Public Program Day: Vishuddhi Chakra

Public Program Day: Vishuddhi Chakra 1986-10-13

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi

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The post is also available in: Hindi.

13 October 1986

Public Program

Lions Safari Park, Kolkata (India)

Talk Language: Hindi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Draft

Sahajyogi: Why? Because it is a practice. They don't read anything else because, as Mother says that after reading many religious books they try to show their importance and don't do anything.

Shri Mataji has come and when She will come, you stand at your own place and when Shri Mataji will sit , then you sit at your own place. From there only you offer your salutations and sit down. And if you have brought, any flowers or anything like that and when the programme will be over please do not touch Her Feet. Here the flowers that have been kept in front of Her you offer your garland of flowers on that. That itself is enough. Every body tries that they should garland Her on the stage. Please be kind enough not to do so.

Shri Mataji has come, please stand up all of you.

Bolo Shri Bhagwati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai.

Bolo Shri Adi Guru, Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki Jai.

On behalf of all of you, i offer this small garland to Maa.

Shri Mataji: Dhanyawaad!

Shri Mataji : In Sahajyoga when the Kundalini gets awakened, She one after the other

(Put it (fan) off, it is producing lot of sound)

Sahaj Yogi: Close this, close this.

Shri Mataji: It is too noisy. It is actually the noise of Air mill.

So, one by one, crossing the chakras, Kundalini moves upwards. This is the UDHVAGATI of Shri Krishna. The work Shri Krishna has done in His own time is very intricate and to understand it is the prime duty of Sahajyogis. During the time of Shri Rama, when Shri Vishnuji incarnated, he had come to the world specifically and as Socrates has described a benevolent king, one who thinks of the good of the people.

He came to this world as a symbol of that. He was a symbol of a very loving husband, was a father as well as a brother, devotee of Mother Land as well as of parents. He followed all the religions of the world. And at last, He fulfilled even the duties of a king with great penance. He lived in the world like an ascetic. And he set an example, how a king should behave? From His ideals let our politicians learn something. That will be very helpful. But after that Shri Krishna's birth took place in a totally different way. Whenever any incarnation takes birth, the same incarnation, same (not clear) the object which we take as containing special material, For example, as many Shri Vishnu's limbs are there. Whenever there are incarnations, they perform their different types of duties within that period, fulfill the needs of that time. That was the time when Ram Chanderji had to show how an ideal king can be? How an ideal husband can be? He with His own character, with His own goodness and with His influence laid a foundation of His feelings within us. With that only, the right side of our heart, He made what we call our right heart. When the same incarnation had to come during Krishna's time, the thing that He had made, established so much detachment, became so prevalent. There were kings like Harish Chandra who went to the extremes, went to the extremes. The matter turned out to be extreme. What they had taught, turned out to be extreme. All the kings turned out to be ascetic, became saints, discarded their wives saying, " We are Ram Chander Ji." Then Shri Krishna's birth took place.

About Shri Ram Chander Ji , it is said that His incarnation too should be on the human level only. He should be a benevolent king. So, He had deliberately forgotten that He is an incarnation of Shri Vishnu. And that is why , He is not on the middle path. He is on the right side. But when Shri Krishna came on Vishuddhi Chakra to correct the same concept, He took a completely different form. Now when He came in the form of Shri Krishna He said that all this seriousness should be given up. In those days, there were shocks from all sides. In those days only there was Neminaath Ji who was very serious. He made people to stop eating their food. Every type of bond of religion had clashed. This is your religion, that is your religion. As if some military of religious people had become. In the military, after giving up food and drinking all of them were sitting after being greatly distressed like Parshuram ji. So, same Shri Ram took his birth in the form of Shri Krishna. And because of His own conditionings, He made an effort to break it.

The same thing happened at the time of Mohommad Sahib. When Mohommad Sahib came, the place where was born, people tortured Him much. Even poisoned Him, killed Him in a way. Bothered Him a lot. He taught that to save your life, you can even go for a war. That was the need of the time. That time many people were killed. There were many wives. If they would have only one wife many women would have been without marriage. And there was no acceptance for unmarried relationship. So He (Mohommad) said, "ok, you have four or five, but marry them". Marry, keeping God as witness. Because, if the rest of the woman would not have been married they would have lived in some irreligious relationship. To correct it, He said, "ok, marry four to five times, doesn't matter". The young girls with whom nobody marries, even marry those. Doesn't matter , but marry. Means that by marriage, there has to be rightuousness and bonding.

Then it was calculated that unless every Muslim marries five times he is not a Muslim at all. We calculate everything. And many people, specially I have seen in Uttar Pradesh, that there they torture their wives a lot and turn her out of home on filthy issues. And say, even Ram Chander ji had turned out Sita Ji. Are all of you Ram Chander ji? In this way, in every Yuga, all the great incarnations that came man expressed something like this that they held their ears about what did they say. For example, Dr. Sahab said one thing that don't take Mother's flowers. Gannas have their right over these flowers. Two hundred and fifty peole gave up Sahajyoga and left. Because he said that it is the right of the Gannas you should not go during the night. You will be in little trouble. Gannas will bother you.

Whatever we say, how to look at it in the reverse direction man knows very well. Don't know, what it is? There is some such thing in his eye, some inverted device is fixed in his mind that whatever you say for his benefit, he takes it to his own advantage. So, Shri Krishna tried to eliminate many things. When He came into this world, He said it is all leela. All this is leela, leela dhar, it is leela! What is there to be serious about any thing? It is all a play! It is all play, what is there to take it so seriously that you are sitting in this way, like Dudhacharya? Why to take to asceticism? Or why to torture your body? It is all Leela. And He started showing His Leela from His childhood only. Behind him, his maternal uncle was engaged in the form of a demon. But the leelas he did, you can understand their subtleties in Sahajyog.

For example, a person would call himself, Shri Krishna, “I am Shri Krishna, so i take off their clothes.”

I said,'' Oh! what to speak of you?"

I asked, "Sir, what business have you sought that you take out ladies' clothes?"

Sahajyogi: Said,"I am Shri Krishna!"

Shri Mataji: I said,''ok!" Since when you are Shri Krishna?

I asked him,"When Shri Krishna would hide ladies' clothes how old was He?"

Only five years. What does an innocent child of five years understand? And your age is just nothing. Whatever it is, your hair has already turned grey and you have become bald also. Now, how can you be Shri Krishna?

Shri Mataji: I said so and within eight days, somebody took off all his clothes and he was just jumping here and there.

So, Shri Krishna showed such leelas. In each of His work you look at it from subtle point of view, you can understand. What did He do by taking off (their)clothes? When He took off their clothes, they took a dip in Jamuna ji, taking their bath and in Jamuna ji, He had already sunk feet of Radha ji. So, that power was already transferred to that. and He wanted that let the effect of this water be on them for a very long time so that their kundalini would awaken. Even then it didn't happen. Then they started walking with pots on their heads. He threw stones from the back. Threw stones from the back! Same water which was vibrated started dripping slowly on their back. So, that activated their kundalini.

Experience it just now. If somebody's kundalini doesn't awaken apply vibrated water, kundalini will rise. Can't say if it will stop somewhere, but it will rise.

He found a playful method to awaken their kundalini. That hit a stone from the back. The water will absolutely fall like this, will fall on their back. Because of that, they will get completely wet and that will awaken their kundalini.

These are the jobs of Leeladhar. Then why would He steal butter? Why does He like butter?

Those days, all the butter from Gokul would be sent for the soldiers of Kansa, who were demons. All the women would not give butter to their children, would take that butter and give it to those soldiers.

So Shri Krishna said,"Let us steal butter what will they sell then?" So, He taught everyone to steal butter. You eat everyone's butter. Because their children would not get butter the soldiers would get it who are demons. We too do our work like that. We will not give to our children, but we would give it to demons. We raise them only. So He taught to steal butter. It is very bad to steal and is considered as evil (Paap). But no body considers stealing butter as evil because when cow has given milk at home and when there is butter at our home, children at home may not take while the demons who are outsiders may take. what type of mannerism it is?

Here at this very place Krishna has done a very great thing. What is moral and what is immoral has talked about it later. What we consider as very moral that it is very moral and is like this and like that in reality has no special virtue. Now suppose somebody is saving his income tax. It is good, no problem!

By giving it to the government, otherwise also government gets it. But to do government's work also, money is required.

So we should pray like this that let there be such an honest government to which paying income-tax is no problem. But you will be surprised that Mohommad Sahib has said that you cannot charge tax from people.

"I will give you everything." And when he stopped charging their own tax oil came out there and people are living happily. There nobody charges tax. There is no custom, no tax, nothing. Rest all the madness is there but these two three things are very good. There nobody charges tax, no custom, whatever yo may carry except wine. In this way, the clash between moral and immoral what is moral and what is immoral? Shri krishna laid much stress on that. in this way that Manu had said 'Satyam Vadey, Priyam Vade' Speak truth and speak sweetly. People questioned Krishna, what does it mean?

