TV Interview, Reel Women, Part 3

TV Interview, Reel Women, Part 3 1994-09-29

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29 September 1994


Los Angeles (United States)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Draft

1994-09-29 Shri Mataji, 'Reel Women' Interview, P3, Los Angeles, USA

The most revolutionary breakthrough of this age is the collective inner transformation of the human being. This is the next stage in our evolution. The forth to mention that will awaken us to become highly evolved human beings with the ability, to have no more personality, that can save ourselves and save our world ...I am [unclear/Audrey Hope] and it is an honour to present Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, world spiritual leader and founder of Sahaja Yoga. Please join us a reel women for the forth to mention of evolution.

It is time now in our evolution to introspect deeply into the problems of modern human being and to find an answer and a solution for inner and global peace...

If we are to avoid our own self-destruction, in a cleric world then we must limit the Science, rationality, religion, power and money has left us wanting all of us ...Rich, Poor, Black and White ...And we have looked for truth in all the wrong places But these are special times ...The Blossom Times! That has been prophesied in all the ancient texts. It is the last judgement, the age of Aquarius & is the profound opportunity to enter the fourth dimension Where we can become highly evolved spiritual beings and to know on our central nervous system And we can prove God like a science. I am Audrey Hope and this is reel woman and it is a deep honour to present Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is the world spiritual leader, Who has travelled all over the world to give en-mass self-realisation to thousands. She is here to talk about the new and long-awaited book ...Meta Modern Era ...Welcome, Shri Mataji! It is so wonderful to have you!

It is hard to pronounce Meta Modern era. What does it mean?

Shri Mataji: Meta Modern Era ...The modern era is the present times. And meta is beyond that. What is beyond that

Audrey Hope(Interviewer): To go beyond the mind!

Shri Mataji: No, No not mind. Beyond this time What is beyond this time We expect...

Audrey Hope(Interviewer): What is the goal of writing the book? What is you want to achieve? And What did you want to say?

Shri Mataji: I wanted to tell them, about the power you all have ...All of you ...Whether you belong to one religion or to another.

Whether you are White, Yellow, Red anything you may be ...It's not skin deep. It is very deep within us in the triangular bone called as Sacrum. That shows that even the Greeks knew that it is a sacrum bone ...There is a power you all of you have ...All of you have the power Which if it is awakened, you achieve the fourth dimension of your personality But the problem that exists today in this world is because Our heritage comes from the Animal Kingdom. And We have many things which belong to the animals The worst then that is that we have also thinking power and rationality so we justify even whatever we do wrong. So even it is the worse than animal stage sometimes...

Interviewer: Yes, you call the Rationality the curse of modern man.

Shri Mataji: Of course, Rationality can explain everything. You may do any wrong and it explains that it is all right ...I mean that's how it is. It is very dangerous.

Interviewer: The people like Floyd, they made rational everything.

Shri Mataji: Like then it is emotional, the human being is going to be a spiritual being and that is- happens when this power within you rises ...through six centres, pierces through your fontanel bone area and connects to your all-pervading power of divine love. Now that is called as 'Ruh' by some people ...In the Bible, it is written as 'Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost ' and in other scriptures also it is described very clearly especially in Indian Scriptures as 'Param Chaitanya'.

But the trouble with human beings is that they are capable of spoiling anything.

If they go to a forest, it will be all clean, nicely, you see... preserved sort of a thing But once a human being enters there you start spelling it ...

Interviewer: You say that even in America We have 200 years of history and in such a short time we have made such a massive hit. You call it a Coca -Cola culture. Why, Why did you call that Mother?

Shri Mataji: You see the culture is more on, money-oriented ...You see ...Its money ...Somehow you should get money ...I mean it goes to such an extent that people think killing is alright for money, doing anything is alright for money ...Money has its own purpose But it is not for the destruction ...It is for the construction of human being and it's not so important also...See it is the thing that we don't have the satisfaction...Today we want to buy a car alright, for that we will work hard, save money, buy one car But after buying it there is no satisfaction then you want to build a house! Then you go from one to another never ever enjoyed What you have achieved ...

Interviewer: Isn't that Slavery Mother?Slavery to advertising ...

Shri Mataji: No, No due to greed...Greed in human being. And this Greed comes to us from ancient things like Inheritance ...:)But they are satisfied ...Animals are satisfied at a point but we are not. We are very Greedy, and we start running after this greed that has no end. This also makes us a little bit competitive and all kinds of things come in ...And all kinds of cruelties coming And Rich people think they are the superior people than to others But its not so. Because It has not given them satisfaction ...Whatever they have they are not satisfied That's the first thing that shows that they are not very much higher in their awareness...

