All-pervading power has got all the telecommunication

All-pervading power has got all the telecommunication 1986-05-15

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

15 May 1986

All-pervading Power Has Got All The Telecommunication

Public Program

Sala della Provincia di Milano, Milan (Italy)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

[Introduction in Italian by a Sahaja Yogi until min 33:51]

I bow to all the seekers of truth.

Already now you know about the subtle centers that are in the spinal cord, also in the brain. So when the Kundalini raises from its seat from the triangular bone and pierces through the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood it again becomes soft and then the Grace which is a very subtle energy surrounding us, which is all-pervading, starts pouring down the bliss. Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the power of God, we can call it the Primordial Mother. We have a Divine Trinity but we do not talk about the mother. You have father - the God, then you have son - the God and the Holy Ghost. How can a father have a son without a mother? So from the very beginning it's an attack on the motherhood and that is why you know that it is not allowed for women to be the priest also. But in India or in all other scriptures it is believed that it is the Primordial Mother who has created this universe. That is the Holy Ghost is the Mother, it is not a dove but a mother.

So this Primordial Mother which is the power of God resides as a reflection in the triangular bone which Greeks accepted as Athina, is the Primordial Mother - Athina. So this power raises within us and pierces through the fontanel bone area where we have the seat of God Almighty thought he is reflected in the heart as Spirit, the seat is on your fontanel bone area. So as soon as you feel the Cool Breeze on top of your head you should also feel the Cool Breeze all around you and you should feel on their fingers flowing inside. But because of the Vishuddhi, this center, being not alright you do not feel it and that is why sometimes people start doubting. This center is a very important center in the human beings because when we raised our head this center developed into a peculiar way. And it behaved in such a way that we started developing within us the ego and superego over our brain. When these two balloons developed in our head we all developed "I-ness", that is individual personality. But as you know when the Kundalini pierces through the Agnya in the center of the optic chiasm then both of these are sucked in and the Kundalini comes out. At that time the Spirit which is in the Heart comes into our attention as light. That means you become the light but you do not see the light.

Becoming the light is very different from seeing the light. If you see the light then you are away from the light. But becoming the light then you have all the powers of the light within you. That means you start seeing things clearly on your central nervous system. As I told you that you start feeling your chakras because it is Self-realization so you know about yourself. In London when we had our first seven people realized one of them was very sceptical and he said, "How can it be that sitting down here we can know about the centers of others?" Now this All-pervading power has got all the telecommunication and very efficiently working. That's why we say that everything that is divine is miraculous. He asked me, "I want to know about my father because he has not telephoned to me all these days." I said, "Alright. Put your hands like this and ask, 'How is my father?'" So he started feeling a burning in this part of the finger [Shri Mataji points to the base of the right index finger]. Now all these centers are the coding about the father, your father, and this finger is for the Vishuddhi. So I told him that, "Your father must be down with very bad bronchitis." That time he telephoned to his father who was in Scotland and his mother came to the phone and she said exactly the same centers, that "I'm sorry, your father is down with very bad bronchitis." So now I said, "You give it vibrations, you rub it hard in this part of your finger." After half an hour the father came to the phone and he said, "I'm surprised, I'm feeling very well." But I will tell you about so many miracles that you will be amazed how God works out these things.

These miracles work out and they are being published in the newspapers. Like once it happened that I was addressing in Middlesbrough when people came down, the newspaper people, and they asked me, "There is a lady who is not well and she just sticks to her room, doesn't go out of her house at all, she is all the time sitting in her room for the last six months. And how can you cure her when she cannot come to your programs?" I said, "Alright, you bring me a photograph of hers and then we'll see what we can do about it." So they gave me her photograph but I told them, "Don't go and disturb her next day, wait for a week and then see." But next day the newspaper could not contain within themselves. So they went down to see how the lady was and she had gone out for a walk with her husband on the moors. So they published in the newspaper: "Here is a guru mother who has kept a promise."

There are other miracles. Like once I was addressing a big meeting, very huge meeting in Bedford to six hundred people and one boy fell down about 20 feet down on the stone from a bridge and his bike was completely shattered. While falling down he just said, "Holy Mother, help me." And the people who were on the bridge sent for an ambulance which came to pick him up. They thought the boy must be dead but they found that he walked up all the distance up there and got into the ambulance and they were amazed at it. So he went to the hospital and told the doctors that there was a lady who came in a white sari, in a white car and who came down and help me to get well. There was no scratch, not even a scratch on his body so doctors were amazed but the people on the bridge said they never saw any car coming or anybody coming. Because I was sitting before six hundred people that time. This boy has never seen me before but he saw my photograph next day in the newspaper and he told the police that this is the lady who came and saved me. So the police then telephoned in London to find out what was going on and the person who is London told that these things happen in India many a times but if it is happening in London that means now we are becoming auspicious. And all this was published in the newspaper.