If we speak truth, people don't like it, they feel bad. Say anything, it is felt bad. Because a human being has so much ego tell him something. You see Mother is sleeping right now, leave it, not this time he feels bad. Who has given Mother the right to sleep? She can't sleep. She doesn't have the right to sleep. Why She has come as a mother? It is a question of brain. They will feel so bad. They will never understand that one who is working for twenty four hours should be allowed to take a little rest, it doesn't matter. No, She is Goddess, She doesn't need to sleep. Oh! God also sleeps! You go to any temple there they say, " All the Gods are sleeping now. They will not wake up". It is correct. All the dieties go to sleep. Once they sleep that time if you awaken Mother She gets perplexed. But there is no one who can understand.

Now how to tell the truth? It was told after mixing sugar , even then they are angry. So He said that the truth cannot be dear. Many a times, very unpleasant sounds bitter, very harsh! So how to tell, how to tell the truth?

Shri Krishna said,"See, SATYAM VADE, HITAM VADE, PRIYAM VADE." Whatever is for the betterment of the spirit, talk about that. Today, they will feel bad, tomorrow they will understand.

They go to a wrong guru. After being hit, they came to me.

Shri Mataji: I said," you see, that guru is not ok, he is a wrong guy. Don't have any relation with him." They feel bad. But when we suck their negativity then we understand that Mother told it for our betterment. Shri krishna said that for the benifit of others if you have said something for the benifit of spirit, may be you will feel bad today, tomorrow they will thank you. And if they have to feel bad, why to worry about such people? Forget them! leave them! Then somebody said, suppose somebody has come to murder someone and he asks "Do you know where is the person hiding, whom we want to kill?" Now you know as well, should you tell or not tell?

There is no need to tell! Because it is an unauthorised attempt. What right he has to ask you? He has no right in it. He is asking forcefully. You may tell him or not, that is your right. It is an unauthorised attempt and for an unauthorised attempt, you are not answerable. It is not your responsibility. In this way, Shri Krishna said openly many things and to say openly there has definitely been one thing that people did not understand Shri krishna at that time. Had they understood Him , there would have been no war. And neither the harshness that Duryodhan did, would have taken place. But the fight between evil and good continues. This is how the whole Mahabharata was created. And by that creation man started seeing good and evil. Draupdi has a very high status in Shri Krishna's life. She was his sister who was called Vishnumaya whose birth had taken place and that had flashed in the sky like lightning and who had announced his incarnation. That Vishnumaya was Draupadi. That is why, He had high regard for Draupdi. When Duryodhan put his hand on Draupdi's cloth (Saree) and when he started to pull it, Draupdi also out of faminine modesty clenched the border of her saree with her teeth like this. After saying 'kri' she stopped. 'Kri,' by saying 'shan' it would slip. It stopped at 'shan'. She could not say 'Shan'. But when she saw that now the situation is getting worst that now my saree is being pulled. As soon as, the word 'shan' came out of her mouth Tulsidas ji has described the situation beautifully. It is worth listening. Shri Krishna's love for his sister. Dwarika main Shor Bhayo, Shor Bhayo Bhari (There was a loud noise in Dwarika). He was sitting in Dwarika. Dwarika Main Shor Bhayo, Shor Bhayo Bhari (There was a loud noise in Dwarika ).

Carrying His (weapons) conch, wheel, mace (not clear) was present there. He reached there in no time to protect the dignity of his sister. Now you ask these gentlemen if he had no concern for women's modesty to keep his sister's honour, why should he have come running from there to here? The work he did at the early age of five, same when in youthful stage was sitting like a king for the sake of safeguarding the honour of of his sister, why did he come running from there? There is no contrast in it. There is no contradiction in it. These are the qualities of only one character. The work a person does in childhood is done easily in innocence. And then, He was Yogeshwara. Yogeshwara in reality.

He was Yogeshwara like this that He wedded sixteen thousand women and then five more. People will say,"What type of yogeshwara was He?" On the one hand, He married sixteen thousand women and above that He wedded five more wives. God save from such a Yogeshwara. Like this we too can go on doing like that. Why do you call Wajad Ali Shah a bad man? Now a day's wisdom will be like that only. Some take everything on the same platform. They are His sixteen thousand powers. He was a male, I am a mother. Nobody can tell Me anything. Nobody can blame Me in the form of a Mother. He was a male. Where from could He get sixteen thousand powers in the world? You are My sons. Sometimes message My feet, sometimes message My head. You touch My feet. No one can blame Me for touching My feet. I am only a Mother! Some of My sons are hundred and eight years old. Still, I am a Mother, mother is just a mother!

Mother is always pure. Who can touch her? But to get Her sixteen thousand powers in the world is not so easy. And at that time there were no such people ready as Sahajyogis, who could be given the responsibility. So, He gave birth to His sixteen thousand powers in the form of women. And told a king to take them all away from here and then after pretending, It is all a drama. And got His sixteen thousand powers to Himself. And the five wives He had, those Panch Mahabhoots and made those Panch Mahabhoots also His wives. Now this subtle thing you will understand in Sahajyoga. You check it on vibrations, if I am telling truth or a lie.

Whatever I am telling, you will get vibrations, if it is true. These sixteen thousand powers and five elements He kept them in such a form that people could not blame Him. Now poor wife may be sixteen thousand or any number, she is after all a wife. In His playful life there are such beautiful melodious moments which cannot be explained. Radha ji is His power Ra-Dha, Ra means shakti, energy Ra, Dha, that which attained it, that which retained shakti, is Ra-Dha. And then when He with that energy When He played that RAAS, then again that Ra-Sa........... 'Sa' means along with that. With that power, that 'Ra' in this way He played Raas. In that also there was arrangement for raising of Kundalini. If you are holding your hands and if two people get connected to My two feet at that time, if some music is going on if any Tala is being played, in your hands there will be same Tala. If Jap Taal is played then Jap Taal will be in hand. If three Taals are played, three taals will be in your hand. If one Taal is played then one Taal will be in hand. You can watch it. That is why it was called Raaaas. To move it along with energy (Shakti) this work He did. But once Narad Munni played a trick. and he told Shri Krishna "Do you really love all these wives?" He said , "Yes, I do." He (Narada) mesmerized those wives.

Shri Mataji asks somebody:What is the matter?

He went and told these wives You see, Krishna doesn't love you. He loves only Radha." He has left you as His wives just like that to be free from any stigma. He doesn't love you as such! They got mesmerized. Ok! It must be so. He doesn't love us at all. He loves only Radha ji. They told Him,"You don't love us. You love Radhaji." Shri Krishna said,"Don't say like that. My stomach has started hurting too much. Don't ask me how much it is hurting me". Why did you feel pain? He said,"I feel pain when you talk like this." Now they got panicky. They asked Him to tell the treatment. The treatment is very simple. Do it like this, give Me the dust of your feet give Me that to drink and I will be ok!

They said,"Cheers!" Already you do not love us and you want to deprive us of our virtues also. We should drink the dust of your feet. That You will take the dust of our feet. That will not be possible for us to do. All this is to make fool of us. Don't make us fool. He said that this is the only way.

Saint Narada said,"Narayan, Narayan! What should be done now?" He said okay! you go to Radha and tell her. So, he went to Radha ji. He said to Radha ji,''Shri Krishna is very sick." She asked , "Why?" He said , He is having pain in His stomach. Because , He is DHANVANTRI He said the treatment is the devotee who will send the feet of his dust for Me by drinking that I will get well. Radha put her foot forward and said, "Ok! Take away the dust of my feet." He asked, "Why?

Are you not bothered about your Sins and virtuous deeds?" He said one who makes us to commit sin and one who makes us to do good deeds is He only. You go and take it and relieve him of his stomach pain. So, he took the dust of her feet. The soil of Vrindavan is yellow coloured, you must have seen. He took it and reached there. And said, Yes, Radha ji has given it, and now drink it. He mixed it and drank it. Shri krishna asked him ," Why are you standing like this?" He said," Radha ji said something which i could not understand.

That You only make one to do virtuous act and you only make one to commit sin." "Oh! Did you not understand it?" He said ,"No." Krishna said,"Okay! look into My heart!" When he looked at His heart, he found Radha ji sitting in His heart. And Her feet were touching the nectar of lotus and turning yellow coloured. Then Narad ji understood that if She is sitting in heart then, what does feet or head or hand matter? This imagination of sins and virtues was changed by Shri Krishna.

What we consider as great sin and great virtue its complete knowledge its discretion has been given to us by Shri Krishna. That is why, when Hamsa chakra gets impaired man loses his power of discretion. He doesn't understand sin and virtue doesn't understand good or bad. And there is same treatment for both of them. If there is something wrong with Vishudhi chakra or Hamsa chakra there is a very simple solution. The sahajyogis who have knowledge, let them not speak. But those who are ignorant, can feel that there was one thing which Shri Krishna liked and that was , butter. Its tretment is butter. I daily apply a little butter with a little salt to My Vishudhi chakra because it goes on talking whole day. It doesn't bother Me.

