God’s Love Part 1

God’s Love Part 1 1983-08-25

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Public Program
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Transcript (English) – VERIFIED
Live Translation

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25 August 1983

God’s Love Part 1

Public Program

Lausanne (Switzerland)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – VERIFIED

Public Program Day 1 25.8.1983

Shri Mataji: You want to speak through... It’s rather hot.

Sahaja Yogini: Should I come to the other side?

Shri Mataji: I think so. Better be here.

[Yogini translates into Italian or French]

I bow to all the seekers of Truth. I have to ask for your attention, to the understanding that so far whatever we have been doing, whatever we have achieved, whatever we think is the development, thinking the whole world as one, we have gone away, deviated from our goal. Now when I have chance of meeting people, I find they even are against God Almighty. Some people who are not so much blessed in life think that it is the fault of God, and some people, who are really blessed, have forgotten Him completely.

Today I am going to talk to you about His Love, what He has done for us. Sahaja Yoga is the blessing of God Almighty, specially meant for people who are seeking something higher, something nobler, something greater than they have had so far. This opportunity is available to everyone, whether you are rich or poor, educated, uneducated, developed, underdeveloped. Everyone has the chance. He has made it possible that people who are really seeking, because you have to knock at the door, will be blessed with something so great that it will fulfil all that is incomplete within them. So, all that is incomplete will be fulfilled. That all the problems of this relative world will be finished, as you will become your absolute Self. All the confusion between the ego and your conditioning will be resolved. For this you cannot pay. Because one must understand that God is a living force of love. In that force He creates this beautiful garden for us. He transforms flowers into fruits. He gives all that is living to us, all that is living to us. So whatever is living you cannot do it by effort.

For a Western mind it is very difficult to accept that you get the blessings of God, of your Self-knowledge without doing anything about it. Because this is your right to get it. The whole creation is for this, that you get this, because you deserve it, that you are ready for it, that you are mature for it. You don’t have to do anything more for it. Some people who believe that if you just lead a very good life, then is done for you, is not correct. Because a person may ask, ‘Why a good life also?’

Translator: Why a good life?

Shri Mataji: Why a good life? Why to lead a good life, a religious life, a very settled life? Why? What’s the use? Why should I do it? Or it is another conditioning, that you say that you have to lead a good married life, have children, live very happily but is conditioning. They can challenge it. What is the use? Why should I do it? Because you have to ascend. If that good life also makes you absolutely conditioned and solidified, then it is useless. Then you are not doing what you are supposed to achieve. You have to ascend in your consciousness.

So today, I am telling you about the blessings of God out of His Love that He has made it possible that everyone who’s seeking a higher life can get it. Now so far people say, ‘We’ve done so much and why didn’t we get it? How it has become so much easier now?’

So I have to explain to you historically, if you move, first it was the work of a man as a ‘masculine personality’ where he has to build up his sciences, all his extravert activities. Like a tree grows outwards. And then now is the time for the ‘feminine consciousness’ to rise within you, to nourish you like a mother’s womb does. You find so many ‘feminine consciousness’ coming up, but they have little bit deviated again. They are just behaving the same way as men have behaved and it will not complete the picture. That will not achieve the result that we are working it out, the way it has to be worked out, because a new type of nourishment has to come. As the overgrown tree has to go to its nourishment, to its source, you have to go to your source.

But we live with opposites. Like, if a man is dominating, the woman dominates like a man. She competes with him. If the people become very religious, they will make them again religious, rigid absolutely – again, as you call them Victorian societies. The movement is pendulum-like, we move from one to another side. It doesn’t solve the problem. The problem will only be solved, if the movement of consciousness is spiral, where you move higher. And that is only possible when all, whatever we have done, is again nourished fully, like the womb of the mother. And the nourishing nature of motherhood or nature of the womb doesn’t dominate anyone; doesn’t dominate the foetus. Because it nourishes that and it makes it grow. It has to look after the growth of it and not the static part of it. And unless and until this growth is felt, you should not believe that you are on right path.

