Public Program 1986-03-31
31 March 1986
Public Program
Kolkata (India)
Talk Language: Hindi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Draft
[Translation from Hindi to English]
1986-0331 Public Program Hindi Kolkata India.doc
Our greetings to all those seeking truth. Searching for truth is the natural duty of man. Wherever his interest goes or his consciousness goes, he searches for the truth. And he follows only that path in which he will attain the truth. But as Shri Krishna has said that human consciousness is heading towards degradation. Its roots are in his brain, in his brain and when man self increases his consciousness, he goes downwards. If you want to see how we have gone downwards, then you will go to Western countries and see that in reality people have reached hell. Earlier I was asked to give a speech in English, so I said that in English language there is a lot of misconception due to which sometimes a big problem arises to say something clearly which is not a matter of science but is a very big science. God's science is infallible. His rules are completely aware of their implementation. Their asana is not such where when you sit, you feel in such a way that you will dwindle from it, but to reach that position, as Shri Krishna has said, we should go upward; may God have made some arrangement for going upward or not. Or we are making all the arrangements today, by what power can we reach from the state of amoeba to the next state and if in this state only our final rise is and if after reaching this state we have reached our goal, then today the world is in such trouble. If you think from the scientific point of view, whenever any concept is put forward, it is called a hypothesis and only after proving it, it is considered that it is a theory, it is a law. This is done by nature but that too keeps on changing again and again because the only truth which is absolute is your soul, unless you are merged in the soul, unless your mind is illuminated with the light of the soul. Whatever you know, understand everything is incomplete and sometimes even wrong. Now look at how our degradation keeps happening within us automatically. First of all, every chakra in our Sahaj Yoga has an element of that. According to that at Nabhi Chakra, we talk about the power of ‘Swaha’. ‘Swaha’ must have come from your Vedas only. ‘Swaha’ means eating everything, digesting everything, dominating everything, ‘Swaha’. See this power when it rises towards God, it becomes ‘Swadha’. ‘Swadha’ means ‘Swa’ means the soul and its power of perception comes inside us. We attain the Guru Tatvas but when this ‘Swaha’ starts moving towards the outside, as human consciousness always moves towards the outside, then you can see its example very well in the western countries. Yes, now people are afraid of ‘Swaha’ and ‘Swadha’. In our country they try to walk a little in between, but when the Swaha power increased there, they attacked our country, attacked China; they started overpowering every country they went to. It was the grace of God, I can say that Hanuman ji did some work that Columbus must have reached America otherwise we would not be here today, all the Englishmen are sitting here, here only the Americans are sitting, we wouldn’t have been here. This power of Swaha increased there, it is clearly visible that how the same thing can eat away everything. The same thing they did in our economic affairs; take over everyone’s possessions. This is the external power. After that, there is a second chakra, which we call Swadhishtan Chakra, which has created this entire cosmos. The power of this Earth has been immortalized by Vedas. When man descends into the power of this Earth, then why travels to moon, going here, going there. What is the benefit of wasting away crores of rupees? How many problems are there in this world, how many troubles are there, but no sight on them? No, for what purpose are they throwing away crores of rupees? What for to go to the moon? What benefit will you derive by going there? What will be the public interest? Whose welfare is going to be benefited? No thought on this; the same aggressive situation that we will settle down after going to the moon. Roaming in space. But when this power turns inward, then there is a disturbance in it, which is called aesthetics, due to which many types of arts and beauty can arise in life and in the entire environment, but when it starts rotating in space itself, leaving the earth apart. So, when they settle on ‘Bhu’; ‘Bhu’ means the earth, we believe that in Sahaj Yoga, what is called triangular bone, which is called Kosiks in English, is made from the earth element and Shri Ganesha, who protects it, is also made from the earth element. And He too is located below it on the Muladhar Chakra, but when we came to the earth, we started machines, it is a man's duty to do implement machines too, but there is no balance; and there should be some balance in man and the machine. Kept on digging the land, excavate this, excavate that; now what has been made of it. Smoke has been spread all over the sky due to which all the trees are dying, unemployment has come, art has ended due to man's not making things with his hands. People are carrying plastic all around, wherever they go, there is plastic in clothes. It is also plastic. If you touch the door then it is plastic. If you touch the tap then it is plastic. Tomorrow maybe even water will be made of plastic. These people will start giving plastic and it is resulting to cause harm. Then they have troubled the earth in this way also. Even otherwise the Earth is a lot distressed, as much as we have tortured this one who has kept us complete in every way, ‘Sashya Shamlam’; We have not done anything for it, the situation ahead of it is even worse than this. Then we come to Muladhar Chakra from which everything gets excreted. There is an excretory