Rising above the three Channels (poor sound)

Rising above the three Channels (poor sound) 1978-11-27

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27 November 1978

Rising Above The Three Channels (poor Sound)

Public Program

Caxton Hall, London (England)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed

Rising above the three Channels, 1978-1127, Caxton Hall

” Can you see about to this point? (?Or)it is too far away. I mean, up to this point, can you see here? Alright.

We were talking about this centre of our , which is called as the Anahata Chakra, this also controls, it manifests the Cardiac, [unclear] you call it, the heart. Why are we saying manifests? Because, also manifests, - because these centres [unclear] subtle and (?are) placed in the spinal cord, also do other things apart that from controlling, [unclear] solar plexus or any other plexus like heart plexus or cardiac plexus which is called in the medical terminology - as cardiac plexus. They do also other things apart from these like controlling the, what you call the, controlling antibodies.

Now, this chakra is very important. I have already told you that we have to keep our hearts clean. If our hearts are clean, we have no fear. When our hearts are not clean, we have fear, so keep your hearts clean. God has already provided you many things of which, perhaps, you are not aware of. Firstly this chakra is placed just near the sternum, sternum bone, [unclear] sternum bone, bone is at the end you can say, at the, here (showing in chart) here is sternum bone [unclear]. Now, this bone has got the capacity to produce antibodies within itself. Now these antibodies are like soldiers, like soldiers [unclear] within us, and after a certain age, I think 12 years of age or so, they start getting distributed in various parts into the lymphatic glands, you see. And they are, all of them, are kept there, stored up in different, you can say like forts. And whenever there is an attack on these chakras in different places, immediately these antibodies come out and protect. These antibodies are, some of them are here in the lymphatic glands, if you studied, I don’t know how you call all that, but if you studied they are all placed in the lymphatic glands. These are for our protection.

Now, [if] we think that these antibodies are for our protection, only for physical side, is a wrong idea. It is not only for physical side, also it is for our emotional side. Supposing we are emotionally disturbed. We cannot differentiate between our emotional disturbance and our physical disturbance, because they are so interconnected, as I have shown you, that left and right sympathetic nervous systems are like this. This is simple left, and this is the right and the centre is the tunnel. Now they are so interconnected, if there is any movement this side, this also moves. So they are not able to differentiate between the emotional disturbance and the physical disturbance. As soon as there is emotional disturbance, there is also, partly, a physical disturbance. As soon as there is a physical disturbance, there is also, partly, an emotional disturbance.

So these are placed here at different levels in the lymphatic nodes. These soldiers protect from emotional aggression and also from physical [aggression]. Both aggressions they fight in their own way. Now they are also in the blood, and they are in various places. But how they multiply, how they come up [unclear]. Whenever there is a danger they come out and start fighting, and they are fighting till the last, till they are absolutely killed. So this is the arrangement, already God has done for you here, to fight.

When a person sees a danger, his heart starts beating fast. Immediately, you see, immediately, he feels the fear of some sort of an aggression is coming, his heart starts beating fast. As soon as the heart starts beating fast, these lymphatic nodes which are not connected with the lungs or anything, but they are immediately informed with the vibrations that are passing from here, you see, because when you beat that fast they can feel it. Immediately they felt there, all the soldiers how to fight for you, and they fight it out for you, whatever it is the problem. Then these fighting forces are placed for your protection.

There is a deity on this point, who is the Mother of the Universe. Mother of this world, you can call it. She is the one who looks after her children and protects them. And this is the one, we call as the Shakti, is The Jagdamba we call Her, you can call Her Amba, means the Mother of the World. This has not anything to do with Hindu religion or Christian religion or any religion whatsoever, but it is a deity which was universally seen and felt, that She was here.