Now when you are judging any movement in your consciousness, you must understand that there are many unknown parts in our body of which we are not conscious. Like, if you move too much on the left-hand side, you enter into an area which is called as Collective Subconscious. Now the left side is the emotional side, and if you go too much onto that, then you enter into that area which can be very dangerous. Most of the incurable diseases like cancer are caused by this movement on the physical side. The diseases, mental diseases like schizophrenia, or epilepsy, all these are caused also by the same movement.

The fake people, the fake people who want to make money out of you, can mesmerise you in such a way that you can go into that area where you are just like a cabbage. And they can manoeuvre you. You just become bound by all the conditionings, for they’ll put everything as a mystery before you, and ‘secrets’. Everything will be done in privacy. Very few things will be explained. You have to do everything blindly, with blind faith.

The other side is the right side when you move into collective supra-conscious in which you get possessed by your ego. You start seeing lights and you start seeing all sorts of visions, but you are not there, because you can see it. You are away from that, from what you see. You are not experiencing but just seeing it. This is another dangerous zone into which you enter, and you get lost because you don’t know what it is.

Now the third dimension in which you have to really rise is your Self, is your Spirit and which is the knowledge, complete knowledge. There’s no blindness about it. Once the Spirit comes into your attention, everything is so logical. You don’t have to believe that Christ was the Son of God, but it is a fact which you see for yourself and is proved through the movement of the energies.

You don’t have to just believe you are a twice-born person. But you develop powers of a person who is twice-born of collective consciousness. When these powers are developed, you know what you are actually doing. There are many people I know who say ‘We cure people’ and they say that, ‘We don’t know how we do it.’ Some of them are the people who are really possessed of spirits, dead spirits. And such people if they cure you, they are shifting from one to another spirit. And those people who get treated by such, such, er, we should say ‘doctors’, can suffer from terrible nervous trouble and have suffered; I’ve seen so many. So all such systems which are opposites, which work in the opposite directions, can create a gap between a personality. There cannot be integration.

So to achieve the result of you being the power, you being the person who manoeuvres the power, who is the master of your power, you have to become your Self. Now to become the Self is not some artificial baptism. Is a true baptism. It is true Christianity. For example, when the force that gives you this Realisation is awakened, you can see the actual pulsation in the triangular bone. You can actually see it rising. You can see it pulsating on your head. And you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. That is the true living process of baptism.

When Christ said you are to be born again, it is not some mental projection, that you certify yourself, ‘I’m born again,” or “I’m born-again in Spirit,’ and you, you do not feel the Holy Ghost. Some people who take to such ideas may try to lead a life which is very honourable, noble, but that is just a mental projection. The religion is not born within you, is not awakened within you, is not enlightened within you.

It has to be in your conscious mind, means on your central nervous [system]. You must feel the religion. It has to flow from your hands, the energy of yourself, of your Spirit, after your second birth. Mohammed Sahib has said, ‘At the time of resurrection your hands will speak.’

The other day I went for a radio interview and the lady felt it and she was amazed. She said, ‘What’s happening? How am I feeling this and what is it I am feeling?’ And when she felt this, she, she was so amazed, because she had never felt this before.

Now, this is the love of God. This is the All-pervading Power of God. This is the One that does all the great living works of this universe. But you have to feel it. If you don’t feel it, that means something is still wrong in the central nervous system, because it can be felt by thousands. So one has to correct that, and once it is corrected you feel your Spirit flowing through your being.

Now for the first time also that now you can give back to nature, to the Mother Earth, which is the womb of this universe. We have taken it for granted because the Mother Earth, we are exhausting Her morning till evening. And we do not know what harm we are doing to Her and to ourselves. But when you feel this cool breeze in your hand, and then you go, say, near a tree, the tree sucks that. If it is a sick tree, it becomes perfectly all right. If it is not giving any fruits, it starts giving fruits. If you give this energy to some human being, you don’t get any troubles. But that person gets his Self-realisation, you know how he gets it. You know where the Kundalini is obstructed, where the force is obstructed. You know how to cure it. And you give him his Self-realisation by which he receives his complete peace and tranquillity.