function, this is the power of Lord Ganesha, because due to his being in Omkar form, Ganesha may be placed anywhere, just like a lotus He blooms and its fragrance spreads throughout the universe, so by worshiping this Ganesha, man has achieved so much. By disgracing Shri Ganesha so much there; mostly found in that country, there is no mother, no sister, no brother, no other relatives, except that there are some very filthy relations between each other, which we cannot even tell by our mouth and nor can we even see. Now that we somehow live in London, we feel every day that we are trapped in the middle of hell. Now, what effect do these chakras have in achieving upward mobility? When the power Shri Ganesha that imparts innocence in humans is very powerful force. On the face of innocence, even Ravana too had to bow down. This power of innocence gets enlightened within us by the grace of Shri Ganesha. Hence for upliftment it is necessary that we awaken the Kundalini and so we must awaken the Kundalini. Then it will be proved that only Brahma is true, everything else is false, but first we have to reach Brahma, it is said that the love of God is spread in all the situations which is the form of Brahma which is There is a power of Brahma which only is true, and rest is illusion. But for that we shall have to reach to Brahma. In this whole universe it is said that there is love of God spread all over in the form of Brahma; which is the power of Brahma; power that we do not feel and nor can we see, which Patanjal has called ‘Ritumbhaara Pragya’, which in Christianity is called Power of the Holy Ghost, and which Muhammad Sahib has called spirit. This is Omkar, the power of Brahma that we have not even known it. Before that there were other indifferent sagas in our country. So, this is all about matter of up-liftment and degradation, but two more directions are present in us, which we can call left and right. In this direction too, our attention gets directed. And this attention goes on both sides; When we go towards the left, I do not mean communists, but when we go towards the left, it means that we become extremely emotional, in it we get carried away by deep-devotion, human beings get carried away by devotion, devotion is fine, but what Sri Krishna said, we should talk about only Krishna's words today. I have read Gansham Das ji, his books, read his articles and he is quite intellectual, he is transcended, there is no doubt in it and Shri Krishna clearly told that whatever is devotion, ‘betel’ leaves, flowers, fruits, give me all this and in your time. In one word, he has called everyone, which should be understood, he said, do deep devotion ‘Ananya Bhakti’.; just on this, he has well set all of you, I will say this because Shri Krishna was very much like me, he was a very advanced Diplomat, it should be said that Divine Diplomacy. Divine Diplomacy and what he said cannot be captured in words. You will have to rise beyond words, only then you will know what is “Ananya Bhakti’; and we can tell it in today's everyday life. Its connection with main If not established, and then what can be its use. So long your phone connection is not connected, whom you are telephoning Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram; and this Ram, is he in your pocket that any time you see, it’s lying on the table that whether it works or does not work. You do not even have the authority to recite the name of this Ram; it will be seen because he is God. Now this is your Rajiv Gandhi, Sir, you have gone to their doors and started shouting 'Rajiv, Rajiv, Rajiv, the police will catch. When these Prime Ministers are in this condition, then what can we say about that God. People like mad go on reciting Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram, all the way. At our place, in Spasht street what drama do they create; It’s the uniqueness of our country that by standing there, Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram, they would, wearing their dhotis, wear their ‘Bodies’, they would be getting in the supermarket, they too create so much drama that one feels ashamed of it and then on the way they ask for alms, 'What are you, disciples of your Ram, or you a beggar, or what are you?' One who wants to know the truth should first have the pure intellect of Shri Ganesha. This cannot be true. One who is a devotee of Ram should have his own esteem. He will remain sticking at one place; what does he care about anyone? It is his wish to eat wherever he wants, sit wherever he wants, will he raise his hands, pleading, give me food please or that he will keep shouting like crazy. Don't know how we got into this misconception? Shri Ram's name was given by Narada. So, whosoever gives the name of Ram, is he Narada? If they are worthy of reciting Him name then it is enough to call his name even once. Ram must be awakened within us. You will know in your Sahaja Yoga that Ram's place is where in our heart. If we have not recognized Ram properly and have not remembered him properly, then do you know what it results in? The biggest physical problem will be that your lungs will become weak and you may develop asthma. People say, “Mother! How do you cure asthma? How to fix?” We have a connection with Ram, we say to him, please be awakened; and asthma is cured. There is no need to do much in it; we should get the power of all the Gods and Goddesses that are present within us. It is written in all the things from the Vedas that there should be wisdom. You should feel it in your marrow which is your central nervous system. Wisdom does not mean that you should roam around the intellect or attend the universities exams or go to listen to lectures or read books. At our place where did Shri Ram attend the University? And which University did Shri Krishna go to? Not only that our great saints and sages who have been the saints and sages of Maharashtra that