
大道至简 1982-07-30

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1982-07-30 大道至简



不是这样的,现今,这个现代,是一个在印度古经典中 被描述过的特殊时期,在圣经和可兰经中也有描述,在所有的经典中都曾有过描述。在古兰经中,现代被描述为复活时期,耶稣曾多次谈到它,祂说你必须永远知道我的父亲,你的双手将会说话。祂给了许多关于你将会取得和成为的状态的描述,就跟这一样。你曾见过一棵树要生长,首先它可能只有一两朵花儿,但当时机来临,同样的那颗只有一两朵花儿的树,2年之后,3年之后,突然它到了一个开花的时期,然后就有了许多的花朵。

跟这一样,现今的时代是所有求道者开花结果的时代,如此多的求道者降生在这地球上,尤其是英国。威廉布莱克曾描述到,这个时刻将会来临,那就是英国将会成为耶路撒冷,耶路撒冷意味着它将会成为朝圣之旅,人们将会在上帝的神圣土地之上,人们会来到这片神圣的土地,来参观这个地方,因此人们来到了英国, 不是树会变成神圣的,也不是土地会变成神圣的,而是那里的人,他们的心必须要变得神圣。








耶稣曾清楚地说过,你们必须得到重生,谁为此而操心?有一些人证明他们自己 (得到)重生了,耶稣没有说过要给自己颁发证书得到重生。重生意味着一个人能够感到这无所不在的生命能量,意味着一个人能够让这无所不在的生命能量流经他的存有,并且可以调动它,理解它,这无所不在的力量创造了,创造一切力量的力量,所有的,这个电力,所有的一切都是那力量的一部分,那是创造整个宇宙的生命力。

当你得到自觉时,这无所不在的生命能力会流动,赐予你无限的力量。但是你最大的力量就是爱的力量,上帝就是爱。祂的力量就是爱的力量,祂居于我们内在。 祂非常爱我们,祂是那位想要拯救我们的人,是祂渴望去拯救祂的创造,祂不希望祂的创造,这个祂倾注了如此多的爱,如此多的关注,如此多的奉献的创造。此外,你们是祂创造的缩影,人类是最高的创造。被毁灭掉,祂不能忍受这毁灭。 在霎哈嘉瑜伽开花的今天,人们以如此多的数量得到自觉,这是祂的愿望。

然而,今日最主要的问题就是有如此多的东西在市场上,人们不知道该如何是好。首先,我们有教堂,我们有清真寺,我们有寺庙,我们有各式样的人在兜售上帝。 人们谈论这上帝,或者说这就是上帝。



比如说,加文在六七年 或者更早前来到我这儿,在一开始我告诉他,他得到了他的自觉,他开始感受到这凉风,他说:“母亲 我们怎能知道它可以通讯?” 我说:“好吧 你想发现什么?” 他说他想知道关于他的父亲,我说:“好 你伸出双手 然后问我的父亲状况如何?” 他问了这个问题,马上他开始在手上这儿感到发热,这些是你父亲的能量中心,这些是你母亲的能量中心,当他在手上感到发热时,他说:“ 母亲, 这是什么?” 我说:“这意味着你的父亲陷入了不太好的低谷,为何你不给你父亲打个电话问问?非常容易就能知道了。”当他打了电话,他发现,他的妈妈告知:“你的父亲状况不太好。” 这就是信息是如何从这无所不在的力量中来到我们这儿的。



你看不到那整合,为什么?因为你还没有得到觉醒,一旦你得到觉醒,你便知道 我是那整个身体,这整个身体有这不同的部位,但是这些部分没有一个是真正全然的,因此所有这些东西必须以某种方式得到整合。当你成为灵,它们便得以整合,是灵,它居于你的内在,让你成为一个集体的存有。

