TV programme

TV programme 1992-10-15

Talk duration
Spoken Language
Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

15 October 1992


Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

TV Programme Brasil, 15-10-1992

In a hotel room:

[inaudible, Shri Mataji speaks with yoguis inside hotel room]

[inaudible, Shri Mataji takes a car with yoguis, recorded from inside hotel room]

[yoguis watching TV Programm]

[in the TV Programm [yoguini translating Shri Mataji's interview]:

Presenter:---What is Sahaja Yoga?

Shri Mataji:---Sahaja Yoga is a spontaneous happening within us, which is the last breakthrough of our evolution, by which you ascend into a new awareness, that you become the Spirit.

Presenter:---And how one practices Sahaja Yoga? Is it like the commom Yoga ?

Shri Mataji:---No, it is not. It is something internal. There is a power within us. It germinates, and gives you this connection with this all-pervading Divine power.

It is the Yoga.

Presenter:---...a connection with a power that exists within us, which is Divine, isn't it? And how can we get in contact with this power?

Shri Mataji:---It is just like a living process. Like we plant a seed in the Mother Earth and it sprouts. In the same way, it just happens.

You have to come to My programm and it will all work out.

[laughs around with unkown reason... Shri Mataji looks at Her side for a few seconds]

Shri Mataji:---Yesterday we had about two thousand people in Brasilia and everybody turned their hands up that they had felt this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost.

They have got this Connection.

Presenter[staring at Shri Mataji's bindi]:---What is it in Her forehead?

Shri Mataji:---This is a sign of a married lady in India.

Presenter:---And it is made out of what?

Shri Mataji:---We get a powder for this called tamaris (?? not sure). It has a cooling efect.

Presenter:---So I invite people to to know Sahaja Yoga tomorrow at the Rio de Janeiro School of Music .

[Presenter explains the address of the School of Music]

Presenter:---And this is a class, a demonstration, or what?

Shri Mataji:---I will tell them about it, and than just ask them to stretch their hands towards Me and it... It is spontaneous!

Presenter:---Might lay people participate?

Shri Mataji:---Of of them.

Presenter:---I want to thank Her presence here. She needs to go, She has another appointments. We thank. She is free if needing to leave, ok? Thank you.

[Presenter start presenting next interviewee]

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

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