Doing the Divine Work 1978-06-05
5 June 1978
Ask For The Truth
Public Program
Caxton Hall, London (England)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed
This you must know that I will not tell you that, whatever is not the truth, because I am not here for any political gain, or for commercial gain. No sir, I am here for your own gain, about genuine. If you want to gain, be genuine about that.
Now see for yourself if this is the case or not. You can see with your naked eyes – these people have seen – the Kundalini pulsating. You can see it. It pulsates. When people touch my Feet, in many cases, it pulsates. They have seen it. They are not all liars! And why should they lie? Nothing to gain: no money - first of all, that’s cut out. So what is the other thing?
This Kundalini rises, and you can see its rising, passes through all these chakras, and it stops at a place where you have a problem. For the other day we had a very big man from somewhere who came to see Me, and his Kundalini came up, and was just pulsating here, the [unclear], like that. And the whole of this part was pulsating like that. I mean only that part. So the people asked him, “Are you all right?” He said, “Yes, I’m all right.” “But do you have a liver problem?” “Yes, I have. How do you know?” You can see it. Kundalini itself is suggesting. It’s pulsating.
So you have to correct the liver, you have to correct the whole being. You have so many problems: physical, mental and emotional. But whatever may be the problem, I have sorted them out: all permutations and combinations I have worked out now. Perhaps there is no permutation that now I can say that is not worked out, except for one: that is the worst of all, is misidentification.
If you carry on with misidentifications, it cannot help you. You must know that you must identify with yourself and with nothing else; then only it works out. That is the only thing, is the misidentification with any untruth. Ask for the truth, and [the] truth will be given to you. But ask for the truth! Not the ‘truth’ that you have made as truth. Truth is as it is: you cannot make it, you cannot give it a form. You cannot say, “This is the truth,” no! It is what it is! You have to seek, you have to be that, you have to appreciate it, you have to become that.
[unclear, Stupid] people, how do they pass remarks at Christ? Even a person like Christ! You see, everybody has become so ego-oriented, I mean they think they have a right to criticise everyone? Christ is a person about whom you cannot think!
For Sahaj Yogis, I cannot challenge this one. They are Realised-souls, [so] when they start thinking about Christ they become thoughtless. He is beyond thinking: how can you rationalise Him and bring Him to this level, and put Him to this level that you become a critic in the [unclear, BBC/business fields], asking questions, “So how did You have Your resurrection?” How can you understand? What do you know about Brahma? What do you know about [the] Divine working? What do you understand [of] His style of doing things? This little human mind can only become a drop in the ocean. It cannot understand the ocean and its work. This is the thing we have to realise. And once we realise that we are a part of this ocean, we become the ocean ourselves.
But this is not lecturing — again, I am telling you! It is a happening; you start feeling others immediately! When you are a drop outside the ocean, you do not feel what other drops are there in the ocean, but once you jump into the ocean you start feeling everyone in your hands — absolutely, rationally, which can be understood — in the fingers, all the chakras.
Now this knowledge about Kundalini was not known even to the greatest sages, even to, I would say, to people like Narada it was not known. It was not needed at that time. The time had not come.
You know when, say, for example, electricity is not created, what’s the use of telling them about the switches? They were Realised-souls, all right, they had vibrations, all right, but they did not know that, which is the chakras, and they catch, and these are the things that are missing, and this. They did not know. But I know. Some of them are really jealous of the modern people [unclear] (Shri Mataji is laughing). They think, “What have these modern people done that they should get all this knowledge?” That they waited, is the main point.
These people tried to show off so much: all right, go ahead! They are fixed up as some officers, somewhere in charge of this, and officers in charge. But they are not going to be the inheritance.
For example, all these people like Indra and the gods who are in charge of the weather, or all that, are settled down very nicely on the right side of God, arranging things for you, like the caretaker of this place, but you are the people who are enjoying the fruits of it. What can we do? You waited, you’ve got it, and if you get it, that’s in your right.
