God is above us

God is above us 1983-06-18

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Public Program
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Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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18 June 1983

God Is Above Us

Public Program

Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale, Paris (France)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program 3, Paris (France), 18 June 1983.

To all the seekers of joy, I bow. I already told you that joy has no duality. It does not have happiness and unhappiness. It should never be confused with pleasures. Because the pleasure that looks today the pleasure, tomorrow will turn into remorse. But the joy is absolute and eternal. It does not change. Only thing that, how far we have been able to allow the Spirit to shine in our attention, and how far we have been able to get rid of our misidentification is the important point.

Today, I gave an analogy of the Sun to the Spirit. The sun is shining by itself, it doesn't need enlightenment, by itself it is there. But to get the sunshine in the atmosphere we have to remove the clouds, because the clouds are superimposing upon the sun. The clouds that are superimposing cannot engulf the Sun, because Sun is detached from them. Only the clouds can make the atmosphere dark. In the same way, when we have superimpositions of our ignorance upon the Spirit, then there is darkness in our life and we are in confusion.

As I told you the first day, whatever we achieve through our mental projections can create those clouds. Also, our conditionings can create these clouds. For example, say we are born in France. So, we think we are French. Then anybody who is not French is not good. Same with Indians: if they are born in India, they think the rest of the world doesn't exist. Then these identifications start becoming even smaller and smaller and smaller up to this point that we'll say that we belong to this road, then to this family, then myself. All these misidentifications with the names, with the so-called powers, with the so-called ideas about our history, all these things are nothing but conditionings.

Also due to these two problems of ego and superego, in the present time, we are all the time jumping from our past to future, future to past. But we cannot stand in the present. Now, if I have to say that, "You pay attention to yourself within", you cannot do it. You just can't take your attention inside; it's a honest thing to say. Here somebody, maybe dishonest, might say, "No, I can take my attention inside." But it's a fact that you cannot take your attention inside.

So, this happening takes place, the awakening of the Kundalini. And that sucks in your attention inwards which is outside. Human attention is mostly outside and whatever it sees or it feels or experiences, it creates a thought wave in the mind. So, to understand yourself, your attention has to go inside. And that is why this divine arrangement is within us.

This power which is the pure power of your desire resides in the triangular bone, sacrum, waiting for that moment when somebody who is authorized by the Divine itself can awaken it. The time has come today, as I told you before, that thousands and thousands, millions and millions, billions and billions have to get their Realization.

Fourteen thousand years back in India, the originator of the astrology in India called as Bhrigu Muni has predicted that such a system will start in 1970. Actually, he didn't write 1970 he wrote according to Indian calendar. But three hundred years back, another Indian, called Swami Bhujander, transcribed it [in Marathi] and said that it had to start in 1970. Sahaja Yoga started in 1970. Also, it was said that in this new method of Sahaja Yoga, thousands of people will get awakening of the Kundalini in a 'sahaja' way, in a spontaneous way, and that you will not have to work hard for it or to do any kind of penance - tapasharya. This was predicted so far as that, that after some time when such yogis will be created on this earth, there will be no need of hospitals. It has gone even further, it's quite a long thing but I'm just telling you that it has been predicted a long time back.

But only a hundred of years back, a great seer known as William Blake was born in England. In a book called "Milton", he has identified Milton with a seeker. And he has said so clearly about Sahaja Yoga that it is really surprising that such a seer was born in England. He has said that the men of God will become prophets and these prophets will have powers to make others prophets. He has even given exact places where I would be living. First, we were living in Surrey Hills. He has written that the first beacons would be lit in Surrey Hills. And the second house which he has described, he has described it that, "It will be on the Tyburn brook, behind the Kensington Gardens". Now my- this house is exactly there.

