Solving The Present Day Problems 1985-02-11
11 February 1985
Solving The Present Day Problems
Public Program
New Delhi (India)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
1985-02-11 Teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi PP New Delhi, India. (Self-Realisation part is in Hindi)
I bow to all the seekers of truth. It is very easy to believe that we are seeking the truth in life. Actually even when we are seeking the joy in material possessions or in emotional satisfactions, we are seeking the truth because truth is the giver of joy. It is the manifestation of the Spirit within us which gives us joy. There's nothing else that can really give us joy because all other things have a duality. We feel happy and unhappy if our ego is buffered we feel happy. When it is hurt we feel unhappy. We are living in the confusion of the future and the past, and the future and the past is so quick that the moment we are thinking of the past, the second moment we are thinking of the future. There is no time, there's no space in between these two thoughts and that's how we have never felt that peace which is described or that peace which is essential for our spiritual growth.
Now the reason for this is that we developed from the [jaya], from the matter. We have come out of carbon and carbon had to be evolved to this state of human awareness where we can think of something beyond. But still I would say at the present moment as we see the gross in the gross way the present is horrifying, absolutely shocking. It's not only India or in Ceylon or in Burma but all over the world the present is absolutely shocking. People are so frightened with the ecological imbalances we have in the world, with the social disturbances people have. You'll be amazed that in England every week two children are killed by the parents. Divorces and people ending up into orphanages, all kinds of violence in America, all kinds of suppressions in Russia, all kinds of other things that are happening in the whole world – I have been a witness to all that.
Neither the democracy nor the authoritarian governments nor any communism, nothing has really been successful. There has been difference in all the kinds of so-called political lies of the world. Luckily I am so graced that I have visited all of these countries like China, Russia, all these countries where normally people cannot go. The reason is that whatever we have projected out through our mental projection and I would like to say that this all how our present problem has not been able but we cannot actually penetrate into the present. The problem is we cannot even settle in the present even for a second. Then how can we solve the present day problem? The present-day problem has not only accumulated from the past but also from future thinking. Like in India we had plans for the future. We had plans that we do this five year plan, five year plan, five year plan, but what happened nothing materialises. What's the reason? The reason is we think of the future which doesn't exist and we forget the present. Because we have not tackled the present the future doesn't work out. I went once to Moradabba and I saw lots of these tractors lying there and they just wasted in a junk. I asked them, why these tractors are lying here? They said we have imported them to be sent to the villages but there are no roads. The thing is the mind when it switches, it misses the point. It is always missing the train at the right station it always goes ahead where the train has not reached. So to put the mind to the present is the most important thing but what we think is the present is nothing but confusion.
We find we try to support any kind of theology or any kind of a theory, or any economic solutions, they do not work out. The reason is, anything that is mental goes in one linear direction and again falls back and falls back. We tried science. Science goes and creates nothing but atomic bombs and things like that. We tried other emotional things like poetry that has only made people miserable. People are absolutely miserable when they sing their miserable songs we just can't bear them. Anything you have tried to produce recoils back and you become unhappy. So what is the reason? Why we cannot go deep down into the essence of the thing, into the subtle of the present? The subtle of the present is the Divinity within you. The Divinity inside you. It is there. Whether you like it or not it is there. The trouble with us we do not want to accept we can be divine because we think we'll be very arrogant. We are arrogant in any way but we think that if we accept that we can be divine, we can be saints is beyond us. We lack the confidence, that when the saints have said. When all the great saints in this country and all over the world have said that you are to be born again and you have to become the saint. Mohammed sahib has said that you have to become the [unclear : seed?], that we can say Christ has said you have to be born again. When Nicodemus asked Christ that, “ Is it that I have to enter into my mother's womb again?” He said, “No, whatever is born of the flesh is the flesh. But you are to be born of the Holy Ghost. You are to be born of the Spirit. ” And this He said very,very clearly. But still I do not find his followers are following anything of that.
Say about other religions, what we know of, Zoroaster say or of Nanaka. Nanaka has clearly said that, [Hindi] He said it so clearly. I mean I don't think anybody has said that clearly as Nanaka and Kabira as he has said about the Sahaja happening of the kundalini. Then Hinduism is nothing but [unclear: atmashakshasa.] If he states say the [unclear: of Hinduism] took place when Adishankaracharia came, he talked of nothing else but [ Atmasatshaksa]. Even before him came Buddha and other people, they all talked of self realisation. Buddha of course did not want to talk of God because he said unless and until they get to the first stage of self realisation, if you tell them about the God or anything, they form their own curies, their own organisations and they start supporting it. So we live with falsehood throughout we live with falsehood without understanding what is the essence of every religion is. Now the religions have not failed us. We have failed religions. All the religions have one essence that we should know our Spirit. Now when we do not do what the religion has told you and we try to take to something that is dead, then naturally there are problems and we find that every religion is against every other religion. Not only that but in one religion only there are people fighting.
Now to believe in Divine is very difficult in the modern times because in modern times the people are rajasic people. The people who are, we call them right sided, the futuristic people. Now the futuristic people have a very imbalanced mind because they do not know what is right and what is wrong. For them a devil is also right and God is also right. They have no decision powers. They have no absolute within them to judge what is right and what is wrong. And these rajasic people have another very great weakness for new things. Like a neo something, a neo sanyat, and a neo this and a neo - any new fad you give it to them you can see in the West this is so common and so [unclear: indelectible] that any new fashion that comes to them; like in England we have some people who came to see Me had pins and all things put in their cheeks and noses, and I asked them, “What are you doing?” They had painted their hair. They said, “What's wrong?” I of course did not know what to say what's wrong with them. But what's right about it? That's what I should ask them. So this is now anything new, anything – something that is not traditional they wont to recognise, because if they accept tradition they think we'll be dead.