So when you become the light people can see light coming out of you. People have seen light coming out of my head on photographs. They have seen light coming out of this point from both the sides, from this point what we call as Hamsa chakra. These are photographs, nobody has managed them; these are photographs just came spontaneously. There is one photograph in which my hand has got a complete sun shining. Also light coming out of my fingers, out of my toes, all these can happen to you also when you become complete. The camera can see much more, modern cameras, than modern human beings. But modern human beings have become much more complicated than before so they have become insensitive.

So one has to understand that by complicating yourself you cannot become the Spirit. Because Spirit is beyond your mind, beyond your emotions. And when you become the Spirit you not only become the light but you become the knowledge. One person who had his Realization only six months and he met a newspaper gentleman and the newspaper gentleman asked me, "Have you got all scholars as your disciples?" Now this particular gentleman was a drug addict and was just a carpenter. He had never been to any university but he was talking like a scholar. When I was once in India going by a bullock cart in a village the bullock cart driver was absolutely uneducated and I started talking to him and he was talking like Socrates, like Kabira. I was surprised from where this knowledge is coming to this man who is just a bullock cart driver? The source of knowledge is the Spirit. You can see, Christ never went to any university, Krishna never went to any university, Rama never went into any university, none of the saints went to any university or theological school. From where did they get all the knowledge? They got it from the Spirit which enlightened their brain and the storehouse of all that knowledge is there which your start knowing as soon as your become the light.

As soon as you become the Spirit you feel absolutely confident of yourself. I know of children who are born realized and who are so confident it's surprising how they talk. I have a granddaughter, she was 5 years of age and they had gone to Tibet and there they met in Ladakh a lama who was sitting on a mount with shaven head and wearing a big dress, like a maxi. Everybody was touching his feet and even my daughter and son-in-law out of just embarrassment touched his feet. This little girl was 5 years of age, couldn't bear that, she is normally a shy child. So she went and stood before him and put her both the hands at the back and looked at him and she said, "What do you mean by making everybody touch your feet? You are not a realized soul. Only by shaving your head and wearing this big maxi how do you expect people to touch your feet?" And my son-in-law felt very embarrassed, he said, "You shouldn't say like that." So she said, "I will. Because he is not a realized soul and you have no business to touch his feet." That is how they become so powerful, you become so powerful that you can face all kinds of untruth and falsehood without feeling at all afraid of anyone.

From 1970 I was speaking about all the fake gurus with their names and who they are and what they will do, what harm they will do openly taking their names, openly. But nobody prosecuted me, nobody said anything to me. People were afraid they'll come and kill me but nobody dared come near me. Of course, they paid some people to come and disturb the meetings, that's all. But there is nothing more than that they can do.

Now this is the thing we should also know from the life of Christ that when he was faced with the stoning of Mary Magdalene, he had nothing to do with a prostitute like that, but he stood up and he said, "The one who has not committed any sin can throw a stone at me.", himself, he said. He was spiritual power and nobody threw any stone at him.

So that's what happens to you when you become the Spirit. Moreover you develop the discretion, complete discretion. If you see somebody who looks to be a nice person turns out to be a cheat but with vibrations you can always make out what sort of a person the other is. You develop such a discretion that you can tell what things are real, divine and which are not real. In this way you are never cheated, you are never put to a false position.

Of course, as I told you that you can give Realization to others and you can cure people. Now like spiritualists who do not know how they cure but you will know by every chakra what is the problem, means you'll diagnose it, you'll have the medicine in your hand and you will be the doctor as well. The curing comes as a by-product of the Kundalini awakening and then, once you know how to keep yourself alright, you never get sick. Some of the saints died of cancer because they did not know how to handle their Kundalini.