Also, he has described how he called them ‘Golden Builders”. Because the Sahaja Yogis have come and painted my house with gold somewhere in the corners [unsure]. The first ashram of Sahaja Yoga was started in Lambeth’s Vale where I laid the foundation for the larger hall. And it was a house bombed in the war. He has written that, "The foundations will be laid in Lambeth’s Vale in a house which is broken down up to this limit that her sinews will vibrate the Divine". It’s very remarkable the way this great poet has described Sahaja Yoga in England. He has retaliated against all industrial troubles and industrial problems very strongly. And he has lashed all the crookery and the immorality of the people of England. And he had said that, "We have to build Jerusalem in this land of England".

Look at his aspirations and his understanding of the future! This is what is a seer. And you become a seer after your Realization. A seer is a person who sees but does not react, does not absorb. It just sees as a witness and the whole thing is like a play. He does not do anything himself, but his presence itself is auspicious and it works out goodness.

It is difficult in these modern times to talk about auspiciousness, holiness or divine miracles. When we believe in Christ, we must know that He had shown so many miracles Himself by curing people. But He did not do stupid miracles like taking out a ring or giving some sort of an ash into your hands. A seer can live in a palace or live in a hut, he is a king. Because he is innately a king, like the Sun does not need any light.

This state can be achieved through the awakening of the Kundalini and in India, perhaps, everyone knows about it. Even the Christians had this knowledge, as I told you yesterday, that Kundalini is to be awakened. But as we have lost many things, we have also lost this knowledge. But still, in the Bible, you find sentences like, “I will appear before you like tongues of flames.”

These centres are – they look like tongues of flames all living tongues of flames, but very silently moving. And the last center that you see there, Sahasrara, actually looks like a petaled, many petaled, thousand-petaled lotus. But it is like many flames of many colours very silent, sometimes closing down and sometimes opening

But seeing the chakra is not being inside the chakra. Like, you are standing outside this building, you can see the whole building, but when you are inside you just see the inside. So, those who have seen the chakras have moved their attention from one sympathetic to another sympathetic and have gone out.

Supposing a tree is sick, so you cannot enter in to a tree’s being through the leaves or through the branches, but you have to pass through the sap into the roots. So, no use treating any particular leaf or any particular flower, the best thing is to go through the roots. So, the Kundalini is the root and the lower center than that, which is the center of your innocence, is the support of this root. This is the center of your innocence and this center is governed by a deity which is an eternal child. The energy of this deity is innocence.

Now the same deity incarnates on this earth as Lord Jesus Christ. He is described much better in the chapters of Mahavishnu of Devi Mahatmyam [Devi Bhagavatam] where His father blessed Him that He should be born on this earth and that He should be the support of the universe.

Marie [hesitating about the translation]: Who blessed him?

Shri Mataji: Univers. His father told Him. [to the translator].

And He had a very difficult task to perform. His body was made of the Brahma itself – the All-pervading Power. There was no earth element in it. No elements were there. Only this All-pervading Power, this abstract had taken that form. And when He came on this earth, the greatest task He had to do that He had to pass through that gap which you see where ego and superego are crossing as the position of pituitary and pineal body. That’s why, when He was crucified, his body was resurrected because He had no body. So, crucifixion gave Him a position in our Agnya Chakra here by which He died and came out of it between these two very tightly crossing, these ego and superego.

So, His resurrection is the message for us. On the Easter Day, we give eggs to people as presents and we do not know what is the meaning of that is. But actually, in the Devi Mahatmyam [Devi Bhagavatam] is described that first He was an egg, a special egg. And half of Him remained as it is, because He formed the lower Chakra [Mooladhara] and the half of it became Mahavishnu that is Christ.

That is the same thing is that the egg becomes the bird by resurrection. And that is why the egg is given to us, to show that we have to become birds. In Sanskrit language, a bird is called as “dvijaha”. And also a Brahmin is the one who is a Realized soul, twice born, is also called “dvijaha”. Because the bird comes out of the egg in one life time, so it has a double life, means it’s a twice born. And also, a human being first is an egg because it’s a closed person, you can see the ego and superego close him down. And when the bird is ready, the shell is broken here and out of the egg comes out the bird.