I know none has ever gone to any university and none of these has read any book. If you haven't read it, then which book did you read from which they themselves knew what the place of Ram is? For those who are worshipers of truth, the first important thing for them is to be honest in this matter and the second most important thing is to purify your intellect. Read something here, read something there, learned something here, I have done everything, all that which is in head, as American Sahaja Yogi says, we have ,” there is lot of garbage in my Head”. So, with pure intellect we need to say that we need to know what truth is. And whatever is truth will only happen; it will not happen by your saying, isn’t that. If you have seen these flowers and if their color is white, now and if someone, not blind, says it is not white, its color is red; Then you will only say right here, brother, you are still blind, look at this, we are all seeing, everyone is seeing the same thing, but the problem is that there is only one has eyes and all the others don’t have. Then poison the one with eyes, crucify him, deceive him, torture him, if you do not deceive all the great sages who have become so, then the plight of our country is because of this. We either drift to left or right, we do not go downwards. This is the grace of Ganesha on the country, because this is the land of Yoga, we should Lot have thanks to this Bharat Varsh that has managed to give its people to reside in its lap. All people ask why we are unhappy despite living in such a grand land. Then I would say that we either drift to left or go right. Now the thing is that Mother has to tell the truth, I am not come here to contest elections that I will talk to your choice; whatever will be true, I will have to tell it. And especially to the people of Calcutta, it is important for me to tell you that know what the truth is. What is the matter Bengal, Sonar Bengal and outside everyone tags ‘Hungry Bengali’. Why so? Sonar Bengal, Lotuses, one better than the other bloomed here, whose fragrance is world recognized. Why then many big disturbances have occurred in such a pious land; why is there so much clan present, what is the matter why no one thinks of it, that such a situation has come to. As for Maa, what else is Bengal or what Maharashtra is; all one and sometimes it feels very sad that Mahishasura was killed here and then again the kingdom of Mahishasura has returned. We worship Mahishasura only. Ramdas Swami has said that ‘Mahisha murdila Chandane’ means that buffalo is being bathed and “Chandan tilak applied and worshiped.
Today that Mahishasur is worshiped here. And in the name of Tantric, they have found entry in your every home. I am from the very beginning of coming to Calcutta, of a different mind; the reason was that people will not listen to me. This affair of theirs is very bad, their traps are on you. So, this is of left side. If there is any problem, go to tantric; there some difficulty goes to the tantric, and many of them are roaming around posing as gurus and take the name of God. Krishna has said that when demonic knowledge comes, it will cover the entire creation. I see this in Bengal, I see this in Bengal that demonic knowledge has exhausted everyone and when the feet of these Tantric come to your homes, you are filled with anger and a kind of feeling of extreme revenge has taken over; every person is in arrogance. If you try to touch someone, they will turn furious. Why does this happen? How will peace come by talking about peace? Now if I ask you to leave all this, you will not leave, I will know this because I am a mother, I know everything about children; If I don't know, then what is the use of her love, but if I won’t spare from saying. This dab will go away when your own Ma Kundalini will awaken, then I will not have to say anything, I will not have to say anything. You yourself will leave it and get aside. Because as soon as you go to a Tantric, you will get heat, a lot of so hot air will come, so much so that you will get blisters on your hands, there will be blisters on your feet too and you will run away from such place. I don't need to tell you. This is our Sahaja Yoga of the day. Earlier it was fine, clean each and every chakra, and work hard for the Kundalini to rise. Many people say that it is difficult to raise Kundalini Maa. Yes! So it is, any doubt in it. But we too are also something, only then it does rise like this. But to raise Kundalini in this city of Calcutta, I will have to first go to the villages where These tantric do not settle down, the main reason is that there is money in the cities, they are there, they stick to those with money, they stick to those in power, this is your life and until you get rid of these tantric, there will be no Lakshmi in your country. Laxmi will not settle; this way a Tantric has come from here and Lakshmi's feet left. There are so many emotional people who believe in God, so many beautiful artists, despite everything, today they are so sad and poor, the reason for this can only be one that Ashuri Vidya has taken hold of them. It has completely gripped this country and a lot of such Ashuri Vidyas are going on. Whenever I meet any of your people of Bengal, I see how many great seekers they are, how much they are searching for God. There is so much passion from within. It happened that God was found but they could not raise the Kundilini. What is the matter with her that it is sitting collapsed inside? Sometimes I see her writhing here and there like a sad snake. She has got so many wounds on her, but now she is a poor person and now is feeling compelled to go to mental asylum. What is the matter with this sadhak? The reason is that these evil people have surrounded everyone here. Today so many of you people are sitting in Calcutta. I came here, today it has been almost eight years since then, when I went to