How ego creates a problem between us and the truth?

How ego creates a problem between us and the truth? 1988-07-12

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Public Program
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Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

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12 July 1988

How Ego Creates A Problem Between Us And The Truth?

Public Program

Munich (Germany)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program Day 2, Munich, Germany, 12 July 1988

(Yogi talks in German)

I bow to all the seekers of truth.

As I told you yesterday, that truth is what it is and we have to keep our mind open as scientists to see what is the truth. We cannot organize the truth, and we cannot change the truth, and we cannot ourselves create the truth. So what we can do is to know the truth, to become the truth, and to enjoy the truth.

It’s very abstract if I talk of truth. But how do we know truth normally? Is through our sense organs. Like, you see all these flowers, and you see through your eyes these are flowers, and you know it is the flowers. Anything that you hear, all of you hear the same thing, and you know that’s what is the truth what you are hearing.

Now, you can feel something hot or cold with your fingertips. And whatever you can feel with your fingertips is the truth that you know. But in darkness, if you are holding the snake in your hand and somebody says, “You are holding the snake,” you can always say that “No, I believe it’s a rope, it’s not the snake.”

So, to know that, you have to have the light.

In human evolution, we have known many more things than the animals have known. For example, if you take a dog or a horse through a dirty lane, he won’t feel the filth, he won’t have any bad smells, he’ll just pass through. But we cannot. In the same way, we can understand aesthetics, which a dog cannot understand. We can understand who are the painters and who are better painters — everything we understand with our understanding of the art and music, which is only a human quality.

But actually in this area a confusion starts. Some people might say that it’s a good... good music, some will say it’s not good, somebody will say it’s bad. At this stage, the ego starts deciding: “I like this. I like that. I like that.” So this ego creates a problem between us and the truth.

As shown in this picture, the ego is the yellow part on our head. We have given it the colour of the bile.

YOGINI: Excuse me, Mother?

Shri Mataji: Bile. Of the bile.

When you have too much bile, then ego starts bubbling more. That means with the overactivity of the liver you get your ego overdeveloped. Yesterday I told you about the cancer disease, but today I’ll tell you how much this horrible liver can cost us trouble.

Actually, when you think too much, then your grey cells are to be transformed — or could be replaced — only by this Swadishthana Chakra, which is on... working more on the Sun line. And the Swadishthana is put to too much strain, and it neglects your liver, it neglects your pancreas, neglects your spleen and your kidneys.

As a result of that, too much heat is liberated because liver cannot work any more as it becomes so worried. With this heat, you get the phlegm melting away, and that’s how you will get all these problems of cold, hay fever, sneezing, asthma.

Then, at the pancreas, as the pancreas also becomes overactive, you develop diabetes. In Indian villages, a villager would not take tea unless and until the spoon stands at right angles in the sugar. But they never get diabetes. Only those people who are futuristic and think too much all the time get diabetes, and then from kidney they get high blood pressure and tensions.

So, on one side, we are covered by the ego, and on the other side, by our conditioning, which is a superego; and that’s how we are cut out from the truth. So, to know the truth, what we have to do is to remove both these things, which are covering our brain.

And as I told you yesterday, that when Kundalini rises, She pierces through this centre of Christ, and the whole of your conditioning and ego is sucked in; and that’s how this portion opens up and you get your Self-realization, and you might feel the cool breeze coming out of your head.

At this time, you find from your fingertips, as you’ve found yesterday, a kind of a cool breeze blowing inside. Also you have found yesterday a cool breeze coming out of your head. Many people doubt first, that it might be some window is open or something. Yes, of course the window is open — but in your head. And that’s how you have felt the cool breeze coming out of it.

This happening is described very well in the ancient scriptures, in all the scriptures. In some scriptures, it is described in a little ambiguous manner, or a mysterious manner. But very clearly it is described by certain saints of India who have very secretly given Self-realization to very few people in the past.

As I told you, this is a living process of a living energy of evolution.

But beyond these two channels that you’ve seen, we have some other problems, which are very serious, and we are not aware of them. One of them are on the left-hand side, as you know; is the collective subconscious area. This area has... has in it all that is dead, since our creation. And on the right-hand side, you have, at the extreme, something called the collective supraconscious. That is what... all the dead who have been very futuristic. Contains all the dead who have been very futuristic people.

So now, when there is evil, when you see evil... so many will say there is no evil — because they must be evil themselves — but there is evil. This evil crawls into us from the left or from the right, from the collective subconscious or the collective supraconscious.

When you see many people who go to false gurus and lose all their money, everything, and become bankrupt, and then become recluses, you are surprised that how educated people get into such troubles.

Even if you, say, do any religion as such, they also end up into this area very fast. I’ll tell you, in India now we have Hinduism, which is actually basically based on the ascent of human beings, like... or any other religion. But if you go to these temples and... during the time when the Goddess is worshipped for nine days, you’ll be amazed that we have all kinds of possessed people, dancing and doing all kinds of funny gestures. Now, these are all possessed people and — possessed women, and they are mostly maidservants — and they can tell you the name of the horse which is going to win in the races. They can tell you all kinds of nonsensical thing which has nothing to do with God or with the Goddess.

So now we have, say, another religion, which we call as Jainism, who believe in vegetarianism to such an extent that they cannot even kill mosquitoes. They get a man inside a hut and put all the little little bugs inside, so the bugs should suck the blood of that man; and they’ll revere that man because he has given blood to so many bugs.

Then we have some Buddhists, who go on having some sort of a... (moves Her hand as if rotating a rattle) what you call... a kind of a... round moving chakras (wheels); goes on humming, humming, humming like mad. By doing that, are you going to get your ascent? By moving those wheels, are we going to rise in our evolution?

And they think that by beating on the... vertebral column, beating on this column, vertebral column, that they can raise the Kundalini. And they can go to any extreme, the beat.

Basically, behind all these things is money-making. All these lamas and all these are making lots of money, and they have too much gold with them.

Now you come to Islam. And you find that in Islamic religion same thing: people are just quarrelling and fighting; now you see Iraq, Iran — it’s mad thing.

Then you come to Christianity. Christianity is the religion of compassion. But Christians are the cruellest people you could think. When they went to America, they killed all the aboriginals. In South America, you can’t find one person who can be called as a Red Indian, not one person. They came to India with a... one... gun in one hand and Bible in another hand. Are they the disciples of Christ, who said: “O My Father, please forgive them because they do not know what they are doing”?

Christ has said: “Thou shalt not have any adulterous eyes.” Have you found any... even Christian priests who are... who haven’t got adulterous eyes?

So, when we see religion becoming so funny and perverted, we start losing faith in God. And many people believe there is no God.

But I think this is very unscientific. You must find out the truth, is there God or not, is there a Creator or not. Without finding it out, if you just say there is no God, because you’ve seen all this religious nonsense, you must know that you have done no justice to your creator.

All these great Incarnations, and all these prophets, and all these great people who came on this Earth to establish proper religion — have been misused! Have been... they have been used for money-making! Or for power! They have nothing to do with God.

But God exists — and now can be proved when you get your Self-realization.

Actually, Buddha felt: no use talking about God; because if you talk about God, they’ll forget about Self-realization. So He said, “First I’ll tell them about Self-realization, Self-realization, Self-realization.”

So now I have to tell you that this Power resides within you, which is coiled up in three and a half coils within yourself. And this Power has to manifest itself in these modern times in a big way. Of course, you cannot pay for it, it is too invaluable. And it works out. Not only works out but it helps you to get rid of most of your problems, and you become a very powerful personality. Your compassion doesn’t become just a talk, talk, but it becomes effective. It works.

Because this all-pervading Power, which starts flowing through you, is a thinking power, understanding power, is intelligence. It organizes, it cooperates. Above all, it loves. It’s such a great thing to discover it! And also to discover about yourself. Which is such a glorious, beautiful thing! And it has to work out in a big way. It has been already predicted all over in so many ways that this was the time for it to work out.

There have been never so many seekers! It’s the special category, which William Blake has described as “men of God”. And he has said... he has said that these men of God will know themselves and they will have power to make others know themselves.

So it’s very important to understand the value of human life. That you are at the epitome of your evolution. And with this last happening, you will break through into that new realm of a realized personality.

Whatever I may say, you have not to take Me for granted. You yourself have to experience it, and see for yourself, and achieve your complete establishment into the truth. Truth which is Divine Love.

So may God bless you!

If you have any questions, I would like to answer them. But not too many, because I would like to meet all of you one by one today.

(To a seeker) [UNCLEAR] today for the first time?

Then let’s have it from yesterday first and foremost. We’ll have it from yesterday first of all. People who came yesterday as well can ask the questions first.

(After a pause) Yes, that’s the trouble. Once you have your Self-realization, no questions.

(To a seeker) From yesterday? (To yogini) [Maria], is it from yesterday?

YOGINI: She hasn’t wanted to question.

Shri Mataji: Today or yesterday? (To a seeker) Was it your first time, madam?

Yogi: No, she wasn’t there.

Shri Mataji: She wasn’t there? You see, that’s the trouble. Let’s have it, then, from today.

(A seeker asks a question in German)

(Yogi translates the question to Shri Mataji)

No, no, you don’t have to worry about “worthy”. You don’t have to decide. Your Kundalini knows. Everybody is worthy of it. You don’t have to judge yourself. Only keep happy, that’s all.

(A seeker asks a question in German)

YOGINI: What is the purpose of—

Yogi: What is the meaning of Self-realization?

Shri Mataji: Oh, Self... The purpose of Self-realization is to know your Self, where the Self is the embodiment of truth and embodiment of joy. And when you have Self-realization, then your attention becomes active and knows everything; apart from that, it works out all the problems. (Laughing) It’s a big question.

First of all, all your physical problems are solved. Most of them. Then your mental, emotional, spiritual problems are solved. You do not get into any tensions, you become a very kind personality. (Repeating to yogini) Any tensions.

Then you start seeing everything as a drama. Now, if you are in the water, you are afraid of getting drowned. But supposing you are in the boat — then you see it, you don’t mind... anything. But if you are a master swimmer, then you are not afraid of anything, and you can make others also master swimmers.

Then you become collectively conscious. Is becoming; again I say, you become, it’s not just mental, that “we are all brothers and sisters”, or in just like just you will start reading each other’s thoughts. You start feeling another personality within yourself on your fingertips. So you realize that innate relationship between you and others.

Then you get over all kinds of racialism, all kinds of false ideas of religion, or conditioning, of a country, this, that — all the nonsense that’s going on.

Now, supposing you become a democratic country. Then, at the extreme, you become very money-oriented. Terrible competitions, when the individual is given [utter] importance and collective [has none]. So such a country again goes down.