With this happening, it passes through the six centres. Now, these six centres are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being all of them ...So when she rises this power which is the Kundalini Which is your individual Mother, She knows everything about you, She knows your past, She knows you hunkering

, She knows your aspirations everything ...She has tape-recorded it & when She invents itself and rises above the six centres ...What happens that the centres get enlightened ...Then they get integrated ...And when it pierces through the fontanel bone area it becomes one with this all-pervading power ...Now we all these beautiful flowers here but we just take them for granted We just don't understand that how different flowers are grown differently in a different manner from the same soil ...How does our mother earth does all this miracle or We see our heart running and we say ask a doctor ...Who is running our heart...He will say it an autonomous nervous system ...But if you ask who is this auto ...they can't answer ...

Interviewer: There is a scientific culture ...We need proof of everything.

Shri Mataji: That's all right! you can prove it

Interviewer: We can prove it?

Shri Mataji: Yes, We can prove. We can prove everything Whatever I am saying... Can be proved. But you see you must turn your eyes to the truth also ...To find out what is the truth really ...In a sincere manner you can find out ...for eg - The scientist himself said that there is a Torsion area beyond our mind means beyond rationality. There is a torsion area. And if you can reach that torsion area you can get the truth before you And that can be verified by science. He himself was so tired finding out the theory of relativity And in the laboratory, he was searching and was so tired so went into the garden and was playing with the soap bubbles ...And there he says suddenly from somewhere unknown this theory drowned upon me ...It happens to all the scientists but they don't know the area He has precisely called it as the Torsion area.09:29

Interviewer: Didn't it happen with you 09:27 Mother too...Didn't it happen to you by a tree in your meditation like you discovered en-mass of realization?

Shri Mataji: I was born like this ...I should say. So nothing happened that way But I was more anxious about one thing. That I said the state must be reached ...This stage of self-knowledge and self- realization by everyone in this world ...That was my research or I should say that was my greatest desire so I tried to steady human being in a subtle human way.....What's the problem with them? Because formerly only one person could get the self-realisation among 1000's of them and that was the tradition to give to one person only ...So then I thought Why not everyone because unless and until everyone gets it It's not going to work out well for the one who gets because you have seen all saints have been tortured, troubled, crucified because others did not know what it was, So they thought he is talking something rubish Whatever it is ...So it has to happen to the collective. Thus I tried to find out about human beings, luckily my father was a very social person, my husband also. As a result, I found out in 1970...The method by which you can give a mass -realization. And for that mass realization then I started working with one lady, to begin with...Gradually start doing. Now they tell me 72 nations are following...

Interviewer: Are you surprised at how many numbers of people are practising Sahaja yoga? Is it? Did you expect this?

Shri Mataji: Only I thought that if it works it will work! But I expect more to come now.

Interviewer: What are the very special time period? Is it called Krita Yuga? What is that mean? The cycle of Krita Yuga?

Shri Mataji: Yes, very special time period That is why I called it Krita yuga.

See the first it was this ' Kalyuga ' Which was the worst of all among all of them ...They are described in the Shastras also. They described it...But they didn't go that far. They didn't visit...I think ... America to see [unclear]. At the most, they said they [unclear/are laid in steel ]and all such things, Which is not a great crime I think but that the children will answer back there parents and all that was written ...but if you come to America you will realize it, its completely a very [unclear/critics] and very very dangerous picture of the 'Kalyuga' ...After 'Kalyuga', comes 'Krita Yuga' Where this all-pervading power starts working out...through human beings ...That's started in the beginning and then after that will come 'Satyuga' I think the Satyuga has also started ...Where everything will be exposed...

Interviewer: Falsehood everything ...

Shri Mataji: Yes

Interviewer: Shri Mataji I don't know if you know this but -People in America are crazy for this Y2K ...They think this is the end of the world. They think that once 2000 will come all the computers start [unclear/erasing ] :) We are going to have the end ...And People in [unclear / some country] and [unclear] are preparing in building walls and arming themselves with war ...This is going on ...What do you say about that?

Shri Mataji: No, No ...You see our creator who has created us, is not going to allow this destruction. Of course, this is the last judgement so those who do not rise above their human awareness might be lost but not people who are achieving their greater awareness...They won't be lost. And from that our creator himself has placed this great power within us to have our ascent into this fourth dimension.

Interviewer: So world peace is possible Mother?

