
現時代的紛亂 1980-07-14

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且讓我們看看,我們如何會受他們蠱惑,為甚麼我們會陷入羅網,如何去對付這撒旦的力量?首先,我們是通過潛意識界被邪惡力量逮住的,許多心理學家已作過研究,他們稱之為靈力(Psychic Powers)。這不只是靈力,還有其他東西。通過社會制約,通過恐懼,我們形成自己的心靈。英語裡心靈(Mind)這個字不能一分為二,梵文就不同,梵文Manas這個字是指人的超我(Superego),就是你的社會制約和思想積集。此不同於自我(Ego)。因此心靈包括超我和自我兩方面。超我使我們養成習慣,由於有超我,人類有能力養成各種各樣的習慣。就好像一個人坐椅子坐了十年,他便不能坐在地上,於是物質便控制了我們,我們變成了物質的奴隸。當我們的注意力被物質主義充滿了,我們便會把自己投向物質主義的領域,讓物質宰制我們。例如有些人對足球是瘋狂的,喜歡某些事物當然沒問題,但如果那人不知「分際」,失去控制,便成為足球的奴隸,直至我們完全失去平衡。

但其實靈力(Psychic Powers)是因為我們的性習慣而升起的。一旦沉迷於性慾、濫交等,你便走向昏沉,走向潛意識,最後進入集體潛意識。在集體潛意識裡,有各種各樣污穢的人物,他們陰險狡猾,十分駭人,有許多是有虐待狂的人。那種人統統在集體潛意識裡,他們是被釋放出來的,於是能夠停留在那裡。他們逮住了你,你便會問:「有甚麼不對?」「有甚麼不對?」潛意識的領域會使你酗酒、吸食藥物,走向怠倦昏沉的一面。你會自圓其說,指責那些活躍的人有過份的野心,所以最好走向怠倦昏沉一面。但當你越進越深,集體潛意識裡的人物便會逮住你,向你玩各種的遊戲,他們會變得越來越有效。


心靈的另一端更加危險,那便是在右邊的超意識界(Supraconscious)。而在左邊,你進入你的情緒,當你投射你的情緒時,可以毫無止境。我看見過有人因看了拜倫(Lord Byron)的可怕詩篇而狂哭大泣。那些人只是把你投進潛意識界,讓你在不幸之中找到歡樂。如果你樂於不幸,你也不會願意別人歡樂,你繼續那浪漫的夢,認為自己是世上最不幸的人,整個世界都在折磨著你,而你是唯一的好人。這樣,你便會毀掉自己。你毀掉了你的內在系統,讓潛意識的念頭把整個靈體包住。你享受自己的不幸,可以想像嗎?那時即使喜樂站在你的面前,你也會說:「噢,我想我是不會快樂的。」你不會知道喜樂的存在。














I used to say always that, “How it will work out?” Because it was moving very slowly. Very few people get Realisation in this country specially, and they go up and down and [it’s] difficult to establish them. It’s a fact. But we are establishing slowly, steadily and firmly. And everybody was very much worried that "Mother how are you going to do it in such a big way?" or, “Are the Western people out of your programme?” And I always told them, “It will spark one day.” And I think the first spark I have seen now. I am very happy to tell you about that, that a gentleman who came from Australia, two of them came to India - they got their Realisation - they went back to Australia. They gave Realisation to people. And today I received a letter from an American gentleman who went to Australia who has a big organisation of his own, who got his Realisation and he has written, a very beautiful letter he has written. I wish somebody could read it for you so that you will know how the spark has started.

Can you give me my purse as well? How is Jane? Have you got any report about it?

My purse.

Sahaj Yogini: (Unclear)

Shri Mataji: All right. Good. But now you are going there, I would like to warn you [about] one thing: don't talk about other negative forces, all right? Like the Buddhist chanting and all these chantings and all that. Keep it very pure. Thank you.

(Somebody hands Mother her purse)

I will just go through it. Very sweet of him, just see how much he is working hard. Only two persons have created such a thing in Australia. You used to say that Australians are the convicts who went from here. It's just the other way round now, I think. (Laughing) They are proving to be such beautiful people now. Somebody who can read very clearly, who?

Can you put it up?

Sahaj Yogi:

“Dear Beloved Mataji,

Please excuse the delay in writing you as I have been away in Australia with the message of love and understanding, with the work of polarity and Jin Shin and Living Force. I met Warren Reeves while in Sydney. It was not a planned meeting and the spontaneous nature of it fills my soul with joy. Upon entering his home, I felt the presence of the energy that comes through you. It was very powerful to feel this love. Even as I type this letter, I sense your presence and all of the people who have joined me in my Realisation. There is much pain in growing, and I accept the challenge. The experiences since experiencing Realisation has been very profound. Love is the main ingredient of my sharing and I am able to transmit it more fully since Realisation. I am understanding more and sharing this realisation with those who are drawn to it. Many positive experiences have unfolded while in Australia and in America.

My consciousness seems reborn. Thank You.

I am enclosing information about the organisation that I founded. It is called the International Holistic Centre and I plan to put it in the hands of the right person who comes to take this responsibility. Why I tell this to you is because of the possibility of your being helped by this organisation upon your coming to America. When you are ready to come to America write to the organisation. I will share with the new director that you might write and he could be helpful to you. Please know that I will do anything I am able to make this visit to America a sharing one.

Warren has mentioned that this organisation could be a vital link in the chain of your coming to America. My plans see me moving to Honolulu for a time and then moving to Australia to work with many in the light of the love energy.

May I hear from you soon, if possible, and shall your blessed work, continue with the strength that I felt in Warren's presence. May I be in your grace and love always.

Thank you.”

Shri Mataji: Read the name of the gentleman please and show his photo.

Sahaj Yogi: Stan Telson, International Holistic Centre, Arizona.

Shri Mataji: See what a powerful man we have got now with us.

There were a lot of things published about him. He’s sent his newspaper cuttings, but this is his photograph; after Realisation. You can see that clearly. This is how it is going to spark now. Let's see.

Any questions? Ask the questions.

I am Your Mother. There is nothing to be frightened of me here. I didn't want to frighten you, but that's a fact. That's a fact we have to understand. All these horrible spells and these magic things and the all this nonsense is going on. In the Western countries it’s much more, because such saints are born here.

Don't be enticed by them. Be careful.

Is there any question?

Seeker: No, that was just my indigestion here.

Shri Mataji: Beg your pardon?

Sahaj Yogi: It was his stomach rumbling.

Shri Mataji: Is it? Stomach is rumbling!

All right, you put your left hand on the stomach. Kundalini has come there. She is trying to cure you. Right, right hand towards me like this.

What else? You see, we have been playing havoc with ourselves, isn't it? And sometimes we also spoil our liver, sometimes our pancreas. If you are very hard-working man, a planner, your pancreas could be spoiled. So Kundalini, She goes and supplies the energy to get it all right. You’ve got cool breeze in the hand? Are you getting cool breeze in the hand? Cool breeze in the hand, are you getting? No?

Just put both the feet straight like that on the ground. Yes, fully. Just move a little further like this. Yes, put straight, you see. Keep the feet straight.

But sit in such a way that a little pressure on the feet should be there. Pull, pull them towards you. Yes, now see that's how. Put both the hands like that.

Caxton Hall, London (England)

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