So, a Brahmin, or a person who knows the Brahma, the All-pervading Power, is also twice born, “dvijaha”. That’s the same thing, is that we are to be born again. Christ has clearly said that, “You are to be born again”. I mean, there cannot be more clear statement than that. But what we do is to get some priest from some theological college who is not a Realized soul and he artificially puts the water on the fontanel bone. The Kundalini doesn’t move. There is no awakening, you don’t see any movement of the Kundalini. Nothing happens. Only we celebrate the baptism by having champagne. How we believe into such things? All this befooling is going on.

But William Blake wrote very clearly that, “A priest cursed me on my head when I was helpless.” So, this is what it is: that you have to be born again to be Christians and for that you have to have baptism. In very simple language, one has to understand, it has to be a living process. Any Dick, Tom and Harry cannot put the hand on your head and say that you are baptized. Christ was born Realized, but He took a baptism from John the Baptist because He was wanting to make people understand that they have to do the baptism also. This is called in Sanskrit as “samayachar” [according to time]. For example, in no lifetime of mine, I knew English. I never heard of French. But in this lifetime, I know English and I’m hearing French. So, according to time, one has to act to tell people how they should perform this baptism.

I went to America and all the people I told them, "You are to be born again." So, they started an organization saying, "These are born-again." All false certificates. There is a big organization like that which says, "We are born again." How human beings accept falsehood and so easily! They don’t want to understand that, "How can you be born again just by certifying yourself?" And once they form such a fanatic, nonsensical false group, they become so violent and adamant that nothing can change their ideas. They are sure they are born again. But if you are born again, you have to have some powers. You have to have some speciality. And what is their speciality? It’s nothing.

I asked one of them, "If you are born again, can you tell Me what’s wrong with this gentleman?" He said, "I know, but I don't want to tell You." So foolish and so stupid the whole attitude is towards oneself! They have no respect for themselves, they have no understanding that how God, with great delicacy, with great care and love, has created them as the epitome of evolution.

All these cults are the same style of nonsense that is going on. First of all you cannot organize God because it's a living process. Can you say that on such and such day, at this time, the flower will become a fruit with your watch, even if you have a Swiss made? [Laughter] It’s an impossibility. So, how can you organize a living process of your evolution and the source of that evolution which is a living source?

The biggest mistake is that people have organized God and organized religion. Now nobody can penetrate it. It is far away from reality. What it is that, one must know that God is above us. He can organize us; we cannot organize Him. So first of all, we must drop ideas from our heads that we can organize God or his living process. But we must know the source of that process.

Now, the source of that process is the central path that you see there. I told you yesterday about the left and right side. Now, today, I will tell you in short, [about] the central path. The central path that lies within us is a very subtle energy. In the gross, it expresses the parasympathetic nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our evolution, is expressed in the central nervous system. That means we can feel it on our physical being. But we cannot feel the existence of Spirit on our physical being so far.

So, in evolution, we have only come up to a point where now we have to have the final ascent. So, this gap, this bridge, is to be done through some triggering. Just like we have spacecrafts - there are cylinders placed into one each other – like, first the physical shoots off the mental, then the mental shoots off the emotional, then the emotional shoots off the spiritual.

But when you start seeking the spiritual, you find there is no way to jump above to become the Spirit. So ultimately, this Kundalini triggers you into the space. So, so far, you have been made human being through the central path or the central power of sustenance. The Sanskrit word is ‘dharma’ for that "dharayeti sa dharma" [which sustains inside us]. Dharma means the one that sustains. Actually, ‘dharma’ is translated as ‘religion’ in English language.

Marie: Is translated?

Shri Mataji: As religion. Religo, religo [Latin]. But it means that as carbon is first created at that point, first point, carbon [at Mooladhara chakra]. Once the carbon comes into the play, the organic chemistry is formed. The life starts breathing. Then the other evolutionary stages take place inside the Void. While the yellow thing that you see there, is the second chakra [Swadishthan], creates the universe.

