God and Creation 1977-11-28
28 November 1977
God And Creation
Public Program
Caxton Hall, London (England)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – VERIFIED
As Gavin has already explained to you that today’s subject is really a very vast subject and one has to pay a concentrated attention to understand the subject. And as he has told you already that it is my subjective knowledge which can be yours also. And you have to verify it only through your vibratory awareness. Because that’s the only awareness that can give you absolute results. Human awareness as I have told you is still incomplete, unless and until you get the vibratory awareness through self-realization in which the Self starts speaking to you, you cannot verify the truth. So that is one of the most essential aspects of subjective knowledge is. Anybody says anything need not believe into it at all. And as I have told you also you don’t have to believe into what I say. But it is not to be denied also because as I told you this is a very subtle subject and one has to be little understanding. Not accepting maybe with some people. But it doesn’t matter. Even if you accept it for a short time, if you don’t like you can give it up later. But don’t be sort of against it. I have spoken on the subject in India in my 8 lectures and here I have to give one lecture. So it’s an ordeal for you. For me it’s a pleasure. I hope you enjoy it.
At the very outset, we have to understand that God is what He is. We can only know Him. We cannot mold Him. We cannot make Him according to our own concepts, our own ideas, our own interpretations. God has three powers which are even beyond. The first power He has got beyond Him [unclear] manifestation [unclear], or as I call it, as auras. He has three auras which are beyond Him, and three auras which are in front of Him and He is in between. You see, this language has to be used because you do not understand otherwise. The three powers or three auras that appear behind Him or above Him or beyond Him are first one is eternity. He is eternal. He cannot discontinue to be eternal. He is made like that. That is His nature. That is what He is. He cannot even if He wants to give up that nature of eternity. So He is an eternal being that is beyond. Even if He says, “I’ll give up, it is all nonsense.” He cannot. He has bound Himself by Himself. [unclear] to understand. So He is an eternal being. Secondly, He is infinite. He is infinite and His infinity cannot be challenged. That is His own style. He can, if He wants, to emit His infinite infinity through finite. For example, I will tell you there’s a candle here. The candle is a finite thing [unclear]. But when you light it, then it emits light, it goes to infinity. In the same way, He can put his infinity into a finite being if He wants to or in a being person, but He cannot get out of his infinity. We see the question of Christ people are discussing whether He is an incarnation or not. All incarnations have been made because they are aspects of God. And you go on understanding them, and you go on understanding them, and you go on understanding them, there is no end to it. It is an infinity. They cannot be understood by finite, but His body was a finite thing in which the infinity was expressed. Keep it at that point because it is also beyond your conceptions and beyond your comprehension. It is really beyond. So forget about that part. But we have to talk about God sometime isn’t it.
And the third nature is His supremacy. He is supreme. He is beyond every one of us. Everyone that claims to be supreme than God [unclear]. Only He has made human beings supreme. By giving them a supremacy. When He has given supremacy. He must have [unclear]. When he has given you supremacy, He has made you a human being. By giving you supremacy that means he doesn’t interfere with your freedom. He does not. He has promised you freedom and He is going to keep your freedom.
These are the three auras of God, which exist but do not manifest. In the Sanskrit language they are called as ‘avyaktas’. Now there are three other aspects which He manifests which are called as ‘vyaktas’, means manifested. The first aspect of Him is that He is. He exists. He’s existed. He is there all the time. This aspect is called as ‘Sthita’ as existence itself. So this aspect gives us the power to exist also. By this power, this universe, all this creation exists. Because He is existence, He can remove all that He has made existed. If He wants He will have the whole of it or He will have nothing of it or some of it. We cannot challenge His existence. He creates as He likes and if He doesn’t like anything he destroys also. The second aspect of God is that He is a creative power. He creates. He has power to create. By which He has created these universes. He has created animals. He has created human beings. He has created all the emotions and everything is created by Him. He is the Creator. These are the aspects of one God I am talking about. Only one, He is only one. And the third aspect He has is the sustenance. He sustains. He sustains by His wisdom. He sustains this universe. Sustenance is achieved by giving you your sustaining powers, [unclear] sustaining power. As I said carbon has four valencies. It has got four hands, four [unclear]. That is the quality that is given to it by God. You are human beings and you have sustenance which is ten in number and has to be maintained through the ten laws, as we call them as ten commandments.
