The truth of the Divine is beyond the human awareness 1987-10-07
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7 October 1987
The Truth Of The Divine Is Beyond The Human Awareness
Public Program
Ancien Hôtel Communal, Brussels (Belgium)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
Public Program Day 1, Ancien Hôtel Communal, Brussels, Belgium 10.07.1987
<Introduction in French>I Bow to all the seekers of Truth!
As you are here to find out truth, you have to know that the truth cannot be ordered. And truth is not our concept. We cannot organize the truth. Truth exists beyond human powers. For example, if you say that this is wood, we can see it is wood, we can feel it is wood and everybody says it is wood, then the truth is, it is wood! But some can know about wood much more than others. The truth of the Divine is beyond the human awareness. There are many things which we cannot answer. Say, in the medical line, it is said that, anything that is foreign is thrown out of the body, but when a fetus is conceived, a child is conceived, it is not thrown out. It is kept there, looked after, nourished and thrown out at the right point.
(Why don’t you come and sit here, there is lot of room here, come along, if some people want they can come and sit here, in front and center, come along! Those who want to sit here, you can sit here also)
So, the Divine truth is beyond human
awareness. I made this statement, which you should accept as a hypothesis. Then
when it is proved, you can accept it as the truth. I would say that whatever
was told to you here, about the Kundalini, about your inner being, about the
beauty you have within yourself is the knowledge of the roots. While you have
the knowledge of the tree outside, but you must have the knowledge of your
roots. Weather it comes from India or from England, is not important, because
God created only one world! We think, Belgium is different, England is
different, is another concept. But to know this knowledge, you have to enter
into your roots. You are paying attention to me, but if I say, please pay
attention to yourselves, you cannot! And you cannot enter in, unless and until
you become subtler being. And to become the subtler being, the nature through
our evolutionary process, has made beautiful arrangement (showing Kundalini
chart) within us. And this arrangement within us works it out. This arrangement is within all of us. This
arrangement is your own! This instrument is your own. This residual power that
we say as Kundalini is your own. This is the tree of life, which is described
in the Bible. And this centers this chakras
are the lotuses which look like tongues of very silent flames. As it is said
in the Bible I will appear before you like tongues of flames. When we see
around us all kinds of things in different religions in different cults, and so
many types of Gurus we find that the whole thing is nothing to do with God.
People say that when these people are so religious how is it they indulge into
such cruelties and why they fight among themselves. Why they so much problem if
they say there is a God!? That there cannot
be a God! But all good things are used to cover some thing ugly things. That’s
why the Gods name is used to cover the ugly things. And people get surprised
and amazed that how in the name of God, people are doing such wrong things. The
first and foremost thing, in all the great religions great profits and great incarnations had said
that you have to be born again. But it’s not an artificial thing, like people
put a brand “I am born again”. You cannot Brand yourself like that. Supposing
you brand a monkey say he is a human being. Does he become a human being? Or in
India we do some sort of an artificial ceremony to say that this person is
twice born they put a thread. Same in Islamic religion, Judaism, in Christianity
they put an artificial thing on the head and they say you are Baptized, You
have to pay little money to the Church to get the certificate of Baptism. Baptism
is a reality. You have to get your Baptism through your Kundalini. The Holi ghost.
The reflection of the Holi ghost is this Kundalini. So that your Fontanel bone area has to be pierced
through by this Kundalini and you should get cool breeze of the Holy Ghost out
of your head actually! But human beings are such that if you are used to some
sort of an idea if they have been a part of some sort of an Organization or
something they find it impossible to accept reality. And this reality is benevolent
and this Benevolence is not only limited to your physical being, but also to
your Emotional being, to your Material being and to your mental being, to your Spiritual
being. So that should happen to a person when he gets really baptized. He
automatically becomes a righteous person.
As Christ had said “thou shalt not have adulteress Eyes”. Your eyes
become innocent. With those Eyes when you look at people, there is no Greed and
Lust in those Eyes. There is Compassion and Love. Even a glance can give peace
and joy to another person. And such a glance can even cure a person. Because
there is a Divine light in those eyes which expresses itself. You all can get
it. You have got it within you. You can’t pay for truth. You cannot purchase truth. It’s not in the
Market. But people have been misled all these times that we can pay for
spiritual Ascent. Spiritual Ascent is the last breakthrough of your
evolutionary process. Now this breakthrough is your right to have it. As you have
become the human being, you have to become the spiritual being. As you have
evolved spontaneously, you have to get this ascent spontaneously. Because it’s
the living force. It’s not a dead force. It’s a living force within it, of a
living God which works it out. It’s not something artificial that you can bestow
upon someone like that. It’s not man made, God has done that! Now if you
understand it’s spontaneous, its living force which works out, you should also
understand that it is effortless! You cannot stand on your head, I had ask for
it. It is your right to have it. And you can get it! .Without paying for it.
Effortlessly! Now really what happens, is that you get united with the Divine.
Once you get united with the Divine, you become your own master. The Divine
exists as the formless power of God’s love all around you. And it can be felt
as cool breeze on your hands, very soothing cool breeze on your fingertips. And
you can feel on your fingertips all your different centers. It’s said even by Mohammed
sahib that when the days of resurrection, “Kayama” will comes, your hand and
feet will speak. And at the time of last judgement, your hands will give witness
about you. That’s what happens! But as a blessing of this Divine connection you
become a dynamic person. You are a blessed person! The other day I met a lady and
she told me mother that in Sahaja yoga we cannot have a Guru or master. I said
no because you are your own guru, why do you want have another Guru? But they
said somebody to Guide us!? See, your spirit can guide you very well. And does
your guru take your money? He does. That’s it! For Divine guidance you cannot
take money. It is love! You cannot sell it! But you have to love yourself! You have
to know that it’s for your benevolence, for your good. You might be belonging
to some organization, the other day in Switzerland, we had a person who belong
to a funny organization and he came tried to pollute the whole hall. What good
this organization is going to give him, just a little money that’s all! Or some
sort of a funny idea in the head that he belong to such and such organization,
is a slavery! No freedom in that! To
work for such Organization is useless, what benevolence have you got out of it?
