The manifestation of the Spirit

The manifestation of the Spirit 1980-09-22

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English – Draft
Live Translation

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22 September 1980

The Manifestation Of The Spirit

Public Program

Aston La Scala Nice, Nice (France)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program Day 2, Nice, France 1980-09-22

Yesterday I told you about the residual power within us which resides in the sacrum bone. This power is called as Kundalini. This is the power that ascends through these centres and gives us our Realization, our rebirth. I’ve also told you that in so many people you can see the pulsation of this Kundalini, clearly, with your naked eyes. You can also see its rising in the different centres, up to this point. You can also feel the pulsation on your head. And you can also — afterwards, when it breaks this area — you can feel the cool breeze flowing from your hand. This is the energy of your Spirit. We can say this is the manifestation of the Spirit.

Thus you enter into a new realm of Collective Consciousness. You become collectively conscious. You start feeling others on your fingertips. Actually, all these five fingers — plus, six and seven, points — are the centres within us. You get enlightened — because you can feel them here and sometimes within also. Some people do not feel it on the hands, and some people did not feel it for some time yesterday. But they definitely felt on their head.

Now, one has to know that this is the knowledge which is known through many Indians. Adi Shankaracharya, he has very elaborately written about Kundalini awakening and its manifestation. He has described all these centres. These centres are created within us during our evolutionary process, in a vertical manner. But in a horizontal manner, your subtleness grows into various emotional, mental, and physical areas.

Sahaja Yoga means: “saha” means “with”, and “ja” means “born”.

Today I will not tell you more about the gurus who are trying to exploit the Western people. Because you are spiritually very naive and are very great seekers, you have been seeking for ages — and when they came to know about your seeking, they floated the enterprises. But you have got Christ before you to understand. He never floated any enterprise. He never ran any courses. He never took any money from anyone. Why should we not take a lesson from Him? He was a carpenter’s son, He lived like a carpenter. Krishna was a king, He lived like a king. They are not parasites to live on your money. But somehow, you were too naive to understand these subtle things.

It’s all right, whatever has happened has happened. You have to get your Realization. It is your right. In your seeking, you have to get it. But it has to be an actualization, not just a bla-bla-bla. It has to happen within you, and there is nothing to be frightened of.

Some people have written such huge books about Kundalini. They do not know a word about Kundalini! One gentleman has discussed for hundreds of pages whether the Kundalini is in the stomach or is in the brain. One other person has floated a research institute. What research can you do with your ego? Before Realization, whatever you do, you do through your ego.

To know God, you must know your Spirit. You cannot know God without knowing your Spirit. That has to be achieved first. All the great saints of India and all over the world have written the same. We had one great poet in England whose name was William Blake; he has written great things about Realization. Now for you it is necessary to understand that it is a happening that should take place. And otherwise it has no meaning at all. I will explain to you how God has made you so beautifully and how you get your second birth.

To begin with, you must know: the light which is enlightened can only enlighten other lights. For example, there is a candle which is enlightened — can enlighten another candle which is not enlightened. But if it, this one, is not enlightened, what it’s going to do to that? Now, the candle is all made that way. The candle is just ready to be enlightened. Only thing what one has to do is to put this candle next to that one and enlighten it. In the same way, your instrument is just ready to be enlightened.

As yesterday I said, that if I tell you that in this area there is a lot of music and you cannot hear, but if you put a television, you can even see the pictures. Yesterday so many people got their Realization here. Practically most of them. It’s a remarkable thing that’s happening. Because it is the blossom time. Many fruits are going to be ripened and matured because the transformation is going to take place.

As I told you yesterday, you cannot transform a flower into a fruit. It is done by nature. You do not know the technique. You cannot achieve it either, it is done spontaneously.

[To somebody] Let the little one come further if he wants to. He can’t see Me. He can’t see Me.

You have to be like children, is a fact. If you are very complicated, it doesn’t work out. If you are like children, it works out much faster.

So within us are placed those seven centres, which I’m showing you. Yesterday I told you about the first centre, which is guarding the protocol of the Kundalini. It’s the centre of innocence. And this innocence is the first essence of life. But when the Kundalini rises, she rises above that centre. At the first centre, you can say, we were carbon atoms, to begin with. The sustenance, or the religion, of carbon atom is that it has got four valencies. Because of its four valencies, it combines with other elements and forms life.

Above that, is the centre of creation, here. It receives its power from the yellow line, which is responsible for our action. This is the Kriya Shakti; also you can call it Prana Shakti. This power gives us our power to think and also gives us power to act through our body. The channel through which it flows is called in Sanskrit language as Pingala Nadi. This is the subtle channel inside the spinal cord and inside the brain also. And in the outside, this subtle channel expresses grossly as left sympathetic nervous system. No, I’m sorry, right sympathetic.

