You should see for yourself if it works or not 1989-08-17
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
17 August 1989
You Should See For Yourself If It Works Or Not
Public Program
Valkoinen sali, Helsinki (Finland)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
1989-0817 Public Program, Valkoinen sali, Helsinki, Finland
I bow to all the seekers of truth.
At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it, nor can we organize it, neither we can order it. So we have to know it. I know in Finland, I came here in 1980, I found people were big seekers, no doubt. And they are seeking the truth. But at the same time, you have to know that truth is a manifestation on your central nervous system. Like we have to feel this all-pervading power all around us. You have to feel it on your fingertips. It's not just what one may claim about, but it actually has to happen to you. From the amoeba stage now we have come to the human stage.
And there is a little breakthrough which we have to achieve in this lifetime. So how do we do it? Many people ask me, "How do we do it?" Now, how do we become human beings? Spontaneously. Within us is the power, which spontaneously acts. Because it's a living process. It is not an artificial process, but a living process. Like this Mother Earth sprouts a seed, spontaneously. Because the Mother Earth has got the capacity, while the seed has got built-in properties.
In the same way, within us is also built-in this instrument. Now, you have to have an open mind of a scientist, that you should see for yourself it works or not. There should not be any blind faith about me or about anything. We have lived with the concept, all throughout. Some people believe in this, some people believe that some people believe in that. So this belief has led you nowhere. Whatever belief you may have, whatever religion you may follow, whatever philosophies you may follow, every human being is capable of committing any sin. So, as we are ourselves, we are miraculous things. Look at the eyes; are the best camera also you could ever think of! Look at our brain, what we have created out of it!
Look at our hands! All this is a miracle. And look at the flowers. These are so beautiful, coming out of a seed. Who does this work? Who does all the living work? It is done by the all-pervading power, which is a subtle power of God's love. In modern times, if you take the name of God in the West, people don't like it. They also conceptualize by saying, "We don't believe in God." But this is very unscientific.
You should find out, first of all, if there is God or not. Without finding out any facts, if you say there is nothing like God, then you are outside of it. Now, if I say that there is God and there is the all-pervading power of God Almighty, which does all the subtle work, then as a scientist you take it as a hypothesis. And if it is proved, you have to accept it. So as it is the living process, you can't pay for it. Those people who take money from you for doing anything that is called as God's work, or increasing your awareness, are all false people. There are some who will say, "You can fly in the air." But we are flying in the air systematically. But if you just take that some of you just start flying halfway in the air, what will happen? If you people start just flying halfway, you see, somewhere, not systematically.
Is that what is going to happen to us, that we are going to become birds or what? Then some people say, "You start jumping like a frog." Are we going to become like frogs or earthworms now? What is going to happen to us is that we are going to become people of absolute truth. Absolutely righteous. Absolutely compassionate. Absolutely loving. Moreover, we are going to have the dynamics of truth. Like Christ, when he saw Mary Magdalene; he had nothing to do with the prostitute, just stood up and said, "Those who have not done any sin can throw the stone at Me." That is the courage, that is the courage of a person who knows the absolute.
While we live in a relative world. We don't know which theory is correct. It's all the mental projection. And nowadays people have become so much mental that I don't know, how will they recognize the truth? Because the mental projection moves in a linear way, it cannot sustain itself, because it's not the truth. It cannot sustain itself. So it recoils. We had science, so we produced ultimately going to the extremes atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, this bomb, that bomb for our destruction. We started cutting the trees, so the ecological problem has come. We started using the machines, now become slaves of machines.
Machines are for us, we are not for machines! So there is no balance in our life. Anything we start, we would start going to the extremes. And then we feel guilty. We think, "Oh, we have done something wrong." So, one side we start using our ego too much and then we feel guilty, "we should not have done like that." So the knowledge that you have about science, about all other things, is the knowledge of the tree. But this is the knowledge of your roots. The tree that grows out of proportion without having a relationship with the roots is definitely going to be destroyed. So through Sahaja yoga, Sahaja, 'Sahaj' means 'born with you', is 'spontaneous'.
And 'yoga' means 'the union with the divine'. So this Sahaja yoga is a right of every human being. This is the last breakthrough, as I told you, of our evolutionary process. As a result of that, you get powers, you become powerful. You do not become somebody's slave, but you become powerful. You start feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, which is the all-pervading power. And you get the experience of actualization of your second birth, which we can say an actualization of baptism. You feel the cool breeze coming out of your head. You feel it! Then you start understanding your own centres which are within you, and also the centres that belong to others.
