TV Interview

TV Interview 1983-10-04

Talk duration
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Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

4 October 1983


Vancouver (Canada)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

TV Interview

Shri Mataji:

...meaning Your attention with your spirit. That what Christ was said, that we are born again. And this born again it is not just certificate, it's not something artificial, but it is happening within us, you can see it clearly, the rising of this power from your secret bone. Greeks knew the meaning of the word sacrum because sacrum means secret. And this power rises you can feel it, like a heart bit going up, on the top of your head near of your fontanel bone area, and you can also, later on, feel the cool breeze coming out of your head, like an air conditioner. So You become collectively conscious as a result of it. You become, it's not just talking about it, it is actualizing, this its real spiritual yoga.


You are divine, what does it mean?

Shri Mataji:

Divine means a person who has a connection with the divine


It does not mean you are a child?

Shri Mataji:

It can be, childlike


I see, should we not have an attribute of divinity

Shri Mataji:

In the way, I have, because in my presence thousands of people can get this experience of self-realization.


Do not you respect to be subjective of hundreds of gurus.

Shri Mataji:

I know...

Correspondent: be subjected to all sort of thing which is coming of your country which is galvanized thousands of people, also been subjected to this kind of philosophy, so many frauds.

Shri Mataji smiling:

I am not a fraud, because I am talking against them since 1970, I came to America, I knew such people will be coming, and they come here for money and all kind of things. Do not believe them, I told their names and what you should expect after self-realization. I do on my own, I do not take any money for this, and giving realization it was as Christ exactly said, you should feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost because the time has come for this.


So we should listen to you, more than to the others?

Shri Mataji smiling:

Of course, I mean, because I do not take any money from you


And you have to travel around the world?

Shri Mataji:

It's my husband paying mostly for me, but sometimes some of the disciples asking why should Mother pay for ourselves, so sometimes they pay for me, but no need for them to pay. It's all right if Christ was here if he travelled, we would pay for him. So it does not matter, payment for travelling is not much.


The essential message is that, through this practice of this yoga, we can free ourselves and become new again?

Shri Mataji:

You can become yourself, the spirit, you can get your rebirth, complete transformation takes place. Like an egg becoming a bird, you become a transformed personality, you become a master of yourself, you drop out all your habits, free of all your illnesses and everything. It is on your own.


So you start again?

Shri Mataji:

It is something new dimension which is called as the collective consciousness


You are speaking October the 5th at Robson Square at 7 PM?

Shri Mataji:



You will be there?

Shri Mataji:

Yes, I will be there


Well, thank you very much to be on our program, and I hope that people will go to Robson Square centre tomorrow night at 7 pm, listen to you.

Shri Mataji:

Thank you, very much, may God bless you

Vancouver (Canada)

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