But supposing you are a communist. Then you... you become very strong in your collective, but individually you go down. Because you have no value for the individual. As a result, your individual suffers.

But when you get your Self-realization, then every individual is nourished, and the collective becomes strong.

Now, we have about fifty or sixty nations from where we have Sahaja Yogis. Numberless. Quite a lot. Germany, of course, is not so good, I must say. Not so many. I don’t know why. But I have never seen anybody quarrelling, fighting, saying bad words, hurting... If sometimes somebody does hurt someone, again he is... apologises and tries to be all right — because he sees what’s wrong with him. And he doesn’t like it. He just throws away. Unless and until we can see ourselves, how are we going to correct? But it’s not mental, it just works out through the awakening and reawakening of Kundalini.

And the complete transformation takes place. There is no question of any war or any kind of a conflict. Everybody is in complete joy and happiness. The marriages are successful, the children are beautiful — and it’s a new world, and a new age. This transformation is needed for the emancipation of humanity. We have all these institutions like United Nations, this, that. What work are they doing? They have not given any transformation.

This is what it is. This is the purpose in the transformation of human beings into their beauty and glory.

It’s quite a small question — and a big answer. Because I have given at least five-six lectures about it; and if you are interested, you can get the tape, and listen to it, and understand it in more details. [UNCLEAR] most of the people perhaps know what is Self-realization is, and what are the advantages are, but even if they want to know all the details, they can listen to these tapes and can understand.

(A seeker asks a question in German)

(Yogi translates the question to Shri Mataji)

Of course! Yes, yes, of course, of course! Why we are human beings. You’ll get the answer why we are living and why we are human beings.

YOGINI: He says he has another question for You.

(A seeker asks a question in German)

(Yogi translates the question to Shri Mataji)

Shri Mataji: Now, that is we shouldn’t worry just now. None of you are going to die just now. It’s a question of present. What are we going to get at the present. You see, what happens after death depends on the person also. Let’s see what happens just now.

(To a seeker) Yes, madam?

(A seeker asks a question in German)

(To yogi) What’s she saying? Nothing wrong?

Yogi: [UNCLEAR] [that You raise] Kundalini.

Shri Mataji: Oh. That is in the triangular bone called as sacrum. It’s the... that’s what I said, you were not here yesterday; I explained that this Kundalini is placed in the triangular bone called as sacrum and that the Greeks knew the word “sacrum”.

SEEKER: What can I do!

Shri Mataji: That’s what it is, we are going to do that. I am very happy to hear that question. Why don’t you sit down, we are going to do it now. Very happy [to know]. All right? That’s the very question I was wanting to hear.

(A seeker asks a question in German)

(Yogi translates the question to Shri Mataji)

I don’t want to pass any remarks about Ramakrishna. That’s all. Let us see [if it cures or not] has been proved now. We shouldn’t worry about people just now. Let us worry about ourselves. Because I don’t want to say something about Ramakrishna also. But we have cured people of cancer, no doubt. [UNCLEAR] with Kundalini awakening. If somebody did not do, that’s not our business. If somebody did not do, that is not My business. I am responsible for what I’m saying today before you. What has happened in the past is past. I take your responsibility.

(A seeker asks a question in German)

(Yogi translates the question to Shri Mataji)

Yeah. That can be also cured. It can be cured.

(A seeker asks another question)

YOGINI: And homosexuality You have cured too?

Shri Mataji: Yes, I have.

There’s a little problem with AIDS. We have two cases which we have cured, and one we had cured who again went back to the same habit, and... he is no more now. They don’t have will power. Their will power is very poor. [UNCLEAR].

But a Sahaja Yogi doesn’t get all these diseases. He doesn’t get any one of these diseases — if he is a Sahaja Yogi. But if he is not established Sahaja Yogi, just to come and gone away, then we can’t say; but if they are Sahaja Yogis, they don’t get it.

That’s the thing you get.

(A seeker asks a question in German)

(Yogi translates the question to Shri Mataji)

Maybe. Also karmas. But in realization your karmas are all sucked in.

(A seeker asks a question in German)

(Yogi translates the question to Shri Mataji)

Yes, practically most of them. Practically most of them. But if something is dead and all that, then you could say we cannot do it. For example, if there’s a cataract, we will not be able to cure a cataract. Or something dead. You see, supposing there’s a fibroid, or some sort of things there are. So many people cannot be cured.

You see, unless and until you get your... (To yogini) Huh? She’s asking question?


Shri Mataji: (To a seeker) [UNCLEAR], madam?

SEEKER: I just said [UNCLEAR] [I was fine].

YOGINI: She just told me to [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: Huh?

YOGINI: She just told me [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: All right.

But there’s one thing I must really, at the very outset, confess to you. At the very outset, I must confess to you something — that the Divine is common sense. It’s not a doctor. It is only interested in people who will do divine work. It’s like... supposing there’s a lamp here which goes out of order. Now, if this lamp cannot be used again for giving light, nobody would be interested in repairing it, isn’t it? So, Divine works for people who are willing to give the light to others. The light of love, without any money, without any power exerted, and without any gains whatsoever.

(A seeker asks a question in German)

(Yogi translates the question to Shri Mataji)

(Laughing) Oh yes, all right. That’s the best way [UNCLEAR].

All right, now the time is up, let’s have our Self-realization. Sit down. Supposing I’ve done the cooking. And if you are hungry, you will not ask many questions, you’ll just say, “Mother, let’s have the food!” But those who are not hungry will just ask questions and won’t eat anything. So best thing is that you better have your Self-realization.

At the very outset, I [would again] request you to do few things which are very simple. One of them is that you have to take out your shoes. This is how we take the help of our Mother Earth.

Now, those who do not want to have Self-realization should leave this hall. Those who just wanted to ask questions have already left.

So. Now let’s have it, something that is so important for us.

The another thing is that — as I am here only for today, and I’ll come back after one year — I would also like to tell you how to raise your Kundalini yourself. Because even if it is awakened and breaks through, but again goes back to the places where you require energy. So, after realization all of you should attend the workshop and understand what is happening within yourself. Where is the problem and how to correct it. Also you must know what... what is the decoding of this message on the fingertips. And also you should know how to give realizations to others and fix them up, fix their Kundalini up for ever. Also you will learn how to cure yourself and cure others. And for all this you don’t have to pay any money.

But in the beginning, I would request you not to bring all the relations who are sick. First you all become the doctors. And then start treating the people whom you want to treat or to help. So, first you have to be well equipped. You have to be well equipped.

All right. Now, the second thing is to put your left hand towards Me this way, which is very simple. Now, this represents your desire to get Self-realization. And with the right hand we start releasing our chakras one by one. And I’ll tell you how to do it in proper way. Because the right hand is for action. And you have to sit very comfortably, to put both feet on the ground, straight touching the ground, in the parallel way. Put the left hand like this, and the right hand is to be used for touching different centres on the left-hand side.

Now, I’ll tell you first you have to touch your heart. In the heart resides the spirit.

Now, you have to put your right hand now in the upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now. You have to take this hand there because this is the centre of your mastery.

Now, you have to take your hand in the lower part of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of pure knowledge of the Divine. Now. Here, when you start moving up, the Kundalini moves up with you.

So now you put your hand again back on the centre of your mastery in the upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side.

Now, take this right hand on your heart.

Now, put this right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, and turn your head to your right. Please take it from the front, like that. Not this way, not this way. All right, now turn to your right. Now. This is a very important centre because most of the people catch it when you feel... I would say, when you feel guilty.

Then take your hand on your forehead across and press it on both the sides. Here is the centre of forgiveness.

Now. Take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push it back. This is the centre where you have to ask for forgiveness.

Now stretch your hand fully. And the centre of your palm, you put it on top of your head, in the centre where it was a soft bone in the fontanelle bone area. Now move your scalp. Press it hard, push out your fingers, move your scalp clockwise seven times. Scalp.

That’s all. Now you have to close your eyes.

Before that, I’ll tell you what mistakes sometimes we’ll commit. First is, your hand, left hand should be like this (shows Her hand palm up) and not like that (shows Her hand palm forward). Left hand. Second is that the second hand that you’ll use, this hand should be taken from the front for this centre (puts Her right hand on Her left Vishuddhi). And again, not this way, but this way. Is very simple thing that we have to do.

Now you can close your eyes. If you want, you can take out your spectacles also because it might be your eyesight might improve. Now, please don’t open your eyes till I tell you.

Now. Put the left hand towards Me and... you don’t have to fight with yourself, don’t have to fight with your thoughts, just be relaxed. Actually, you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself.

(To a seeker) No, not like that. Now see, again I... just open your eyes. Put the hand like this comfortably on the table. Stretch the hand, yes. Not this way (stretches Her arm palm forward), not that way (stretches Her arm palm up), just on the table. Now, don’t bend to much, don’t make it back, but just sit straight, comfortably.

Now, I’ve told you that you are at the epitome of your evolution and you should not feel guilty; on the contrary, you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. First thing, you have to forgive yourself.

Now, let us have your left hand like this, comfortably put, and both the feet little apart from each other. And now you close your eyes and put your right hand on your heart. Now, as I told you, in the heart resides the spirit, so you ask Me a very fundamental question. Put the fingers straight on the table. Please ask Me a question; you may address Me as Mother or Shri Mataji. So please ask the question three times: “Mother, am I the spirit?” Just ask the question. Three times. This question is very important.

But this also means that if you are the spirit you are your master. So ask the second question, by putting your right hand in the upper part of your abdomen, upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side: “Mother, am I my own master?” Ask this question three times again.

Now, take down your right hand. Please don’t open your eyes, keep them closed. Don’t you open your eyes at all. Now, put down your hand in the lower part of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here is the pure knowledge of the divine laws. But I cannot force you. So, I have to ask you to ask Me, like: “Mother, may I have the pure knowledge? Mother, please give me the pure knowledge.” Ask this question six times because this centre has got six petals. By asking for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts moving upward.

So, now you raise your hand, right hand, in the up— in the lower part... upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here, to open the centre, with full confidence please say: “Mother, I am my own master.” Please say this ten times.

Now. Please raise your right hand on your heart. To open this centre, you have to say with full confidence: “Mother, I am the spirit.” Say it twelve times because this is the most fundamental truth.

Now, raise your right hand to your neck, the corner between the neck and your shoulder, and place your head on the right-hand side. This is the centre caught when you feel guilty. So please say with full confidence: “Mother, I am not guilty.” Say it sixteen times.

