistaken if you think there’s anything is in a pulp, nothing. Or something like a air flowing in. Nothing like that. Everything has a channel. Everything is in a compartment.
Question — What happens to a man if he is a realized soul?
Shri Mataji: Now that is — I have been telling you what happens to a man he is a realized soul that his ego and superego are sucked in and he gets a dent in the fontanel bone area, and the Kundalini shoots off, and he can feel the Cool Breeze coming out of his head, and he can feel it in his hand. This is only on the central nervous system this happens. But so many things happen much more – how to use this power, what it means and all that you have to learn.
Question – In spite of tremendous stress on Kundalini by Your Holiness, it is hard for me to reconcile myself with the fact that there is not the slightest reference of Kundalini in the authoritative guides on yoga – I mean Patanjali's Yoga Sutras or Gita. Why?
Shri Mataji: Yes it is surprising that people will say ... He says that in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali it is not written about Kundalini and also about Gita it’s not written about Kundalini. Is a fact because, you see, it was a secret science. It was kept a secret science, in My first lecture only I said, till the Sixth Century. In the Sixth Century, Adi Shankaracharya for the first time opened his mouth about it. It was a secret science with very great gurus like Janaka gave Realization to Nachiketa. And in the same way Shri Krishna did not talk about it, because you see even when Markandeya talked about it, people did not know what he was talking. They never thought him to be a sensible man.
Then later on as the people became into two compartments, one on the right, one on the left side, some started worshipping God in a devotion and in a bhakti way, then another started doing yAgnya havanadi things. So whatever was required for these two types of things evolved and that’s what developed. The central side of evolution was kept a secret. And even at the time of Shri Krishna, it was not mentioned, not a word about this thing was mentioned because this is an internal happening, it’s antar yoga. It was not described, but Shri Krisha hinted at it, that you have to have your yoga. But how, He did not say because that was not the time. He was the one who laid the seeds. That’s why He is called as Krishna. Krishna means ‛krishi,“ the one who has done krishi. So this one was laid, the sprouting had to come. Today it was to be told.
So I am telling you about it. Everything is not told at the same time. Same in Sahaja Yoga. We don’t tell you everything at this state. About Agnya Chakra I have told you something, but not all. Gradually when you will be so aware, I will tell you. It has to be seen how far to be said at what time. And that’s what was needed at that time was told by Krishna. So Gita is the one which only tells you that this will happen. But Gyaneshwara, who was born after the sixth century, in Gyaneshwari has written about Kundalini clearly. Because, though Gita it is not written, but he said, ‛this is how it is done.“ Gynaeshawara has written. Though he has written, it’s not, it’s the Gita translated into a common language, he put also the knowledge of Kundalini. Because at that time, it was to be told. Before that, it was not to be told. Shankaracharya in the sixth century did it, then Gyaneshwara did it, then Nanaka did it, then Kabira did it. All these people did it. Not only, but even Mohammed Sahib in a way has talked about it – about the Sahaja Yoga and resurrection time. They all started talking about the resurrection time much later as they started seeing people getting it. Because to talk too much about the future is dangerous. That time Shri Krishna was placed with Arjuna when they were at the war, and that time He had to talk about the problems of hinsa, ahinsa and those ideas which we have about — wrong ideas we have. And that’s how He talked on that subject. Whatever was the subject, He talked on that and He told him how to become one with God ... not how...that when you become one with God, you become a stithaprAgnya. He gave the idea as to what will happen to you. But how it will happen He did not say. That was left to Me to explain. They can’t do everything, I have to do something, isn’t it? Because if He had said how, then they would have said, ‛Give me Realization.“ But they were not prepared for realization.
Question: I have tried to go into spiritualism in the real sense of the word. But my health is deteriorating day by day.
Shri Mataji: Some gentleman has done spiritualism in the real sense of the word, and his health is deteriorating. I have told you already what is the reason for that is – you take to spiritualism out of ignorance. There’s no spiritualism. There is no ‛ism“ with God. Spirit cannot be ‛ismized“. So, you take to Sahaja Yoga. Become your Spirit. You cannot ‛ism“ it. That’s one thing you cannot ‛ism.“ You can have ‛isms“ in everything. But Spirit is detached. It cannot be put into ‛isms.“ So those who say ‛spiritualism“ must know they have done wrong. All right? You come to Sahaja Yoga and forget it. I know I am sorry for that. You are misled but God is there and Spirit is there. In Sahaja Yoga we promise you that. Whatever mistakes you have done, it can be corrected. Hindi Speech.
I would say that whatever I said today, you must take the tape and listen to it at home. I’ve said all these things already. But your attention should have been there. Now you take a tape from these people. Listen to it. I’ve said the same thing which you are telling – that these are the problems of a big person who goes to these things and how he gets into problems. All right? So when you come to Sahaja Yoga. I know you are a seeker. And, if you are a seeker, that will be given to you. That’s your right to have it.
