Absolute Truth is to be felt on your central nervous system

Absolute Truth is to be felt on your central nervous system 1997-06-18

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18 June 1997

Absolute Truth Is To Be Felt On Your Central Nervous System

Public Program

Berkeley (United States)

Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed

[The talk starts at 35:05]

I bow to all the seekers of absolute truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is truth. This absolute truth cannot be changed because it is absolute. It cannot be transformed. It cannot be explained because it cannot be described. Truth has to be experienced. It’s an experience. In Sanskrit language, we have a word called Veda It comes from the word ‘vida’. ‘Vida’ means to know on your central nervous system. Like, I can feel this [armchair], In the same way, you must know the truth on your fingertips. ‘Bodh” also, from where the word Buddha has come, is that enlightenment; you have to feel it on your central nervous system.

So, this absolute truth is what it was and is and will be. But I would request you not to believe Me because this blind faith has caused so much trouble to us. All the people are fighting all over the world with this blind faith. They believe in this and they believe in that, believe in that. This kind of faith is not going to help us. We have to feel it ourselves and experience it. Unless and until you experience, please don’t have faith in me or in Sahaja Yoga. Very important it is to understand that this absolute truth is beyond your mind.

We think no end of our mind, and all those who came from my country as well as from your own country, to deceive you and make money out of you, have used their mind very well. And your mind could not detect it. Even today, they are there. So, for you to see what is the truth, you must know that you cannot purchase it with money. This is very difficult to digest it. Many people told me in America, “Mother you can never be successful you cannot get people because they just believe that the person who doesn’t take money has no validity.”

My experience was so horrible! In Boston, they asked me, in the television, “How many Roll Royce’s you have?” [Laughter] “I have none”. I said, “My husband has only one car”. “So, you are not in the business?” “No”. Then they said, “We cannot, we are sorry, you have to be in the business”. So, all these mental acrobats that have been going on in this country. I’ve been hoping to come to Berkeley that everybody told me that Berkeley is a place where there are people who are truly seeking the truth and they are revolutionary. They do not accept anything that is just established. Imagine after so many years, 27 years, I am coming to Berkeley, where I was really very anxious to come.

So, now the time has come that we have to know the truth. We have to know the absolute truth. I call it as a blossom time, because I find there are so many seekers of truth all over the world. And this time has come for these flowers to become the fruit. Very simple thing to understand that this is done by a Power within you as explained to you. Whether you believe it or not, it is there. This power has to be awakened, that’s all. A very simple thing, a journey of three to four feet that’s all. But such a simple thing, people don’t want to accept. If you say, “Eat this way”, they’ll say, “No, why not this and this way?” Because of this mind! This mind is the one which has created real problems for us.

I am told some gentleman is making big money by telling that how to project this mind here, and project mind there. It’s like a cocoon. In a cocoon, you dash here and dash there. [You have to get out of it].

When they said, “You are to be born again”. Clearly, that doesn’t mean that you put a sign board here: ‘born again’. No. Born again means something has to happen to your consciousness, to your awareness. You have to be truthful about it. How can you be satisfied with something which is not the truth?

So, what is the truth? Truth, if you understand, is not this body, this mind, these emotions, these thoughts, and this ego. But it is that you are the pure Spirit. You are the pure Spirit. You have to become the pure Spirit, that’s all. This is what is the second birth. In the Bible, Christ has said, “You are to be born again”. In every religion, it is said that you have to be born again.

In Sanskrit language, to a realized soul they call it a ‘dvijaha’. Means to be born twice and they call a bird also a Vijaha because it is in an egg state and then it becomes a bird. There has to be a complete transformation. If you see the problems of our age, there are many, but the main is this that human beings are to be transformed. They have to be transformed beyond this mind. This mind is created by us through our conditionings and our ego just just like you create computer and then you become slave of that computer. In the same way this mind is also working so it is said that you have to go beyond this mind. When you go into the realm of divinity then you can watch your mind very clearly - how it works, what it does, where does it take you?

