How to get the light of the Spirit in our heart? 1995-02-20
20 February 1995
How To Get The Light Of The Spirit In Our Heart?
Public Program
Melbourne Town Hall, Melbourne (Australia)
Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft
[INAUDIBLE] Thank you!
[INAUDIBLE] [ALL CLAP] Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata Brahma Swaroopini Yoga Nirupini Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namah Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata [MUSIC] [MUSIC] - aa, aa, aa, aa - Very low now. That's better. - Jagat Janani Nirmala, Moola Prakriti Akhileshwar ki - Still Nitya Satya Sanatana - Parashakti Parmeshwar kii - [UNCLEAR - COIL IT UP?] - Vishwa Dharini aa, aa, aa; Mangal Kaarini aa, aa, aa - If you can make this arch smaller, it'll be better. Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namah Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa; Nirmala Mata [MUSIC] [MUSIC] - aa, aa, aa aa - [UNCLEAR - WAISE HI OR LET'S SEE?] Jagat Janani Nirmala, Niraashreya Sarveshwari Prem Murti Bhaktavatsala, Snehamayee Mateshwari Bhakti Pradayini, aa, aa , aa; Mukti Pradayini, aa, aa, aa Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namaha Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata [MUSIC] [MUSIC] aa, aa, aa, aa; Pragata Saguna Nirguna Ridhi Sidhi ki Daatri hai - Saumya Sarla Mahamana, Patanjali Guna Patri hai - [UNCLEAR - LET IT BE LIKE THIS?] Ghat ghat Vaasini, aa, aa, aa; Atma Vikaasini Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namaha Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata Brahma Swaroopini aa, aa, aa; Yoga Nirupini aa, aa, aa Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namaha Vishwa Vanditaa, Vishwa Vanditaa; Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa, Sarva Pujitaa; Nirmala Mata Nirmala Mata Nirmala Mata Thank You! [CLAPPING] Still You're going down, alright. There's no room.
I bow to all the seekers of truth.
At the very outset I have to say that truth is what it is You cannot change it, you cannot transform it and unfortunately at this human awareness, you cannot know what is the truth. You may describe, you may talk about it but to know the truth, something more has to happen to you. Now whatever I'm going to tell you today, you need not accept it blind-folded. We have had lots of problems with the blind faith but if it is proved, then as honest people you have to accept it. So please keep your mind open like a scientist because it's very important to know the Absolute Truth in these modern times. That's the solution for all our problems physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual. Seekers of Truth are people who have problems of spirituality and they don't know what to seek, where to go, how to find it. They are mislaid by many people because the market is full of such people so I would like to tell you what is the truth. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions this ego and these conditionings but you are much beyond that, is the spirit. So the truth is that you have to become the spirit and the second truth is something we are not aware of at all.
We see all these beautiful flowers around us and we take them for granted. Actually, it's a miracle to have these different flowers of different shapes and different fragrance uh.. to come out of the same Mother Earth. We don't know who works it out, who works out the seasons or if you ask a doctor, "Who runs your heart?" he'll tell, it's an Autonomous Nervous System but if you ask him, "Who is this auto?" he won't be able to tell you. Who is doing this work, I say, is the All-Pervading Divine power of love. We have never known the power of love - we have only worked with the power of hatred but this is The One that exists all over and works in every human-being in the same manner. As you must have been told about the subtle system that is within us - I mean, it's not easy for people to believe that there is another subtle system within us but we have to understand that the Creator who has created us is the greatest organizer and He must organize something within us to achieve our last breakthrough in our evolution. We have not reached to that point where we can say we know the Absolute Truth that's why there are so many problems, so many philosophies, so many ideologies and people just fighting among themselves even in the name of God. The people who started all these great religions like, we can say Moses, Christ, Mohammad Sahab, Rama, Krishna, all of them knew the Truth and they established their religion in a way that shows it is more the evolutionary process they were talking about.
