Public Program, The Experience Of God's Love, Prabhu ke Prem ka Anubhav

Public Program, The Experience Of God's Love, Prabhu ke Prem ka Anubhav 1975-12-27

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27 December 1975

Public Program

Mumbai (India)

Talk Language: Hindi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Draft

1975-1227 Public Program, The Experience Of God's Love, Prabhu ke Prem ka Anubhav

Our respected Justice Y.K. Sahab, he is like a son to me. It is a great pride for a mother to see her son at such a high position. All of you, residents of Bombay as well, many of whom are blessed by Sahaja Yoga, and also those who have come here for the first time today to accept the love of the Lord, I extend my greetings to all. Justice Vaidya Sahab, whatever he said, he is a great scholar, extremely learned, I haven’t read much in life, in terms of books, but even after reading everything, even after searching in all the books, he has a faith, like that of Hanuman, that it’s not in this either, not even in words; there’s only a hint, that thing has not been found yet, not found yet, and as soon as it was found, it was recognized as if it was already received, this is a very deep, special kind of faith.

Most of the educated people have never accepted God, you might be surprised to know that it was a judge who sentenced Jesus Christ to crucifixion, but look at the greatness of this Kalyuga, that a judge has not only accepted that God, but has also described Him so beautifully. He himself has been a great personality through many lifetimes, he doesn’t know much about himself yet; that’s why the search remained for him. That’s why many people kept searching, if you read all the philosophers from the beginning until now; I haven’t read them, but my disciples tell me. Recently, a very learned French gentleman came to London, he too, I say, became absorbed in worship; he wrote to me in a letter that from the ancient times, every philosopher has indicated one thing, that we, who are made of matter, our mind too is matter, finite, how will it descend into the subtle, how will it descend into the infinite? The question is small, that we are all made of matter and are limited, finite and if God is infinite, limitless, then how can it descend into it, and how can it be known? If we try with our mind to know God, then we will read, write, books will open before us, but how can we jump into it? The question stops here, the entire issue is how to descend from this inert body into that consciousness, how to know that consciousness from this inertness. That’s why, until today, whenever someone speaks about God, people laugh at it. Most say, "Alright, they talked about God, maybe there is a God. “But if someone speaks about other things, like how the world is functioning, how the earth is moving; even with the earth moving so fast, we are not falling off. Many such arguments are given, and even if it is accepted by the intellect that there is a great power behind all this that is running the world, still, how will the human intellect know it, how will it understand it? For instance, let's say you sit and sing a hymn, stand on your head, break your neck, do yoga, live in the jungles, and remember God; yet the wall remains. For this, something needs to happen, so that a human being can immerse into that infinite, into that limitless. Indian scientists have not yet reached that edge, where Western scientists have reached. This is unfortunate, those people have reached that edge, that brink, where they are saying, like psychologists, psychologists are saying that now there should be some kind of psycho synthesis, meaning that our mind, which is divided into many parts, should somehow become one. They have even started talking about the Higher Self, because they encounter many patients who say that they have experienced something of the Higher Self, they had some strange experience. They call them patients. People are engaged everywhere, trying to figure this out, but still, again and again, they say, that from this inert power, from this inertia, we cannot descend into that infinite, into that limitless, and so we should not even attempt it, because as soon as we try, then all the dormant inert powers within us start running. That is to say, just as in Russia, they conducted many experiments, and in America too; due to those experiments, they observed that wheat began to flow, rice began to flow, someone saw that all of a sudden things began to rise from the base, the table began to lift and move there; but their minds became completely disturbed. In Russia especially, people conducted such experiments, their books have been published; if you ever read them, you too will understand, they say that it did not bring us peace. Strange experiences began to occur, what are these powers that are entering us? They don't realize that this is our subconscious, our dormant mind, which is collectively within us, and whatever is dead is also within us. Those dead people are helping us, don’t forget this.