现在,我的丈夫在海事组织工作,他发现无论他们做什么,在全球的层面,在国际的层面,都有某些(东西)存在人类之中,因为他们理性地做它,他们理解整个世界都是一样的,你是我的兄弟,我是你的姐妹,诸如此类。 然而在他们的心里,仍然缺失一些东西,因为心与脑之间仍然没有得到整合,我们相信如此多的事情,但是那个心和那个头脑仍然没有整合。


现在,来到事情的绝对世俗的层面。有一天,一个电台的男士来采访我,他说:“好吧,现在,你会告诉我说,我的身体的、情感的、精神层面的问题都会得到解决吗?” 这是真的,我们治愈过癌症,一个来自美国的女士,她治好了血癌,当然这是真的,它可以被治愈。


现在有些人会想我们应该非常努力地去做,我们应该清洁我们自已,我们应该做这,我们应该做那,然后我们应该得到自觉,但什么是重点,除非你走出你自已, 否则你不能清洁你自已,你不能看到你自已,你不会明白,因为你是如此地自我认同。




但到绝对世俗的事,像这位问我的一个问题,英国失业的情况怎么办,通过霎哈嘉瑜伽给出失业问题的解决办法,是什么?我说:“工作对你是很大的问题吧,不是吗?”他说:“怎么?” 我说: “让我们看看如何就业。”



现在我们用所有时间,节约时间,节约时间,节约出来做什么,节省时间去酒吧, 或者节省时间去舞厅跳舞,或者用来吵架,或者说别人的坏话,节省时间于你的静坐,节省时间于你的升进,你节省的时间已经带来了这么多的真理的追求者。



最近我从印度到美国,一位先生76岁始终从印度跟随我,他说现在我做上天的工作,所以完全不知疲惫,无所畏惧,他和妻子一起到洛杉矶,帮助我安排讲座, 所以现在新的雇用必须开始,为神雇用。






现在为此,每个人都可以说,好吧,我必须去体验它。前几天,一个家伙告诉我, 一位绅士来给我们体验,我说:“他给了你们什么样的体验?”他说:“我们都变得目瞪口呆。”我说:“有什么要目瞪口呆的?”设想你去到一个酒吧,并且喝了一大杯,你能变得目瞪口呆。







我有一个好的家庭,好的丈夫,我有孩子,有孙子,他们都是开心的人。事实上,他昨天不是很舒服,所以他不想让我来这儿,我说我必须来到这个地方,很显然地我必须去,所以我就设法来到这儿了。他也认识到让人们得以转化是多么重要。 但是这是我的工作,我能怎么办?





一旦你得到自觉,我就会谈论上帝,但你知道他并没有活很长时间。实际上,在他的一生中,他们给予许多人自觉。很幸运我在英国,一切都是安排好的。我想 我必须在这里,因为这里会成为新耶路撒冷,我和英国人作斗争。但四年里我只有六个人,你不会相信,但他们成就了,现在他们是英国霎哈嘉瑜伽的基础。


但假设你在追求,并最终找到了它,你会要求得到它吗?因为你所追求的只是它, 为何不达到它并成就出来?将你自己与某些事物认同没有意义,它们可以是一些组织,一些宗教习俗,一些被误导的宗教或一些宗教行为。





它是一个如此大的主题,在这么短时间内,我无法解释它的方方面面,它是一个非常非常巨大的主题,现在我只能说,只是在英国,我已经举行了600、700场讲座,他们仍然说:“母亲 请说一些未讲过的,”我无法理解这些,但不论是什么,用语言描述的知识是无用的,知识应该成为你内在的,它应该作为光进入你的内在。

譬如,假如你做任何工作,只是微妙的进入它或者渗入到内在,所以最好的是成为那知识,而不是只是知道并且理解它,这个你们能做到,你们非常有能力做到。 而且这也会发生在你们所有人身上,我希望尤其是在今晚它就会发生。

他们说这是一个小村庄,对我来说,大小并不重要,有多少人真正的求道者正在真诚地寻求上帝,寻找他们的真我,这对我来说才是最重要的事 。即使那里只有一个这样的求道者,我也会去到那个地方,是否有个大房子或者一个小村庄或者一个大城市,对我来说没有任何分别。


And I would like to have some questions from you if you have any and they you try this process of Kundalini awakening which doesn’t give you any trouble. Doesn’t trouble you. If you have any sickness you get cured. If you have any mental problems, the hangs up, they fall off and afterwards you do feel the Cool Breeze coming out of you. But, after that, you have to practice it a little bit and establish yourself. That’s very important is the establishment.