This power of kundalini really passes through six centres. The seventh centre it does not pass. Six centres it passes into. It pierces through the fontanelle bone area and gets you connected to all pervading power of divine love. We have never felt it before. We have never felt it. Christ's disciples have said that the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the Quran is called as rue. In other Indian scriptures it is called as paramachaitanya, bramachaitanya. Everywhere it is described this subtle power which we do not feel normally but which exists, which looks after us. Which nourishes us. Which thinks. Which protects. Above all it loves you. It's such a beautiful experience it is to be one with that Divine Power which is created for us there. And please remember that God Almighty who has created us will not allow us to be destroyed. We may try our level best to destroy ourselves but He will not and nobody should be under the fear that this world is coming to an end. There are many organisations which are preaching this world is coming to an end and for that we should give all our money to this organisation which will not come to an end perhaps.

All these ideas when they propound and all these ideas they talk about – there's no proof of it. There's no sense in it. Like the other day one family came to Me and said one gentleman was moving a pendulum, something sort of like that and we followed him. We sold our house. We took out our children from the school. I said, “What's gone wrong with America?” We have no brains to understand. How can we accept such a nonsense as that? But they did and now they are in trouble. So many people have looted you because you don't know what to expect of a person who is spiritual.

How can you purchase your guru. He's not your servant. If you understand this point I tell you half of them will run away and so many will just close their doors. So I must tell you in Sahaja Yoga you don't have to pay and if you think that you have to pay then I must say that it's not going to work out. Money is created by human beings not by the Divine. So when this kundalini rises, passes through six centres, these six centres are responsible for our physical, mental and emotional being and also the spiritual being. When they are going to [unclear] then this kundalini when She arises, she integrates them. She nourishes them and connects them to that Power which is all the time flowing within us.

One may say, “How are we to believe that there is this power”? Now look at these flowers. Look at these flowers. Have you ever thought what a miracle it is. These flowers of different colours, of different nature, of different fragrance are brought in by whom. You ask the doctor, “Who runs your heart”? They say it is autonomous nervous system. So you ask them, “Who is this auto”? Who is this auto which is running my heart? Who is [ unclear] my heart?” He cannot answer because he has no answer. But you can find the answer. You can find the answer to your question. It's not going to be difficult at all this, one should understand. This is Sahaja. Saha means with and Ja means born with you. You have the right. You have a birthright to have your self-realisation, your enlightenment because you are born in this Kali Juga. In these modern times it's already predicted that at this time only people who are seeking God or seeking the truth will one day find it during this special time. That's why they call it an Aquarius age. But coming to the point what happens to you, what should happen to you? First and foremost thing happens to you is that if you have any physical ailment you get cured. You do get cured. We have a hospital in India where they recorded many patients have been cured of very difficult and incurable diseases. Because you go to the basis. Supposing you want to treat a tree and start treating the leaves. It won't work out you have to go to the roots. So what I am talking to you about the roots on which our life depends.

This is the first thing that happens that your physical being is cured. And the second thing is you become a very peaceful person. The modern problem of stress and strain is understood because as you see there, that there are two channels which one brings the ego and another brings the super-ego. From both the sides they cover your head and all your worries, all your problems get stuck up there. They don't know how to get out of it. But once the kundalini opens you, stress and strain is all finished. I'll explain the other way. If you are thinking the waves of thought rise and fall, rise and fall and we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. Actually we think of the past or the future. We cannot think of present, this moment. We cannot make our attention stand at the present. So we are not with the reality because reality is in the present. But once these thoughts are elongated by the kundalini a space is created. In Sanskrit they call it vilamba. It means a pause and in that state you become – again I say, you become. It's no lecture, nothing, it's just happening that you become absolutely silent within; thoughtlessly aware, which Jung has also described. You just become thoughtlessly aware. When you are thoughtlessly aware – absolutely peaceful within yourself. Absolutely. People are winning awards for peace and this and that, for peace and organisations for peace but themselves are not peaceful. They have no peace within themselves. How can they emit peace? Such a person who has become peaceful within emits peace, creates peace and lives a life of comfortably peace and non-violence. This peace is so powerful, so powerful that it protects you. It protects you. As soon as you see a crisis you become silent and then the nourishment comes from this peace that you are. And you are amazed how problems get solved because this peace is blessed by this all-pervading Divine Power.