May God bless you.
Question: Which will be the end of all the world and of humankind?
Shri Mataji: Which will be the end of world? Again, futuristic, very futuristic. Let’s not talk about the end. Just now is the beginning. When the child is born we just don’t think about his death, do we? So better be worried about the beginning of this new world that we have started and don’t think of the death and all those things. Forget it for the time being.
Question: [written question in Hindi from a Sahaja Yogi from Kanpur]
Shri Mataji: There’s a gentleman from Kanpur he says that in Kanpur people are only interested in the physical curing. Have nothing to do with these wretched people, in this place. You just have nothing to do with them. If they are interested in material well being, Sahaja Yoga is not for such people. At all. If they don’t want to have God. Forget them. Let Kanpur be drowned in Ganges if they are like that. Useless people. Absolutely. Why should you worry about them? If they don’t want to have God. Don’t waste your energy on people who just want to be cured. It’s absolutely useless such people, they are very selfish, self-centred and troublesome. They are good for nothing. If they don’t want to have God, we have nothing to do with them. We have no relationship with them. They can go to the hospitals, take expensive medicines and die there.
I don’t like people who just come to Sahaja Yoga for only physical fitness. Is this is a hospital, or what? Reducing it to that level is not good. Anybody who thinks that he should help others should start helping them in Kundalini and not start curing people. Please don’t do that. I’ve told a hundred times, don’t do curing. Because what will happen if you start curing you’ll start thinking that ‛I’m curing“ and you’ll get into supraconscious. So better not do it. You just put yourself into a state which is proper for Sahaja Yoga. Gradually people will know you and will start coming to you.
But as far as is U.P. is concerned, God save that country, that place. I am married in that place. I know the people. Useless, absolutely good for nothing. They made Sitaji go to Banbas, who can forgive them? All dobhis, that’s all. U.P. wallas have a very great ego, you know. We had a servant who was from U.P. I am also married in U.P. I shouldn’t say but I saw that very clearly. And we had another one who was from Madras. So he was very clean Madrasi fellow, cleaning everything nicely, working very hard.
So I told this U.P. walla, I said that ‛If you don’t learn all these qualities, one day you will have no jobs in Delhi and you’ll all go out of jobs. You’d better learn all these qualities of Madrasi people – how neat they are, clean they are. They take their baths every day. You’re a lazy lump.“
So he said, ‛Ah, thika, inko to bartan majne dijiye hum to raj karange. [Hindi. Translation: all right, let them clean utensils, we will rule]
They are all going to do raj, just imagine. So one must understand that every place has its own problems. Out of them U.P. and Bihar, I don’t know how it is going to work out. I am worried. I have already tried to send somebody to Lucknow to do something. My house is in Lucknow. My relations are in Lucknow. I’ve given Realization to all My relations but they find it strange, the whole thing is so strange, you know. You don’t know what to do with that place. Imagine a nawab married three hundred and sixty-five wives. Can you imagine such a nawab living in that horrid place? Singing gazals morning till evening. All the dirty things they do. And I don’t know if you can really bring them around.
There are some nice people. I wouldn’t say there aren’t. But on the whole, the whole system is based on something very nonsensical and to bring them around.... Specially Kanpur is such a materialistic place, very materialistic. Very materialistic people. The Ganges flows — Ganga, Gomati, Yamuna — all these rivers are in the north, cleansing morning till evening, working so very hard. When will the people realize?
So the Kanpur gentleman should come and settle down in Maharashtra. Rama also had to leave with Sita. [In Hindi – Shri Mataji says sorry to people in audience who are from UP – the place of Shri Mataji’s in-laws.]
Question: When I give realization to persons who have meagre desire or to my own family members as there is no Sahaja Yogi?
Shri Mataji: No, no, no, no, no. Don’t try your family members. That’s not proper. Those who have no desire for Sahaja Yoga, you cannot push them in. It’s impossible. Who is your family? These are your family.
Like Christ once they asked, ‛Your brothers and sisters are calling You.“
He said, ‛Who are My brothers?“
‛Your brothers are calling You.“
He said, ‛Who are My brothers?“ He looked around.
Don’t push your family members. All right? They’ll become bhoots. Because if you push them, imagine, Agnya Chakra is closed, they’ll go to the left or to the right. They’ll become bhoots or not. Don’t push them at all.
What else?
Question: One of my cousin brothers here in Delhi where I’m staying drinks wine but does not want to come to the Sahaj Yog program in spite of my persuasion as he’s convinced that he simply can’t drink or smoke after attending the program.