They all said that, "The time has to come when you'll get your resurrection." Mohammad Sahab has called is the 'Kiyama', in the Bible it's called as the Last Judgment. They were very great people, I must say, and very pure, extremely pure and they never realized what sort of people they're facing, how people were ignorant about the Divine Power, about the Divinity within themselves. So they propounded many things which were really an impossible task for human-beings to do. To call yourself a Christian is easy but to follow Christianity is very difficult. Christ has said that, "If one eye commits the sin, you take it out, if one hand does something wrong, you take it out." I haven't seen anybody without one eye or without one hand in the whole Christian Kingdoms I have moved about. So that means that it's not so easy to follow Christ, who was such a pure soul, who thought all the human-beings were angels or some sort of Divine people that they will follow whatever He has said it. Then came Mohammad Sahab and He thought that why only the men are being told, why not the women? So His sense of morality was more sharp, specially for women.
He said that, any woman who has bad feelings uh.. towards, I mean, unholy feelings towards another man should be buried half-way into the Mother Earth and should be killed with stones because, perhaps, Mohammad Sahab must have said what Christ has said that you should do it and nobody is going to do it, so people incharge of religion should do it - imagine! If this kind of a law was applied in America, how many women could survive, I don't know. So, I don't blame them because their idea about human-beings was very different and they couldn't understand the inability of a human-being to take to something that is higher. Normally, the tendency is to take to something uh.. destructive, to take to something that takes you away from reality and this, you cannot stop, you cannot tell them don't do it. Many people promise in the morning, "All right, I'll not do it," but they cannot keep to it because they haven't got the light of the Spirit in their life. So we have to have the light of the Spirit in our heart. People talk of peace. There are organizations after organization for peace. I met many people who have got awards for peace but they are very disturbed people, very angry people, very hot-tempered people - I could not imagine how they got this award for peace because there's no peace within. There is a way to achieve that peace within yourself.
Unless and until we become peaceful within ourselves where there is no problem between our heart, our brain and our attention, then only we could be peaceful. This can be very easily achieved through this happening where this power of Kundalini has to rise. It's like a primule in a seed. It's a living process. As you can put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts by itself, spontaneously - sahaja. 'Saha' means born, 'ja', 'Saha' means with and 'ja' is born - is born with you, this power to attain this higher level of awareness which in Sanskrit we call it as 'Turiya' or you can say the fourth dimension of awareness. It's not at all difficult, you're all capable of getting that - only thing you have to have earnest desire to get it. Ofcourse you can't give realization or awakening to people who are stupid, idiotic or who are arrogant. You have to have earnest desire to achieve that state because this power, which we call as Kundalini, is nothing but pure desire because other desires are not pure. Today we want to have a car, then we want to have a house, then we want to have a helicopter, I don't know goes on and on and on.
We're never satisfied with what we have . That shows the desires we had were not pure. The pure desire is to be one with this Divine power. But if this desire, whether you are aware or not aware, is not fulfilled then you become seekers of truth and this is the state, I find, is now in this horrible modern times, is so much evident. In every country I have visited I was surprised, whether it was Islamic or Russian, England, Australia, anywhere, I was surprised that people are earnestly seeking the Truth. They might make mistakes, as I said, they might go to wrong paths but definitely there are seekers and restlessly they're seeking the Ultimate, which is the Absolute Truth. Spirit is the source of Absolute Truth. You cannot know anything without becoming Self-realized as far as it's own understanding is, like supposing somebody says that democracy is right, somebody says that uh... another style of uh.. communism is good or socialism is good on politics or economics, anywhere they never agree, even the religions don't want to agree - they want to be exclusive - but if you see the thing what Mohammad sahab has written, He never was exclusive. He talked about Moses, He talked about Christ, He talked about Christ's Mother with great reverence, so He was not exclusive. I don't know how people have found exclusive religions.