Now, we have to know that the Divine is the ocean of love, compassion and bliss. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And there is nothing that cannot be dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. But now if you feel guilty still, you can say it for hundred and eight times to punish yourself if you still feel guilty.

Now, take your hand to your forehead. Keep your eyes closed, don’t open them in between. And press it on both the sides. Now, here you have to say: “Mother, I forgive everyone.” Maybe you might think that it is difficult. But whether you forgive or don’t forgive, it’s a myth. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Just say it once, but from your heart.

Now, you can take your right hand and put it on the back side of your head and allow your head to rest on it. Now, do not feel guilty or do not count your mistakes. Without feeling all that, you have to, just for your own satisfaction, say: “O Divine, if I have done anything wrong, please forgive me.” Please put your hand on the back side of your head, back side, not on top. The back side. And push it upward. Now say it from your heart.

Now stretch your hand fully, push back your fingers, and put the centre of your palm on the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood, and press it hard. Now, stretch back your fingers, and press it hard, and press your scalp, moving clockwise seven times. At this time, you have to say that “Mother, please give me my realization,” because I cannot force on your liberty. (To yogini) Because I do not want to force it on them. They have to ask for it.

Now take down your hand. Put the left— Please open your eyes. Put your right hand towards Me like this. Like this, so high. And now raise your left hand and see for yourself, bend your head and see for yourself if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head.

Now, you put your left hand towards Me. And bend your head and see with your right hand if there’s a cool breeze coming out.

Now, you again put your right hand and see for yourself if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. Out of your fontanelle bone area, a cool breeze. Some people get it far away, some very near. You have to little bit bend your head.

Now, put both the hands towards the sky. And now push back your head and ask the question. Ask the question: “Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Or, ask the question: “Is this the Chaitanya?” Or, ask the question: “Is this the All-pervading Power of Divine Love?” Ask this question three times. Ask this question three times.

Now please, you can put down your hands. Please put down your hands. All those who have felt the cool breeze on top of their heads or in their hands, please raise both your hands. I would like to see.

Aah! Look at that! Surprising! Thank you very much!

Some may not get it, maybe; they might get it next time. They should all go to the workshop and work it out. Those who have got it are the lucky ones. And those who haven’t got it should not be disappointed, it can be worked out very easily.

Now, I would like to meet all of you, those who want to meet Me. You can come one by one from here, and I would like to meet you all.

(To a seeker) How are you? All right? You felt the cool breeze?

SEEKER: Yes, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Felt it? You should now [do] [UNCLEAR], and you must meet him, and [meet] this workshop and see for yourself. Just a problem here in your Kundalini, you see? Stomach. Have you been to some other guru, some other person? That’s the problem.

(To somebody) Who? You too?

[UNCLEAR]. This is yours? Whose is this one? [UNCLEAR].

(A seeker approaches)

SEEKER: Hello!

Shri Mataji: Felt it?

SEEKER: Yeah, the whole body is actually...

Shri Mataji: Huh?

SEEKER: The whole body is a cool breeze.

Shri Mataji: (To yogi) What’s he saying?

Yogi: His whole body is a cool breeze, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: (Laughing) What does that mean, “the whole body”?

SEEKER: Just don’t know if this here, or here, here...

Shri Mataji: Everywhere? [Very] [UNCLEAR] (laughs). [UNCLEAR], it’s very good, [UNCLEAR]. Now, where do you live, you live in Munich?

SEEKER: Oh yes, three years.

Shri Mataji: Yes. You better go and see these people, master it now, all right?

SEEKER: All right.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] [others|brothers].

SEEKER: Of course.

Shri Mataji: Good, what do you do? You are a student?

SEEKER: Oh... the whole lifetime studying.

Shri Mataji: That’s the good [UNCLEAR]. Come and see them, all right? May God bless you! Thank you!

He’s good, he’s very good. May God bless you! [UNCLEAR].

(Another seeker approaches)

So? Now, have you felt it or not?

Yogi: She feels it warm in her hand, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Both hands?

Yogi: Just in the right hand she feels it warm, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: On this hand? Did you been to some gurus? Have you been at some gurus? That’s why. Now, you put your hand there (puts the seeker’s right hand on the seeker’s stomach and starts working on the seeker’s left hand).

All right. Now you just say: “Mother, I am my own master, I am my own guru.” Just say it. Just say it from your heart, with full confidence.

Now, are you feeling? All right? Now. You say: “I am my own master.” No master needed now any more.

All right, you’ve got it now. All right? Now, this is the mantra for you. Now, you go and see them, and they will teach you how to do it. Now, so you become the guru, there’s no need to have any gurus any more. That’s why the... the other one (points at Her left hand). [UNCLEAR], all right?

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: She is a Sahaja Yogini, Shri Mataji, she is [UNCLEAR]. She is... her body is not producing the white blood corpuscles, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Not producing?

Yogi: Yes, she’s not producing white... she has to have blood... to get fusions, transfusions; every two or three months she gets.

Shri Mataji: Aah! You should have asked her to come and see Me.

Yogi: No, last— She did not really...

Shri Mataji: (To the yogini) [I’ll get you when I’ve done] patients.

Yogi: She’ll come to—

Shri Mataji: All right, please ask, she is coming with us to camp?

Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji, she will come.

Shri Mataji: (To the yogini) Go to camp, and I’ll work it out, all right?

It’s being [quiet].

(Another seeker approaches)

Come along. Now. How are you?

SEEKER: No, I feel good, but I have felt some problems with my stomach, here.

Shri Mataji: What’s the problem?

SEEKER: Oh... all the time when we... when we start it, I have some ache here...

Shri Mataji: Feeling [start] [UNCLEAR]?

SEEKER: I had some ache here, obviously.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. You have been to some guru or someone?


Shri Mataji: No guru? What sort of books your read?

SEEKER: Many books...

Shri Mataji: What about?

SEEKER: ... philosophic...

Shri Mataji: More about...?

(Yogi asks the seeker about something)

SEEKER: Sometimes.

Yogi: He’s reading esoteric books, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Now put your right hand there (puts the seeker’s hand on his stomach). Put it down. And just say: “Mother, I am my own master.” (Starts working on the seeker’s left hand) And don’t read those books. Not good.

Heart. Heart.

Could you say that, [please repeat]: “Mother, I am my own master.” “Mother, I am my own master.”

(The seeker repeats the words)

Again say. Press hard.

SEEKER: Mother, I am my own master.

Shri Mataji: Again.

SEEKER: Mother, I am my own master.

Shri Mataji: Again.

(The seeker continues repeating the words)

Now all right? Feeling the cool breeze?

SEEKER: Yes. It’s cool.

Shri Mataji: This is your mantra. All right? Use this.

SEEKER: Thank you.

Shri Mataji: They’ll tell you how to do it. Come and see them. You must come and see them and get perfect. All right?

(Another seeker approaches)

So, now, how are you?

SEEKER: Very fine, thank you.

Shri Mataji: You felt the cool breeze?


Shri Mataji: Good! Now enjoy! [What is there?] (Laughter) You come and see them, all right? And they’ll tell you what it is. You’re from what country?

SEEKER: Indonesia.

Shri Mataji: Oh, good! [UNCLEAR]. All right, come and see them, and they’ll tell you what has happened and how to work it out. And you should take it to Indonesia also.

SEEKER: OK. Thank you.

(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: Oh, so you felt it?

SEEKER: (Happily) Yes, I can feel it!

Shri Mataji: I can see the joy now. (Laughter)

SEEKER: But I feel very unsure of myself.

Shri Mataji: Why?

SEEKER: I feel some pulsation here and...

Shri Mataji: I know, but you have been to some guru?

SEEKER: Yeah, Rajneesh. Many years [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: To whom?

Yogi: She was ten years with Rajneesh, Shri Mataji.

SEEKER: Yeah. Yeah. [From] [UNCLEAR] ’77 and... what [is|he’s] called [UNCLEAR] [’83], but [none] [UNCLEAR] me.

Shri Mataji: Put your hand down there (puts the seeker’s right hand on the seeker’s stomach).


Shri Mataji: Say: “Mother, I am my own master.” (Starts working on the seeker’s left hand)

SEEKER: Mother, I am my own master. Shall I close my eyes?

Shri Mataji: No. Again.

SEEKER: Mother, I am my own master.

Shri Mataji: Again.

SEEKER: Mother, I am my own master.

Shri Mataji: Again.

(The seeker continues repeating the words)

(Shri Mataji indicates a yogi to start working on the seeker’s heart)

All right? It’s working now? [Feeling] there? [I’ll finish there] (points to the seeker’s stomach). Feeling [UNCLEAR] in the stomach [UNCLEAR]?


Shri Mataji: Ravana mardini Om sakshat, Ravana mardini Om sakshat ...

(Shri Mataji stretches Her right hand towards the seeker’s stomach and continues repeating the mantra)

All right?

SEEKER: Yes. I [want] my [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR]. Here.

Shri Mataji: (To yogi) Say the mantra of Ravana mardini.

(The seeker bends with pain)

All thanks to this horrible fellow. Why don’t you all write in the newspapers what they have done to you?

SEEKER: Why? I don’t know.

Shri Mataji: You should write. Not only you should write, but you should also point out how much money they have taken from you. They have cheated you all through and given you problems and troubles, isn’t it? You should all write about it. And never allow them to come here. (Pointing to somebody) Ha!

Now better? Better now?


Shri Mataji: You are going to be all right.

SEEKER: Yeah, I will. Thank you.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. Become a master yourself.

SEEKER: Uh-huh, thank you.

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: He is my father.

Shri Mataji: I could make out. (Laughs) It’s [horrible] [UNCLEAR], [that’s all]. (To the seeker) What about you, sir? Did you feel anything?


Shri Mataji: Huh?

SEEKER: The breeze in the left hand.

Shri Mataji: Left, not—

SEEKER: With the left.

Shri Mataji: ... not right?

SEEKER: No. The left hand.

Shri Mataji: (Working on the seeker’s right hand) Because, I think, you read a lot, do you?

(The seeker nods in the affirmative, everybody laughs)

Can you come forward a little bit? Is all parasympathetic, doctor. You’re working out your parasympathetic.

SEEKER: It’s all autonomic.

Shri Mataji: It’s an autonomous is your... you can work out your sympathetic but not your parasympathetic. You’re working out your parasympathetic now.


Shri Mataji: Now. All right?

SEEKER: Work it out?

Shri Mataji: Yes. It’s there! You worked! So, there are some doctors who are doing research, and they have got MBs. Now you also join hands with them. And they’ll tell you how you can cure people. Better? Feeling better now?

Yogi: He [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: Mm. What’s his age?