As a mother I ask my child. What is your
Organization giving you? The child says no, I have to give to the Organization. The Organization doesn’t give me anything. Then why do you do such bad things? Why do you
try to destroy the people? Because Organization pays me also! It’s a vicious
circle! It is not doing good to you, not to others. So we have to know that if
you are seeking and if you are seeking the truth and if you are honest you have
to know one thing, that whatever does not give you Benevolence, you have
nothing to do with it. Like there are many horrible Indian criminals who have
come across and I am ashamed of them, who call themselves Gurus, and Lynch you
of all your money. Why don’t you use
your brains? You should question them. You should ask them, what is this for? They
could not prosper in India, Indians are wise this way, so they came across! Please
take my photograph later on, if you don’t mind, alright? And you must take permission
before taking photograph. Later on you can take many. Now we come to a point. Reached
a Point of understanding logically, that we are seekers of the truth and we
have to know the truth. Now I say this is the truth within us and you can’t pay
for it. And also I say that this is your own property. It’s your own. And that
there is no guaranty that it will work out. If it works out its wonderful. But it works out later on. If not today it will work out tomorrow. As a
result of this happening, if you see in a place like England, where there is so
much of unemployment, nobody is unemployed in Sahaja yoga, Nobody! No one
suffers from AIDS, no one suffers from Cancer! To be very frank nobody goes to the
Doctor. They live in a very joyous conditions, loving each other, enjoying each
other with purity! Nobody runs with another’s’ wife and nobody goes for quarrelling
in the family. And the children becomes so respectful, and obedient because
parents are so great! So on the social side also automatically the laws of
Divine work. On the other side, what we can say, the side, we are very much frightened
of all unknown deceases that may crawl on to us. Also it doesn’t exist! People have
given up all their habits, drinking, smoking, drugs all self-destructive habits
overnight. You don’t have to give up your families, your countries, your dresses,
nothing outside. But from inside, you have a tremendous satisfaction! Because this power is the power of pure
desire. All other desires that we have are not pure. Because they are never satisfied. The
economic law is, that in general wants are not Satiable. But once your get your
true desire satisfied, you start giving light. You become an enlightened
person. You are connected with the enlightenment itself. And you get empowered with
that enlightenment and you can enlighten other people. Like one light which is enlightened
can enlighten another candle. You become very powerful, dynamic, and extremely
Humble and sweet. It is not a very tall story I am telling you, it’s a fact!
But too fantastic to believed. Because we have no faith on ourselves. In modern
times we are living under a pressure of shocks. And many are just thinking the
World will be destroyed. The one who has created this world is an Almighty. He
is not going to destroy his own World. Even some stupid people from India or
any place come and tell you the World is going to get destroyed, don’t believe
them. Those who come and tell you have committed sins, so you musts repent and
pay for it, you don’t believe them. Those who come and tell you give up your
families, give up this give up that don’t believe them. Those who tell you that
you must suffer, don’t believe them. Surprising, that even they say about
Christ who himself has suffered for us already! Why should
we suffer when he had already suffered for us, are we going to suffer more than
he had suffered? He had suffered for us that there should be no more sufferings
for us anymore. But if you believe in suffering better have it, that’s what it
is! That perhaps happened to Jews they didn’t believe Christ they wanted to
suffer, so they had their suffering! Why should human beings ask for suffering?
And not for blessings not for joy, for Peace, which is their right. It is
promised, and the promise has to be fulfilled. You must develop that discretion
to understand the Truth, untruth, and falsehood. But above all, this truth is
love, the pure love of God. The Love that understands, which knows everything
about you. It nourishes you, it looks after you, it guides you, and it
organizes for you. Above all it loves you. It doesn’t punish you. But gives you,
very long and long time to understand yourselves. You don’t hate yourself any
more. You don’t hate any one, except the evil. Such a time has to come. It has
to work out that way. John has said there are only a hundred and forty four
thousand people will be saved. I don’t think so! There have to be many many
more! But one must remember that there is a force which is raising you upward and
there is a force which is putting you down towards Hell. But you have freedom
to choose the heaven or the hell. That is the only thing one cannot suppress your
freedom. Either you take your freedom in proper way or improper way in your own
right. And there Sahaja yoga is helpless! Sahaja yoga is helpless. I am Sorry,
I don’t know the language Flemish and all that though I know many languages,
and I wish I had some knowledge of your language also. May be I may pick up
later on. But in any case there is no need to have any Language when it is a
love. Even little baby which is born doesn’t know any language, knows the
mother anywhere. The Only request is that as I love you, you have to Love
yourselves. And open your heart and trust yourself. And believe this and
believe that, all this glory is within you, just about to manifest.
May God bless you all!
Sometime I am Thankful to you that in rain also you all have come. And of course the time is not much. But I would like you to ask me questions. But please don’t be aggressive with me for nothing at all. Because I am not here to take anything from you. I am here just to explain your own greatness and give you the key for your own being.
Can you stand up please if you have to ask questions? You better ask him first and you tell me. you shouldn’t speak better. Raney you ask him the question and then tell me. Because You no need to run every person. You come here you please get up and ask a question. And you can tell me. You come along here and tell me. You can stand here. They have to tell, speak it out themselves.
I couldn’t hear anything. If you stand here tell me. Because we are spending lot of time. Alright.
Question by seeker: Once you get realization, how can you stay in the world of stress and frustration?
That’s very simple, I will tell you!
Very good question, is an excellent question you have asked. When you are in the water and you see the waves, you are afraid of the waves. One wave comes and goes away of thought, another comes and goes away. And these thoughts make you nervous. But supposing you are in a boat then you enjoy the same waves! Supposing you are in the crowd and you are driving, you are afraid of the crowd. But if you are sitting on a hilltop you enjoy the traffic! In the same way you raise above this, by raising of the Kundalini you are cross over this center of Christ, by that you become thoughtlessly aware. You are in complete peace. No thought can touch you. And when you are detached from your problems, you solve it better. Moreover amazingly, you are helped by the Divine. The turmoil does not exist anymore. But you become the solution of turmoil. Alright. May God bless you!
Question by seeker: About Vegetarians!
You see it’s a funny Idea, to believe that by eating vegetarian food or non-vegetarian food you become spiritual! What you need is the balance. I would say that Indians should eat more Non-vegetarian and the Westerners should eat less non-veg. Now for example people who suffer from diarrhea, shouldn’t eat veg food at all. Because vegetarian food has too much of roughage. And vegetarian food is very fattening! Like an elephant is a vegetarian, Cow is a vegetarian. But if the westerners become vegetarian is good for them, it is very helpful, but it should not be a religion. But if you eat the food made out of the big animals like horses, are even cows that is very bad, because the muscle fibers are very big and your teeth may be very much troubled. That’s why in India people don’t go to dentist at all. I never gone to dentist in all my whole life. But Small animals are alright. Supposing people who are living in a place like Greenland, or the Eskimos, no vegetable grows there. So they have to eat the fishes. Do you mean to say God has placed them in a place, where they are committing sins? Moreover what’s the use of saving chickens and fishes? I can’t give them realization. So what we eat human beings are balanced. So this new thing that is started as vegetarianism is going too far. In India some sects gone to ridiculous limit. We have some people called Jains. They think, they should not kill any insects. No mosquitoes should be killed. No worms should be killed. No bugs. No bugs should be killed. So they give money to a Brahmin, so called Brahmin, put him in a hut in a village, and get hold of all the Bugs all the bugs, bugs, you don’t have that here! Thank God you are not vegetarians otherwise you would have had all the mosquitoes, bugs everything here. So put all the bugs inside the hut and these bugs suck all the blood of this poor Brahmin. When they are full, they just lie down. Then this Brahmin is given money. So I said, why did you do that to Brahmin, he is a human being! So they said all these bugs will also become Brahmins. Torturing someone like this how can they become Brahmins like this? We are more worrying about the bugs than about the human beings. Let us be vegetarian towards our Fellow beings. Let us be gentle with them, let us be like flowers to them. Human beings are aggressed all over the world, each other. They are aggressing even today. Thank God, Columbus did not reach India. Otherwise I would have not been here. They would have killed all of us nicely. That’s the problem. Now by becoming vegetarian I do not know how you are going to go to God. But by becoming balanced you will be. This gentlemen doesn’t have. Is he a Cameramen or what is he doing. He wants to see through that. Is it binoculars, alright use it. I am sorry. I thought it was a photograph. In Sahaja yoga we just judge ourselves what food we need.