Now whatever has come to us through our spiritual self, in evolutionary knowledge about divinity. Through all the scriptures one after another they came on this earth to tell you the new evolution. Evolution is a very different thing from some sort of a thing that a new fad starts. Evolution comes like the step by step growth. It is the steps are important, that traditionally whatever is coming up is actually the essence is kept the same and the growth is gradual till you lead to a certain point where you realise why the growth was there. But it is not that you just get something from out of the way and talk about it. For example the other day a gentleman came to Me suffering from epilepsy and in a horrid way and he would not sit on the ground properly because he said his kundalini is awakened and he was jumping like a frog. He is a PhD I tell you he needs to become now a MAD. I asked him, “How is it that you think you'll become a frog now? Do you think you are going to become a frog after becoming human being” He said, “No. He said, “It is written in a book”. I said, “Which book?” He told me a name of a gentleman whom I had never heard about. I said, “Who is this gentleman?” He said you get a shaktipa. I said what is a shafrapa?” Which this gentleman has described a shafrada tell Me. Any scripture [which/witch doctor]. How is it suddenly hundred years back, the whole tradition of today's seeking is only a hundred year old. A hundred years. Whatever these hundred years these mad people have done, people think that is God, that is religion, that is divinity because they are futuristic people. We do not see there has to be a shakrada. There has to be an evolutionary process. It doesn't come from somewhere. It's not a plastic flower. It is a real flower which has to grow on a real tree on a living tree, which has got a living force behind it. And ultimately it comes to that flowering and then it becomes the fruit. And that's why you have seen people who do all these kind of neo businesses and it seems like that go into trouble. Of course the interest of the people is that they might be making money out of it, or maybe they are trying to have some sort of a power over others or I don't know whatever their interest is. But it is so short-lived stuff that it has no tradition behind it and you should find out what is the tradition of Divinity to begin with if you are people who are using your mental projection.
People get so much influenced by some sort of a fashion coming up because they cannot know what is good and what is bad. Being futuristic they want to try every sort of thing that is there and end up into lunatic asylums.
Now I have been talking about the people who are fake gurus. Openly I have been telling you all the people in Delhi. Also that there are fake gurus. No doubt there are. Their interests are varied but there are fake gurus. The one who makes you meet the sahib as Nana Saba has said is your guru. But also now the whole world is so full of gurus that the word guru itself has lost its meaning. They are agurus. They are not gurus. There are descriptions of these gurus - Shri Swami Randaka has described it so clearly. Nanaka has described about sub-gurus. There are two words, guru and sub-guru. Now so that religion itself has lost its meaning. The gurus have lost their meaning. This is our present gross. I'm telling you the present gross as it is.
The politicians have lost their meaning because the politics they are indulging into is human politics and human politics will always fail whatever you may try. I'm telling you today try democracy – try this, try that. Try everything. Nothing is going to succeed till you get to the politics of divinity. The politics of God where human beings become the Spirit. When they become the Spirit, universally they are charged. They have universal consciousness. They develop a new dimension on their nervous system that they become universally conscious. You don't have to tell them that we are brothers and sisters, and they'll again say brothers and sisters. Next moment they fight. It is a consciousness which takes a new dimension within you, which is within you is - I mean to say is potentially is residing there which we have not exploited.
The peace is not of hatred. Here it is based on hatred. Like you hate that country, that's why this should happen. You hate that country, that's why this should happen. Because the other party is this, that's why this party is different. Who is the other? If you are part and parcel of the whole, who is the other. There is no other. This is God's realm that we have to enter into. When you enter into the God's realm you'll be surprised you will immediately take to the people who are saints. What we need today are saints to lead us. Without saints you cannot be led to the proper life. And the saints have to lead you in every path of life. We had Socrates so many years back. Socrates came as a great philosopher I should say one of the greatest adi guru who came on this earth to tell us what sort of politics we should have. But then came, you know his disciples Plato and Aristotle called with one by one distorted. Distortion went on and on and on and then start thinking where are we? What should we do? Whether we have to do this or that. Whatever you may do you will never succeed in getting peace on this earth. Peace cannot be brought in by human beings who haven't got their spirit enlightened. They have no concept of peace. They have no feeling of peace. They have no joy. They have never known what is peace. It is just talking, talking about peace organising peace conferences or organising big, big things, collecting money for this. How can you by collecting money have peace? By organising things. By giving lectures how can you have peace?
The man who lectures doesn't a good relationship with his own wife. He's going for a divorce case. He's again talking about peace. What is in their own life that makes you think that they are peaceful. I know people that have got peace, Nobel prizes and all that. I have known a person who has got a peace Nobel prize, she's the most, that person is the most disturbed person you could [unclear: give out] Extremely hot tempered without any balance. Where's the peace Nobel prize? I don't know how you get the Nobel prize. For what? It's all they think that supports your ideology.
Now you think that this ideology is good. Now you take to democracy now. You take to another kind of a nonsensical, another name, whatever you name it, and then you think this is the right – I'll join it. Now you believe it is right so you go on supporting it. Now but you have not known what it does, like once we have some injections of penicillin and people said, “It's very good.” So they tried it. It's typical futuristic to try everything on human beings like guinea pigs. They tried it and when it failed then they started saying that penicillin is bad. So first they must try it without verifying. This is the trouble with all mental projections that we have so much of ego that we do not want to verify it.