Yogi: Fifty-six.

Shri Mataji: Only?! You are ten years younger to Me! (Laughter) Yeah! But see how much worried you are. Now don’t read all these nonsensical books. Don’t read, they are useless. Throw them out.

Much more relaxed now. (To yogi) Did you ever see? Just see on the top of his head.

Yogi: Vibrations are tremendous!

Shri Mataji: Yes, tremendous, tremendous! (To the seeker) You are a seeker and have been a seeker in many lives. Now don’t waste it.

[UNCLEAR], [he’s now a fifty-six]. Really! Just imagine!

(Another seeker approaches)

Now. (To yogi) He look very young now. He look very young.

Yogi: He does, Shri Mataji. He is young, in my...

Shri Mataji: Yes, he look very very young now. (To the seeker) Now, did you feel the cool breeze in your hands?

SEEKER: I’m... not very much [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: [You don’t have to] [UNCLEAR] (puts the seeker’s left hand on his stomach). Read too much? What do you study? (Starts working on the seeker’s right hand)

SEEKER: I’m studying... I’m in a...

Yogi: He’s an... an engineer, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Good. Ask a question: “Mother, are You the Engineer of all the engineers?”


Shri Mataji: Ask the question, ask.

(The seeker asks the question in German)

Shri Mataji: Now again.

(The seeker continues repeating the question)

Now? Feeling it little bit? Not yet? Again ask the question.

(The seeker continues repeating the question)

Now? Felt it? Started. Now just say: “You are.”

(The seeker continues repeating the affirmation)

(Shri Mataji puts Her fourth finger on the seeker’s forehead and keeps turning it clockwise)

There, you see.

SEEKER: Ah, yes, now.

Yogi: He feels it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: All right? [UNCLEAR] answered. I’m like a computer, all right? You’re asking a computer and get the answer, all right? Understand now? Good.

(Another seeker approaches)

What do you want, [UNCLEAR]?

SEEKER: I was... may I ask You something? I watched from [UNCLEAR]. I’m sick at... [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]?


Yogi: This finger, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Huh?

Yogi: This finger, something wrong with this finger.

SEEKER: Can I cure it?

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] it for now. [UNCLEAR]. Only on one, on one, only one hand? Another one?

Yogi: She had an operation there, Shri Mataji. Something was wrong with her nerves...

Shri Mataji: That’s the problem, you see, with the operation they cut it out. [Actually, you can [bend] it]. Only one finger?

SEEKER: These two.

Shri Mataji: This one? This one was also operated?

SEEKER: No, only this. They don’t know why this... this has happened.

Yogi: (To somebody) [UNCLEAR] play some music... should be more relaxed the whole atmosphere.

Shri Mataji: They will tell you what is to be done and [UNCLEAR] can clear it out. Your right side. All right? Are you married? Are you married?

SEEKER: I am... no, I am divorced.

Yogi: She’s divorced, Shri Mataji.

SEEKER: I think it is... it is something in my... I feel guilty. So...

Shri Mataji: For what?

SEEKER: For this (points at her hand).

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. (Laughs) Not to feel guilty, you have done nothing wrong. It’s because you are unhappy with your husband. That’s why you’ve got it.

SEEKER: Yeah. But it was fifteen years...

Shri Mataji: That’s why you’ve got it. [Can you tell Me how many years back]?

Yogi: She’s divorced since... fifteen years, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: [Since being] [married]?

Yogi: This one she got since... Since half a year she got this, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: That could be [UNCLEAR]. [She has probably] [UNCLEAR], all right? They will tell you what is to be done.


Shri Mataji: This is all right, this is straightened now. This is straight.

SEEKER: This is all right, yeah.

Shri Mataji: This is all right. This will also straighten. We don’t know if the doctors have cut part of it, but this is all right, you see? This is straight, isn’t it? You can see it so clearly.

SEEKER: Oh yes, much better.

Shri Mataji: Much better now. You see that? It’s much better.

SEEKER: Yes, much better.

Shri Mataji: One straight. This one is the problem. Maybe this might also... (To the awaiting seekers) Who else? Please come along. (To the seeker) Sit down this side.

SEEKER: Thank you.

Shri Mataji: Go and see them. (To the yogi) I think it’s better if she sees you and then you tell her how to do it ...

Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: ... right. Not to the right [UNCLEAR].

Yogi: It’s looking all right now, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: This is yes. This one is all right.

SEEKER: If You could...

Shri Mataji: [So much] [UNCLEAR].

SEEKER: It’s... it’s nice if You do this. (Laughter)

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR].

SEEKER: It’s not pain.

Shri Mataji: Yeah, it’s not pain.


Shri Mataji: Doesn’t pain. See now, this finger has improved. [UNCLEAR] the doctors have cut some tendons, which has to grow. [Then you’ll be all right]. It’s much better now. So much better, you see?

SEEKER: It seems like.

Shri Mataji: Good. Aah, it’s good. It’s also opened out quite a lot. That one has opened out much more. This one is, I think, it’s the doctor has cut a tendon there. (To the awaiting seekers) Come along. Sahaja Yogis can put their fingers on this and can cure it, it’s not difficult. Come along.

(Another seeker approaches)

Now, what is it? Are you all right? She’s got it? Aha, great! That’s what Christ has said that you are to be born again. Is a real baptism, real one. (Putting Her fingers on the seeker’s Sahasrara) Here. You can feel it. Good.

What she say?

Yogi: Her left side is shorter than the right side, she had an operation in the... (Pointing at the seeker’s left arm) This one is... has no... no joint inside.

Shri Mataji: They removed it?

Yogi: Yes.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR].

Yogi: Infection.

Shri Mataji: They have put some... sort of a... But they have put some steel or something?

Yogi: No, they put it out. There’s nothing inside.

Shri Mataji: What?! There’s no bone?!

Yogi: She can’t rise it up like this, but she can move it. But she can’t put it like this.

Shri Mataji: Why? What happened to you?

Yogi: The joint [UNCLEAR] [at this point] is gone, nothing inside, neither this nor this.

Shri Mataji: Really?

Yogi: Yes.

Shri Mataji: Why?

Yogi: It was an infection somehow, and they made an operation. They removed it in her childhood, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Then how can we cure you?

Yogi: Same thing she has here, but there is metal inside, Shri Mataji. She can rise it like this but no further.

Shri Mataji: Nothing can’t help now this. It’s all right, doesn’t matter, you have got your realization.

Yogi: She is happy anyway. (Laughter)

Shri Mataji: (To another seeker) Now, how are the [UNCLEAR]? You’ve got it? Mm?

SEEKER: I’ve felt it a little bit [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: Ah, may God bless you! Now, you [must] [UNCLEAR], come and see them. Try to improve it. [UNCLEAR]?

SEEKER: Uh-huh.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]? You come and see these people. [UNCLEAR], now is better. Much more now?

SEEKER: Uh-huh.

(Shri Mataji works on the seeker’s Agnya and then puts Her right thumb on the seeker’s Hamsa)

Shri Mataji: Forgive. Forgive everyone.

SEEKER: It’s hot.

Yogi: Very hot, is it hot?

SEEKER: Not hot, it’s difficult to say.

Shri Mataji: No, no, you see, there’s nothing...

SEEKER: [For me] because I’m protesting against it. [UNCLEAR] no, I don’t think so.

Shri Mataji: No, no. You see, now, you have to say that “Whether I forgive or I don’t forgive, I don’t do anything.” It is a myth, isn’t it? But if you don’t forgive, then you are torturing yourself. You better say, “I forgive.”

SEEKER: Mother, I forgive.

Shri Mataji: Say it.

SEEKER: Mother, I forgive.

Shri Mataji: Again say.

SEEKER: Mother, I forgive.

Shri Mataji: Now is better?

SEEKER: Uh-huh.

Shri Mataji: See now?

SEEKER: Uh-huh.

Shri Mataji: You are not going to miss your Self-realization for that. You better forgive.


Shri Mataji: [And give up] [UNCLEAR].

(Another seeker approaches)

So, how was it? Fine? (To yogi) [UNCLEAR].

(Another seeker approaches)

How are you?

Yogi: She is very [UNCLEAR], Shri Mataji. Inside.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]?

Yogi: [UNCLEAR], Shri Mataji, [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: From what country are you from?

Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Germany and Italy. She’s born in Munich.

Shri Mataji: Come forward. (Shri Mataji starts working on the seeker’s Agnya) What work you do?

Yogi: She’s not working at the moment, Shri Mataji.

(Shri Mataji puts Her hand on the seeker’s Sahasrara)

She feels like taking off, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Huh?

Yogi: She feels like taking off a little bit.

Shri Mataji: Good! That’s why you are feeling so light. Her potential is wonderful.

Yogi: What can she do about feeling tired?

Shri Mataji: Now you won’t feel. Put your hand there (puts the seeker’s right hand on the seeker’s heart), and you have to say, “Mother, I am the spirit,” that’s all. “I am the spirit.”

“Mother” — I am your Mother — [UNCLEAR]. All right.

Yogi: Strong back Agnya also.

Shri Mataji: Now? Better? This is your mantra. That’s what you [need], all right? Keep your eyes low, on the ground, don’t pay too much attention on the sides. Try to keep it down, about three feet [UNCLEAR] not too much. That’s why you catch [UNCLEAR].

Huh? Good? And you won’t be tired. Come and see them.

(Another seeker approaches)

So what happened? Did you get it?


Shri Mataji: You should. What’s the matter? (Starts working on the seeker’s left hand) What work you do?

SEEKER: I have no... I don’t know.

Shri Mataji: Don’t do any work?

SEEKER: [UNCLEAR]. I [UNCLEAR]. I want to study dancing.

Yogi: He wants to study dancing, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: What dancing you want to study? There’s no shaking now in your hands. Now, do you feel it now?

SEEKER: I don’t know.

Shri Mataji: (Working on both the hands) Do you feel the cool breeze?

SEEKER: Little bit.

Shri Mataji: Are you keeping all right? Is your health all right?

SEEKER: My spin is a little bit turned to right.

Yogi: His spin is a little bit turned to the right. Spine.

SEEKER: My spine.

Yogi: Turned to the right.

SEEKER: So my nerves... are pressed at the back. [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: How did you bend? How did it go that side?

SEEKER: I don’t know; my doctor said first I was [scrawny] when I was a small boy, always [stuff] on one side, very heavy [stuff]. So...

Shri Mataji: All right. So. It’s all right, doesn’t matter. You’ll have to go to do any treatment they’ll tell you; you will be perfectly all right. All right? The shaking has to go away. All right? You see My point, don’t you? You go and see, seriously. You go and see them and [UNCLEAR]. All right? May God bless you!