Must be some sort of a selfish interest that people started saying this religion is good, that religion is good, that religion is good. And when we don't know the Absolute Truth, we start believing in all this kind of things. To believe into anything blindly, is not going to help us. We have to have the insight, insight to see what is really the Truth. So when this happening takes place, what happens is that you feel a cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. You'll be amazed to know that the Kundalini is your own mother, individual mother. and She's the reflection of the Holy Ghost within you. She knows everything about you - your past, your aspirations, everything She knows and She is your individual mother very anxious to give you your second birth. She has been waiting and waiting and waiting and when the chance comes, She really shoots up like a jet, I must say, in this jet age. Is very surprising, how in these modern times it is working so fast.
Maybe the pure desire of people is very strong and it has been predicted that at this time all these things will happen. I must say, you're all very lucky people to be born at this time and that you are seekers of ancient ages and then you should really get it. And you get it also, you must have faith in yourself. We have no faith in ourselves, not in our identity. We take to all kinds of nonsensical things because we don't know what we are. If we know how glorious we are, how great we are, what is our potential, what we can do, how many powers we have then we would not indulge into all these things. We'll not go to that extent that one becomes really mad and crazy. This identification can be easily found out once you know yourself. We know the whole world but we don't know about ourselves. First of all, you will know about your own centers that are.
These centers represent all your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being and on your finger-tips you know, very clearly, what centers are catching. Now supposing, you know how to cure them and if you know how to cure for others also, so you can cure yourself and cure others because you develop a new dimension in your awareness which we call as Collective Consciousness where you can feel others, very clearly, on your finger-tips. This is your potential, this you have within yourself. It just starts working and you're amazed how you can feel the centers that are within yourself and the centers that are with other people. You can feel for the people who are dead, who are living, who are far away when you grow into your awareness which is, I said, the fourth dimension, then it starts working and you're amazed the way you can cure yourself and you can cure others. There are three doctors, who have got MD, in Delhi, for curing incurable diseases and now we're trying to put down how many cancer patients have been cured in sahaja yoga. Christ cured so many people. How did He cure, nobody bothers to know and to find out what did He do? When He cured people, He must be having some powers and what were His powers by which He cured? There are so many diseases we have which we call incurable, can be easily cured with sahaja yoga.
First of all, what we need are people who are evolved and who are matured in sahaja yoga. Once you're matured, you become an expert and also very humble, very compassionate, very loving. All your temper and all your anger and hatred falls out. It's a fact, I'm not telling you some stories. We have many here, at least, I think, 30% people who're sitting here, have got it. But they dress-up like you, they live like you but they're very peaceful and they have given up all that was destructive in them, all that was spoiling their lives - their married lives are very good, they have beautiful children. So, there's a vision. One can see clearly that this whole world will one day become a beautiful place for all of us to live together happily and without any uh.. grievances about others. All these uh.. different ideas of racialism or caste-system and all those, will just drop out because you become a universal being. When you go to, say America - you are a sahaja yogi - all the sahaja yogies will come to see you.
One person falls sick, say in Australia, all the sahaja yogies from all the world will make inquiries and find out how is he? You have so many who are talking about brotherhood, friendliness but cannot be because there is this uh.. we can say, a partition within us between the Divine and ourselves but once you know the Divine, you're amazed to see that the Divinity just gives you that confidence and that understanding on your Central Nervous System. It is not just talking and lecturing. In Sanskrit the word is 'bodh' from the word 'Buddha', means to know on your Central Nervous System. Even 'Vedas' means 'Vid'. Vid also Sanskrit means to know on your Central Nervous System. The truth is to be known on your Central Nervous System. You don't have to do absurd things for that at all. For example, I was there this year in Chicago and it was very, very cold and a gentleman came with a dhoti and all his head was shaved. I asked him, "In this cold why are you shivering in a dhoti?"
