![You Have To Get Your Enlightenment](images/Shri-Yantram-C96D51.webp)
You Have To Get Your Enlightenment 1993-09-10
Current language: English, list all talks in: English
10 September 1993
You Have To Get Your Enlightenment
Public Program
Építők székháza, Budapest (Hungary)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
Public Program, Budapest, 10-09-1993
I bow to all the seekers of truth (Shri Mataji folds her hands and bows to the audience) At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it also. That’s why it is said that you have to get your enlightenment. Whatever I am going to tell you today, you don’t have to accept it blindfolded, but keep your minds open like scientist. And if it is proved then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is benevolence for, it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. They have already told you about the subtle system which is within us. There is this power, your own power, in your sacrum bone, which awakens and connects you to this all-pervading power of divine love. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and this ego but you are the pure spirit. That means when you say this is my body, this is my, these are my emotions, this is my ego, you go on saying my, my, my but who is this my? Who runs your heart? The doctor said its autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator)Who runs your heart? The doctor says autonomous nervous system but who is this auto? The another truth is that there is a all-pervading sall-pervadingahaja power of divine love, which does all living work. You see beautiful flowers, beautiful plants, it’s a miracle. Who does all this living work? This is the subtle energy which does all this living work and it has also given us our evolutionary process. Thus we have become human beings. But we do not know the absolute truth. Everyone has his own idea. There are thousand types of isms in this world. That’s why they are fighting today. If God is one, why should people fight in the name of God? Because all these religions also are money oriented or power oriented. They are not truth oriented or spirit oriented. You could be a Hindu, Christian, Muslim anything, you can commit any, any sin. It is just a brand you carry. (Shri Mataji talking to the translator that your voice is coming slow, I think people can’t hear you.) So now where do we go? But in every religion it is said that you have to evolve, you have to have your second birth. What is this second birth is not another brand to say that I am twice-born. But it is the reality, it is the reality which you have to know. Its not just some words or its not just ...aaa giving a sermon to you but you have to know it. You have to know it on your central nervous system. Whatever we have gained in our evolutionary process we know on our central nervous system. Supposing there is a dirty pond, a dog can pass through it but a human being cannot. Thus we have developed some more sensitivities than the animals. But something more has to happen to us and that is what is called SELF REALIZATION or ENLIGHTENMENT. It is evolutionary process, living process. You can not pay for it. There are many false people who have come from India, from all over now they are coming from America who are just making fool people and take money from them. There is no connection between the inner morality and religion. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that there is no connection between the inner morality and religion) And when we see this we are shocked. We become atheist, and they said don’t believe in God. (audio not clear at this point) But this is very unscientific. Have you found out the God? Now the time has come for all of you to get your self realization. Unfortunately all the countries who enjoy the democracies have not had sensitivity as people who were......(not clear audio from 10.42 till 10.45)
In our freedom and in our so called religious pursuits, we have gone amuck. I was surprised in Russia, in Bulgaria, in Romania everywhere except I don’t know, not so much here but, but all these three countries we have thousands of sahaja yogis. I was surprised to see in Hungary where everybody is becoming now American. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator) I feel that in Hungary now everybody is trying to become Americans. American. Perhaps you don’t know the greatest idiotic people are Americans. You may change your dress but you can’t become idiotics like them. They have no wisdom of any kind. They are so stupid that you don’t know what to say. There’s a actress who got married eight times, imagine, horrible thing and there were four thousand people waiting in her house , outside the house , just to see her going for her honeymoon. And there were helicopters, ten helicopters hovering over her house. And then they dropped with their (Shri Mataji asking someone what do you call that, they came through their.... (......one word is not clear at 13.40) and then they dropped people taking photograph. And so many fell on the people, on the tree, on the house. I tell you in India you can’t find one person to go there. Because there it is very inauspicious to see a woman marrying eight times, its horrible. One better than the other. There are so many stupid things they do that if you have little wisdom you can see through. If through freedom you have achieved idiocity it is better not to have such freedom. So I have to just warn you , be careful. Getting out of communism now you should not jump to fundamentalism also. Where they believe that only one religion is neat.