So the first thing that happens to your awareness is that you become a peaceful personality. In that state all these ideas of race and nations and religion and all that will just vanish. You really become a religious person, really in the sense you don't do anything wrong, don't harm anybody. I don't have to tell you, don't, don't, don't. It just happens. At that stage people just drop all their bad habits. I don't want to name them because you may not like. But just happens to you that you become so peaceful, so satisfied, that you don't want to take to anything. Just it happens automatically because you become peaceful and that you are now enlightened. But when the kundalini passes through your fontanelle bone then a new awareness comes into you, which is the collective consciousness. Collective consciousness is you can feel the other on your fingertips. You can feel the chakras of others on your fingertips, whether that person is dead, living or maybe away from you. You can feel it. Very nicely you can understand what's wrong with that person.

Now anybody who comes from jail from India and wear their, what you call, saffron clothes – immediately everybody will go at his feet. They don't know – they don't know how to find if this man is a thief or a crook, no way. But as soon as you are a realised soul you can feel it on your fingertips. You might get little burning. You might get little tingling, and immediately if you de-code it, what is in Sahaja Yoga you'll be amazed how you will find out what sort of a person that is. Also you can feel your own chakras, your own centres. Some of them are in jeopardy so the kundalini comes back again and again and tries to cure it. And when it cures then you become so sensitive. Really sensitive. You can feel what's wrong with yourself and with others. And you know how to cure yourself. You can cure yourself. Nobody has to tell you how to cure. Without spending a single pie you can do it. But despite that people are thinking that – no, no, no, no. Let us see something else might be there. You go to somebody like that immediately you can feel that this man is a crook. He doesn't have the truth with him. But you have to establish yourself. It hardly takes about a month or so to absolutely become established Sahaja Yogis.

Now you have powers to raise the kundalini of others. To cure others because this power of love which is above everything else always makes you a very generous personality. You want to help others and you find solutions how to help others. You just do not accept anything because you know what is right and what is wrong, what is absolute. On your fingertips you can feel the absolute truth. You take ten small children and you tie up their eyes if they are realised souls, they will always say the same thing. Supposing they say that this finger is catching. That means that this fellow has got a heart trouble. If you ask him, “Have you got a heart trouble?”. “Yes, but how do you know?” And everybody will feel the same. Everybody will know the same thing. There's no question of quarrelling, fighting, or discussing or arguments. Everyone feels the same way. Everyone knows the same way and why should they then quarrel or fight? They leave alone the war. When nobody is the other. When you are part and parcel of the whole, the macrocosm becomes the microcosm. When you become part and parcel of the whole why would you – why would you try – why would you try to hurt another who is the other? Does one finger hurt another finger? The problem of war can be solved without any trouble if we have Sahaja Yogis in that area where there is a possibility of creating a war or creating a problem. The another problem is of a moral I think, degradation that we have. This moral degradation is not possible through any kind of discipline. You don't have to go to Himalayas, stand on your head and stand on one leg or do all kinds of exercises, its not physical. But you become morally equipped. That's all within you. You'll be amazed that innocence cannot be described. It cannot be described. All right. Some clouds can cover it but it cannot be described. And so this innocence starts acting and you become an extremely moral person from every angle.

Our society is finished. Why? Because our moral standards have gone down. Our value system has gone. Suddenly you become a shining personality. A beautiful person who is living with ideals which looks so distant and difficult. The one who is a realised soul – his attention is so powerful. Wherever he puts the attention, it works. Wherever he wants to bring forth change, it happens. I am happy to know that in this place you all believe in the change, change for the better. Transformation is the only way you can save this world. There's no other way out and for that the Sahaja Yoga is the only way we can do it. But that doesn't mean that you are not capable of getting it. Within a month you become your own master. You become your own master so become masters of kundalini and you can raise kundalini.

I know there are people who have read a lot against kundalini saying that kundalini does this and all that. For the last 27 years I have been working on this kundalini, I have not seen anybody suffering. No violence, no problem, no [unclear ] , nothing happens amongst Sahaja Yogis. It is running in 65 nations. I must say Russia is much higher. Very surprising. Russian people are much ahead. I was amazed at how they were so sensitive to truth. Perhaps maybe the atrocities of communism, they developed their depth and they got to Sahaja Yoga. Once they get realisation Russians are great Sahaja Yogis. It is not easy to explain why but this is something good that when democracy came there only I could go otherwise I could not have gone. But the way I saw the way people there I was amazed that how could these people they are so sensitive. I Didn't advertise too much and I didn't have many people there, nothing of the kind, and there were 2,000 in the hall because they are supposed to take tickets for the hall and 2,000 outside, and they asked me, “Mother what about us?” I said, “All right I am coming back”. They were still there. I said, “All right can you [ slight break in video]. You won't believe, 2,000 from inside, 2,000 from outside and 2,000 were friends. And once they got realisation they settled down. They are not shifty by nature. They are not shifty people. If we are shifty we can never mature. Think of a tree which is shifted all the time.