(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: So, how are you?

Yogi: She is a Sahaja Yogini, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Even so.

Yogi: The doctors removed her uterus. And since... ten years ago, and since [UNCLEAR] Sahaja Yoga her intestines took the place of the uterus. And now the doctors want to make operation to remove...

Shri Mataji: That’s the place of... of vacuum, so they have settled down there.

Yogi: No, the intestines of moved on herself on this place, without any influence of the doctors.

Shri Mataji: No, no, but... all right, but do you have any problem with [UNCLEAR]?

Yogi: She is asking if it’s going away by itself or if it’s need something.

Shri Mataji: No, no, it doesn’t need anything, you see, [that’s|there’s] a [UNCLEAR]. The Kundalini must have taken its place there. It’s all right, doesn’t matter, as long you have no problem.

Yogi: No operation?

Shri Mataji: No.

Yogi: She’s quite good.

Shri Mataji: She’s good.

(Another seeker approaches)

Yes, so, how are you?

SEEKER: Fine, thanks.

Shri Mataji: Did you feel the cool breeze?

SEEKER: No, I don’t think so.

Shri Mataji: Did you forgive?

SEEKER: I try the best I can.

Shri Mataji: What is there to try, it’s a myth, [I tell you]! [UNCLEAR], it’s a myth. What is there to try to do? You just say it, [UNCLEAR]. You don’t [UNCLEAR], [UNCLEAR] for that. From your heart, please. Say it.

Working now? Now all right? Not started now?

Ha, now?

Yogi: It’s very much of left Vishuddhi.

Shri Mataji: Why do you feel guilty? You are Catholic?

Yogi: Catholic, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Catholic [UNCLEAR]. Let him to ask the question of Holy Ghost. Let him ask.

Yogi: “Shri Mataji, are You the...?”

ANOTHER Yogi: Holy Ghost.

(Seeker repeats the question)

Shri Mataji: Now? Now you feel?


Shri Mataji: Now say: “You are the Holy Ghost.”

(Seeker repeats the affirmation)

Ha! Are you all right? You’re feeling it [cold]?


Shri Mataji: Don’t feel guilty.

SEEKER: I’ll do my very best.

Shri Mataji: To many Catholics — don’t feel guilty, it’s wrong. Christ never asked you to feel guilty from nonsense. (To yogi) He’s German?

Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji.

(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: So now, how is your situation? Is it working?


Shri Mataji: Nothing?


Shri Mataji: Nothing?

SEEKER: Warm, very warm.

Shri Mataji: You feel warm?


(Shri Mataji puts the seeker’s left hand on the seeker’s liver)

Shri Mataji: (Pointing at something on the seeker’s breast) Where did you get the [UNCLEAR]?

SEEKER: My brother is a Sahaja Yogi.

Yogi: Where?

SEEKER: He lives in Vienna.

Yogi: His brother is in Vienna, Sahaja Yogi.

SEEKER: Gunther.

Yogi: Gunther! (Laughter)

Shri Mataji: Yeah!

Now forgive him, that’s all. Gunther is such a good Sahaja Yogi! If you don’t forgive, [UNCLEAR]. Just say, “Mother, I forgive.”

(Seeker repeats the affirmation)


Ha! There! All right?


Shri Mataji: Don’t feel?


Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]? Now, don’t feel guilty. Don’t feel guilty.

Now better?


Yogi: She’s feeling good.

Shri Mataji: May God bless you!

(Another seeker approaches)

Yeah, come in, come in. Please be seated.

YOGINI: She cannot sit well.

Shri Mataji: All right, it’s all right, now I listen to you. Do you feel the cool breeze?

SEEKER: I feel very...

(Yogi asks the seeker about something)


Yogi: She felt the cool breeze, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Good!

SEEKER: I have terrible pains... I have two artificial hips.

Yogi: She has two artificial hips, Shri Mataji, and feels terrible pains.

SEEKER: I have always pains.

Shri Mataji: Artificial hips?

Yogi: Artificial hips. And she has always pain. Operated things, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Where do you [UNCLEAR]?

SEEKER: On the hips.

Yogi: In the joints.

SEEKER: Joints.

Shri Mataji: All right, doesn’t matter. (Shri Mataji asks the seeker to turn her back and puts Her hands on the seeker’s hips) Here?


Shri Mataji: Show Me where do you get that.


Shri Mataji: Both the sides?

SEEKER: Both sides, both sides.

Yogi: Both artificial joints, Shri Mataji. Is plastic.

Shri Mataji: When you sit down, then you get it?

SEEKER: Always.

(Shri Mataji takes the seeker’s right hand and concentrates)

Shri Mataji: Better? Now better? All right?

SEEKER: Yes, I feel much better.

Shri Mataji: Very much better?


Shri Mataji: All right? Good?

SEEKER: Thank you.

Shri Mataji: She might walk herself. Let her walk, let’s see. Her pain is gone.


Shri Mataji: Go on? All right, now go. (Laughter, applause)

(Another seeker approaches)

What’s the problem? Now, you felt the cool breeze?

SEEKER: I have not.

Shri Mataji: No? All right. (Starts working on the seeker’s right hand) Forgive. Now say: “Mother, I forgive everyone.” You have to forgive. That’s nonsense, it’s nonsense, really. Not to forgive is nonsense. All right, say: “I forgive everyone.”

Now. (Laughing) Now she’s got it . Now, this is your mantra. Go on saying “I forgive everyone.”

(To somebody) Put them left to the right, those who do not forgive.

(Another seeker approaches)

Now. So, are you all right? Felt it?

Yogi: She felt it.

(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: Are you all right? Now, you felt the cool breeze? No?

Yogi: She didn’t feel it.

Shri Mataji: No? Now you feel it. No? You’ve been to some guru or someone?

Yogi: Catholic Church?

Shri Mataji: No one?

(Shri Mataji tells the seeker to put right hand on the stomach and starts working on her left hand)

Now better? That’s what it is. [UNCLEAR].

Yogi: She is the mother of Gunther, Shri Mataji. (Laughter)

Shri Mataji: Aah?!

ANOTHER Yogi: All his family!

(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: All right, what’s the matter?

Yogi: Her neck, Shri Mataji. She has problems with her... with her neck [stings], with her neck bones.

SEEKER: Bones in the neck.

Yogi: The bones on the spine, Shri Mataji, in her neck.

SEEKER: I work too hard. I didn’t love me but only the work.

Yogi: She doesn’t love herself, she only loves her work.

SEEKER: I’ll be honest. It means too much.

Shri Mataji: Just say: “Mother, cure my neck.”

Left Swadishthana [UNCLEAR]. Have you been to some guru? [UNCLEAR] she must have been to some guru or someone?


Yogi: She has [UNCLEAR] [clubs] of rebirthing, and she herself is rebirthing teacher.

Shri Mataji: Rebirthing?

Yogi: Rebirthing.

Shri Mataji: Which one?

Yogi: What is this about?

SEEKER: It’s breathing. [UNCLEAR]. [This is] [atom[ic]]. [This makes] [UNCLEAR] idea[s]. [UNCLEAR] idea to learn from You breathing[, yes]. I am... do You...

Yogi: She does breathing therapies.

Shri Mataji: [No]. See, the truth... Your... just, you see, this (circles the base of the seeker’s left thumb) blocked; see, this is [always] blocked (circles the base of the seeker’s right thumb). Both the Swadishthanas are [blocked]. It’s clear? All right. Now, [that’s not good]. You have to get these cured first of all. Both the Swadishthanas are blocked. [UNCLEAR] [for that]. First you must become one with the Divine, you must master the knowledge, and then you... Before that, I [UNCLEAR]. That’s why you have this.


Shri Mataji: Yeah, it is.

SEEKER: I do the... I do the breathing [disappeared], but... for a quarter of a year. And the problem I have [UNCLEAR] since the child, but not yet.

Shri Mataji: No, but that [UNCLEAR] what you have cannot be cured unless and until you cure these things. All right, let Me try.

(Shri Mataji stays concentrated for a while)

Now let’s see. Feeling the cool breeze?

(The seeker nods in the affirmative)

Better? All right. Now see your neck. Move it. Better now?

SEEKER: It’s good now.

Shri Mataji: Better? All right. So, I worked out through My own Kundalini, all right? Now, you have to master it. First master it, get yourself all right, and then you have to do this way. All right?

(Another seeker approaches)

So, how are you? You felt the cool breeze?


Shri Mataji: You work very hard. What work you do?

Yogi: She’s a... accounting, Shri Mataji, accounting.

Shri Mataji: Don’t work very hard, all right? (To yogi) Heart. Just say: “Mother, I am the spirit.” (To yogi) Tell her to say “I am the spirit,” all right? “I am the spirit” — just say it.

Now? This is your mantra, all right?

(Another seeker approaches)

Did you feel the cool breeze?


Shri Mataji: Good. You are all right. You have to master it. You must come to them. (To yogi) She’s very good. May God bless you! And you must learn it! And you should master it, all right? And you should be all right. She’s happy! (Laughter) So [UNCLEAR]! It’s all right.

(Another seeker approaches)

Felt it, the cool breeze?

SEEKER: I feel dizzy.

Shri Mataji: Now? [UNCLEAR]. Better now?

SEEKER: Now it’s better.

Shri Mataji: Come and see them. You are dizzy, they’ll put it right, all right?

(Another seeker approaches)

Come along. So, felt it?

Yogi: He is not sure, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Not sure. (To yogi) Raise [UNCLEAR].

Ha! Now? Felt it? Cool breeze? All right? (To yogi) Huh? Too much?

What’s he say?

Yogi: He feels something, but he doesn’t know what it is.

Shri Mataji: It’s the cool breeze.

Yogi: Now he feels it more warm, Shri Mataji, more warm.

Shri Mataji: More warm. All right?

Yogi: It’s coming hot [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: Now? Now cooler? Better now?

SEEKER: Now it’s cool. (Laughter)

Shri Mataji: Now it’s cool, yeah? (Laughs) Put this hand on your heart. Just say: “Mother, I am the spirit,” that’s all. Are you wearing something in your neck? Nothing? Now say: “Mother, I am the spirit.”

SEEKER: Shri Mataji, I am the spirit.

Shri Mataji: Again.

(The seeker continues repeating the words)

Better now? One say, one more.

SEEKER: Mother, I am the spirit.

Shri Mataji: See? Feel it now? Much cooler. All right? May God bless you! Now, come and cool others also! (Laughter)

(Another seeker approaches)

You didn’t feel it? Just say: “Mother, I am the spirit.”