Now while raising the Kundalini, supposing you find the Kundalini does not rise above this part, then you have to take Her name (of Jagdamba) then only it rises. This is the proof that there is a deity called Amba. That is how we are going to prove [unclear, what is Sahaja Yoga]. By Sahaja Yog, you can prove that there was the incarnation of Christ, who resides here within us, and there is an incarnation of that Mother [unclear]. Now this is the aspect of God which is the Mother, and that aspect resides here. We never think about it. You see, we take everything for granted.

Now, why should our blood cells fight?[unclear]. Who has told them to do that? We don’t think about it! These are simple truths, absolutely simple truths. But we never think about it that when we have a disease, why should they fight? Why do we get a fever? What is the need? Who has trained these cells to do that? We just say scientifically that there are some cells who fight, but how do they do [it]? Who has created them? How this haemoglobin is put into one, and another into another one, and how these react? There is [a] lot of understanding. There is absolutely thinking about it. They understand, made for that, [unclear] for that, where is more power needed where is less power needed, and they move from one place to another through blood they move, and they try to find the disease and fight the aggression within us.

Now this is, the deity here is very important for all of us, because that gives us the proves to our evolution also. This is placed at this point where we have called this world/void [unclear] as the world where we are born, this is the world where we are born. Now for us, this world, as you see these houses and all that, is a - this is a very superficial way of looking at.

Now if you see this room, you have to know that this room has a background, somebody has thought of. Then the one who has thought of it also has a background. Because he has thought of putting up this special type of thing and a special type of decorations. He must have had some sort of a background. That’s how he created. So when we look at the things, we just see extremely superficially, at the most we see whether it is [unclear] or not. But we cannot go further and further in the depth of it, to find out actually what has brought off all these? All these means, such a big thing behind. In the same way, when we are here, when the -(? we see) this fighting of these soldiers for us, we just think - “Oh! It’s alright! That’s a blood cell that is fighting. These are known as antibodies, that’s all we can know, as antibodies, but why are they?

This is the question, [that] can be answered only through Sahaja Yoga. Science doesn’t answer anything as far. They say - “There is gravity. Alright! There is gravity.” They did not say - why there is gravity? From where it has come? What does the gravity in the earth means? This is not explained through the science. It can be explained only through your evolution when you evolve. And that’s why this point is [a] very important part in the evolution.

The thing is, as I said, this is the earth that we are in or, this is the world we are in, which has many layers and many good things, but in this one when you are placed, you are trying to rise above. You are trying because there is a [unclear, ?ladder from here) you are trying to rise above. When you are trying to rise above, what you find [is] that it is difficult. It is very difficult to rise above, not only that, but what you find [is] that when you are trying to rise above there are lots of obstructions. In the past, the saints have suffered so much [unclear]. They have been pained, they have been doing all kinds of things, to achieve their evolution. They were never interested in the material side of life, they went to the forest, and they tried to pained and ask for the help of God to rise from this point out.

Now, this is the point of the solar plexus, now, it is the stomach, the materialism (?above which) they tried to rise. When they try to rise from here to here (showing dots of Void), this point was [unclear, extremely...], and here also they have this from Amoeba stage to the human stage. Up to the human stage they could come. During that time also, these deities has [unclear]. When I say deity you must know it is the aspect of God [that] has protected this Universe, this world and then the human being, to become human being from Amoeba stage.

You know, there were very big animals and there were very giant animals. Then very intelligent small animals came (?into being). There have been always a struggle between this animal and that animal and fights going on, and they have to come up to this human stage to achieve their security as they want. Also, if you look back about say a thousand years back or two thousands years back, we were very much more insecure than we are today. The insecurity was all within us because we were afraid of the natural catastrophes or afraid of other things like animals attacking us or some sort of a unknown danger coming to us.

But when human beings grows to a stage of this modern man, he has been able to protect himself well from animals and from all such natural things of which he has been so much defenceless before. Now he has developed his defences. He should be much more secured, but he is not. He is much more insecure. The surprising part of it is, [that] he is very much more insecure now, than he was in those days, when he was called as barbarian.