Some scientists came to me, they are from a very big country, they are very great scientists, some of them even reached the moon, they came and said to me, "Mother, we want to know how we can fly in the sky," they experimented with it, you would be surprised...The scientist in India hasn't yet reached the point where he thinks about these things. It's good that we are a little behind in science; I said, son, why do you want to fly? You have already reached the moon, what more do you want? He replied, we want to fly in the sky without anyone's help. I said, if I tell you that ghosts help you in this, will you do it? He said, yes, we will do it because a certain country is also doing the same. I said, if those people are relying on ghosts, why do you want to get involved with ghosts, son? Stand firm on your own strength. Going to the moon is not a very significant thing; today, the whole world has advanced so much. We still have some issues here, but they will be resolved. The issues of food and drink have been resolved in those countries; most of the problems in those countries have been solved, but the people of that world are unhappier than you are. There is fire in every home; fathers are devouring their children, children are devouring their fathers, there's no trace of mothers, no trace of sisters. Such tragic experiences have filled their lives that they don’t believe in God, nor do they believe in any happiness, as if there is nothing in the world that brings joy. They are so internally tormented. Science cannot comprehend this because science deals with everything separately, individually.

There is a unifying power, Kundalini. These people have read a lot about Kundalini; you would be surprised. I don't have to explain Kundalini to them. In our country, educated people don't know about Kundalini; leave aside your opinion. Now they also believe that without the awakening of Kundalini, a person cannot reach that level. But there are also thousands of discussions in the world about it. The one who awakens Kundalini experiences this and that. I've seen descriptions where people start jumping, screaming, and shouting. Kundalini, which is your Mother, it seems strange that all this would happen with its awakening. The real meaning is that it is not the awakening of Kundalini, but the awakening of some evil force. Now, the point is, to descend into this infinite. If everyone has accepted that Kundalini is the only way, you haven't accepted it because the scientists here don't even study it, what can I do! Even then, we have to think about what arrangements God has made for the awakening of Kundalini. As today's topic is 'Experiencing the Love of God,' the experience of God's love is written about in many books here, but no one believes it. For instance, Prahlad, in front of whom Narsimha Avatar appeared, and when he asked what he wanted, Prahlad asked for only one thing: 'Let me have love for your lotus feet.' That’s all he asked for from the Lord. That Prahlad is no longer in this world, and there is no question of Narsimha Avatar happening now. Therefore, it seems like all these are false and empty things, all these are false stories, and there's no meaning to them. All this talk about Avatars and so on is just falsehoods meant to deceive people.

Alright. It's okay.

Humans have started to think of themselves as very intelligent, which is not a good thing in a way. But when you say that the Kal Yuga has arrived, and the great and terrible Kal Yuga has come, when every person is writhing in pain from its sting, when diseases like cancer are consuming the body, when mountains of sorrow are crashing down on people, there is no trust left in anyone, no one is a brother to anyone, no one is a sister to anyone, no relationship in the world seems to fit perfectly, at that time, who will accept the talk of God's love? It's not about talking, but at this very moment, something that has never happened before in the world, such a shower of divine love is happening! From all around, you cannot see it, you cannot know it. I admit this because you have been made in such a way, that the unconscious mind, which you psychologists talk about, which has been fully described, there is some unconscious mind. It is helping us in some way, but we have no connection with it. It has its connection, it has its protection, but we cannot reach it. It is helping you in many ways, for the first time it is helping you in such a way, that a thought is running through all of humanity, that time must be saved, time must be saved, time must be saved. Time is being wasted, time is being wasted, but this is where human foolishness also comes in, that the time he is saving, where is he wasting it? If he thinks for a moment, that the time I am saving, where should I invest it, then there will be balance, for the human of the Kal Yuga, to receive the tremendous outpouring of divine grace that is happening, there is just a need to bring a little balance.