Shri Mataji: Of course, I mean, when this happens to you, you become extremely peaceful...Now look at our thoughts ! they come from say future sometimes from the past and we dance in the cusp of those thoughts. All the time we are dancing We can not stop thinking but when this power rises She elongates them and there is the space in between that is the space of present where you are silent ...You watch everything you react to nothing you just absorb, absorb it...For example -I see a beautiful carpet here, so I look at it how beautiful it is! I am having all the enjoyment of the artist who created it ...But I don't go on thinking -How much you have paid ? Where can I get it ...Or if it is mine then should we ensure it All these nonsensical ideas don't come ...The beauty you just start watching, & watching the beauty as peace of great joy to you. Anything ...So if you see a human being who is so much reactionary to everything goes mad...So you have to be silent ...and when you are silent you are peaceful...Unless & Until there is a peace within your self you can't create peace by bombs ...Can you?

Interviewer: So you want to transform people and political power? That's the hope?

Shri Mataji: That is our destiny! Every human being has the right to get it...

Sahaja - 'Saha' means 'with', 'ja' is 'born' .

Interviewer: Shri Mataji When I met with yogis, I was very impressed they look in your eyes...I wanted to be like them ...I wanted to love like them, and that is the true meaning of Sahaja yoga ...What [unclear/pure cells? What pure spirit ?]

Shri Mataji: Yes there eyes are glittering and they don't fight, they love each other, and it is not an artificial thing ...They are just natural & even if they are from different countries I have seen them so nicely blended together, enjoying each other, loving each other ...I mean they find they have found their brothers all over ... sisters all over...

Interviewer: Sahaja yoga has had many American Breakthroughs. Can you tell us about them, Mother? especially In America, they love that ...They love to know that it can cure cancer ...

Shri Mataji: I have already had a hospital in India And another one we are going to have ...This is near Bombay ...Another one We are going to have is In Delhi ...this hospital...Where we treat them freely because it's there own power So we can't charge them but for there stay and food, of course, we charge them...

It's a very remarkable thing which we have found out. That most of the diseases can be cured by the awakening of the Kundalini because diseases come to you because of the imbalance of your centres ...With the exhaustion of the centres but this Kundalini

When she rises she nourishes them not only that, but she integrates them. Cancer has been cured of many people ...

Interviewer: Has it been documented by Scientific Research?

Shri Mataji: Of course, Of course, We have doctors, they have documented ...

Interviewer: Wao! Even Genes can be changed...How many souls can be changed?

Shri Mataji: yes In my book I have written out about this. And I have also written about Phosphorous ...When there is too much phosphorous in the body, in the genes because of dry temperament, you see ...So a person gets very much hot-tempered. Can also get what you can call a person is very easily irritated, very overactive sort of a person ...But in case, You get your realization you get so balanced ...

Interviewer: Will you speak about women, Mother? In a book you talk about [unclear], that if it's so natural and so normal then Why do we so violent, Why do we so violently go against & also study say Why one person[unclear], We flirt with another, and we have all this [unclear ] ...our value system is not so good ...

Shri Mataji: See I don't know how they don't understand?That these things create horrible diseases...They are creating horrible diseases scientifically proved but still, they indulge in it because they think they have the freedom to ruin our lives. What can we do about it? This kind of attitude they take. And they are going on and I just don't know how to tell them that this is all wrong. While, you try to be moral, which is one of the sentences Which is below this Kundalini & is the centre for morality that has to be alright. And That's the one which makes you stabilize yourself ...Now I have seen that some x people we didn't allow them to be there ...Because the problem was that I have some great sympathy for them...And I wanted to start even a hospital for that ...But they are so arrogant, They know they are going to die now, so they think that they can do whatever they want ...Arrogant...They shout, scream......And they form a group to attack us ...Is impossible to make them understand that you are sick, you can be saved if you try to follow Sahaja yoga But they are very difficult ...Rather most difficult patients I have seen...

Otherwise, other patients are all right and so many diseases which we call cancer and other muscular diseases ...So many other kinds of diseases have been already been cured by Sahaja yoga. So first they use to come and tell Sahaja yogis, so I thought better have hospitals! So now we have a hospital in Bombay, near Bombay, there are 175 patients already...And another one we are starting here in Delhi

Interviewer: Wonderful! Also Mother, How can we stop the inhumanity to a woman? How can we stop this?

Shri Mataji: Men are inhuman to a woman and sometimes the woman is inhuman to men. It's quite a lot here, right?:)

Interviewer: You really take a stand against the needy oh mother...You say media is the absolute reason for it ...For value system going down ...

Shri Mataji: I am not interested in this media because they don't understand irresponsible they are !... All that goes wrong, could be blamed on them ...They don't understand that it is a very important thing for media to be responsible and to understand that what are they up to? Because money-making is that is the aim ...if that is the only thing to be achieved...What can you talk to them? But they should understand that they are very responsible, the hell responsible for all the destruction that has taken place ...