the hall, there was only a person sitting, there were not so many people. And in the neighborhood there was a Tantric Sahib with a whip in his hand who was shouting about God knows what, so even the motor vehicle could hardly make way, and I took half an hour to reach there. Neighbor, man must have pious intellect. Nanak Sahib has written a lot on this. Kabir has written a lot on this. Especially for the people of Calcutta, Nanak Sahib has written it. If you ever happen to read his Granth Sahib, at least one whole chapter. The entire chapter is written on it. Today again I have come to tell you that you should leave these issues first. S0, this is the matter of the left site. Now the matter of the right side is that we have had rulers who ruled here for thirty years, kept us in slavery; whatever things they had actually inculcated in us, as long as we kept fighting in the war, nothing happened; no one could put it on us.
We kept away from whatever working system they had; but no sooner they left, we seized their up and sat there. The person who is on the right side, keeps thinking about the forth coming things; In that then how to get the power, how to get the money, same what these people used to do, you are doing. Now their children are consuming drugs and dying there. It looks so odd to us that in their London city two children are killed every week, that too by the parents themselves; Good children. These are the only statistics in the city of London. There is no love, love for money or love for the power but no love for their children. There is at least one advantage of poverty that at least we love each other, we love our children. So when this craze of money started, then in that we did get money. Business was done in it, it became okay, whatever one wants to do is okay, what is there in it; Because of this tendency, today they have reached the situation that their children are now taking all the drugs and yours will also take them, that day is not far. You may also take it. Because, when we have realized that due to this madness of money, we did not reach where we wanted to, when we understood that in this power sometimes there are ups, sometimes downs, sometimes ups, sometimes downs, shuttling down like cock; Then came to know that there is no joy even in this, then where is joy? It is so beautifully written in our scriptures that you will be surprised that in the entire world that you are seeing today, big trees of civilization are standing, one leaf does not know the other leaf. What I think is there are no roots in them; they don’t have roots. What can the uprooted people do? Especially our Indians who have gone to foreign countries and are stranded, I just say that if we go and plant a mango tree in England, then it’s not only that the mangoes will not grow in it, but apple will also not grow in it. That is the condition of these people and we who are sitting here are very inspired by them and are following their ways, and when we live on the left side, we follow the rituals of worship, tapas and all the useless rituals of the world. And we get trapped in what is called Brahmanism and when we walk on the right side, and then by following these people, we will fall into the abyss of lust. Both sides there are abyss. So, the only way to go to this origin and to ascend is through Kundalini. Now someone will say that Shri Krishna has not said that Kundalini is a thing, it is a matter of last six thousand years.
This is a story from six thousand years ago. At that time, wasn't it only just Arjuna who was spoken to, and even that was not the opportune moment during a war to talk about Kundilini that what Kundalini is. Whatever He intended to say He said that it should be like this. One should be "stithipragya" a person of steady wisdom. He said it right from the start when he stepped down; he was not a businessman, so what was truth he told that right away first. But how? Brother! If you ask Krishna how, he didn't explain it, there was no time; it was a matter of time and circumstance. He didn't explain how. Many days after him, in Maharashtra, Gyaneshwar Ji came, and he wrote in the sixth chapter very clearly that this happens through Kundalini. But there again it was said, "Look, Bhai, don't read the sixth chapter. Don't read the sixth chapter in this way!" Because then people won't be able to fill their stomachs. Since there is no need for money in Kundalini awakening, what is needed is authority. So it became that the sixth chapter should not be read; read everything else. You will be surprised to know that Gyaneshwar Ji, who wrote so much about meditation, has a very beautiful temple in Mumbai. When our program was to be held there, they said no meditation should be done there. So I asked, "What should be done then?" In Marathi, they call it "dindya galane," like chanting "Hare Rama, Hare Rama" while holding a lezim a traditional musical instrument. They do this for a month and then go to Pandharpur. And when they go there, they break the heads of the Brahmin priests like they break coconuts. What kind of culture is this? How can this be Indian culture, where people's heads are broken? So they said, "You can do that here, but you cannot meditate." Such a beautiful statue of Gyaneshwar Ji was made, I don't know which sculptor made it. I said, "If this statue were to come to life, or if Gyaneshwar Ji himself were to stand here, then we could talk. But what can I say to you all? Did he ever participate in a 'dindi' pilgrimage procession? He was Gyaneshwar Ji, and we are not Gyaneshwar Ji." So I asked, "Who started this tradition of 'dindi'? He never wrote a single word suggesting that people should do 'dindi', run, or jump. Where did this tradition come from? Is there any authority for it in the scriptures or not? You should provide some reference. Is it mentioned anywhere in the scriptures that have been written?"