Not only that, but if he has any physical trouble, he gets over that. If he has any mental trouble, he gets over that. So, first time you become generous and start giving [to] others. First time, you become empowered to really help others, where no money is needed, and no effort is needed, no organisation needed. It just flows, it emits, and the joy of giving is the highest. Because now you have become the light. And as Christ has said it, the light is not put under the table. You are not just satisfied by living a good selfish life with your wife and children, but you start giving. You become a real noble person, because that becomes your nature, very nature. You become righteous by nature.

[About someone in the audience] Just find out who he is. He’s taken my photograph, who is he? Just see. Who’s is he? He should have taken your permission. Because they can be very funny, you see, they sell out and things like this.

I am sorry for this, but sometimes people have misused the photographs. They have sold them, made money and all that. So we are rather careful, I hope you don’t mind. You cannot sell My photograph. You can, at the most, pay for the printing; that’s all. But you cannot make profit on that.

So now this is the time, a special time and a great time when such a great happening has to take place, and that time if you miss it, you have not been wise. This is the time where you will be comforted, you will be redeemed and you’ll be consoled. You will know all about it and... Please pay attention this side. This gentleman who is he?...His attention is very disturbed. Please pay attention. You will be blessed. This is the time and you should not miss the blessings. I should say, I’m just like a banker. I am the bank of Graciousness. I am the bank of Love of God. I’m just here to cash your cheques. You better cash it. Better get blessed by your own power of your Spirit.

Thank you very much.

Now if you have any sensible questions, please ask Me. If you belong to some cult or something, you can go back to it and follow it, all your life; I have nothing to say. If you are identified with anybody else you can go ahead; I have nothing to say. Those who think that they have to get something in life should be here.

Question: This gentleman says that You said there was going to be a great Advent. What is this Advent?

Shri Mataji: It’s rather embarrassing. I think this answer we can do later on. But there is one great Advent who is going to come after this which is just going to sort out everything. There won’t be any chance left. There won’t be any more realisations. There won’t be any comforting relationships. No meetings, no conferences, just the sorting out as described in the Bible.

Question: Is there any means to go against this sorting out that is going to take place?

Shri Mataji: What is it, the meaning?

Translator: Is there any means, any way to go out, to avoid this sorting out?

Shri Mataji: Yes, you better get your realisation.You better know yourself ‘Know thyself’

Question: [French]

Shri Mataji: That’s it, I’m saying.

Question: [French]

Shri Mataji: Just use small sentences; it’s easy to translate to me.

Translator: He is saying that somebody who is identified with any political system or somebody who is not quite all right has to prepare himself mentally and read the Bible because he doesn’t believe that anybody can get it just like that.

Shri Mataji: You may not believe but it is true. You better see it if you get it. If somebody has any political affiliations and identifications, even an identification that by reading Bible, you won’t know, you don’t know what Bible says. Bible has said you better get yourself realised. You better be born again. You have to be born again in a living way, again I say, don’t make mistakes there. This is a very big mistake we have done. You cannot organise Bible.

Christ has never said, ‘Read Bible,’ has He? Never! He said you are to be born again, which is a living process. There are many things we don’t understand of Bible. You can’t explain what is Holy Ghost is. But we can explain and show you. We don’t know where Christ is within us, how to awaken Him. We don’t have any communication with Christ. We just believe we have communication. Can you believe it that if you had any communication with Christ, what the Christians nations are doing today? Can you believe?

Christ has said, ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.’ Do you find any Christians without adulterous eyes, and the Christian women walking naked on the streets to distract your eyes? Where has Christianity gone today? It has failed Christ, completely failed Him. And if you see in England, churches are sold out today for the pubs. It is now time for people to open their eyes to see where have they gone wrong, what is the mistake.