It is like this instrument (mike with wire) if it is not connected to the means, it has no meaning. In the same way, our lives have no meaning unless and until we are connected to this all-pervading power, which has created us. I mean of course, as a result of that so many diseases get cured completely. We have records and records and records of so many diseases like breast cancer, another, so many incurable diseases being cured. It happens automatically. You yourself become a doctor. Because you can feel the diseases of another person on your fingertips. And if you know, how to correct them, you are a doctor! Mentally you become so peaceful. You feel such joy and such peace within yourself.
In Helsinki, there is a big talk of peace. Because, I think, for the safety we have. (For translator:) Big talk of peace in Helsinki. And this peace, as there are Peace Foundations, 'peace' this thing, 'peace' that, but nobody has peace within. So, you establish your peace within yourself. But such a person is so compassionate, at the same time so dynamic, that you work any length of time, you are not tired. You're always feeling fresh and you give joy to others. The first thing that happens to you, that you become an innocent person. And you develop respect for yourself because you know you your glory. You realize you are at the epitome of evolution.
You no more feel guilty, because you are now one with that Divine power, which is the source of all these things. But your attention becomes so innocent and so powerful. What Christ has said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." Your eyes become completely devoid of lust and greed. And even one glance of such a person can solve the problem of anybody in trouble or distress. So this transformation takes place spontaneously. But one has to open the mind. And to recognize that you are all capable of reaching that state. Also, one thing I've noticed about, especially about Finland was that people were very simple and very humble. But unnecessarily they felt too much guilty.
They have done nothing wrong so far, they've never dominated any country and I don't know why they are (feel) so guilty; to such an extent that they are very frightened also, afraid. But there is nothing to be afraid. If you are in the collective consciousness, then every nation is your friend. Like this hand will always help this hand. Because you are part and parcel of the whole. You are not hanging somewhere in the air. Today you will be amazed to know that for Helsinki we have got people from many different countries, rushing about, even, even from New Zealand. And Sahaja yoga is now working in thirty nations. And you should see the way they all are together, no quarrelling, no fighting, no arguments. Just enjoying each other.
More than flowers; more than flowers, more than paintings, more than anything else the best things to enjoy are human beings. But we have to develop that capacity, that state. I am sorry I am here only for one day, I wish I had come yesterday and I am very sorry that I did not come yesterday. Only thing I have to make a humble request to you all, that when you get your realization, don't get lost. I'll give you an analogy. Somebody is standing with a snake in his hand and you tell that person, "There is a snake in your hand." But he is in darkness. So, you put on the lights. He sees the lights and then he sees the snake and he is frightened. He throws away the snake, alright, but also puts off the light.
Because he is frightened. That happens very much. There's nothing to be frightened. You must know that all these things which frighten you will just run away. But you have to stand on your legs. So far we have had thousands and thousands of people, in the West also, who have got their Realization. They had no problems. Also, I would say that in India, say, when I go there, we have fifteen thousand people in the meeting. We have eternal football grounds, you see. Because we have a background.
And the false gurus are not interested in Indians, because they have not so much money to waste. And Indians know that you are not to pay to anyone who says that "I am such and such." So it works much faster there. But in the West, those Sahaja yogis we have got are excellent people, very deep. Quantity is less but the quality is great. I hope today it will work out among your people and then you are going to master it. This will hardly take a month at the most. But you must have the determination that you are going to master this. I'll give you another analogy that when you start driving the car, there is a break and an accelerator, you use both. As the left and the right sympathetic nervous system as you have seen.
(pointing to chart) But once you learn the balancing, you become automatically a driver. But still, the master is sitting behind. So you have to become the master. And once you become the master, you can see the driver, the accelerator and the break. And you control it fully. All this may sound very fantastic. But you are fantastic. You are not yet aware of it. Like if you take television in an Indian village and tell them that, "You can see everything in this box." They will say, "What, this box, how can you see everything?"
But if you put to the mains then they will see what the (connectivity?) it is. So in our ignorance about ourselves, we might not think much about ourselves. But each one of you is capable of achieving that state. So you have to have confidence in yourself. May God bless you all! It's a very vast ocean of knowledge and I must have given thousands and thousands of lectures even in the English language. Like for these beautiful lights we have to just switch on one switch. But if I go on telling all about electricity and how it was (told?) and how it started in Finland, you will have a headache.