Another gentleman came along during the Kundalini awakening session and sat with both his legs stretched out towards me. These people said, "You should not sit with your feet pointed towards the Mother." He said, "Look, my Kundalini has awakened, and if I sit with my legs folded in, I start jumping like a frog." I asked, "What is this about? I called him over and asked, 'How did this happen? With your Kundalini awakening, are you now going to become a frog? Instead of becoming a superhuman, how have you turned into a frog?'" You won't believe it, but he brought a big, thick book and showed it to me. His guruji had written that when the Kundalini awakens, a person jumps like a frog. I said, "What kind of nonsense is this? I gave so much money for Kundalini awakening, and this is as foolish as if you wanted to plant a seed and then went and placed all the money on the earth, saying, 'Oh Mother Earth, make this seed sprout.' Does the earth understand money? Will it make the seed sprout if you give it money? If not, it will just remain there. What importance does money have to the earth? It understands only one thing if a seed comes into its soil, it should make it sprout." In the same way, if we understand one thing, we can find the truth. Truth is a living thing, not a dead thing. Humans can only obtain dead things. For example, if a tree falls, you can make fine furniture from it. The tree died, so you made dead furniture from it. Now, if you sit on it and get used to the chair, you can't sit on the ground anymore. That tree has taken over your mind; you have to carry the chair around with you, or you won't be able to sit. You made a dead thing from a dead thing, and you got attached to it because that dead thing has taken a place in your life. It means that the inert has taken a seat over the soul. So, truth is a living thing, and not only living but the source of all intelligence. Recently, I heard that Naralikar, a prominent scientist, has discovered that there is not only energy in the universe but also intelligence. Well, the scientists have reached somewhere. But this is a living thing, and we, being alive, are its source. This power spread all around is a living power, so what is the use of dealing with dead things for this living power? God is a living entity, understand this as a living power, and this living power is spread all around. This is living love, which we perhaps forget, and thus we embrace things that are not living. For those who seek to transcend and attain God, I have a humble request please understand that this living process within us, the autonomic nervous system, is driven by the parasympathetic nervous system, which operates through the Sushumna Nadi. These are all living powers. If these living powers were not within us, how would we have progressed from carbon to our current state? This has happened due to the power of Dharma, and this power of Dharma is alive. If you accept this simple fact, then I would say that Kundalini is the pure desire, the pure desire which is the will of God. This pure desire is the mother of each one of you, and she will awaken you. And she knows, she thinks, and whatever you have done and thought is all recorded with her. No knowledge is as vast as Kundalini. She waits for that moment when you will have self-realization. In today's Sahaja Yoga, we thought that if the masses, the common people, are awakened, then it will be a revolution. However, every individual's mind is not the same, the arrangement inside each person is not the same, not everyone has all their chakras functioning properly. So, after much contemplation, it was realized that if somehow every human's shape, form etc. are so aligned, what we call like permutations & combinations, and arranging them, today's Sahaja Yoga was established. Because if today we tell them, "Brother, look, you should give up this, do that, do this," then no one will sit here, and nobody would consider giving up anything. In reality, this is an external matter. Renunciation comes from within. One who has already renounced, will renounce what? When renunciation has already occurred, then what is there to renounce now? If nothing is grasped, then what is there to move away from? But in external matters, such as "renounce this, renounce that," there is no benefit. So why not awaken Kundalini in everyone, even a little bit, why not make them slightly uncomfortable? Let a little light come in, so that people will think, "Yes, I have grasped something troublesome." If a snake is held in the hand and we say, "Let it go, there's a snake in your hand," what do they say? "Why don't we let go when there's a snake in our hand? No, this is just a rope. Ah, a little light comes, and we say, 'Oh, No,' and let it go. Similarly, we are amazed at this Sahaj Yoga. So many alcoholics, people doing all sorts of dirty work around the world, who were accused of being petty criminals, and the big shots have become completely calm and composed, and have become stable afterwards in that honour, because one gets rid of these things. Today, while I used to see one man, today you see many. Life progresses slowly like this. Today there might be a delay, and work might start late, but one