You just mentioned that yoga describes Kundalini, in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, it is mentioned that you have to do six things, you will have to live in the forests, meet with a Guru, only then will this thing build inside. Recently, a great Maharaj said to me, "Mataji, after 21 thousand years of penance, vibrations finally came to my hands, and you are just giving them away to people." If you have read Shankaracharya, he has also written many verses on the waves of consciousness. Either they were completely false, and if they were not false, then where did those waves go that he described? God, who is unconsciously present in the entire world, in reality, there is nothing more conscious than him, but we are unconscious, we could not know him, we could not feel him, we could not sense him; that’s another matter, we have to attain him, then whether you belong to any religion, any system, any race, any country, today, in Kal Yuga, his realization must happen. Since 1979, Kal Yuga should end, the beginning has been made, (applause) and it is said that Satya Yuga will come in 1999, but it should not just remain a matter of words. It can remain just words if you people do not accept the truth. For untruth, you will accept it even with a thousand things. Any untruth, humans grasp it with such force, there's no limit, but they do not stick to the truth.

Why has man suffered so much torment and pain? These things tear apart a mother's heart. But what to do, humans will not accept it without going through it. They won't even think about it. Humans are very stubborn, very arrogant, and proud. And they are always devoted to untruth. They see a miracle, and they run towards it. Someone gives them two pennies, and they run towards that. All things related to untruth, which make one feel hatred towards others—like if I say to you, "You are an Indian, hate all the people of the world," immediately, all Indians will unite. If I say, "You are residents of a land of yoga, love the entire world," then people lecture me, "Mataji, you are teaching us to love everyone, but do they love us? “Humans are so attached to untruth that when truth comes, they move towards it but do not accept it. They are so stubborn that they hold onto untruth with a strong grip and do not let go. They have believed that this is everything. Humans have been given freedom, especially by the unconscious, by God's love, which we call Pranav. The light of God deliberately gave you this freedom. If you have ever listened to my previous lectures, you know how our minds were worked on, separating us from that conscious power that surrounds us, taking us away from the infinite, making us finite, removing us from the limitless, and binding us within limits. Why was this done? Because you wanted to become a creature in the hands of God. The responsibility to balance and manage that system was left to you. Humans are such a great thing, among all the world, all the universe. Until today, all the gurus who have come to Earth, the human who stands today, even in the Kalyuga, the one who lives normally in every household, is the highest. What he can attain, no one else in the world can attain. There is a great need for balance in our minds, where there are two bags called the superego and ego, two curtains. These are called the ego and superego, which were deliberately created. From one side, one thing grows, and from the other side, another thing grows, and the one who comes in the middle, who comes into balance, into temperance, who does not go to extremes, he can cross over. The Kundalini rises within him, passing through the middle, and floods him. His consciousness, seated on the Kundalini, leaves him in the unconscious. As soon as this happens, the unconscious begins to flow inside from above, and you become one with that ocean, as if a drop has fallen into the ocean and has become the ocean. Rising and falling with the waves of the ocean, if someone asks, "What are you doing?" "What am I doing? I was just going and coming..."Waves are rising from within it. Its interior becomes completely calm, and slowly these streams of peace continue to flow. This is the truth; it is not a fabricated story; it is the great truth that you will realize. And after attaining it, stability has to be brought. Not everyone has it, like you are sitting here, you don’t need it, you have immediately reached there. But some people have to bring a little stability, there is no alternative. You have attained the method, recognized it, you have reached there, and there is a complete arrangement to bring stability as well. As soon as stability is achieved, in supreme peace and supreme bliss, you attain that witness state, which was described by Lord Krishna, which was mentioned by Jesus Christ, which is described in all the scriptures, be it Zoroastrianism, Socrates’ writings, Confucius’ teachings, or all the avatars of Dattatreya—they spoke of it, and it happens. All these people, who were of an elevated consciousness, who were born in a high state, would speak, and others could not understand what they were talking about; they would see the tenth floor while others were on the first, unable to comprehend what was being said.

