Commands of Intellect and its Effect

Commands of Intellect and its Effect 2000-03-25

Talk duration
Public Program
Spoken Language
English, Hindi, Marathi
Text Status
Transcript English - Reviewed

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The post is also available in: Hindi, Macedonian.

25 March 2000

Commands Of Intellect And Its Effect

Public Program

New Delhi (India)

Talk Language: English, Hindi | Transcript (English) - Reviewed | Translation (Hindi to English) - Reviewed

I bow to all the seekers of truth.

So far we did not know what is the truth. We accepted whatever the brain made us believe. The brain misguided so much that we started justifying all our deeds. Man moved away from the path of truth. We started running after the material gains. Human connections with truth was severed and human beings fell into the unknown abyss.

Now people are surprised as to how it happened? Why such a situation arose? Why did man shift from wisdom to (un-wise) wickedness? Wickedness took the place of wisdom. This wickedness benefited neither the individual nor anyone else. Sometimes we are alarmed to see the happenings around like bloodshed and violence. Even small children are not spared. Many such perversions have set in. I can only say that there is an extreme “kaliyuga”. The scriptures have not described the age/period to be so terrible. Scriptures made just a mention of it. It’s written that in this age people will have their meals in the utensils of iron instead of brass. Many such formal things have been referred to, but the scene before us is horrible and sad. Man should not lose his way. In search of happiness he ran after the wrong things and happiness remained a mirage. He sank in deep darkness. Man doesn’t know that his deeds are evil and that he has to suffer as a result, such things-deeds have grown so much that one doesn’t understand what is going to be the fate of this world.

There are many problems in our country and other countries as well. It is incorrect to think that the people of other countries are right. They are also searching and struggling to achieve the state of humanity. They want to achieve the state where they become human. The result of these circumstances is that Human have got disillusioned and disappointed; he is hopeless in the situation.

No one has a solution for these circumstances/state of affairs. We should remember that saints and seers have told us to “Search within”. Solutions to all the problems are within us; Kabir Sahib said-“ Kahe Re Ban Khojan Jai, Sada Niwasi, Sada Ananta, Tohe Sang Smai”.The eternal one resides within you, He is always with you. Who is this eternal one about which the saints of the world talked?

All the “Dharmas” mentioned it, Religion was misinterpreted in such a way that it created confusion and people forgot the reality that they have to search within.

Our soul resides within us. It is fully alive in every being. This Atma is the reflection of the Almighty God in our heart. All the saints talked about it. But people say that ‘Mother we have not known any such thing’. Now the time has come for you to know about your soul and how to experience it. How can we achieve Atma.

The ‘Atma’ within us is witnessing everything. We have neglected it to such an extent that now it does not warn us against our misdeeds. We have changed our wisdom into wickedness and are unable to see our misdeeds. We go on committing all sorts of wrong things and justify ourselves. That is how we lose our sense of discretion. Now we have to know as to how to achieve the spirit. For this, the arrangement/instrument exists in our body. We need not search it outside. Kundalini, the sacred power is placed in your triangular bone called Sacrum. When it is awakened, it pierces six plexuses and gets united to All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. It is described in our scriptures.

Many saints from our country

went to other countries. I think Machhindra Nath and Gorakh Nath also went to many countries. Bolivian people know about them. They know the names of the chakras and also they know about kundalini. It is known in Russia. The many old traditional paintings world over have painted plexuses and chakras. If you travel a little in the above countries, then you will be surprised at how and from where they have come to know about it! Some of our saints have gone there and shared about it, this is what is reported/told.

In India also they told and wrote about Kundalini, it resides within you.

“Nath Panthis” avoided to tell about it because they were afraid of this power being misused by the people. This has happened- many, so-called saints who read about it have spread misconceptions about it and made it a source of making money. That’s why our ancient saints might have thought that the awakening is not meant for ordinary people. In the twelfth century, saint Gyaneshwara sought permission from his Guru to write about Kundalini in his book – Gyaneshwari. In the sixth chapter of Gyaneshwari, he wrote about kundalini. Since the pandits were making money in the name of God and were not wise enough to understand it, they told people that the sixth chapter of Gyaneshwari is prohibited. They told people not to read it, as it is useless, it is not meant for ordinary people.

Recently, I heard a lecture from a renowned Babaji. He said, that you won’t be able to understand about it, you are all worldly people, not saints.

You always keep running after material desires and that is being true to your nature and everybody accepted what he said. He said you should not go to Sahaja Yoga as it is the path of knowledge (Gyan Marga) and you are not made for it but for worldly desires. People were asked to serve their Guru and do all sorts of rituals and people accepted them as true. People do not introspect as to why they are doing this. But the people who do not know the Sanskrit Language think them (Babaji) to be right. These babas ask them to do all sorts of fasting and penance. They prescribed so many rituals (“karma kanda”) to the seekers that they are inextricably caught in them. Without trying to understand the benefits of these rituals, they keep on repeating them for generations.

