Public Program

Public Program 1995-10-11

Public Program

Public Program 1995-10-11

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Public Program
Public Program
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English, Hindi, Marathi, English
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Transcript English – Draft
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Transcript (English) – Draft

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11 October 1995

Public Program

Vancouver (Canada)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Please be seated. That would be better! You can come forward here, if you have no place!

I bow to all the seekers of Truth!

At the very outset, we have to know that Truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it, and even if I describe it to you, you cannot achieve it.

Truth is to be known on your Central Nervous System. That can only be achieved through our ascent, through our breakthrough into a new awareness. In this human awareness we cannot feel the Truth.

As you know in Sanskrit the word ‘Bodha’. ‘Bodha’ means enlightenment. Also from this, the word 'Buddha’ has come, the one who is enlightened. But ‘Bodha’ actually means to feel it in our Central Nervous System.

Whatever we have achieved in our evolution, whatever, we can feel it in our Central Nervous System. For example, for an animal it's not necessary, that it should go through a very clean road, it can go through any place, but for a human being, he has developed a sense of cleanliness. There are many things we have achieved much more than animals are. So, we should be all very complete, fulfilled, satisfied but we are not. What is the reason? Because still we have to ascend a little higher than what we are.

Now whatever I am going to tell you, I would request you not to take it for granted, because it is coming from me or anyone. We have had enough trouble with this blind faith. So only thing is, if it works out, whatever I say is proved, then you accept it, because it is for your own benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your society, benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world.

What I am talking about is the global transformation of human beings. Without that nothing could be achieved, which would be of real help to the whole society.

So the first truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, this ego and your conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. You are the pure Spirit. You have to become the Spirit. Once you become the Spirit, when you achieve that selfhood, then only you will know what is reality. Before that is all a mental projection. The mind flows in all directions, and then you find that it is moving in a linear manner. It goes up to a point, and then it falls back and comes back on you, boomerangs we should say. That's why all our enterprises, all our research, everything comes back to us, and we are shocked how it has happened.

Here I am now talking to you about Science. Science has it's own limitations. It is also a moral. When people started talking about Atoms, they did not know that it would create an Atomic Bomb or Hydrogen Bomb, but ultimately it ended up into that, which is today responsible for destroying us.

When we talk of peace, we do not realize that peace is only possible, if human beings become peaceful. It's not through some organizations, or some artificial methods we can create peace, or by bombing others. It won't be. It's the source we should go to. It's the mind of people from where the violence starts. I have met many people who have had awards for peace, but they are so hot tempered, that if you have to meet them you better take a barge pole. I don't know how they got these awards. It's really difficult to understand.

So, one has to realize that the source of violence is yourself, within yourself. It starts in your mind and then it grows collective, collective and then the whole nation can become violent. Now you are facing all kinds of violences. Individual violences, social violences, religious violences, this and that and that, because we are not peaceful.

Now, how do we become peaceful? Is a very important thing we should understand. As I say, you must have been told (Shri Mataji speaks to someone on her right, speaks in Hindi- haven't kept any photo of kundalini? and then turns to her left and then speaks) haan! I am sorry! I want to tell you that within us lies a power called as ‘Kundalini’. ‘Kundal’ in Sanskrit means coils, and she is the power of feminine nature. She is the reflection of the Primordial Mother. Now, you may say that there is no description of the Primordial Mother in the Bible, or in the Quran or anything. May not have been! But there has been this power existing and we can prove it, that this power is reflected within us as this Kundalini, which is the power of pure desire. It exists!

Now, there are many who have written books after books, that this Kundalini is a very dangerous thing. It's not at all, because it is your mother. Your mother who is anxious to give you your second birth. When you got your birth, who suffered you or your Mother? Your mother suffered for you.

In the same way, this Kundalini is your own individual mother. She knows everything about you. She knows about your past, she knows about your aspirations. She knows everything about you, and she is anxious to give you your second birth. This Kundalini lies in the triangular bone, which is called as ‘'Sacrum’, that means the Greeks knew, that this is a sacred bone. Why did they call it Sacrum Bone?

I have discovered, when I went to Ukraine this time, that three thousand B.C. they believed in the Primordial Mother. Not only they believed in the centers that are there, they drew them, made beautiful paintings with the exact number of petals that these centers have. This is three thousand B.C. and they called the Primordial Mother as ‘Aditi’', which we also in Sanskrit called.