So what has gone wrong with us? What has made us so insecure in the modern times? When we should have been really very much more secured. When no tigers are going to haul in the Caxton Hall, neither (laughing) some huge big thing [unclear] cobra is going to bite us when we go to the Victoria station. Why is, we are so much insecure within ourselves in the modern times?

The answer to this, - I don’t know, some Sahaja yogis can give [unclear], to see (Shri Mataji is laughing). Let us [unclear], you see, we have some Sahaja yogis who are very well learned even, and I have been talking to them now for years, so I think somebody can come up with the idea, what has happened? What has gone wrong with us? Why are these/we insecure?

A man says something ... [unclear, second world war].

Shri Mataji: We created the second world war for ourselves. We created atom bomb for ourselves to fight (UNCLEAR). Let’s have it.

Man: [unclear]

Shri Mataji: But that, - but, I would say, this way, I mean, it’s very near that, but quite far. But still I would say, this way, I mean, that once you have reached here, you see, the position of this one is very near the heart. [unclear, if the heart...]. But at this stage when you have reached, now you can feel the distance from yourself.

Till this, there was the problem, how to crawl up to the shores? (UNCLEAR) alright. Till it was the problem, how to crawl up to the shores!? As in India now, to say, that in India people have to survive, so they are crawling up, you see? Just leading themselves out somehow or the other [unclear]. But now you all have reached this said. When you have reached this point, now you can see [unclear]. Oh, we are so much away, away from that self. And whatever we may try, we cannot reach that spot. That’s why in the West you find is such a lot of seeking. It is not a fashion!

The other security is being established, the new insecurity which is a real insecurity of the human being is felt [unclear]. And that’s why people are much more, I would say people in the West, are much more insecure than in India, much more insecure. You see, if the rain is starting, for example, I mean in India, we have rains every third day [unclear ...]. . Here people are afraid [unclear] the rain is coming down [unclear]. So, to them, they feel that now the light is off and that the heart is so far away from us, the self is so far, we have not achieved our goal we have not reached our fulfilment and here it is [unclear, that] standing before us. Then, what we have to do? The people who are not seeking are not afraid of that so much as [unclear].

All these insecurities are now at present much more, the restlessness is much more. Because you are feeling that you have reached that destination that you want. Alright! You wanted to build your railways, you build, underground Railways, done! Then you wanted to have stations and all that, you have done! Then you wanted to have bridges [unclear, you have got it], now you can [unclear] done! [unclear] sit on your head [unclear] you can beat with your shoes [unclear].

You have reached that stage, absolutely! Still what you find, the young people are running away They are fed up, they are bored, they don’t know what to do with themselves. They are jumping out and killing themselves in seeking highest - maybe [unclear, of science] Till you have to achieve a certain economic skill, you are working very hard and [unclear].

As soon as you achieve that, suddenly you [unclear]. O God! This was not the thing I was seeking. If so, why am I smoking? Smoking is much more in the West(countries, why? Because you cannot face yourself even for a minute. If you are made to sit for one minute, you get so upset. You must start smoking, otherwise you just [unclear, can’t bear] . Because you think that self is so far away [unclear] a very big [unclear for some sentences] So this is, had to be [unclear] you have [unclear], and the problem of introduction to self was to be solved. That is absolutely [unclear]. But (?by) your franticness, by your over activity, you have created problems [unclear words]. Because you cannot face yourself!