Mohammad Sahib told very clearly that idol worship is prohibited. But Muslims goes round the black stone placed in Mecca. Why did Mohammad Sahib ask them to go round this stone? On the one side, he forbade idol worship and on the other asked Muslims go around the sacred stone. The reason for this is, that the stone in Mecca is Macceshwarshiv. But how would you know the truth about it? How would you know about the “swayambhu” idols? You do not know. How to differentiate?

When the kundalini is awakened, it pierces six plexuses and gets connected to the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love, then Divine cool vibrations start flowing from your hands. Then your hands can decipher truth from untruth. Such a beautiful arrangement has already been made in us. There is no need to make any arrangements. Now your hands reveal everything. Mohammad Sahib said that at the time of ‘Kiyamat’ (judgement day) your hands will speak. The time of Kiyama has come. Now get it. Hands will speak and reveal what is truth and what is untruth. What is good and what is bad. If someone says, “what is there in Mecca?” stretch your hands towards Mecca and see for yourself. All the Sahaj Yogis can feel the Chaitanya and differentiate between the truth and untruth. Such a beautiful instrument is created within.

The whole subtle system is installed within us. When you achieve this state of self-realization then you automatically get rid of all the negativities. Your six enemies, anger, lust, attachment, ego, jealousy and greed run away from you.

When we conducted the first public programme in England, six drug addicts came to the program. We were astonished that they were relieved of their drug addiction the second day itself. It was really astonishing. They said, these drugs are useless, we do not like the drugs now. They were fully transformed, people. Today they are beautiful Sahaja Yogis working for the spreading of SahajaYoga. You have to achieve this thing. Know your spirit. Arrangements have been made in us to achieve this Divine Knowledge. Or we can say that this machine is installed within us. When it becomes operative then you experience many miracles about yourself. All the drunkards, who came to Sahaja Yoga have left Alcohol. Wicked people have left their wickedness.

I went to Taliyati, there a Mafia Don accepted Sahaja Yoga. I asked how has he accepted Sahaja Yoga? He came to meet me. He was so humble! He said, “Shri Mataji I have committed many crimes. Could I be forgiven?” I said. “You are forgiven”. That is the thing of the past. Today I am talking to you in the present. Now in the present, what are you? You have to see how much you have been transformed. The way he has done was really astonishing. How could this Mafia Don get so much transformed? This happened. No lecture was given to him nor was he made to understand something. This is happening and it was to happen in “Kaliyuga” because in kali yuga people will be transformed. After transformation one becomes so beautiful and pure.

Today this world needs this transformation. To bring about this transformation I think, is the duty of all the Sahaj Yogis. I did my best. Worked very hard, went to so many countries in the world. Now it is the duty of all the Sahaja Yogis to tell everyone about Sahaj Yoga and get them transformed.

Many people have gone astray in the name of God Almighty and in the name of Dharma. When you give them Self Realisation, they will be enlightened. If the connection of all these lights burning here is severed with the Mains: then could they give light? It is same in the case of human beings. We have to be connected to this great power, which has always been the eternal truth. It existed in the past and exists today. When your attention gets enlightened you become an enlightened person. Such a person works for the benevolence of the whole world. If human beings are transformed, all the problems will be solved. Man is the root cause of all the problems. With his transformation all the problems, all the difficulties will go away. So we should try to give Realization to more and more people. After awakening, I have seen, there is no quarrel, no turmoil’s, any country they may belong to, there is no quarrelling, no fight. They meet each other with an open heart. It is a great ocean of joy. Sahaja Yogis enjoy being together.

It is the tradition of our country that together we should live like brothers and help each other in every way. This is our culture. Though strange things have happened and this country was divided into many parts. Still, there are many disputes in the country. People are quarrelling everywhere. On one issue or the other, people are ready to fight with each other, and groups are formed for this purpose. It is inhuman. Even animals do not behave like that. Human beings should not be like that. The human being is the highest among the creations of the Divine. God Almighty has made such a beautiful arrangement in us to get our awakening. We do not have to spend anything on it.

One gentleman said to me. “I will pay you One Lakhs Rupees if you awaken my kundalini.”

I replied, “I am willing to pay you Two Lakh Rupees for keeping silent.”

Kundalini knows no money. It is a divine power within you. It could be awakened if you have a pure desire. It could not be forced upon you. It could be worked out only if you have a pure desire.

No other desire is pure (self- realisation). Had it been pure, the shape of the modern economy would have been altogether different. When you get the house you desired, the desire shifts to next thing like car etc. One does not get satisfied or contented because it is not a pure desire. Anything which is not a pure desire will never give contentment. Self-realization is the only pure desire. The spirit resides in your attention. The light of the spirit will give you joy and peace. It will enlighten you in every way and it will make you collective. You will become collectively conscious.