So first of all we must find out what is the traditional solution of the problem. We have to go to the original, like we have to go to Socrates to find out. We have to go to Confucius to find out about humanity – what he has to say about humanity. What he has said. But Confucius being a great saint himself, a great philosopher himself, whatever he has described is an ideal society. But where are the ideal people? There are no ideal people you see in the world and you talk of an ideal society. In the devilish world how can you talk of peace? [Great aid.] So first everybody must be made a saint. That is the most important thing. That they should achieve their potential. Power of sainthood. It's decisive. As I told you the saints have not told us anything wrong. They have never told us lies. They had no interest in giving us falsehoods. Whatever they have said is the deity, the Divine power within us. But we have wasted our life in frivolous, trivial, useless things. The reason is we are futuristic. All futuristic people are that. They waste their time in trivia because they do not know what is right and wrong. They want to have a choice.
All the time if you go to America you will find every car has a different door and if you have to get into the car first find out how to open the door otherwise it can be locked. And in that they feel very happy, “It's my choice.” I like it so I will have it. But in this 'I like it', every person like different things differently so there is no universality even in the choice, even in the understanding of it. So first of all we have to become the Spirit so that we have that new consciousness, the new dimension which is not without tradition. In tradition in its own force you become the spirit and once you become the spirit you'll be amazed that we are part and parcel of one virat. One Atma. We are part and parcel of that great being who is one who guides us who looks after you.
But let us not talk about God because that becomes little out of date, for the present-day intelligent people. But let us talk about ourselves. Have you been able to find out what are our potentials? How much we can do? How far we can become powerful? How many powers we have within ourselves? Are we aware of that? Do we understand that there are lots of things within us. Let us take a very selfish attitude and a very self centred attitude. You'll be amazed that people who have been saints have been beyond all temptations. There's no question of honesty though to a saint. A saint cannot be dishonest. Even if you tell him to be dishonest you will be surprised. You don't have to say to a saint that you come along, don't drink, don't eat this, don't do that. He will just not do it. Whatever is good he will do that because he knows where his spirit is comfortable. He knows how to make his spirit comfortable because he is in that realm where he stands absolute. There is no relative behaviour. There is no alternative for him. Like ultimately the pariah. There is no pariah here. This is what is the truth and this is what it is and that makes him also joyous. The rest of the things he cannot do bear, he cannot have. That's not his temperament, that you just don't have. But nobody has taught him, nobody has told him don't do like this. Nobody has said that this is what you have to do. He does it on his own. Why? Because he has got the power of his spirit and the power of his spirit always is nourished on his virtue and his righteousness. Now the word righteousness has also dated. It has gone out of date. I don't know maybe after some time they will remove it from the dictionary. This forthright behaviour, this righteousness, this fair play this honesty, this holiness; this auspiciousness, this innate goodness, all this is your own It's within you and you can have it.
But the people in the present times believe that if you have all these qualities then how will you prosper? You cannot be all right. You have to play about. You have to do this trick, that trick. You have to cut some throats otherwise you cannot come up. You have to use all kinds of divisive methods to come up. This is what is the faith today of the people about how to be with life. But it has never helped. It is never helped them. It will never help anyone. What is going to help is the spirit. That when you become the spirit there is no idea of scruples. There is no idea doing doing harmful things. It doesn't touch your your mind. It doesn't come to you. You work very hard. You travel and travel and travel to tell people that you get your spiritual being awakened. You become the spirit so that you get what you have. As Shri Krishna has clearly said so many thousands years back, that [Hindi] He said when you get your yoga you'll get your peace. Not before. You must get to your yoga. He didn't say shama yoga. He said Krishna, Krishna, Krishna. We say, “Oh Krishna has done nothing for us”. Naturally, because if you are following Krishna in a way that as if he's in your pocket - he's not. You have to enter into his kingdom to get his blessing. So he says [Hindi] Even it's said Shri Rama had to enter into his kingdom to get his [shama?] Even the material [shama] can work out if you can become the spirit. But your priorities change. That's a different point. Your priorities will change. Your satisfactions will change. Your joy will change. But this potential exists within you. Today that's the most important subtle presence we have that that is absolutely there just ready to be enlightened. This is the first point we must have. Today. At this moment. When it is such a [fiore] the whole of Kali Yuga will be there and at that time is most mature.
The second subtle present is that it can happen en-masse. It can work out in thousands. It is happening. It is happening in Maharashtra. It is happening in various countries. It is working en-masse. As I went to Madras there were about six hundred people for My first program. And in the cities always you see they have no time for anything good. So there were six hundred people and one of them got up and said, “Mother can everybody get it”. I said, “Yes.” But will everybody come? They have no time. They have no time to know their own property. To achieve that great power within. They have no time for that. They have time for this thing but if they have time maybe. Unless – today we had about thousand people and each one of them got realisation. Each one of them got realisation. It is very surprising that it works in en-masse today. This is the subtle present we have got that not only that divinity's mature will get it. You are just ready like a lamp which is just ready for be enlightened. You are there. That's possible. Despite all fear. Despite all horrible things you have done or despite all these present-day problems the shocking conditions in which you live. Despite that the present day subtle is that you are just ready to have it and second one is as I told you, it is going to work out en-masse.
Now the third one in the present subtle is this, not that you are going to get this realisation but you are going to master it. You are going to feel the living power of the tambara pragya which is all-pervading which does all the living work. You are going to feel that, and after feeling that you are going to know all the methods and techniques how organise it. For example yoga, you can say that yoga is a word means union with the Divine. Yoga doesn't mean standing on your head becoming like an actress. It doesn't mean that. It means the Anta yoga. It means the oneness with the Divine. Now once that happens this power that is surrounding us which is doing all the living work, which is called as tambara pragya or the brama shakti, or the Divine power of God's love which is all pervading. That power you feel for the first time in this kali yuga. It's told in the [ unclear: upashan?] if you read that [unclear:Nula] and this Kali had a conversation in that. Kali said that this is mine, is important. My [mahatme?] is this. That in kali yuga only people will get their realisation. So now the second subtle point is that you can happen en-masse. En-masse realisation, will work out. This is the second.