I was yesterday only telling these boys when I was going by train, I’ve seen the minds [unclear, so clear]. Now, [unclear] I asked them to sit down for 5 minutes. They are sitting near [the] carriage. Immediately their attention goes on, to say, some sort of a projection or say a light. Then they say - what should we do about the light? Now, should we have to say this is not good? We should have another way. This is not good. And then they (?). You see, we are not supposed to do anything about the light, you are not working in the railways, you have nothing to do with the railways, I mean you are just a passenger. But you will be worried about what the railway people should do about your light? Then you get down, then you think all this door is not good, this door has to be this way handle, then, this must be [unclear] Where you get out? Every time you see anything you just put your projection into it, and you think - oh, why such a chair, you could have had another one, why you have that [unclear,] now it’s out of date, . you should [unclear]. (laughter)

So the mind goes like a mad horse, like we can see, goes like, I feel, it is more like horns, you see, like horns, and you get entangled into it, and it cannot [unclear]. Then you are tired, [unclear]. Then you go to something else attacking then your mind starts, you see, throbbing there, and are going to put... . (UNCLEAR)

This is the condition of the mind because of [unclear], because you cannot face yourself! What happens? It goes, does this, and does that. Now, in that doing, I mean, even [unclear]. And I am [unclear] surprised these people cut their nose [unclear]. Why did you do it? [unclear]. You see, just cannot explain how people behave like this. I mean, all the perversions that you see today, end on something people are ashamed of, and they are knowing that they should not have done it, and this and that. It is nothing, but it is just an expression of that kind of a mind, which has to do something about, something odd you must do, something funny you must do then it comes to that, that you find that you, you cannot feel yourself. At least, others should feel - this is another type of psychology style. Is that natural that you cannot feel yourself? [unclear, You cannot see yourself] others must do. So you start expressing the other side of yours, where you (UNCLEAR) maybe a nuisance also like painting your hair or doing something odd that everybody must know [unclear, and see]. Because you cannot justify your (? existence). You think, why am I here? After all I must do something about myself and this absolutely (UNCLEAR) and everybody can understand it, then you will not be angry with yourself at all, because you are at a higher level, and there is no need for you to be angry with yourself, and the first thing I tell all the westerners [unclear]. Just there is Christ means that you are not guilty, you are not guilty, you are not guilty.

Because of this kind of a twisted [unclear, mind] in the sense that you go on [unclear] (?and get) upset about everything. That mind itself gives you ideas that you are a guilty person. I mean, what guilt can you do, I don’t understand!?

Those people who even crucified Christ never felt the guilt you feel guilty here for something small you feel guilty. I mean, this is not the kind of mind which is going to help us in our evolution]. You have to be just like Christ (UNCLEAR...). But you are dejected, you are upset, you are depressed, you are angry with yourself. (UNCLEAR...) in your, I should say advancement, but you have got [unclear].

I mean, when we started using things like say, soap case and all these (UNCLEAR, things...) But now, if you have become a soap case (UNCLEAR, it’s hopeless.) I mean, [unclear, things go like this] if you go to America and if you have to enter into any bathroom please ask (UNCLEAR, someone) because in the bathroom if you go, will find even the, even the (?paper) is somewhere where you never expect this, and you may just start getting water, hot water or [unclear] completely cold (UNCLEAR). I mean, the mind has put to something nonsensical [unclear], that [of] a variety entertainer. What is the need? (laughing) To a person like Me, I don’t understand. Who is going to see all that, why worry so much about all this nonsensical thing!? But, that is how the whole mind has dispelled, dispelled itself, and that is how you are upset.

Apart from that, in this way another kind of a funny insecurity is being built, which of course people are fighting it down, is this having a certain (UNCLEAR) sometime, like, can you say, on a, say [unclear, ?change its name]. Now, you have to have [unclear...]

All these norms also create a problem for you. Now supposing, you see, one day I was in a hurry and I wore a, say, a chocolate or what you call brown colour shoes and a red colour, or maybe black colour coat, maybe. Everybody was looking at Me. I said, what’s wrong with Me? I am quite alright. What’s the matter? Why they are looking at Me? And then I saw that they were looking at my shoes, and are looking at my coat [unclear...]. I didn’t understand. And why are they enjoying the whole thing? Then you see, a friend of My [unclear, nephew] [unclear] and she said, - ‘O, what’s the matter with you?’ I said, ‘why?’ Are you alright? I said, -’ I am alright.’ . Why are you wearing a brown shoe and a black coat? So, I said, I was just in a hurry and may, I walked sometimes with red on one side and the brown on the other side quite (UNCLEAR). I mean it becomes such a big thing such a nonsensical thing become so very important and this is called (UNCLEAR) mind’s creations. And the mind is so [unclear]...