You also do so. Take a little bit of butter on thumb with a little salt on it then at the back there is lower part of the tounge apply it thrice to it. Your throat will be absolutely okay. Cough etc. will vanish, everything will be okay. And Hamsa chakra catches because the place where we live there is dryness and because of that a great question arises is that our inner skin which is just like a membrane and its epitherial cells because it dries up As the skin of hands dries up in winter, in the same way it dries up inside. And because of that, you get all these diseases like sinus and all the worldly disases. That too has a very simple treatment. If you put butter after melting it in the nose your job is done. If not, then you make ghee from butter then you drain it in a cloth and add a little salt to it keep it and then and put it in the nose.

All your sinus troubles will be clear. This is the simple solution of Shri Krishna. You do it and then tell Me. Daily in the morning, every Sahajyogi must take a little butter in his hand, add a little salt and offer thrice to Shri Krishna. Then put two drops of ghee in the nose. Put it at the time of going to sleep. your cold will be over. Those who are having problems with each other, having troubles and fights are going on in a way, don't know what confusion you are in. You did this wrong, he did that wrong either he did that wrong and he did that wrong And all those who are banging their heads among themselves this is just a drama. And who is the stage manager of that, is Shri Krishna.

He makes you fight, He makes you break your head. And what does He prove, is that Bramha is the only truth. Bramha means the all pervading power which you have felt. This is the truth, this only tells the truth. From this we will know what is the truth. Whatever else is there, is just a joke. Mutual quarrel, mutual conversation, mutual this thing is all useless. Now this sports instinct is more than necessary even among us. And I also play variety of tricks. Now you will also realise and will come to know that Mother plays variety of tricks.

That is why it is said SHASTRARE MAHAMAYA. My advent was at Sahastrara. I am also Mahamaya. It is difficult to recognise and catch hold of Me. One who will try to catch hold of Me I will run away from his clutches. And the one who will not want to catch hold of Me I will enter into his system. So in this way, My life style goes on. But even then I will surely talk symbolically so that, you understand. That here we are talking about collective consciousness. Whatever is in RAAS, it is there.

Whatever is outside is not your own. An attempt should be made that everybody comes to RAAS but those who are not in Raas, they will be out.

So, there are two types of forces in Sahajyoga which you regard as Centripetal and Centrifugal force in Physics. If we hold a rope in hand with a stone tied to it and rotate it one part of it remains pulled inside which we hold with hand the second part runs towards outside. One who desires to come inside and is stationed inside and one who establishes connection (with spirit) within himself he remains inside. Rest , others are thrown out so badly that it is a matter of surprise. and we are not sad about that. Those who can stay inside, let them stay inside those who can stay outside , let them stay outside. It is written in Bible that only, one lakh and forty four thousand people will get their realization. Now you tell, the population of our country is so much that Mr. John has written very nicely that more than this number are not going to get realisation.

Now you tell how many people are going to get it? What is the population of kolkatta? What is the number of public?

Sahajyogi: Three lakh.

Shri Mataji: So two lakh is the population of Kolkatta. So, how many people have gone? And what is the population of our country? Don't talk about Crore. They have stopped the vehichle at one lakh only. They are not allowing it to be two lakh, from one lakh.

So, tell Me how many people are going to get realization? HAZIR SE HUZAR NAHI AUR GAIR KI TALASH NAHI. Those who will come to the center, will survive others will just vanish. You may be Lakhpati or a Bakhpati. It's not going to matter. Those who will come to the center only they will survive the rest are not going to survive. It is not of this place it is the experience I am sharing of America and England and every other place. I went to America. Took out a lot of money from bank reached there, spent a lot of money. In total we spent forty four thousand Dollars. I spent a lot of money and people also spent their money.

Meanwhile, after doing all this when we returned from that place total four Sahajyogis came from there for the programme, just four. Ten thousand Dollars were spent for one person. Out of those three stood outside. With a great difficulty one came and he ran away at that time. I come and thousands of people come because, didn't get ticket at a cinema let us listen to Mother's lecture. Couldn't go to watch a play, let us listen to Mother's lecture. The play was not played. Will get atleast something at Mother's place, it is free, let us go! You will get lot of free eaters. You will get lot of useless people.

First we will feel, yes, they are coming just like a sea. But how many are there drops of SWATI (the purest first drop of rain ) which give satisfaction to CHAKOR (a bird enamoured of the Moon). ............ If your atma is CHAKOR, it will consider only drop of SWATI. So, you must not bother so much about quantity. Let the quantity be benefitted by Sahajyoga but we must fix quality. Until quality is good, quantity is useless. When Shivaji would go in for a war behind him, many such people would join in a line. Ramdas Swami told him See! those who are called Bazaar (not clear) all those people who are sitting in the market you sort out them.

If they go away, it will be very nice. Because these people carry paan, bidi, match box and ciggarette, everything. Apart from that they carry all eatables too. Because of that those who are soldiers, their attention gets fixed on that itself. Remove all this market then you will win the battle. But Muslims did not do so. That is why Shivaji won the battle. With very few people he won the battle. At last when Aurandjeb invaded Tara Bhai defeated him in Kolahpur and he had to return back. So it is a matter of quality.

So its quality must be multiplied. In Sahajyoga, the person whose quality will multiply as a result of spiritual connection only he can do some work. He only is of some use and he only is a Sahajyogi. And then there are usually some people my mother is sick. I treated his mother. or, my father is ill, treated him Treat my father's father. Father was cured and he was okay. And then, my daiughter is sick, plz cure her. Plz cure my son. Then when you say, it is too much now, they start crying.

They cry so loudly. Hello! what happened to you? You have cured everyone and now why you are leaving him uncured? Why don't you cure him? You will be fine. In the beginning it will be so. You will see that mostly it will be, that you will cure cancer patients all over the world. I will say the same thing to the people of Lion's club also that first of all, you yourself be strong Sahajyogis. or when you will go to cure them, you will have headache .

First, be a perfect Sahajyogi and then use your hand. And there is no need, give them photo. Photo will do everything. That will give them faith and they will get cured as well. More than you, they will be ok with photograph only. Because if you are there, they will be after you,"keep your hand on my head." Even now you see, wherever I go "Mother, please put your hand on my head." "put your hand here." They will pull My hand (and say) keep it here. okay!

take it. keep it there. What to do? leave My life. You will also face such a compulsion. To be away from this compulsion, the best way is to that you give them (My) photo and tell them to use the photograph. If they have Photo, let them use it. One who does not consider photo as valid, cannot recover at all. My dear, you take the photo, work on photo. We will see if it goes well.

You just see that, that person is doing well. Because, you will be caught. In our Sahajyoga, Dr. Warren worked most. When he went from here to Australia, he was in high spirits that now Mother's work has to be done. And he also had some experiences like this. In a few days, the petrol also was exhausted There was not much petrol in the car. and people said that strike is going on and petrol will not be available now. He said, we will do our work just on this much petrol only. They said that they used only that much petrol for one month and when we came to the petrol pump they asked have you come to get the petrol filled but the tank is full of petrol. They he got convinced that Mother had given him great encoragement and that we are doing this work.

But there they made a mistake. Instead of giving realisation to the people, they started curing them. There used to be a crowd waiting for them to get well. There used to be such crowd that it became impossible for them to live. After that he said,"Mother, I am feeling lot of pain in my head. my body is falling apart, feel heart attatcks don't know, pulpitation is going on.”

Shri Mataji: I asked him, "What business are you doing there?" He said, "i cure all the people." I asked him, "Why do you cure them?" Here even the wrestlers come and say, "Mother, Please grant us peace."

What is the use of making them even wreslers? They will be about to say,"Why didn't you give us peace first?" Give them realisation. Why are you curing them? Then he understood that he was doing wrong. But as soon as he said,"Curing is over." The whole crowd could be seen, nowhere. It could not be traced where from that crowd had come. Just like a ghost disappears in that way, they were out of sight. Then, it stuck to his mind that these people are............KAMARTHI They are useless people, useless for God's work.

Then he started from one to two people. Even in Sahajyoga, first only one lady got realisation. First only one, just one and after that, only twelve people got their realization. And I worked very hard for those twelve, very hard. When I started the work first in England I worked with seven hippies for four years. I worked very hard with my hands for them. My husband would say, why are you so engrossed in transforming these fools? Nothing can transform them, they are just stones. Just see, I made them to stand up and it is because of them only, that Sahajyoga has established there. The foundation stones are never visible.

Some people have the habit of showing off a lot. Let them do. They will themselves diminish. Either they will be fine their show off business would come to an end If not so, then they will come to an end. Otherwise also they won't come to Sahajyoga. You should not worry so much about it. You should be in collectivity. Those who will be in collectivity, there only shall I reside. Where four people will be sitting in my name, I will reside there only. Many people will say, we worship at home.

Mother, we have kept your photo, still we will have cancer. Yes, it will definitely happen. If you don't come to center, it is none of My responsibility. You can get heart attack, you can have cancer whatever disease others have, you too can have. You are normal people for Me. Realisation makes no difference. Your tree is not built yet. And specially , after realisation the responsibility is all the more in the beginning. Because if a seed has been sprouted you have to take more care in the beginning. If you don't take its care, there can be any problem as is the case with normal people (Not clear).