So these are the three aspects He expresses and manifests. But He being the complete show, He Himself does not manifest. So what does He do? God does all these things through His powers. All these three powers. So what He does is separate Himself from His power. Like a seed is separated from its own plumule when the seed starts growing or the sprout starts sprouting. In the same manner, He separates His power from Himself and allows the power to work out the situation and He watches the drama. He is the witness. He is just a witness. He is witnessing the drama of His power. This separation is done by Him. We cannot understand, human beings cannot understand how can it be done. He is God. He can put all His [unclear] in that place and He can sit here or He can sit there. He is God. We have to understand that. And how can He separate His power, because we cannot. Like the sun has sunlight, moon has moonlight, in the same manner, God has God’s power. Which we call as divine power. Let us see now how it happens. Now you can see all these things happening in meditation if you know how to do it. But so far you are not to do that. You are not to do that. You have to first become yourself completely. But people have seen it. It is a big problem for scientists to understand certain things like the other day I was watching on the TV that the Sirius has a companion star and they were surprised how could these aboriginals living in Africa could know this. It is not at all difficult. After all, all that knowledge is He. All books are in Him. If you know how to reach your library you can find out everything. Only about I think six years back I said that the whole universe is moving in a spiral way. And the other day Gavin pointed out to me Mother see here even it’s written down. I always said about the companion star with the sun. And today I talked to you about it.
But that is not so important to a person like Me, who has come on this earth just to give you salvation and to give you realization, I am not interested in how many stars there are and how many companion stars there are. After all they are just outside the [unclear]. They are just arranging your stage. You are on the stage. It is alright they are fixed. We don’t have to bother about them. What we have to bother is our own realization, our self-actualization. These things are not important. What is horoscope, what are stars and this and that. Of course in short I will tell you how they were created. That is a different point altogether. But that is not so important. Our main objective is to know our sustenance power and our evolutionary power by which we evolve because through sustenance power only God evolves us.
First of all we have to know that no analogy can be perfect because we are giving an analogy about something that is perfect by something imperfect. Nothing is as perfect as God is. So one has to just to understand, just to understand, I am just giving you certain analogies. Like I’m saying a seed or a tree. But it is just an analogy for understanding. That is all.
As I told you, He is an eternal being. So there is nothing like first He started that and then this thing happened. It’s nothing like that. If something is moving all the time in eternal way, then where do you start? What do you do? You pick up one point and from there you start describing it till you reach another point. This is the only way one can describe. So in the beginning as I say of My lecture, or you can say in the beginning from where we have come to the point, the state of all that is in this world, everything, or creations like this and many creations before and everything, is at a state called as Parabramha. That state is in which everything is dissolved. There are no human beings, there is no creation, there is nothing. We cannot understand also nothing. I give a very simple sort of an understanding of that what is nothing. For example, if it is all dark here in this room, and I am just sitting down. If you see from outside you’ll say there is nothing inside. There is something but there is nothing. You don’t see it. There is nothing as far as you are concerned. And that’s why when you use the word nothing is relating to you and not to God. Supposing He is sitting in the darkness, in complete darkness. He doesn’t know whom to communicate what He is. He doesn’t reflect Himself at all. He is just sitting without any image.
If you see in the sky, you do not find that there are sun’s rays separating like that. You never see that. But supposing there is a jet plane passing through. You immediately see a streak of fumes being reflected by the same sun’s rays and you will say yes these is sun’s rays we can see. So unless and until there is a reflector you cannot see. He has to create a reflector and for creating the reflector He separates His own energy. He must have His expression. So He creates light within Himself and that light is reflected on a reflector. And the reflector is this universe. You are the best reflectors He has produced so far. Human beings on this Earth. You may talk of any other planet or anything, nobody has been produced as well as you have been produced. And you have achieved that state that now you can really feel His eternal being. You can see Him. You are at that stage. You are the best reflector He has produced, just to reflect Himself, to communicate Himself, to have a rapport. So in the beginning when He was nothing He was not reflecting. We can say that there was entropy, in the scientific language we can say, where there was no movement. He was just sleeping. When a person is sleeping he is not into activity. But when He wakes up He goes into activity, again He sleeps. He is an eternal thing that is happening. That he sleeps, then he gets up, works and again He sleeps. In the same way if you can think of somebody who is asleep in a Parabramha state and when He gets up He is active.