This is what happens to your attention and that is how you know the truth. But the greatest thing that happens when you get your Realization that you become absolutely blissful, you become auspicious - you go to any house, you bring good name, good fortune to that family. People have been materially helped, very much, by coming to Sahaja Yoga. People in England don't have jobs because they've so much of joblessness in England. But in Sahaja Yoga we cannot find a person without a job, very difficult, there are so many Sahaja Yogis. And people have got very big jobs also. Suddenly they become architects, suddenly they become very well placed in life, everything comes as a blessing to them. And it is very surprising how it happens: because within us is the Nabhi chakra and the Nabhi chakra when it opens out you get the blessings of the Goddess of wealth, what we call as Lakshmi tattwa , Lakshmi principle. Then you become a satisfied person, a very satisfied person. As you give up your bad habits you have lots of money left with you. The possessiveness that you have, the headaches you have of your possession just drops out. For example, when you see something beautiful - supposing there is a very good tablecloth, you see that then if it is yours you are worried that it may get spoiled, should be insured, all kinds of worries come to you. But when you do not possess it you enjoy it better. So when you look at any beautiful thing what happens after Realization that you have no thoughts, you just see the whole thing as a source of joy. Like a beautiful lake which is rippleless reflects everything that is created around. In the same way the still mind, as the Zen has done it, that the still mind which has no thoughts enjoys all that is created around.

The best of all - that you start enjoying other human beings. For the first time you relate to others without any lust, greed or any possessiveness. Once we had gone to Calcutta and we were staying in a hotel and there was the owner of the hotel came for his Realization. And as soon as he got his Realization, there were other Sahaja Yogis in other rooms, they all came rushing into the room. They said, "What has happened? We are feeling so joyous, what is happening?" I said, "Feel the vibrations of this man." They did not know who he was. They just put hands towards him and they enjoyed his vibrations so much that they forgot the time. So your relationship improves with other people, you become better husbands, better wives, better children, better parents. You become very honest because you just know that by honesty you are nowhere harm and you get lots of, lots of blessings of every sort. Thus you start enjoying your righteousness, your virtues, your traditions, everything, you start enjoying them. You look so happy but actually you are so joyous within yourself that you don't know how to hide that joy. You become extremely generous, kind, compassionate and peaceful because you become part and parcel of the whole.

The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. It's like a drop becomes the ocean and you start enjoying that personality, a special personality that you have. The people who are miserable when they meet you they also become joyous. A snake doesn't bite a person who is a realized soul. A tiger doesn't eat a realized soul and a violent dog becomes quiet when he sees a realized soul. Aggressive people become mild when they meet a realized soul. Now we have Sahaja Yogis all over the world and when they meet you must see the friendship, the love, the purity they have. They live such a pure life, without telling them. They know that the pure life is the source of all the happiness and blissfulness. There is no secretiveness, somebody doesn't run away with another's wife, another runs away with another's husband - that doesn't exist anymore. And the parents are so sensible the children are also born realized.

They are so many saints who want to be born but they want to have parents who are realized souls. So far all those who are realized souls are married have got children who are realized souls. So a new race, a tremendously peaceful, kind, compassionate, sensible race is born out of this chaos. People have big, big conferences for having peace, this and that, against the atom bomb but we don't have to have any conferences, there is peace among everyone of them. Actually we may not be destroyed by atom bomb but may be destroyed by ourselves because the way we are going on with our destruction. The diseases that are coming up, one after another, suggest that the way we have been going on in life has not been constructive.

It all sounds very fantastic but if you take, say, a radio or a television to a villager who has never seen it he will never believe that he can see all kinds of plays in that television. But when you put it to the mains then you can see the fantastic things that thing can do. In the same way when we get connected with the mains we are built that way that we manifest that fantastic character about which we are not aware. For this first we must have our Realization.

Now what the today Sahaja Yoga is that first you have your Realization, no time to waste on cleansing or anything so that you see your own problems in your own little light. Instead of cleaning the lamp first put a little light in the lamp then the person who sees it starts cleaning it because he knows how to clean and he sees the problems. Because the human brain is such that if you are told not to do this they will do it. So it is better to put the light into them so that they see themselves they’ve become their own guide and their own guru, so that they correct themselves. And as it is so joy giving everybody is all the time anxious to keep it up. And to keep it up it is important that after getting Realization you must learn how to keep it up, you have to attend some of our programs which are followed after this.

I hope it will work out today again. And yesterday many people felt the Cool Breeze, today you are going to re-establish yourselves. But you must promise me in your heart that after giving you Realization you will definitely pursue it and be serious about it. And Italians are traditional people, they have respect for themselves. So you must respect your Realization otherwise it is the same story what Christ has said that the seeds which were sprouted fell into the rain and were washed off. It is the most important thing for you to get your Realization to save the whole world and humanity to reach its emancipation.

May God bless you all.

Now, are there any questions?

It doesn't take much time to get Realization. It's very simple and the Kundalini raises that moment as soon as you ask for it. But there are certain complications within our chakras which we have to clear out. You yourself will raise your Kundalini. It will have a very soothing effect and you will feel extremely relaxed.