You are normal people. You don't have any place in the kingdom of God nor can I give you any consent. Those who come to the center, they should come to the center. This is about collectivity. We got collective consciousness. We can see a tree, we can see this. Immediately you start giving judgment. This is not collective consciousness. Collective consciousness means that we have become part and parcel of Virat and there is no one else. And till he does not awaken till he doesn't become Sahajyogi, he is another.

But I have seen also Sahajyogis like this, that they are good with others come, sit and do this and amongst themselves (Not Clear). It is very surprising. Only one mother has given birth to all of you and you are sons of only one mother. Every body has little understanding amongst themselves. Why do you fight for others? Why do you quarrel over others? That cannot give any peace to Me nor to God. Don't fight for others amongst yourselves. Those who are others, are others and you are one and the same, because you are awakened. You, who are part and parcel of that virat are awakened and the rest of the people are not awakened.

Now as there is a heart, a liver, a brain, a spleen there are different organs. In the same way in Sahaj yoga, at every place, each person is appointed. For example, for Bengal, I had asked about Jalan. " You can do it for Bengal. Are you ready for this?" He got ready. I told him," You are the leader." Now, if there is a leader, the whole responsibility is on him. Whatever work you have to do, you talk to that leader about it. If the leader does something wrong I get so much angry with him and set him right.

That is My responsibility. That is not yours, you cannot blame a leader. Somebody was talking against a leader who happened to be his younger brother. I could not tolerate that and big boils appeared on my back due to the heat. I told him, " You're causing boils on my back." He was surprised. These are My sons whom I have established there they are my favourites. And don't challenge them, please don't challenge them. I am managing them. My feet are on them.

Don't disturb them in any way. The day they start moving, I will move them Myself. That responsibility is on Me not on you. This should be understood that he who is the driver of this heart If you tell him, you go away, I will be there you don't have to compare yourself with them because I am watching them. I can't check each and every person. But through them , I watch everyone and I know and recognise them. And this is a very drawback of Sahaj yoga that they criticize a leader. Criticise him that they become leaders and why did they do so? You don't have to judge that, I will judge that. And you don't know very senior leaders have been thrown out by Sahajyoga.

Very senior people such leaders, whom world would consider that they came to Sahaj yoga first of all they are great leaders. And a leader should be all the more cautious. They get caught up beforehand. Sometimes, they feel proud of themselves. They think of themselves to have become very great people. Don't know what they think of themselves. Leaders should be very cautious that before leaving, we have to unite everyone. The man who will try to break it and doesn't do the work wisely he loses his leadership. To take the post of leadership is also a great task of responsibility. And all of you must understand in collective consciousness that Mother has appointed them and that you don't have to challenge them.

There are quarrels between two leaders too. This is, AHAM BRAMHAS MI Bramha stands up to fight against Bramha. Have seen this also. But there should be nothing like this. Have an understanding amongst yourselves. Mostly people fight over me. Tell me how bad it is. People fight over me. Why did you do so to Mother? Somebody say, "Why did you do so to Mother"?

Your Mother is a very strong woman. She doesn't have a fixed place. Today she is here, tomorrow she is there, what fixed place She has? Leave Her! Nobody can make a fool of Me. I appear to be a simple person, innocent but I am very clever. Nobody can make a fool of Me. This you try to understand. Now, outwardly I pose but since I am Mahamaya keep it in mind that you need not be anxious at all on My account. What is the need to take care of Me.

I Myself take care of you, what is the need to take care of Me? Stick to this belief. Whatever Mother does, there is some reason behind that. We will have to see what the matter is? Because I play a much deeper trick than Krishna. Because if we have to get them to Sahaj yoga, there is a need to mince them. It has to be churned thoroughly, only then you will come up like ghee. Otherwise how will it be done? In collectivity when you have collected the whole thing and you have churned it now the whole butter is ready, then what do you do? You add a little butter to it.

Now whatever is collected around that is butter, and the rest is thrown away.

Shri Mataji: (To a seeker) "Better be seated, everybody gets disturbed."

Shri Mataji: So, what you should do to that butter is just go on tieing up in one circle so that everything goes on clinging to that butter. That butter itself is the leader. That which will not cling to it, will be destroyed. In the same way, Sahajyoga has done the work till now and by and by they have become such strong Sahajyogis that you will be surprised. but you basically have everything at its base. You know you have got heritage, you have Shri Krishna. You know everything, there is no need to tell you anything special. Your roots are thousand years old.

There is no need to tell you anything. You don't have to do anything. I am telling you so about foreign countries where we had to start from who is Shri Ganesh ji. Is there anything like Ganeshji who do not know? those who don't know about it Those who don't know anything even about that have become such perfect Sahajyogis that they can give seven lectures about Ganesh Tatwa. They learnt Sanskrit, did everything went there , read all the books and and have presented it. People from Australia have mentioned about Ravinder Babu and sent to Me you will be so surprised. In which he has mentioned about Ganpatipule, about Mahaganpati. Till now no Bengali has given it to Me in writing. They are great admirers of Ravinder Babu.

At least some one should have written about it. It has been written from there what has been written by Ravinder Babu that Mother has awakened. People will come on all shores from here, everyone! He was a great seer, he saw this. All this description these people have sent to Me in writing. So in collectivity, all international people ran about and collected whatever was written about it. He may be European, Chinese or a Russian any one who has talked about Sahajyoga, noted down everything. What can be done to support Sahajyoga? How can we make Sahajyoga collective? Because there is no brotherhood among them.

Now they have got fed up of that, it is all over. There the politics has become just rotten. They said, leave it, let us put an end to it. They don't have brotherhood. Brotherhood is awesome. I feel so joyous when I see them slapping each other, talking to each other loudly with love. I feel such a joy. Brotherhood is very important. That itself is collectivity. Brotherhood itself is collectivity.

You are brothers of each other. And a brother quarrels with a brother till he is not a Sahajyogi then he understands everything. We should do the work which Mother likes. Who are we to quarrel with each other? And you will face this because there is a curse to our country that we are ok when we are alone. But when ten assemble, the work is undone. Useless! The moment you get the solution,you go and you are no more there. Till the Indians are single, it is the best. If ten assemble, it is a problem.

It is a curse on us and it is said in foreign countries also that if ten Japanese will sit for a meeting only one man will speak and the rest will nod their heads. Rest of them will just nod their heads, they won't speak. Whatever they have to say, they will discuss and finalize in the background A single word nobody will speak, only one person will say. And tell Indians to join that meeting it seems, that where is the proposal they have started mutual dispute. You had abused my sister. That day you had told my father so and so all this starts. In international meetings the Indians do so. So, there is a great thing in our life that is we don't get along with each other. Everybody is Bramha swaroop. Everyone is superior, Bramh fights with Bramh.

what to do? In our country, there is a saying that if there are two utensils they will definitely collide. If there are utensils, ok then collide with each other but if there are pillars, and they go on colliding where will the people sit under it? Everyone is not a utensil. There should be some pillars as well and not only utensils which go on colliding lifelong. The disease to collide with each other is very difficult. And that is why our collectivity breaks down. There are many ways of breaking collectivity if we look at these from the practical point of view. For example, regarding vibrations people say your vibrations are not good. Suppose a new person has come to your programme.

Hope that all of you are Sahajyogis. What I will say just now, it is sahajyogi's internal matter. He told him,"Oh! you are a great bhoot." A lady came to Me and told Me "They tell me that i am a bhoot I was not bhoot before coming to Sahajyoga. How is it that now i have become bhoot?

Shri Mataji: I asked," Who told you, you are a bhoot?"

Lady sahajyogini: "Everybody was saying, you are a bhoot. I have become a bhoot." ( The lady Started weeping bitterly).

Shri Mataji: I said, it is not so! You are not understanding. You should think that That person is the same that we were previously. Now he is coming to Sahajyoga. We are sitting at a higher level. While he is coming, if we kick him, how will he climb up? You are sitting at a higher level pull him by offering your hand down. Not because you kick him Many people are oversmart, too much over smart.They ride on bulls. Mother, sit here, get up here, do this, get up here. Then after that, he only can be seen standing and sitting.

Many people say, Mother said so, Mother said like this. Nobody has to say that Mother said so and so.. You say what you want to say. For example, Sanjay said In our Geeta it is like this: Sanjay said, Krishna said Have you to say anything or not? You say what you want to say. What do you mean by saying," Mother has said." Whatever mother has to say is already known. It is already written. Why are you talking about your Mother? They say even contrary to what Mother has said. Mother had said so.

Now people feel that Mother must have said so. Mother, had you said so? I told them, I can't say so. There is something wrong in it. By and by after being in contact with Me You will understand My style. Then you will understand that Mother cannot say so. This is not possible. We will have to tell Mother in a round about way. They will come out of it. She is not going to be trapped into it.

But people do it. Mother had said. There are many people for example, Oh! that Rajeev yes, who? He who is Prime Minister. Ok! He had come to my house yesterday.