Now the third subtle as I told you is this that you will know all the methods, all the techniques, all the ways how to handle this power, which starts flowing through you. You become like a hollow personality and Shri Krishna explained the truth that you are. You will know all the techniques which even some of the saints may not have discovered at that time or could not have used, but today you will get it. This is the present subtle where we have to believe into that we are capable of getting our realisation. That we are capable of getting it en-mass, that we are capable of knowing all the ways and methods of having it.
Now the fourth present subtle is that after you get this power within you, you can move the kundalini of others, that you can give realisation to others. That you can master this [tambarapragya?] which is the combination of all the powers of the world. Is the bramsha? All the powers, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi [unclear] or you may call it Inga, pingala, sushumna nadi or you may call it sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. All these powers you will have in your hands and in your hands you will have the complete test to handle this power so that you can cure people. You can relieve them of their emotional problems. You can give them peace. You can give them kundalini jagruti. You can give them realisation by which they give up all their temptations and all their bad habits and they become free. Free of this domination of the left and the right which is the ego and the super-ego or you can call it the ego and the conditionings. They become powerful, balanced people that they know what is right and what is wrong. So they get out of this rajasic temperament.
I am talking of rajasic because we are in Delhi and Delhi people are all rajasic. Rajasic people have to understand that so far you do not know what is right and wrong. That's why then you start saying, “I am confused. I don't know what is right, what is wrong.” The reason is just now you have not become the Spirit which is absolute. Which gives you absolute results. So this is the present subtle which is working out. But in Delhi it's not so common. It's not working out well because there people have become unnatural. They have become very artificial. Their time is wasted in nonsensical things. Even I have seen when I was here My husband was in the government service. How the government servants are busy cutting each others throats, worried about their, what you call, their seniority lists and all that. Their wives were reading seniority lists morning till evening, finding out where you live and. It's so wretched I tell you and I have lived through that and I wonder how do they get the time these women to read the seniority lists of their husbands, where their husband is who is so bad from back and where they would go and a talk ill about him and do all kinds of things.
Even I am interested in this Delhi of yours where there are some politicians who are say against My brother, plant some people just to write a list. He has nothing to do with My brother as far as spirituality is concerned. But they are so low-minded. So low-minded, so gross that in Delhi in is very hard. To tell them this is residing within you and is your own power. Why don't you get to it? All of them have lost that understanding that we are all saints and we have to become the saints. But Delhi has been a very poor show. So far I have seen the reason is that we are so enamoured that we are in the capital of India. But what about the capital within ourselves? What of the capital of our Spirit which resides in our hearts. What about that which is your own power, not borrowed from anyone. Today you are a government servant, tomorrow you go out of job and nobody looks at you. Today you are a big minister. Tomorrow you are no more a minister. Nobody looks at you. What is this temporary stuff for which you are fighting? Take for the eternal life. The life that is the life within you bubbling. It is there. It is going to manifest. Not only it is going to manifest but it is going to become your own being. It is going to be your own, like My fingers. Like My hand. Like My eyes. Like My ears. You are going to use this power for the betterment of the world.
So the subtle is that you become collectively conscious while you solve the problem of this humanity. Absolute solution. Absolute solution is nothing but transformation today. To say that Indians are bad or others are good – I would say I have seen the world. Everywhere just the same, there's no difference at all. Human being are, in India in some way bad, in another place another way bad. But all this bad and all these things that we talk of the gross. We talk about the people who are confused, the people who are ego-oriented and all that is temporal. It is just for the time being. It all vanishes into thin air as soon as it you become. You go to a muddy pond, it is smelling of [ unclear: ] you say “God where have I come?” Next year you see the whole pond is filled with beautiful lotuses and the fragrance of that. All the little, little worms and all that have vanished and the whole place is fragrant. That's what you are. You are that. You are the lotus. You are the lotus in the heart of God we should say. But what about you realising your own power? This is the trouble that the present gross is this that we do not have any respect for ourselves. We have no love for ourselves. We have no confidence in ourselves. We have become so much dependent on others, like voting of others. You don't need any votes there. Nothing. You are your own voter and you know for definite, that is precise within you and only thing is that you have to make others also confident.
With this conditioning within us we understand that there are other conditionings also which have made us wretched. That is the tamasic style of it. Now that tamasic style resides in other parts of the country. That is where we take something wrong and untrue. Even if in the cities there are people. Some wrong fellow comes in. He shows some sort of a nonsensical miracle and everybody falls at his feet. Or they believe that this is the truth, they get after him. To believe in the wrong as the right and waste their life, all their efforts everything on to that wrong is the tamasic temperament, which is also very common. So the tamasic go on absorbing all that is wrong, all that is bad. They will not come to Sahaja Yoga but they'll go to a somebody who has come from jail and has changed his dress, wearing a [fashaivasta] or their ego. I have seen one gentleman like that, whom I knew very well, who went to jail because he did something wrong and I saw him in Germany sitting on a cross road and he was wearing a [fashaivasta?] and all the Germans were following him.
