Effects of Kali Yuga and how to overcome it

Effects of Kali Yuga and how to overcome it 1996-01-17

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Public Program
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The post is also available in: Hindi.

17 January 1996

Effects Of Kali Yuga And How To Overcome It

Public Program

Pune (India)

Talk Language: Hindi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Draft

1996-01-17 Public Program: Effects of Kali Yuga and how to overcome it, Pune, India (Hindi)

[Translation from Hindi to English]

I bow to all the seekers of the truth. The way I told you before, that truth is the truth. It can not be changed. You can not describe it also. You can not know it even by saying it. you can not know the truth even by reading books. Yes, there may be an indication that what is truth. First of all, we should know this that before relying upon something you should first experience it...Without knowing it or experiencing it, if you just rely on it by just closing your eyes, then it is also waste and if you keep saying something wrong then it is also incorrect. You are looking at the situation of today, that there is tremendous KALYUGA, And in this very KALyuga, every human being is in turmoil, is in problem or discomfort...Whether it is physical, mental, or intellectual ...God did not give birth to you for all these problems in this world because. Because amid all this poverty, ignorance, and wickedness, we are being trapped. Some people are good, Religious and truthful and these one are more in trouble and are more persecuted...All of these tortures together show that there is tremendous KALYUGA. You can see the corruption everywhere and those who raise their voices against them are being troubled. The society suffering from corruption is going downgrade ...Now if someone says that we all are running after money, and due to this, this malfunction is there...This type of thinking is also wrong. Despite this, there are many other reasons, due to which we are so painful, sad, and in trouble ...We should try to understand this that why we have to look these sufferings ...It's a time of destiny. Destiny has made this time for you ...It is made for you because in this Deranged condition, in this confused state you should think that whether there is some path to get rid of this condition or not. When you start thinking about it and starts to find out that which path is this then you can observe that you are a seeker. Seekers are those who search the truth...This diligence of the seeker is very important today. If he has a pure desire that I will definitely find the truth then Tenderly he searches for it and gets misplaced. Nowadays you know that many people are earning money in the name of religion, money, God and many other things. And those who have money are getting robbed and those who don't have the money are also becoming fools. The fault should be given to this KALYUGA. Because when humans get nervous then he can go one way or the other. But what is the right way one should see? Now whatever I am going to talk with you you should not believe superstitiously, that is also a wrong thing ...You need to experience it and if you prove this experience and even then if you don't believe it then you too fell prey to meaninglessness...At least we should keep honesty with ourselves. And those people who confuse others will always try to put these innocent people on the wrong path...And by confusing, these people think they are the representative of all and they have prepared their stage. We should avoid such people. Because these people have done no one's good, except opposing one other. It's not going to benefit. The benefit will be when there is a realisation of it. You should receive it and you should know it in your fingers...you should know it in your central nervous system ...Only then will it be realized, by this Buddha was formed ...and due to this Vedas has been formed...Only by forced tongue and stupid things, this is not going to happen. In this Maharashtra there were saints and monks, till there is Ravindranath Tagore (poet ) who have sung the praises of this city-In this Maharashtra's land there is some speciality Now someone will say that why do you believe in Maharashtra that there is Ashtavinayak, there is the place of three Devis, I can say 4 Devis place. This is true or false how should we distinguish. First of all, you found about yourself, first o all you understand yourselves that what are you?

Unless you did not take your self-realisation you can not find that whether these are God or Goddess or what ...Who is Shri Ganesha etc..

There is no benefit of beliving something blindfolded.

Now many people come to me and say that we have done so many rituals, We have done this, we have done that but we did not get the benefit of it. When there is no yoga started or when there is no connection then what are you doing. By this way, if you telephone somebody then there should be a connection ...By doing these rituals, you people have thought that you have done some very nice " karma " and you should get something out of it, and I should get the salvation ...No doubt you should get it but the right path for that is not by doing these rituals. God has made the path of salvation within us about which I have told you that there are some chakras within us and inside these chakras the shakti flows, from where we get the physical mental and intellectual power. But in few days this power gets decreased...And when this power gets decreased then 2-3 types of things come to our mind ...