But this I do not, to pamper your ego, again please know that. Because you have to get it, you have to settle it. And the Self-knowledge is the thing where you are just in the centre, where neither you are in the ego nor in the superego, you are in the centre. And the space is created on your forehead, in the Sahasrara, if you see, when the Kundalini rises, the gap between this, between the/them, this green gap, fills up through the Kundalini rising. She goes up, and opens this Sahasrara, which we call as baptism. And there on the top, you enter into that subtle awareness of collective consciousness.
But as soon as your Kundalini crosses this chakra of Agnya, immediately you will become thoughtlessly aware: [which] means you will be aware, but there won’t be any thought, which is described by Jung. And what he has talked about, collective consciousness, from where he gets the ideas and things? That is the portion you reach — means, it becomes your own nature. It is an actualisation, it is not talking. It is an actualisation. Your body becomes that. Like [from] a human being, you become a superhuman being. From an animal to a human being, there is definitely a difference in awareness. In the same way, there is a difference in the awareness of a man and a superman, but the only exception is that in your own consciousness, you see it happening. It’s only the human beings who can see their evolution and not the animals, because you have been given [the] freedom to see that. But the way the freedom has been used, you can write volumes on that; so better not go into that. Let us forget about it. If we can do without going through the mistakes, if you can manage it, better do it! But if the mistakes are there, we’ll face them all. I’m with you throughout, absolutely with you, and it should work out.
Now if we say that, - “This is wrong, we should not do this,” don’t get angry with Me. For example, the other day I told somebody that, “Drinks and alcohol goes against Sahaj.” He got very angry with Me. I said, “Do you own a shop? Why are you angry?” I mean, it’s a simple thing, I am telling you! Should I tell you, “You go and get drunk!” Should I tell you? Is it a good thing? “You can do anything with your sex,” should I tell you?
Now you tell me one: in this whole world where you have all kinds of moralities so-called, where is a man crowned for drinking? In the whole world, tell me, any man crowned for drinking, getting drunk, or a statue erected in his name? Have you seen anyone? Have you seen any man being garlanded for being licentious and permissive? That means collectively human beings never accepted this kind of a nonsense, so far. I mean I don’t know, collectively [if] everybody becomes a Satan then God alone knows! But even in the Roman Empire, when it was the worst of all at that time, it was not.
So collectively human beings have always accepted holiness [and] righteousness, as a great thing. And even since today, those people who lived in ordinary houses and huts are respected. And huge, big properties are made in their name, because that name itself gives them that power. But they are misusing it, they are insulting them, they are actually hurting the souls of all these beings. It’s a [unclear, sinless good]. But what to do? Human beings do it for their selfishness, they do it out of ignorance. If they do it out of ignorance, it will be forgiven. Everything will be forgiven, take it from Me, and you will be amazed [at] how it works out.
Now I would say, if you have any questions you better ask Me, because I think still I have not been able to answer all the questions, despite I know what is going on in your mind. So [if] any one of you has any questions, please ask Me before we start the programme. But not too much of it, because some are just there and if we ask funny, foolish, stupid questions, we are going to divert their attention. We have not achieved it, we are not Realised souls, we are still nervous, we are nowhere, so please don’t disturb others; that is important. If you are doing it only [unclear, ...], you do. Otherwise, you are just trying to show off. The other day, somebody said, “In this book, this is written.” Now, am I going to answer for all the books that are written? No! Actually, I am not even a graduate. How much did Christ study?
This is another knowledge I am talking about, so don’t waste your energy and My energy and everybody’s energy. And if you have come here to show off, I would request you go away, because this is not to show off but to show in.
So, that way, do not try to play with yourself. Again and again, I request you. You have wasted a lot of your lives in [unclear, seeking], and the time has come.
Gregoire says - [unclear, not the saints, but you all are saints] otherwise, you would not be there, you’d be sitting in some discotheque; or if not there in some racecourse, somewhere there. But when you are here, you are saints. These are the saints who have the right to get it. But you have to be a saint: [which] means you have to have seeking of the real type. If you are real and genuine, it will happen and work out.
I would like you to ask me questions if there is any explanation needed or anything which you think [inaudible...]. May God bless you!