If you ask a Muslim he will say that Jews are the worst. And if you ask the Jews they will say the same for the Muslims. Same with the Christians, same with the Hindus. So, by just calling yourself chosen you don’t become chosen, do you ? But this is the time, of last judgement. So many people are taking their birth on this earth to get their last judgement. It’s a silly idea also that all the bodies will come out of the graves. I mean how can you accept this kind of a nonsense. This is the reason why the population is so much, so great. But I call it as blossom time because there (audio is cut here at 17.00)
This happening everywhere. Because these are special times. So when this power, Kundalini, which is in your sacrum bone meaning sacred , rises, she passes through six centres. All the human problems are from their centres. When these centres are in jeopardy, people have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. Now this bone is called as sacred meaning Greeks knew that it’s a sacred bone. Thus we have seen that people who get their self realization through Kundalini awakening have been cured of many incurable diseases. Three doctors in Delhi have got their MD at this doctorate in medicine in Sahaj Yoga for curing incurable diseases. Apart from that mental diseases like epilepsy and so many, schizophrenia are being cured with Sahaj Yoga. Addictions like drugs and others are dropped overnight by people. Because in the light of the spirit you see what is destructive and what is constructive. By listening to sermons, lectures, you cannot see that point. Secondly this light of the spirit enlightens your attention. First you feel on your fingertips, the centres, within yourself and in other people. And actually you can diagnose what’s wrong with you and what’s wrong with others. You don’t have to go through the various horrible tests and diagnosis, its just you can do it sitting down here. This diagnosis is done and if you know how to correct your centres you feel alright and you can make others also feel alright. I have told that some very well known doctors in England have been very much impressed by Sahaja Yoga and they have called a conference in England, also in Paris. Only problem is in Sahaj yoga you cannot take money and I don’t know how many doctors will accept that situation. But still there will be many rich people who would not like to come to Sahaja Yoga but will go to the doctor only. So the doctors will not be that fanatic. Doctors.
Now your spiritual problems are that there are many false gurus, there are many religions which are just money oriented and you, all the centres are in trouble. If you are born in a Christian religion, born in a Hindu religion, born in a Muslim religion, you become that. And from very childhood you don’t want to see what’s wrong with it and you are very much conditioned by it.
There’s a very new discovery in NAG NAGMANI there’s a new discovery in ......(.....one word not clear at 23.59) which is called Nag Nagmani where they have discovered the Gospel of Taurus. And he says that this power was the hater of women. He never respected even the mother of Christ. Even in Quran, Mohammad Sahib has respected her very much and said she is a chaste woman. Don’t doubt her chastity. As a result woman became very insecure in the, in the Christian religion. They have to always try to please men. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that they have to always try to please men.) So doing all kinds of funny things you know wearing skirts from six inches to twelve inches (Shri Mataji laughs) changing. And also going to the beauty parlors , do this do that just to please their men. I was amazed to see that in all the western films they show only the women nude, never men. Never. As if the body of men is very holy and that of woman is dirt. In India woman is the shakti, she is the power behind the man. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that Woman is the shakti, power, behind the man) If a man looks at her, she will go and slap him. And if her husband goes with some other woman, she will say go to hell with her, I don’t care. You are committing a sin, alright ,go ahead. You are committing a sin, so go ahead. I have nothing to do with you. The whole society will support woman. Because they know she is the preserver of the society. And in America now they are talking about family life but imagine a woman divorcing her husband eight times producing no children.
Under these circumstances it is important for us to know what is the truth. We have to become the spirit. Otherwise you have no identity, you have no personality. You don’t know the goal of your life. You have no value for your life. If this instrument (Shri Mataji points to the mic in her hand)is not connected to the mains, it has no value. It has no meaning. You go on drifting, any fashion comes in, everybody doing the same thing.
And here they talk of individuality. If you are individual how can you follow these stupid fashions. So the responsibility of the whole society is finished and we find lots of problems with children, with family life. I am talking about these problems because if you are becoming Americans, be careful, you will have divorces after divorces.
Now the greater advantage or the greater achievement of self realization is that, the spirit is the source of absolute truth. That means everybody knows the truth, the same truth. There’s no quarrel, no fight. So there can be no wars. The outside is different, but inside of all these self realized people is the same. And they are very wise, very sensible, balanced, satisfied people. They become very dynamic at the same time, extremely compassionate. They lead a normal life, they marry, they have children but they enjoy every moment of their life. Because spirit is the source of joy. There are so many things I can tell you but in this short lecture whatever was important I have told you already that why you should get your self realization. As I see there are many lights here and you switch on one switch and you get all the lights. There’s no need to tell you about the history of electricity. It is all built in within you, already built in. Its your own power. Its your own mechanism. And you all are going to get it tonight, the first sprouting of it. First time you are going to feel this all pervading power on your central nervous system, through your fingertips. This we call as Bodha - Bodh – from where the word Budha has come. Gnosis. Gnosis as they call it gnosis in English language. I don’t know what they call it here. But the word “’Gna’’, gna comes from Sanskrit word meaning ‘’to know’’. Know on your central nervous system, not on, in your mental capacity. But then every experience, every experience becomes tangible. You can verify it. Thus Sahaja Yoga is a Meta Science, above science.