Now this is the trouble with us, we have no sense of judgement but tamasic people are the ones who take to something that is wrong. People have so many wrong ideas, so much of conditionings about which I'll tell you elaborately next time. But what I am trying to tell you that all these conditionings, all these false ideas about Divinity, about God, about saints, about gurus and all that vanishes just like that when the light of the Spirit comes in. Unless and until there is light how can you see? And whatever I talk to you also becomes nothing but just a talk and talk and talk. You have to have love. As it is said in Marathi [Mother speaks in Marathi] It's just talking Talking has no meaning. It must be actualised and that's the reason why people took to communism. They take to another ism and then to.. [unclear:isms] This is just a mental diversion that's all. There is no truth in any one of these policies that you are following, no truth at all. It will all collapse and fail. Because behind it should be the Spirit. We think of our financial conditions and sometimes of material deprivations here.
I went to a place called Vanava in Bombay Maharashtra. There one fellow, a very ardent believer of God and all that. He started a very good venture and he started a very big organisation by which they started a cooperative and they are doing very well. They have got all kinds of departmental stores, this, that, and it's such a thing that that you can't believe it, sometimes you feel you are in one of the suburbs of London the way things are. But this gentleman came and really wept. He said, “Mother I have called you with a purpose” I said, “Why?” He said, “You see all this argument they have and as a result of that we are having divorces.” They are all bad people settle down here. There are so many women who are exploiting, handling men, they are here. The men have started roving their eyes and it has become a very adulterous place; and people drinking, smoking, wining away. Cancer has increased. All kinds of diseases have come. I don't know why I asked them to get money. And now they are rich, they have everything and they living like this.” He said I - “Now really my heart sinks to see all these things. You are a saint. You can talk to them. They will listen and they will agree to what you say.” I am sure they will not. They will not because now they have taken to artificial life. They have taken to these worldly pleasures which are so temporary that they cannot hear.
It's not easy because when the body gets used to this matter in this manner which is comfortable, which comforts their body, they do not seek the comfort of the Spirit. But a man who is a spiritual person, he doesn't need any comfort because he has got the comfort of the Spirit. He may live in a palace or he may live on a forest. Makes no difference to such a person. He will not bother his head as to how his food is served, where he lives. How he eats. How he drinks. He is not bothered. What he is bothered about is the comfort of the Spirit. But a man who is possessed and who has very ugly hands of criminality, if he comes to this man he will tell him off, that there's something wrong. But for a person who is not a realised soul, who is an ordinary person he'll accept him. He'll say, “Oh very good, come along. You can help me I'll utilise you. I know how this works. So the difference between one and two is really so great that one can feel that the lower part of this or the part that we call as the present gross is really hell, really hell. We try to avoid it. We are intelligent so we try to avoid it, “Don't look at it”. Let it – it doesn't matter. If it is there doesn't matter. It's all right. But if you see to the other side it's subtle of the present is so great. So tremendous. So [vocariously] waiting for you to get the bliss of joy. But where are the people? Where are the people who want to do it? It's surprising that in the West there are more than they are in Delhi. In London there are more people than in Delhi. What's the reason is they have gone beyond. They have seen through the science. They have seen through the material advancement. They have seen through all emotional nonsense and they have gone through so there are more people for this.
Now we'll say that they are the ones who need it because they have lost it. No. That's not the point. They are much more evolved. They are much more intelligent. Their intelligence is much sharper than ours. We are mediocre because we are satisfied with mediocrity. But if you could just understand one thing which is the subtle present of this great country of Mine is that this is a yoga [country]. This is a country where great saints have walked their feet. This is a vibrated country. This is a country where all the Gods are residing. This is a specially blessed country which is so blessed that anybody who touches this Mother Earth of Mine here gets his realisation. It's such a blissful country this one is. Now as it is the present gross may be horrified – maybe. But the present subtle of this country is so great. You have no idea where you are living. You have no idea how this country was made. With a special effort, the kundalini of the whole universe resides in this country of Mine.
In the triangular bone it resides within us and in Maharashtra it resides. There are indications that there are some swaiambu expressions of a three and a half coils of this energy is at – one is at Jaipur, one at Pulapur. Another at Vani. It's the ultramatra is the Adishakti and one at Moab, Mohab?. But we don't know anything about it, we have never heard about it. People don't talk don't know what is the difference between kundalini and the [unclear]. We are so knowledgeable people. We talk about Keats, Shelley, this, that but we don't know what we have. This is what we have in our country. All this knowledge is here. All the roots of the world are here. We have to nourish that. We are the living force. We are the source of this energy. And what's happening to the people here, we have no idea as to what we have. We don't want to see or don't want to hear it. We think it is out of date. We have all become very modern. Why not go and see the modern men? What’s happening to them? Why not see how stupid and idiotic they have become. Better go and see and then learn that what we have here is so great. Such a great heritage we have and we are losing it. We were born here because we did lots of good things in previous lives. Definitely, otherwise you cannot be born in this country. It's such a great country and such peace here. You won't find an American easily who won't be blinking his eyes all the time. You won't find a Russian who would be full of [red face?] You won't find an Australian who will have a [unclear] Now of course realisation - different. All these things we don't have. We are extremely very built for this great happening.
But Indians are now becoming very modern or hopelessly gone here. Like in Bengal if you go, tantrics. Tantrics. Tantrics have landed in your, very nicely in your Delhi. Can you imagine these intellectuals giving way to tantrica? I mean can there be any more idiotic thing than that, is to take to tantrica and these horrible people to give them somebody to cut somebody's head, or to harm someone? These are intelligent people who have taken to all these nonsensical things. The reason is they do not know what they are doing, what horrible things they are incurring on their families for generations together. All this knowledge is within us.