So, one has to realize that even in the religions, they have tried to somehow or other to mislead. For example, they never mentioned the word Primordial Mother. It was Trinity, Christ the son, and the Father and the third was the Holy Ghost. You have the father and the son, and what about the Mother? That is how people tried to put down Motherhood, the woman.

Same in the Quran. You see, the trouble is, Mohammad Saheb never wrote the Quran, nor did Christ write the Bible. It was done by people, perhaps who never respected women. Especially, Quran was written forty years later, after the death of Mohammad Saheb. Same with Christ. We can say Paul. Paul is the gentleman who wrote the Bible. I don't trust him much (reactions from audience, laughter and some applause too- Shri Mataji smiles and continues) because he was epileptic. He was epileptic. That's the biggest problem. If somebody is epileptic, means that person is possessed. In Sahaja Yoga, we can prove it to you he is possessed, and this possessed man wrote, or I should say, edited the Bible, fought with all of them, or I don't know they say he was a hater of women.

Thus the position of women in all these religions became so unsecured, very unsecured. I find in the West, women are very insecure. They have to go on pleasing the husband. They have to dress up like this. All these descriptions when I read, I said why bother so much about the husbands? I can't understand, but now I know the root cause, that here is a society where the women always have to dance to please the man, and look after that he doesn't run away with another woman.

This is something I just don't understand, because there are lots of truths in the Bible, and one of them is, ‘’Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” To that extent, to that subtle extent Christ went, and said that your eyes should not have any adultery, in your eyes! Now tell me, do you find such people anywhere? (Sound of laughter of an audience)

So, the whole system was built on some very wrong presumptions, that always doubt the women and doubt the men, and the whole relationship was based on some sort of a big doubt.

The less said the better about the Muslims, where they believe that women should be put half way into Mother Earth, and should be beaten with stones and should be killed. I mean, imagine such cruel things! Even in modern times they are doing it. That shows that it's not religion! It's not! It's not the one which respects women, does not respect human beings as human beings.

Nobody has a right to kill anybody. If you cannot create even a little ant, why should you kill anyone? But this principle is absolutely avoided, and they think they have every right to kill, because they think they are very very honorable and moral people.

For that, the life of Christ is so open, that when Marie Magdalini was beaten up with stones, just imagine! Same thing, Christ stood up against all the people who were trying to beat her, throw stones at her. He had nothing to do with Marie Magdalini. He was very different. He was a saint. She was not a saint, but still he said, ‘'Anybody who has not committed any sin, can throw stones at her.” This is to be understood, how he respected women, that they should not be stoned like this. But it's going on, you see, every day. These things are going on, and then we think there is no God, because those people who profess religion are so funny.

In England there was a priest. I was myself born in a Christian family, and I was surprised where is Christ and where are Christians, because (Shri Mataji laughs slightly) there was a case. Nowadays, lots of cases against priests, but this one was very unique, because the priest was found to be adulterous. So, they questioned, how could he be a priest? So the priest said, “What can I do? My genes, my genes are all like that! What can I do? I can't help it!” Now, everything goes on to genes, you see! But still I would say, why should he be a priest, if his genes are that bad? He should not be a priest! So, if you see in this way towards a religion, you start feeling there is no God, there is no morality. There is no sense being religious. That's also absolutely not true, because without knowing whether there is God or not, it's very unscientific to say, there is no God! It's very unscientific to accept such a situation!

So is there a way out to know whether there is God or not? Is there a way to know why we are on this Earth? All this is very important, and for which our Creator has placed this Kundalini in the triangular bone, which you all have. It is your own right to have your self realization. This Kundalini is your own, just like a primule in the seed! When you put a seed in the Mother Earth, (it) sprouts by itself ‘'sahaj’ spontaneously. In the same way, this Kundalini rises and pierces through your fontanelle bone area.

Now, you must know that human energy is limited. That has to be accepted. There is nothing wrong in it to accept that position. So, we have to have some additional energy. Now, where do we get it from? Which is the source? For example, Mother Earth gives energy to plants, flowers, trees. What about us? If we embed ourselves in Mother Earth, can we get any energy out of it? No, we cannot!