On the left-hand side, you see another channel of the blue colour, which means this last centre. This channel is called as Ida Nadi. This supplies our emotional energy. It gives us our existence. It deals with our past, with our conditionings. This is the psyche about which the psychologists talk often. But they are very half-baked people. They know very little; that, too, about only one... one of the channels. And they have created terrible problems for the Western people. Like Freud: he says that you should try to de-condition yourself. When you try to de-condition yourself, you have to use your ego, means your right side. You have to go into kriya, or action. As a result, you develop an ego there, the white-coloured balloon. And if you... if you have too much action of the left side, you develop a superego. So, whichever way you try, you cannot go in the centre.

For example, this second centre is also responsible for transforming your fat cells for the use of the brain. If you think too much, then it neglects its other duties. It has to look after the upper part of the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys, and the uterus. Poor thing has to work day in and day out because you are all the time thinking. Then you... as a result, you develop a bad liver. On top of that, you drink too much. Poor liver gets tired. This is all self-destroying. Liver has a very important job to do. It clears all the poisons of the body as heat. The heat must pass into the water. But when you take water... when you take alcohol, it changes the form of water. The water becomes like this: oxygen here on top and hydrogen here. It does not receive any heat any more! Same thing happens in cancer. Cancer people never feel the temperature, never getting temperature. But they feel head very much heated up. Now, in the same way, the spleen and the pancreas go out, and people become pale—

MARIE [translator]: Pale?

SHRI MATAJI: Pale, with the spleen, and with the pancreas you get diabetes. In the same way, you develop diseases—

MARIE: I’m sorry, Mother, I got a bit lost.

SHRI MATAJI: Huh? No, no, no, no, pancreas gives you diabetes, and the spleen, you know, gives you anaemia conditions. This makes your temperament also very irritable, and you could become pessimistic, too. All cheerfulness of life is gone from your faces. You really become then very boring. You cannot sit and enjoy each other’s company without taking a cup of whisky in your hand. There is no rapport established between human beings. You have to go to a cinema together, or you have to have a discotheque together, but you cannot talk sensibly for more than five minutes. You have to have some agencies in between to protect you from each other. Otherwise there are quarrels and divorces.

Human beings are the greatest creation of God’s love. They have to know what is God’s love is. But when they think of God’s love, also, they just get confused. It is pure divine blessing. It just emits from your being. It just gives, it doesn’t... it doesn’t expect anything. The establishment of our own sustenance is very important.

MARIE: Sustenance?

SHRI MATAJI: Sustenance. It’s religion, as I’ve said already; inner religion, you can say. Sustenance. Inner... inner... just like carbon has four valencies, we have ten sustenance of our own. This green area represents that place where the Primordial Masters are born to give us that sustenance. Yesterday I told you about them.

That’s why it was said that “Be in the centre, do not go to the extremes.” But human beings have a special tendency to go at a tangent. If it comes to seeking, they’ll go to such a limit that they’ll be good for nothing. I’ve met people who came to Me, they had cut their tongues, which were wagging like the dogs’ do. Some of them have got popping eyes, some of them have got these blown-up things with too much pranayama. If they will do Hatha Yoga, they will become just skeletons. If they will take to fasting, they will end up in the grave only.

Who has told you to do all these things? Just to destroy this beautiful temple of your being? You should have just waited in the centre instead of getting so frantic. The God, who has created you so beautifully, is going to do something about it. He has made you human beings from amoeba stage, and He is going to make you higher. It is... it is His problem, not yours. You did not create yourself. If He does not do something about it, He will have no meaning. His creation will be lost. If He is the God Almighty, He is going to do something about it.

But this comes because we think we can also do something about it. [Shri Mataji laughs] But all this should come logically with you that you do not do anything. What do you do? If a tree dies, you make a chair. You think you have done a great job. You have changed one dead form into another dead form. It’s like children playing in the sand. What living work have you done? Can you transform one flower into fruit? At least children do not get involved into their play. But you do all things so seriously that it is most surprising. There is nothing great in creating this building there or there.

There is something, of course, when you do something beautiful, when you are doing it for the pleasure of God, to show Him that you can create beauty, as a reflection. As you have got a beautiful church at Chartres, which was very beautiful — it’s just to glorify Him. But you cannot give Realization, you cannot give baptism. That is all artificial. You can do artificial things, but God-made things are real.

After Realization you do living things: you can raise the Kundalini with your hands, you can give Realization to people. If you give vibrations, say, to a flower, it will sustain life for much longer time. In India, we have some Sahaja Yogis who are professors in agricultural university. They have experimented with these vibrations. They have found out that if you give vibrated water to the soil and have the crop of it, it is sometimes ten times more! It won’t be twenty times — too much — but it would be optimum in the centre. Where they could not grow coconut, with vibrated coconuts they are growing.

We can solve all the problems of poverty if we take to Sahaja Yoga. But you should not ask to be like Mr. Ford. He is too rich for... to enter into the Kingdom of God. Such people are mad! They go on collecting junks after junks. They have no beauty in them. So, after Realization you understand what is the extreme.