Sahaja Yoga has always existed. Today, when you have transformed from animal to human, it has happened through Sahaja Yoga. But today, in the Kal Yuga, in Sahaja Yoga, you unite from a limited body to the infinite. Today, you have invited me here and honoured me; it means that in this honour, you should honour that Almighty who is standing right at your doorstep. This can happen in an instant, and then you achieve it. But many people have this misunderstanding that by doing such things, you will detach from the world. This is not practical; they speak very impractically. Mataji would tell us to always speak the truth, and people wonder, "How will our business run?" Or, similarly, many people say, "Mataji, I am a servant, how will I keep my job? “These questions arise when you have not crossed over. Once you cross, when you enter the kingdom of God, you see that He is doing everything. To give an example, in Sahaja Yoga, no person can die before the age of seventy, if they have crossed over. Many people who were predicted to die at a certain age came to me, and they are still doing well with Sahaja Yoga. Just recently, there was a case where news mistakenly spread that one of our Sahaja Yogis, who was around 40-45 years old, had passed away. They wrote to me, and I said it was impossible. Then, through vibrations, I knew that he was alive. After that, I wrote a letter, and when it reached here, people investigated and immediately sent me a telegram saying it was a mistake. It’s impossible. What more experience can I share with you? You know we have cured many cancer patients. But we do not engage in that business; let me tell you first, because as soon as I mention it, everyone with cancer comes to men the same happened with Jesus Christ. He cured 21 people, but each of our disciples has cured 500 people; a gentleman from Rahuri University came here, he was a cancer patient, and he was cured. Yes! Cancer cannot be cured without Sahaja Yoga, I have said this before, and I am saying it again today. We are also planning to approach the Health Ministry, but the problem for us is that as soon as we say we cure cancer, people start to wonder when we became doctors by curing all the cancer patients. Our goal is to help people reach the state of realization, and when they do, their cancer has to be cured. Every kind of disease gets cured; you will look at least 20 years younger.

Because all these responsibilities you carry on your head, thinking, "I have to do this, I have to do that," all that ends, and everything gets done. All the work gets done as it should. What we want doesn't happen; what He wants happens. And what He wants is the best for us. Let me give you an example from my own life. My husband was the Chairman of the Shipping Corporation, as you know, and he was offered a significant job in England. But for some political reason, his appointment did not happen, and he was offered a lower position, which he did not consider appropriate. But I was happy and carefree. He asked, "Doesn't this affect you?" I said, "Why should it? It makes no difference to me. Why are you worried? “I am in complete bliss, and whatever happens, happens for the best. That’s how one should think. There is a message from God in everything. I said, if you consider the job such a big thing, then even in that, there will be a message from God. The very next year, there was a major election, and 176 countries elected him to such a high position that he ended up sitting in the chair of the person that was higher than the one, he to go. He was very surprised, and I said, even if this hadn't happened, I would have thought, if we are to leave India and go abroad...People said, "Mataji, you say that your area of work is India, and this is the land of Yoga. “I said, this is the land of Yoga, but all the Yogis are being born here now, what can I do? The truth is, you will be surprised, All the Yogis of India are being born here now. Here, it feels like mud to me. Forgive me, but laugh it off. If you look at each one of them, you will be amazed at how great these people were. For them, God is everything; how much truth, how much depth is in their quest. They want to remain in that state every moment, even after sacrificing everything. Recently, a gentleman came here who is a senior officer at the United Nations, he met our people, and they were astonished. He said, "Teach me how to do Ganapati's worship. “People asked, "You will do Ganapati's worship? But you are a Christian." He said, "No, I am not a Christian or anything else. I am a Sahaja Yogi, and without Ganapati, I am nothing. “What is worship? Worship is also a way to descend into that infinite. What is Namaz? It is a mantra to descend into that infinite.