thing should be understood that before making anything a yoga practice, its time must come." "When there's a delay, those who have patience remain seated, while those who lack it leave; whether you start work early or late, those who leave are usually wasteful. Today, when there was a delay, we were observing what to do, unable to make a decision. We were looking at any inconvenience and thinking that whatever it is, when it's time to reach as per God's will, then we'll reach; before that, we won't be able to reach. There was no anxiety at all." "And even the music, everyone was waiting for when Mother would speak, and we were enjoying ourselves because even that can awaken Kundalini. Whether we speak or not, Kundalini can still awaken. But nowadays, if you don't speak, people say you can't do anything, and if you do speak, they still argue. Anyway, whatever it is, a mother is such that she lovingly listens to everything her children say." "All of this keeps happening; it's bound to happen. Otherwise, how are you humans? But one thing must be acknowledged when humans came into being, the things that are yours, your possessions, your everything, why not nurture them? Why create mental projections behind these ideologies, building fortresses all around oneself? I say, what Krishna said happened, what Ram said happened. So let's keep this in front of us today, ask me, take it, then we'll talk. That's why Buddha always said, 'First attain self-realization, don't just talk about God. Only talk about one thing self-realization. Because saying anything before that is just like that without you, describe about such a beautiful auditorium. What's the point of arguing with someone who can’t see? That's why people called them nihilists. Even among Jains, there's a belief in nihilism. You know that Mahavir and Buddha were contemporaries, and both thought that humans who are lost in all these futile things; And the only way to get them out of it is to talk only about the formless. And even in that, talk only about the soul. This is what happened with Muhammad Sahab too, he only talked about the formless. Talk will continue to be saying everywhere; it should be visible and witnessed, and if it becomes apparent within you, then it's your fortune and our’s too. I will give all of you enlightenment tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, in more detail; May God give wisdom to all ! Today, whatever music has played, may it bring peace to everyone, and may you all find the Divine in your spiritual path. This is my sincere wish as a mother, and I desire nothing else. If you find anything that you think is my power, then I would be blessed. Right now, whether have you got realization? Not yet, and moving out; Get ascended! Many people only enjoy listening to lectures; after hearing mine now, they will go somewhere else to attend another. That's why I say, Bhai ! Get realized please. Now, if someone needs to go out, may take a little while. After that, it will take another ten minutes. I try to awaken everyone's Kundalini. Please don't get up in between because others get disturbed, and the awakening of Kundalini is spontaneous because it is a living process. 'Sah' means with you, and 'Ja' means born; this is the right of this yoga is for every human being, and everyone can be eligible for it. I won't say that someone is not eligible; if the burdens we have loaded on our heads are burnt by Kundalini or removed, then the work is done quickly. So, to be helpful in that regard, I would request you all to first consider that you are temples of the Divine, you are temples of the Supreme Being. Human beings are created by the Divine with great care and love, and it is not right to constantly say, 'I am a sinner, I am guilty.' From a mother's perspective, it is very painful if a child comes and repeatedly beats their head in front of their mother, saying, 'I am very guilty, I am very bad,' so the mother cannot bear it. This is the condition of your Kundalini that it does not accept that you are guilty, because it believes that the forgiveness power of the Divine is so strong that no fault can be found in you. Therefore, first and foremost, you have to forgive yourself completely. Completely forgive yourself and understand that you are the temple of the Divine. There is no fault within you; in no way is there any fault in you. Do not blame yourself. Even if something is said in our speech that makes you believe that you have committed a fault or done something wrong, please forget our speech. It would be better. Just know that there is no fault in you; you are an extremely beautiful temple created by the Divine. In this, you just have to light a lamp. The special characteristic among the Indians firstly is that many consider themselves to be fallen, and many people also say, 'Mother, how will we be eligible for Kundalini awakening?' Now let us decide this, why are you getting upset, why are you blaming yourself? Everyone should sit joyfully; we are going to the kingdom of the Divine. So what's the big deal in being so serious? Sit with a cheerful mind, sit with enthusiasm, because Kundalini, which is, is a joyful and blissful power. That joy, you attain it first, so keep full