Interview: 8 questions to Shri Mataji Wittelsheim

Interview: 8 questions to Shri Mataji Wittelsheim 1983-09-02

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Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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2 September 1983


Marie-Louise Zbylut’s house, Wittelsheim (France)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Interview de Shri Mataji, 8 questions to Shri Mataji, Mulhouse, France, September the second, 1983

Interviewer: ....L'éveil du Soi et la Kundalini, le Sahaja Yoga était ces jours derniers à Mulhouse, effectuant une tournée de conférences en Autriche et en Suisse, notamment à Genève, Lausanne et Vienne. Shri Mataji, et c'est assez étonnant, a choisi comme 1ère ville régionale française, Mulhouse, métropole Haut-Rhinoise. Mais justement, pourquoi ce choix, pourquoi le Sahaja Yoga ? Et un certain nombre d'autres questions, 8 au total, que nous avons posées à Shri Mataji avant son départ pour Vienne, et au lendemain d'une conférence qui s'est déroulée à la Société Industrielle, devant une salle comble, et qui sans aucun doute, aura suscité des réactions diverses.

Shri Mataji, Vous allez quitter Mulhouse, première ville française de

province à Vous accueillir. Peut-on savoir les raisons exactes qui ont motivé cette venue

alors que de grandes métropoles provinciales de l'Hexagone ne Vous ont pas encore reçue?

Alexandre (French translator): Shri Mataji, you are going to leave Mulhouse, first provincial French town, who has welcome you. Could we know exactly the reason of your motivation? Because there are so much big other metropoles in the hexagone of France who have not yet received you?

Shri Mataji: It is all God's work and wherever he takes Me, I have to go there. But, I found out, from some people of Mulhouse, that there are many seekers in this place who are seeking truly, ardently.

Interviewer: Deuxième question, seconde et grande question d'ailleurs. On parle beaucoup de yoga ces temps derniers. C'est à la mode. En quoi le Sahaja Yoga que vous représentez se différencie-t-il d'autres mouvements? Et pour être plus clair, s'agit-il d'une secte nouvelle qui s'ajouterait aux précédentes?

Alexandre: Second and great question. We are all speaking about, a lot about yoga on this modern time. Is it like a fashion? In which Sahaja Yoga, that you represent, is different from other movements? And clearly about [inaudible] and Sahaja Yoga is not a sect [cult] who be will add to others who are already there?

Shri Mataji: Yes, apparently with what we can see, the word "yoga" has been very much misused.

The reason is there is no controlling power over what one has to talk about God. Anybody can say or do anything in the name of God, especially "yoga" because it is not an organized movement.

But Sahaja Yoga is based on the very ancient traditional method of Self-Realization which is also described in the Bible as the second birth, in the Koran as the Resurrection and in so many other scriptures.

-Just one moment-

About 50 to 60 years back, when people came to know that there are so many seekers are to be born at this time, they thought it would be a good market for them to make money out of it and so they started all these fake cults and fake beliefs to exploit people.

Interviewer: Précisément, vous dites souvent que vous n'avez rien à vendre et que vous n'êtes pas à acheter. En d'autres termes, le Sahaja Yoga n'est pas le yoga du business. Il y a là l'affirmation d'une grande pureté et d'un grand détachement. Pas de cotisation, pas de serment, pas d'enrôlement. C'est donc le libre-arbitre de chacun. Mais sont-ce des mots ou la réalité?

Alexandre: You always say that you have nothing to sell and you cannot be purchased by anyone. In other terms, Sahaja Yoga is not the yoga of business. There is there a great affirmation of purity of great and great detachment. No cotisation [subscription], no serment [pledge], no enrollment. So, it is like a free- freedom for everyone. Are they words or reality?

Shri Mataji: Absolutely, because you cannot pay for God. If you use your ordinary logic, you will reach a point to understand that God cannot be sold! He cannot be organized.

Interviewer: Vous avez dit et répété hier soir que nous entrions dans le règne du Verseau et qu'après le règne du Père et du Fils, vient maintenant le règne de la Mère. Est-ce une prophétie ou du féminisme?

Alewandre: You have said and repeat yesterday night that we are coming in the time of Aquarius and that after the reign of the Father, then the Son, now is coming the reign of the Mother. Is this a prophecy or feminist?

Shri Mataji: It is neither feminism nor prophecy. It's the present.

Interviewer: Une question qui m'a été suggérée par un lecteur et cette question est la suivante: Vous situez l'Esprit-Saint et la Kundalini sur le sacrum. Or l'Evangéliste St Jean a écrit: "Le vent de l'Esprit souffle où il veut". Alors?

Alexandre: You said that Holy Spirit or Kundalini is in the sacrum, or [but] in the Evangile [Gospel] of St John it is said that the Holy Breeze or the Holy Divine bliss [breath]-

Interviewer: Où il veut. [Where it wants.]

Alexandre: Is where it wish to be. So?