So first of all when He is the Parabramha state, now what does He do? At the Parabramha state what He does is to concentrate Himself onto one point. He takes a desire in His mind that He has to do it. So He concentrates onto one point. And that’s known as the Adi-Bindu. Adi means primordial. That is the first, Bindu means the point. He makes Himself into a first point and that is known as Adi-Bindu. [unclear]
Now, this concentrated form of Parabramha, Para means beyond, is beyond. The last stage you can say [unclear]. Becomes a small spot, a small concentrated point. When He awakens, when He awakens and He starts pulsating. His waves from His body start moving, from His being they start moving out, and these waves go round. They form a round circle. At the periphery all these waves and what are these waves are nothing but His divine power. His divine power starts oozing out and settles down on the periphery of the circle. This circle is called as Adi Valaya is the primordial circle. Primordial circle. So the first movement is this wave of God’s divine power and the second is round. It settles down in a round way. When the whole thing is oozed out what remains is a dot and a circle. Now His power has to manifest. It does not. He does not. So He remains as the witness as the Lord God Almighty, and His power, in which His power is flowing. If you think of a seed in a tree, seed’s power is [unclear]. His power now decides to create because of His desire. There is no difference between the two. We cannot understand two persons having such a oneness. At the most we can say sunlight and sun. But they are not living beings but we cannot think of a living being having that much of a unison. [unclear] they call it as Kalp-Nirvaya because they are supposed to be perfect but when you see them you will say it is just the opposite. You should never have used this. But it is. This power is called as the Shakti. As the power. As the Adi-Shakti is the primordial power, is the primordial Mother and He is the primordial Father. Is the abstract side I am talking about.
So the primordial Mother decides not yet so much decision taken place. You also know that you are made in His image, so that She takes time to decide whether I should to do this or not. Whether I should manifest or not. But she collects Herself, puts Her courage together and She forms into another Bindu which is known as Bindu only. First Adi Bindu is the God and His power together and the second becomes another Bindu so we have two Bindus now. So we have two Bindus which combine in a way as if they are related to each other like a object and its reflection. But it is much more than that because it has the same power as the first one had. So it is the power of God which becomes into another Bindu. Now this Bindu starts emitting its own powers. Her powers are different from that of the first one. For example, the seed does not have fragrance but the flower has. Her powers are different because She is for manifesting and He is for witnessing. So, the lady of the house does all the job and the man is just watching the play. But He is the person who is watching. He is the spectator so He is the last word for all this show. If He does not like the show that is created by the Primordial Mother, He can put it off. So He is the master. And if He says, “I don’t like it.” It’s off. If He says, “All right go on.” It is carried on. So the Primordial Mother takes up the job of manifesting Herself with Her own power which we can call as Primordial Mother’s power, as the divine power. But still it is not over. There is a little protocol about it. She must have the qualities of Her husband which He bestows upon Her. And as Her acceptance of that She garlands Him. You see, Sanskrit language is very symbolic. So She garlands Him as they say or we can say She goes round Him.
When you have to go round another point from one point, what happens, the shortest distance has to be in this way which you call as an ellipse. In the Sanskrit language it is known as pradakshina. [unclear] pradakshina. Now this style of movement changes it completely the nature of the Primordial Mother. If you are in on a circle, you are moving on and on and on and on it is an eternal movement. But once you start in this manner, you see the infinity is bestowed upon. So She gets Herself finiteness. She gets into Herself finiteness. This movement is the first movement of the Primordial Mother Adi Shakti. And is a very important movement for every consideration of sahaja yoga. Later on which you will see why we move our hand this way and why that way. Why the aura of a human being is in that way. Why the aura of a flame is that way because this the movement of manifestation. First movement is this way which looks like an ellipse or we can call it as pradakshina. With this movement She sort of surrenders to Him.
Now after surrendering what happens. Another stage comes in. Still She is not very much anxious to manifest without Her master being with Her. She says, “All alone how can I do it?” This is the stage called as lasya. It is a very beautiful description. See they have used here and there as husband and wife because according to them that is the nearest relationship between the two. Absolute oneness and unison. So the lasya stage what does happen. [unclear]. And this movement of the parabola or ellipse is being maintained as it is. Now she moves toward the Parameshwara or the one who is the witness part, to the God that they call God Almighty. She moves towards God Almighty in the way I have shown here and by that movement both the sides are round because She is a finite being. Out of which Shiva the Maha, Sadashiva aspect of witnessing the what you call God Almighty. He gets up. He gets up and He [unclear]. And when He moves even closer [unclear].