I have a son-in-law who was educated in [ Dune?] school and all that and in a very big way he was very modernised in the sense that their father was a great Sanskrit scholar. His family was full of sanskrit law. But I didn't care. It happened that he felt that he should find out and he said it's the ocean of knowledge this country is. The whole ocean. We cannot see because there's such a barrier of this Western superficial knowledge. It's absolutely superficial, take it from Me. It changes every moment. It has no meaning. Nothing to learn from these Western people I tell you. Their computers are coming out of these half-baked people. You do not know what their feelings are. You have no idea if you know Freud, you know what is basically. I cannot even tell you. As a mother I cannot tell this, what horrible theories he started as fundamental theories and their stupid people have accepted. He is their Christ not their Christ who said “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes”. Now so don't take to this knowledge which is foreign. Take to your own knowledge which is innate, which is real. I'm telling you clearly, you don't read anything. You don't know anything. What you read is this horrible newspaper which is all the time criticising all that is good.
We have to understand we are intelligent, educated people responsible. Let us know about our own culture. All the ritualism that you follow - madness. One of the two either you deny all this knowledge or you get into things that is non-knowledge, which has no knowledge in it. In these two [schools] today Sahaja Yoga is standing before you. Sahaj is not My word. Is the word used by all the saints from times immemorial. From the times fourteen thousand years back Shri Markendeya used it. Now they don't know who is Markendeya. I know they don't know. They don't know what swayambu means. They don't know anything. The trouble is that we have no idea as to what knowledge. This has the true knowledge, the true knowledge of our being which is within ourselves. All this which we will be putting up tomorrow, a proper chart for you to see what is within you. We'll be putting up a chart so that you can see within you what is within you. What is the kundalini. How to awaken it and how you get that. All this can be explained very nicely for you tomorrow. How to awaken it. How - what it works out. How it raises the different aspects within us and how you get there. All this can be explained very nicely for you tomorrow. Be prepared to know that this is the knowledge of the roots and so far you have known the knowledge of the tree. Come as students and not as critics or somebody who was appointed by some politicians and doing sinister things.
Why do you do all these things? Is anybody going to stand by you? Who is going to stand by you is your own spirit. Why don't you get to it? Why don't you understand that this is such an important thing today? If you miss it, you miss it forever. This is I've been breaking My neck for the Delhi people. It's very hard. Very hard for them to understand. I hope now they are out of this election mode and I hope they'll now listen to Me. Take to that which is your own. Please. It doesn't need any money. It doesn't need any effort. It is a living force within you which is just going to manifest by itself. It is Sahaja. Saha means with and ja is born with you. Is within you and nothing requires - like if you have to sow a seed it doesn't require it. So nothing is required from you that you should do this or that. Nothing. It just works spontaneously. It is within you. I'm sure you will follow My lecture for four, five days continuously we'll have some time, some cinemas and all that and try to follow My lectures. I'll tell you all of it. Everything and then once you get your realisation I am sure you will become the saints, the saints of the whole world.
The saint doesn't need to leave the whole family. Doesn't have to run out of the [unclear ] and wear some funny dresses. I am a housewife and the housewife of a very traditional family. And also My father's family very traditional so I dress up the way My family had to dress up. I live the way My family lived. I don't have to give up anything. The sanyasa is today not [unclear] It's not to show off that I come here like a nun to tell you something and then ultimately get a peace about. It is something that is so much innate within you that you should get it. Something that is so much built in within you like [Tukanama] has said that saints have their qualities as the sun would have it's fragrance. So it becomes the quality, the righteousness, the greatness, all that is within you, becomes a part and parcel of your being. It emits that as vibrations and tomorrow I hope I'll be starting onto different aspects of our conditionings and our futuristic idea by which what diseases we suffer, what troubles we have and how these things can be easily cured if you become your own spirit. You yourself can cure yourself. You become your own teacher. You become your own guru. You become your own doctor. You become your own diagnosis. You become your own master. And this is what you have. It is not any false promise or false thing but it is so. It is said by all the saints. Only My luck has been that I am at a time when it is going to be actualised. That's the whole truth. I do not take any credit for anything because I don't do anything. The very fact I really don't do anything when people thank Me am rather was surprised. What is there to thank Me? If you are cured, you are cured by yourself, by your own kundalini not by Me. Why are you thanking Me? So I do not understand that what is there to feel the gratitude or anything or in any way to feel that you have to be subservient. But enjoy that you get after your ego has vanished. Your conditioning has vanished, is so complete and which you are, you are. So better have it. May God bless you.
Today though is an introduction. I would like to have the session of realisation. Now there are some people who do not feel vibrations. Some people feel immediately. Some do not feel it. That does not mean that something's wrong with you. But such people I've seen do not feel vibrations immediately start making fun of it because they can't face it. They don't want to face it. Now please face the thing, that it does not matter if you haven't got vibrations today, you'll get it tomorrow. By the time the five days you'll get all of it. But do not make fun of it. You see those people who don't understand classical Indian music just make fun of it because they don't understand. It's a very clownish way of looking at things. That's when you don't get something you just make fun of it just to satisfy it. Please do not make fun of yourself. You are great and you have to have your realisation. You have to get what you have, that is your right, birthright. And as Sanyasa [ Philip] has said it that [swathunthra?] is my birthright. Swadanya. What is swandanya? Shivaji used to say know the swa. Swa means the technique of the Spirit. Shivaji said, know the swadanya. But Ganeshwara has very clearly said about today in his [ unclear]. He said that the vishwadma, the Tattwa of the vishwa should not be satisfied with me. I have tried to do my [ unclear] of writing this ganeshawari. And I request you do one thing that leave [one thing ] But [taidya] means these vibrations that raise the kundalini. But he says very simply that this is what his aspirations are. He said [Hindi]. The son of the swadhan, the whole vishwa should we say.