Shri Mataji: Yes. But in the sleeping state, in a dormant state, it is in the triangular bone. In human beings, it is reflected there. But it is otherwise all-pervading. It is the reflection of that All-pervading Power in the human beings in a sleeping state is in that area, sacrum bone.

That is a reflexion.

Interviewer: Comment avez-vous ressenti hier soir l'accueil du public mulhousien?

Alexandre: How did you feel the welcoming of the Mulhouse people, welcoming?

Shri Mataji: Mulhouse people are one of the most positive people I've seen so far. More, they are very least unaffected by the sects and stupid things like that.

I, of course, saw some people who were shaking before Me on the right side and at the back who belonged to some sects. But they also, gradually, settled down and I'm sure they could be saved.

Interviewer: Lorsque vous avez appris l'origine du mot "Mulhouse", "mul haus", "la Maison du Moulin", et Cité ayant la roue à aubes pour armoirie parlante, vous vous êtes aussitôt référée à la Déité. Pouvez-vous préciser?

Alexandre: When you have heard about the word "Mulhouse", Mulhausen, the house of -

Sahaja Yogi: Le moulin [water mill].

Interviewer: Aux [inaudible] roues.

Alexandre: With the house who make the wheat into flour, and you have make -

Interviewer: Au sanscrit [to Sanskrit].

Alexandre: You have referred to Sanskrit.

Interviewer: Est-ce que vous pouvez préciser. [Can you specify?]

Alexandre: Can you precise?

Shri Mataji: You see, in Sanskrit, "moola" means "the roots" and the house means "abode", not in Sanskrit but English language. So, this is the "house of the roots". So, that is the abode. And if the root is the Kundalini, then it's the abode of the Kundalini, the bone -sacrum- in Europe perhaps. I was just trying to see it in that way.

Alexandre translates.

Shri Mataji: House.

Interviewer: Donc autrement, y reste plus qu'aux armes de Mulhouse à avoir une phrase en sanscrit, n'est-ce pas, pour être authentiques? [Laughter]

Shri Mataji: Even this place is called as Wittelsheim. Now, Vittala is the name of the God Almighty, you see, and "Kshema" is the One, the One who gives you the- wealthy.

Interviewer: [corrects Alexandre] Wittelsheim, attention, il ne faut pas écorcher les noms! [Wittelsheim, be careful, do not mispronounce the names.] [Laughter]

Boomi, c'est la terre en sanscrit. [Boomi is the earth in Sanskrit.]


Interviewer: Bon, et pour terminer, Shri Mataji, une question à la fois symbolique et anecdotique. Vous avez trouvé l'eau de Mulhouse particulièrement savoureuse. On vous a dit qu'elle provenait de la Doller, affluent de l'Ill et du Rhin. L'eau de France est donc parfaite? Est-ce que cela ne vous incite pas à revoir vos appréciations sur la boisson française et en particulier sur les Français en général?

Alexandre: So, to end, this is in a same time symbolic and anecdotic question: you have found that water of Mulhouse is perfectly nicely tasty. And we told you that it was coming from the Doller who is coming from-

Interviewer: L'Ill

Alexandre: L'Ill and The Rhin, so water of France is perfect. Is that is going to incite you to come back to your appreciation of the French drinking and particularly the French in general?


Shri Mataji: I think French drink too much! [Laughter]

But they will reduce it now. They will understand that drinking takes you to left side too much, gives you so many problems. We must try to find out who are our enemies who destroy us.

But when you become the Spirit, you forget these worldly spirits completely.

Interviewer: Donc ça coule de source, presque! [French joke on water]

Alexandre: He said, "so it's flowing from the source!"

Shri Mataji: Hum, that's it!

Interviewer: Eh bien, Shri Mataji, nous vous remercions de votre accueil et nous vous souhaitons bonne route pour Vienne et nous garderons en sanscrit les inscriptions que vous avez laissées à Mulhouse. Bonne route!

Alexandre: He said we thank you very much for your coming here and we'll keep your saying about Sanskrit words and Mulhouse with us. Thank you very much

Shri Mataji: I'll be coming back again here! Because it's such a wonderful place that vibrations are so good here. I think the Divinity will take a new form in Mulhouse.

Interviewer: Eh bien, nous l'augurons! Merci.

Shri Mataji: Thank you very much and thank you for all the welcome and thank you for meeting such nice people in Mulhouse!

May God bless you all!

Interviewer: [Inaudible]. Nous disons également merci d'avoir été acceuillis par vous. [We also thank you to have welcomed us]

Voilà.[Here we are.]

Shri Mataji: Cool down.

Short and nice.

Interviewer: Vous voudriez l'écouter. [Would you like to listen to it?]

Alexandre: Next time.

Shri Mataji: I would like to see how it goes.

Alexandre: Yes.

Next time you have to give me this [Interwievers's notes]. I have to work for translation.

Interviewer: Oh, mais c'est amusant, c'est normal. [Oh, it's funny, it's ok.]


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