This round thing that is here, this round one, it opens out and goes into two halves and this is what [unclear]. Now when Shiva gets out of that parabola or that ellipse, that is the time a sound is made. The sound is ‘AA’. The second sound is ‘OO’ and the third one when it goes up and they start with ‘MA’. So we get three sounds ‘AA’, ‘OO’, ‘MA’. All these put together make ‘Aum’. In the Devanagari whatever you say [unclear]. In the same way when you say ‘AA’, ‘OO’, ‘MA’, these three words together and that is how [unclear]. But this is how you see it here, if you can see on your forehead you see it written here that this is not pertaining to any religion or a philosophy or anything. This is called as the first as the Word as they say or as the [unclear] as they say in the Quran, or the first primordial word is ‘Aum’. It has nothing to do with any Indian philosopher or anything, only thing is that in India people had so much time that they went deep into it and found out this. And that [unclear] all these things but it is not [unclear] people at that time [unclear] which you can see that it is the first, first sound and this first sound is the announcement of the power of Mother which is primordial, which is the vibrations of the Primordial Mother. The vibrations that we feel as the pranava, which has got three: one, two, three. You can see the three half circles ‘AA’, ‘OO’, ‘MA’ and on top is Her [unclear]. This is the abstract way how it was created first. It took the form from abstract to this form.
So the whole universe was created in three stages. The first stage was this one, it was called as [unclear]. When the deities in [unclear] were created which had ‘AA’, ‘OO’, ‘MA’ , and later on as described here, as you know that, Aim, Hrim and Klim. These are the three, they described the three aspects of God. ‘Aim’ is the existence, ‘Hrim’ is the sustenance and ‘Klim’ is the creative power. These three powers were created first and with three powers the whole universe was created. So first the desire is expressed through the first power which creates the mood in us of Tamo Guna or the subconscious and the collective subconscious. The second one is the one the creative, creates in us thepreconscious mind and the supraconscious and the collective superconscious. And the ‘Hrim’ the third power of ‘MA’ is the sustenance power is the present moment, at this time, [unclear]. And what are you going to be, the self-realized or just the sustenance by keeping the sustenance in a subtle way you are given that self-realization by the grace of God and not by your [unclear].
Now let us see how the universes are created. As you have seen already that there is first the desire. The desire is an abstract thing, and a desire to do something is an abstract thing. Is not materialized, is not a materialization, but before materialization the thought crossing, the desire, that part you cannot describe but you can understand is love of God. It is love. That is His love that He is fond of and He gave this power to His wife, or you can say His Shakti, that will create and She felt that love for Her child that [unclear] desire comes out of love. The motivating force is love. That is Her first goal but can you describe love, can you show it. It exists and you can know it how it has been described is about love. So the first, the foremost power, is that of love and love of the [unclear]. Love that is [unclear]. That love was created and also the deity of innocence was created. In the second stage, the deity of innocence I have told you is Shri Ganesha and He has incarnated on this earth as Jesus Christ. He was the embodiment of that innocence which was created. This great universe, filled with innocence and He had filled it with innocence. When I talked about Tantra here, I had warned that you are destroying your innocence and destroying the innocence of others, is the greatest sin. And after He died, if you want to have that light you can’t tolerate it, you cannot do that.
Now, we should know how this power, primordial Mother, She goes into a stage of a zygote. Zygote perhaps the doctors know, [unclear] where the sperm and ovum meet. But when we understand in the gross stage something ugly, but if you understand it in a subtle way, [unclear] and we can understand. Supposing, today we [unclear] sexual activities of our parents, whom would like to do that. Why- it is not proper to talk about it. Because it is to be real sex. That is why I said, that sex is a sacred thing to be done in a sanctified manner. Is not something cheap or a play or a fun. And this relationship exists between the both of them, between our primordial Father and the primordial Mother. And that is sanctum sanctorum. We are not to go to any ways and discuss and talk about it. That is the absolutely out of faith, out of [unclear], out of [unclear]. But it does not mean that having sex because I am telling you is the subtle thing, is the subtlety which means it happens. How one power of God act, or we should say that complete power of God acts in relation to God Himself. Later on in the human beings or the animals it comes as sex but then you sublimate. The sex is sublimated. Among only human beings we have marriages. And then we have sane sanctified [unclear] who are married.
Now. So this action takes place when the Aum is done. The first sound is called as AUM, that is what AUM is. And Christ is the incarnation of that sound, because His incarnation of that primordial [unclear] power of Mother even He takes so called human body. The body is also made out of those vibrations and that is why He was resurrected body. No other incarnation was resurrected. He was created from mother earth from every element some part [unclear] and formed a finite being. And the finite [unclear]. You must have felt it with Me sometimes, here you have been feeling vibrations. There is no end to it [unclear]. Incarnation is beyond human stage. So far two human beings, they were not true human beings because they were born to incarnation, and then they achieved that state and they have shown the path. They were Mahavira and Buddha. But Christ is beyond. He is beyond even the other deities because He was purity complete innocence. Purity is the highest thing is the most powerful thing.