(The seeker continues repeating the words)

(To yogi) Right to the left carry on. Are you a Catholic?

SEEKER: Yes, I am a Catholic.

Shri Mataji: All right.

SEEKER: I am born as Catholic.

Shri Mataji: (To yogi) Acchha (good), now ask him [UNCLEAR].

(The seeker asks the question in German)

Again. Ask again.

(The seeker continues repeating the question)

Feeling the cool breeze now?

SEEKER: I feel better.

Shri Mataji: Aha! Now you say: “You are...”

(The seeker continues repeating the words)

All right?

SEEKER: I think I think too much. (Laughter)

Yogi: He thinks too much. He thinks he thinks too much.

Shri Mataji: All right.

(Shri Mataji works on the seeker’s Agnya)

Now you can’t think, can you?

Yogi: He looks quite [UNCLEAR], Shri Mataji. He’s better.

Shri Mataji: What about this? Feeling the cool breeze?

SEEKER: I think yeah.

Shri Mataji: You can’t think, why are you thinking?

Yogi: Close your eyes.

Shri Mataji: There’s no thought. Better now, on the hand? Left side [UNCLEAR]. You’ve been to some guru or someone?

SEEKER: No, I haven’t.

Shri Mataji: Never? It’s weird. Better now?

SEEKER: Yeah, it’s felt better.

Shri Mataji: Good. See now? Worked out. Good. Now, you have to come and practice, all right, and establish it, all right?

(Another seeker approaches)

Welcome, how are you? Good! Excellent! May God bless you!

(Another seeker approaches)

YOGINI: It’s my grandmother.

Shri Mataji: Your...?

YOGINI: My grandmother.

Shri Mataji: I see! Look at her! Aah, [she must have a lot of wisdom]. Don’t you?

Yogi: She felt it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: All right, she is all right. May God bless you!

(Another seeker approaches)

Did you feel the cool breeze? Huh? What are you following?

SEEKER: What am I following? Oh, that’s... I wanted to ask You actually, but just... What do You think... You think it’s good to do Hatha Yoga, any different yogas?

Shri Mataji: You see... What, Hatha Yoga?

SEEKER: Yes, for example. And any different yogas.

Shri Mataji: You see, whatever you’ll require, we’ll tell you, all right? Depending on the obstruction in your centres, all right? It should not be taken at random, it’s a science, you see? Supposing you have a problem on a particular centre, then we’ll tell you, “Do this.” But just don’t do at random. You are following My point?

SEEKER: I shouldn’t attend to many...

Shri Mataji: No, you should give up everything. You should give up everything. Let your Kundalini [through] properly, all right? Feel it. Because you are a seeker, you see, you’re seeking the truth. You find it first of all, establish it. If you have any problem, then we’ll tell you what is to be done. Normally, [I think] [UNCLEAR], you shouldn’t worry about it. Now, look after because you are a seeker. Now, don’t miss it for anything, all right? You come and see them in the centre.

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: She is a Sahaja Yogini.

Shri Mataji: What’s the matter?

Yogi: She has an Agnya problem.

Shri Mataji: Agnya? (Laughs) What sort of Agnya problem you have?

Yogi: She sees light something sometimes, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Really? You went to some guru or someone?

SEEKER: Reiki.

Yogi: Reiki, she made Reiki, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: What’s that?

Yogi: If You... I don’t know too much about Reiki, but it’s something... She was dealing with cosmic energies and transmitting cosmic energies to other people, and holding hands, and transmit that energy flow...

Shri Mataji: [From below] did you do that. (Holding a candle before Her bindi) You watch here.

Now better? She sees anything?

Yogi: She only sees it when she closes her eyes, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Close your eyes.

Yogi: It’s still there, Shri Mataji, she says.

Shri Mataji: What is it?

Yogi: It’s flickering, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: What?

Yogi: Light flickering, she sees flickering light, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Close your eyes tight, very tight. Now better? Again, press your... press your eyes.

Yogi: It’s getting better, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Press your eyes. Ah! Better, no?

Yogi: It’s better, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Better now?


Shri Mataji: Now, so you put the photograph; before the photograph you put like this (holds a candle against Her Agnya), just close your eyes. Without [UNCLEAR]. It’s much better now. All right? May God bless you!

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: She was a Sahaja Yogini.

Shri Mataji: Who?

Yogi: She didn’t come for one year or one and a half years.

Shri Mataji: This one? You are a Sahaja Yogini? Then you did come to Me. What happened?

Yogi: She comes to ask about her husband, who had an appendix operation and he completely lost his balance, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Completely lost his balance? He can’t walk?

SEEKER: Yeah. No, not very good.

Yogi: Not very good, Shri Mataji, he can’t walk very good. It was an appendix breakthrough, Shri Mataji, crash. Appendix... the appendix broke through.

Shri Mataji: Ah! Then he was operated?

SEEKER: Yes. The operation went... went long, three and a half hour or four hour, like this, and so... because of this, till too long...

Shri Mataji: But you are a Sahaja Yogini, aren’t you?


Shri Mataji: So you come for Sahaja Yoga, do you?

SEEKER: Yeah, I... I’m... it was difficult to come for me, but I still... I don’t know why it...

Yogi: She found it difficult to come in last year, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: That should not be such. You see, you should try to come, all of you, otherwise these things happen, you see? Now, is your husband a realized soul?

SEEKER: Yeah. He was here last year.

Yogi: She came... he came to Your program last year, her husband.

Shri Mataji: But he never came after that?

Yogi: But he never was in Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji.

SEEKER: No, he wasn’t [good] at the same time, twice, but he...

Shri Mataji: You have to be under Mother’s... Mother’s sari, isn’t it? To be looked after, that you are protected.

(The seeker tries to touch Shri Mataji’s sari)

Yogi: No, no, no, no.

Shri Mataji: Touch it, doesn’t matter. Touch it. Touch it.

(The seeker holds Shri Mataji’s sari with both hands)

All right? So you have to be there all the time, you must see them. Put your left hand on the stomach like that and right hand towards the photograph. Then ask: “Mother, please cure my husband,” if you’re all right. But you must attend this. If you go out of the protection of Mother, then what can I do? All right? You should join them. Take you husband also there. Otherwise there can be another calamity, I don’t know what will happen. All right?

(Another seeker approaches)


Yogi: She also didn’t come for half a year.

Shri Mataji: Why is it? Come forward. What happened, why don’t you come?

SEEKER: I don’t seem to be able to establish myself.

Shri Mataji: No?

SEEKER: No. You know, but...

Shri Mataji: But you love Me, isn’t it? Or you don’t love Me?

SEEKER: I think I do.

Shri Mataji: You do. Then it’s all right. You’re established. Just say: “Mother, come in my heart.” Just... you have to just [remind]. [Whenever you say|Wherever you see], I will be. Just say: “Mother, please come in my heart.”

SEEKER: Mother, please come to my heart.

Shri Mataji: Again.

(The seeker continues repeating the words)

Now? [You done]? All right? That’s what it is. Like, if you love Me, right there in the heart, then you are all right. (To somebody) Isn’t it? See? And this... see, I’m doing this work, working so very hard, and you shouldn’t give up like this. How can I do alone? You all have to support Me and help Me. All right?

(Another seeker approaches)

Come along. She is a Sahaja Yogini? Oh, may God bless you! Sit down. What have you been doing? All right.

SEEKER: Nothing yoga I do.

Shri Mataji: You haven’t been doing?


Shri Mataji: You felt the cool breeze?

Yogi: She felt it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Good! She’s good. She’s very humble. Mm, very good! Do you find?


Shri Mataji: Now you’ve come to Sahaja Yoga, learn about it, all right?


Shri Mataji: Like to wear a sari?

SEEKER: Yes. My husband is Indian, that’s why.

Shri Mataji: He is an Indian?


Shri Mataji: What is his name?


Shri Mataji: Where is he? He’s not come?

SEEKER: No, he is at work.

Shri Mataji: All right, doesn’t matter. So now you also call him for Sahaja Yoga, all right?

SEEKER: Yes, I’ll do it.

Shri Mataji: May God bless you!

Yogi: Come to another program.

Shri Mataji: So her husband is an Indian. That’s why she dresses all right. She looks like an Indian woman!

(Another seeker approaches)

You felt the cool breeze?


Shri Mataji: Haven’t been to any guru or anyone?


Shri Mataji: No. What work you do?

Yogi: Student, Shri Mataji. (To the seeker) What are you studying?

SEEKER: I work with mentally handicapped children.

Yogi: She’s working with mentally handicapped children, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: It’s not proper way. Because you don’t know how to protect yourself. You’ll have a catch. First you get your realization, establish yourself, to know what you could help. And then you put your hands. Otherwise would be dangerous [UNCLEAR]. All right? So will you come and see them?


Shri Mataji: You must first of all know what is this. First of all know yourself and [UNCLEAR], otherwise you’ve catching all their problems. All right?

Better now? Better now. So, now, don’t get into it. First of all, learn [UNCLEAR], all right? It’s a very [UNCLEAR], it’s a very [UNCLEAR].

(A yogini approaches)

How are you? What’s the matter? You are all right now?

Yogi: She looks better, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Huh?

Yogi: She looks much better.

Shri Mataji: She looks much better? Now, what are you doing? Just teaching [UNCLEAR]?

YOGINI: I’m teaching, it’s all right.

Shri Mataji: Where?

YOGINI: In the school.

Shri Mataji: In the school?

YOGINI: But — what’s more important than this — but I’m doing transcriptions. Before I’ve taken some outside, and I’ve done it [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: What transcriptions?

YOGINI: Mozart.

Yogi: Mozart.

Shri Mataji: Mozart?!

Yogi: You know who she is, Shri Mataji?

Shri Mataji: I know her. But she’s so much changed now. And very much changed, you’re feeling so... changed [UNCLEAR]. So, that’s what Sahaja Yoga is.

YOGINI: [I still] didn’t come back, it’s terrible, [You know].

Yogi: She is little bit out of collective, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Really?

YOGINI: He would never let me back to the collective, he said that you... he said not to come back [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: Now she is all right. She’s all right now. Now you are all right. Now.

Yogi: She’s asking about Frank, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Who?

Yogi: She is [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: I know.

Yogi: And she is married with Frank [UNCLEAR], but Frank is in England now, and she is asking what to do about it. Whether she could—

Shri Mataji: You want him? Now forget it. He also doesn’t want her. Mutual. He’s doing very well, he’s very... He’s doing very well. He’s very learned man, do you know that? Very well educated. I wish you could look after him, but it’s all right. All right, you come back [UNCLEAR].

