Creation, Man and his fulfillment (Universe is a beautiful cosmos)

Creation, Man and his fulfillment (Universe is a beautiful cosmos) 1979-03-10

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在這次演講,我要談創造的歷程。我會從人類還是亞米巴蟲的時候開始講起。任何具有開放心靈的科學家都可看見,他們知道在這個宇宙的特別創造中,同時創造了母親大地(Mother Earth)。













但如果我說在這些創造物當中,誰首先被創造,這是很有趣的問題,但可能不符合科學家的心態。我現在要說的很大程度上超越科學,在地上任何事物被創造以前,神性(Holiness)首先被創造,我們稱之為純真(Pavitrata)。格涅沙(Sri Ganesha)正是那個神性中的神祇,神創造這個神聖來保護這個創造。這個神聖的氛圍,是用來保護所有人和被創造物,否則一切事情都不能發生。設想一下,如果其中一個海洋深多10呎,整個地球的平衡便會跨掉。再設想一下地球轉動的速度,地球以極高速度有規律地圍繞著太陽旋轉,不是完全圓形的運動,而是你們知道那種特別的軌跡。這樣才能產生日與夜,早上工作,晚上休息。只有通過最早創造出來的神性,地球才能保持平衡和特定的溫度。









We’ll have the meditation now – that’s more important than any one of these lectures. I’ve already given 84 tapes to these London people – I’ve been speaking and speaking, every day two to three lectures. Best thing is to have it. Now some of you who do not get it should not get upset with Me. If you do not get it, there is nothing to worry. If you get it, well and good. If you don’t get it, you’ll get it this evening, if not tomorrow. It is a very subtle happening: should happen to you. If it happens, immediately you’ll find the relaxation will come. But the best thing that happens to you is first of all is your physical being is absolutely [different?]

Now this lady now has come here with a very serious disease. If she had come to Me earlier – [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi to someone]... So if this lady had come to Me at the end, she would never have [UNCLEAR]. If she had come to Me and got her realization, she would have been alright today. But she said she did not know about it. What’s the use of getting ill and then coming to Me, asking for My blessing and all sorts of things instead of getting your realization or in keeping your very good health to begin with? It comes to you as a by product. That comes to you as a by product. It is not done through Me. Because, say now, how you have decorated when I’m coming in here – in the same way, if the light has to come, the Divine has to shine, your own body is cleansed. Is beautified and is made healthy; that’s as a by product. But that’s not the ultimate. The light has to come within you, the reality has to be pulsating within you; unless and until that happens, everything else has no meaning.

The other things that can happen is if you are mentally... also upset – or as I have said, the physical, the mental, the emotional, then the spiritual – and then beyond that is the state of complete bliss, of collective consciousness is established: in the space you are thrown. In the same way, it happens within you, so naturally all these things are [UNCLEAR –exploded?] and normalised and the ultimate is established in the space. Whatever is useless or sick falls off. Whatever is beautiful comes up. As in the tree, you have seen that when the fruit comes up, so many things have to drop. In the same way, all that is not wanted drops out and all that is required shows itself and manifests.

It’s a very beautiful happening – it should happen to all of you – but again I would like to tell you, it is a very subtle happening. It was never this way. Only for the first time that it has started working this way; that it is given to people who are [Sanskrit?] – who are simple people, ordinary people, leading a very simple life. Because it has to happen that way because, supposing there is a discovery of electricity by one person, which has a big history behind it. And he discovers something, and he does not make it useful for the common people. If the common people cannot benefit by it, if the ordinary people cannot understand it, it has no meaning. In the same way, Sahaja Yoga has to go to common people; everybody must understand. Otherwise, people like Christ were crucified – nobody understood Him. People like Kabira, nobody understood. People like Nanaka was tortured. People like Mohammed-Sahib was given poisons, and every one of them had to just suffer because of the ignorance of the common people. Today, the time has come for common people to be realised.

Let’s try how many of you get it. If you get it, then it’s a subtle thing, but to settle into Sahaja Yoga, you have to practise. You have to come at least once a month – at least minimum - to a general program, because it is a collective program. It’s a common program, and that’s why it is going to work out in Collective; individually it’s not going to work out. Individually it’s very difficult. As you know about Hatha yogis – how they have to stay in the jungle. Before they were twenty five years of age, Hatha Yoga was to work out with [UNCLEAR Ashtang?] Not the way the modern hatha yoga is all wrong: absolutely wrong. It should not be - it’s the wrong style. Because this kind of Hatha yoga takes your attention only to your physical being and gives you an imbalance. The other day I had somebody who was a great Hatha yogi and he had a heart attack. So he told Me he got a heart attack after Hatha yoga. So I said then what did he do? So he said, ‘They gave me another yoga to remove this heart attack.’ And when he came here for Me, he was shaking, just like this. So I told him, ask for the man who is shaking, and this man was a possessed man from a lunatic asylum. I said, ‘This is what has happened to your nerves. Who are asking to break your neck for nothing at all? There was no need for you to go to such an extreme. You should have just waited; you would have got your realisation.’

Of course, [UNCLEAR Asanas?] also have a place, but you must understand the complete shastra: complete science of all these things must be understood. But that is after realisation, not before. For example, you are suffering from stomach trouble and if you start using an asana for your neck, you’ve had it: your neck will be gone and then your stomach will be [next?]. So there is a big science behind and those who understand the science will not use it for such a long time, every day, religiously – there is no need to. Whenever there is some need, then only take the medicine. Do you go on staying in a medicine shop all your life, just to keep healthy? Same thing is about Mantra. Mantra also has got a very big science; once you understand that science that is [UNCLEAR]. Without realisation, mantra also has no meaning. Those who give you mantras are people who are [UNCLEAR] They don’t understand any meaning of mantra, I can tell you. Because I have seen, the way they are knowing the chakras and things, and the Kundalini doesn’t rise. The basic thing is that your Kundalini must rise. Those people who spoil your Kundalini, I do not like them at all. Some of them spoil because they are naïve; they don’t know what to do about Kundalini because they are not authorised. They are not holy people, they are not realised souls. They are not supposed to do it, so they spoil your Kundalini. They make money out of it, because anybody can sell anything, you see. Anybody can say, ‘I am a Kundalini awakener.’ What can you do about the [fuss?] God is not going to come and arrest you for that. You are arrested, in a way, but that’s a very subtle [UNCLEAR] which nobody understands. That these are the punishments of our wrongdoing. Those who try to do it in a naïve way can be forgiven. Even those who make money, I can forgive them, because this is a silly thing that’s going on everywhere. But those who do it deliberately are definitely the devils – I call them Danavas, Rakshasas. Because deliberately to spoil somebody’s Kundalini, just to entice them, and to hypnotise them to use for your own purpose, is absolutely Satanic: is against the purpose of God and that’s why I’ll call them as the Devil.

So, let us have the experience – you put your hands towards Me and...[tape fades out]

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