Sahaja Yoga: A new dimension in your awareness

Sahaja Yoga: A new dimension in your awareness 1993-07-25

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
Text Status
Transcript (English) – Draft
Live Translation

Current language: English, list all talks in: English

25 July 1993

Sahaja Yoga: A New Dimension In Your Awareness

Public Program

Křižíkova fontána, Prague (Czech Republic)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft

Public Program

I bow to all the seekers of truth.

At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. If you want to know the truth, first of all you must know that through your evolutionary process you have become human beings. And if you have to go at a higher state, it has to be the same living process of evolutionary growth. We must also know that when we evolve, we did not pay for it. And when we evolved, we developed many more qualities than the animals have. In the same way, if you have to evolve, then you have to have some sort of a transformation. Also you must have some new dimensions in your awareness.

You have seen this chart, which is the subtle system within you. That has brought you up to this level. Now the time has come for the last break-through. To know the absolute truth. So far, whatever we know is relative truth. That is why there are so many quarrels and fights and wars.

I am sorry today we have such a short time in which I have to give you self-realization. So I won’t be able to tell you everything about your self-realization. But it will work out, spontaneously. Actually it does not require any lecture, any explanation. Like this Mother Earth, if you put a seed and water it, it sprouts by itself. Because it is built-in in the Mother Earth and also built-in in the seed to sprout. So this is also built-in within you.

Only this one has to be awakened so that you get this yoga, the union with the all-pervading divine power. So as we have little time, let us do our self-realization. And you all liked it? Alright. Those who don’t want to have it should leave the place, because I respect your freedom, I cannot force self-realization on you.

I have to just warn you that there are many false people coming down even in Czechoslovakia, just to make money. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for giving these beautiful flowers? Anybody who asks for money, please be sure that it is absolutely a fake thing. Also be careful about religions, which try to capture the governments. These religions are not Spirit oriented, they are money oriented and power oriented. So with such false things we cannot achieve reality.

Also science cannot give you many answers. It cannot tell you why are you on this Earth, what is your identity, what is your origin. All these questions can be answered in the light of the Spirit.

Now, for getting self-realization, there are only three conditions.

The first condition, very important, is that you should not feel guilty at all. If you feel guilty, then this center here catches. And you might get a disease called angina, spondylitis, or lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty? Today we had somebody from Catholic church.

And he could not get his realization. And we found his left vishuddhi center was very badly caught up.

Then ultimately we asked him, ”Are you a catholic?”

He said, ”Yes”.

Oh, that’s the reason! Because they tell you ’you are sinners’ and they tell you to confess. To a priest. Even many priests become mad. So there is nothing to feel guilty about it. If you have committed mistakes, you are human beings, after all you are not God! So, if there is some mistake, face it! But don’t feel guilty and put it here. (Shri Mataji pointing at left vishuddhi). If you do not forgive yourself and don’t feel guilty, this will not open and this power of Kundalini won’t pass through.

Second condition is that you should forgive everyone in general. That means, logically, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, than you play into wrong hands. And you torture yourself. The person who has tortured you is happy, while you are torturing yourself on his behalf. Now the center here is like this, very closed. (Shri Mataji pointing on the forehead). Optic chiasma. Now, if you don’t forgive, it won’t open. But if you forgive, it opens. This is how the Kundalini can pass through. As it is, you have tortured yourself all your life and now if you don’t forgive, you will miss your self-realization.

Now, third condition is, that you have to be absolutely confident that you will get your self-realization tonight. As a result, you will feel the all-pervading power of divine love, which does all the living work.

This would be for the first time you will know there is this power. Also you’ll feel the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. And on your finger tips you can feel your own centers and centers of others. All human problems come from these centers. And all these centers, if they can be corrected, all these problems can disappear. So what happens to you, that on your central nervous system you can feel your centers, you can feel the all-pervading power, and also the absolute truth.

This is called as ’bodhi’ in Sanskrit language. ’Bodh’ from the word Buddha has come. So, you don’t have to do much about it, it works spontaneously. But in any case today I’ll tell you how to nourish your own centers. Only for today.

Now, can I request all the people who are standing to be comfortably seated. It’s alright. Anywhere you are, you’ll get your realization. Means no difference.