faith in yourself. Now, this is a very narrow path, very thin, which from the triangular bone to the Brahmarandhra, there is little distance, you can attain the kingdom of the Divine. So, don't make any effort, don't get into any doubt, sit comfortably, and don't blame yourself in any way. The second thing is, if something is feeling tight in any way, loosen it up. Rest doesn't mean you're sitting loosely, but straighten yourself, straighten your neck, and place both feet on the ground parallel to each other. They should be parallel like this, not one overlapping the other, but ensure both feet are parallel. Now, as I mentioned earlier, don't consider yourself flawed in any way and don't think of yourself as guilty. Another thing is that I am describing the process of awakening your Kundalini to you. In reality, a little knowledge of which chakras correspond to which will help, so it's better I tell you. This hand here is your willpower, the left hand towards me. I say this because sometimes in Hindi, someone might call it the right hand, someone might call it the left hand, so this left hand, you keep it towards me indicating that your will is that you want to attain the soul, you want to realize the self, and this is your hand, the right hand, because it's the power of action, the power of action, through this, the assistance needed to awaken or ascending your Kundalini will be taken. It's a very simple thing. But if you're doing this work while keeping faith in yourselves, first I'll say, place your hand on your heart; here lies the place of the soul, above the upper abdomen, which is the guru principle. All actions will be done on the left side. If all actions are done on the left side, then place it on the upper part of the stomach on the left side, then on the lower part, then on the upper part again, then back to the heart, then on the neck. Here, the Vishuddhi Chakra belongs to Lord Krishna. Keep it turned towards the left side, bending the neck like this. After that, here it is called Kapal, and it should be placed like this and pressed from both sides. Then, bring it back and place it behind the head towards the back of the Agnya Chakra. Then, twist your hand in such a way that its edge, which is equal to the ankle, is pressed against the surface of head, ‘Talu’ and rotate it together. Everyone should do this activity. But after this, now we all will close our eyes and not open them. There is no mesmerism in this; this is inner yoga because the attention is drawn inward. It's good that we will close our eyes. If the eyes remain open, the attention will be drawn outward. For this reason, we will close our eyes. There is no need to chant any mantra, express any emotions, or engage in any external activities. This is an internal Yoga, let it happen naturally on its own. No one feels any discomfort; no one faces any trouble. I know that some of you are very eager to ask me questions. I know everything, but I want that today no one asks any questions. Whatever questions you have, write them down, and before I come tomorrow, you can give them to someone here. I will answer them. But today, don't hold onto those questions; leave them aside for a while. Even if you answer the questions, it won't awaken Kundalini, and if it's not meant to happen, then it won't happen. This is your fate and our fate. What will be, will be. For this reason, I say, leave aside external tools and just focus on Kundalini. She is your own mother and will guide you to self-realization. So please, just leave aside any consideration of this. When Kundalini awakens, you will feel a cool breeze emanating from the ‘फान्टनेल’ fontanel, described as "salilam salilam." After that, you may start feeling the divine power of the Supreme in your hands, spreading all around. Some may feel it in their hands, while others in their heads. Whatever it is, it's nothing. If there's any blockage in some chakras, it needs to be cleared. So first, keep faith in yourself, and know that you are the soul, not the body, intellect, ego, etc. You are the soul alone. Now, place this hand here on the heart, and let it be towards me, and keep both feet parallel to the ground. Now, please close your eyes and do not open them, keep them closed, don't open any eyes. Place your hand on the heart. You have a fundamental question to ask me, which is a basic question just like one asks to a computer. This fundamental question is to ask Mataji, "Am I the soul?" Ask this question three times in your mind. Now, place this hand on the upper part of the stomach, on the left side. Keep the right hand on the upper part of the stomach, on the left side. Here is the chakra of the Guru principle, where the element given to us by the Guru is located. If you are the soul, then you become your own Guru. Therefore, place your hand here or press with your fingers. Now, ask me the second question three times with complete faith "Am I my own Guru?" There is no offending of any Sadguru. Mataji, am I my own Guru? Please don't open your eyes and everyone should do this so that no one misses out. Now, press your right hand on the lower part of the stomach, on the left side. This is the place of pure knowledge, acknowledge pure knowledge.