The better thing is to have the light! In any case, I think because I am here for one day if you have any questions you please ask me. But they should be relatively sensible, in the sense that they should show that 'we want your self-realization.' So I am not here to ask for anything. I am just going to give you your own property, your own powers. So I am not here for any votes or elections either. I am sorry I have come to Finland very late. But it's the end of the lands, so naturally, it took some time for me to come here. But I must tell you that among all the Scandinavian nations you are the greatest. I mean spiritually.
And don’t have any inferiority complex in your heads at all. Doesn't I know Finns very well? (Shri Mataji laughing) Their humility goes up to the inferiority complex. That's going too far. You are good for everything! And especially very good for the spiritual ascent! Alright. Is there a question? Q. Yes.
How can you divide people? For Scandinavian people, for Finnish people, Swedish people? A. That is an incidence. Q. How can you make.. how can you make a divide? A. Yes, you can also, once you get this realization, you can also. Because when you go to a nation, you see a spiritual life, how many are seeking the divine. And how do you... how do some people go deep into it and some people are very superficial.
You can easily see, that says I would say Turkey, we had such a lot of Sahaja yogis suddenly coming up without any difficulties, Turkey, of all the places. And they were the people who were told that they will never come to Sahaja Yoga (Turkey people), because they are Islamic people. But they blossomed! Now, as you know my husband’s job is international; I met many people who are Finn, who is also Swedish and also from Denmark; but I found the Finn people have a genuine desire to know. So when I say that, I mean the more percentage of people. If I say so, the Russians will be very great seekers and they will be there very soon. Imagine their (Russian) Government has accepted Sahaja Yoga officially. And also the Italian Government has accepted in a very big way. And even if, I mean Indians accept it, I am not surprised because they know all about it already. So the quality of spirituality can be determined by the percentage of people and the depth of the people.
It's easy to ascertain. It is easy to ascertain them. Now, let others as the questions. Alright? He says that if you have some bad habits, like smoking tobacco, and you want to grow and try to reach the state of enlightenment, do you have to leave them before you can have it. A. You just leave them automatically. I don’t have to tell you. Once you get your realization. In England we had drug addicts, overnight they gave up.
Overnight. You won't believe that (unclear). Because you get the light and you get the power. I know there is a drug problem here, I know that very well. Because you depend on it [drugs] and then suddenly you start depending on your spirit; the whole thing is finished. Q. How often? How do you practice and how often do you practice? A. You don't need.
This is no question of time I mean, my child, you go beyond time. It just works. You see, it's... the Kundalini starts rising, and she starts enriching your centres by which you start feeling better and satisfied with yourself. And in most of the cases, it has happened, it has happened overnight. That's why I said the quality of seeking in the West is much better than in India. Most of the people take drugs because they are seeking. Most of the people who commit suicide, they are also seeking. They do it out of frustration. Also in Sahaja yoga, you will be happy to know that family life becomes beautiful. Every year we have about 75 marriages and I would say 1% will be divorced or some sort of thing; but otherwise they have got very beautiful.
And also they have beautiful children, just like saints. Yes, please? Q. What's the first point about deepening and maintaining the experience, what is the first point about that, Shri Mataji? A: Yes. For that, I am saying it takes about a month, at the most, to see, because you yourself become knowledgeable. You yourself know, what's wrong with you. I will give you an example. There was a gentleman who came and he said, he is a realized soul, he said, “Mother my this Agnya chakra is catching”. That means his ego is troubling him, that means he can see his ego, separately.
If you tell somebody, "You are suffering from ego", that people will hate you; anybody. But this person himself says that he has got an ego. Now, what do I tell him? That you just forgive, everyone. And he has those cool vibrations in his hands and he can correct it. (Shri Mataji pointing at the forehead.) So you have to just know how to correct your damages, that's all. Which is of course free. The whole knowledge is absolutely free.
Q. What can you say about... what can you say about a wish? Is it if we have not enough... not strong enough wish to enlightenment, to self-realization. A: You see, actually this is the point one should know that we cannot force it on anyone. Then we cannot force it. That's all. Just can't force it. We are very sorry. We can't help people if they don't want to have it. It cannot be forced. No, not at all.
And moreover, if you want to leave us, it's alright, very good, thank you very much. You see also in the Kingdom of God there isn’t any places, you see.
Q. Is it possible to sing or make music which is the same as Truth? A. Of course, music is very close to it. But first, you must get your realization. Then you will have the discretion to know, which is the right music and which is not.