Question by seeker: What are you thinking about Karmas?
Karma are done by people who think they are. Like here you see the yellow thing that is grown up which is that one carrying our karma. Now I think I have done this big house, and I have done this and I have done that. That makes you feel you have done something ,and whether you have done good or bad, you have done it. Now we actually don’t do anything. If the spirit does anything, it doesn’t do anything. If the spirit does, it doesn’t do anything its God almighty. I tell you a story, some Indians who were first time going by plane, some villagers. They were told not to take too much load on the plane, because it will make the plane heavy. So they got on to the plane, and put all the luggage on their heads. So they asked, what are you doing? They said we are reducing the weight of the plane! In the same way we feel we are doing this we are doing that. What work we do is all a dead work. A tree dies and then we made the house. We think we made the house. From the dead stones we make something we think we made something great. We have done nothing that is living. We make a chair and we can’t sit on the ground. The matte sits on our head. The matter sits on our head, it gives us habits. And enslaves us. (You can sit here. So there is a chair.) So we think we did something then this EGO, Mr.Ego there in the yellow patch. If we do anything wrong or bad also, we have done something wrong also settles down there. The other side of is the black, is the conditioning that you get. Any kind of conditioning we have we can get it from a fashion or from religion or anything. Now all these conditions on one side and Ego on other side, covers our brain and sometimes even overlaps. So the Fontanel bone area gets covered. And it becomes a thick cross there over there. But when Kundalini raises, she passes through this Agnya chakra there in the center. This is the thing which is adorned by Christ. This is the cross on which he crucified himself. And It is he who sucks in the ego and the superego, the conditioning. And the whole thing opens up like that, and the Kundalini pierces through! So it is Christ who sucks all our Karmas. Karma theory was established at the time up to the point of Sri Krishna. That too he condemned, that the Karmas can be overcome. He said your Karmas can be overcome. But after that came Christ. And he created for us this special place here called “Agnya”. Shri Krishna came on this center (pointing Vishuddhi chakra). Christ came in this center (pointing Agnya Chakra). And he solved the problem for us. All your karmas are sucked in and you become pure personality. These are very out of date things now, the life tree is growing. Evolving, giving you a great blessing today, that the blossom time has come. And the flowers have to become the fruits. So forget about all these things.
It started in many ways but especially by human beings. It’s a long story not a very good one. Let us think of something good. I must have given quite a lot of lectures on that also, but you don’t have to worry about that any more. When we are sitting in the boat we don’t think from where the waves are come do we? We just hurry up to get onto the boat to save ourselves.
Question from seeker: You said a few moments ago, that it is difficult to get realized with ego?
That you leave it to the Kundalini. She is an expert. Nothing is difficult for you, if you leave it to her. But if you carry the load on our head, then what can kundalini do? She works it out.
I think now we should go ahead with realization. Because time is sufficiently. And those who have more questions write them down and give it to them. So I will answer them.
Now those who want to come forward can come in the passage there are seats here and there, can come down. There are rooms here, some seats here come down. Those who do not want to have self-realization please leave the hall. It will take only ten minutes. Come along, there is room here. Come along. Gentlemen there is a room for you. Yes, yes. Come along. Such nice people here. Yes, move on, you can move on.
I think Sahaja yogis come from the back side. Come from the back side. You must give room to new people. All right. It’s great. You know. Very nice people .They want realization. that the point. For the people, you can sit on the chair, be Comfortable. Please let them settle down. Wonderful people, I am so very happy!
Now very simple thing one has to do. Very simple! I am going to tell you, How to raise your own Kundalini. I have to request that we have to take help of mother earth. If you remove your shoes for a short time. Need not remove socks, but at least the shoes. Those who are sitting on the ground, be comfortable, but you have to be comfortable.
Now you have to understand, as I told you that the left hand side which creates conditioning, is also the power of your desire, normal desire. So you have to put your left hand towards me, desiring for self-realization. All the time. You sit like this lady. If possible, feel comfortable, you need not sit like slouch or just straight forward, you can take out anything that is not making you comfortable.
Alright, now you have to put both your feet parallel on the mother earth, touching. Now, you have to put your left hand towards me, as I told you, and you have to use the right hand for the action of dilating your different centers, which I will tell you. ( you can come here, there is room, come along)
Now this right hand, first to be put on your heart, and left hand towards me. In the heart resides the spirit. It is the reflection of God Almighty, and the Kundalini is the Holy Ghost, is the power of God, she is the Primordial Mother. She is reflected in your Kundalini. The seat of your spirit is on the top of your head. But it resides in your heart. So first we put our right hand on our heart. Then we put our hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now, this is the center of mastery that you become your own Guru. Below that, we work on the left hand side, below that on the left hand side of your abdomen, you put your hand and press it. This is the center, through which all the Divine power works. Again you back, now the Kundalini starts moving, when we close our eyes and start this, so you put your hand back again on the upper portion of your abdomen, then you put your right hand on top of your heart again. Now you raise your right hand, between the shoulder and neck on the corner here, and turn your head right. Many people, do it from the back like that, but it is not proper. Should do it from the front. But turn your head to the right. This center catches in the people who feels guilty, and in the west it is very common! Even here in Brussels, I can feel it! First of all you should not feel guilty at all. Then you put your hand, open your hand and put it on your head, on the forehead, across. And press it on both the sides. Now take this hand to the backside of your head. Put the load of your head on that hand very slowly, and put your head upwards. Then, you have to put your hand in such a way, that you stretch it nicely and stretch the fingers backwards. Now in the center of the palm, this is that area, “Sahasrara” this has to go on top of your fontanel bone area. Now stretch your fingers. Slowly press it seven times, the scalp, move the scalp seven times. That’s all! Now we will do. Now I request you to take out your spectacles, be comfortable and close your eyes. And please don’t open your eyes, there is no mesmerism! Till I tell you.
Now please close your eyes. Put your left hand towards me, both the feet on the ground, parallel to each other. Put your right hand please on your heart. Here, you have to ask me, a very fundamental question. Ask your question in your heart. Ask this question, “Mother Am I The Spirit?” Ask this question three times please. Mother am I the spirit, Mother am I the spirit. Now you may call me “Shri Mataji” or Mother, whatever suits you.
Please bring your right hand to the left hand side of your abdomen on the upper part. Now here, as you are asking for the spirit, another fundamental question has to be asked, because in spirit is your master. So you have to ask another question to me, “Mother, Am I my own Master?” ask this question three times, “Mother am I my own master?” again, “Mother Am I my own Master?”
Take your right hand on the lower part of your abdomen on your left hand side. Here, iis the center that works out the Divine powers, Divine laws. If you have to have the knowledge, the pure knowledge, you have to ask me. I cannot force you. I cannot overcome your freedom. So, please ask me, “Mother, please give me pure knowledge” Please ask six times, because this center has six petals. “Mother please may I have the pure knowledge” Six times. As you say this, the Kundalini starts raising, awakening. And it starts moving up.