Can I have any questions from you please if you have any questions.

Seeker: Can you give me any ideas which would help my own particular problem, that many years ago I wandered away from Western established religions towards the Buddhist ideas and now and Buddha as I understand, as you’ve just repeated, did not deal in problems whether there’s a God or not, he put it on one side as I understand it and so I am not in a position to take advantage of the ideas of going through God to a fuller life.

Shri Mataji: So, about the Buddhists you see, as in every religion it’s also in Buddhism. They have lost the essence of it. We think that if we give up Catholicism [and] we become Protestants, we’ll be saved – is wrong. If we think [that, if] we give up Protestantism and become Buddhists we’ll become alright, it’s not so. Supposing we think we’ll become Islamic, we’ll be alright, is all wrong. Because all of them are playing the same game. And the game is this: none of them are enlightened people, none of them are realised. Even the Buddhists, I was surprised that the head of the Zen system fellow who came to India, he has no realisation of any kind. And I was amazed how this man is heading the Zen, in which religion it is definitely hundred times, this Buddhidharma, the founder of that, he has said that, “Unless and until you are a realised soul you are not a Zen.” I mean he said it so clearly, I mean more than anybody else he said it so clearly – even they [are the same]! I was amazed that, all of them have got this kind of a self-opinionated religion. I was amazed! Even this man, the one who said so clearly, Buddhidharma, if you read Zen and his preachings, because he was the founder, you’ll be amazed that he’s said that, “Unless and until you are a realised-soul,” it’s called kashyapas, “Unless and until you are a kashyapa, you are not a Zen.” They are ‘followers’ of Zen! How can you be followers of something? They are blind following the blind. And that’s how they all fall into ditches. All of them are like that. They do not have humility to say that, “Alright, we are not realised-souls. But as Buddha has said, we have to keep to the middle path. Every religion has said that, “Keep to the middle path. Keep to the central path, keep to the normal life.” These Buddhists are they in the normal path? Some of them I have known are horrible people. One disciple who came to me, his name, he called himself ‘Omkar’. He was an Englishman. All his bones were broken. Can you imagine, the backbone, the whole backbone was broken by these lamas! Hitting them on every bone to ‘raise’ this Kundalini! Can you imagine! Such cruelty these people are doing. What do you think of these dalai lamas and these lamas and those lamas? I have been next to dalai lama once, it happened, my husband was secretary of the prime minister of India. And the prime minister’s wife, and we used to go to these parties so I had to go as a hostess and all. This fellow was sitting next to me. He was burning hot and I said, “This fellow is ‘dalai lama’! I can’t understand how is he dalai lama. I mean he’s burning hot!” You see, these lamas lived in Tibet, which is a very poor country. After going there only, we realised how they exploited these poor people. They are so poor. These people are one of the poorest people you could think of, poorest countries. So poor! And these lamas lived there in palaces! They drank their wines in golden cups. By wearing only these yellow dresses you do not become a person who is concerned about poor people there. These were just like parasites! Parasites of the worst type! I have seen these people who follow Buddhism, that you try to wear this dress, make people sacrifice everything; for whom? For these lamas? For whom are you sacrificing?