Now only thing I have to tell you that you all should have only self-confidence that you will all get your realization. You should have pure desire in your heart. Of course I cannot force on you. I respect your freedom. Those who don’t want to have their self realization should please leave the hall and not to disturb others. Already I have told you that Sahaj yoga is not meant for idiots. We are again going to America somehow to try my luck ( Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that again I am going to America and try my luck again. Shri Mataji laughs) Not for the arrogant, not for the arrogant or conditioned people. Keep your mind open and it will work out. After that you have to come to our collective. Because it’s a collective happening. Supposing a nail is cut out of your body, you will have a growth. By this you become part and parcel of the whole. Like the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like a drop becomes the ocean. You have to have some patience with yourself. Of course you don’t have to go to Himalayas, or do anything, you will get your realization just now here. But respect your realization. Luckily in Austria we have thousands of Sahaja yogis. And they are very anxious that their neighbourscentre should also be Sahaja yogis.
Al right, I would request you now just to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Now please put both your feet away from each other because there are two powers, left and right. The left is for your power of desire and right is for your power of action. All of you should be seated down. (Shri Mataji drinks water) There are three conditions which I will tell you, which are basic. First I have already told you that you must have full self confidence and a pure desire to become the spirit. The second one is you are not to feel guilty at all. To feel guilty is a myth. If you have done any mistakes you should face it and finish it off. But don’t keep that guilt here, in this part of the Vishuddhi on the left side. (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on left side of her neck pointing to this part of neck) If you do like that, then you might get disease called Angina, Spondylitis or lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty for nothing at all , to get yourself sick. Second condition, third condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Some people say it is very difficult to forgive but whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything logically. Only thing by not forgiving you torture yourself and play in the wrong hands. We don’t even have to think about that. Just in general say ‘’ I forgive everyone. ‘’ If you feel guilty this center goes out ,on this left side (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on left side of neck pointing to left vishuddhi) and if you don’t forgive this centre of Agnya is like this (Shri Mataji keeps both her hands’ fingers in Criss cross position) absolutely closed, constricted. So you have to forgive to open this. Otherwise you have tortured yourself all your life and now you will miss your self realization because Kundalini can not pass through it. So please forgive. These are the only three conditions.
Now we will show you how you will nourish yourself your centres only for today. Then we will close our eyes and the kundalini will rise and break through the fontanelle bone area. This will not take more than ten to fifteen minutes. And you have to promise in your heart that you will grow in Sahaja yoga and you will save others also. One enlightened light can enlighten many. For which you don’t have to pay, for which you don’t take any money and only the reward is tremendous joy. (Shri Mataji drinks water.)
Now, first you have to put your left hand towards me like this symbolic (Shri Mataji keeps her left hand on her lap, palm open upwards) that you desire to have your self realization. Now you have to use your another hand, right hand to nourish your all centres. Please put your hands like this,(Shri Mataji raises her left hand from the lap and shows it open upwards to the audience) all of you have to do it. Please put it on your lap (Shri Mataji keeps her left hand open on her lap now) If you want someone, some people can sit on the top if they want to see me or some, there is staircase.
Now with the right hand, first put your right hand on your heart (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on her heart) where resides your spirit. Now if you become the spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side (Shri Mataji moves her right hand from heart position now and keeps it on upper portion of her abdomen on the left hand side) This is the centre of your mastery, of your guidance. (Shri Mataji pointing to someone in the audience) near the door, Please be seated. Then please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. (Shri Mataji moved her right hand from upper part of abdomen to the lower portion of abdomen on the left hand side) This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. We are working only on the left hand side. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen again. (Shri Mataji moves her right hand from lower portion of abdomen to the upper part of abdomen on the left hand side only) Then on your heart ( Shri Mataji moves her right hand from upper portion of abdomen to her heart on left hand side) Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to right (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on the left hand side of her neck where neck and shoulder joins and turns her head to the right side) Turn to your right. This is, this is the centre I have already told you about when you feel guilty you catch on that. (Shri Mataji points to someone in the audience) Please why don’t you do it, please. Now take your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand across on her forehead and bends down her head)This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take out this hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. (Shri Mataji takes her right hand at the back of her head and pushes her head on that) Here for your own satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power. Now stretch your hand fully, (Shri Mataji stretches her right hand fully and shows to the audience) the palm, put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area (Shri Mataji stretches her right hand fully and keeps it on top of her head) which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers so that there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now put down your head (Shri Mataji puts her head down) Here you have to move your scalp seven times slowly, clockwise. Please put down your head, please put down your head and push back your fingers (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on head and asks audience to put hand on head) Please move it seven times clockwise. That’s all we have to do.