Now you have to help, to open out your upper centers. Please place your right hand on the upper part of your stomach. On the left hand side. Here is the center of your mastery. So to make the way for the Kundalini at this center, you have to say with full confidence, “Mother, I am my own Master!”, say it ten times. Say it ten times, please. “Mother, I am my own Master”
Now, raise your right hand again on your heart. Press it. Here, with full confidence, you have to say the greatest truth, you have to say, “Mother, I am the spirit”, you have to say 12 times, “Mother, I am the spirit”. “Mother, I am the spirit”. 12 times please. You have to know that the God Almighty, is the ocean of love and bliss, but above all he is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you might have committed, His power can forgive it. So don’t have anything that makes you upset about yourselves. Please forgive yourselves. And enter into the kingdom of God, with a pleasant mind.
So raise your hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck, and turn your head to right side, here you have to say 16 times, with full confidence in God’s powers of forgiveness, and in your own powers, “Mother, I am not guilty”. “Mother, I am not guilty”. Sixteen times.
Raise your hand, out of there, and put it on your forehead, pressing on both the sides. Here, you have to say, “Mother, I forgive everyone”. Now, those people who think it is difficult to say, must know that it’s a myth, whether you forgive or not forgive. But if you do not say, then you are playing into wrong hands. So, from your heart you have to say, how many times is not the point.
Now, take your hand on to the back side of your head, and put it back your head resting on it. Here you have to say, “Oh Divine, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive me”. But that is for your satisfaction not to feel guilty at all.
Now please take out this hand and stretch it. Stretch it. And put stretched hand on your fontanel bone area. Press it hard. You have to ask again, because I cannot force you. You have to bend your head a little, and you have to ask “Mother, may I have self-realization”. Bending will be better for you, in front. Please say 7 times, moving the hand 7 times. Bending the head forward would help you moving.
Take down your hand please. Both the hands. And now, put your right hand towards me like this (stretching her forward)
Alright, now put your left hand on top of your head, open your eyes slowly, little higher. bend your head would be better. Some people would get much higher, above. Left hand on top of your head, little higher, right hand towards me, as I said, you will feel cool breeze on your head.
Now put the left hand towards me. Don’t touch your head, left hand towards me, and right hand top of your head, but away from your head. Now, please put again, left hand towards to me, and right hand.
Better, much better!
Now, please put down your hands. Now, you can raise your hands towards the sky like this. Both. And ask the question “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” “Is this the Brahma Shakthi?” “Is this the all-pervading power of God’s love?”
Now take down your hands please, put your hands like this. Those who have felt, cool breeze out of their fontanel bones or out of their hands, please raise both your hands.
You didn’t feel it? I know you felt it! So many have felt it, I know. But don’t doubt, if you have felt, please raise your hands, either here or here. Just raise your hands. Quite a lot have felt it. Look at the little one raising his hand!
Thank you!
Does it matter? Again I am coming here, and you are going to feel it! Everybody is going to feel it. Quite a lot of you have felt it, but still, again we will re-establish. And we have a center here, where you can feel it. You can also feel it in each other head, you can try. Those who have not felt, you can try on another person. Now this gentleman says he has not felt, you got it!
Not to feel disappointed! He didn’t feel it? Warm, alright. Some have felt warm. It is alright. Those who have felt warm, put your right hand towards me, and left hand like this (towards the sky). You see, because of the heat inside, No, no it doesn’t matter. Right hand towards me, and left hand like this. All of you can do, it’s good. Right hand towards me. Keep your eyes open and watch me without thinking. Too much thinking gives you heat. Better now? It’s cooling down now?
Those who are feeling heat on the left hand, put your left hand towards me, and right hand towards mother earth. Put it on the mother earth. Left towards me, right on the mother earth, or towards mother earth. Working faster! Now, cooler now? All will cool down.
Very good!
May God Bless you!
Tomorrow again, will come here, I will be here, and I am sure, you will be able to establish it completely and also, we have got a center.
Not to feel disappointed, not to feel bad about it, not to discuss it! It is going to work out. But by discussions, arguments, not. It has to work out like sprouting of the seed. Thank you very much. May God bless you!
Hope to see you tomorrow, bring more friends, all your friends tomorrow.
Good, you got it, enjoy!
<< some Conversations>>
I bow to all the seekers of truth. As you are here to find out the truth, we have to know that truth cannot be ordered, and the truth is not our concept, we cannot organize the truth, truth exists beyond human powers.
For example, if we say that this is good, we see it is good, we can feel it is good and everybody says it is good, then the truth is, it is good. But some can know about good much more than others, but the truth of the Divine is beyond human awareness.
There are many things which we cannot answer. Say in the medical line it is said that anything that is foreign is thrown out of the body, but when a fetus is conceived, a child is conceived, it is not thrown out, it is kept there, looked after, nourished and thrown out at the right point.
(Why don't you come and sit in front, there's lot of room here, come along, if some people want they can come and sit, here, you can sit in the centre if they want, I mean I am sorry that, come along, come along, yes come along it'll be a good idea, and some people from the back can come and sit here, yes, some could sit here with Natalie, some could sit with you, yeah, in the centre you can also go some of you could sit, they could sit here, what's the harm? Here also there's room, come along, those who want to sit can sit here, there's no harm, some could sit, please come, come here)
So, the Divine truth is beyond human awareness. I make this statement which you should accept as a hypothesis, hypothesis. And then when it is proved then you can accept it as the truth. I would say that whatever is told to you nowhere is about the kundalini, about your inner being, about the beauty you have within yourself, is the knowledge of the roots. While you have the knowledge of the tree outside, but you must have the knowledge of your roots.
Whether it comes from India or from England, it's not important. Because God created only one world, we think Belgium is different, England is different, is another concept. But to know this knowledge you have to enter into your roots.
You are paying attention to me but if I say please pay attention to yourself, you cannot. And you cannot enter in unless and until you become a subtler being, and to become the subtler being the nature, through our evolutionary process, has made beautiful arrangements within us. And this arrangement within us works it out, this arrangement is within all of us. And this arrangement is your own. This instrument is your own, this residual power that you say as kundalini is your own.
This is the tree of life which is described in the Bible. And these centres, these chakras are the lotuses which look like tongues of very silent flames. As it is said in the Bible " I'll appear before you like tongues of flame".
When we see around us all kinds of things in different religions, in different cults and so many types of gurus, we find that the whole thing has nothing to do with God.
People say that when these people are so religious how is it they indulge in such cruelties and why they fight among themselves, why there is so much problem if they say there is God.
Then there cannot be God, but all good things are used to cover something ugly and that's why God's name is used to cover the ugly things, and people get surprised and amazed that how in the name of God we are, people are doing such wrong things. The first and foremost thing in all the great religions, in the great prophets and the great incarnations, is said that you are to be born again.