God doesn’t want you to sacrifice. He doesn’t want you to suffer. He doesn’t want you to suffer at all, believe me! He doesn’t want you to suffer. But you have developed this idea that, “We must suffer for God!” Why? Christ has already suffered for all of us. Or is it anything left for Him to suffer? He suffered so much didn’t he! Do we believe in Him or not? If we believe in Him then we should know that He has suffered. He has suffered so much and now we don’t have to suffer. The only thing [is] we have awaken Him within ourselves. He said that, “Once I am awakened in you everything will be alright.” We have to just awaken Him within ourself. He has done the job for us.

Actually I would say the missionaries from here have never told Indians that such and such [great] person is born. They didn’t. They gave such a bad picture of Christ, you can’t imagine! What they said about Christ was that, “You all should become converted and you’ll be all saved.” And they forced people to be converted. They used to carry Bible in one hand and pistol in another hand and converted people. Now, by branding somebody as ‘saved’ will you be saved by these people, these missionaries? Did they have any power to brand somebody as ‘saved’? They did not! How could they? How did they get their authority? From where? These are all unauthorised.

All of them have been doing things like that. I must tell you, the new generation is now revolting against it. Of course, by revolting against these people, you should not revolt against Christ, not revolt against God. He exists in you. He exists. He exists. When these people gave such a wrong impression about Christ, all the menial castes, all the rotten people, the scum of the Country became Christian. Because they thought, “We all are becoming English people!” Actually people believed in India that Christ was born in England! They all started wearing suits and the way they started wearing frocks and they thought they have become all now English – means Christians. You see this was the problem! But nobody told that Christ was born the way he was: that he’s the one who came and sacrificed his life to save us, to wash our sins. This point nobody said! If they had said that then it is described in the ancient Indian scriptures that Mahavishnu will be born, and he will be born and he will be crucified and he is the one who is going to wash our sins and he is going to be established in the Agnya Chakra. There was no relationship established.

So when it was said that, “Mahavishnu will be born, He will suck all your karmas, all your actions. And unless and until you pass through him, you cannot get realisation.” It is said so that, “Through this part you have to go. He’s the door.” All this is described, “He is the support. He’s the support.” Every time he’s described in our scriptures, in the Devi Mahatmyam. But nobody gave us the proper report then [of him]. Now the thugs as they are, they said, “Alright, your karmas are still there because Mahavishnu’s not born. So you give us money and we’ll recommend to God that your karmas must be sucked in. Your actions must be sucked in.” So the bribing started to God, you see. So all these brahmins started making a lot of money out of poor people, thinking, “Oh for our bad karmas let us give some money to these brahmins. At least they will recommend our case to God and we might be saved.”

All these kind of wrong impressions because nobody went into the clear life of Christ. Then the Jews! Jews denied Christ. They said, “We don’t believe in Christ, we must suffer.” Alright, suffer! They had Mr. Hitler coming down there to teach them a lesson. Now they are making others suffer! Wonderful people they are! It’s all a mess I tell you! One better than the other.

Now it’s time for us to face it clearly. Whatever mistakes are done, whatever disturbances one has created, can be all forgiven as long as we seek and we find our Selves. Everything can be forgiven. It’s like this, that you are in the water then there’s the fear of the sharks and the waves but if you are in the boat, you are out of it. You have to just get out of it that’s all. Whatever has happened has happened. All the mistakes were committed in ignorance. These people who talk about Buddhism and Buddhists, they are all against Buddha. There centre that is catching is of Buddha, you will be amazed. Buddha’s centre is here (pointing to right side of forehead). It is catching. All those who go to Buddhists, our Rita was one of them and there were many just like that, they all had this problem and it was to be corrected. It’s true. We are following them in a blind way I can understand, but at least we should not assert it. We should be in a humble way that still we have not known it. We have to know it. And that’s why these problems are created that: is Buddha greater than this one or Mahavira greater than that or Vishnu greater than that? These are one part and parcel of one body. They are the aspects of one body. Christ Himself has said, “Those who are not against me are with me.” Who are those? They didn’t even allow Christ to talk. He was crucified within three years time, if you see his life with those people, terrible people! Absolutely nonsensical! What was there to crucify Him? But they couldn’t bear that Truth would come, those satanic people. They crucified Him.