What is prayer? It is an expression of descending into that infinite. But without permission, without connection, none of this has any meaning; No matter how much you worship, it is of no use. Today, a woman came to me, saying, "Mataji, I have a lot of trouble with my heart." I asked her which mantra she recited. She replied, "Mataji, Om Namah Shivaya!" See, you are taking the name of Shiva, who resides in the heart. His place is in the heart, and for someone who has attained Shiva, it is impossible for their heart to be unstable. And yet, she is chanting "Om Namah Shivaya," and her heart is troubled; how is this possible? I just remembered him once, and her heart immediately stabilized. Shiva knew. What is the difference between her and me? The only difference is that I have a connection with Shiva. I have taken permission from him, just like if you want to visit someone's home, you need to take their permission. If you were to go to someone's home today and bang on their door, they would call the police and have you arrested. But if you approach them properly, they will welcome you, invite you to sit, and make you comfortable. Without connection, all the worship and rituals, especially when they are done excessively and out of balance, can cause harm. You have heard this even in Hatha Yoga. My experience with Hatha Yogis is that it's surprising—they have even reached America! It’s astonishing that all these Hatha Yogis have heart troubles. Hatha Yogis, especially, are great devotees of Shiva. The reason for this is that Hatha Yoga is not meant for people living in the world; it's for those living in the jungles, like Parashurama. Doing a little in moderation is another matter, but Hatha Yoga is not for you. If you do it excessively, heart problems are inevitable. Now you see the Hare Rama Hare Krishna people all around the world. In London, many of their disciples come to me, and they have cancer. You would be surprised to know that Shri Krishna resides in the throat. He is present here. Whenever someone has a complaint in the throat or cervical region, the name of Shri Krishna or Radha Krishna needs to be taken. The Kundalini calms down! But you see, their Kundalini is blocked, and Shri Krishna is upset and has withdrawn from there. What is the reason? Are we spreading our culture here? Although, in this, neither culture nor unculture is spread by them. I've seen their tufts of hair fall, their dhotis fall; there’s so much crudity in them. But let it be; the commotion they create in the name of God, shouting and screaming, has affected their Vishuddhi Chakra, where Shri Krishna resides. That place has developed cancer, and that’s the reason why. Otherwise, even remembering him once would suffice. What is the need to remember him so many times? For those who know him, just saying "Krishna Kanhaiya" once will bring him, holding the Sudarshan Chakra, with the conch, disc, mace, and lotus, on Garuda! What’s the need to create so much trouble for them? Why cause so much commotion? What is the need to think so much, exhibit so much, when he is present inside you at all times? Yet you persist in your obstinacy. If you truly believe in God, then surrender, be silent, and know him. It has to happen within.

After all, think about it: The God who created this world, who made this entire universe, would he destroy it all? Would he bring about its destruction? God's love, especially in this age of Kal Yuga, is very effective. As for the diseases, you already know that many of our disciples have been cured, and many mental illnesses have also been cured. This is nothing special; it is bound to happen. To clean the temple of the Divine, beings like Bhairava and Hanuman are always engaged. Whether they exist or not, you need to come into this kingdom and see for yourself; if you stay outside and ask us to bring it to you, how can we show you? If a blind person wishes to know about colors, how can you explain them? If an ant asks us to explain our political institutions, how can we make it understand? You must enter the kingdom of God and once inside, you are completely free to do as you wish. It is only the human mind that thinks it can buy the Divine, that believes it can adopt it. No, you must surrender to it. Come into this kingdom, the kingdom of God’s love. If you were to write down the experiences of the many Sahaja Yogis here, countless books would be filled. However, becoming a Sahaja Yogi takes time, just as there are countless evil spirits. If someone gives a speech, thousands will become their disciples because they will enchant you with seductive spells. You won’t realize it when the speech ends, your mind will become disturbed, and you will begin to act strangely. Your wife and children will wonder what happened to you after visiting that guru. You will abuse your wife morning and evening, then go sit with the guru. The guru will ask for money, and you will give it away. What can I do about the human mind? A Sahaja Yogi gradually evolves, as truth always reveals itself slowly. If I wanted to make plastic flowers, I could produce thousands within an hour using a machine, but if I want real roses to bloom, it will take some time. Yet, even in this Kal Yuga, there is a special grace that God’s love is overflowing, His compassion is flowing so abundantly that in this very lifetime, in this special time of Kal Yuga, many people achieve realization in a moment.