So we lack in maturity and understanding. We shouldn't shift. Like if you find water in a particular place, particular spot, you are digging a well then go ahead with it. Don't go on digging all over the place. I call it as guru shopping and this kind of a guru shopping has created lots of problems on your kundalini. They have not given you anything. Gurus after gurus have come. In the year 1971 I came to America and before coming I told in India in a very big gathering the names of all these horrible gurus who have come and who are going to destroy the seekers and these seekers are lost. So many are lost. So I have to make the humble request that you don't go on digging everywhere but respect yourself. Respect your self-realisation and grow into it.

As a Mother what should I tell you? That I am with you all the time. I love you all. But you love yourself and don't make a bizarre life of yours. There's such a beautiful future lies ahead. And why should we not enjoy when people all over the world are enjoying. If this happens I know in this God blessed vishuddhi I have great hopes. I don't know. I just felt very great about Berkeley because the first Sahaja Yogi in America was from Berkeley. He was a student here and he was mad, real mad as a student and when he saw one Indian boy, very clever, asked him, “Who is your guru?” He said. “I have no guru” “No, no, no you must be having otherwise how can you have this temperament. Forgive me I am so disturbed. You are not at all disturbed. How are you so peaceful?” He said, “I don't know.” So he entered into his room at night, saw My photograph and said, “Who is this?” He said, “This is my Mother.” He said, “No. You tell me who.” So he told him that this is the lady who is – I don't know if you should call her Mother or anything, but She's the spiritual leader. She has given we self-realisation.” Next day he got a plane and I mean how frantic he was seeking, and he came to London. Then when he came to My house and he asked Me I am coming by train, how will I recognise you?” I said, “I will recognise you, don't worry, and I am the only Indian lady there. He came down all the way from the station to My house. He was walking for fifteen minutes. He was talking, talking, talking, talking, telling Me. Very intelligent man. Very intelligent, all kinds of books he had read. He had gone I tell you - become like a library confused. I said, “What's this going on?” I said, “Let him talk. Let him tell.” That all happened in Berkeley. And he came down there and he said, “Mother there are many like me. I said, “AH?. ”That's the reason I wanted to come to Berkeley when he told Me, “There are many seekers in Berkeley and I always thought I should go back.”

Then he wrote to some people here when he got his realisation. But people would not care. He said he used to have arguments , big meetings, seminars and here they are not bothered about what I am writing to them. He was so disappointed. Doesn't matter. But whatever it is now I leave it to you to understand that there's a very great thing awaiting for which you don't have to pay at all, but you have to give some time to your self-realisation. And that sometime is something that they will be having follow on or something. Please go to that follow on and learn it. You can master it. Not at all difficult to master. If Russians could do it why not you? Just think of it of how much you can help your countrymen and the whole world. Americans are known for going all over the world to help, but now we need a self-help. We have to help ourselves.

Last of all there are many things which I could tell you what happens after kundalini awakening and when they used to write to me – this miracle, that miracle and all. So I asked for an Englishman and I said, “You better now write about them.” So he said within one month all of them have come up to my head like this. You better select Mother.” “ I said I have no time so leave it as it is.” So many things can happen to you which will be very beautiful and you will meet with such beautiful people and experience all that is there but above all what happens to you is that you jump in the ocean of joy. Joy is something cannot be expressed. It is to be felt. Happiness and unhappiness are two sides of a coin. But joy is singular and you enjoy everything. Everything you see you enjoy. Everything you hear you enjoy. Life becomes so enjoyable and you become such an enjoyable personality.

We have had all kinds of people coming to Sahaja Yoga. All kinds and you'll be amazed how they are transformed and have become such beautiful people. All over the world. May God give you wisdom. You have intelligence and also you have lots of understanding but wisdom is something one should have. Without the wisdom you cannot achieve spiritual heights. You are a pure spirit but you have to ascend and dwell in that beautiful atmosphere of Divinity where the Divine helps you, fully protects you. Looks after you, guides you. So many things happen that you'll be amazed. Not by reading. By reading you are lost in the words as Adi Shankarachara said [Hindi] Means in the web of words we are lost. We have to go beyond it. These words can at the most give some joy to your mind but we have to really be there because you are real seekers and that's your right to have it. You have to get it. May God bless you all.