Yesterday, he was in London.

No, no, no, no, not yesterday, He had come to me one month back. Ok, then what about him?

He said , "I am going to appoint you as a minister shortly." Ok! which portfolio will be assigned to you? About that i have planned that i will become finance minister. I told him, it is a good news. If you become finance minister, it will be beneficial for us. Now whatever the income tax we pay, you will not do anything to us. I don't have any income, still No Sahib. There is no income tax involved with regard to finance ministry. I asked, then what does it do?

It takes care of farming. I told him, "Then you will surely be the minister." This is the habit of the people of our country. And we too have got the habit of listening. Ok! Ok! You are surely going to be the finance minister. People usually go on talking like this. The same way, they do about Mother. I am a poor woman.

I am a very ordinary, very simple person. If you tell Me, I can even roll down and sleep here. No body can harm Me in the least. Everyone speaks ill of others. Who is such in our country whom we do not speak ill of? We are smart in doing that. If you want to speak ill of anyone, go to India Wow! advertisements will be put up. He has this drawback, the other one has that drawback. One gentleman asked Me, "You are married, why do you wear white sari?"

I told him,"I am wearing it given to Me by My husband, not by you." Laughter Everything will be criticized. Why is She like this, like that? How are you concerned? And we don't criticize them. Never! But what happens is that they start trembling. And those whom they want to criticize, they do it openly. I am not going to run away on account of being afraid of anyone. Whatever is wrong, I will definitely tell.

But if I don't have to tell anyone I make him understand with love and affection. This is called discretion. And when a man gets this sense of discretion then I consider him as a sahajyogi. We have one leader in our room, named MEDO. I have lot of regard for him. Because he is like a very resolved and balanced sage. And he understands so much and there is so much seriousness in him Till now he did not create any problem for Me. And in everything, he solves a problem like this. And in the whole of Europe, even better than your India. You will be surprised that our work has been done in Italy.

We got a lot of publicity in all the televisions there. There the municpalities, where we go. They print our photographs and paste advertisements themselves. When are we going to have such days here? And the Mayor of that place himself comes to see Me. Not only this, now they are going to print a book in which six great people of modern age, who are Italians are publishing about them. They are also publishing about the Vice Premier of that place. They are six people. And there is a great writer, they are publishing about him too. And I who is not an Italian, they are publishing about Me too in that book.

It is not possible in your country. Just now Times of India will come and will publish something wrong about Me as if they are our great saviours as if I am snatching something from you and they are great care takers. And they will offend just over trivial issues. In Italy no body has this type of habit in the least. And if I don't go to somebody's house, they will feel offended. It is not your house, it is only My house! Then why do you feel bad? Come to My house, come to My house! As long as this love lasts it is too much in Indians. Come to my house.

This is against collectivity. Which one is My house? Wherever I am, that is My house. Come to my house, come to my house. Every one says, come to my house. Till this feeling of mine will not go away this collectivity will not be there. These are my sons, my children. This is my husband, my home. This is my car. In this you have to give up the 'mineness'.

You should give up attatchment. It comes to man from darkness, from ignorance. This is ignorance. Be away from this ignorance. The speciality about collectivity is that you can know other's vibrations and also your vibrations. But the discretion is that don't tell which vibrations of others are bad. Be in bandhan, in Mother's bandhan, be in Nirvicharita nobody can harm you. You keep any mighty ghost in front of Me. If I don't want he has no right, no power that I should invest My money. But if I, out of kindness, take away his problem, I can do so.

Then I suffer for a little while, doesn't matter. I look at Myself in the witness state. So, one who wants to be Sahajyogi of a higher level he has to look slowly slowly internally to his own self and outwardly to give to others. These two hands are collectivity. Because the plexus we have here(Shri Mataji points to Her vishudhi) are called survical plexus. It flows from there. If you don't feel vibrations in your hands you should understand that there is something missing in your collectivity. Here the peetha is of our Vishuddhi Chakra ( Shri Mataji points to the center and top of Her forehead) which is the place of Virata. If you rotate this Virata, your collectivity will increase. I had been to Nepal.

Everybody had applied kumkum here also. (Shri Mataji points to Her Virata Chakra) I asked, "Why do you apply here?" They said (Pointing to Hamsa Chakra) here we apply for Shiv ji and (Pointing to Virata chakra) here for Krishna. This is the place of Virata. You rotate here (Virat chakra) a little, you will feel lighter here. This is the place of Virata. This is his peetha. Shri Krishna reaches here and comes to His Virata state. Mohommad Sahab said ,"Alla Ho Akbar!" Akbar is Virat.

He talked about Akbar, that Akbar is Virat. He talked about Shri Krishna. He called Allah to Shri Krishna. And He whom he calls Kareem, is Shivji. He called them by different names. He called One Allah, and the other one Kareem. He calls one Rahim and the other one Kareem. And in the same way they individually named all of them and changed the name a little bit. And whatever was understood in that language in Arabic was given that name. But its mantra is Allaho Akbar.

With this finger (Index Finger) which you know is of Shri Krishna put your finger in your ears, put your head backward and say Allaho Akbar sixteen times your collectivity will awaken. Everyone will have to become Muslim a little. Muslim means to surrender. Poor people worked very hard for Arabs, but they remained only donkeys. How much have I worked hard for you but you are involved in ritualism and this and that. After coming out of this mud, you have to become lotus. And the quality of lotus is that it passes on fragrance to the whole world. While giving it, he doesn't think whom he is passing on the fragrance but at his own time he thinks that there should be no flaw in my fragrance. There should be no flaw. People on seeing must say A person need not speak of his qualities.

This is Musk. Whatever you say, it is musk. We cannot agree that it is not Musk, because we are getting fragrance. What is need to take an oath for a fragrant person? He is fragrant. With that fragrance only people will come to you. No matter how far a Bumble bee may be, he will have to return back. Because when you have fragrance, everybody will come to you. And to keep this fragrance alive how is internal transformation connected with external yoga transformation try to understand this in collectivity. keep yourself attatched to collectivity and please after coming to the center, alleviate the center.

By staying out of it now you are rich people, may be of the world! But for God, you are one and the same. Another thing to learn from Muslims is that he may be a king or anyone else while offering Namaz, a person will stand wherever he gets a space. Not that there is a special place for a king. Never! He may be a king or a beggar. All of them will stand in one line. If a beggar comes first, he will be the first of all in the line. This they have set as an example to learn from them. We should learn that.

And in our country it is believed that this is higher and this is lower. For this there are numerous examples that Shri Krishna took his meals at the house of Vidhur. Who was Vidhur? The son of a charioteer! Who was Karan? The son of a charioteer! Even to Karan they respected so much. Vidhur, who belonged to a Shudra tribe what was the need to go and to have his dinner at his house? He (Shri Krishna) discarded Dhuryodan's nuts and took green leafy vegetable at Vidhur's house. Why did he take?

to show that a sahajyogi is a yogi who are great saints sitting in the court of God. Nobody is greater than them. Previously it was a rule that if a saint would come, the king would stand up and stand separately. It (this rule) was prominent till Shivaji reigned. After that don't know what happened in our country. Once Ramdas Swami went to king Shivaji's residence And said," Jai! Jai! Raghuveer Samarth." When he reached, Shivaji wrote a letter. In that letter he wrote,"Your majesty, all this whatever it is is my wealth, is my power and is my empire this is only what i can offer to you.

I have nothing else to give to you. He read it, saw it, stood on the bottom of doorway And said," Shiva! I am an ascetic what shall i get from you and what shall you give to me?" Can't give anything to an ascetic. I am an ascetic! But what you said is true. So do one thing. Make flag of my safron coloured chest. The same saffron flag is there today. That means there are many atrocities going on under that flag of stupidity.

But there is Shri Ram Das Swami's role behind it. Shivaji Maharaj was a king. But he went to Tukaram's house. And for his wife, he took lot of clothes and jewellery. His wife was very happy to see this as she had never seen such a beautiful jewellery. In the mean time, Tukaram came. He (Shivaji) hid himself behind him (Tukaram). He (Tukaram) asked his wife,'Who gave this?" She said that Shivaji Maharaj has sent all this . He said,"You see, you are my wife.

If I were a king, it would look good if you wore this. Now I am an ordinary farmer and you should live like that. You return this to him." King Shivaji came and kept his turban at his feet. Your Majesty, what can we give to you? As such, people like Shivaji Maharaj are kings in the true sense. They only can understand a king. Sages and Saints are no doubt kings because they don't respect anything. they don't need anything. Put them to sleep anywhere.

They have gone to sleep. What do they need? Who is there to tell them anything? I am sitting in My queenship. Wherever I am sitting, I am sitting. Who are you to give to Me? This is real kingship and you too join this kingship. and those who consider themselves kings they try to understand that real kingship is this itself. If you want to get innate (knowledge) by joining it your collectivity will become stronger. You don't have to see the defects of each other.