Interviewer: Another word like the Law of Polarity you talked about in the book, The law of Polarity meaning?

Shri Mataji: Yes It reacts, It reacts ...If you go to one extreme it reacts in the other extreme ...So one should not go to the extremes, in any anything, you should be in the centre ...

Interviewer: And In many countries, right now, are suffering from the law of polarity?

Shri Mataji: Yes, Yes, Any country see...When it goes too much to the extremes ...Now I would say - say In America, You are alright prosperous everything but I find everybody [indebted 21:04 ]...I am amazed that in India also many people have come, well educated mostly they are [indebted21:15 ]They have debts on them. So I said Why, Why should you be indebted? This is the lifestyle is such, So they have to carry on the lifestyle and the fad that see this is the best ...So today they will buy furniture, and then will throw away ...Is a style, Lifestyle they say ...

Interviewer: Choices you say? Choices...So many choices!

Shri Mataji: And these choices I have discussed in the ...That they have choices which have no meaning ...They go on changing for what? I mean ...It is just to show off that you have money and you can mean indebted ...So the reaction as the polarity acts you see... this is ...Then another is too much running after the money we neglect our children, We neglect the family and all these problems start coming up and if the children are neglected they can go to any extreme you have seen they get to violence ...get to all kinds of things ...But children are very important because they are future citizens...And their preservation is extremely important so I have also started an NGO in India Where we are looking after the children of the destitute woman. Also, we are having a school for them ...Already We have a school for foreign children because they want to send their children to India, to be educated. But they have turned out, to be such beautiful children, such good children, very smart very intelligent ...Always from India, the Boys and Girls from our schools top the list...

Interviewer: Wonderful, I think it's very important ...I mean ...Really Hitler had started with the [unclear ] to get control of Germany because they were so impressionable, So its important o teach them the right values!

Shri Mataji: Right Values are taught also by parents ...You see... If the parents are all the time fighting and there is no peace then children start their own ways, and they go to another side but I cant understand that Why can't we have beautiful families? and Why can't We have people who respect each other and have their children who can respect them also...Respect begets respect ...In the family, if the husband is saying all kinds of things to his wife ...and wife is saying all kinds of things ......Children become .....It is very subtle ...You see We don't realize how harmful it could be ...But if you realize it ...You will try to avoid this ...No need to have this kind of atmosphere... Then another problem is this so-called affluence is that People go crazy sometimes they really go crazy ...They are really crazy because with affluence they take to horrible things like drugs, the alcoholism all kinds of things and then they go mad ... I have also started an N.G.O for drug addicts in a place called Kanhajohri in North America ...I am thinking of starting a big place for the people who are drug addict ...And you can give the drug addiction overnight ...Its a fact This happens ...and you don't have to pay for it because it is your own power ...So there is a place I am trying to get where we can accommodate people. And I talked to the people there they said Our government will be happy but the people will be against ...I said for What? Because You see...All kinds of permissions you [unclear /have to have ] But I said why? so they said they will go 'amak' and they will try to destroy the houses and all that ..I said this Kanhajouhri such a cut off place. Even to walk off there is difficult you can't even have a horse ride So who is going to come out of it to trouble the public ...It's a very far fetched place...So nothing like that will happen But unnecessary, you are used to create a problem that everything that goes good than what can be done,.....Your children would be saved entirely. Absolutely, We have so many of them, first in England, Drug Addicts ...When they came they saw just lights, this that ...Today they are very good Sahaja yogis They are doing very good work, they are well educated ...I mean Its a very different area in which you entered. You take drugs to avoid problems, here the problems disappear.

Interviewer: Shri Mataji! Sahaja Yoga is the hope for the world ...

Shri Mataji: of course, It is, No doubt ...

But unfortunately in America, it's not so popular ...

Interviewer: I had a lot of people who come and ask how much it costs in the count

Shri Mataji: Because you don't take money, That's why they are not interested...

I mean I can't take money Whether you are interested or not ...

Interviewer: But isn't it true that even 1% of the population change if you have such a ripple effect on the world?

Shri Mataji: yes, But difficult it is that they have certain concepts about things and all people who are very much clever and cunning better than me ...they come and exploit them and they like it ...They like exploitation...

Interviewer: We have a lot of time! I thank you so much I know you get up very early to come here ...And it's so wonderful ...

Shri Mataji: No I get up early only !

Interviewer: Thank you!

Shri Mataji: Nice to come here! Thank you!

Interviewer: That's my pleasure! Thank you!

Shri Mataji: May God bless you!

This is Audrey Hope, In reel woman, dedicated to life and perspectives they can transform our world. Thank you so much for joining us!

Los Angeles (United States)

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