(Another seeker approaches)

Ah! So, how are you?

Yogi: She didn’t feel it, Shri Mataji. She has an... she had an accident and her... she has something with her knee, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: What was it?

ANOTHER Yogi: It’s called a rupture.

ANOTHER Yogi: [UNCLEAR], Shri Mataji, [UNCLEAR].

Yogi: The strings were...

Shri Mataji: Tendons. From that [UNCLEAR]. Have they removed anything from there?

Yogi: No.

Shri Mataji: So, is she married?

Yogi: She’s a... widow, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: You’re a widow. You don’t want to marry? Do you have children?

Yogi: No children, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: No children. You would like to marry also?

Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji, she would like to marry.

Shri Mataji: Put down [UNCLEAR]. What was the accident? This one [UNCLEAR]? Stretch it, stretch it. What was the accident?

Yogi: She was skiing, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Now come forward. (Shri Mataji puts Her right foot on the seeker’s knee) Skiing is not a good thing. So many I’ve seen that way, very young people.

ANOTHER Yogi: Left Nabhi, strong left Nabhi. Also left Swadishthana. Back Agnya.

Yogi: Now she feels it, Shri Mataji, [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: Both the hands?

Yogi: She feels it in both hands a little bit, Shri Mataji.

(Shri Mataji stays concentrated for a while)

Shri Mataji: Ha! Now feel it in the hands? Not in the hands? Don’t think, don’t think, watch Me without thinking.

(Shri Mataji stays concentrated for a while)

Ha! Now see. [UNCLEAR]. Better now?

Yogi: Much better, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Now you come and join them. Much better? What she’s said?

Yogi: She feel it cool in her knee, Shri Mataji. (Laughter)

Shri Mataji: All right, get up now. All right now? Better?

(Another seeker approaches)

So, how are you?

SEEKER: All right, but I have always problems with my throat and...

Yogi: She has problems with her throat [and different parts of it].

Shri Mataji: Huh? She’s what?

Yogi: She has problems with her...

SEEKER: I have always sore throat and... always...

Yogi: She [UNCLEAR] in her throat.

Shri Mataji: You’ve been to some guru or someone?


Shri Mataji: Which one?

SEEKER: Shri Chinmoy.

Yogi: Chinmoy.

Shri Mataji: How do I know? Useless fellow.

Yogi: What did they teach you?

Shri Mataji: See, he’s the one who has given you this trouble, you know. If you want to go, go to him, that is your choice.

SEEKER: I didn’t know that he was giving me that trouble, I... I believed in him. But I left him one year ago, so it’s...

Shri Mataji: He’s still in there. [UNCLEAR], huh? Turn around. Now put your hand like this. (Puts the seeker’s right hand on the seeker’s stomach) Now say: “Mother, I am my own master.”

(Shri Mataji works on the seeker’s Vishuddhi from behind)

Yogi: What do you feel? Is the pain there?

SEEKER: Yes, it’s [UNCLEAR].

Yogi: [UNCLEAR] to left Swadishthana.

Shri Mataji: All right?

Yogi: Turn around.

Shri Mataji: She has to say Allahu Akbar [UNCLEAR]. It’s done.

Yogi: Come to the centre [UNCLEAR] and they’ll tell you...

Shri Mataji: Now.

SEEKER: I feel my heartbeat in here (points at her throat).

Shri Mataji: Better now?

Yogi: She feels pulsating in...

Shri Mataji: Now it’s better. They will tell you what should — come along, they’ll tell you what is to be done, all right? And don’t go to such a fellow. Now, any books and all that, throw it away.

SEEKER: Thank you [for Your help].

(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: How are you?

Yogi: She can’t move her neck, Shri Mataji, when she wakes up in the morning.

Shri Mataji: Really?

Yogi: Sometimes.

Shri Mataji: Have you any guru? Sure. Constipated normally? Are you constipated [UNCLEAR]? Sometimes. [UNCLEAR]. Now forgive. “Mother, I forgive everyone.”

Yogi: Take a deep breath and hold it. Take a deep breath...

Shri Mataji: Take a deep breath and hold it.

Now leave it.

Again hold it. Hold it again.

Leave it now.

Hold it again.

Now leave it. Why do you feel guilty?

Yogi: She feels it very strong cool, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Feeling it now?

Yogi: She feels the cool breeze, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: [Now you are not guilty]. Don’t feel guilty, that’s all. Try.

SEEKER: Thank you.

Shri Mataji: May God bless you!

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: He doesn’t feel the cool breeze, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: You have been to some guru?

Yogi: He was communicating with dead people. Spiritistic thing.

Shri Mataji: Very wrong. All right. Put the hand there. Just say: “I am my own master, Mother.” Just say: “I am my own master.”

Yogi: It’s better? He’s feeling it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: You feel the cool breeze?

Yogi: He feels it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: All right, done now. Now, don’t do all that nonsense, all right? Come and see them and perfect yourself. (To yogi) Just tell that. All right? May God bless you!

(Another seeker approaches)

So, how are you?

SEEKER: I’m fine.

Shri Mataji: You felt it? None of? None of? All right, put both your hands. What work you do?

Yogi: He’s a... independent, Shri Mataji. He’s a... working something in the financial things.

Shri Mataji: What is it?

Yogi: Ah, he’s working for banks and insurances.

Shri Mataji: All right. What is insurance, huh? Put your hand. (To yogi) [Tell him to ask the insurance of the insurances].

Yogi: You just say: “Mother, are You the insurance of all insurances?”

Shri Mataji: (Laughing) [Let him ask it.] All right. Such heat! So much heat you have in the body! Now just go on asking the question: “Mother, are you...” (To yogi) Ask him to ask the question.

Yogi: He’s feeling it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: All right? That’s the answer. Now you say: “You are...”

See now, listen, mister, come here. Have you been in the sun recently?

SEEKER: Yes, I do.

Shri Mataji: Don’t do that, that’s not good for you. You are right-sided. You’ll develop skin trouble. All right? Don’t do it, don’t do it. You just come to them and they’ll teach you. Insurance, they’ll teach you the insurance. (Laughter)

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: He’s a Sahaja Yogi, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. I think [UNCLEAR].

(Another seeker approaches)

You didn’t feel it?

Yogi: He felt a little bit, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. But you must forgive. You must forgive is the point. You must forgive everyone. Do you want to forgive? From your heart you say: “Mother, I forgive everyone.”

Again. Again. Do it again.

Once more.

Felt it?

Yogi: He feels it stronger.

Shri Mataji: If you don’t forgive, you’ll have all the problems. And for nothing, it’s a myth. All right? Come and learn from them everything. You should [face] it, otherwise next year you’ll come out with another problem.

(Another seeker approaches)


SEEKER: Not so easy.

Yogi: He didn’t feel it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Forgive [UNCLEAR] from your heart. Forgive everyone.

Now? Better? Forgive.

(Shri Mataji puts Her fourth finger on the seeker’s forehead and keeps turning it clockwise)

Now. Better now? There’s no thought.

Yogi: Coming warm, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Now cooler. Better?

SEEKER: Yes, Mother.

Shri Mataji: Cooler now? Cool or hot?

SEEKER: It’s still heat.

Shri Mataji: Still hot.

Yogi: Coming hot, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Hot. Might be out of liver.

Yogi: Now it’s coming cool. Now it’s cool.

Shri Mataji: All right? Better? Cooler now?

Yogi: Now it’s there. Very strong there.

Shri Mataji: Better now? Come and meet them, and they’ll tell you — little problem of the liver also — they’ll tell you what is to be done. All right? Very cool, and [UNCLEAR] on the head are very cool.

(Another seeker approaches)

Now, did you feel it?


Shri Mataji: Good.


Yogi: She feels it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Very good.

Yogi: She feels very strong right heart.

Shri Mataji: You have to feel it all fingers, all right? All right, go and see them. May God bless you! All right?

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: She was here yesterday and today. Yesterday she felt, but today not.

She was already sitting in front of the picture feeling the cool breeze whole day through, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Now did you feel it now? Now it’s all right. Now, you’ve been thinking too much, you’ve been thinking too much.

Yogi: Now it’s getting cooler.

Shri Mataji: She has to say that “I am a part and parcel of the whole.”

All right now?

Yogi: Now she’s feeling it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: See now? Like this, you must come and see them and be in collective. No use doing at home alone. All right? (To yogi) See how [UNCLEAR].

(Another seeker approaches)

Now, how is it?

Yogi: She felt it more than last time, [in October] she was also there. She came here to [UNCLEAR], Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: But now you have to come and join them so that you become perfect, all right?

(Another seeker approaches)

So, how are you? Felt fine?

SEEKER: I don’t know, actually...

Yogi: She’s feeling really better.

SEEKER: No, to save [the seeing].

Shri Mataji: Your eyes [UNCLEAR]?

SEEKER: Um, yes. [UNCLEAR] not much, never. And...

Shri Mataji: It’s not sighting.

Yogi: She doesn’t see very well.

Shri Mataji: Now if I may tell you, you come and see these people, and [UNCLEAR] meditation, and they will tell you [UNCLEAR] your eyesight, all right? You come and see them.

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: Shri Mataji, she is [UNCLEAR] cancer, breast cancer.

Shri Mataji: Now, how are you?


Shri Mataji: Left-sided?


Shri Mataji: Why?

SEEKER: I don’t know, [UNCLEAR]. I do footsoaking...

Shri Mataji: No, no, no footsoak. You just use the light [left], light [UNCLEAR], right hand on Mother Earth. Sit down there just now. Let her put it. Sit down.

(Another seeker approaches)

So, how are you?

SEEKER: I’m fine, thank you.

Shri Mataji: (Looking at the seeker’s hands) That hurts?

SEEKER: Ah, yes, I’m hurt from knife.

Yogi: What?

SEEKER: I’m... two were fighting with knife and [UNCLEAR].

Yogi: He stopped their fight, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Where was it?


Yogi: It was in the [UNCLEAR]. (To the seeker) You did all the fighting...


Shri Mataji: When was it?

SEEKER: Two weeks ago.

Yogi: Two weeks ago, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: They were fighting with knife?


Yogi: Two were fighting and he came in between and stopped their fight. He felt it before, but just on the head. Now he is feeling [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR] Self-realization helped. On the top of the head.

Shri Mataji: Hands?

SEEKER: Yes. There was very much going on on the hands.

Shri Mataji: Ha! It’s there! All right?


Shri Mataji: Now better? Now if you want [to try], then you have to be [UNCLEAR].

SEEKER: Thank you.

Shri Mataji: Master it, all right?

(Another seeker approaches)

Now, did you feel it?