They forget the history, how Bible was mutilated. Have you read the books of Essenes which are authentic books written long time back? Augustine is the one who changed so many modes of Christianity, turned them away from reality that, ‘You are to be born again,’ is the point. Christ has clearly said, ‘You will be calling Me “Christ, Christ”. I won’t recognise you.’ But once you get your realisation, you become a real Christian. You become a righteous person. You become a moral person. You become a generous person. You get the power of healing, that Christ had.

How many people have improved by reading Bible; I would like to know how much they have helped others? Christ is not a missionary. Is he? Like he’ll go and treat the patients and things, He’s not that. How did He cure people? A lady touched His cloth and the energy flew through into him.

That’s what should happen. Now this kind of a thing that we are thinking is a social work that we are doing, is God’s work. God’s work is not so mundane. It is not so shallow, so low-level. It has to be fantastic. It has to be beautiful. Every moment you must feel the proof of His love.

We have failed Him and we are failing badly. I Myself took My birth in a Protestant family, Christian family. And now I have Jews and I have got Hindus and Muslims who believe in Christ, not because they are told but they know that He is the Son of living God. And that is what one has to achieve. But it’s a mental projection - we think if we carry the Bible Christ will take us in the Heaven. He will not. The Bible is not for reading but for following.

Translator: For what?

Shri Mataji: For following, for integrating within us. That is one thing we have lost. Now to understand how Christ was a universal personality, He Himself has said that, ‘Those are not against Me are with Me.’ So those who are not against Me who are these people?

People ask Me, ‘Why did I take birth in a Christian religion?’ I told them they are the latest, the greatest sophisticated fanatics. Their minds are closed. Now you go to Riad, in a Muslim country, they cannot beat you in fanaticism, I can tell you, because they are not so sophisticated. They are crude. They are gross. So we can call Khomeini as a fanatic. And not the Indian or anybody else who is a fanatic can beat the Western fanatics. They have made a theology out of it, a big mental building up. They have closed their minds completely even to see that that He has said a Comforter, the Holy Ghost. Do they know who is the Holy Ghost? Do they know that Holy Ghost is the Mother? Is the Primordial Mother? They don’t want to accept the Mother. They say that God Almighty had a Son without a Mother. Can you believe such an absurd situation? They denied Mother out and out. Catholics did have a little bit feeling for that, but that too very limited. And the Protestant church finished it, though Martin Luther was a realised soul. I asked My father, ‘Why did he do it?’ And he said that at that time the Muslims were rising very high and he did not want to talk about a woman because they would not accept Christianity. But that it is temporarily.

But today there is no place in Christianity for a spiritual woman. Can you see that? No place for the Mother Earth, because She is the One who nourishes us like the Mother. Is that the way to treat the Mother of Christ? She is the Holy Ghost. We can prove it. And the force that is within you which gives you realisation is the reflection of the same Holy Ghost. For that you have to open your eyes and go to other religions and find out. In the old Vedas and all that, they are described already. Christ is already described fourteen thousand years back in India. Not only how He came to this earth, but what He was, how He was made, why He came, what was His purpose. But Christians don’t want to open their eyes. Even there are so many Muslims who are today Sahaja Yogis. And also Christians who are fed up with Christianity. You have to see that all of them are truth expressions.

Now we have to prove their existence today. I am here to prove their existence. I am here to prove every word of the Bible. Tomorrow your children will deny Bible. It’s a very small place, Lausanne is. But if you go outside in the world, you will find people have absolutely denied the Bible. You will have to re-establish it by evolving it to its reality. Manifesting its real power, through you, who get realisation. It is not a new religion. It is the essence of all the religions that you have to understand, and you have to achieve.