Now, in the second stage, is the stage of Utpatti is the Genesis [unclear]. But the second stage is called as Vaikuntha. In this stage all the deities were created. For example, the primordial Mother created deities and then She created their deities and then She created Her children Her child. She created only one child. But the child had four aspects and all these four aspects which were explained before. They are all combine together in the deity of Hers. This is the deity called as Ganesha. And this deity, what deities were created, and how were they created and how did they [unclear] that I will tell you later on because that is the sustenance part of it. But first of all I will tell you how this universe was created. After that, creating all those deities and all those things, they created the void in the stomach of the one [unclear]. So another stage is called as the Kshirsagara where the void was created and the fourth one is called as Bhavasagara is the Samsara universe. So like that four stages are there altogether. Why I tell you that [unclear] in the same manner. Now.
The deities were created at the Vaikuntha stage in the beginning. The first and foremost was created by Shri Ganesha was innocence. Innocence was the first thing that [unclear]. He created this whole thing in innocence. Absolutely innocence. After creating innocence, after creating Shri Ganesha, secondly now there that suppose universe was conceived, thought of and was manifested. The second deity that came into play was the witnessing part of God or you can say the existence part of God. She brought in that part, it started in a very poetic way so you can understand. Is the Primordial Mother was to wed Her husband. She has to wed Him. And She is a virgin still waiting for Her husband to come. She is going to have Her bath before the marriage. And before She meets Him. So She makes Shri Ganesha out of Her body. She takes out all that from Her body, all the vibrations She puts them together and makes a son and puts him outside while She has Her bath. And then Shiva comes in. The existence aspect comes in. And He [unclear] cannot understand and all the story is there. But this is how they explain [unclear]. That first of all the Shiva aspect, or you can call, the aspect of existence comes in because without existence how can there be the desire. It represents the desire part of the Primordial Mother the desire and that is the left side. [unclear] desiring.
Then She goes back to the [unclear]. That is firstly desire. For desire you have to have a deity and She created deity for that. These deities are created already in such a manner that She first of all divided Herself into three deities. They are called as Mahakali representing the [unclear], Mahasaraswati representing the creative power and sustenance power is expressed as Mahalakshmi. All these three powers take a form, different forms. And all these three powers they produced children [unclear]. And these children are six all together brothers and sisters. Then they exchanged among themselves and three deities with three powers are created, in the sense that wives are the powers and deities are the ones who have to do the job. Means the potential and the kinetic. So the potential one is the deity and the kinetic is the power. So we get six deities out of which you can say three are the powers and three are the deities. And one is Shri Ganesha who is a child. So first for existence they create the deity known as Shiva who represents Shri Sadashiva. For creative power, the creating deity is known as Brahma and for sustenance power She creates the deity called as Vishnu. These three of them with their power, first one gets as Mahakali or Durga. That is Shiva. Then Brahma gets his power as Saraswati and the central power of sustenance or the evolutionary power where Vishnu is the deity, His power is called as Lakshmi. So these six deities are created with three Primordial Mothers as I have told you three powers which surprisingly if you read [unclear] they have described the three goddesses [unclear]. And later on when I come to the supra-conscience [unclear] everything they have described. That one Primordial Mother has three aspects and they are described as three goddesses. And these three goddesses had six children who were married and then they get these three powers [unclear] in the Vaikuntha [unclear]. And also you have established the deity of Shri Ganesha.
When these were created at that stage the Vaikuntha stage, they also completely projected the picture of what they are going to achieve out of it. So the highest that this creation has reached, that stage of the vast personality that incarnated from egg I can say or out of this egg like structure, that one personality that was developed which is the form completely evolved of the Vishnu deity is called as Virat. When the sustenance power reaches its height it is the Virat. The macrocosm as we call it as we are the microcosm. Now where we have to reach the Virata. That [unclear] man you can see here [unclear] and man was created in the image of God [unclear]. And in this [unclear] man, we are just like cells, some in the brain, some in the heart, some in the liver. Those who are awakened are realized, can see the oneness [unclear] maintained. In his heart resides the reflection of the witnessing power of God and in his liver. We do not know the importance of the liver. The reflection of His awareness. You will be amazed. The attention part comes from the liver. We do not realize what I’m saying. You don’t drink [unclear] you are going against your awareness against your liver. That is the dead. And people who must have bad liver, have confessed to me. It’s a terrible disease to get all the time. And nothing like having a good liver. Liver is the attention part though it is expressed in the brain, but through brain [unclear]. In the same way the brain, through His brain God creates. His brain He creates and thinks about [unclear]. And through His liver He sustains us. He gives us our sustenance our dharma our religion. Everything has a [unclear], even flowers have a [unclear]. For example, if you plant a mango, only a mango will be growing there. If you have a mango tree, you cannot get apples out of it. In the same way, a human being will give birth to a human being only. He cannot be anything else. And a dog will give birth to a dog. It is done through the sustenance power within which is in the stomach by which it controls. And that is what is the most important thing, because only through that power that you evolve from amoeba to this stage and from this stage to the super state of chakras. So for us in present discussion, the most important thing is the sustenance power and the deity which helps with the sustenance power.