Even during Krishna’s time, great efforts were made to bring the gopis (cowherd women) to realization. In Christ's time, none of His disciples could achieve realization despite tremendous effort. Even you were there in those times, and today, those same people are sitting among you. You are not of this time alone; you have been seekers across many lifetimes. You wandered in forests and ran after Gurus in ancient times. Your life spans is that of thousands of years, and now, if you have come to fruition in this lifetime, and it happens in a moment, then what is there to doubt? This promise was made long ago that such a time would come in Kal Yuga, and it is happening now. So why is there such surprise? Why such doubt? Why so much questioning? Why such delay? By coming into Sahaja Yoga, you know that it’s all about the play of the seven chakras, especially in India, where people are very concerned about Lakshmi (goddess of wealth). In other countries, they are not as concerned. In other places, people wander around in the guise of beggars. They are fed up with the blessings of Lakshmi and now seek peace. When I was in Mombasa, people there said, "Mataji, we have plenty of Lakshmi, but now give us peace; our wives have lost their minds, and our homes are in chaos." All the children are mentally derailed, and there are more suicide cases here than anywhere else. The same situation exists in America—wherever there is too much money, there are more people going mad. But in Sahaja Yoga, the blessings of Lakshmi also shower upon you. Its balance also comes, its balance comes as well, and you enter that kingdom, you descend into that special blessing, where everything just starts to work out in a way that your entire path becomes easy and effortless. We have many people here who will testify to this, who will be witnesses, who will give evidence. Now, a mother will offer every temptation to her child, saying, "Son, just eat this, if not, I will give you that. If you eat this, I will give you two coins." Then, if he still doesn't agree, she will say, "Alright, I will build you a palace, just eat this." That is exactly my situation! I keep persuading in every way and keep giving everything, I also give a lot of love, after all, a mother only gives. A mother says, "Son, know yourself, remain immersed in the power within you, seek that which is the truth, not the falsehood. No matter how much wealth you have, no matter how much power you possess, no matter how high a position you hold, whether you are a queen or a king, you cannot attain joy. It simply isn't possible until you stand in the kingdom of joy, and once you stand in the kingdom of joy, then you are kings and queens in every situation! No one can buy you, no one can defeat you, you are victorious. You are kings! Kings! Such great kings have emerged among us, one after another kings have risen in our country. Right here, in Maharashtra, there is a great personality who lives in a small village called Shirdi. She was a king, and people couldn't even comprehend what kind of kingship she had, how she lived in such joy in our Bharatvarsha. Another king like Guru Nanak emerged in our Bharatvarsha, a third king like Kabir emerged. Did they enjoy any worldly pleasures? Today, the whole world bows at their feet. I have come before you to explain, to complete their work, and to fulfil whatever they said. None of what they said was false, what Jesus said, what Krishna said, what is in the Gita, what is in the Vedas, what is in the Bible, what is in the Quran. I want to demonstrate all of this before you.

I may appear very ordinary, but from within me, that power can prove to you how the unconscious works. When you cross over, every finger, every place on your hands, has chakras, they tell you, "Look, there is a problem here, there is a complaint here," not in words, but by burning or cooling you down. As if cool, cool waves are filling you inside, coming as blessings, like streams flowing from the Himalayas. This is subjective knowledge, meaning it is the knowledge of the doer, you become the doer, the knowledge of the doer comes within you; you become what you are, there is no need to read outside, no need to look into books, everything is already a library here. Great scholars come before me and say, "Mataji, you speak of what is in the Niranjan Samhita," I said, "Brother, forget the Samhita, I have never even read the Upanishads, I have never read the Gita either." So, how did I come to know this? Because where it is known from, it is within, it is all stored in the mind itself, right? Within you, if there is a library, you can find and read whatever you want. You become fully knowledgeable, and then whatever you speak is the truth. You become completely truthful! Whatever you say, you manifest it, the Kundalini will rise from your hands like this. Don't even consider me in this matter; there are many people present here who look just like you, and with just a gesture from them, Kundalini’s rise, thousands of them rise. Do not make blind faith; understand it.