This is possible by loving each other see the good of each other by fraternizing with each other through brotherhood by creating brotherly bond. May God give wisdom to all of you! And it has lot of fun. The greatest fun of collectivity is that if you have to do anything for Me. Don't fight with each other at all. I feel very sad. It gives Me lot of pain. If I come to know that someone got upset got angry at someone and had a fight then I feel very sad. If you have to do anything for Me love each other very much. I only want that all My children amongst themselves should with great love, happiness and sensibility, keep each other in mind.

We are about to start a very beautiful New Era. May God give wisdom to all of you! If you have some question, please ask. Because it is high time for you all to leave it is quarter to nine you leave at nine o'clock. Ok, if there is any question, please ask. Give Me water. If you have any question, you should ask it now. What is the use of asking after I go? After that everything happens. Yes, ask now.

Now ask. Give Me water. Now you switch on the fan. You do one thing, you give in writing, they will read it aloud. No, no, it is ok There is no need to speak loudly, I will tell you. You see to it. You read aloud the question. Keep it here. You sit down. Write it down.

Bring it in writing, My dear, give it in writing. Take paper and pencil. To ask question you should bring paper and pencil.

Seeker, Satyanarayan ji Kejriwal : I am hanging like a tissue, please tell me how to win (your) heart.

Shri Mataji: How do you know you are hung up? (Not Clear) Please sit in the front. Who are you hanging between? What?

Seeker: Tell me the solution to conquer the mind.

Shri Mataji: OKay!

you go in for meditation. In meditation, kundalini awakening The thoughts we live on we should be away from that and come to vilamb (a little space between thoughts). The space that is between thoughts you should stay there. It is a situation. There is no solution for it. This is a situation that should take place within us. It will be through meditation. You learn how to meditate. In a simple way I tell you that you take My photograph. It should not have a black frame.

In Kaliyuga, we do not use black. You lit a lamp or a candle. Now a days there is no restriction that you lit a lamp using pure ghee. Candles are cheaper. You lit it. Sahaja Yoga is done with the cheapest products. Put your left hand towards that (light) and right hand on Mother Earth. keep it now. And after that observe if you are getting cool breeze in the left hand or not. left hand towards Me and right hand like this (Towards Mother Earth) Now there is no need of keeping a photo because I am sitting here.

Many people bow down to photograph even when I am here. And I go on watching, where are they going? It happens doesn't it? Many wise people do so. Now keep your left hand towards Me and right hand on Mother Earth. By keeping right hand on Mother Earth this Mother Earth sucks everything. First of all, bow your head to it. This is a wonderful thing. Bow your head three times. Now put your right hand (towards Mother Earth).

Now say, Mother suck every thing of mine. See it will go.....khat khat khat, into the Mother Earth. Now watch, is it going? Are you feeling it in your hands? If you are not getting it then you should work on left hand. As far as possible, first of all you should get it in left hand. slowly slowly work for one finger then second finger, then third, then fourth, then fifth wait for half an hour. Till you don't get cool, sit there only. Sit for one day, sit for two days. By and by you will get cool.

You will get cool from that candle. After that, once the left side is fixed, fix the right side. Whoever's left side is fine, start from the right side. For right side, take a little water. Now a days you can get of plastic, very cheap. What is that called? Bowl. Tub, not a big one, a small one. Put a little salt into it. Take cold water.

A little bit luke warm in winters. And put right hand towards photo. And left hand like this (Shri Mataji shows towards Ether). Don't use light now. Because a right sided person has too much light, more than required. The Sun channel is working there. It should be reduced. You do it in the Chandrama (channel) not in Sun Channel. You can recite even the mantra of Chandrama. You can recite the Mahakali mantra for the right side.

You can say the mantra of Himalaya as well. And for left side, you should say the Gayatri mantra. But when you start getting even in this (Shri Mataji shows towards right hand) Now many people will get from below (the arm) They will feel that coolness is coming from below. It means that you had gone to some wrong Guru. It is someone's misconception. Vibrations are coming. lift it up like this (Shri Mataji Shows). Maa, we know only you! Say like this three times. We believe in you only and you only are our Guru.

So, if some dosha has come from some Guru, it goes away. Lift it and bring it here (Shri Mataji shows with Her hand). You only are our Guru. Although I am not a Guru, but what is the harm in saying that? Pick it up from here and bring it here (Shri Mataji shows with Her hand). This will fix your right side.

Shri Mataji To a Sahajyogi: You did this only at your back side. It doesn't make any sense. Not even the air is coming towards Me. Just for a little while. Forward it . Please move it a little this side. It is coming, now it is okay.

After that you put both the hands towards photo. And you lit the lamp as well. And put your feet in water. When your both the hands are okay. Daily in the evening, even if you do it for 5 minutes, all the heat will go. It is very comforting. Whatever may happen, this you should do.

Just as we do not give up our food the same way, we should do it in any case. Because, this is meditation. Then in the morning, with folded hands in front of the photo just meditate for 5 minutes Say , Mother please take me to collective consciousness. Plz take me to Nirvichar Samadhi. By saying so, whatever you will order for, I will do that. If you have a problem in your hand, say, Mother please come in My hand. Mother , please come to My head. Wherever you will ask for , I will come. If your relative is sick Say, my relative is sick, he is a nice man, gentle man, please cure him. I will cure him.

Whatever you want to say I am your servant. And if you are being bothered by someone just write his name falsely (on your hand) and give bandhan like this (Shri Mataji rotates Her right Hand on Her left hand). One, two and three. These are the bandhans of love, power of love. That power of love is so amazing that the man who was about to attack you with a stitck will come with a garland. You do it. There is no harm in trying. Because till now we have not used the power of love we have used only of hatered. Try using the power of love. Its use is very powerful.

So do like this, Maa, Maa, Maa. Do it thrice, Maa, Maa,Maa. Mataji, Mataji, Mataji The job is over. Mataji kas taken charge of him. By doing this you will be in meditation Then you should come to the center, whatever it may be. Don't make excuses. In the beginning, make it a habit. Just like, to get into the habit of drinking people are first dragged into the bar. When it becomes a habit, you cannot give up bar. This court of God's love will not be missed either. You won't enjoy without it. After that your friend circle will change. Your conversation will change. You will talk about Sahajyoga only. You won't talk about anything else. You won't enjoy it (other than Sahajyoga talk). Because when you get the nectar, who will talk about nonsense things. Leave it! You will feel as if you have wasted your life so long. Now our friends have changed.

Now it's just fun. And people will get impressed by your character only and will see that you are something great. A kind of glow appears on the face it has already come. Just on seeing that only , people are taken aback. For example, in a city like london when Sahajyogis come to the airport, people go on watching them. How is it that they have such amazing faces? Such a clean face, shine and glow like a lotus. The shadow on their face is always like this colour. Everybody says, where are they and where from they are coming? Impressed by your personality only, people will come and nothing else.

And be peaceful! If like other people you too go on grumbling, then they won't recognise you. Peacefully you say, it is like this, it is like this.

Sahajyogi: Shri Mataji, four questions are related to each other.

Shri Mataji : Okay, just tell Me only one. NOT CLEAR OK! OK ! read it.

Sahajyogi, reading question of a seeker: Mother i just declare that i meditate in the morning and evening for kundalini I cannot understand what shall be our attitude for the rest of the day. Recently i tried to keep up the consciousness.

Shri Mataji: In the morning and evening. which is the fourth one, is it this one?

Sahajyogi: All are different. Let us read all the three. this fourth one, these are all together.

Shri Mataji: Read these.

Sahajyogi reading Seeker’s question: Mother, i have been trying to get vibrations since you have come here last time but i am not getting it. I can't practice much because of my ill health. I am working.

Sahajyogi: Third question: How to control the mind?

Shri Mataji: That I have told.

Sahajyogi reading question of a seeker: How to proceed in Sahajyoga? Is it possible to go for regular practice with some senior Sahajyogi? Is there any Sahajyoga in Jamshedpur? I am staying in Jamshedpur. Shri Mataji: You better start it.

Seeker’s question: So that i can practice it.

Shri Mataji: Start it in Jamshedpur.

Sahajyogi reading Seeker’s question: Unwillingly many times bad, evil thoughts come to my mind. How to get free from those bad thoughts? (Not Clear)

Shri Mataji: That I told you that in thoughtless awareness you must just extend the state of VILAMBH.

For that I told you the simple method. You should be in Vilambh by way of meditation. Then you must practice one more thing that while looking at everything that you must be in witness state in thoughtless awareness. Take the case of this garland. Now I looked at it. Somebody will think Where from did he purchase it? For how much did he purchase it? Who must have purchased it? All types of thoughts will come to his mind. Can also bring some bad thoughts as well.

And what do I do? I simply witness it. And he who must have made it he who must have threaded it and he who must have created it the joy he must have expressed in it Is he enjoying it? I am the enjoyer. I am sitting and enjoying. Where do I have the time to think? Because if you think, then you will think that it should not get spoiled. I should take these and store in frigde. I should do this. I don't take this botheration. I am just enjoying someone else's thing. The same is the case with anything like that. Now look at a tree. God has created each leaf differently. Each leaf is different. It is amazing! Millions of leaves have been made in the world. Each is different. It is amazing to see all this! How strange it is!