But the second truth is, that there is a All Pervading Divine Power of Love, which does all the living work. For example, you see beautiful flowers here and we take them for granted, but it's a miracle. It's a miracle that these flowers grow in their own different varieties spontaneously. Who does that job? Who changes this weather? When I came to Vancouver, I just requested the gentleman, “Please take me round the garden of Vancouver”, because Autumn is ON! Such a beautiful Autumn! It's so joy giving! Who makes Autumn? Who? What is the energy that does all this work?

So, I have to tell you, that there is an energy which is all pervading, which is doing all the living work. If you ask the doctor, ‘Who runs your heart?’ He will say, 'This is an Autonomous Nervous System.’ So, you ask him, who is this ‘Auto’? If there is an automobile there has to be some Auto. Now, you give the name autonomous but who is this Auto? And this Auto, we have to know is our Self, our Spirit!

Now, to know it, we don't have to do anything. It is born with us. ‘Sah’ means with, ‘J’ means born. It's born with you, the right to become united, Yoga with this all Pervading Power. This is spiritual awakening, and also this is spiritual union with this all Pervading Power of Divine Love.

But when it happens, so many things happen. First of all, your genes change! This is the biggest thing that happens, that your genes change, means your database changes completely. When that happens, so many things happen to you. One of them is that your health improves, because the centers through which this Kundalini passes, they are responsible for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So, when she passes through those centers, she nourishes them, she integrates them and she puts them right! That is how, database changes, but also your health improves.

You will be amazed to know, there are four doctors in Delhi, who have got MD for curing people though Sahaja Yoga. But you see in the West, the doctors are very much united against anything that is not Allopathic. And that's why, so far, we have not been able to do much in the West, but in India we have got now a hospital, which allows people to come, stay there and get their incurable troubles cured, absolutely once for all they get rid of them.

How it happens, is through this All pervading power. Once you are connected with this All pervading power, it starts flowing through you, and it is the most vital power that gives you complete recovery. Also mentally it improves you. For example, all the time we are thinking about the future and the past. Our thoughts come from the future or the past. It's like one thought rises and falls off. Another thought rises and falls off. And we are jumping all the time on the curps of these thoughts. On the curps of the thoughts we are jumping, neither in the past, nor in the future I should say, but in between lies the present, This Present! If I tell you to be in the present you cannot be! And in the present is the Reality, because the past is finished and the future does not exist.

So, to be in the present, what should we do? Nothing! When the Kundalini rises she elongates these thoughts, and the space in between is where we are in the Present. So, what happens? You become absolutely thoughtlessly aware. You are thoughtless, but you are absolutely aware.

Yoong has written about it, not so clearly, but he has indicated that the next evolution will be on the level of thoughtless awareness. You become absolutely silent inside. That's the thing which creates peace, when you are absolutely peaceful with yourself and with others. Not only that, but you become a person, who is the witness of the whole drama, watch the whole thing as a drama, and you do not get disturbed. Now how does it happen? Suppose, you are standing in the water, and there are waves which rise and fall and you are afraid of them. But suppose, you get into the boat and watch those waves, you are not afraid. But in case, if you can manage to learn how to swim, you can jump down and save many people who are afraid of the waves.

In the same way thought waves subside, and you go above your mind, and you start seeing that you have a witness power. For example, suppose now this is a beautiful carpet and I look at it. Now, if I am not enlightened, what will happen that I will start thinking. Oh God! what a good carpet! Where can I get it? Where should I buy it? And all sorts of things! But supposing it is mine, it is a greater headache, because I will think I should have insured it, and all these things! But supposing I am beyond my mind, then what happens? I see the carpet, and whatever joy is put into it by the artist to create something beautiful, starts pouring down my head, downwards like a very soothing current of peace! It really happens! It happens! It's not a question of just claiming something, or telling you some stories. It is a thing that you have! And this is what you are seeking, whether you know it or not. You are seeking to be the spirit firstly, and you are seeking to be united with this All pervading Power of Divine Love. This is all there, for which you don't have to go to the Himalayas. You don't have to do fasting. You don't have to pay money. That's the worst thing, because how can you pay money for this? Just think of it! For love, how much money are you going to pay?

See you can pay for this hall, but can't pay for your ascent! This is to be understood. If you just apply this to the false gurus, and all other nonsensical people who take money from you, it's better you tell them, ‘’We are not going to pay'' Immediately they will run away! They will not exist, because they are only money oriented or some of them are power oriented. Such stupid things are there in certain people.