It will hardly take ten minutes for you to get your realisation. Hardly ten minutes. Maybe even less. But first it used to take you will be surprised, half an hour My hands used to break raising their Kundalini. But now it seems the awareness is quite different. It works very fast. So I would request you to be comfortable. Just be comfortable and you can take out your shoes would be better idea because this Mother Earth you know, she helps us a lot. You have to put both the feet apart from each other.

There are two conditions. Very simple, very simple. The first condition is that you don't have to feel guilty. That is you must forgive yourself. Whatever has happened, has happened, now finished. What's the use of carrying that guilt. And the guilt in modern times, I must tell you, it's so superficial. Whatever is finished, is finished. That is in the past. But if you feel guilty then this centre catches on the left hand side. This is a very important centre. And this centre for Americans especially who will know later on why. But this centre when it catches, what happens to you firstly that you get a disease called angina where the heart cannot pump straight blood for the brain. Then the second thing is that you might get spondylitis of a very serious kind. Thirdly you might get lethargic organs. So why carry this thing called guilt which has no meaning, to torture yourself, to trouble yourself. Those who do not torture, others take out on to themselves.

The second condition is also simpler because this centre is like this. [Shri Mataji indicates the Agnya chakra area.]You see this how this cannot open. So to open this you have to forgive others. Many say it is difficult to forgive. Whether you forgive or don't forgive what do you do? You do nothing. But by not forgiving you torture yourself and the one who has given you the trouble is enjoying nicely and why you are torturing yourself? This centre is very important because I told you it's very constricted. So you have to just forgive. Forgive everyone. Just say in your heart I forgive everyone. You can call me Mother. You can I Mother I forgive everyone. And you'll feel much lighter. No use carrying the load of not forgiving. This is what is the second condition. I hope you don't mind if I say that, that you forgive yourself and forgive others. It will make you much lighter and this centre will open because the Kundalini has to move through these centres.

So now you have to put both your hands towards Me like this. Towards Me. As I told you that you feel it on your fingertips. So what you feel is the cool breeze. Cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Sometimes you feel hot. I'll tell you why but you will feel that and also you will feel the cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area which is soft bone, matured soft bone in your childhood.

So put both the hands towards Me like this. There, now please put the right hand towards Me close your eyes and take out your spectacles if you like and put the left hand on top of your fontanelle bone area, not touching the head but away from it. Now please put the right hand towards Me and feel if there is any cool or hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your head. Now please take your left hand towards Me like this. Place it like this towards Me and put your right hand on top of the fontanelle bone area above. Now some people get it far. Some people get it close. So just move your hand and see. If it is hot that means that you have not either forgiven yourself or forgiven others. So now you do it please forgive. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Please, please. This heat will go away. But if it is a hot coming also doesn't matter it will cool down after some time.

Now again. Once again please put your right hand towards Me and left hand on top of the fontanelle bone. Please put down your head. Put down your head then you can see if works better. Don’t think. Don't think. Now please put both the hands towards Me like this and don't think. Watch Me. Don't think. It is not mesmerism because I have closed My eyes now right? Now please open your eyes and now if there's cool breeze coming from down below then lift it up and put it on top like that. Now again please put both your hands towards Me like this. Don't doubt it. Please don't doubt.

Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. Here you have to ask one of the three questions three times. One of them only three times. You can call me Shri Mataji or you can call me Mother. In your heart please ask, Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Push back your head. Another question is, Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love? Ask genuinely with a genuine heart. Third question is Mother is this the paramachaitanya? Ask any one of these questions three times in your heart. Now please bring down your hands. Now put your both hands towards Me and don't think.

All those who have felt cool breeze on the fingertips or hot breeze on the fingertips, or on the palm or out of the fontanelle bone area please raise both your hands. That's it. May God bless you. The whole of Berkeley. I am very thankful to you. I don't know what to say because you are really discerning people and that you have felt this all-pervading power. Now you have to just know how to use it. How to help others. How to help yourself. It's very simple and if you can attend our follow-on, follow up programs that they have, you will become master Sahaja Yogis. I know that. May God bless you.

Tremendous experience.

Berkeley (United States)

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