The other powers of the right hand side and the left hand side. Of course I have already discussed the left hand side is the power of God Almighty, and the reflection who is reflected in everybody’s heart. And He is there that is the strength within us. On the right hand side power by that you create in the same way God created this whole universe, everything through His Mahasaraswati power. Of course it does not mean that when Mahasaraswati power is created and is handing off another power [unclear] and other powers are not important. It is not. When He creates, every power is [unclear]. Supposing you want to create something then our subconscious mind helps us. Our conscious mind helps us. Our preconscious mind helps us. But dominating that thing, that is the one who works out is this power of creative power on the right hand side with which we think. Now the creative power of the [unclear] in a particular man. But first of all let us understand this Void. Now in the fourth stage, this void is created in you. Or I should say the fifth stage where the human beings [unclear]. But we are all placed in this void only where sun, moon and the whole universe is created and [unclear] by the creative powers on the right hand side. As you people have [unclear]. This is the creative power that started to move like that. It moves in this way and sometimes goes like this in a circle also because it has got another working, it’s another movement. There is another movement also. So this other movement of going round and round and round. When this round and round happens, the whole power gets congested. You see sort of it [unclear] in our language. The whole thing becomes congested so much so that this finite place cannot move. So there is a Big Bang, a Big Bang takes place. Now you will be amazed this I told ten years back to people and I do not know recently people are taking about a Big Bang. Now a big explosion takes place and by that explosion all these things go into fragments.
With the momentum of the movement in this way what happens is that all these fragments go on rubbing at each other. They go into circular shape. [unclear] separating. Now as I have told you, the other powers are also there. They are not away from it. They are also supporting it. So the creative power though creates these things, the other powers control it by another method. Is that in the central core of every, of each of these particles, every particle of the earth, every atom, and the minutest of the minutest, is controlled by the existence power. What is it? It is the vibrations coming out of every molecule that we have seen. Sulfur dioxide you can say. The sulfur is on top and there are oxides, two oxides on the two tail ends of the sulfur. And they are all the time vibrating. They may be atomistic, they could be any type. But they are vibrating. Now from where these vibrations are coming in electromagnetic. They are coming from the centre of that molecule. In the same way in the Mother Earth they say there is an axis. They do not know how it exists. That is the same as axis. Is also the same in every system. And the sustenance power is distributed in all of them by giving them a [unclear]. If there were no such agencies which work out the sustenance power, we would not have a periodic table. I do not know how many of you are chemistry students but we have a periodic table. It is most surprising to see that we take it for granted but we see the work. It’s tremendous and intricate, beautifully done.
You can see that how the atoms are divided into a table. And they are repeated after some time. How the minute rows and all these things act. And sometimes they act arbitrarily which people cannot explain. They cannot explain because they do not want to believe in God. All these elements are divided into a beautiful chart which is somebody saying is done by chance but it is not. Because by chance if you allow the law of time to operate from the time this earth receded from sun, you cannot even create an amoeba once. Even once. Is a fact. Is a scientific fact. You can read about it in a book and in the Bible. You cannot. And human beings have been created of all these complicated things, how they’ve been created. Why don’t you think about it. How in time it has happened because it is definitely [unclear]. It was operated through its own law, not the law of chance as described in the [unclear]. This short time of five billion years could not have been sufficient even to produce one amoeba. One cell. It is very easy for man to challenge God because he is limited. But what is the use. What does he gain from it. It is better to be humble about it and know Him through your inner being which exists. Outside you cannot go very far with the intellect which is a limited instrument. With this limited instrument you cannot go very far. You have to go into something that is unlimited. You have to trigger into that and there you have to see this unlimited picture.