We consider ourselves to be separate entities. They are such and such, and we are such and such. In the eyes of God, human beings are one, under His protection. It is just mental exercise that we are superior, they are inferior, this and that. It is a purely mental exercise. One gentleman came to meet me. He was Chief of Ivory Coast He was so humble that I was surprised. With great humility he said. “Shri Mataji. Please make all my countrymen Sahaja Yogis.” I said alright, you could do it yourself. He told I am in a state of joy. He had divorced three wives. Now he was ashamed of it. He felt: “What is my life? Why have I designed it like that? But now I am fully transformed I am full of joy, peace, and comfort.” There are six hundred Sahaja Yogis there. They had taken up Islam as religion. I asked them why you adopted Islam? They replied that these French people have no morality at all. They are totally immoral, so we thought to adopt Islam so that some morality could be preserved. I told them that, all religions are equal in Sahaja Yoga and anyone from any religion can join Sahaj Yog. We do not insult any religion; no religion is higher or lower. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, you will thoroughly understand your religion and its depth. So far, you were lost. Now you can achieve it. It’s a fact that the religions were created for people and they now fight amongst themselves for religion. It is not proper. Wickedness has taken over the wisdom. Kundalini enlightens the brain. When it passes through the Agnya Chakra, it enlightens the brain, and one can see ones’ mistake and foolishness.

What was I fighting about? Without knowing yourself, you cannot know the truth. But people are wasting their lives and the lives of their children. The whole country will be destroyed. Many countries are being destroyed. So we have to awaken our Kundalini. It is very sacred. This Kundalini is your individual Mother. She is your own Mother. Your mother may have several children but you are the only child of your kundalini. She knows everything about you. Everything is recorded on it. What is your desire, what were you, what are your defects and what is the problem in your body? She knows everything. Taking care of all the problems, your Mother Kundalini rises without giving even the slightest trouble to you. Because she is your Mother. When you were born, your Mother with-stood all the pain, you suffered no pains at all. Similarly, Kundalini is your Mother, and while giving you your rebirth it gives you no pain. You are lifted so high that you are surprised to know that you are like that. You will be surprised that all this wealth was innate in you, and you did not know about it! She is with you in every way. These chakras work on physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual levels and it works out in every way. There is absolutely no doubt that after coming to Sahaja Yoga, your health is improved, everything is improved. Not only that; by the grace of goddess Lakshmi, your monetary condition also improves.Those people who have become Sahaja Yogis in our country, they have become prosperous. Their behaviour has improved and all disputes finished. The all-pervading power blesses a person and he becomes an ideal being. One becomes a saint.

Many people could not stand the disgust and disappointment around; the violence at its height and they came to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga seems to have spread in 86 countries. Though I didn’t go to all these countries, however wherever the seed goes it sprouts and becomes a plant. Similarly, Sahaja Yoga spreads everywhere. It’s very surprising to see that people from these countries would come here. They go to Italy for Pujas. So far I have not been able to go to their countries. I may go someday. I am surprised to see their love and harmony with each other.

There was a boy in Bombay who used to say, “Mother, I do not want to live, my Mother is very bad” That boy died in a bomb blast. This news spread to all the countries and everyone was concerned and ran around for him. ...The authorities offered land to cremate or bury the dead body. Such letters were sent to me that I was astonished.

Recently my brother Baba Mama expired. He loved people so much that they sent so many letters and faxes, which I have not been able to go through so far. So much love, so much beautiful things people wrote that I am surprised, I never thought that people loved him so much. You have entered an environment of love. Everyone will love you and you will also love everyone. The biggest quality of Sahaja Yoga is the Power of Love. You are in the protection of this Power of Love. You are always protected. No one can touch you because God loves you. Who dares to go against Him? Who could be hostile to Him? We have many examples where people say, that they are surprised how they were saved and how they received the blessings/achieved that thing. You feel happy when you listen to such things because they are all your brothers. They belong to you. It appears that the whole world will be transformed. Good days will come. All this is happening, yet many people are still to be transformed. Transformation is very important. Human beings have fallen to a very low level. It is very easy to transform them. You have to do it. There is no other way out. But the transformation of the people and kundalini awakening is the only way to achieve this goal. You need not stand in the water or sit before the fire. Just get connected.

You have to give a little of your time. Go to meditation Centre’s and attain more depth. People do not grow because they do not join collectively. Without nourishing it with collective love this plant will not grow. That is the reason Jesus Christ said, that some seeds fell on stone or in such places that they were destroyed but those seeds which fell in the fertile land, sprouted and became trees. Sahaja Yoga neither condemns nor opposes any religion. Incorporation of the quintessence of all the religion in it is its speciality. The deep relationship amongst religions will get established. A life full of joy and comforts is waiting for you. May you achieve it.