1978-03-20 1st Public Program London 3ASTP - DRAFT
(this part is before the above. This↓ transcription is the first part of the talk, then from the min. 22:40 it continues with the above part until min.34:25
They have advertised that Mataji is going to grant you Self-realisation. This true [unclear, ...] bear [unclear] to think that somebody can grant you Self-realisation. And I told them - ‘you should not have written such [unclear], because after all you see, it hurts people to think that somebody who looks like us, lives like us, have been any type [unclear], grant us Self-realisation. I must say that [it] was a mistake on their part. A guru saying that “I am no [unclear]” Neither am I saying it is granted, but I would say that it could be manifested. Let us talk in the third person. It would be a better idea to talk about the third person first of all - that it would be manifested.
That is the thing you should ask for. That is the only thing that is lacking in human beings, is Self-knowledge. Otherwise, you have sorted everything out. As far as the matter is concerned, you have sorted it out. You have gone up to the Moon, you have gone up, I don’t know - Sun, I do not know are you not yet done that, but you are using the sun's rays everything material that has been given to you, has been sorted out up to the microscopic level.
On the emotional side, you have gone to the other extremes. You have gone into the emotional side to such an extent that sometimes [unclear, shatters] to see how people have ruined themselves completely running after emotional extremes.
Then into rationality when I see human beings they have rationality sorted out many things and in that, you have committed such mistakes that it is impossible to convince you that they are absolutely false ideas. Because through rationality you cannot reach God which is an eternal being, [unclear, howl] can say, and is unlimited. You cannot reach an unlimited being by your limited styles, anything you do, you cannot. Somebody has to trigger it, or you are to be triggered. So through rationality, you cannot reach that stage, where Christ has asked you to reach, about which Shri Krishna has described that [Sanskrit, Atmane...] “You have to know your Atma your Spirit.” You cannot know it by reading about it! Like (Adi) Shankaracharya said: [Sanskrit...]- “By any of these things you cannot, by yoga, these exercises and all that, you cannot know it. Only through the grace! Only through the Grace of God, you can know, and this is one simple thing, if we accept within ourselves - that I call - is the humility of man, that we cannot know [it] by ourselves because in the evolution so far we have done nothing to be human beings. We have become human beings, by your Self. Self, which Self we do not know, which is the ‘kshetrajna’ as called by Shri Krishna, is the one who knows the field where it is working. It works out! But you do not know how it works out. But you know somebody who knows. You are aware of that within yourself. But the connection is not being yet established.
So when we talk of Self-realisation, rationality plays its own part to a point, [where] everything is plaid its own help to bring you to that point where, now, the time has come for you to know!
Even science, if you go to the extremes of science, you find it’s not there, no, it’s not there, it’s finished it’s not there! So you come back. Even spiritual seeking, so-called, [unclear, have/are fixed], they have done this, have done that. Have you found it? No. That should be there. If this denier is not there, Sahaja Yoga doesn’t work out!
“Now, we haven’t found us/as yet. We agree Mother.”
That is the thing which Gregoire perhaps is trying to tell you.
Is this. That, if you say - “now I find it!” then you better go ahead, you see.
The thing is, it is such a subtle happening, it is such a beautiful happening that you don’t feel anything as a pain or anything. But, it is a subtle happening! And you will lose the subtleness - click/snick like that - like a little delicate flower when you have to handle it, you see. When you are smelling a little flower, you have to be attentive about it as (while) smelling. But if you start going to the libraries and finding out, how should I enjoy the flower? It’s such a gross way of thinking about it, you see. But it is a very subtle happening and works out!
I know My job, and My job is very simple. It’s a very simple job that a light which is enlightened, a candle that is enlightened, can enlighten other lights. Finished. Don’t think about it/them, forget it. It’s My job!
And that’s My job for which I have born, and to live for it, and doing which itself paid for it, because we start thinking about, “[unclear, truth] is not everything - Why this Mataji do it?”
What can I do? That’s My nature! - Do you ask the Sun, - “Why did you shine?”
In the same way, this question, to Me, has no meaning. It’s Nature, and it has to work out, the time has come, which has worked out. Now you see, at least fifty per cent, I should say, sixty per cent have [unclear, lights]. All of you should get it.