I am sorry, this time I asked Radim to get a big hall, because last time people could not come inside that hall. So he got this open-air thing. Whatever it is, it works. (comment: Krizik Fountain was a big open-air amphitheater with music&light shows)

Alright. So now, you have to first... to help me, you have to take out your shoes. For a while. And put both the feet on the ground. Now, you have to know that the left side is the power of desire and right side is the power of action. So we have to put both the feet apart from each other. I hope everybody sits down. I am alright, don’t worry. I am all right. I hope everybody sits down (from the back?). You don’t have to go to Himalayas, or stand on your heads. In your seat you’ll get your realization. (Shri Mataji is laughing)

So now, please, put your left hand towards me like this on the left lap.

Why don’t you all sit down there? They are all standing.

And you have to put your right hand on your heart. Please, put your left hand like this and right hand on the heart. All of you have to do it. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, which is the center of your mastery and was created by great prophets. Again I would like to tell you, that I cannot force divine pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. Because I respect your freedom.

So now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure divine knowledge. Now, raise your right hand again into the upper portion of your abdomen. Again on your heart. Now you have to put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens, when this center is out of gear. Now you have to take your right hand on top of our forehead across and put down your head. This is the center for you to forgive everyone, in general.

Now please, take your right hand on the back side of our head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. Now the last center, please, stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please, push back your fingers.This is important, so that there is a pressure on your fontanel bone area. And please, put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp, clockwise, seven times slowly.

That’s all you have to do. Now you have to close your eyes.

Thats’ all you have to do. Now close your eyes.

And before closing, see that your two feet are apart from each other and the left hand is on your left lap.

Now please put your right hand on your heard and close your eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask the fundamental question about yourself. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. And ask me question three times, ”Mother, am I the Spirit?”

I have already told you that if you become the Spirit, you will become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen and put it on your left hand side, press it and ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Here you ask, ”Mother, am I my own master?” Ask three times.

I have already told you I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and here the center has got six petals, so you have to ask six times, ”Mother please give me pure divine knowledge.”

Now, as soon as you ask for divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So you have to nourish your higher centers with your full confidence.

So now rise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here you have to say with full self confidence ten times, ”Mother, I am my own master.”

I have to tell you that the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, these emotions, but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on your heart. And here you have to say with full confidence twelve times, ”Mother I am the pure Spirit.”

This all-pervading power of divine love is the ocean of knowledge and blessings. It is the ocean of joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might commit, they can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder.

And turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times, ”Mother I am not guilty at all.” Say it with full confidence.

I have already told you that whether you forgive or not forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So at this moment please forgive, otherwise this center will not open and also you will miss your self-realization.

Now raise your hand on top of your forehead across, put down your head, and here with full confidence -from your heart, not how many times- your have to say, ”Mother I forgive everyone in general.” Please, say it from your heart.

Now you have to take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head and here -again: without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction- you have to say, ”O divine power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong.” Say it from heart, not how many times.

Now the last center. Stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area. Push back your fingers and bend your head. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you, I respect your freedom. So you have to ask for it.

Now please move your scalp seven times, slowly saying seven times, ”Mother please give me self-realization.”

(Shri Mataji is blowing into the microphone.)

Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands like this, towards me.

Now put your right hand towards me like this and bend your head, and with the left hand you see, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head.

Now. Please put left hand now and bend your head and see with a right hand if there a cool or a hot, whether is coming out.

Once again. With the right hand. Please feel if there is a cool or a hot air coming from your head. But if you are not forgiven yourself and others, it will be hot. So please forgive.

Alright. Now please put your hands up on the sky. And the question, ”Is this the all-pervading power of divine love?” Ask this question three times.

(Some people from outside are disturbing the program.)

Shri Mataji: Just a minute. What are they saying?

(Yogini is explaining to Shri Mataji, who are the shouting people. They are some people waiting for the next show of the Krizik Fountain.)

Shri Mataji: It’s alright.

All those who have felt the cool breeze, please rise your hands. Or hot breeze. On the hands or here.

May God bless you.

Most of you have felt it.

There was no need to misbehave. Doesn’t behove a (unclear, meaning a good ) person. I have met many of them all my live and I have great regard for them.

So may God bless you, all those who has got their self-realization.

May god bless you.

Shri Mataji to the translator: Who are they? They should not have come there.

(yogi talking)

Shri Mataji: I know you people have come for the show; and the show will only start when I finish my program. Yes, it is true.

And this show you can always see, but you cannot get your self-realization. Try to understand. You have no value for your life. You don’t understand why are you here.

Just to see the show, that’s all your life is worth?

Just think of it.

(yogi talking)

Křižíkova fontána, Prague (Czechia)

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