This is my blessing to you all.

[English Transcript]

I am very sorry that I had to speak in Hindi language because most of the people understand Hindi here. And you have heard me many a times in the English language. Moreover, I found you all are meditative just now and enjoying the word inside your heart. And it was very kind of you! Thank You!

Now I want to tell you that those who don’t want their kundalini to be awakened can go outside...Because this is not a Pageant thing and this is not right for those people who want to go into meditation. So please those who don’t want to meditate can go outside.

By this, you will understand that it’s not your responsibility that you sit here...You have come here it’s ok ...You have listened to the lecture ...Its Ok but if you don’t want to take realization then you can leave from here ...

Nobody will feel bad ...

The land in which you are sitting is very sacred Indian land. India is a “yog-bhumi”.Its importance is not known by you people...But when foreigners reach here in Indian land they salute it in the airport and shows lots of respect...And they say –“Mother how these vibrations are flowing in this land...”. This you are unaware of ...but you will be know it gradually.

Once I was in the aeroplane, I told to my husband that – We have reached India...he asked me: how did you know? I told him –Vibrations are flowing in all the directions ...So he asked the Pilot and he said yes we reached India. This is the kind of land India is...And I respect that person who has patriotism in him...Patriotism is very much necessary within us. Because our country is special and unique. If you have no “bhakti” of any kind about this country then your kundalini could not be awakened. The Kundalini of the whole world is also in this country. It is an amazing thing that you are so unaware about this till now...But the power of this country is great and one day will come that the whole country will bow down (with respect) in front of you. Because we are very powerful. And it will bow with respect and love not with the power of sword...Because the people from here, have eaten the grain of this land and it is running in their blood...So “Desh Bhakti” (Patriotism) is very important for us, especially for Sahaja yoga.... Even these foreigners have a lot of faith /belief in India and they have a special respect for the Indian maps and have hanged the photographs of the famous people from India. Moreover, they believe all the deities came so far because they are residing in the chakras...

We have to understand this that unless we will not have the knowledge about our country, its culture, and its importance we cannot love our country. So we should think that we are very fortunate people to be born here in this country...We cannot say about this country anything.

Now I have said about the Kundalini awakening...Everybody is sitting nobody has left ...So this means you people want your realization...So this is a very good thing ...And it’s very encouraging to see this ...

You all are Indians and sitting in this land so it’s very easy to ...not a difficulty ...My hands ...breaks in other places. God has given the kind speciality in Indians that they find no difficulty and this work is done in them very easily...

Now put your both hands in front of me like this. Don’t close your eyes.

Please don’t close your eyes. Just keep both the hand towards me. Now keep your left hand towards Me and right hand on the top of your head ...Move your hands up and down and see

If you are feeling the cool or hot breeze from it. This is called “Spandha”.

Look at it, if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out...

Now right hand in front of me and see from your left hand on your fontanel bone area. Please bend your head and feel yourself that whether some cool or hot breeze is coming out from your head...Some feel it at the very top, some feel it in different directions. Feel it ...You should feel it ...

It is an experience...You should have faith in your experience nothing else ...

Now put your left hand towards me and see from your right hand ...

Now the hot breeze is coming because you have not forgiven somebody till now. You have to forgive yourself and the others too...Just do one thing –Forgive yourself and others ...And you will feel a cool breeze. Now put both hands in front of me ...Both the hands ...

And try to be thoughtless. Be in thoughtless awareness! Because of these thoughts -We become Malevolent.

Please be thoughtless.Now those who have felt the cool breeze in their hands or fingertips or on their head, please raise both of your hands. So whole Delhi ...Amazing!

Endless blessings’ to all of you! ...Endless blessings. May God bless you all! All got the realization... the whole of Delhi. Imagine ...

Now for meditating there are Centres. You have to meditate for 5-10 minutes, not more ...and then you will see your condition more better ...You will feel the joy will be drenched in the ocean of joy. This drop will become the ocean...You will feel very great ...My endless blessings and love to all of you.

Now they want to sing one song...This song was written by me in the 12th century and is sang in countryside ...It’s in Marathi...So they are saying that they will sing that song ...In this song, the “Kundlini” is said as “Amba” there. And it is said that-? Hey, “Amba”...Please awaken! People are not aware of this thing ...They are singing from so many years there but nobody knows. There is such a beautiful description that oh God I have cleansed myself, now awaken this “Amba”...This “Amba” is the Kundalini...And please awaken it ...Now in the reverence of India’s land “Vandematram” will be sung ...Please stand up because they are going to sing “ Vande Matram “.

[Song of “Vanade Matram”]

SahajaYogis: “Bolo Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jay”

New Delhi (India)

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