But the other day I had an interesting report that somebody said: - “No, no, we are not interested in Self-realisation, we want God. (Shri Mataji laughs quietly).
What is Self-realisation? Instead, we should know what is the Sun!
This is through [the] rational mind we can understand. But we do not know it, we do not identify with it, we do not actualise it, unless and until this happening takes place within you, for which we are built. Only by talking about it, or saying about it, you won’t [unclear, (be) this]. By reading about it, you won’t do [it]. By the happening itself, only it will happen!
Light, it’s a very simple thing. Supposing you have a stone in the stomach, it has to be removed, you have to do the operation, isn’t it? By reading about the stone, by reading about the doctor, by reading about the [unclear] thing, by singing about it or by talking about it, or by describing will you get it removed? Through what's [unclear] what happened to our brains, I don’t know. We are not so practical about it. We do not understand that if it has to happen, it will happen within us spontaneously.
Self - even to take the name of Self itself, is joy-giving. What is Self is - the reflection of God within us is Self. The God Almighty. Exist or not, is another big lecture, you see? But by rationality you will not know, [unclear, with] happening you will know. So forget that part. Put your mind to rest a little bit. As they said - “ya neti, neti vachana ...” - by saying - No, not this, that’s not this, let’s see - not this. It’s a very subtle happening, so I’m taking you down to that point. It is the reflection of God Almighty into our own being.
Now we think that the reflection can be perfect through our cleansing, through our Japar, Apar (Sanskrit), and all those things, we can cleanse our being by doing all kinds of punyas, as they call it, by donating things, serving people, this, that. But have you seen anybody getting Self-realisation by that? You might cleanse, you may cleanse these things, you may cleanse these, but can you get the light inside? You may go on cleaning these, will you get the light inside? You cannot! You have to have [a] connection with the mains.
Supposing you get a power by which you can see the filth and dirt, it would be even better to get the power first and cleanse it later. How we will keep clean a glass? Have you seen that? Be practical, as I said. Even if you have to clean a glass, you have to put it against the light! Can you clean a glass in darkness? Can you? In the same way, you have to put it against the light, you have to have the light within you. Maybe, maybe, it’s a blurred light in the beginning, maybe it’s not clear, but there is light!
So, those who think that; “We are going to clean our Karmas”, also must know you clear not. At the most, you can keep in the centre, at the most! You can lead a good religious, righteous, holy life. But your karmas that were there had been there in the previous lives, you cannot clear it! You cannot, by doing anything!
Like, we can say that this lamp is dirty, we can maintain that much. But if you think you can completely remove its dirt in darkness, you cannot. You have to have light to see what is dirty in you. What is the one that is obstructing? That’s why light is first to be done. Whatever may be the condition. Say this house now, supposing is granted to Me. Is in the worst possible condition you can think it. [The] first thing I will do if it is darkness is put a light there. Practical! Without the light, how do I enter in, you see? So first put the light in, then you will [unclear, clear].
What is Self-realisation, is to enlighten that true within you. Some will be having flickering [unclear] you know? It will go off, It goes off with some. [unclear, again]. Mother has [unclear to do with] much patience, it’s a fact! That’s one point Mr Gregoire had [unclear] described. But one, do have patience because I am that. You cannot imagine a person who loves, and love gives you the patience, I mean, to Me, I never know that I’m patient unless and until others tell Me. Because I enjoy doing things which, really, give you the light! So, there is no give and take, no hurting of ego, I’m not doing anything special for you. Is My job [unclear, and paid] for it. Because I have the joy of the whole world. By doing these, I am achieving the greatest of great Myself. It is the joy that you can see the light. You cannot, in these modern times, when everybody becomes utility and penny-worth, understand a person who does something for nothing at all.