So he told Me, "My guru has said that if you wear a dhoti, you'll get your Nirvana, you'll get your, your salvation." "And what about this head of yours?" He said, "Yes. That also he has said that you must shave your head and must have a pigtail so you'll get your Nirvana." I said, "How could you believe such a nonsensical thing?" In India, 80% people wear dhoties, they must already be there and what, what about this shaven head. Kabira has said, "If by shaving head, if you can go to Heaven, what about the lamb which is shaved every uh.. year twice? That would be there already to welcome you." So all these nonsensical things people try to do meditation and they say that you can rise above the Mother Earth. What is the need, I don't understand?
As it is we have problem of jams and why do you want to go on three feet troubling everybody. All these funny ideas I don't know how people accept and pay thousands and thousands of dollars on that. Actually you must understand that you cannot pay for Divine love, you cannot pay because God doesn't understand money, He doesn't understand bank - that's your headache not His. So once you realize that you cannot pay, most of these people will disappear from this earth but it's very difficult for human-beings to say that you cannot pay because they want to purchase everything. Even Me, they would say, "Mother, why shouldn't You take some money?" I said, "But for what, how much are you going to pay?" This is something invaluable - you cannot value it, how much are you going to pay? Then, you don't have to do any exercise for it like standing on your head or doing all kinds of these asanas and this - it's alright for your health but it's not for achieving your ascent. It's not for that. Some people fast and starve and torture the body, which is absolutely wrong.
You see, God Almighty is your Father, Father of all the fathers, all the compassion is with Him. Which father would like his son to torture because he wants to meet the father? So He's the Father of fathers. How will He expect you to torture your body like this? But this idea from where it has come, I don't know, that you must torture your life just to achieve your ascent. It's very simple, you have to be normal people and as normal people, you get your Self-realization. Self-realization, you can say, goes into two unnh..stages. First you achieve a state when you are thoughtlessly aware. All the time we are jumping on the cusp of thoughts which come from the future or from the past. We cannot be in the present - it's impossible.
But when this Kundalini rises, She elongates those thoughts and creates a space in between, which in Sanskrit called as 'Vilamba' is the pause and there it is you are thoughtlessly aware and that is the point where you grow spiritually, that is the point where you become a witness of the whole play and also, that is the point where you become absolutely peaceful. You watch everything happening, you see everything going on but you are just watching it. Like when you are in the water, the water creates waves and you're afraid of the waves but supposing you get on to a boat, you can see the same waves and enjoy but supposing you learn how to swim, you can jump down and save many people. In the same stages you have to pass through. So the first one is where you become thoughtlessly aware and the second stage is where you're doubtlessly aware - you have no doubts about yourself, about Divinity, about anything. But it happens to some people, both things together, somehow and they achieve a state of complete peace within. They also emit peace, they also emit Divine vibrations by which many problems can be solved, many people who need peace, can achieve it. The another quality of Spirit is that when it is in attention, it enlightens your attention. By that enlightenment you can see things which normal you don't see, you feel which you never felt. It's very surprising that this attention is so active, so meticulously working.
If you pay attention to something, it works out. It works, this attention works and this is a kind of an attention you have which is potential but once it becomes enlightened, it becomes such a dynamic force within yourself and you pay attention to yourself and attention to others and amazingly you help people by your attention. The another greatest quality of Spirit is that it is the source of joy. Not that only it is the source of Absolute Truth but it's a source of joy. You work very hard, you do everything but you are a witness of the whole work. You don't think you're doing anything but you're just enjoying everything. You're enjoying your value system, you're enjoying your morality, you're uh.. enjoying your virtues. This joy is the source of doing everything effortlessly - sahaja. It all works out, it works out so beautifully that amazingly we find in a new world which we call the Kingdom of God. When I went to America, they had a problem of this school going on, so - no I'm sorry, to Russia - and the Russians were least disturbed, who were sahaja yogies.