Now, in evolution, if you reach the last stage, you become the seeker. Those who are not seekers are very low in evolution. They may be kings, Prime Ministers or they could be any big Johnnies. But to God they are not important. When you are evolved to the maximum, then you start seeking your Spirit. Such people are extremely earnest and very seriously thinking, "The aim is seeking." They may seek in drugs, they may seek in alcohol, they may seek in sex, they may seek in other such things which are called immoral. But despite all that, they are seekers. And a person who is not a seeker and a very moral person is of no use. Even if they don’t believe in God, they believe in Him because unless and until they say there is no -when they say there is no God, that means, "There must be God". It’s like saying, "There is night", means there is the day.

Such people, the seeking is so great that they do not want anything else but the last jump. They are not interested in any material gains or any positions, they have had enough of it! But ultimately, they want one thing, is their Spirit to shine in their attention.

Today in modern times, thousands of seekers are born. I didn't say millions but millions is a better word. [Laughter] Yes, millions and millions, so many are there. And they are lost; some of them are definitely lost, I must say. We'll have to rescue them also. But these men of God are going to receive their Realization. And I've met such wonderful people that one day they were lying in gutters taking drugs and second day they are here giving Realizations. Such tremendous personalities I've met that I'm Myself amazed! Many Saints are taking birth today. All the Sahaja Yogis who are married have got all born-realized children. And this has to happen.

This is the time of our judgment, the Last Judgment. You are not going to be judged in a weighing machine. Only this Kundalini is going to judge you. The great painter and the seer, Michael Angelo, has written it large in the Sistine Chapel. Christ is standing, very strong personality at the Agnya Chakra and He is throwing so many people down to Hell! And the saints are passing through his hand and going above, into the Kingdom of God. He is a great seer because he saw Christ as He was.

Christ was a very healthy, robust personality, but below the painting there was another bony stuff kept as Christ. It is sadistic to show Christ like that. Because they want to see that Christ was a miserable creature. How can a person who was just nothing but these heavenly vibrations could be such a miserable creature like bones? He carried the cross on his shoulders. Let anyone of these popes carry even for five minutes, then I would like to see how they would look!

This has created a big problem in India. Indians were all waiting for the incarnation of Mahavishnu. But the missionaries who went to India with a gun in one hand and Bible in another, brought the picture of Christ so miserable and Indians could not believe that a person who is going to be born for the salvation of humanity, would be like this. They could not connect that incarnation of Mahavishnu has already come.

It is said that when the incarnation of Mahavishu will come and it will settle in the Agnya Chakra, then when He is awakened, all our karmas - means conditionings and our ego, "ahamkara" - will be all sucked in. Because He would have suffered for us. And that is exactly what happens when Christ is awakened then these two institutions or these two bloated things just get sucked in. And then you find there's a space in your head and you find the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area and you get your real baptism.

That was the great task of Christ which He performed. And then at the cross He said, "I've done my work." His Mother, for Indian purposes, was the incarnation of Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of the central path of evolution. But He did not talk about Her at all! Because He is bestowed upon with eleven destructive powers of such terrible temper, that nobody can withstand it. If anybody would have touched his Mother, He would have given up his drama and destroyed all the world; half-way, the drama would have finished.

Ultimately, He is going to come in on a white horse. The 'Mahdi' has to come, the 'Mahdi' in the Koran and in the Indian scriptures it is described as Nishkalanka, means 'spotless, pure'. And also, in short form, they call Him Kalki. But when He will come on the white horse, He's not going to give any chance, any Realization, no counselling at all. He's not going to comfort you out of your diseases. And He's not going to redeem you to become Realized souls. He'll be coming with eleven destructive forces of Ekadasha Rudra. And all his compassion and forgiveness will be a past history. You can see his clear-cut picture done by Michael Angelo, as I told you, in the Sistine Chapel. So, this is the most important time today where the world is facing and we have to be aware. No use just saying that, "Whatever has to happen now, we do not want Realization".