Like I met somebody from Bosnia who came to see me, a Muslim. So I asked him, “You believe in formless God, then why are you fighting for this Land? What is the need to fight.” He said, “No! You see, it's written in the Quran.” I don't think it is, but he said so, maybe. “If you die in the name of God, and you are buried, your body will come out at the time of resurrection, and you will get your resurrection.” They call it Kiyama. Then I discovered it's in all these books written down. Now, think of, after five hundred years which body will come out of the grave? (Sound of laughter from an audience) I mean one has to, it has to be logical! And they believe in it, that they will be resurrected as dead bodies! What's the use of resurrecting dead bodies?

That way I must say, Indian philosophy is better, because they say at a living time, which has been prophecized that a time will come, when people will get their resurrection. Their global ascent and life will change! That has some meaning, that the living person will become resurrected, and not a dead body or maybe some bones or maybe some part of the bones, that might be left there!

So, all absurd things also make us feel what sort of religion is this, that we are trying to follow! Now religion was meant to give you a balance. Really, all the religions were created to give you a balance in life, so that you don't fall into wrong traps, you don't do wrong things to destroy yourself. But despite that, in the West especially, I think people believe, that every moment of their life must be enjoyed. Must have fun! All these enjoyments are so self destructive! Just watch and see! This is supposed to be fun or self destructive process to finish all the people, all the children! One can't understand this kind of a thing going on in the name of progress! Where are we progressing? We are progressing towards our destruction.

Now if you tell somebody, ‘Don't do it!’ They will do it ten times more. It's a situation like that, it's a psychological case, I think, but if you get your self realization, then in the light of the spirit you don't do wrong things. You just don't do it! You give up! Overnight people have given up drugs. I have never said, Don't do! because if you say in modern times like that, half of you will walk off. So it is not to be told! Nothing is to be said, just try to open your mind or your attention to the light of the spirit. Then you see it clearly!

I must tell you a story of people, six blind people feeling an elephant, and everybody said this elephant is like a big pillar. Somebody said it's like a snake. All kinds of things they said, because they did not see the totality. One thing was there, that they never saw the totality and they started fighting. One said, it looks like that, another said it looks like that. So, first what you need is light. Your eyes must be open to it.

Also, another example could be supposing I have a serpent in my hand, and somebody tells me, because if I am obstinate, someone tells me there is a serpent in your hand, and it's all darkness. I can't see, so I will say it's a rope. I will go on saying it's a rope, till it bites me. But, supposing there is a little light, you will just leave that snake out, because you know it's a snake.

In the same way, all that is destructive you give up, just like a very wise person. You just give it up, you are not to be told. It just works out. So, your diseases are cured. Then, mentally you become a peaceful person. Many lunatics have been cured, I must tell you. And thirdly you give up all that is destructive. Now, you have the peace. You are completely integrated. Normally, your thoughts are on one side, your heart is on another side, and the body on the third side, but by this you get completely integrated, and you feel so confident about yourself, so dynamic because all the time the energy is coming in you. So, what is there to be tired of, you see?

Now See, I am seventy three years of age, and I am travelling every third day. My passport is so thick like that, but I have three passports, this is the third one, and now I have to have the fourth one! But it's alright, because I don't have to worry about the energy, that is to be replaced or anything! It's all the time the energy is flowing.

It's something like this. This instrument is connected to the Mains. If it is not, it has no meaning. It has no identity. So, people will shave their heads or I don't know. Recently they said they are making a gap between the eyebrows. What is this? By doing that what do you get I don't understand! But I think it's like franticness, that something has to be done. What are we going to do about ourselves! So, better cut your nose or do what you like! It's not that! You just connect, you just get connected to the Mains, just like this instrument once connected has it's own identity, has it's own purpose. The purpose of your life is to be connected to this all Pervading power. That's all! It's very simple! It's there! You don't have to assert yourself. You don't have to do anything. You cannot pay. You are not under any obligation.

For example, we put the seed in the Mother Earth. What do we pay to the Mother Earth, that she gives us such beautiful flowers? Now, because it is bulit in in the seed that it sprouts, and because it is built in in the Mother Earth to sprout it germinates. As simple as that! It is a living process of our evolution, and for that we have not to pay at all.