Now, one thing is short - that, this happening of Self-realization had been described in all the Scriptures, which are real Scriptures, say - Gita, say - Quran, say - Bible. All of them had described it in their own styles, and own ways. But, that all think to the same, once you get it, you’ll be surprised, It’s the same write everybody, and what were you fighting about? Because of darkness. Everywhere the same life, the same thing had been described, and is just the same happening. [This] means, what happens to you [is] that once you get this light, you get the collective consciousness, [which] means you start seeing the other person's problems and your own problems. It’s very simple, like the light when it comes, it does two things: it sees its own filth and also shows the other what filth they have got. It automatically happens!
Now what do you do about it? Nothing! You’ll like it! It is built in, in the character, in the [unclear] they call it, in the nature of life [unclear]. In the same way, it is built in, into Atma, in the Spirit. It’s just [unclear]. Once it starts manifesting its powers, you become collectively conscious. So what am I doing here? Is this, that I am just recording to you, how you must doing yourself.
For example, as Gregoire had said; “the wind starts flowing”, which is being described by, in a complete book by Adi Shankaracharya; that, a cool breeze starts flowing from the hands, known as ‘Chaitanya lahari’ starts flowing, Christ had described it - [as] when somebody touched Him, He said; “Something went from my body into another.” All these things have been described. In the Bible, it is described, the Kundalini itself is described as a - many, many words, but one of them is very important, [which] is that “I will appear before you like tongues of flame”.
All these things have been described and told you, thanks to these modern times, that you have been born today when you cannot say - ‘these things are not being true’. But we keep them aside.
In religion also, we take to new ideas, [and] new things. But in matter, we take to antics. Religion should be real antic, while the matter should be modern. Just the opposite will go! We take to religion that is coming up modern - ‘Now today Mataji has come, let’s have her!’ It’s a guru shopping going on. (Shri Mataji is laughing) So, Mataji [unclear] they move, so they have another guru [unclear], “This is the latest guru has come in the market”, you see. “[unclear], I tell you, he is a very good one.”
That’s not the judgment point. The judgment point is what power have you got yourself?! Are you still a beggar? Have you been [unclear] yourself?! What has your guru given to you? What has he done for you?! He has been enslaving you, or he has given you freedom?! Has he given you the powers inside? That is the judgment point! Do not get identify with anyone of them, with anyone of these ideas that will keep you down! Try to identify with yourself!
Your Self is your Guru! I’m not your guru, I’m your Mother. You know how gurus are terrible people, I am not that. I am just your Mother. But what [unclear] to tell you, and a Mother would tell you, that your guru is sitting in your heart is the Self Itself! Listen to your Self, and you can only listen to your Self when you get your Realisation, when you start receiving information, and you have a report when there is a communication and when you can talk to your Self, then only you, are entitled! Before that, to you, religion is not known! I mean, ya, is complete non-knowledge!
But I [unclear...] it is all in this world, you see, can fight. I mean by rising churches, by rising temples, by rising all these things, you cannot find God. Temple is in, here, in your own heart, your Self. Only the light has to be put. And you see the [unclear] is within you is your Self, which is the most beautiful thing to know about. It is the most joy-giving - ‘Sat-chit-ananda’. But it should happen to you!
Now, it does not happen to some people. It’s true. You see, this is the shop which sells things, which may not go into your hands. Even [unclear] we sell it, it may [unclear, sneak] off. It may disappear, you see it’s a funny shop where you don’t pay for it, but we force things on you, take it home. On the way you find it is lost, you go home, you find it’s gone. You say - “Oh, Mother, you gave us these things, where did we lose it, how did we lose it?” My child, there were holes.
I have seen in your Kundalini, there are terrible holes some people have. [unclear ...]. Oh, Lord, what have they done to themselves? I have seen, big, big holes in your Kundalini. You don’t know how many satanic forces I’ve worked out.
The other day I was reading a book on war, and I knew it was hypnosis, complete hypnosis! Even Hitler was a possessed man, I saw his photograph and [unclear, I said] this fellow is himself a Rakshasa. And he is also possessed, and what he did? It’s to get all the satanic, to destroy the people completely! To take away all your values, everything. But today, [unclear, let] Hitler come [unclear...]. You know, [unclear] they have more people here than [unclear] have. [unclear] it’s a true thing. Let Hitler come back [unclear] so many coming with to give you ideas, how to destroy others, but for construction, you get very few. Still, we have quite a lot in London, I’ve never expected.