In London, I was very surprised when a gentleman passed six people with my photo. He was just sitting with his hand towards the photo. I was astonished. When I saw it, I thought, "Where did these timeless great souls come from in the world? How do I embrace them from the heart? “Seeing the photo, you were meant to cross over, and indeed you did. As for you, what more can I say? Another tremendous blessing is happening in the world, and you might not be aware of it. Many small children, some as young as eight years old, and even twelve years old, I have seen. There are many in London and also here in America. Great beings are being born; they are well-versed in the science of Kundalini. Just today, a small five-year-old boy was striking his father on the navel chakra, on the Agnya chakra. He was understanding what was being held and what was being caught. He was being beaten without any explanation, but he continued until he was released. He struck a few times and then got released. This is direct knowledge! Every gesture of theirs, every action, every word they speak is filled with knowledge.

We also have a granddaughter; both of my granddaughters are very advanced. They were born this way. When we went to the airport, one of them started moving her hands and said, "What are you doing?" I asked. She said, "Grandma I am binding everyone. There are so many dark people here." By "dark," she meant those who are negative. She was binding everyone, and at just three years old, she started telling that "Sahaja Yogis should be told that our mind is like a horse; sit on the horse but do not let the horse sit on you. Always ride on a white horse; in the Kal Yuga, it is said that one should ride a white horse. “A three-year-old child. We have seen many such children in today's Bharatvarsha. I have seen at least three hundred children. Because as much as we cry, in the Kal Yuga, people are being born, and besides that, demons are also being born. Otherwise, how would the Kal Yuga continue? And many animals are also being born; ordinary humans hesitate to take birth because they know the conditions are very bad. So many animals are being born, resulting in a high population. The day the Satya Yuga comes, this number will automatically decrease. Ordinary humans will take birth because those who see that this is a ravaging situation would not want to take on a body, as where the father is no longer a father, and the sister is no longer a sister. In such a calamity, who would want to entrap themselves? Great personalities are indeed being born, but alongside them, other powers will also be born. Sixteen demons have been born in Bharatvarsha. If there is one, then overcome it. There can no longer be any talk of annihilation because when they are destroyed, one of them died and then became a ghost, spreading further. Where did such malevolent tendencies in the world come from? What is their source? How will you understand this? How will you provide a solution? Scientists should explain how this is happening. They can tell through science. The state of scientists is such that, in America, many people started using marijuana and other substances. So a committee of five scientists was formed to investigate this. Find out what happens when people start using marijuana and other substances. When they went to investigate, these spirits took over them, and these people began using marijuana. They resigned from their jobs. If they were such great scientists, then why did they start using marijuana and drinking so much alcohol? Prophet Muhammad and Guru Nanak both advised against drinking alcohol. If scientists can prove this through science, then we are ready to accept science. Some people are happy, but those who have made so much progress in science are in great distress.

There is a big question in front of the United Nations: Should the developing countries be trapped in this mess that we are in? Reports about Nepal specifically mention that the people there are poor but very happy and content. Why are you trying to destroy their happiness? Many people say that Indians are still very active, but they have not yet reached the peak of distress. Why are you trying to develop them and trap them in the same cycle we are stuck in? Then you need to think if we can take shortcuts, if we can somehow make this progress faster. Yes, we can. Because you have the right to. You should nurture that infinite aspect, which is a difficult task. It is a difficult task, but it encompasses everything. You should achieve that; you should be at the centre of it. Sahaja Yoga is the manifestation of God's love. Until now, you have not known God's love because you have not had the connection. Only those who have the connection can hear my speech. Similarly, those who enter the realm of God will experience His omnipresent form. You will understand everything about it; there will be no doubt left. What a marvel, what a miracle! Otherwise, like Churchill in London, people continue to sell what they had bought. Until something alive is seen in the world, the name of God too cannot be maintained. Because God is alive, you just need to realize Him.