Only thing is, certain categories cannot get realization. For example, somebody is an idiot (unclear) isn't it? Is an idiot. Then you cannot give realization to that person, or somebody is arrogant, you cannot give. You cannot give realization to a person, who is here to represent certain organizations, or something and think that it's not possible. It is so simple, that I think some people could not believe, that it can be so simple, because if you can eat your food like this, they think no. Why not eat the other way round. Something like that, you see. Some brains are like that. They cannot think, that anything could be simple, but whatever is vital has to be simple. You think of your breathing. If for your breathing you have to go to some teacher for learning how to breath, how long will you exist? It's absolutely very very simple, that is going to happen to you. And know, have confidence, that you all are going to get it tonight.

It is so simple, that you see when I went to New York this time, I said this time I am going to try how it works out. In five minutes they got their realization! Imagine New Yorkers! They got it and they got it very well, and I was amazed how they did it.

Of course, Russia is a very different country. Russia is a very funny country, where there are sixty to sixty five people, very sensible and the rest are mad about Marlboro cigarettes (laughter) or something like that. To them, America is great, you see! So anything, all junk that could not be sold in America, now you can find it there. (Laughter) All wines, everything from America goes, and they are making money out of it in all the five Eastern Block countries Russia, Ukraine where every road is filled with these little little stores, where they are selling these American things but the rest of them- the scientists, the artists, also so many people incharge of the government are also very much interested in getting to the higher life, and their scientists have reached quite a great height of discoveries. They are on the other line. They are talking of spirituality and how to measure the power of spirituality.

I mean here no one can even talk about spirituality among scientists. This is what is the difference between them and us, though we are democratic we have choices, and it was easy to talk to you here, not there when there was communism, but one thing is definite they are not so materialistic.

I don't know how, but thousands and thousands of people in Russia are Sahaja Yogis. There is a joke! In one place from Russia there is a place called Tagliyati. One fellow came to our seminar in India, and some American was there. So he asked the American, “How many Sahaja yogis you have? At that time he said, We have fifty six! Very honest, you see! There were only fifty six! So, this Taglayati fellow said, My Goodness! In Taglayati only, we have twenty one Thousand and in America only fifty six, Or in America you are fifty six thousand? He said, What! We are only fifty six not fifty six thousand!

So, you can imagine there is a sensitivity also these people have for spirituality. We in our freedom, so called, have lost that sensitivity. We take to nonsensical things. Suppose, tomorrow somebody cuts one side of the hairstyle, everybody will do it. These entrepreneurs are so successful here, because they can

befool us morning till evening. Sometimes they have skirts up to here, sometimes uptill here, and every house you go is piled of clothes lying all over. Just playing into these people! All kinds of things they have started.

For example, holidaying is another thing I have seen, though they say it gives them skin troubles, because in London when I was, I was surprised, we could never go out on Friday and never on Saturday evening. The reason is that people of South of London use to go to North of London, North were coming to South. They would not stay in the house, talk to each other, but move on like a holiday you see. It's a crisis for them if they don't go out for a holiday, it's a crisis. We call these people in our language who run away from house as Runaways, you see, from the house. But this has given such a far reaching effect in our lives. I think, that we don't talk to our children, we don't talk to our wives. We are all the time worried. Men are carrying the luggage. Sometimes they are stranded on the streets for one day, Because there is such a jam they can't move, and they are having a holiday!

So this is another enterpreneur's idea. Somebody is very cunning, but people are on the wheel, still! I don't know when will they get out of it. But that's how we have no time even to meditate! I have seen Sahaja Yogis, who are in say in these five countries and Russia, are very deep because they meditate. They don't go for holidays. But here the problem is, you will all get your realization, no doubt. You will get it, but then it will be lost.

Now suppose we say, I don't know how many people there are? " Afterwards I ask them, “how many came for follow up?” “Five or three!” I said, “Why? What happened?” “They have gone on holiday.” This holiday is alright but there is a ‘holy day’ inside which we have to achieve. We have to know our holiness. We have to know our spirituality. We have to enjoy our virtues, and we have to create a new society of very dynamic and compassionate people. That is what is our future. That is what people are going to achieve. All this restlessness, all this madness, this will all disappear, and you really become such beautiful peaceful people, who will enjoy each other. It's very amazing that the joy is just at hand, very close to us and we are getting out of it. We don't want to face it.

So, second request I have, after getting your realization, please try to come to our collective. We have very good Sahaja Yogis here, I can tell you that. Those who are here are excellent! But you also become, like a seed becomes a tree, you have to also grow. Of course, for which you don't have to PAY, because I know there are people who have an introductory letter, and the second one is to collect money. No! We don't need any money for this. This is absolutely free and it works wonders. But if you really think you have to create a new society, and you have to live in a very peaceful, beautiful society of your own, then you have to little bit give time for this.