So this is a very subtle happening, things work out. But ask for it! There is a protocol about it.
If you have not asked if you think you are very great - “I think this is fake and false” It will be. I am talking from your side, and from the side of the [unclear] too. But the whole thing is missing, and it doesn’t work out on you, at all! So just listen to Me, and just understand.
For example, the other day, - he did not come yet today. Phillip has not come? He had a - Phillip, ya. He is a great musician, I didn’t know who he [unclear, got], and he started seeing auras and things and all that around Me, and he saw lots of things, as Gregoire had described. But, what’s the use? You just [unclear, told Me], you have read that Krishna (false guru’s name, Krishna-murti) has shown me [unclear] powders.
Now, what’s the use? What have you got out of it? [unclear] even if you say - ‘Christ is coming down. Now what is going to happen? You see it going up and down (the Kundalini). What [unclear], What do you achieve out of it? What do you get out of it? Only by seeing. You see Me talking about it, now what do you get? What’s the use of watching Me also if you do not get anything out of Me? Why should you accept if you do not get any of your Self-knowledge or anything? You just go on accepting because I’m wearing a white sari?
[unclear genuineness about your greatness, about yourself. Why are you accepting [unclear...]? Christ came, He had a very subtle job indeed! He did it!
But today the time has come to culminate the whole thing, whatever Christ has done, whatever Krishna has done. They all have places within us built-in, you see? And he had given you all these things, you can see for yourselves how they are placed in ourselves, where are they placed in the Kundalini? Where are they? How is the pure chaste Kundalini, your Mother, your own Mother is placed in that thing, and how Ganesha the embodiment of innocence is guarding/guiding you?
Sex has nothing to do with religion. All nonsense! Don’t believe in all these stories. You see, I’m not going to tell you the untruth because it appeals to you. Even if you deny Me, even if there is not one soul sitting yet. I’m not going to tell you that you have sex with your Mother!
!!!!(from here starts the speech, which is written on the top as -1970-0101 Unidentified talk - until min. 34:22, then continues with this part below)
Somebody asked Me a very funny question, not funny I would say, but very [unclear, interesting] because I have gone to some place with my disciples, you see, and naturally, still they are coming up, they had got Realisation, some of them have not that guru [unclear...] lose their vibrations first. [unclear], they are of all styles of people. So he asked Me a question: do they embarrass you sometimes? I said; “[unclear...], because nobody [unclear, is got there]. And, My job is to convince them, that [unclear, means], it’s My duty. And I have [unclear, fail] somewhere also, I have to go further [unclear]. How can they embarrass Me? How can the children embarrass the mother? [unclear...] all the time. Whatever they are. And [unclear...] to convince them, in her own way, and in her own loving [unclear, style].
Now, how many are [unclear ...] with the mother? [unclear...] Sahaja yogis, you have to raise your parents [unclear ...] father, not with that kind of hatred ..., but, you see, they are parents, [unclear] do not understand spirituality, they are not seekers, I know that! But they have a place in your being, you know?
On the right hand [unclear...], you have two chakras.
Have you made that? (Shri Mataji ask a yogi about the diagram of the subtle body)
On the right side, [unclear, this side] where the sun has [unclear...].
(Shri Mataji tells the yogi - ...and the heart chakra? ... should be a little higher, is not there [unclear, ... a little bit here]
Now, on the right-hand side is the chakra, what you call the right heart chakra. But you see, actually, in the Sanskrit language, it is not called as the heart chakra, but it’s called as the Anahatha. Anahat, Anahat, and the Anahatha chakra is here, here it is, between, it is above the Void, little above the Void, here. And, on the left-hand side is the mother chakra. So, if there, say, is a problem with your parents [unclear, that’s hurt, really hurt] and that’s why you have to hold your spirituality, you don’t have to punish your parents. Forgive them, forgive them, that’s the main thing you should do to forgive them because, after all, they are not you. But you chose them before your birth, of that I am very sure. So you should not be angry with Me, when I told you, you had to forgive your parents. Some of the gurus get very angry [unclear, with people]. I do not tell you wrong things.