Go on watching! Some new things will attract your attention. And you will be stunned, will be stunned! One who feels stunned after watching it he only is in VILAMBH (present). If there is a person, look at his goodness. They are such nice people, such wonderful people will be absolutely stunned. There you are in VILAMBH (PRESENT). In this way you make the habit of watching each and everything in a witness state. It is too easy. I am the witness.

Simply go on watching . You will have a great fun. The most enjoyable beings are humans. You will be surprised! The best thing of all are humans. The top most of all is a human. Only our vision moves from the opposite direction. If we look at it properly a human's beauty can be seen. And as that love comes into your sight man's beauty goes on increasing further. Look at everything in a witness state.

It is Shri Krishna's blessing, not mine. Whatever questions you asked, I think I have answered all of them. Now, if you meditate during the day and in the evening what will be the state during the day? The STHITI you are in will be maintained. You keep an eye on that situation. Gradually you will be surprised that the STHITI has already become inside you. You are alredy in the witness state. There is one state For example, take the case of curds. From curds we have got butter. Now, can we get curds from butter again?

Once the butter is made, it's done. In the same way, you have now become butter. Enjoy it! It is a state. AS soon as you get that state, it happens. What you have to do is, just meditate. One thing more! Suppose spmebody couldn't meditate in the morning. We should not think that i did not meditate, i did not meditate. You should not think like that.

We don't have any system, I told your earlier, there is no system.. It depends upon your attitude. If you were not able to meditate, no problem. Close your eyes for one minute, meditation is done. Some people meditate for four hours. Oh My God! Why you have to do so much? Five minutes are enough. You don't have to meditate for four hours in Sahajyoga. When shall you do the work?

It is like making machines and storing it. It is machine's job, it has to be done. What for the machine has been made? But there should not be this feeling, that we are working. Otherwise you will feel tired, you will get diseases. (Not Clear )(some sahajyogi speaking). No, No, sit down. See, now you are guilty. You have stolen something, just take it that you have stolen something. According to you , you are guilty.

When you go in front of God Let Him use His wisdom and decide if you are guilty or not. Don't use your brain. If He thinks, you are guilty, He will take away your guilt. Why do you say? Is there anyone who goes to a doctor and says, I have cancer. I am suffering from cancer. Nobody will say like that. May be he has cancer. He will go to a doctor and say,"Please check if i have cancer or not." I feel i don't have.

Everybody will say like that. In the same way, you should not cry in front of God "I am guilty, i am like this" God says, Ok! you go". He doesn't like this. I am telling you the right thing about God. I have to speak on account of God as well. He doesn't like such people who cry day and night. Once Vallabhacharya went to meet Surdasji. Vallabhacharya is an incarnation. You know Vallabhacharya, who established Vaishnav Dharama. (Ashtachaap valle)

He tells Surdas ji,''Why are you crying?" He was very upset by his crying. Why are you crying? You are sitting in front of God, take it. He is sitting there to give. Why are you considering yourself incapable? If you must have stolen anything, it must be of the Government. Did you steal anything of God? Government is not of God. That doesn't mean that I am teaching you to steal. Everything will be okay!

Sahajyogi: Mataji, you told yesterday that when a Lion eats somebody he is not conscious of the sin or virtue. In the same way, when a lion eats a deer, the deer also must be feeling bad. Is it so or not?

Shri Mataji: No, it doesn't happen. Is it not injustice? See, we have wrong concepts. A deer doesn't have any awareness of that. In the human awareness the sufferings, mental anxiety and pain that we have that awareness animals do not have. There have been many experiments regarding that.

And now it has been proved by experiments that there is a great difference between their awareness and human awareness. For example, there is a gentleman named Dayal Watson. He has recently written a book named SUPER NATURE. Although a few people got mesmerrised get mesmerrised still, whatever was talked about that there was a female monkey. Her child was sick, and she was very anxious. Was screaming and screaming. But, as soon as the child died she left her child there and went in a different direction. It has died. No concern (with that dead child). After that all crying is over. As soon as they see that the child has died, it is over. Now what is the use of crying? They move forward.

But with us, as long as we are alive, no one will cry. Nobody will even ask where are you sitting? When he dies, people all over the world will come. Oh my God! Wherefrom they have come? The place where we lived in London, a gentleman died. Nobody knew. He was lying dead for one month. The milkman who used to deliver milk saw that so many bottles had accumulated. Was he dead or alive? He gave the information. It was found that he had been lying dead for about a month back. The last date that he had written in a letter, it was one month back. He has children, children of his children, grand children. Afterwards we saw that he had a big compound It was filled with people. All people were mourning. What is the use?

The awareness of an animal and our awareness We are very anxious about deer. But the human being, who is sitting next to us We don't know how much pain we are causing him. A human being must first of all take care of a human being. What is the need to take so much care of an animal? Now the people are taking care even of bed bugs and want to save mosquitoes as well. God save us! Can I give realization to them? Save hens? what for? Am I going to give realization to hens?

Govt. of India has banned the export of crocodile skin from here. Now there are so many crocodiles that they can't understand how to solve this problem. Whatever is the utility of a thing is to be accomplished. We feel that the animal must be feeling that he is being slaughtered. It is not so. The level they follow is a different level. Our level is different, our awareness is different. What we feel as great, animals don't. A lion does not think what will a deer think.

And if he eats a deer after killing him, this is his food. He will take only what God has told him to eat. You eat a deer only. Can a poor lion become a vegeterian? What shall he do? Will he become a vegeterian and take grass and leaves. Durga ji has to eat all the bhoots. She had to drink the blood of Rakhtbeej. You will say, why did She drink the blood of Rakhtbeej? She is not a vegeterian, so that's it.

The matter is over. Will you drink (the blood of Rakhtbeej)? Show Me, who is there who can take the blood of Rakhtbeej? Useless talks. Leave the deer in the wilderness. You look at the human beings. In Sahajyoga there is respect for a human being. It doesn't mean that you go on killing every goat. I have to tell you repeatedly. But for Indians I will definitely say that those who are strict vegeterians should start taking protein food in any case.

Otherwise you won't be able to walk. Here you see many ladies cannot lift their feet after getting fifty year old. It is very important to eat protein. This I will tell repeatedly. Even if you are a vegeterian, that doesn't matter but take protein in any case, otherwise your feet will become week. You will suffer from Angina. You will have heart trouble. All your muscles will be weak. You will have all muscular problems, Parkinson, Mellitus. And those who take too much in foreign countries I tell them to be vegeterians.

There is a great need to be in balance. I am telling you again that it is very important to eat proteins. Those who are vegeterians, should include proteins in their meals. They should eat it the way they like. But they are very fond of taking rice. They are vegeterian , but the food should be tasty. I asked somebody why don't you take this new soyabean that is available. She said ,"Maa, It is not tasty." Then, how are you a vegeterian? Till we are fond of Rasna, we are neither vegeterian, nor non vegeterian. Rasna should be given up. The Indians will give up Rasna with a great difficulty.

Sahajyogi: Mataji, please i wish to know Mataji (Not Clear)Fasting?

Shri Mataji: Oh! no fasting at all! When you want to torture Me, you can fast. This is how we torture our mother. When we are angry with her, we say "Alright, i am angry with you, i will not eat my food." Finished, that mother is finished. No fasting allowed in Sahajyoga.

But for your health sake if you fast, don't tell Me, you can fast. For your health, if you have to fast, Mother feels bad about it. Why to fast? What is the need? I have fasted for you. So many have fasted for you. Finish! Now you don't do fasting. Now you really enjoy! I have done the cooking for you!

But overeating! That doesn't mean overeating! Mother has said,"Don't fast." So , let us have competition in eating Rassogulla.

Sahajyogi: Shri Mataji, Please tell us how to conquer anger? For what? Anger! Anger! Truth is that it comes. Tried many methods, but that didn't help. Please tell it, from the beginning.

Shri Mataji: Anger comes because of Liver. (Not Clear) That we are always right and other people are wrong when we think like that, we always get anger. Now by showering anger accumulates and becomes like a bomb. And as soon as somebody comes just for nothing, our anger is showered on him. and then we justify that i got angry this was right, that was right. We should get angry, but it should be under our control. You have mounted a horse. The horse should be under your control. But you get carried away by the horse, I do not consider it as anger.

It comes from Liver. Its treatment is that, rub a little ice on liver daily. It will be very helpful. It will reduce heat. Rub ice in the void in foot. Rub ice on the liver. And right hand towards photograph and left hand like this (towards eather). and sit in ice cold water. It will make you cool. Coolness will subside your anger.

It all happens because of the liver problem. If a person has liver problem and if you have to see him, you should carry a rod with you. And if such a person is sleeping you should never wake him up, never. He will get up and slap you two to four times. So when the liver is damaged, a person gets very angry. There are some people who murmur a lot and bore you. There are some people who do not talk at all. And when they speak, they roar. You should be in the center. Talk when you have to talk, when you don't have to talk, don't talk.