I said, "Aren't you worried about this school which's going on?" He said, "Why should we, Mother? We are in the Kingdom of God, why should we worry. We are not in the kingdom of Russia. " Can you imagine, such a confidence! And we have thousands and thousands of Russians who have taken to sahaja yoga because they're not conditioned. They're very clean people and they have understood what is Truth is. In the same way it's working out everywhere, no doubt but in the West I find people are very conditioned about things and these conditionings sometimes stops them from achieving Self- realization. Slowly, slowly they also start taking to it. First time we had two people from Australia who came to see Me in Bombay - they got their realization, only two persons and today we have so many in Australia because definitely they're very nice people, they want to be good, they want to achieve something higher, they are all sincere about it and we have to now think about our younger people who are supposed to be mislaid by many wrong things.
These also have come to sahaja yoga and have become quite alright, very normal, very beautiful people. We have no problems of younger people, even of smaller children. It's the times, I call it the blossom time, which is here and we should take full advantage of that. I'm sure all of you are going to get your realization. Only one thing you have to remember that you must have faith in yourself. Do not doubt yourself for anything whatsoever. As long as you don't doubt yourself, you'll get your Self-realization without any difficulty. May God bless you! Can we have some lights there also? [ALL CLAP] Can we have some lights at the back, I can't see them.
Can't have lights underneath that? Can't have? You can have lights there - please, alright, it's good. Those who are standing, can you sit down or you can come here in this room to sit - it's better to sit down. It will hardly take ten minutes and only thing is, I would request you, not to disturb others by walking out or getting up at that time - hardly ten minutes. Of course you have questions, so you may write to Me and I will definitely try to answer them. I have been doing this work for the last 25 years now and I'm quite an expert in answering all kinds of questions whether they are funny, stupid or anyway genuine. Ah..So, but it's an mental acrobat. There's nothing so great. It's only up to the mind - you have to go beyond the mind, so it's better that we should forget about those questions just now, get your realization and then I'll see how many have questions.
Now of course there are some conditions, which are very simple conditions, which, I hope, you can follow. One of them, one of them is that you have to know at this moment you are not guilty of anything. If you were, you would have been in jail. But when you are sitting here, please forgive yourself - very important. If you don't forgive yourself and you call yourself always guilty of something - I mean, the norms of life in the West is so funny that even if you put your spoon like this, then you feel guilty. It's nothing important. But if you feel guilty, then you catch on this center on the left-hand side, which we call as Left Vishudhdhi and it's very dangerous because it causes a very big damage. You might get Angina, you might get spondylitis or you might get lethargic organs. So, what is the use of feeling guilty - it's not your job to feel guilty and carrying these dangers with you. So, in all compassion and love of God, please forgive yourself and know that you're not guilty at all.
It's a fashion also to be guilty for anything. Like, I met one lady, she was guilty because in Afghanistan people were starving. I said, "Why're you feeling guilty? If they're starving, send some money. What's the use of sitting down and feeling guilty?" It's a kind of a, you see, a melodramatic uh.. attitude, I think, that people think, "Oh, I'm guilty, how can I?" And to Me, some people told Me that, "You look so joyous, that's not good," in France once, first when I went there. "You shouldn't look so joyous." I said, "But I am, what can I do?" They said, "No, here people are very miserable and you must say you're miserable."
So, I said, "Why are they miserable here?" So, I started My lecture with Les Miserable and I said if every tenth lamp-post has got a pub and about twelfth lamp-post there's a prostitute standing, what else will it be? You're inviting your own miseries and sitting outside on the street they were discussing when the world is going to end. That's the best - because now they're fed-up with themselves so they wanted to end the world also. So all this is more sort of a, mental attitude to feel guilty, "I should not have done that, I should not have done that." So at this moment, I would request, don't feel guilty because if this center is in jeopardy, this Kundalini won't rise, it cannot penetrate. So, you'll also miss such a nice opportunity. Then there is another problem is with the center on the optic chiasma which we call as Agnya chakra. If you do not forgive people, it becomes like this. It's a very constricted center so you have to forgive others also.