The first thing is we suffer physically...

Secondly, we can suffer from a mental disorder...

Except this, our intellectual side is also get affected, such that when we say something then we say about one thing or the other ...ie nobody could understand what we are saying...

You can see the effect of this kali yuga in America...

In America, there is a saying that 56% people will get schizophrenic means for some time they will get mad and sometime they will be alright ...These type of half ad people I have not seen yet in our country but there are so many people there. (Who are very good for some time...do there work and then immediately their condition gets worse ...And there is no way to keep them alright )...There are so many things there like physical suffering which has a strange appearance ...small children are even so anxious there...so many bad diseases they are suffering from ...that they can not get rid of these diseases Except this there are many false people there who have robbed them ...and by robbing they have made money By this way, they are suffering a lot from many problems. And we think that America is a very nice place where people stay very comfortably ...While they are very sad people...Because those people who never go outside, who have never seen anything have a wrong feeling that Americans are living very comfortable life... To get rid of this thinking you should know the reality, and the truth ...Doesn't God have made the path for us to find the truth? This type of thinking is also wrong. God has made within us the power of Kundalini, and when this gets enlightened then it rises from the six chakras within us and pierces to the fontanel bone area spreads through the Paramchainaya of this world ...This is the truth ...Not because I am saying this...you will get the experience of it and it is very necessary to experience it to get rid of all your problems...

You will get rid of your ignorance ...

You will be capable ...

You will be strong ...because this power is within you. By this power only, these flowers are there, our heart is working ...If this power is within us and if it can be awakened then why not do it? Why not get it? There is one Gyaneshwar in Maharashtra, he has told in 6th chapter that this work is done by the Kundalini...Whatever he can tell in the form of the poem he has told. Maybe he has told it in elaborated form but during that time dharma people didn't believe so, he said that this chapter -6th should be ignored...Nowadays there are different religion killing people who are half doctors, half intellectuals, half-wit live, (buddhi Jeeves)who have started saying that this is not the truth ...What is the benefit saying this?

What is the benefit of saying this? Who is going to be benefitted by it? "By making these type of things and confusing others and not letting them get what they want or deserve "- In Maharashtra, this is a huge curse ...And in Maharashtra, there are these half-hearted intellectuals and "BUDDHIJEEVI" people who have made the disastrous situation here. When I read the newspaper then I use to get surprised that by raising any false thing on the head why do they run and by doing this which society is going to benefit. By this, you will get no happiness and pleasure. Nothing you will be getting. By reading the newspaper I get surprised by seeing that -this newspaper is standing with this politics and that politics. Is there any culture in politics nowadays? Is there any goodness in it? Is there any accuracy in it? All are being made in rotten platforms and if they need to be corrected then, first of all, get your self-realisation. And those who don't get it can never do the right work...

he can never give happiness or pleasure to anyone. He will be immersed in his own greed and selfishness. And no matter how many people suffer from him...

And this greediness is because of money and power. But if these people will get their self-realisation, then they will also understand that why we had put our efforts in this direction till today, Why we were running behind these powerful people and due to which neither we got the pleasure nor others.

How this greediness is a strange disease ...They must be having their own houses and their vehicles but even then their walls should be filled with money. Neither they can lift their walls nor their vehicles...But just by saying, this greed and fascination is not going to go. There is only one way that their spirit should be enlightened ...When this spirit is enlightened, then the person gets alert that oh! what am I doing Where I was going. Which hell was I paying money for? What I was doing?

When he gets the realisation of this, then he uses to think that what kind of situation I have made ...If I will die then what will happen People recognize me from my goodwill but what bad condition would be there after dying? And after dying, people will think that It's better to get rid of such an evil person. It's better to live in self-pride than to live this kind of life. They don't know how to live with self -respect. They think themselves a great people by spreading wrong things /false things and doing wrong kinds of deeds ...And they fall very badly after that. The thing which is very needed today is love for the country, selfless love for the country. We have seen many great lovers of the country who have dedicated their body, mind and wealth ( their whole life) for the country. But now where are these kind of people? There are mostly selfish people and behind them also selfish people are there... But the meaning of selfish is to be understood that -" The person who knows the self is Selfish ". And this selfishness we can get by awakening our kundalini and seeing our Atma (spirit).