Now should we have realisation? It’s very simple. It is like one enlightened light can enlighten another light. Once you are enlightened, you can enlighten another light. We have with us someone from Australia, who has given realisation to three thousand people. He was a diplomat and a doctor. We have another barrister here sitting from Algeria, who has given realisation to so many people. We have another one, an Indian from India who has given realisation to ten thousand people. And even in Geneva and in Lausanne we have people, who can do it, who are adept. You also can become that. You can also have that power and you can also do God’s work now for a change.

All right, now just you have to just put your hands towards Me like this. But you better take off your shoes; will help you, because the Mother Earth helps us a lot. Those people who don’t want it should go away, should not disturb the whole people, should go away. Please keep your hands like this, towards Me. It cannot be forced upon you; it cannot be forced. It has to be done in your own freedom. You have to ask for it. Otherwise it doesn’t work out. If you do not have any respect for it, it is better that you leave the place. Please put both your hands like this towards Me, and close your eyes. You have to keep your eyes shut. That is important. There is no mesmerism. Keep your eyes shut. Just put your hands towards Me, without putting any pressures on them, because the end of your fingers have got the sympathetic centres and they receive the message. Please close your eyes.

Now put your right hand on your heart and say in your heart that, ‘I am the Spirit.’ You can say, ‘Mother, I am the Spirit,’ because if you can say ‘Shri Mataji’ that’s My name, you can say that, or you can say just ‘Mother’. ‘I am the Spirit’. Just assuming that you are the Spirit. Say it thrice.

Now put the right hand on your stomach, on the left hand side. Here is your Master Principle, your Guru Principle. So you have to say, ‘Mother, I am my own guru.’ Say it ten times because there are Ten Commandments. You don’t need anybody’s commandments; you become your own master. You become a perfect master. Just say, ‘Mother, I am my own master.’

Now you just put the same hand on the heart again with the right hand, with the left hand towards Me, and say twelve times because there are twelve petals of the heart that, “Mother, I am the Spirit.’ Loudly, again, twelve times. Loudly.

Now if you are the Spirit you cannot commit guilt. You cannot be guilty. Guilt is an escape from reality. So you have to put the right hand on the left hand side of the neck, on the shoulder and say, ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ This you have to say sixteen times. Please say it; all of you have got this problem. Not to feel guilty. ‘Mother, I’m not guilty’. You are actually enriching your centres. Don’t feel guilty; not to feel guilty.

Now you have to put this hand on your forehead across, right hand. Here lies the centre of Christ. This is the window of Christ centre, we should say. But He resides in the optic chiasma, on a very subtle centre which people call as the ‘Third Eye’. So we have to say that, ‘I forgive everyone. I forgive myself.’ Say it from your heart. If you do not forgive anyone, then you are harming yourself, not the person whom you don’t forgive. This is the greatest weapon Christ has given us that to say, ‘I forgive everyone.’ Have concern for yourself now. And with that concern you have to say, ‘I forgive everyone,’ because you don’t want to harm yourself.

After this, I cannot cross your freedom. You have to ask for your realisation. Otherwise I cannot force. I respect your freedom. So you have to put your hand on the fontanel bone area where you get your baptism, on your head, on top of your head. Touch it with your palm and ask, ‘Mother, please give me my realisation. Please manifest my realisation.’ You have to ask for it. ‘May I have my realisation?’ Try to rub it. Put your hand on directly and move it in a clockwise manner. Say this seven times that, ‘Please let me have my self-knowledge, my second birth,’ seven times.

Now see for yourself. Raise your hand and see if there is a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming in. Sometimes the heat comes out, which is released from the body. Now you put your right hand towards Me and see with the left hand. See if there is any cool breeze coming in. If not, again ask, ‘Mother, please give me my realisation,’ In all humility you have to ask God. He is not going to fall at your feet. Hot still. Change the hand again and see for yourself. Are you feeling the cool breeze? Those who are feeling the cool breeze raise your hands. Raise your both the hands. Those who have come for the first time and are feeling the cool breeze, please raise your hands. Now, good; it will work out. Now we have to say that if it has not worked, doesn’t mean that you cannot get it. There must be some time and we have to look after the different deficiencies in the centres. That does not mean that you are a sinner or anything wrong with you. It can be worked out.