Since you are on stage, this will happen through you, because of you. Because you are all on stage, it is your competence. You need to show the world; if the world drowns and is destroyed, the responsibility will be on you, not on anyone else. It sounds very fantastic. People of today’s age don’t believe that it can be like this.

This is not a matter of belief; Mother says something like this. But think of it as a precious diamond that you are about to receive. Just take it. Sit for a while, placing your hand towards me. Do not look at the clock for a while. This is important, the most important thing.

(Mantra chanting) Close your eyes

And see, if you have reached a state of thoughtlessness. Some may even feel cool. But thoughtlessness comes first.

(Mantra chanting) Do not get up in between! Sit for a while, for five minutes.

(Mantra chanting continues) Keep your feet straight, both feet straight.

If your eyes are not closing, then open them if they are twitching.

(Mantra chanting continues)

Many of you are experiencing thoughtlessness, I know! It means that when you close your eyes, if you notice that no thoughts are coming, it should be considered that the Kundalini has awakened. It has crossed the Agnya Chakra. And it has spread into the upper part, which we call the Sahasrara, but it has not yet crossed from there. However, if cool air is coming from your hands, then it indicates that the Brahmarandhra has opened.

In any case, our program is again in Bal Mohan, and you will find photos outside. Please take them. You can use the photos for practice; hold the photo with both hands, and if coolness is felt in both hands, then it is fine. You can use the photo for any illness or problem. But respect the photo; do not throw it around, as all are associated with it. If cool air starts coming from it, then there is no question, everything is fine. But if warm air starts coming, it means that you are not feeling well. If you have any complaint or discomfort, especially if warm air is coming from this hand, then place the hand with the warmth towards the photo, and the other hand towards the outside. If you feel vibrations in your hands, if your hands are trembling, and your eyes are twitching, it means there is internal trouble, and you are very nervous and tense. Do this: place both hands towards the photo and light a candle or lamp in front of it, and keep both feet in water. As soon as you place your feet in water, vibrations from the photo will flow into the water. It is amazing that vibrations come from the photo itself. You will be amazed at how God has achieved this. Vibrations are coming strongly from the photo. They may not be as strong as those coming from me, but they are still quite substantial. Take the photo from here, outside, and receive vibrations from it. Any illness or problem you have, you will see that it will go away. If you have trouble sleeping, if you feel a lot of restlessness in your body, mental distress, or if someone in your house is insane, any kind of complaint, try everything. But if you feel coolness inside, you can heal any illness. Place one hand towards the photo and the other towards the person. Then check yourself; you should feel vibrations coming from within you. Experience this and do come to Bal Mohan, where I can tell you what to do next. If within four days you do not feel cool air coming inside you, then keep both hands towards the photo and your feet in water and light a lamp. There might be a serious illness you are unaware of, or there might be some spirit possession affecting you. If you have such an issue, place both hands towards the photo and keep both feet in a basin with salt in the water. The water should be slightly warm if it is cold. Try this and see how much benefit it provides. When you come to Bal Mohan, I will tell you more. The science behind this is very complex, which is true, like engineering is very complex, but the practice is very easy and simple, like turning on a light or a switch. It is very easy, and you will see this in the photo; you will be amazed. I just want to say that trust me that God is omnipresent, everywhere, and loves you immensely. The love you see from me is the love of God, and He loves you so much, so much that He has created this world for you, and this great divine play will flow into the world from within you.

Thank you very much. I hope to see you again.

Mumbai (India)

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