So it is the duty of the Christians today to get enlightenment and save all the other Christians. It’s the duty of the Jews, here also there are some Jews sitting, who came from Jew’s land I should say, but now they are Sahaja Yogis, to save the Jews. There are Hindus who must save the Hindus. And all of you have a duty towards all others who are following the same kind of a blind faith. Because there’s nothing wrong in the religions but in the ‘religiosity’ that followed after it.

Alright? It can be corrected. Don’t you worry. Any problems that have arisen people can’t understand when they are Christians, Hindus, Buddhists. How is it their health is so horrible [and] they have all the problems of the world when God is there [and] they are praying to God? How is it that...at least health must be looked after, [but] even that is not alright! Then what’s the use of going to church? And what’s the use of remembering God?

But nothing is wrong with God. God looks after us all the time. Only thing is we have gone into wrong hands.

Any other question?

Sahaja Yogi: How can we Sahaja Yogis work it out when spreading your...

Shri Mataji: The right to the left you have to put [for] him. It’s gone into imbalance. We’ll work it out on him.

Seeker: Should we read The Gita, The Upanishads and should we also read the Gospels as well? Christian Gospels.

Shri Mataji: You see, everybody should read everything, there’s no harm in that. There’s nothing wrong in it. If we can read pornography, we can read [spiritual books] definitely (laughter). But as you said, whether the Christians should read it or not, whether the Hindus should read it or not, I do suggest that these taboos are given by people who want to make money out of you. There’s nothing wrong in The Bible, not a word. I do not find any dissimilar thing, or there is no contradiction or in the Gitas or Vedas or anything. Now Vedas, ‘Vida’ word means ‘the one who knows, the one who is enlightened’. The one who is enlightened is the one only who is the speaker. Now the first verse of the Vedas is that, “If reading this book doesn’t give you enlightenment, better not read it. It has no meaning.”

Christ, what he has said, who is following Him? He said, “You are to be born again.” Alright? Didn’t He say so? Who is following that point that you are to be born again? Who is bothered about it that, “I have to be born again”?

Koran has said [that] there is going to be a resurrection, you are to be resurrected. Muslims, are they following resurrection? Now they are bent upon destroying each other.