So the vishwa dharma has to become. Vishwa dharma should be imbibed within us, which is the essence of all the religions. It's the vishwa dharma and that vishwa dharma should reside within us as a fragrance of the sonhood, resides in every part and parcel of that sanya. I hope today we try to give you realisation so it's not a serious matter but it is definitely a solemn thing. It's a very solemn [unclear ]. So please in solemnity you should receive your realisation. May God bless you.
I am sorry I have decided not to allow people to ask questions. If you have any questions you may write them down and give it Me and I will answer them gradually in My lectures. Because you see this is a chance for all kinds of nonsensical aggressive people to stand up as if this is a parliament going on. So I would request you if you have any sensible questions regarding this, you may write them down, give it to these people. I'll read them and I'll try to answer them one after another.
Now for this we have to use the Mother Earth and all the elements because the imbalances in the elements have caused also problems in our centres. So I would request you first of all to take out your shoes so that we touch this Mother Earth with our feet. Just put both the feet on the Mother Earth. Now also I would request you to take out your spectacles because it helps the eyesight and also to take our your caps if you can take out easily because Sahasrara has to be opened out. If you have your turbans and all that it is all right.
Now first of all only thing we have to prepare the ground for the sprouting of the kundalini. Now the first and foremost thing I always feel that we have a very funny problem in all the rajisic people that they feel guilty all the time. It's surprising. They work with their ego but they feel very guilty. All the time they think, I have done this wrong, that wrong. I should not have done this. So first of all we have to have full confidence in ourselves that if Mother says so we are that. We are that great subtle being and we should have no such feelings that we have done this wrong. I have done this, mistake and I have committed this sin and that. All these ideas you just give up from your mind for the time being because that's an obstruction. So you have to say that, “Mother I am not guilty”. That's all, within yourself you have to say, “Mother I am not guilty”. Do not feel guilty at all. As I said, you are the temple. You are the temple of God. Only the light has to come within you. So you are the temple and the temple if it is not enlightened it may not look so good. But let it be fully enlightened, but respect it. So you have to have respect and love for yourself that you are made a human being by God with all care and delicate handling and now we are not to feel any way guilty. I have done this wrong. I should not have done that wrong or anything. So please first of all prepare the ground of confidence within yourself, then this will work out much faster for you.
Now tomorrow I'll tell you more elaborately that the left side expresses our desires and the right side expresses our action. So we may have to use the left and the right side as I tell you later on but first I'll tell you it is you who is going to handle your own kundalini. So I'll tell you that you have to put the left hand towards Me like this for the desire all the time and then you have to put on your heart I'll tell you one by one confidence and then I'll tell you you have to put it on the upper part of the abdomen in the lower part of the abdomen. And then you have to take it back again in the same order. Then put it here on the left hand side of the neck and then you have to take it here on the forehead. And then at the back here and then on top. So these are the different centres all on the left hand side we are working it out and I'm sure it will happen. It is you who has to work it out because the guidance of the kundalini has to be done and this will also give you a kind of a training later on, how to raise your own kundalini and keep it intact. It's very simple. You have to just close your eyes, and please don't open your eyes till I tell you. Please remove your caps if possible. It will be good because before a Mother we don't wear a cap. There's no formality with the Mother. It's alright in the parliament or anything you want to do. It's a Mother's house you can say, so please remove your caps.
Please close your eyes. Please ask the question, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Three times. When you ask the question, “Mother am I the Spirit”, that follows that if you are the Spirit you are also your own master, your own guru. So now we have to put our right hand, left hand all the time keeping towards Me. Right hand on the upper part of the stomach. Upper part of the stomach, represents your guru principle, your mastery. Here you put your hand and ask the question to Me again. Three times. Please ask the question within yourself, “Mother am I my own master?” Left side, left side. With full confidence ask this question. Now take your right hand on the lower part of your abdomen. Now you put your hand on the left hand side of your lower abdomen and here I have to request you to know that I cannot transgress your freedom and you have to say that you want to know the technique of Divine Power. That's called as shuddha vidya or the pure knowledge, so you have to say, “Mother please let me have pure knowledge. I cannot force on you so please say that. Close your eyes and just say it six times because this centre has got six petals.
It is all within you. With full heart you just say that, in the lower part of the abdomen. Shuddha vidya. Is very important. Those who have been to done wrong gurus who have been hurt by them, who have been disturbed by all these horrible rituals and things like that, all of them should say we want pure knowledge. Knowledge of the Spirit. Six times. Now after the kundalini is now stirred up, what we have to do is to get up on to our confidence. We have to arise and awake and be conscious that we have to raise our kundalini with our confidence. [Hindi] Please lift your right hand and put it on the upper part of the abdomen. Do it properly. Is important because this is a technique of the Divine which has to be done properly.
Now after putting your hand on the upper part of the stomach is the guru principle. Now with full confidence you have to assert and say, “Mother, I am my own master, I am my own guru.” Just assert with full confidence. Please say it ten times because the guru principle are ten. Some people who are coming now can come and sit down there are stools here. Don't get disturbed. Please don't get disturbed. Mother I am my own master. I am my own guru - because you are the Spirit. With full confidence. But have full confidence in yourself. Don't feel guilty. Now I find people are feeling guilty again that how can I be my own guru? Don't feel guilty. Now I find people are feeling guilty again How can I be my guru. Don't feel guilty. Please don't feel guilty. You have no business to judge yourself. Please don't feel guilty. I'll tell you tomorrow what diseases are caused by this artificial thinking that you are doing.