But it is not an artificial thing like people put a brand I am born again, you cannot brand yourself like that. Supposing you brand a monkey say he is a human being, does he become a human being? Or in India we do some sort of an artificial ceremony to say that this person is twice-born, so they put a thread. Same is in the Islamic religion, Judaism, in Christianity they put an artificial thing on the head saying you are baptized. You have to pay little money to the church, you get the certificate of baptism.
Baptism is a reality. You have to get your baptism through your kundalini, the Holy Ghost, the reflection of the Holy Ghost is this kundalini. So that your fontanel bone area has to be pierced through by this kundalini and you should get the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost out of your head actually, but human beings are such that if you are used to some sort of an idea, if they have been a part of some sort of organization or something they find it impossible to accept reality.
And this reality is benevolent is benevolent, and this benevolence is not only limited to your physical being but to your emotional being, to your material being and to your mental being, to your spiritual being. (Benevolence) So that should happen to a person when he gets really baptized. He automatically becomes a righteous person.
As Christ has said, "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes". "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes". Your eyes become innocent, with those eyes when you look at people there is no greed and lust in those eyes, there are compassion and love, even a glance can give peace and joy to another person. And such a glance can even cure a person. Because there is a Divine light in those eyes which expresses itself, you all can get it, you have got it within you, you can't pay for truth, you cannot purchase truth, it's not in the market, but people have been misled all these times that we can pay for spiritual ascent.
Spiritual ascent is the last breakthrough of your evolutionary process. Now, this breakthrough is your right to have it. As you have become human being you have to become the spiritual being. As you have evolved spontaneously, you have to get this ascent spontaneously. Because it's the living force, it's not a dead force, it's a living force within it, of the living God which works it out. It's not something artificial that you can bestow upon someone like that. It's not man made, God has done that.
Now if you understand that it's spontaneous, it's the living force which works out you should also understand that it is effortless. You cannot stand on your head and ask for it. It is your right to have it, and you can get it, without paying for it, effortlessly.
Now really what happens is that you get united with the Divine. Once you get united with the Divine you become your own master.
The Divine exists as the formless power of God's love all around and it can be felt as cool breeze on your hands, very soothing cool breeze on fingertips. And you can feel on your fingertips all your different centres.
A second event by Mohammed Saheb that when the days of resurrection, Kayama will come your hands and feet will speak. And at the time of the last judgement, your hands will give witness about you. That's what happens but as a blessing of this Divine connection, you become a dynamic person. You are a blessed person.
The other day I met a lady and she told me "Mother that you see in Sahaja Yoga we cannot have a guru, a master". I said "No, because you are your own guru, why do you want to have another guru to yourself", then they said, "but somebody to guide us." See your spirit can guide you very well, and "does your Guru take money"? "he does", that's it. For Divine guidance you cannot take money, it is love, you cannot sell it. But you have to love yourself, you have to know that it is for your benevolence, for your good. You might be belonging to some organisation, the other day in Switzerland we had a person who belonged to some funny organization and he came and tried to pollute the whole hall.
What good this organisation is doing to him? Just pay a little money that's all or some sort of a funny idea in the head that I belong to such and such organisation, is, is a is slavery. No freedom in that. To work for such an organisation is useless, what benevolence have you got out of it. As your Mother, I asked my child "What is your organisation giving you?" The child says "No I have to give to the organization, the organization doesn't give me anything". "Then why do you do such bad things, why, why do you try to destroy people". "Because organisation pays me also". It's a vicious circle, it is not doing good to you nor to others.
So, we have to know that if you are seeking, and if you are seeking the truth, and if you are honest, you have to know one thing that whatever does not give you benevolence you have nothing to do with it. In a, like there are many horrible criminal Indians, who I have come across and I am ashamed of them, and they call themselves gurus and lynch you of all your money, but why don't you use your brains? You should question them, you should ask them "What is this for?" They could not prosper in India, Indians are wise this way, so they came across, please take my photograph later on, please if you don't mind, alright? please, and you must take permission before taking photographs. So, later on, you can take many.
Now, we come to a point, reach a point of understanding logically, that we are seekers of truth and we have to know the truth. Now I say this is the truth within us, and you can't pay for it, and also I say, that this is your own property, it's your own, and that there is no guarantee that it will work out, if it works out, it is wonderful, but it works out later on, if not today, it will work out tomorrow.
As a result of this happening, if you see in a place like India, where there is so much unemployment, nobody is unemployed in Sahaja yoga, nobody. No one suffers from AIDS, no one suffers from cancer, to be very frank nobody goes to the doctor either. They live in very joyous conditions, loving each other, enjoying each other with purity.
Nobody runs with another's wife and nobody goes for quarrelling in the family, and the children become so respectful and obedient because parents are so great. So, on the social side also automatically the laws of the Divine work.
On the other side what we can say is the side where we are very much frightened of all unknown diseases that may crawl on to us, also it doesn't exist. People have given up all their habits of drinking, smoking, drugs, all self-destructive habits overnight. You don't have to give up your families, your countries, your dresses, nothing outside. But from inside you have tremendous satisfaction, because this power is the power of pure desire. All other desires that we have are not pure, because they are never satisfied.
The economic law is that in general wants are not satiable. But once you get your true desire satisfied, you start giving light. You become an enlightened person, you are connected with the enlightenment itself. And you get empowered with that enlightenment and you can enlighten other people, like one light which is enlightened can enlighten another candle, you become very powerful, dynamic, extremely humble and sweet.
It is not any very tall story I am telling you, it's a fact, but too fantastic to be believed, because we have no faith in ourselves. In modern times we are living under a pressure of shocks and many are just thinking that the world will be destroyed.
The one who has created this world is an almighty. He is not going to destroy His own world, even some stupid indi, we can say some stupid people from India or any place come and tell you that the world is going to be destroyed, don't believe them, those who tell you we have committed sins and you must repent and we have to pay for it don't believe them, those who come and tell you to give up your families give up this give up that, don't believe them. Those who tell you that you must suffer, don't believe them, surprising that even they say about Christ, who himself has suffered for us already, why should we suffer when he's already suffered for us? Are we going to suffer more than he has suffered? He has suffered for us that there are no more sufferings for us anymore, but if you believe in sufferings you better have it then that's what it is. That perhaps happened to Jews, they didn't believe in Christ and they wanted to suffer so they had suffered. Why should human beings ask for sufferings? And not for blessings, and not for joy, for peace, which is their right, as promised, and the promise has to be fulfilled.
You must develop that discretion to understand the truth, untruth, and falsehood. But above all this truth is the love, the pure love of God, the love that understands, which knows everything about you, it nourishes you, it looks after you, it guides you, it organizes for you, above all it loves you. It doesn't punish you, but gives you a very long and long time to understand yourself, you don't hate yourself anymore, you don't hate anyone, except the evil.
Such a time has to come, it has to work out that way, John has said that there will be only 144,000 people saved, I don't think so, there have to be many many more, but one must remember that there is a force which is raising you upwards and there is force which is putting you down towards hell. But you have the freedom to choose the heaven or the hell.