If you forgive others, then this center opens out like this otherwise it's impossible. You cannot crossover this center, it's one of the most difficult ones, so please, just at this moment, forgive everyone in general. Don't even think about people whom you have to forgive because it's a headache even to think of them. So just in general you forgive everyone, just forgive everyone. You'll feel very happy and much lighter just now. These are the two conditions we have, the third one is easier, is to take out your shoes. When I said this in England, half of them walked out on the first day - they couldn't take out their shoes, so much attached to them. Because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. it helps us a lot to achieve the, achieve our ascent. She sucks our problems.
You don't know what this Mother Earth is. It's a very great blessing, specially in Australia, is a very great land. Now, in the beginning we'll tell you how we'll be nourishing our centers which is very simple. This is only once you have to do tonight - you don't have to do it again, it's alright, very, very simple. Now after taking out your shoes, you please put both your feet apart from each other - that's all. Because as there are two powers within us, left and right, which are very different, so better keep them away from each other. The left power, which we call as the Left Sympathetic Nervous System, which is nourished by Ida Nadi is for our desire, works out our desires which is, uh.. I should say, not a concrete thing, just you desire through this Nadi. So, you have to put your left hand, like this, on your lap - very comfortably you should sit down - uh.. indicating that you're desirous of getting your Self-realization, that's all. Just put your left hand towards Me like this all the time.
With the right hand is for your action. The right Nadi, which is Pingala Nadi, works out for your action. So you have to use your right hand on different centers on the left-hand side - we work only on the left-hand side. So put your right-hand on your heart, please. In the heart resides the Spirit. I've already told you about the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you have the light of the Spirit and you become your own guide, you become your own master, you become your own guru. So we take our right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side which is the center of your mastery. Then we take our hand in the lower portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side. Surprisingly, this is the center of pure knowledge of the Divine.
Then we take our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen, then on our heart again. Now, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder - I've already told you about this chakra - and turn your head to your right. I think, is really very caught up here - please forgive yourself, please forgive yourself. Now, then we take our right hand on top of our forehead across like this and bend our head slowly. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. Then we take our right hand on the back side of our head and push back our head as far as possible. This is the center where, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine power without feeling guilty, again. Now, you have to stretch your palm fully, like this and put the center of your palm on top of your head on to the fontanel bone, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, please put down your head as far as possible. Push back your fingers as far as possible and press it hard, your scalp, which you have to move clockwise, slowly, seven times.
Push back your fingers - that's very important - push back your fingers so there's a better pressure. That's all you have to do. Bend your heads, please bend your heads, push back your fingers. That's all. This is all we have to do and now we have to close our eyes. Before closing our eyes, I would say, better take out your spectacles uh.. because it might help your eyesight also and please don't open your eyes till I tell you. Don't press very hard just ordinarily as we sleep, [UNCLEAR - YOU SEE IS?] very gentle way of closing the eyes. We have to have respect for ourselves and understanding that we are capable of achieving this higher state. So now please, put your left hand again towards Me, both the feet away from each other and close your eyes and put your right hand on your heart.
[UNCLEAR] I think you can go now. Now, here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself to Me in your heart, not loudly - nothing to be said aloudly. So please, ask a question - you can call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji, whatever you like - "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question, three times, in your heart. I've already told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide and your own master. So now, please take your hand the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and press it and here you ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times, saying, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times. I must tell you I respect your freedom. If you don't want to have your realization, I cannot force you, if you don't want to know about the pure knowledge of the Divine, I cannot force it on you - you have to ask for it. So please, put your hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and here you please ask six times, because this center has got six petals, "Mother, please let me know the pure knowledge of the Divine."
Please ask six times. As soon as you start asking this question, the Kundalini has started rising. It won't trouble you, it won't give you any shock. At the most some people might feel a little heat on their hands but it has started. So now, please raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now these are the upper centers which we have to open with our full self-confidence. Here you have to say ten times with full self-confidence, "Mother, I am my own master." Please say this ten times, "Mother, I am my own master," with full confidence. At the very outset I've told [UNCLEAR - ME?] that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, this ego or your conditionings but you are the pure Spirit.