So this is how I am telling you that how universes are created. How these three powers exist in them. Now these three powers are three moods they are called as Tamo guna, Rajo guna and Sattwa guna. But the Sattwa guna is the revelation. The revelation is the sustenance power that is most important for us. And that has come into us because we were created as human beings. You will be amazed that this earth was not such a big earth but small earth. And how water was created in it. Actually you will be amazed to know that earth was removed so much far away from the sun, even away from the moon. So far away that it goes complete. And then it was actually brought nearer to the sun very much. So the whole thing started melting. When it melted away, then it was adjusted and adjusted and brought to the centre point where, centre point in the sense where life could start. It was done with awareness, with understanding deliberately by God Himself. Man has not done it. And then the earth expanded. That’s why some people don’t understand how do you find something in India and something in other places. Or something here. There has been lots of periods which we have not been able to conceive. For example, Himalayas rose up much later, they were much low and it was one land at that time. But to understand this, our awareness has to rise. You see, as we have found the microscope to see something that is minute, to see something subtle or something that has happened before, we have to have that depth but we do not even have respect for ourselves how are we to handle it. How are we handle it, such issues for example we do not even can balance ourselves. We are not organized.
Hence the Sahaja yoga is covering in this Kali yuga, in these modern times, that at least there is a method to know by which you can balance yourselves and which you can feel that vibratory all pervading power which surrounds, which has been described and told to you by various sages. [unclear] you can see it in the self-realization is not just a lecture from a pulpit or somebody. It happens. It is a happening. It is an actualization that happens. But it is such a tremendous thing we do not realize what is the door opening out to us. Where we are entering into the subtler form. These vibrations are responsible for creating, controlling, coordinating, working out everything. Only thing we that choose to not give it a chance to work out everywhere. Give [unclear] and there the realm of God happens.
The second power which I described to you is the creative power. I mean you can go on talking on this how all elements are created but [unclear] were created, which created the five elements and the permutations and combinations of five elements, how was this earth and these things were created, and is a very vast subject on which I think one can go on speaking for hours together. Let’s forget about it. Because you are not there. You are [unclear]. You have to prepare.
Now the sustenance power within you is there in the [unclear]. On top it comes up to a point. It is not even that low. As far as the [unclear]. So it is not even that low. And you are in the Void. Your attention is on your head. This liver has to be first enlightened. How do we enlighten it? What is the point? The desire. The desire power has to be put somewhere a very portable power this desire power, which will supersede all your ordinary, material or emotional and all these desires. There must be something kept there to work out this living thing. And that is the thing is down below, it is the power actually the desire power, is the Mahakali power, is kept there in a [unclear] and it is call it as a virgin. She is a virgin. And She is your Mother throughout. Just like the virgin Mother of Christ. Just like the virgin Mother, Kali or Durga or Parvati. Her son is Ganesha. In the same way She is your personal Mother. Everybody has that Mother. Sitting down there, sleeping there, waiting for a chance to rise and give you that joy. She is like a coil inside. It is a living Mother. It has lived with you throughout in many ages, in many lives, She is waiting there. It is described in the scriptures that I will appear before you as tongues of flames [unclear]. When She comes up and the way She rises, She enlightens all of them. Which is the residual one that is kept there, preserved there in a human being and is there and [unclear].
It comes up in the stomach, in the Void. The first thing is it is the creative power which is acted through the centre known as Swadishthana. So it is the [unclear]. Swadishthan chakra can be seen [unclear]. In the subtle sense. Then it goes higher. It is the [unclear], the desire power integrates with the creative power and goes higher and upward and then it integrates with the heart power, which is placed here on the third chakra there. Partial integration takes place now. Because till this point human beings have just evolved up to a point.
At the higher point than that, is here in human beings really evolved because they raised up their head like that. Bowing of the head is a very important gesture for human beings, because you understand for a dog it is not. For human beings you understand. If you have bowed your head before every Dick Tom and Harry who comes in a dress which appeals to you, who entices you, then you have gone down very much. In your own experience, this neck of the human beings is above all the animal kingdom, all the world, all the universe, all the creation that was created. Because here resides the power within you to be that Virata great through which you become one with that and that is why I told you to put your hands towards Me because through these you can feel the Virata. You can feel that one personality through which these are the ten people or you can say that the [unclear] by which you feel it because your chakra is [unclear]. This is spoilt by so many things. People who tell lies, people who say harsh things, who have no love within them, people who smoke, with all disrespect to yourself and to others. All that relationship between you and others is spoilt by spoiling this.