Now you can take out your spectacles, and close your eyes. Put the left hand towards me like this and both the feet away from each other. And put the right hand on your heart (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on her heart on left hand side) Now close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask me a fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. Please ask, ” Mother am I the spirit?’’ Three times. I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own master. So now please put your right hand on the upper portion of abdomen on the left hand side (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on upper portion of her abdomen on the left hand side) Here press it and ask another fundamental question. ‘’Mother am I, Mother Am I my own master?’’ Ask this question three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. Please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to ask for pure divine knowledge six times because this centre has got six petals. So please ask six times, “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge.’’ (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on lower portion of her abdomen on left hand side) As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge the kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish higher centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your hand in the upper portion of abdomen on the left side (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on the upper portion of her abdomen on the left side) and say ten times with full confidence, ‘’Mother I am my own master.’’ I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this conditioning, this ego but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on to your heart (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on her heart on left hand side) and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence, “ Mother I am the pure spirit.” This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of joy and ocean of bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So at this moment please forgive yourself and raise your hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck and turn your head to your right (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on left side of her neck) Here you have to say with full confidence “Mother I am not guilty at all.’’ Please say it sixteen times. I have already told you whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. And now at this moment if you don’t forgive, your Agnya chakra won’t be open and you will not get your self-realization. Your Kundalini cannot pass through. Now raise your hand up to the forehead across and put down your head as far as possible (Shri Mataji raises her right hand up to her forehead and keeps it on forehead across and bends her head down)Here you have to say from your heart not how many times “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’’ Don’t think about it. Now please take back your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible.(Shri Mataji takes her right hand back and keeps it on back of her head and pushes her head back)Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to again say from your heart “O divine power, if I have done any mistakes please forgive me.’’ Now the most important is the last centre where you have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on the fontanelle bone area (Shri Mataji stretches her palm fully and keeps it on top of her head on the fontanelle bone area) Important is to push back your fingers and put down your head. Now here again I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times clockwise saying seven times ‘’ Mother please give me my self-realization.’’ Please put down your heads, put down. (Shri Mataji tells the translator that ask them to put down their heads and bend) (Shri Mataji blows the cool breeze through mic seven times) Now please take down your hands. Put on your glasses. Now put both the hands like this towards me. (Shri Mataji opens both her hands palm facing upward and shows to the audience) Now put the right hand like this, bend your head and feel with your left hand if there is cool or hot breeze like thing coming from your head. (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand open towards the audience and with the left hand she is checking above the head if there is cool or hot breeze coming out from the head) Don’t put on your head but away from it. (Shri Mataji shows not to touch the right hand on the head but keep it little away from the head while feeling the breeze) Now please put your left hand towards me and keep your head again and with the right hand please see again if there is hot or cool breeze like energy coming out of your head. (Shri Mataji keeps her left hand open towards the audience and with right hand she checks above her head for cool or hot breeze coming out of the head,) Note down. If you have not forgiven, it will be hot. So please forgive.
Now please put your right hand towards me and bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head, cool or hot breeze. (Shri Mataji now keeps her right hand open towards the audience and with her left hand she checks for cool or hot breeze above her head) Bend your heads, bend your heads. Alright. Now please put both the hands towards me like this. (Shri Mataji opens both her hands, palm facing upwards and shows to audience)and watch me without thinking. Now you have to put both the hands towards the sky like this (Shri Mataji raises both her hands towards the sky palm facing upward) and bend back like this. (Shri Mataji bends her head back) Here you have to ask anyone of these three questions three times. ‘’Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost?’’ or ‘’Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love?’’ Or ‘’Mother is this the Param Chaitanya?’’ Ask any one of these questions three times in your heart. Now please keep down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips or hot breeze or on their palms or out of their fontanelle bone area cool or hot breeze please raise both your hands. (Many people in the audience raise their hands) All of them. May God bless you. All of you have felt it except for very few. May God bless you. I have told you that you have to be in the collective. You’ll get all the knowledge, everything. Within one month you will be experts. You don’t have to pay for anything. May God bless you.