Anger is treated by treating the liver. To treat your liver I tell you to take LIV 52. This generates heat. And next put ice on your liver. This will cure your cold and cough. Many people do not put on undershirt. You don't know, in Sahajyoga there is compulsion that you have to wear undershirt. For Sikhs, five things are compulsory whereas in Sahajyoga, everyone should wear undershirt. That causes chest conjestion and heat That too damages liver. Alcohol causes liver damage.

Those who go on thinking about future I have to go now. If i go from here i will take a bus. Then take a bus and go there. A person who thinks everytime about future his liver also gets damaged and he also gets diabetes. Both the diseases are caused by over thinking. You see, the people take so much sugar in villages they say that spoon should stand straight in sugar. We need this much sugar, it may be five or six spoons. In Maharashtra, I observe that they put six spoons of sugar in one small cup. People drink but nobody gets diabetes, because they don't think. We get diabetes only because of the disease of thinking.

Those who have got diabetes, whenever they start thinking should say, not this, not this, not this Ya Neti, Neti Vachne Nigmo............. Nothing, not this thought, not this thought, not this thought. Instantly you see, God will think about you. The more you think, the more your liver will damage.

Seeker: Shri Mataji, how to attain self realisation? (Not Clear)

Shri Mataji: After reading the whole Ramayana who was Sita's Ram and who was Ram's Sita? You didn't have even an idea of their gender.

Seeker’s Question: Shri Mataji: Is it that with Sahajyoga or do all diseases go away by doing Sahajyoga? And is there no need of going to a doctor?

Shri Mataji: No, there is no need.

But you see there are some diseases, like I said about cataract. The thing which is dead, has to be taken out. For this you should see a doctor. We should see a doctor for many things. If you are doing Sahajyoga, you won't have any disease why will the question of doctors arise? Did you get the thought of doctors like deers? These people will die of hunger. They are not going to die of hunger. How many Sahajyogis we are? At least let our health be good.

They need some free time, let them go. Dr. Talwar is sitting here......... (Laughter).

Shri Mataji: I will tell you one thing which is meaningful. One book was printed by Brighumani. One which he has written is Brigu Sangeeta. And one more book he printed. He has written clearly in that book that such a time will come when Param Chaitanya will incarnate Himself. And when Param Chaitanya will incarnate then everybody's Kundalini will awaken spontaneously. The name of that book is Nadi Granth. If you get that book anywhere in Sanskrit, read it.

But I have seen its Marathi translation. People's kundalini will awaken very easily. And in that book, it is also written that there will be no need of hospitals for those people. SY: But there will be maternity homes.

Sahajyogi: But there will be maternity homes. (Everybody laughs.)

Shri Mataji (Not Clear) your consent is requested, if you permit on 16th and 17 th

Shri Mataji: Do it surely! You people enjoy doing it, why should I say 'No' to it? Do it surely. But this announcement will be extended up to 17th.

Are the question over?

Ask, you are asking something.

Anyone has brought anything, some salt, water? Salt, sugar they have brought. So, i think we should make.

Shri Mataji: I will make it. Take salt from everyone. Give it to everyone, salt, water.

Shri Mataji: Have you brought? Get some water, not separately.

Give it to Me. Wait ! Please sit down. Get salt and water. Collect salt and get it vibrated. Please!

Sahajyogi: Here also we can have center on Sundays, from 8-9 in the morning.

Shri Mataji: Yes, yes sure, why not? Yes, ask Kim. I after taking permission from you, can I give them permission?

(laughter!) You are saying that on Sundays from 8-9 here we can have one center. I permit you for that

Sahajyogis: (clapping). Lot of thanks! Very Good! It is very convenient, if you give permission to do it on Sundays.

Shri Mataji: Yes, it is ok! Then from here, the word will also reach the market as well.

Sahajyogi: PLease pay attention! The brothers and sisters who have got sugar, salt or water with them let them collect it in some big vessel.

Shri Mataji: No, No! You do one thing, get some water Yes! It will be difficult to do for everyone. No, No, through adding to that (Not Clear) Now, give Me the salt.

Shri Mataji: They will pour it.

Sahajyogi: Please, all of you do not come here. If you sit at your place (Not Clear) You please sit down. (Not Clear)

Shri Mataji: You do one thing, he is giving to all, he will give it to you. You get it to him.

Sahajyogi: You assemble at one place. I am coming there. Shall we keep it here. Will you stand in the center, instead of coming in front of Mother. Please stand in queue on one side.

Shri Mataji : Take a spoon. I will give them a little.

Shri Mataji: Listen,take a spoon. You please make queue, that will make it quite easy and you will get it there only. Please sit down.

Shri Mataji: No, No, No, we will put it into yours. Give up worrying. It has water. Have you got a spoon? Let us have a spoon.

Shri Mataji: Find out a spoon, take that spoon. Now it is okay! It is ok! Even a drop is enough. Don't worry.

Shri Mataji: Take it in this pot, pour it every body's pot.

Sahajyogi: You keep your things here. Don't worry and sit in your place.

Sahajyogi says: Have you kept it?

Shri Mataji: You go there, go there and take it.

Shri Mataji: Please help them and take these there.

Sahajyogi: May i please request. Excuse me you take your.......

Shri Mataji : No! No! Wait for a minute! Pick up this stuff and keep it there.

Sahajyogi: Keep it on one side, keep everything on one side. PLease empty this space. Please come down, please.

Shri Mataji: Take it.

Sahajyogi: Please come down. It is all (not clear) vibrated. You come down please, please come down. It will be all the more better.

Shri Mataji: Somebody please help them.

Sahajyogi: Please don't give suggestions.

Shri Mataji: Take this water, take this water there. You take it and please help them. You also take this, it is over now. You go out and put it in everything. Take the water etc. there.

Sahajyogi: Shall i pick it up?

Shri Mataji: yes, yes pick it up. Go one by one and everyone will get it automatically. You can yourself understand it.

Shri Mataji: Please listen to organizers, otherwise it is not possible.

Which books are these? Yes, I have heard, but it is of no use.

Shri Mataji: (Answering a seeker’s question)

Why do you connect with the subconscious mind? It is not necessary to connect to mind. You get connected to God. It is all useless. See how their disciple's hands are shivering. You see this is wrong, don't do so. Why do you do so?

Connect yourself to God. All this is very wrong. You yourself see how much your hands are shivering. Leave this. You come and put both your hands towards Me. Tulsi Das ji, I know he got cancer and died. Shri Mataji: Who is he?

Sahajyogi: Those who have kept their belongings here take their belongings and be in a queue there. There Mother has given vibrated products. You have got all your vibrated things.

Shri Mataji: He was the guru of Rajesh's mother. You see all this is useless, you get it, get it, get it. See your hands are shivering. There can be something wrong.

Sahajyogi: Shri Mataji is telling

Shri Mataji: Your case is very much clear. Your hands are shivering. Tell Me what shall I say now? In this way everyone mesmerizes. What is the need to go to subconscious state? My dear, don't mind, you look after yourself.

You are not born for anyone, you are born for yourself. I am Mother. I won't tell you anything wrong. You fix your problems. Why are you worried about others? Fix your own problems yourself. See your selfishness. Follow the selfishness and become selfish. One who has found the meaning of 'Self ', has become selfish. Leave all the people of the world. You get your self realisation. You get your self realization, sit down. We will get you your self realisation. Give him his self realisation. Give up all this. It is all useless. Why run after someone who doesn't give any benefit? Here is a mother, ask her if she has got any benefit? Have you got? If you haven't got, leave it.

Sahajyogi : Those who have taken ..........(Not Clear).

Shri Mataji: Take it your’s. You have brought such small bottles the mouth of the bottles should be bigger. Now pick up these things kept in front of mother and come in a queue. To whom does this belong? Let this also be kept with that.

Sahajyogi: They will take themselves.

Shri Mataji: No, No, the lady whose they have taken, it belongs to her. Keep it with that only.

They are requesting to vibrate this and then distribute it.

Water is done, but to vibrate everything it will take a very long time.

Sahajyogi: Yes, keep it there only.

Shri Mataji: Put it in that also. Open that too. They have brought such small bottles.

Sahajyogi: You have brought such small bottle, how can we insert hand into it? The can is big.

Shri Mataji: It is ok! Yes, the cans are there. It is ok now.

Now get rid of this one. Can we move now?

Shri Mataji: How are you?

Sahajyogi: Fine.

Shri Mataji: Your husband is alright?

Alright! May God bless you! keep it there only.

Sahajyogi: Please don't put your hand or fingers into the vibrated water (Not Clear)

and continue to use it without touching it with your hands. Ask somebody to bring this oil for vibration.

Sahajyogi: All of you are requested not to touch Shri Mataji's feet, while leaving. and second thing, those who haven't got self realization, can wait. Will talk to Dr. Talwar and he will give everyone his self realization.(Not clear) Salt, Salt! Not clear

Shri Mataji leaving the pendal.

Sahajyogi: Take a little water. Get some salt.

Everybody leaving.

SahajYogini: Give him Sugar.


Lions Safari Park, Kolkata (India)

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