The knowledge of the Supreme Being. Which we can know. Place your hand here. You will have to say to me. Because you are free, I cannot force upon you. So you will have to say, "Mother, give me pure knowledge." Shri Mataji, “give me pure knowledge.” Because it cannot be forced. Say this six times. Because in this chakra there are six petals.
Now the awakening of Kundalini begins. Now raise your right hand and place it on the upper left side of the abdomen. Here, with full self-confidence, you will have to say, "Shri Mataji, I am my own guru." Because as a result of your self-confidence, only your Swadhisthana chakra will open and Kundalini can rise within it. So please say, "Mother, I am my own guru." You will have to say this ten times because there are ten elements of the Guru principle within us.
There are ten principles of Dharma and therefore, there are also ten elements of the Guru principle.
Good! Now, lift this right hand and place it on your heart, on your heart.
And say with full self-confidence which is the ultimate truth,"Shri Mataji, I am the soul." Say it twelve times, "Shri Mataji, I am the soul." Say it twelve times.
Now, lift this right hand, neck and your shoulder in between which there is a triangle, place it there. Move your hand slightly backwards, from the front,
not from behind, from the front across and the neck turn it to your right side,
right side. This chakra is the Vishuddhi.
This is the Vishuddhi chakra. In this Vishuddhi chakra if you consider yourself
guilty, a strong feeling of guilt arises; Therefore, here, you have to say
sixteen times. Because it is Shri Krishna's chakra, sixteen times you have to say
"Shri Mataji,” I am absolutely faultless." The Divine is an ocean of compassion and mercy. But even beyond that, even beyond that in its depth the power of forgiveness is so beautiful and so strong that you cannot commit any such fault.
That which is not destroyed by its power So please say while forgiving yourself. If you think you are deeply flawed right now then punish yourself, if you wish. say it one hundred and eight times "I am not guilty, I am not guilty, I am not guilty" But as I said earlier, you should go to the court of the Divine with a cheerful heart. Now lift up this right hand.
Hold your hand across to your forehead and press from both sides Just as we press when we have a headache This is the external window of the command centre, Agnya Chakra. On this chakra, we have to say one thing "Mother, I have forgiven everyone" "Shri Mataji, I have forgiven everyone" From the heart, ask how many times Place the hand on the forehead, not on top of the head. By forehead, I mean the front part of the head Place it on the forehead And press it Say from the heart, say from the heart Many say that it is very difficult But forgiveness is not difficult. And not forgiving is difficult. Both are false things But if you do not forgive Then you play into someone else's hands So say once from the depth of your heart "Mother, I have forgiven everyone" Say it with all your heart After this, take your hand behind your head, press it forcefully and throw your head back. Let it bear that load, not too much, just a little; and at this point if you want your realization say once to the Divine. If I have made a mistake, please forgive me, that's it. But this doesn't mean that you start listing your faults and presenting them all before the Divine. Just say this much and let Him forgive you. You take your hand fully stretched and place it on your head, right in the middle and rotate it gently, not forcefully. Rotate slowly, gently, pressing gently, slowly rotate it seven times. Now slowly bring your hand down and slowly open your eyes. Look towards me and don't think. Everything is beyond thought, don't think; Now bring your right hand towards me, slightly upwards and with your left hand, understand about three to four inches above in this way, see if there is any cool breeze here. Bring your right hand towards me, Place the attention on the head here. Place the attention on the sole, ‘Talu’ see. Open your eyes. Now bring this hand towards me. Now look with this hand. Some cool breeze is coming. Now don't think that it's the air conditioner or something. There's no air conditioner on your head, right? Yet, there is cool breeze coming from it. Now, do with this hand. Now, both hands towards the sky. Tilt your head back and ask a question, "Mother! Is this the Brahma Shakti? Is this the divine love power of God? Is this the power that is called the soul?" Now, lower your hands. Now, both hands together. Look, there's some cool breeze coming in the hands. Yes, there's some cool breeze coming. Those who feel cool breeze from their palms or hands, raise both hands. Raise both hands up. The whole Kolkata has got realized. This is what it means to get realized, saints. Tomorrow, come again. Come the day after tomorrow as well. Everything will be settled in three days for sure. Today, the cool breeze you feel, that's the ‘Saleelam, saleelam’ one described. This is the coolness described in the ‘ Saundrya Lahiri’. You have felt it a bit, nobody else has, it's okay. You'll come tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. I will explain everything thoroughly. And whatever you need to know, you can ask me. There's no hurry to touch the feet today. Because we haven't given you anything yet. Come the day after tomorrow.