That is the only thing one cannot suppress, your freedom. Either you take to your freedom in a proper way or in an improper way is your own right. And there Sahaja Yoga is helpless. Sahaja yoga is helpless. I am sorry I don't know the language, Flemish and all that and though I know quite many languages and I wish I had some knowledge of your language also, maybe I may pick-up later on. But in any case, there is no need to have any language when it is love. Even a little baby which is born doesn't know any language knows the mother very well. The only request is that as I love you, you have to love yourself. And open your heart and trust yourself. And believe that all this glory is within you. Just about to manifest. May God bless you all.
There is some time, I am thankful to you that in this rain also you all have come, and of course the time is not much, but still I would like you to ask me questions, but please, don't be aggressive with me for anything at all, because I am not here to take anything from you, I am here just to explain your own greatness, and give you the key for your own being.
Can you stand up please if you have to ask questions? That very far. You better ask him first and you tell me. You shouldn't speak, it's better. You just ask him the question and then tell me, because there is no need for you to run to every person, you can come here, they can ask you, you can get up, please get up, and ask the question, and then you can tell me, you need not run to all the people. You come along here and tell me its better, you can stand here and tell me it's alright, they have to tell, speak it out themselves.
I couldn't hear anything. I think if you stand here it will be better you see Euhan, ask him to stand there, he'll speak out and he'll tell me, because we'll be spending a lot of time, alright.
Shri Mataji: Oh! that's very simple, alright, I'll tell you, it's a very good question. It's an excellent question you have asked. When you are in the water, you see the waves and you are afraid of the waves, one wave comes and goes away of thought, another comes up and goes away and these thoughts make you nervous. But supposing you are in a boat, then you enjoy the same waves, supposing you are in the crowd and you are driving, you are afraid of the crowd, but if you are sitting on a hilltop you enjoy the traffic. In the same way, you rise above this, by raising of the kundalini you cross over this centre of Christ, by that you become thoughtlessly aware, you are in complete peace, no thought can touch you. And when you are detached from your problems you solve it better. Moreover, amazingly you are helped by the Divine to solve your problems. The turmoil does not exist anymore, but you become the solution of the turmoil. Alright? May God bless you.
Shri Mataji: About what? Aha! You see it's a funny idea to believe that by eating vegetarian food or non-vegetarian food you'll become spiritual. What you need is the balance. I would say that Indians should eat more non-vegetarian and the westerners should eat less non-veg. Now, for example, people who suffer from severe diarrhoea shouldn't eat vegetarian food at all, diarrhoea, because vegetarian food has too much roughage, and vegetarian food is very fattening. Like an elephant is a vegetarian, cow is a vegetarian, but if the westerners become vegetarian, it's good for them, it's very helpful, but there should not be a religion, but if you eat the food made out of big animals like horses or even cows, that is very bad because the muscles, muscle fibres are big and your teeth may be very much troubled. That's why in India people don't go to the dentist at all, I mean I have never been to a dentist all my life. But small animals are alright, now, supposing people who are living in a place like Greenland or Eskimos, they know no vegetable groceries so they have to eat the fishes, do you mean to say God has placed them in place where they are committing sins, moreover what's the use of saving the fishes and the chickens, I can't give them realization. So, what we need are human beings who are balanced, so, this new thing that has started about vegetarianism is going too far.
In India, in some sects, it has gone to a ridiculous limit. We have some people called Jains, now they think we should not also kill any insects, no mosquitoes should be killed, no bugs should be killed, no bugs, so, they give money to a brahmin, so-called brahmin, put him in hut in a village, and get hold of all the bugs, all the bugs, bugs, you don't have that here, thank God you are not vegetarians otherwise you would have all the mosquitoes, bugs here, so put all the bugs inside that hut, and these bugs suck all the blood of this poor brahmin, and when they are full they just lie down, then, then this brahmin is given money. So I said " But why did you, why did you do this to a brahmin, he's a human being". So they said "Then all these bugs will also become brahmins", torturing someone like this how can they become brahmins these bugs. We are more worried about the bugs than about human beings.
Let's us be vegetarian towards our fellow being, let us be gentle towards them, let us be like flowers to them. Human beings have aggressed all over the world, each other, they are aggressing even today, they are aggressing even today.
Thank God Columbus did not reach India, otherwise I would not have been here. They would be, they would have killed all of us nicely. That's the problem, now by becoming vegetarian I do not know how you are going to go to God, but by becoming balanced you will be.
This gentleman doesn't have, is he a cameraman, or what is he doing? Does he want to see through that? This gentleman, it's binocular? Alright alright use it, I am sorry. I thought it was a photograph.
So in Sahaja Yoga, we just judge ourselves, what food we need.
Sahaja Yogi: The last question Mother. What are you saying about karmas?
Shri Mataji: About? Karmas. Now, karma is done by people who think they are. Like here you see the yellow thing that has grown up that is the one which is carrying our karma. Now I think I am doing, I have done this big house and I have done this and I have done that. That makes you feel that you have done something and that whether you have done good or bad you have done it. Now we actually don't do anything, if the spirit does anything it doesn't do anything, if the spirit does, it doesn't do anything it's the God Almighty.
I tell a story about some Indians who were the first time going by plane, some villagers. And they were told not to take too much load on the plane because it will make the plane heavy. So they got on to the plane and put all their luggage on their heads. So they asked, "What are you doing?". So they said, "We are reducing the weight of the plane". In the same way, we feel we are doing this, we are doing that. What work we do is all a dead work.
A tree dies and then we make a house, we think we made the house, from the dead stones we make something and we think we have made something great. We have done nothing that is living. We make a chair and we can't sit on the ground, the matter sits on our head. The matter sits on our head. It gives us habits and slaves us, enslaves us. You can sit here, there's a chair. So when we think we are doing something then we have this ego, Mr EGO, ego, it's there in the yellow patch and if we do anything wrong or bad also the idea that we have done something wrong also settles down there. The other side is black is the conditioning that you get. Any kind of conditioning we have we can get it from a fashion from religion from anything. Now all this condition on one side and ego on the other side covers our brain, and sometimes it even overlaps, so the fontanel bone area gets covered. And it becomes a thick crust there, but when kundalini rises She passes through this Agnya chakra there in the centre. This is the thing which is adorned by Christ. this is the cross on which He crucified Himself, and it is He who sucks in the ego and the superego the conditioning. And the whole thing opens up like that and the kundalini pierces through. So, it is Christ who sucks all our karmas. Karma theory was established at the time up to the point of Shri Krishna, that too he, he condemned, that the karmas can be overcome, that your karmas can be overcome, but after that came Christ and He created a special place for us, the Agnya. Shri Krishna came to this centre, but Christ came to this centre, and he solved the problem for us, all your karmas are sucked in you become a pure personality. These are very out of date things now.
The life tree is growing, evolving, giving you a great blessing today that the blossom time has come. And the flowers have to become the fruits. So, forget about all these things.
Shri Mataji: It started in many ways but especially by human beings. It's a long story, not a very good one. Let us think of something good, I must have given quite a lot of lectures on that also. But you don't have to worry about that anymore. When we are sitting in the boat we don't think about where the waves have come, do we? We just hurry up to get on the boat to save ourselves.
Very nice people.
Shri Mataji: No that you leave it to your kundalini, She's an expert. Nothing is difficult for me. If you leave it to her, but if we carry the load on our head, then what can kundalini do? She works it out. I think now we should go ahead with realization because time is sufficient, and those who have more questions can write them down and give it to us before we start the program, so I'll answer them.