As today is my last lecture, I don’t want to harp on a subject like Hell. I don’t want to talk about it, but I want to talk about the Promised Land, the land where there is the rule of God Almighty, where your Father is sitting with his both hands to receive you with love and give you all his powers for which you should not say, "I’m not ready". It is for Me to decide. You please don’t decide about yourself.

Only thing I cannot do, is to create that earnest desire in you. That is my limitation. So, I would request you to feel that earnest desire by logic. See all the people whom you think to be very happy people and go and meet them.

There was a lady who said about a particular actress, "I adore her; I wish I was her." She told Me that. And next day, this actress committed suicide. This is the thing: we do not understand that none of these people, who are supposed to be the top successful people, are happy. Let alone happiness, if you cannot get that, how can you think of joy?

Today is the last day I’m speaking to you and perhaps after one year, I will come back here. I would like to tell the citizens of Paris and France that they must think of their eternal life. They have really played havoc with their own lives and also, they have taught many bad things to other people also. They should now enter into their roots and become great Realized souls and nourish this weak sickly tree of life through their vibrations.

Sahaja Yoga is taking a big stride everywhere and I’m sure many will be saved. But I’m worried about each individual who is sitting here. I wish you could have the same love and respect I have for you. Please take your Realization and follow it up. Within one month you can become the master of your being, no slavery of any kind. For which you don’t have to pay anything, don’t have to work hard. You have to just swim in the ocean of joy.

May God bless you. Thank you.

[Shri Mataji gets out of the stage and sits down.]

I think today, we will again not go into questions and answers because all these things really do not help. If you have any questions, you can write to Me to my London’s address or you can write to this ashram here. And I’ll try to answer your questions, whether personal or any general question.

Today it should work out much faster, I think. You have to, a little bit, cooperate with Me. Please, take out your shoes. At the very outset, those who do not want to have Realisation, should leave us. Like yesterday, one lady unnecessarily created a fuss. You should not have any fear about Kundalini awakening. Only thing is, be careful, some people have a habit of showing off. Like they start jumping or doing all kind of things. Please don’t do anything. [Laughter]

When the Kundalini rises, it is something that happens inside, not outside. So, there is no need to show off.

What’s it? You can come forward, there’s a chair for you here. It’s all right, yes.

All right. Now those who want to go, please go away, but during the meditation, please don’t get up and disturb others. We have to be civil people.

You have to just take out your shoes because the shoes are a little bit tied and also, it helps us that you have your feet on the Mother Earth. It is like earthing. I think scientific words, we understand.

Now, please, put your hands just like this [open towards Shri Mataji] because these fingers, as I told you yesterday, represent the seven centres.

This is the first centre [base of the palm].

This is the second centre [thumb].

This is the third centre [middle finger].

Then this is the fourth centre [little finger].

This is the fifth centre [index].

This is the sixth centre [ring finger].

This is the seventh centre [centre of the palm].

And this is the Void [palm circumference].

So, when you put your hands towards Me like this, the energy passes through your hands and informs the Kundalini and then the Kundalini rises spontaneously. So please, keep both the hands towards Me like this. And keep your eyes shut till I tell you, till I tell you to open because if the eyes are not shut, the Kundalini won’t cross the Agnya. It would help your eyesight even if you take out your glasses. If there is anything ties on the waist or on the neck, you can reduce the tightness if you feel uncomfortable.

Shri Mataji [to Marie]: It’s flowing quite a lot today, so much flowing.

Just resting on your laps, you have to be comfortable, that’s very important. But that doesn’t mean you should slouch down. Please sit comfortably, straight, without bending your neck forward or backward. And don’t say any chanting or anything, and don’t worry about your thoughts.

Please close your eyes. Now as the left side is the desire, you keep the left side fixed on your lap as it is. Now at the very outset, I have to tell you that please, don’t feel guilty, forget the past. Whatever has happened, has happened. So, don’t start counting your sins. It’s perfectly all right.

[Realisation process starts]

Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale, Paris (France)

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