It's very important also to understand, that today we are living in a very chaotic world. We don't know what's going to happen to our children. We don't know what will be the situation in these different countries. What will be our future?

So, I just want you to know that you can become the spirit which is like an entry into the Kingdom of God. So many miracles take place. They all write to me, now I don't know what to say about that. The kind of miracles that have happened to these people, I am really amazed, because this All pervading power takes over. It's a very efficient, extremely loving and intelligent force which guides you, which protects you, looks after you, nourishes you, and so many things happen!

Now for example, in Vancouver we had Sahaja Yogis who were jobless. They all have got very good jobs. Not that they all are overly educated. But what happened? Their attention became enlightened. Their attention becomes so good. Enlightened means their intelligence improves. They started seeing things clearly. Naturally they got jobs. They are not diverted by nonsense and they are such nice people to talk to. They have good jobs, and all of them have got good jobs. I am surprised. When I had come to Vancouver for the first time, they were mostly about to become hippies. That was the situation, and today I find them so well placed, so very happy.

It's not easy to believe that you are so fantastic. You don't know your glory, really! It's known to be like this. Suppose, now you have a television, which you take to a place, some remote village somewhere, where they have never seen a television. And you tell them that, “In this television you can see films, you can see figures.’’ They will say, “What! This box! You mean to say this box is going to do that?” In the same way we think we are boxes. Just good for nothing! But when you put in to mains, we see how fantastically it is built. We are built very fantastically within ourselves. We don't know ourselves inside. We only know the outside of it. But once we know inside, you will know we are really great, and there are so many things we have to know.

Our brain also gets enlightened, and I have seen students who were very bad at studies, are always topping the list. Even one girl, who got Ms Universe, she is a Sahaja yogini. She came to me, she asked me, ‘'Mother should I do it, this thing? I don't like it very much.” I said, ‘Why?’ She said, “You have wear to sometimes wear funny dresses.” I said, “No! At the most swimming dress. That you wear in any case. So, doesn't matter!’' She got Ms Universe! See, she was a very shy person, and her mother said, “I don't know!” Not only because of beauty. I wouldn't say, that she is such a beautiful girl from western point of view. But she had poise, she had balance. She had a kind of intelligence which really, they were surprised. How she is so intelligent? She is just an Indian girl. How is she so intelligent?

The question is, such a person who is a realized soul becomes a, his whole attitude of absorption becomes much more than reflection. We are all the time reacting and reflecting. You see this, no good! That one, good! You just see! Once you start seeing the thing, you just get a photogenic, we can say just like the memory becomes so sharp. You know what it is, how it was, but you don't react. You don't react, you just see it, and that's how a person becomes very intelligent, but not cunning. He becomes very involved about the problems of the society.

Now, there is one gentleman who has come from Iran. He is quite young, but he is so dynamic, and he is not afraid of anything. He says, “Mother, I am going to say all this”, and I said, “What about the Muslims? He said, “I don't care!” I said, “Why?”

“Because when they will see the truth they will come. After all they have to see the truth, isn't it? Somebody has to tell them.” I was amazed, this young man, he is just like a very peaceful personality becoming a revolutionary. Without getting annoyed, without getting angry, but with love and affection. He says, “I will win them over! I will tell them what is reality.” It's not fighting, it's not conversion, but it is the inner transformation that is needed

Last of all, this attention which becomes so enlightened, can tell you what's wrong with you. On your fingertips you will know. On your finger tips you will know, what centers are in trouble. Diagnosis is over. Say, if you have to go for diagnosis in one of these hospitals, you are half dead with the diagnosis only (laughter from the audience, Shri Mataji also laughs) Then the second part is treatment, injections and cutting, putting. Nothing is to be done. It's your own power. It will go to that center and cure it. So, you don't have to worry about the doctor's fee. You are your own doctor. You are your own master, and you control yourself.

Now suppose you can correct your own centers you can correct the centers of others very easily. Why not? It's like one light, one candle which is enlightened, can enlighten many candles. It's so simple as that, and all these powers are born, are already all there, are potential I should say, they start expressing. You can give realization to others. You can cure them. You can do all these things, and enjoy very much doing it. Really enjoy it, because such a pleasure, such a joyful moment, when you see you give realization to someone.