When the light of spirit comes within us then firstly the person gets to shine in his face. He gets the speciality in his character. He becomes idealistic ...In it, these little things are runaway. And you don't have to go anywhere to get it, there is no need to enter into any forests, and there is no need to go to any saints and hermits for chanting mantras etc ...

You don't have to leave your wife, children etc...

This is within you which should be awakened ...But why do you people believe those persons who say not to awaken your kundalini?

These people are destroying society.

How glorious man is...God has made him so glorious ...He has not made humans become the slave of these evil people... He has made him stand in his glory and self-pride and see what I am?

And this facility is available inside human beings.

If I am saying then I have to do nothing with it.

I have not to take anything from you.

If there is something then I have to give. And to give the knowledge that you are so important and you have this power ...This power should be worked upon you and you should get it ...

And after getting it, just like seed sprouts and made into a big tree you can also become the huge trees especially in this Pune you know it is called "Punya Patnam" in scriptures.

But it is not seen here that somebody is collecting the Punyas, everybody is collecting the money only. To gather the Punya also you need to know spirit, without it you will not know which is Punya(saintly) and which is Apunya (not saintly). And for that I have made all arrangements, God has made the arrangements within you ...You don't have to do anything for it. Only after awakening your kundalini, you should take care of it ...Should grow that tree (tree of self-realisation within you ) And there should be trees such that they prepare other trees also and should give shade like an umbrella to other peoples.

In Marathi, there is a saying ......In Marathi


45:16 (Mother gives realisation in Marathi )


Put your both hands in front of me... You don't have to do anything you all are Indians and you are sitting on the land of Pune is enough. And there is no need for anything. You have taken the birth here in this land, is enough. And you have not to do anything.

put your both hands towards me. Now you put your left hand towards me and bow your head and see whether you are getting the cool breeze in your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone area? Put your right hand at the top of your head. See Whether you are getting the cool breeze from it.

(In Marathi )

Put your right hand towards me ...And bow down your head and see once again from the left hand that Whether you are getting the cool breeze ...This time you have to forgive yourself and others. By doing this you will get the cool breeze. Now forgive yourself and to others.

Whether you forgive or not, you do nothing but cheat yourself so please forgive everybody at this moment.

(In Marathi )

Now again put your left hand towards me and bow down your head and observe that whether you are getting the cool breeze or hot breeze from your head ...

If you forgive yourself and the others without thinking then you will see that the breeze coming out will become cooler ...

This is Chaitanya...This is a divine cool breeze.

Now put your hands towards the ether element and put back your heads like this and ask whether this is param Chaitanya...

(In Marathi )

Put down your hands ...

Put your hands in front of me without thinking ...

Now, those people who felt the cool or hot breeze in their both hands, or fingers or from their fontanel bone ...raise your hands ...

(In Marathi )

Now, this is the land of Maharashtra see ...

I bow to this land of Maharashtra and I bow to the seekers of truth ... and endless blessings ...endless blessings ...

(In Marathi)

Now you are thoughtless and thoughtlessly unaware.

Now you will feel the inner peace ...

And you will feel joy Bu you have to be settled in it ...

Just like tree settles down in the mud ...

Now you have been sprouted ...it doesn't mean that from now you have become the higher person You have to settle ...And respect your self-realisation ...You have to believe in it ...

(In Marathi )

We have many good centres in Pune and many good Sahaja yogis who will guide you ...You don't have to give any money in it, nothing.

You go there and receive it ...

You will observe that your kids will be alright, the society will be alright, their bad habits will go away, will improve their healths and 1000's of blessings will be given to you because you deserve it ...

(In Marathi )

But you have to go there and learn it ...If you care for your family, your society, your kids then Please receive your realisation in Sahaja yoga completely and get the blessings from it. Endless blessings to all of you.

Pune (India)

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