One of that is the atom bomb you have, and now the monster is sitting there [unclear...] (?make us feel insecure), now the monster is there [unclear]... . This is what we have done, [unclear]. I mean, you may not have done, but someone like you has done. So this is the responsibility [unclear]. It creates such an artificial insecurity. Next time I would never go with the thing like that I need 10 minutes to find out (UNCLEAR...), is it alright or wrong, otherwise maybe absent-mindedly I’m walking out like that. All these artificial things that we have created, also [unclear] working on our mind [unclear].

But say, if you see the birds [unclear] chirping and there are clouds [unclear ...], and the beauty of the whole, you can say the [unclear] ... You get to laugh loudly, you see, because [unclear...] they are afraid of [unclear...] or/of something like that.

You see, I was surprised when we came back, My son in laws and My [unclear]... But they were alright in India. Why, he said, why everybody is laughing at us? Immediately he went to the tailor and cut it down. . So it is, what you call artificial makeup [unclear], making a fashion out of everything. This is also a human madness which is so superficial and useless absolutely, it is a joke going on. The people are so much involved in these and spoil a special chakra [unclear, of yours] which is the Main chakra which is [unclear]...

So now, let’s forget of all this, at this point [unclear]. Forget! Forget it completely. We have made this point clear and now from this point we have to rise. To protect this one, we have two other points. The first one on the left is the point that controls, that is the, what you can say, is the controlling point of the left nabhi, and also there is a connection with the heart, the (?built) one and the right side one is very [unclear, important]. That is the point, God has given us on our right-hand side. Now if I tell you, you don’t believe because it is, - you have to get your vibrations, you have to feel them, and you have [unclear] see with the people and then only you can believe that absolutely. This is the centre of the father and this is the centre of your mother.

Now the father centre is so strong and is so important! The other day we went to a meeting, and there was a girl whose right heart was catching very much. So I asked her, - How is your father? So she said,- he died [unclear...]. . She was not very much disturbed about [unclear...]. I said, your right heart is catching very badly. Must be something! Must be something, about it! (UNCLEAR...) And it was burning! My right heart finger was burning! And everybody’s was burnt, and they couldn’t understand, you see. I said alright, we will work it out, and it will be alright. But you see, she was so upset, and she wouldn’t say, but we could make it out that this is the trout/proof of the right heart, [unclear] is the father with in us which is also our Father, the God Almighty.

Now this father, the one which is within us, who is our father, every human being has a father and a mother within. Now, the father within us is a very special [unclear, one]. What do we expect of a father now? You are all very serious, I think, this (?time). Did I say something serious? Now, the father aspect. Now, you don’t expect your father, say, I have seen here, [unclear] but say an 80-year-old father, that great-grandfather having a love affair with an 18-year-old girl. It is absurd. But they don’t [unclear]. You have been seen perhaps, I have also seen [unclear] a father, [unclear] about 60-year-old father [unclear] ... and turning his (?heads) all around and shaking his hands on a stake, and [unclear] ... (laughing) It is absurd, it is stupid. Absolutely. You do not expect your father to be a stupid fellow, do you?, Or an idiotic fellow, would be very (UNCLEAR). I mean, that would be the greatest abuse in India, if you say that your father [unclear] for a man, if you say something to someone that your father is an idiot [unclear, you will be boxed]... So, you do not expect your father to be a stupid fellow or an idiotic fellow. You expect [unclear] your father to be a majestic personality. And a personality that [unclear] fragrance, that makes you real. When you are a father you expect your children to be real, you may not be real to your father, that’s a different point. But when you are a father, you would not accept your father become a ticklish or your son become (?ticklish). But when you are a child you also think what is the image of a father [unclear], and then you will realise that the father, the image of a father is already built in. Whatever modernism you come to, whatever so called [unclear] might be [unclear], you have a certain idea about your father and those all ideas are within you and there is a deity which is expressed in you on your right heart.