Now we have some people here, who are adept, who can give you realisation, and I would like them to work on you. They won’t touch you, but they can work it out with their hands, and you’ll feel very much better with that.

Ha, can I ask some Sahaja Yogis.... Now raise the hands, the people who have come for the first time today. Now can Sahaja Yogis attend to them, please?

This audio ends here.

Yeah. This is after their Kundalini [has/is] risen.

See how many are there, whoever they are. You shouldn’t talk. Just keep quiet. You see, you get the [realisation]. It’s a very essential thing to be done. If you are real seekers, you’ll get it. Open the doors, [unclear]. It’s very hot. I feel very hot. Today is very hot, I must say. Raise your hands. Go on; lift it, absolutely. And [unclear]. It is too much. It is too much, [liver is physically exhausted/very] [unclear]. You got it? He’s got it.

Sahaja Yogini: He’s got it.

Shri Mataji: Oh great. Now come. [unclear] These are good seekers [that we have/anyhow]. Please put both your legs straight down. Phil, what about the other lady? Put her left to the right. She has to clear out. He has got the cool breeze in the hands also?

Sahaja Yogini: Yes, Mother.

Shri Mataji: Good. So ask him to get it. Somebody should look after some lady here. Yes, also call somebody else should come here. What’s that? It’s a record. Is that [unsure] sitting there? Somebody should look after this lady here.

Yogini: She is the wife of this gentleman.

Shri Mataji: Ah, she has no [purpose for [unsure]/ to this one], the one who is sitting [there/here]. No, no, no, this she won’t have. She won’t get her realization.

Yogini: She thinks she’s got it. So that’s all right...

Translator: She says she has got it already.

Shri Mataji: Did she feel the cool breeze?

Translator: No, no, Mother, no. She already had it before she came here.

Yogini: She thinks she’s got it.

Shri Mataji: Okay. Then what are doing about it?

Translator: She gives it around her.

Shri Mataji: Then what do you do? You must learn all about it. If God has given it, you must know all about it. You must know what it is.

Translator: She knows what it is. She says, You are not the only one who know.

Shri Mataji: No, of course, I am not the only one, but the other one that you are, I would like to know what you mean.

Translator: She doesn’t understand anything. She just says it’s a spiritual power.

Shri Mataji: Spirits.

Translator: She pretends it is ‘the Spirit’. She says there should be no confusion, between the spirits and the Holy Ghost.

Shri Mataji: Most of you know. She’s [got it?/correct]. There is no[t], is no confusion. That’s it. She’s got it. Let us see how she gives to others.

Hello, how are you?

You must have a case out like that, you see. Now, thank you.

All right? Close your eyes. Did she get vibrations? Is she feeling?

Translator: Very little.

Shri Mataji: Her vibrations are hot, all catching on the Sahasrara. They’re like stones. We changed it [unclear]. Sir, what is your....You got it?

Translator: Yes, both of them.

Shri Mataji: Are you feeling it in the hands?

Translator: More on the head, more on the head.

Shri Mataji: Now you put your right hand towards Me like you had left hand...

[Aside: You get ready].

Translator: Yes, she is speaking to the other lady but she is from the [unclear]... Can you imagine?

Translator: The thin one with the fair hair. Yeah, she is Japanese.

Shri Mataji: [Unsure]. She’s trying to impress.... She’s a Sahaja yogi, na?

Translator: French.

Shri Mataji: She’s all right; she’s got it. In the right hand? Are you feeling a little in the right hand? All right, now put your left hand towards Me, and your right hand like that. This gentleman, has he got it on the hands? He got it on the left. Put his left hand on the stomach, and right hand towards Me. Again, I see something from Christianity.

Translator: I, I saw Mathias and Arneau [Gounod] catching him on the other [unclear].

Lausanne (Switzerland)

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