So the Kundalini has to rise above and come up to this, where I have a red mark. In the centre of the brain where the optic chiasma meet, where pituitary and pineal bodies are acting. The central point is a subtle chakra which you call as Agnya chakra, which you call as third eye. I don’t know what they understand by. It has a window here through which one can see is the cross on which Christ was crucified, His body was crucified. This is a very, very important centre because it controls the movement of your ego and superego. Which brings the balance between the two and when the Kundalini rises, and what is to be sought and asked for that is what you are seeking and not this in material, useless, superficial things. If you are seeking superficially I have nothing to offer. You have got everything. But you are true seekers. [unclear]. There is nothing to worry about it, it can be [unclear]. Actually in the western countries that I felt, too much of creative power and thinking power. The ego that is on the left hand side, from right hand side it goes to the left, [unclear]. And by becoming conscious of it, suddenly you are [unclear] superego [unclear]. Now both are working like this in the brain. Sometimes I feel horns will come up. The way you are thinking thinking thinking you cannot stop. When the space in between has to be achieved. There is a great love, great love and care [unclear], just the love. Sometimes I find some of you do not come to Me because it is too much of ego. [unclear]
Come along. Just have a look. Open your eyes. [unclear] now you touch that point. But some of them I found out are suffering from superego. They have told me that Mother we feel we have committed sins and how do we fix these for example. You may never forgive us. But then I say that no guilt is greater than My love. I can challenge that. Only thing is if you want to give it up then you’ve given up all those things and everything can be helped. And Mother can never take charge to that extent that She cannot forgive you for that. And that is why if you are just there that’s all, you do not have to overdo anything or do anything less, just be there, be yourself and [unclear]. It has worked in many of you like that. But you have to realize it is a serious matter. In the western thing we have been working so many years now. You all have been [unclear]. What you have found out is that you do touch with my lectures, you do touch that point and you get a tremendous experience. Yes it happens. It happens, why? Because you must know what is it but then you have to achieve it yourself. By understanding yourself. Some of the things you have got have never been talked, I know. They are built up. You do not lose it at all. You also get separated no doubt. Immediately you start talking something is happened here, something is happened there. But you do not feel the vibrations all the time. Some people do not. [unclear].
All that has been described in books and [unclear]. If you do not get it, don’t be satisfied with yourself. Know it has to work. If not today then it has to clear out. But it is not just some sort of a drama going on like a pastime. Like somebody told me that we are going to have a big banquet and can you come along and give us a speech and can you explain to us everything in ten minutes. This is rather difficult. I said why do you give explanation, why do you want to call me. You can have many people like that. You can even get an entertainer who can explain. [unclear] That is how you have your realization.
This is what the whole world needs and this is the answer. You have to verify. Give it a chance to work out. That’s why I told that nothing should be accepted without experience. But once you start getting the experience remember that. Keep it within you. I must say [unclear] you are really great people because you fight, you are hurt and you have problems and the things that have happened to you. Despite all that you have got your realization. The Kundalini is so great, the desire is so great that She throws away all this and She cures the [unclear]. We did not take ages to [unclear]. You have to love and understand that you are human beings specially created for this purpose. And you are the instrument of God and the responsibility of maintaining this religion rests on you people.
May God bless you all.
I think if we have little time we can go through the experience of it. I’ll try to say these things and probably I’ll talk a little bit but it is a very complicated subject. And it cannot be told all in such a short time. But I will go on with it and now I am going to be here for four days more for you all. And we are going to have [unclear] again and again and again. And we are going to give realization to many people. We are going to talk to you all about all these things, the subtler side, everything. But do not come to My lectures just to sort of know something and get out. You should not do that. Please come here to have something. To get something out of it. And then to give something. [unclear] My whole heart and My complete desire that today most of you [unclear].
Now if your mind is too much questioning. I do not mind if you ask Me questions. I’ll try to [unclear]. And the mind experiences are all stupid and foolish. [unclear] Last Saturday two Indians who had come. They asked such frivolous questions it spoiled the complete atmosphere of these people. This was the worst thing. By argument or by discussing you are not here. But best thing is to get it and then know it. If you have any questions we can answer it. You can write it down later. But just now keep the questions on one side because while you are making efforts you have not found it. So like a mother has told you that if you are hungry, I’ve done the cooking, you can sit down and have your food. If you are not hungry you go on asking questions. But if you are hungry [unclear].
I’ll be going to India on the 10 th or 12 th . And again be back in the month of February or March. And then we are going to again start these things. And we have to propagate it more in a way that is right but I do not want [unclear]