For Jews, whatever is said in Judaism is the same thing. I mean if you read any one of these books and anything, it is said that, “You are to be enlightened.” All this is for enlightenment. Because people would have asked, “Why this religion? Why ‘don’t eat this’, ‘don’t eat this’, ‘don’t kill anybody’ ‘be a good person’? Why? Because you should be a human being. And a human being he has these Ten Commandments as his sustenance. That’s why all these religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all of them believe in the Old Testament and in the Ten Commandments. But to what extent they are going now, if you go and see their Ten Commandments you will be amazed! But to see to the subtle side of Ten Commandments you must be a Realised-soul. For example, there is this commandment that, “Thou shalt not reproduce or recreate whatever is created by the Mother Earth and the Heavens, and worship it.” Now what is created by the Mother Earth? Do they find out? They will find out what is created by Mother Earth. You know when a campus is flown through, you find at different points [that] it just bends. Why does it bend there? It should go straight forward. It bends at one point. They found these two lines going in like that, which goes from north to south and one from west to east. Two lines they meet up. Now what are these lines? What do they mean? Why does it bend? They can’t explain it. They can’t even explain from where do they get the magnetism in the Mother Earth. They cannot explain. They cannot explain many things. Alright. Now, Stonehenge, what is that? I went to Stonehenge. I said, “This is the one which is created by Mother Earth.” You could feel the vibrations. Now these people who go to Stonehenge and do all kinds of this rituals, they don’t know why they go there. In India we have many places where we have these vibrations coming from the stones. And these stones have a form, absolute forms! They have never been chiselled out and you can see the forms there and you are amazed at the forms, how these forms are there. And they give vibrations. For example in a small place called Musalwadi (Maharashtra) they took me down there to find out if that place is vibrated. The question came in about say fifty, sixty years back when a gentleman from England, an engineer, went down there and built a dam. And the dam, at a point, would not stand. It was just exploded. Every time they tried to put a dam there it all exploded. He couldn’t understand. So they called a saint. And the saint said that, “This dam cannot be built this way, you have to go around it, because this place is vibrated. Vibrations are coming out of this place. There’s some sort of a thing that has come out of the Mother Earth.” So, imagine, the dam is like this, and it goes round and then straight. It’s a clever dam, never in my life I’ve seen a dam like that. Now, when I went there I found that it is true. We opened it out and there was a beautiful rock giving cool breeze even in the worst (hottest) summer you get the cool breeze coming out of that place, you can see it. Such a cool breeze! Only a saint can say that because you must have vibrations to feel it. If you are not sensitive enough how can you say? It is [through] vibrations you can say who is a saint, who is not a saint. Because you have not reached that point of absoluteness, still you go by relative. Supposing I come in a sari you may say [that] I am a saint, may not say. You may not be that sensitive to understand. You may understand me as a genuine person. You may say, “No, she is hocus-pocus.” You can say that. But a realised-soul will know who I am. Even if he has never met me he will know who I am. Even [if] I have not met the realised-soul, I will know whether he is realised or not. For example William Blake. The first exhibition I saw, and the last – I have not seen any other exhibition – was of William Blake. And the Sahaja Yogis were surprised why I was so anxious to see William Blake. Because I know who he was. He was a very great soul, very great soul, born in this country to give you a great idea about these great times. But many people don’t like him. He’s gone into such details of the description of Sahaja Yoga that he’s said that, “Men of God will become prophets and they will have powers to make others prophets.” He has used vibrations, the sinews and everything. He’s described it in such details that you can’t imagine! He came to give you a warning. But people think he was mad. Many people think he was mad. I mean, you talk to them, “Oh William Blake! Oh!” They’ll say to me. Because they are not sensitive. They are so gross, so complicated. And this is what he did.

To understand all these religions, to understand the subtle side of what they have been saying, we have to have vibrations. If you read them before you will become confused, it will be contradictory. You will be surprised. You will say, “How can this be? This is not written in The Bible, this is written in The Bible.” They are describing that area which was necessary at that particular time. Then they described another area which was necessary at that time. For example, at the time of Moses it was necessary to establish the religion. At the time of Christ it was necessary to establish the idea of Spirit. And that’s why there’s a difference in what they were teaching and what he was teaching. Because they came at a time when that was needed. At the time of Mohammed something else was needed which he tried to preach. And today is the time of realisation so I am talking of Kundalini and of realisation.

It all is, one after another, we can say, is the opening of the petals of the beauty of Divine. And because a fruit has appeared on the tree will you deny it because last year there were only flowers and today there are fruits? It has come out of the same flowers. These all flowers grew on the same Tree of Life, but at every time they plucked it out [then] they were dying, then they became ugly. They started saying, “This is mine, this is mine, this is mine,” and they are fighting with the dead, nothing living. I am talking about the living God and not of the dead.

So reading any book is just the same, makes no difference. But after enlightenment you will understand that there is no difference in any one of these books. There’s nobody as just chosen by God and the others are discarded. Is a wrong idea we have got. These are all mythical ideas. Our forefathers have lived with it, their forefathers have lived with it. And they cut each other’s throat on this point – what have they achieved? Nothing. This whole world is created by God not for fighting with each other in the name of God! How many fights we have had so far thinking that we are better than others. These are all wrong ideas.