So, this is the real second birth I am talking about, and not just a certificate - ‘I am born again.’' I am what ? Just the same as others are. You are born again. How can it be? You have to have powers, special powers of compassion and dynamism. If you don't have these powers, with the hand you can raise the Kundalini of others, what's the use of just certifying yourself and feeling satisfied about it?

The time has come for us to really enjoy! To jump into the ocean of joy, where joy does not have happiness or unhappiness, action and reaction. It is just singular, it is joy. You just become joyous. If it is absurd you see the humour behind it, if it is beautiful you enjoy the beauty. There is no lust and greed, anything in your relationships, but it is a beautiful enjoyment of life, which is there.

We have marriages, very sensible marriages we have. International marriages we have and their children are all born realized straight. Saints are being born to them. It is such a joy to have such children. How sweetly they talk, how sweetly they bring everybody together. How they like to share everything is worth noticing, how this world of Sahaja Yoga is so dynamic, so compassionate, so loving.

We have seminars in India, and we get people from sixty five countries. I have never seen them quarreling, fighting, nothing! Never! They are so joyous. Very happy people. The other day somebody saw some Sahaja Yogis. He said, “You are very happy guys.” Really they are! Very happy people with each other. Of course, they pull each other's legs. They are very normal. They are very humourous, but you don't have to change your dress. You don't have to shave your head. Nothing of that kind. It's just inside, something happens and you become what you are. This is what is the age, we should say, of Joy, and this joy you all should have, is your own right.

Thank you very much! (sound of applause from the audience)

When you become the spirit you become collectively conscious, that means you can feel others on your fingertips also. Who is the other then? Like a drop falls into the ocean and becomes the ocean. The collectivity is so beautiful. Everybody trying to help each other, being kind to each other, not from the mind but innately. You become innately moral. You are not to be told “Don't do this! Don't do that!” Innately you become moral. You don't need any policeman to tell you. You don't need any jails, nothing! Within yourself you become absolutely moral, and enjoy your virtues.

Forget the past! Whatever has happened in the past, forget it! Now don't worry! That's not to be discussed, or to be thought of at this time.

So, It will take hardly I think ten minutes for you all to get your realization. I promise you, but first of all, as I told you you are not to remember your past. You are not to feel guilty at all. Not to feel guilty at all about anything. Whatever mistakes you have committed, alright. You should have faced it at that time. What's the use of carrying it all your life, and now here? So, better know that you are not guilty. Think if you were guilty you would have been in jail. Why are you here? So, it's absolutely wrong to torture yourself, thinking, “I am guilty! I am guilty! I am guilty!”

But do you know if you feel guilty, what happens? This center on the left hand side catches and you develop a disease called Anzyna, which you know is heart. You also develop sometimes very bad spondylitis, sometimes your muscles become very lethargic. Also your organs can become lethargic, with this one defect that you feel guilty. So, you have to forgive yourself, because if you don't forgive now, this center will be in jeopardy, and the Kundalini cannot rise.

All your life, for nothing at all, you have been blaming yourself, judging yourself, and what did you gain? But at this moment especially, have mercy upon yourself, and don't feel guilty at all! There is nothing to feel guilty. It's a fashion to feel guilty. Everybody has to know, that if you have done anything wrong, it's already forgiven, because you would have suffered. You have not suffered because of that! So, it's not to be considered. Moreover, this All pervading power of Divine Love is the ocean of forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you might have committed or you feel guilty about, it can be all washed off, can be completely dissolved into this ocean of all pervading love!

Then another thing is, that you have to forgive. Forgive everyone! Not to even think about them. Now, so many people say, “We can't forgive!” Now logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? What do you do?? You don't do anything. They say I can't forgive! It's very difficult. But what do you do? Nothing! But really what you do is, you torture yourself all the time. When you don't forgive, you play in the wrong hands and torture yourself. Best thing is to forgive and forget! See how light, how much lighter you will feel.

So, it's not at all difficult. You have to just say, Mother, I forgive everyone. That works! I tell you that works! But the danger is, if you don't forgive. Then this center here on the optic chiasma in the brain is like this absolutely constricted. Absolutely like this. If you don't forgive it won't open, but if you forgive it opens. Unless and untill it opens, how can the Kundalini pass through. So we have to help our Kundalini, in this way that we should really forgive. Never say, “I cannot forgive”, because you don't do anything.