I would request all of you to come little forward so it would be easier. You can come on the stage if you can sit on the... Why not, come on stage. Such seekers. You can take out your shoes, it would be better.

[Shri Mataji addresses Sahaja Yogis:Can you remove the table to that side, all of you.]

Good. Great. Wonderful people. May God bless you. May God bless you. Great, such seekers. May God bless you all.

You can remove the flowers also.

Such people. Shri Mataji asks in Marathi, "How are you?" Please, sit down.

What language she speaks? What’s the matter with her? How is she feeling now? Is she feeling better? Alright. So she has to be little bit at the back and they will put her right because there are Sahaja Yogis who can help. It would be better for her if she could be that side. Alright?

Out of you, those who are sick can come at the back and the Sahaja Yogis can help you, those who are sick people. At the back side so that they will come and help you. They will be very helpful, you just go at the back. Now make the sick people sit at the back, you come this side.

Wherever you sit I am there to look after you. It's great. Such great seekers, so very happy to meet you all.

Now you have to take out your shoes because it helps for us to have the help of the Mother Earth.

There is a sick lady here, you can take her at the back and see if you can work it out on her. Or you can do it after the program, after the program.

Now it's very simple as I told you. As we are so desirous it will work out in no time.

Put both the hands towards me like this, just like this. Are you feeling cool breeze? Good. Working. Alright? You are people of great quality, that's why. Mmm, it's working.

Now close your eyes but don't think about it, just close your eyes. And very simple thing is: first you have to put your hand on your heart when I tell you, when I tell you on your stomach your upper part, in the lower part and then we go back on the same direction, and then the hand here, and then here, at the back and here. These are all the centers we will be touching with our own hand to raise our Kundalini properly and I'll tell you what is to be done. But don't think. Just one thing you do is not to think about it, it's beyond thinking.

You can loosen it a little bit [referring to belts], sitting down may be little...

Be pleasant, be pleasant about yourself. Don't have any anger towards yourself, you must have love for yourself, respect because you are the temple of God.

Now just close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles because you have to keep your eyes shut. Now close your eyes, till I tell you please don't open your eyes.

Please close your eyes and put your right hand on your heart. Without thinking now you have to do everything. Now here you have to say, with full confidence you have to ask me a question which is a very fundamental question, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask me three times in your heart. Not to feel guilty asking this question at all. You should not feel guilty at all, you are seekers, a special category of human beings.

Now the second question you have to ask by putting your right hand in the upper part on the left hand side of your stomach. Left side, on the left hand side of the stomach, in the upper part of the stomach, on the left hand side. Now press it with your fingers. Here now on this center the second question is to be asked that if I am the Spirit then, "Am I my own master? Mother, am I my own master?" Just ask this question, three times.

Now take the right hand in the lower part of the abdomen on the left hand side. Take the right hand in the lower part of the stomach on the left hand side. Now please at this point you have to say that you want the true knowledge of the Divine, I cannot force on you. So you just say it six times because there are six petals to this center, this is very important, "Mother, please may I have the pure knowledge." Six times. Now the Kundalini starts moving when you ask for it.

Now raise your right hand now higher again onto the stomach on the left hand side, upper part of the stomach where you had put first. This is the center of the Guru principle, of the Master principle built by all the great masters. On this center now with full confidence in yourself you have to assert for the Kundalini to raise to this center by saying, without feeling any diffidence you have to say, "Mother, I am my own master. I am my own master. I my own master." ten times. Have full confidence in yourself, you will be your own master and you are, that's a fact.

Now raise this right hand onto the heart. Here resides the Spirit. Now with full confidence in yourself you have to again assert to create a seat for the Kundalini to raise, "Mother, I am the Spirit." Say it twelve times, "Mother, I am the Spirit.", twelve times please. Not to feel guilty at all, to have full confidence in yourself. It's the truth, that's what you are saying. Have faith in yourself. Now raise your right hand to your heart as I said, say it twelve times. Press it, press it. "Mother, I am the Spirit." say it twelve times.

Now take your right hand onto the corner of your shoulder where it meets the neck from the front, take it from the front, across, press it hard, take it backwards. This is the center mostly catching. This center catches when you feel guilty. So please say with full confidence in yourself, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." sixteen times. "Mother, I am not guilty at all." sixteen times. Because the Divine is not only the ocean of love and compassion but it is above all the ocean of forgiveness. Don't count your guilt please, just say that, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." If you don't believe then you can take a punishment - say it 108 times, that would be better. Please don't feel guilty, forget what I said to you, just don't feel guilty.