First of all you get your realisation then you will know that they are all part and parcel of one God. So reading all these books is not going to help you till you get your realisation. Alright? So first you get your enlightenment then we’ll talk about the books. Books do not give you the real knowledge, they do not give you realisation. Everybody has been reading books. Anybody can write books. I tell you Christ never wrote any book. Very easy to write books. Anything you want to write, you just have to have little money, that’s all. People have written about witchcraft, about satanic forces. Everything they write. If they have money they can write about anything. So how will you know this is true? Unless and until you have that absolute being awakened within you which gives you absolute values of these.

Now any more questions?

Seeker: Would you say that everybody in the world now is a reincarnation or are there still original souls coming into the world?

Shri Mataji: No, no. They are all reincarnations. No doubt about it. And there are great souls which are being born, who are realised souls. Many children in England are born as realised-souls. This is the time of what we call The Last Judgement. You are going to be judged by your Kundalini, by your awakening [and] by nothing else. Nobody is going to put us on a weighing machine to see. It’s how far you go with your realisation. This is the judgement time that has come. All of us have to get it. As many as can but I don’t know, [the Gospel of] John says that only 144,000 in this whole world! It’s not even 0.000001%! That’s not so. How can it be?

Seeker: Is it not possible for 144,000 maha-mahatmas?

Shri Mataji: Maha-mahatmas? There are so many. Many, many more. They are doing their jobs alright. There are thirty-five crores of devas. But they are all busy doing their job. But you are on the stage. They are working out for your realisation. You are on the stage. Like on the stage when actors enter, they are helped by everybody around – they are in the background. Like that there are so many. That’s what I said that the Divine Itself is anxious to help. That you will realise very soon, as soon as you get your realisation, how you are helped by angels every moment, every minute. Now there are Sahaja Yogis who are smiling because they are all being helped like that. Every second you will find that you are being helped by the Divine. It’s true. I’m not telling you fantastic stories. It’s a fact. Believe me. We live in a world where we have no light, so we believe that way, but once the light comes in you’ll be amazed how you are placed. Just they are ready to do anything that you want. Actually your wantings change, your priorities change. You start wanting something that you never wanted before.

Should we start now?

(to the children) You sit down here quietly. All of you sit down here quietly. (Children are laughing and playing)

You work on him?

Sahaja Yogi: He’s blind Mother.

Shri Mataji: He’s Blind?

Sahaja Yogi: He comes to the meeting in Manchester.

Shri Mataji: When did it happen?

Blind Man: One eye forty odd years ago and the other eye fairly recently, but I can still see just a little.

Shri Mataji: Can you come to London?

Blind Man: Actually my youngest son is married and he’s living in North London and I’m hoping to come down and see him in a few weeks time.

Shri Mataji: You do come along there, now! I am in London these days and we’ll work it out. Alright? Please come, because we’ll have to work it out. It will take some time.

Where did you go for this Buddhism?

Seeker: Well, the story’s much more complicated that and I think it would only confuse the meeting if I were to tell it.

Shri Mataji: Alright, so you come along. Best thing would be [that] you come along. But first of all you write to us and then they’ll let you know. And whatever is the best time, do come there. It’s not difficult. His Agnya’s caught up completely there. That’s all. And let us know your story also if you don’t mind, when you come there. I’ll have to give you some time. Alright? And you’ll have to give some time to yourself.

Yes my child?

Seeker: I’ve got a much more physical fault with my sacrum joint and I wondered if it actually did any damage to the Kundalini? Would it damage it at all?

Shri Mataji: Alright, we’ll see about it.

(Talking about a small child) I don’t know what’s the matter with her today she’s over dynamic. Go and get some flowers for mana. (Child runs off to get flowers, Mother laughs) How free they are! Such a source of joy isn’t it? Alright. So should we start? I think lights are too many here. Could you put off some of the lights?

Is he from some magazine? Which magazine?

Journalist: I’m freelance.

Shri Mataji: You have a magazine of your own?

Journalist: No, just freelance.