So these are the two things which are very important.

And the third one is very simple. You might have to take out your shoes, which I hope you don't mind. I am requesting you, because in England when I told them,”Take out your shoes”, half of them walked out. (laughter from audience) English are funny about their shoes. (Shri Mataji also laughs) Now not, not now, but it used to be like that.

Last of all, you should be absolutely confident, that you are going to get your self realization tonight! Absolutely!

Now, I must confess, that I cannot force self realization on you. It has to be your choice, because I respect your freedom. I cannot force it on you by any chance. So, those who don't want to have their self realization, should leave the hall. Nothing will go wrong with them. They will be perfectly alright. There is no problem I know that, but still those who don't want, should really leave the hall and spare others.

Alright! So let us do the shorter way I did in New York, might work out here also (sound of applause and jubilation at which Shri Mataji smiles happily) I hope so.

You have to put both the hands towards me like this. As I told you, these are five, six and seven centers of the sympathetic nervous system. So, you just put your hand like this, little higher like this.

Now, those sitting on the chair should put both the feet apart from each other, because these are two powers, but those sitting on the ground should not do that, need not do that. Now, please both the hands towards me.

Now, put the left hand like this, and put the right hand on top of the Fontanelle bone area. Here! Above! Not on top but above! Now, please bend your head as much as possible! Please bend your head! Now see for yourself, if there is a hot or cold breeze like vibrations coming out of your Fontanelle Bone Area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Please bend your head, and see for yourself. Sometimes it is hot. It's hot, because you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others.

So please try to do that! Please forgive! Just say in your heart, “Mother, I forgive everyone!” and “Mother I forgive myself!” Just say that! And you will be surprised, how it will improve.

Now, put your right hand towards me please, and put down your head again. And with the left hand you see for yourself again above the fontanelle bone area, if it is hot or cold breeze like vibrations coming out of your own fontanelle bone area. Just see for yourself! please bend your head! Please bend! Sometimes some people get it far away. Sometimes they get it close, so you have to move your hand to see for yourself. Now don't doubt it! Doubting comes from your mental activity. Don't doubt! Just see for yourself!

Now, again with the left hand. Now, don't put your hand close to your fontanelle bone area. Fontanelle bone area is not in front of your forehead but on top, top of your head. Just put it! This is the actualization of baptism actually. This is the actualization of baptism. Bend your head, and see for yourself. Again carefully see for yourself! Don't put your hand on top or in front of your forehead, but on top of the Fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now see for yourself carefully!

Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this. Both of your hands! Push back your head! And ask one of these questions, only only, three times. Whatever you want to ask. First one, the first question - “Mother is this the cool Breeze of the holy Ghost?” Ask this question three times or you can ask-’Mother is this the all pervading power of divine love?” You can ask this question three times or you can ask, “Mother is this the Param Chaitanya, Ruh?” Ask this question three times! Now, please put down your hands!

Now, please put both your hands towards me like this and don't think! Stop thinking! You can stop it. Just stop thinking! Need not close your eyes. Some people get it down below, down here, under the, we can say under the palm. So push it back! Some people get it. Push it back!

Now again watch me without thinking.

All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the fingertips, or on the palm, or out of the Fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands.

My Goodness! really Vancouver is greater than New York I must say! Thank you very much! All of you! (Sounds of applause) Very good! Excellent! Beautiful! Can't believe it! It's so great! It's really!

May God bless you all! May God bless you!!

If you have any questions, you can write them down and send it over. I will answer all of them. Our Sahaja Yogis can also answer. They are very well equipped, but just now the thing is to enjoy yourself! Must enjoy!

(Shri Mataji turning to her right and addressing the sahaja Yogis ) Would you like to sing a song? alright!

(Again looking in front and addressing the crowd) One song they would like to sing in my presence, if you don't mind.

(Haan! kya kah rahey hain?) Yes, What are you saying?( Shri Mataji speaking In Hindi language to Sahaja Yogis)

(She is showing a book to the new people) This is the book. You can take it free. I must say it is very well worked out by Sahaja Yogis, and I bless it from my heart. (applause)

This song is by a poet who says, O Mother! give me the Yoga, the union and also it goes on describing, how I will be giving up this and giving up that, but you give me the Yoga.

And It is sung in our villages, but I think the time has come for them to get this Yoga.

Vancouver (Canada)

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Vancouver (Canada)

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