Now raise your right hand onto your forehead across and press it on both the sides. Here you have to say from your heart, how many times is not the point, but from your heart intensely you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone." You may feel it is difficult to forgive but it is a myth whether you forgive or you don't forgive. But when you don't forgive you play into wrong hands.

Now put your right hand on the back of your head and for your own satisfaction say to the Divine if you have done any mistakes, "Please forgive."

Now stretch your hand and put it on top of your head on the fontanel bone area where it was a soft bone as a child, put your palm on top of that and press it hard and move it clockwise. At this time you have to say, "Mother, please give me Self-realization." because I cannot force on you, seven times.

Take down your hand very carefully on the lap. Now feel with the left hand if there is a cool breeze coming in. Open your eyes slowly. Right hand towards me. Put the left hand on the top of your head. It's very subtle. Little further, in front, it is in front. Little higher, about 4 inches above. Alright? There. It's very subtle. Now put the left hand towards me and with the right hand you see, please. Now bring the right hand again and see with the left hand again, once more. It's there. Just pay attention, it is there.

Now you can put your hands up there and push back your head and ask, "Is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost? Is this the All-pervading power of God? Is this the Brahma shakti? Now bring down your hands and see if you feel it in the hands. Don't think. If you start thinking it will stop, don't think. You cannot analyse it. Then keep your eyes open, watch me without thinking, just watch me without thinking. With both the hands like this you can feel it, but don't think. Alright? Don't think, that's the main point, don’t think, just watch me without thinking.

Mmm, you must smile, it's working out, there is nothing to be serious. Ha, it's working out. Don't think, you start thinking it'll go, there is nothing to think, you see. Just watch me without thinking, you can do that, you can do without thinking. Without thinking you can watch me, you can do that.

Some of you can just press your eyes, little bit strain on the eyes, press it hard, that's all, that'll help from strain on the eyes.

Mmm, better? What's happening that side? Alright? Alright you this side? Are you feeling? Good.

May God bless you all.

Now one more thing I want to tell you which is important, which you must know before you leave, that you have to now protect yourself. The energy is flowing but you must learn how to protect yourself first of all. So to protect yourself you put your left hand like this and with the right hand you have to give a protection to your aura, is to put your hand all across like this to the ground. Seven times I will do it with you and then I will tell you how to raise your own Kundalini and how to fix it up.

Now let us start. One, go over the head. Two, over the head. Three, all of you should do it because this is the protection. Four, very important. Five, whether you have felt or not it's not important. Six and seven. Alright.

Now raise your Kundalini. You have to put your hand in front of the Kundalini, as he is putting while sitting down, left hand like this. This hand has to move in this way that it goes clockwise: above, front, below, back. Watch this hand and then we have to raise this hand like this, with this hand going around that one. Let us start now, we have to it three times. Watch the left hand carefully. Now these are important hands. Push back your head and now give a twist and now tie up, tie up your Kundalini. Again. We have to do the same, now we will move much faster the left hand, push back your head, loosen your shoulders, give it a twist and now tie up one knot. Third time three times you have to tie up. Now again, now go up, push back your head, tie up one, tie up twice, tie up thrice. Now see your hands. Better, much better now till they think. Don't think, if you’ll think the vibrations will go away so don't think, try to keep in thoughtless awareness. Ah, now it's alright.

Keep your eyes open, keep your eyes open. Mmm, good. Alright? Are you feeling? Good.

All those who have felt in the hand or on the head raise your hands, let's see. All of you have felt it. Just imagine, such great people. May God bless you all.

[Shri Mataji works on people on the stage]

Come here, you've been thinking too much, come here. Your Agnya, yes, your Agnya is working, that's all. Now forgive, you didn't forgive, you have to forgive, forgive everyone. If you have not forgiven then the vibrations come down. Forgive, forgive, forgive. You also madam, have to forgive a lot. Alright? Correct? Now better? See your hands. Now put your hands. Forgive, you must forgive. Better now? Alright. So say, "I forgive." Alright. May God bless you.

Ah, good. You are alright? You have not forgiven? What happened? Alright? Just forgive.

[conclusive notes in Italian by a Sahaja Yogi about next public programs, meditation with photograph and follow up meetings]

Are you alright now? What happened? You are alright. Doesn't matter, laugh it out, you are alright. Just enjoy it.

Are you alright? No? What happened? What's the matter? [UNCLEAR] Forgive, forgive, forgive, just forgive. You must forgive.

Are you alright? He is alright. Just feel it. Yes, yes, you got it now. [UNCLEAR] All of you must come to the center.

[Shri Mataji continues working on people on the stage]

Sala della Provincia di Milano, Milan (Italy)

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