Shri Mataji: Recently there was somebody taking my photographs in Delhi, and I didn’t know what he was doing. And then they had a very big article, it came in one of the magazines, you see, which we received in London and I was amazed, the way he was going round I didn’t know he was going into such details about our programmes. And he really wrote very beautifully. You saw that one? Surprisingly I didn’t even know the fellow who he was. I wish I had asked him I thought, who he was. He had written very beautifully and in a very well known magazine which actually deals with more economics and economic affairs. Imagine to put God in there! But he did it. He did it and they published it and it was a very ‘wrong’ magazine. And to support it he got something from other Sahaja Yogis and some scientists and all that. And from them also he got one or two articles to be published. And I didn’t know how he was working it out. But when I saw the magazine I was amazed how he could write all about you!

But why I saw this [is] because he was also taking my photographs all the time so that’s why I asked you. I hope you don’t mind.

Journalist: No Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Alright. Close your eyes now. Because he got his realisation and then he did [the article]. After realisation he worked it out. He was a very genuine man, quite old. I didn’t know really that he was from the magazine but when they wrote to me, the report about him, and I was amazed [that] he was above seventy years of age! And he did so well.

If you can close your eyes. Just please close your eyes.

You have to trust yourself and not to doubt yourself. It will work out in all of you, I promise it will. But don’t doubt yourself.

Also one should not feel guilty. That’s a very bad habit of feeling guilty. All the time, “I’ve done this wrong, that wrong.” In the presence of God you are not guilty at all because He is the ocean of love, the ocean of compassion, the ocean of forgiveness. So give up all that. Just, to begin with, I ask, request, all the people to say, in their hearts, that, “Mother I am not guilty.”

Now, you have to forgive others. Forgive everyone. You might say that, “Mother how can I forgive? I can’t forgive.” But really it’s a myth that we don’t forgive. What do we do when we say we forgive? Nothing!

Actually by remembering all the horrible things done to us we ruin ourselves, we trouble ourselves, we torture ourselves. Just to say, “Mother I forgive.” We have to forgive, as in the Lord’s Prayer, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them, those who trespass against us.” First we have to forgive those who trespass against us so that our God, God Almighty, will forgive us for our trespasses.

These are one of the loads that human beings carry, that they find it difficult to forgive others, that they feel guilty all the time. As I have told you that Christ came on this earth to suck in all our sins and our mistakes.

Now put your right hand on your heart and say in your heart, “Mother I am the Spirit.” You are the Spirit. Just you have to assume. Just say. Say it thrice, with full faith that you are the Spirit. You are the Spirit.

Say it and you will feel the cool breeze in both the hands. In the left hand you will feel the cool breeze. Or ask the question, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Just ask the question “Mother, am I the Spirit?” You will find the cool breeze in the hand flowing.

Now, if not you put your right hand on top of your forehead with the left hand towards me and just say, “Mother I forgive everyone.” Put it on your forehead because Christ’s place is there. “I forgive everyone.” Just on the forehead.

“I forgive everyone.” Please say it.

Now you must know that God has given you freedom. In your freedom you have to ask for your realisation. I cannot force it on you. I cannot say that, “Alright, you can get your realisation just like that.” You have to ask for it. If you don’t ask I cannot get over your freedom, that’s given to you. God cannot take away what He has given to you.

Now put your right hand on top of your head at the fontanelle bone area, higher than your head, and say, “Mother, please give me my realisation, I want my realisation.” You have to say that, otherwise it’s not possible for me. I cannot cross over to your freedom. You have to come forward to get it.

You’ll find a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now if you are tired put your right hand towards me and left hand [above] and you should get it [on that hand] also again.

The Sahaja Yogis can go and see now if you are getting cool breeze and if you are realised. We have some of them here and they can look after you. Don’t get upset with them. You can do the same tomorrow.

I request the Sahaja Yogis to find out.

Mytholmroyd Community & Leisure Centre, Mytholmroyd (England)

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