I know of a boy who [unclear], and (?his) father is alright , and he has very good relations, and he has made a huge statue of his father [unclear]... and he came to Me and his right heart was catching so badly. So I asked him why is your right heart catching so badly? He said, “Mother! I don’t know because my father don’t [unclear]...me and I [unclear]... So you see these [unclear] ... And that’s how he has (?pain) in his [unclear, stomach] and that also [unclear]..., such a [unclear]! He takes the responsibility of the child [unclear]. When you are giving him the birth, it is your responsibility to see that your child is brought up properly and that he lives a proper life [unclear...] that is the quality of a father and that is what he/we expects from him. If the father neglects the child, or say - no I just don’t care I have my own work and all, then he is failed [unclear] and nobody likes, the whole society [unclear], nobody might go and tell him on his face, but it [unclear]... Nobody likes a child to be left alone or rejected by the father. That’s a father’s duty, and he has to be, he has to be a dignified and magistic and loving person, who has to be very strict also, but for all these what has he to be himself, is to be in the maryadas, called in Sanskrit maryada , [unclear] that is boundaries of all his (?senses). He has to put all these boundaries [unclear, to himself]. Now the vagabonds cannot be fathers, abandoned people cannot be fathers, people who have no values and no roots cannot be fathers, they may become by chance, nature has given them, but they are not [unclear], and they will show [unclear]... . This clearly you can see on [unclear].

You have seen also, yesterday a girl had the catch on this side , on the mother side [unclear], and she wouldn’t tell me about why is the [unclear] (?whole) of this centre was caught. The whole of this area was caught [unclear]... and I asked what’s the matter? How is your mother? Everything alright? After some times [unclear]... I am very angry with her, she was a dejected child, this has happened that has happened [unclear]. I said, - now see. Can you feel the mother in Me? This is the mother you have. You have [unclear]... How do you feel about your own child? If you start feeling like this about your own mother, your child will also feel the same, and this is what a great venture you are (?loosing) by not [unclear]... I mean, mother is the thing that you can jump on her [unclear], and you then ask her for anything. That should be a mother. If the mother is not like that and the minimum [unclear] ... She has not been alright, she has to be [unclear]. She has to be a [unclear, good] mother, I agree, but if she has not been, that’s not your problem. Your problem [unclear] .... Because this chakra also catches .

Now when I see about Kundalini rising, Kundalini rises [unclear] now rising once, twice [unclear]... Your feelings about your mother are not correct [unclear].... You can even think [unclear]... only thing can I see [unclear], just think about it! Loving some person is much more than hating someone. Just try, thinking about loving, how you can love [unclear], and it works! Once you start doing it [unclear]... It happened. We had a girl who had not talked to her mother for the last 11 years, can you imagine? And have to think Kundalini could not rise, and she was very unhappy about it, and said mother what to do? So I said, alright now, you go and talk now [unclear]... I said, - just go and tell her for my shake she just tried, just tried, and she worked it out [unclear]... and she is much better. She has (?to forgive), I know [unclear]... I’m amazed! A mother who has no patience is no mother at all! But they are like that, I have seen. You must forgive her, because the mother that you have, had wars, had all kinds of problems in her, and they are not built in, in that way to face it. So forgive her, forgive her [unclear] and try to rise above this chakra.

I meet some of the people who get very angry with Me when I tell them. [unclear, be sure] about it. If you could not understand her, how would you understand me? [unclear]. ... I’m much older than you. [unclear]... If you have to understand, (? this) you have to understand (?that).