Hmm, so, what are your problems? [unclear...]
We have two or three people who are born Realised. [unclear] said these, you have got Alen, stand up Alen [unclear...], born Realised. Did [unclear] come and see? No not today. Who else is ... a - what was his name? Hamid, Hamid, is there? Hamid met us only last program, he is a born Realised. You see? We have many [unclear, which we discovered] who were born Realised also! Because there is possible to get someone of you who really born Realised, but you don’t know where are they! [unclear, may be]. So there could be a thing like that. And that [unclear...]. Because now [unclear ...] we're all lost! You were thinking that it was something out of the blue. [unclear] some funny people [unclear...] People who were not understood by anyone were very much distressed, you see? But now the high people [unclear...].
You put your hands towards Me like this, and if you have shoes and [unclear], please take them out, because it is better not be [unclear], and, one lady got angry with Me because I said - ‘You take out the shoes’ I mean, this is too much, isn’t it? I mean, even if you cannot take out your shoes then [unclear...] like this you put your hands...
What about you? ... at the back. What’s the matter? Why have you come here?
Seeker: [inaudible]
Shri Mataji: Ha? What is? What does he say?
Yogi: You see, if you don’t want to do what is required, please leave us...
Shri Mataji: Yes! You see, there is a ritual, a little ritual is there, only [unclear], alright?
Yogi: You can take your jacket!
Shri Mataji: You can take your jacket ...
Shri Mataji! You see, there is no ritual, but you see, after all, this should be something like - light has to go near the light or not!? Even this one [unclear, ... it was too much...] What do you expect? God to fall at your feet?
All kinds of damage had been done, that’s it! And some of the gurus are [unclear]. Like Krishnamurti said - that you should not believe in [unclear]. Don’t believe in falsehood, but believe in the reality. How can he say that? You see, extremes they are!
He doesn’t [unclear, mean] anything bad, but once by doing that, he had denied, also the reality part of it. It is a very [unclear...] human being, but they don’t understand! Human beings are very, very delicate people.
The gentlemen will come back, so, don’t you worry. But he is Ego-oriented.
Just like this, put your hands fit like this, a little bit, neither very much relaxed nor absolutely [unclear, tautened] but in the centre. Just in the centre. Like this. Just like this.
(Shri Mataji is working on seekers.)
Some people may feel a little burning in some of their fingers. A little bit, but maybe you could feel it. But don’t you worry. [unclear, ...], then it should disappear. There is a little resistance, or sort of thing, and then will disappear. Then you will feel cool in the hand, absolutely cool, very cool despite the hot sun.
Where is the problem? Left.
[unclear...] physically, if you get some problem in your stomach or somewhere [unclear, if it stops there] you might feel a little wobbling or something like that, a nervous thing. But normally rises at the first moment, I have seen it [unclear...] sort of ... joy perhaps, maybe. And it comes up, and just now, what I find that on the left-hand side, Vishuddhi [unclear, supplies] the back here there is a problem a little bit, so this is a problem of the conscious, you see. So, do not have [unclear, anyone/anything] in your conscious just now. That is you should do it, is to say that - no. Now, you see, the conscious and all the judgement also come through the ego. If you have no ego, what is the conscious? If you are beyond your ego, what is the conscious? Who is doing it? It is the ego who is doing [unclear, everything]. So don’t try to blame your conscious for it. That is not needed. Just now you get the [unclear] still is/this problem. And those who have already got the cool breeze can close their eyes.
Through your Sahasrara means that - through your fontanelle bone on top of your head. Just try to pay attention, [to] what’s happening there. [unclear] don’t [unclear] it. Just feel what’s happening there, just pay attention. Raise it from [the] heart to your Sahasrara. That means the top of your head. Again and again, raise it. Haa. [unclear] Sahaja yogis should do it [unclear] better, people cannot.
[unclear] a little bit like this. Which chakra...[unclear...]
Are you feeling something? No? [unclear] still catching on the left. [unclear, use the mantras]. You see, it has spoiled. [unclear...] she is better. Alright?