Shri Mataji: You see, somebody’s brother doesn’t want to come to Sahaja Yoga program because he thinks after coming to program he cannot drink and smoke. Now, I would say that you need not tell him this secret that after Sahaja Yoga you don’t drink and smoke. You need not tell him. Once you bring him and he gets Realization, he will not do it. So let us manage it on that level. Better not tell him if you are interested. I don’t say. Did I say, ‛Don’t drink, don’t smoke“? Did I say so? I don’t say so. But it just happens. So just let it be, let them come as they are.
Translation from Hindi:
Shri Mataji: What are they saying? Tell Me if it is sensible, otherwise there is no point in wasting time on useless talks.
Sahaja Yogi (reading out): Revered Mother, I bow to You respectfully at Your lotus feet. The meditation we do in Mooladhara chakra, of Shri Ganesha, how should it be done? How is the scene at Mooladhara meditation? Meaning do we see the nadis nearby or is there some other scene?
Shri Mataji : You have asked that how should we do meditation of Ganeshji? And whether we can see something there on the Nadi or not.
I told you today itself that if you see something then you are outside. Because when you see you halt. Your movememt stops. There is nothing to see. You don’t see any scene. You are there. Seeing anything is wrong. If anyone sees anything, then they are not there. And you should not see also.
While going to the airport from here, you see thousands of scenes. If we go on looking at all this, how will we reach the airport? We have to reach the airport. That’s why stop seeing. just imbibe and absorb. That is important. Experience.
You asked how we should do meditation of Shri Ganesha. For this you please come to our centre. There you will be taught the method of meditation. Learn that properly and listen to what they tell you. You may not even need to do meditation on Shri Ganesha. They will tell you on what to meditate. You yourself will come to know on which (chakra) you have to meditate.
Based on your state, based on your requirement, you will come to know yourself and you will be able to judge for yourself.
Sahaja Yogi (reading a question): Body is purified by water, mind by truth. And soul by – he has left it blank. Is it austerity and reason?
Shri Mataji: He has asked – body is purified by water and mind by what?
Sahaja Yogi: Mind by truth
Shri Mataji: Mind by truth and ..
Sahaja Yogi: Soul is by – he has left it blank. Is it by austerity and reason?
Shri Mataji: He thinks soul is purified by austerity. Not at all. it doesn’t happen. It is the other way round. In Sahaja Yoga, first the top floor is built then the lower ones. First you are given realization. In the light of that you see what is wrong with you. Where the dirt is in your body. In that light you understand where your mind is unclean. In that light you see the problems of your soul. First the lamp is lit.
Shri Krishna has also said that this tree (of awareness) is hanging upside down. The tree of life is hanging upside down. Its branches grow downwards, and its roots are on top. So first of all, we take you up and give realization in the roots itself. First understand the roots. Once the roots become alright, the rest of the tree will become alright by itself.
This is the significance of Sahaja Yoga. First the root is awakened.
Even otherwise, if you have to treat any tree and you say – „ first make the leaves alright, then make the trunk in the center alright”. Nothing can be done.
But if you go down to the roots directly, then through the roots you can save the entire tree. This is the path of Sahaja Yoga that you go down to your roots. The root is on top at the Sahasrara. Then you are nourished by the Chaitanya, with which all your mind, knowledge, ego and body, whatever other physical problem you have, is cleared out.
1:18:22 - If there are any people from UP (North India) please forgive Me. That is the place of My in laws.
1:20:23 - This person says „there is a problem with my stomach. My liver region is swollen. There are soe light patches on my back”.
Shri Mataji: This person says he has a problem with his stomach, his spleen is bad, etc.. If he has smoked, or drunk alcohol, then may God save him, because our hands are tied. So the first letter that came, is its answer in the second letter.
That is why, only when they get pain in the stomach, they will come to Sahaja Yoga. When their spleen gets enlarged, then they will come to Sahaja Yoga. Those whose spleen is enlarged should come to the Center, in the same way that you go to a doctor, with full faith they should come. Anywhere else people charge, take away your money, and sometimes even your life. No one knows.
But those who come to Sahaja Yoga with full faith and trust, they get all the treatment and advice free of charge. And if they do the treatments with full faith and devotion, they get immediate benefits. But because it is free, people do not respect or value it. You come and tell us all your problems, and after that, not only uyour complaints will be solved, but you will also get union with Paramatma (God almighty). Has this ever happened anywhere?
There is a proverb – I went to ask God for light, and instead He gave me Paigambari (prophet or apostlehood)
That is the situation in Sahaja Yoga. You will come to ask for fire or flame, and you will get sainthood. He spoke about it – William Blake. That men of God will become prophets. And they will have the power to make others prophets.
We are giving you „Paigam”. You will come to cure your spleen, and you will take back with you prophet-hood. This is what is Sahaja Yoga. It is such a great thing. Even to understand it you have to have that intrinsic quality.
Shri Mataji – Finished? Now please excuse Me. Those who wish to touch My Feet, may come. But with decorum. Dont rush. Dont run. I am sitting here.