Yogi: She felt it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: You are from what country?

SEEKER: I am from Germany.

Yogi: She’s German, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: You’re German?

SEEKER: But I also live in India.

Shri Mataji: Really?

Yogi: She also lives in India.

SEEKER: Yeah, in one month back.

Yogi: One month she’s going back, she’s living sometimes in England.

SEEKER: In India!

Yogi: India. Bombay, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Oh, what do you do there?

SEEKER: I’m a designer.

Shri Mataji: Huh?

SEEKER: I’m a designer.

Shri Mataji: Designer of what?

SEEKER: Um, furniture. Mainly furniture.

Yogi: Furniture.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR].

SEEKER: But I also [UNCLEAR]. Now I start to work with [UNCLEAR]. Do You know [UNCLEAR]?

ANOTHER Yogi: Yes, [UNCLEAR] they have a lamp... [UNCLEAR], Shri Mataji, they have a branch in Delhi at [UNCLEAR]. Very expensive lamps [UNCLEAR] [materials].

Shri Mataji: She looks an Indian[, I think]. You have seen my photograph?


Shri Mataji: We have a centre in Bombay, in [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR].


Shri Mataji: Really? [You do]?

Yogi: No, no, she will come there, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: You are designing for some Indians, are you designing this for some Indians or...?

SEEKER: Yes, I’m also [designing for Indians].

Shri Mataji: [Furniture]?

SEEKER: Yes. Now I started.

Shri Mataji: What’s your name?

SEEKER: [Liselotte].

Shri Mataji: She looks an Indian.

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: She was there for some time, about half a year ago, she was [UNCLEAR], she was doing Sahaja Yoga for two-three months, then she didn’t come [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: Why?

Yogi: She had stupid friendship.

Shri Mataji: Really? [Who]? [UNCLEAR]?

Yogi: It was a boy called Wolfgang.

Shri Mataji: There are so many Wolfgang! (Laughter)

Yogi: Wolfgang is a frequent given name.

Shri Mataji: What for?

Yogi: Wolfgang means... “wolf” is wolf, “gang” maybe comes from “going”, maybe... (Laughter)

Shri Mataji: Now you better forget all that and come to Sahaja Yoga, all right? [UNCLEAR].

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: The husband of Ingrid, Shri Mataji. The husband of Ingrid (gestures towards somebody). Her husband.

Shri Mataji: She’s your wife?

SEEKER: Mother, I feel so unauspicious.

Shri Mataji: Huh?

SEEKER: I feel unauspicious.

Yogi: He feels unauspicious. Whatever he’s trying, he’s not successful; whatever he’s starting, he’s failing. [Moving off].

(Break in the video, another seeker is sitting before Shri Mataji)

SEEKER: (Showing her necklace) No, it’s not a golden [UNCLEAR], it’s wooden [UNCLEAR].

Yogi: It’s wooden [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: What [it was]?

Yogi: Wooden [UNCLEAR], Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Wooden? Only ordinary wood?

Yogi: It’s an old chain, Shri Mataji. It’s an old chain.

Shri Mataji: (Taking the chain in Her hands) It’s hot. [Put your hand on liver]. Come forward. Now, at least you say: “I forgive everyone.” At least you say that, all right? Now. You say that “Mother, I forgive everyone.”

(Shri Mataji moves the seeker’s left to the right a few times)

All right? (Massaging the seeker’s Agnya) Now forgive, forgive, forgive. Come forward, come forward.

Right Sahasrara. Right Sahasrara.

Do you feel now?

SEEKER: Very warm. Very warm. Hot.

(Shri Mataji continues working on the seeker’s Agnya and moving the energy from left to the right)

Shri Mataji: Better now?

Yogi: She says she feels released, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: You just say: “Mother, I am a part and parcel of the whole,” just that. Now. Say it.

(The seeker repeats the affirmation)

Now better? See now.


All right? Is all right, this is all right, but you just heat the water. It’s the heat that it has absorbed from your throat. (Holding the necklace) Hot, very hot. Put it in the water for a while, it will clear out. May God bless you!

She’s good. What’s your name?

SEEKER: Silvia.

Shri Mataji: Cecilia?

SEEKER: Silvia.

Shri Mataji: Silvia, all right. Now take the addresses from these people; you go and see them, in France, in USA, everywhere. Are you from New York?

SEEKER: Uh-huh.

Shri Mataji: All right.

(Another seeker approaches)

How are you? All right?

(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: What about her? She is all right. You are German?

Yogi: She has a terrible pain. She is also... she’s suffering from her eyesight. Her parents are doing... black magic things.

Shri Mataji: They are doing black magic? What sort of?

Yogi: Only [UNCLEAR] to move out [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: Look at My foot. Put your hand on My foot. Both the hands. She could [UNCLEAR] [in the ashram].

Yogi: [It’s worthy] very often to move out from the parents [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: What sort of black magic they do? Tell them they will get cancer. They’ll get cancer. She is [UNCLEAR]? What is her age?

Yogi: She’s twenty-three now, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. Or we’ll get her married. All right? We’ll get you married. (Laughter, applause) All right, [UNCLEAR] that boy for you [UNCLEAR]. (Laughter)

All the time [there’s something|this happens]. No use [caring] [if you] all the time catching.

(To somebody) Are you all right now, better? This is the only solution for cancer, there’s nothing else we can do.

(To the seeker) All right, don’t you worry. What’s your name?

Yogi: Barbara, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: All right, then. [UNCLEAR].

Yogi: They[‘ll] take the chance, Shri Mataji. (Laughter)

(A Yogini approaches)

Yogi: [UNCLEAR] she is having [UNCLEAR], she is having a puja, [UNCLEAR]. She’s catching on Agnya, I suppose.

Shri Mataji: Left Agnya?

Is it? Swadishthana. Now you have to say, “Mother, You are pure knowledge.” Right hand on the Mother Earth. Let’s have her sit here. Can we take the light now? Come and sit down there.

(Another seeker approaches)

Oh, you are all right. She is all right.

(Another seeker approaches)

Yogi: She felt it, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Huh?

Yogi: She felt the cool breeze, she’s happy.

Shri Mataji: Have you been to some guru?


Shri Mataji: No? No one have? Never?

It’s better now, but [UNCLEAR] better. It’s cooling now?

Yogi: She feels it cool, Shri Mataji.

(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: So, how are you?

Join these people, all right? All right? You master it now, you have to become a master. Next time I come I should see you are the master.

(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: So, how are you?

Yogi: Some people say, “You might have cancer because you smoke so much.”

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]? What are you doing?

Yogi: Somebody was working with the pendulum and told that you wear this.

Shri Mataji: That you [UNCLEAR] [cancer]. Never do that [UNCLEAR], horrible! Ah, that’s the reason. Now, you’re smoking a lot? Stop it. [UNCLEAR] smoking people. All right? [You can stop it]. You won’t enjoy. And you won’t even like the smoke. All right?

(Another seeker approaches)

Shri Mataji: So, how are you? Feeling joy, huh? [UNCLEAR], huh?

Yogi: He has problems to feel vibrations, Shri Mataji.

SEEKER: Sometimes, not [yet].

Shri Mataji: Feels where?

SEEKER: On the hands and here (shows above his head), I could feel the breeze here... (points at his back)

Shri Mataji: (Pointing at the seeker’s left hand) But you feel on this one more, hmm?

SEEKER: And since [UNCLEAR] I have problems with my... (points at his left thumb)

Shri Mataji: Put your hand. And say: “Mother, You are the pure knowledge.” Have you been to some guru or someone?

SEEKER: I was sympathy to that one, to Rajneesh.

Shri Mataji: Horrible fellow.

Yogi: He was just sympathizing, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: What is there to sympathize?

Om sakshat Ravana mardini, Om sakshat Ravana mardini ... (continues repeating the mantra)

Ha! All right? [Killing Ravana now].

SEEKER: It’s, it’s hot.

Shri Mataji: Now you just say: “Mother... Mother, did You kill Ravana?”

SEEKER: Mother, did You kill ...

Shri Mataji: Ravana.

SEEKER: ... Ravana? Mother, did You kill Ravana?

(Continues repeating the question)

Shri Mataji: All right? All right, Ravana has been killed. (Laughter) That’s Rajneesh.

(Another seeker approaches)

So, now, how are you? Good, he is all right. He is all right.

Yogi: He’s doing Hatha Yoga.

Shri Mataji: It’s all right.

SEEKER: Japa (chanting of mantra).

Yogi: Japa? What is japa?

Shri Mataji: Japa? What japa?

Yogi: Mantra, Shri Mataji. Saying mantra, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Now you ask Me a question like this: “Mother, are You the source of all the mantras?”

(Seeker repeats the question)

Who has given you the mantra?

SEEKER: Hare Krishna.

Yogi: Hare Krishna, Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Ask Me a question: “Mother, are You Shri Krishna?” Keep your eyes open.

(Seeker repeats the question)

All right?

Yogi: [Czechoslovakia].

Shri Mataji: Huh?

Yogi: [Czechoslovakia].

Shri Mataji: Let’s see. [Czechoslovakia]. (To yogi) [UNCLEAR]. Use the light on him.

(To somebody) Are you all right now? Are you all right? You are all right? (To the seeker) All right. Please sit down there.

(Seeker continues repeating the question)

Now. All right? Feel the cool breeze? I had to go back six thousand years back. Now, you just try to practice Sahaja Yoga, establish yourself, all right? (To yogi) [Deep] here the problem here in the Hamsa, all right?

(To seeker) They’ll tell you what is to be done. You must understand what centre... because you have these centres there. This is the centre of Shri Krishna. That’s the one we deal with. Can you imagine how much [UNCLEAR]! All right? Do you follow My point now? Join them. It’s good now. Otherwise you would get cancer in here (points at Vishuddhi). It’s very hot here.

Aah, [this is]. So many of these Hare Ramas [UNCLEAR].

(Yogi tries to help another yogi to put on Shri Mataji’s socks, Shri Mataji laughs)

Yogi: I’m not very experienced

Shri Mataji: Now you are going to have a baby in the family. (Laughter)

Yogi: [UNCLEAR] express it from [UNCLEAR].

Shri Mataji: That’s why [UNCLEAR]. (Laughs)

(To a seeker) Join them, all right? Get all right, [here is] the problem. Come to them. Did you follow? (To yogi) Did you say to him?

(To another seeker) You’re better now, you see? Now, don’t do any water treatment, just do this. No water treatment.

(To another seeker) You, too. Keep you all right, huh?

So tomorrow we’ll go to Frankfurt. It’s already tomorrow, I think. (Laughter)

Munich (Germany)

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