Is the mother relationship in you, that [unclear, gives you ...]. Because She is your own Mother, She is the only Mother you have in the sense that She is built in there [unclear] rebirth, and you are the only child She has. And this Kundalini, the Mother, follows you from life through lives, through lives, and today She is very nicely waiting down there absorbing all your shocks and everything within herself just waiting to rise at the moment when somebody it controls.

Now those who lose, who do not teach you about love, you do not believe. Because love is the key of God. Because He loved us, He created us. Because, He wanted to create his own children, He created us. Because of his love, only, that we are made evolve from Amoeba state, and He is anxious to reveal himself through you, because He is your loving Father.

When we say God is love, [unclear, and He is love], in Sahaja yoga, we realize this. Whatever I say, if it does not have love behind it has no meaning, it has no effect. With love, even if you scold someone, [unclear, it does not matter]. But if you hate someone and try to be nice, that person will go away [unclear]... He is interested in my pocket, he is not interested in me. He is just [unclear] So it is not difficult for human beings to understand. Even animals can understand. Even things like cobras can understand what is love. Then for human beings it should not be difficult unless and until they are too complicated and can be easily befooled by another overcomplicated person.

You see, it is done cunning with another cunning, but love has no cunning at all. It is so straightforward, simple. It is so pouring all the time. Just cannot control it. [unclear]... I have met some gurus in India who are really great saint. I must say, they are Realised souls, but they do not come down from their hiding places, they are hiding themselves you see, and think (?someone) will crucify them, so they are just there. They, they were saying, - why are You, Mother, want to give it to everyone of them? Why are You throwing away these pearls before , them, and why You don’t [unclear] them? I said, - that’s my will, what am I to do? That’s My will, that’s My style, that’s My soul power, that’s My, that’s My emotion of My heart, what can I do? I cannot get over it. I cannot live like you, the way you are living.

So, they are decided to come down [unclear] ...after 12 years [unclear] ... after 12 years. I said, you can sit down and do all that, hibernation [unclear]... and my children are there, they are seeking [unclear]... And you cannot understand this love because you are not a Mother, you are a father. I said, - you are even worse than a father. Because the way you are sitting down here, which father would sit down like this? And just sit down, and do nothing at all, and some people coming to them that’s all, maybe [unclear, just for ... ] something for a little bit here and [unclear] ... (?pet shop?)

So, this is how things are. But those who are out, now the gurus who are out [unclear, are supposed to be very great gurus, all around ...] they are only worried about your pockets, and they do not know even the slightest thing, the real thing, or we would say the main thing that you cannot get Realisation without your Kundalini awakening! (?Anybody) who says you can get it, is a false person. It would be something like saying that, a seed can sprout without its sprout, , without its germinating, - [unclear, that seed it has got], in scientific language, it’s called as premune. The premune is there to give you the sprouting [unclear, thing]. If the premune does not work out, nothing else is going to work out.

In the same way, if your Kundalini doesn’t rise, you can’t get your Realisation. . The Kundalini has to rise, to give you the rebirth. All those [unclear] people who talk about only give you a, brainwash. It is for you to now decide. Do you want to solve your problems? Do you want the reality or not? Or are you going to be brainwashed morning till evening? And are you going to finish yourself like this all your lives?

Yesterday I met somebody who was a, what you call a, spiritualistic call himself , [unclear] absolutely [unclear] ... and much younger to Me, all full of wrinkles and all that, and thin down looking like a [unclear], you see? And he said, Mother, I am [unclear] found. I said, - what you have found [unclear]... I said, - are you a doctor? Is that the thing you have to do? But he could not accept that he has to have Self-realisation. He has to get his Self-realisation. . He would not. He is only happy with those [unclear] ...seeking that [unclear], and overpowered by (?his) possession. And his Kundalini could not rise, and he could not get the Realisation, and he just got angry [unclear]. I said, I am not responsible for this. You have to give up this nonsense of your spiritualism, what you are doing through spirits. He said, I don’t believe that you can give what you [unclear...] spirits, ...

Now in English language even alcoholic... “

Caxton Hall, London (England)

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