Now those who want to come forward can come in the passage and there are seats here and there, can come down. There are rooms here also, some seats here can come down. Those who do not want to have self-realization should leave the hall. It will take only ten minutes.
Come along there's a room here for you, come along gentleman, there's a room for you, please come here yes, yes, yes, come along, let him have comfortable seat, yes move on you can move on. Such good people, I think Sahaja Yogis can come from the back side, (laughs), come from the back side. You must give room to new people, alright?
It is great you know, so very happy, very nice people, they want realization, that's the point is.
For the people (pause) you can sit on the chair, you'll be comfortable if you can sit. Please, let them be settled down, I'll tell them. Wonderful people, I am so very happy, such nice people are there. Alright.
Now, it's a very simple thing one has to do, very simple because I am going to tell you how to raise your own Kundalini. I have to request that we have to take help of the Mother Earth, and if you could remove your shoes, for a short time, it will help, for a short time. Thank You.
Ya, it's good, thank you. Need not to remove socks, but at least the shoes. But those who are sitting in the ground can sit very comfortably, no problem, but you have to be comfortable. Now, you have to understand as I told you the left-hand side is which creates conditioning is also the power of your desire, normal desire, so, yes. So, you have to put the left hand towards me, desiring for your self-realization all the time. Sit like this lady, if possible or with laps, if you feel comfortable, or you feel comfortable? Alright.
Now you need not to sit with a slouch or too much of this thing, just in a straight forward way. You may take out something which is not making you comfortable. Alright, now you have to put both your feet parallel on the Mother Earth. Now, you have to put your left hand towards me as I told you, and then use the right hand for the action of dilating your different centres which I will tell you.
You can come here there's a room, here you can come, come along.
Alright, now this right hand is first to be put on the heart, and left hand towards me, ya, left hand towards me, right hand on the heart. In the heart resides the spirit, it's the reflection of God Almighty. It's the reflection of God and kundalini is the Holy Ghost, is the power of God, is the primordial Mother, She's reflected in your kundalini. The seat of the spirit is on top of your head, but it resides in the heart. So, first we put our right hand on the heart, then we put our hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now, this is the centre of mastery that you become your own guru. Now below that, we work on the left-hand side, so below that on the left-hand side of your abdomen you put your hand and press it. This is the centre through which all the Divine power works. Again you go back on to, now the kundalini starts moving when we will close our eyes and start it, so you put it back you hand again on to the upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Then you, then you put your right hand to the top of your heart again. Now you raise your right hand between the shoulder and the neck in the corner there and turn your head to the right. Many people do it from the back like that but, it is not proper, should be from the front. But turn your head towards the right. This centre catches in the people who feel guilty. And in the West it is very common, even here in Brussels, I can feel it, so, first of all, you should not feel guilty at all. Then you put your hand, open your hand and put it on your head, on the forehead across and press it on both the sides. Now take this hand on the back side of your head, put the load of your head on that hand very slowly, and put your head upwards. Then you have to put your hand in such a way that you stretch it nicely, and stretch the fingers backwards, now, in the centre of the palm, this is this, this is that part, the Sahasrara, so the centre of the palm has to go on top of you fontanel bone area. Now stretch your fingers, stretch, now slowly press it seven times the scalp, and move the scalp, seven times clockwise. That's all, that's all now we'll do it. Now I would request you to take out your spectacles, be comfortable and close your eyes. And please don't open your eyes, there's no mesmerism, till I tell you, till I tell you.
Alright, now, please close your eyes, put your right hand, left hand towards me, both the feet on the ground parallel to each other, now, put your right hand please on your heart. Here you have to ask me a very fundamental question, ask this question in your heart. Please ask the question "Mother am I the spirit"? Ask this question three times please, "Mother am I the spirit"? "Mother am I the spirit"? Now you may call me Shri Mataji or Mother, whatever suits you. Now, please bring your right hand on the left-hand side of your abdomen in the upper part. Now here as you are asking for the spirit, there's another fundamental question is to be asked because if the spirit, because the spirit is your master, so you have to ask another question to me, "Mother am I, my own master"? Ask this question three times. "Mother am I my own master"? Again. "Mother am I my own master"?
Now, take your right hand on the lower part of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here, is the centre that works out the Divine powers, Divine laws. If you have to have the knowledge, the pure knowledge, you have to ask me, I cannot force you, I cannot overcome your freedom. So please ask me, "Mother please give me pure knowledge". Please ask six times because this centre has got six petals. "Mother please may I have a pure knowledge?" Six times. As you say this the kundalini starts rising, awakening and it starts moving upward.
Now you have to help to open out your upper centres. You please place your right hand now in the upper part of your stomach, on the left-hand side. here is the centre of your mastery, so to make the way for the kundalini, at this centre you have to say with full confidence "Mother I am my own master". Say it ten times. Say it ten times, please. "Mother I am my master", "Mother I am my master".
Now, raise your right hand again on your heart, press it. Here with full confidence, you have to say the greatest truth, you have to say "Mother I am the spirit", you have to say twelve times. "Mother I am the spirit". "Mother I am the spirit". Now, twelve times, please.
Keep your left hand towards me. You have to know that God Almighty is the ocean of love and bliss, but above all, He is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you might have committed, His power can forgive it, so don't have anything that makes you upset about yourself. Please forgive yourself and enter into the kingdom of God with a pleasant mind. So raise your hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck and turn your right head towards the right side. Press it hard, here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence in God's power of forgiveness and in your own powers, "Mother I am not guilty". "Mother I am not guilty", "Mother I am not guilty", sixteen times.
Now, raise your hand out of there and put it on your forehead, pressing on both the sides. Here, you have to say "Mother I forgive everyone". Now those think, those some people who think that it is difficult to say must know that it's a myth. Whether you forgive or do not forgive. But when you do not say, then you play into wrong hands. So, from your heart, you should say, how many times is not the point.
Now, take your hand on the back side of your head and put it back, your head resting on it, here you have to say from your heart "Oh Divine if I have done any mistakes please forgive me", but it's for your satisfaction, not to feel guilty at all.
Now, please take out this hand and stretch it, stretch it and put the stretched palm on top of your fontanel bone area. Now, press it hard and you have to ask again because I cannot force you, you have to bend your head a little and you have to say "Mother may I have the self-realization". Bending will be better for you in front. Please say it seven times, moving the hand seven times, bending the head forward will help you better to move.
Now take down your hand, please. Both the hands and now put your right hand towards me like this. Why don't you do it, you are sitting in front, you must do it. Alright, now put your left hand on top of your head, open your eyes slowly. Little higher, bend your head it would be better. Some people get it much higher, much higher, above, above. Left hand, left a hand on top of your head, little higher, little higher. Then the right hand towards me as it is I told you and the left hand you feel the cool breeze on your head.
Now put the left hand towards me, left hand towards me, don't touch your head, but left hand towards me and the right hand on top of your head. But away from your head, not here away from your head. Now please put again left hand towards me and right hand on, better, much better.