Now please put both the hands straight on the Mother Earth, straight, separately. Not cross legged. Now ten times. Now please do not cross your legs, just keep them separate because these are two powers which are working out. Please keep this right hand on your heart. On your heart on the left hand side again and with full confidence you say at this point, “Mother I am the Spirit.” You are. But you just say it. You have to say it twelve times. Mother I am the Spirit. Just assert. Have full confidence within yourself.
Now there should be no diffidence about it because God Almighty is not only the ocean of love and compassion, but the ocean of forgiveness. What mistakes can we commit that this ocean cannot wipe out? Here raise your right hand on your shoulder at the base of the neck and here you have to say with full confidence again, “Mother I am not guilty.” Please say it. “I am not guilty at all for anything whatsoever.” sixteen times. Sixteen times. Mother I am not guilty. Please say it. This centre is one of the worst I think for - because it causes all kinds of problems on the left hand side, like angina. Then you get spondylitis and all kinds of troubles come out of this centre. So please say it sixteen times because one has to know that you are part and parcel of the whole. That the whole cures anything that goes wrong with itself. So it is the job of the whole, of the virat, of the atma, of the great being to correct you, to put you right, to make you happy. It's not your job. So just do not judge yourself. Let the virat judge it. Don't judge yourself. I made this mistake. I should not have done this thing. Please tell yourself that I am not guilty. You have to face yourself and say, “I am not guilty at all”.
Whatever I have said in My lecture and all that, forget it. Don't feel guilty. Please don't feel guilty at all. Please say it sixteen times. Still catching very badly. This centre causes even more damage to us than the smoking itself. Is a cancer of the throat and all those things come up. The disfiguring of the face. So many problems come up with this. So please just tell yourself I am not guilty. Please. Now. If you have said it sixteen times you raise your hand to your forehead and put it across. This is the agnya chakra. Very important centre which is a very narrow gate. So just press your forehead from both ends a little bit and now at this point you have to say, from your heart, “Mother I forgive everyone. When you say that I forgive someone, actually you don't do anything. Neither when you say I do not forgive. So it is just a myth an idea. But if you say that I forgive someone then you no more play into the hands of the people who want to trouble you. Just put your hand there and say, “Mother I forgive everyone.”
Now you have to put your hand on the back of your head. This is very important, especially for people who suffer from eye trouble and all that. Put your hand at the back. Now at this centre it's very important that – because we are all the time are guilty, we all the time say we have done this mistake or I should not have done this mistake. If you are hot-tempered you say, oh I should not have been hot-tempered. If you are prone to other kinds of things you'll say that I should not have been like this. I should not have done that mistake. So now this is to get rid of all that it's better to say here that God if I have done anything wrong against You please forgive me. Just say it from your heart. If I have done anything wrong, leave it to God to decide. You don't do judging yourself. Please don't judge yourself. That I made this mistake that I failed, or I made that mistake that failed. This happened or I have hurt someone. Just say that if I have done it please forgive me. Just ask for it that's all. Press it hard. Very important to press it hard. Very important to press it hard.
Now place this hand to your head. On top of your head where you had a soft bone, that fontanel bone area. Just press that part with your palm, little bit, not much and move it clockwise. After putting this hand, right hand onto the lap, please raise your left hand and see at the [talu portion] if you are getting any cool breeze out of your heads. It's very subtle. So you have lived with gross, suddenly we are jumping into the subtle being, so please be careful and after some time you can change over the hand and see for yourself.
You can change over now. Put your left hand down. Open your eyes, now see the right hand. The right hand. Open your eyes. Now watch Me without thinking. Can you do it? At least nirvicha samadhi has been achieved without thinking. Are you getting the cool breeze out of your head? There must be heat coming out in the beginning. You had a lot of heat. All getting heat. You can change over and see for you again. Change over. Is there a cool breeze coming out? Some people? Good. Now both the hands also must feel. Now please put both your hands. You may raise your hands and ask a question, “If this is the breeze of the Holy Ghost. Is this the [tambarapragya] Is this the [bramashakti] Is this the power of love of God which is all-pervading? Just ask the question, three times. Now put down your head. See now. Feeling it now? It's a current like thing flowing. Are you feeling, in the hands? Are you? Watch Me without thinking. Ha – better. It will grow. Every day it will grow more and more, subtler and subtler. Now you are beyond thought. There's no thought. When there is no thought there is silence and this silence represents the present. In this present state only we are going to grow. No thought of the future or the past. We have to establish ourselves in these five days properly.
Now, no use talking about it. Those who haven't got it, doesn't matter. Also those who have doesn't it's not that they have achieved everything so it has to work out again. Don't discuss it. We'll work it out tomorrow again. Day after tomorrow I'll come just for this purpose to Delhi that you should establish yourself fully in yourself. So this is what is the purpose. I would request you not to touch My feet or give Me garlands. The reason is I have not given you as yet your full realisation. So I don't deserve it. You need not touch My feet at all. Go home without thinking and rest. You'll feel very restful and you'll see your own kundalini which is awakened will start moving and we'll start to work it out. But how to raise your kundalini I will tell you just now again so that you go home and raise your kundalini and sleep. With your attention here you go off to sleep. Now please keep your eyes open without thinking. Now to raise your kundalini is very very easy. First of all you have to give yourself a thing which we call as bandan. It is covercha of the Goddess. Is the covercha of the deity, of the shakti. The kundalini is felt in your hand and you have to give yourself a protection. Now you have to put the right hand in a clockwise manner, up, forward, downward, backward, like that. Please keep your attention here. Like that. [Raising the kundalini on the central channel] Please keep your attention here. [on Sahasrara]
May God bless you all. I hope tomorrow you'll call your friends more and persuade them to come down.