Within us, there are other awarenesses also. For the left... left side of this Ida Nadi, if you move, there is the awareness of Collective Subconscious. On the right-hand side, if you move to the extreme right, there is the area of Collective Supraconscious. Kundalini is the Unconscious. And the lower part we need not discuss, it is the Hell. The above your head is the Collective Consciousness. That is the one we have to achieve. We have to become collectively conscious.

If you move too much to the left-hand side, you are attacked by the left-hand entities who exist in this collective subconscious. Yesterday I told you that I saw a BBC program in which they said that in cancer you are attacked from some areas which are built in you from creation. Unknown areas. Sahaja Yoga is the only way you can cure cancer and stop it. [Here Shri Mataji is explaining how cancer starts] Because you go into the supraconsciousness. When there is a centre like this, the left-hand... right-hand- side energies are pulling the energies from your body. When left- and right-hand-side sympathetic nervous go into activity, the thing becomes much faster and the exhaustion is much more. When it is too much exhausted, then it dries up and it moves outward. Then the relationship with the whole is lost. A cell starts behaving on its own. It becomes egoistical, it says: “What’s wrong?” It becomes a unique cell. It becomes malignant, it starts overpowering other and also mesmerizing the other cells.

MARIE: It becomes...?

SHRI MATAJI: Overpowering other cells and mesmerizing. In Sahaja Yoga, when the Kundalini rises, she takes your attention to the super-conscious. Like in a sari: when you push it out, how the sari is pulled up. Your attention is collected from the left and right extremes. And the Kundalini pierces the Sahasrara. Means the Brahma... it is called as Brahmarandra, means “the hole in the Brahma”. These vibrations is the Brahma.

Now, then... the attack actually comes mostly from the left, that is the thing I’ve noticed in cancer. It is sad, but some of the gurus are doing that. They are introducing left cancer into many disciples. Some of them make them mesmerized, so that they become epileptic. One develops through that mesmerism epilepsy and also things like hysteria, melancholia, fright. Some of the gurus have made the disciples so frightened that they develop... they are even afraid of garlics. And the right-side ones are something like the LSD.


SHRI MATAJI: The right-side supraconscious — attacks are like LSD. Right-side are all over elements, five elements. So you start seeing lights or hallucinations of... sea and all that, you feel you are becoming sea, you are becoming light, sort of nonsense. Many people who also see Me when they have taken LSD, they just see light, they don’t see Me. Some friends of Marie [translator] had that experience.

So you do not have to be in the past or in the future but in the centre, in the present. The centre is a very small part. Because a thought rises and falls down, and another thought rises and falls off. There’s a very little space in between. That space is called as vilamba in Sanskrit language. If this space increases, then you can be in the present. So the thought that has gone back becomes the past, and the one that is coming is the future. One thought comes from the superego, and another comes from the ego. Kundalini sucks both of them, and you go in the centre. You become the present. Then your language changes. Your hands start emitting the power. Then you say: “It is coming, it is going, it is rising, it is falling.” You speak in third language, third person, not in the first person: “I do it.” You say, “It doesn’t work out, Mother.” Then you say, “It works out, it’s coming.” That means you become akarmi: actionless, non-action. It just emits.

This has to happen to you. And then you should know all about chakras. You should know how to manoeuvre it, you should know how to master it. You have to be experts. If you are... if you do not become expert, you will not be happy either. [Shri Mataji laughs]

It is such a joy-giving thing. And Sahaja Yoga is such a joker it makes you laugh. Because you start witnessing everything. The whole drama finishes off, you are no more involved in the drama. And you are surprised how God’s play works, how His illusions play with us. Life becomes such an enjoyment. For you all have to enter into the Kingdom of God.

I’ve told you that the Last Judgement has started. It is going to happen through Kundalini awakening only. Is God going to... is God going to put you on some weighing machine? Kundalini is the central point, pointer, which will show how far you have gone left and right. And you will correct yourself. Because you’ll come out of yourself and become one with your Spirit, which is your real Self. And you will know everything about yourself and about others.

I’m very happy that today there are so many people, and I am sure today it is going to work out even better. Tomorrow I’ll tell you about other centres and also what to do after Realization. That is much more important in the West because there are many preconceived ideas about Realization and about God. God is what He is. You cannot have your conception about God. Spirit is what it is. But those who know are easy people to remain there. For example, if I know this is the hall I have to come to, I settle down here.

[0:47:00: cut in the recording]

MARIE [in French]: There is a man, over there, who yesterday said that he had lost hope, that he was hopeless. He feels already much better.

SHRI MATAJI [to the man]: You are perfect, don’t worry. What can they destroy? They cannot destroy your Spirit. It is indestructible. I see that in you. These are only clouds. You see? Whoosh! And they... these are only clouds. Clouds cannot destroy the sun. Don’t you worry, it’s going to work out.

Just take off your shoes and please take them behind.

Aston La Scala Nice, Nice (France)

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