Now please put down your hands. Now, you can raise your hands towards the sky like this and ask a question "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost"? "Is this the Braham Shakti"? "Is this the all-pervading power of God's love"?
Now bring down your hands, please. Put your hands like this. Those who have felt cool breeze out of their fontanel bone or out of their hands, please raise both your hands. You didn't feel it? You did, I know you did. I know so many have felt it but don't doubt, if you have felt it raise your hands, again one, either here or here, higher, quite a lot, quite a lot percentage has felt it, look at the little one raising his hands. So sweet. Thank you, now, doesn't matter. Again I am coming here and you are going to feel it, everybody is going to feel it. Quite a lot of you have felt, but still, again we'll re-establish. And we have a centre here, where you can meet and feel it, you can also feel it in each other's head, try. Those who have not felt can feel another person, you can feel now, this gentleman says he has not felt, see on his head, he not got it or not. You have got it, I know.
Not to feel disappointed, he didn't feel it? Warm. Alright. Some have felt warm. It's alright, now those who have felt warm should put their right hand towards me and left hand like this. You see because of the heat inside it's alright doesn't matter. Right hand towards me and left hand like this, all of you can do it's good. Right, right hand towards me, right hand towards me. Keep your eyes open and watch me without thinking. Too much thinking gives you heat. Better now? It is cooling down now?
Good, now let's do the other one, those who are feeling hot on the left hand, put your left hand towards me and right hand towards the Mother Earth. Left hand towards me and right hand towards the Mother Earth. Put it on the Mother Earth, no, no, left towards me and right on the Mother Earth or towards the Mother Earth, working faster, working much better. Left towards me and right towards the Mother Earth. Now, cooler? Cooler now. It's all will cool down. It's very good. May God bless you, tomorrow again will come here, I'll be here and I am sure we'll be able to establish it completely and also we have got a centre.
Not to feel disappointed, not to feel bad about it, not to discuss it. It is going to work out. But by discussion, arguments not, it has to work out like sprouting of the seed. Sprouting of the seed, it has to work out like the sprouting of the seeds. Sprouting of the seed, seed.
Thank you very much, thank you. May God bless you, thank you. May God bless you.
Thank you. Hope to see you tomorrow, bring more friends, all your friends you invite. Good (laughs) you got it, now enjoy, enjoy. Alright, very kind of you. can I take this with me? Alright. Thank you very much. Aha! That's very kind of you, thank you. May God bless you. Of course, I do. How are you? Yes of course.
Hello, how are you? Alright?
Hello! He's a born realized child.
Oh! you should, come along you should, come along, let's start, you should, you should, everybody, one minute you'll feel it just now, put down your, please please you should feel it, why not? Just, please come along, just stand there, just now you'll feel it, just stand no you can stand there if you like, take out the shoes, come along, come here, come here. What did he say? Beautiful, you are beautiful.
Oh, I see. You know me to do you? Now please hold your hand like this, you can sit down, you can sit down, sit there comfortably, yes yes, be comfortable. now put your hands towards me, just raise his kundalini, he has got a left Agnya. When did you start using the spectacles? Yes, I know, so please put from the back, take this light, hello, take this light, he'll be alright, his Agnya is catching. Do you mind? Yes, just put your hands, it will work. You didn't feel Madam? Raise her kundalini, somebody. She is alright.
Beg your pardon.
Raise if from below. Heart, give Bandhan on the heart, just on the heart. I think put the light on the heart. Did you get it? Didn't you? No? Put it like this. Or just say Mother please give me my realization. That's all. Got it? Are you feeling? You got it just for the asking you get it. It's alright? The heart. Is she alright? Come here. Good. Are you feeling Sir? Vishuddhi, vishuddhi.
It's good you've got it now. Fine. What work you do? but what job he did? Printing. Vishuddhi is not ok, put the hand. Got it on his head, are you feeling something?
Just ask "Please Mother give me my realization". With faith in yourself.
Ha, now better, now are you feeling? But you are feeling peaceful now? Have you got any thoughts in your mind? Alright, now the thing is this centre is not alright, that's why you are not feeling it. Once this centre will open out, you'll feel it, but you have got it now. Alright? The feeling will come. Are you alright? Good.
You have not felt? Bad vishuddhi you have. Did you get it on your head? It's alright. She can do it. She's got it, only vishuddhi is bad. Alright.
Are you alright? Did you feel it? Hot, it's alright, hot means the heat is going out, but there is an opening. Left hand alright, now put your left hand on your liver, you have a liver problem. Now, what is she saying, this lady? Ask her.
Hand she did feel? Cool? It's alright, Hands you did feel, take down your umbrella, just see now. It's alright, it's alright.
He's not felt it as yet, he's alright, now come along tomorrow, don't be angry with yourself. You should be pleasant. It's alright, are you alright? You are feeling in the hands? But hands? Let the ego go out, you all have an ego, let it get out. But not to feel guilty. If you feel it's alright, not to feel guilty. Don't feel guilty. You feel guilty, don't think about it. By auto-suggestion can you take out the cool breeze? No No don't doubt, otherwise, you can't have, just have faith in yourself.
You must come to the centre, develop yourself, then you go down, very bad, very bad here, you must come, you might develop some disease, you must develop properly, isn't it?
Do you meet with some Guru? Put your hand, whatever you read is not all bad. Haan now better see! A little bit, very good.
Are you alright? Are you alright? Are you alright? There's nothing to be serious. Just enjoy. Now you come every time program is here and develop yourself and become your master. This is not good. This is very bad. I know, I know that, but what I am saying, get your realization, you should have come, now don't neglect. Getting better and better. What about this gentleman?
Sahaja Yogi: He would like to know Shri Mataji how to forgive and stop feeling guilty and how to forgive when we are aggressed.
Even by not feeling, even by not forgiving, aggression is there but you are playing into their hands when you don't forgive. It's a myth, secondly, yes it is a myth, and secondly that second question that he says that how can we stop feeling guilty? You must face the problem no use feeling guilty. Say you must think about it what wrong you have done and correct it. Correct it for next time, correct it for next time. By feeling guilty you'll not be alright. Now let him put it like that, if he gets realization, all problem solves. Now put your hand here. Alright? Everything has happened, you got it now, whether you forgive or not forgive, you've got it, (laughs).
Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji this person sent you his love.
May God bless you. Thank you very much for everything. What's her name?
Thank you very much, you are within me. What about her?
Sahaja Yogi: She would like to get you blessings Shri Mataji.
I have blessed you already. May God bless you. I'll be all the time with you. But you should come to the program. As this lady got her realization and neglected, she has developed a problem here, I don't want my children to get into problems. So you just pay attention to yourself, come to our centres, work it out and become masters.
And you have, you have to just give some time, nothing to give otherwise, time to yourself. And not to be angry with yourself, only two things. Alright, because you are so beautiful, what's there to be angry.
Now can I take you to leave? Hope to see you tomorrow. Thank you very much. Alright, I am going Maria, I am going now, thank you for the tea. May God bless you all, May God bless you, enjoy, enjoy and enjoy. This world is created for you to enjoy.
Hello! how are you? May God bless you, your face has changed
Thank you.