So now, please raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say it twelve times, twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." I have already request you to forgive yourself because this All-Pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and love and bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed, can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself, raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder please and here press it hard. Put your head towards your right and here, please, you have to say sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all," please say it sixteen times - it's very important. I've already told you, that you have to forgive everyone, in general, not thinking about them because if you don't forgive, this center of Agnya won't open out. As it is whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So at this moment, try to understand that as it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving but at this moment if you forgive, this center will open and you will achieve what you have to really achieve - your Self-realization. So please, forgive all the people in general. Raise your right hand on top of your forehead and slowly put down your head and here you have to say, not how many times but from your heart you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general."
From your heart you have to say, not how many times. You have to now ask forgiveness from the Divine power without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction. So now, take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head fully, push back. Here you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes - from your heart, not how many times, "Oh Divine power, if I've done any mistakes, please forgive me," from your heart you have to say, not counting. Now the last center is very important, is the most important so stretch your palm fully Now, you have to put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area properly and now bend your head as far as possible. Stretch back your fingers, stretch back your fingers. At this moment, I have to again say, that I cannot give you Self-realization unless and until you ask for it because I respect your freedom. So here, you move your scalp slowly, ten times, scalp by stretching your fingers out. Please put down your head, please put down your head. And now move your scalp, ten times - I'm sorry, seven times.
Hmm. Seven times, slowly, clockwise saying, "Mother, please give me my Self-realization." Please move your scalp slowly, clockwise. [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] Now take down your hand and please open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards Me, like this, just like this and put the right hand towards Me and bend your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Hot or cold breeze might be coming, doesn't matter. It is hot means you have not forgiven yourself or forgiven others so it's still hot. Again, take your left hand towards Me like this, put down your head and see with your right hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please see with your right hand. Sometimes some people get it closer, sometimes they get it very far away, so you have to move your hand to see.
If it is hot or cold doesn't matter but if you forgive just now yourself or others, it will definitely will become better and cooler. Alright, now again once more. Put your left hand towards Me again and put your right hand on top of your fontanel bone area and bend your head and now see yourself. Now, don't doubt yourself, that's the main point. Now, raise your both the hands towards the sky like this and ask a question. Put your head up and ask one of the questions out of these three questions three times. "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Second, "Mother, is this the All-Pervading power of Divine love?" Third one, "Mother, is this the Param Chaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times.
It's alright - vibrations are coming from you to Me. Alright, put it down, please put it down. Now please put your hands like that. Now watch Me without thinking - you can do that - watch Me without thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the finger-tips or on the palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. [UNCLEAR - DID OR DIDN'T?] feel it? Good. May God bless you! Most of you, surprisingly!
Everyone of you. One or two haven't got it but we'll see them. May God bless you all! Now you have to know what are these vibrations, what is this cool breeze which you have felt for the first time - is the All-Pervading power of Divine love - and how to use it, how to work it out - that's what you have to do and grow into it. But I see when I come, I don't know, everywhere people somehow believe Me very much and they come to My programs and afterwards they just disappear. Some of them, I don't know, they don't trust their own fellow-men who are realized souls here who know so much about sahaja yoga. So please, do not waste this awakening. Like Christ has said in His parable, that some seeds were sprouted but they were thrown into wasteland. In the same way it should not happen. There will, it is not like other people that they take introduction and then take money.
You don't have to pay anything but you have to respect your Self-realization and you have to come to our centers where you will grow. As it is we don't take money we don't have palaces for you to come and meditate but they're nice places and very good evolved people here, who are humble, kind and compassionate. They'll tell you all about it, they're not going to keep any secrets. Some people didn't feel it - doesn't matter. It can be worked out for them, all of them, maybe some reason they haven't felt, so don't feel disappointed, there's nothing to be disappointed about there is all worked out. Also the people who have problems can come and see those people in the center - I'm sure, they will solve your problems, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, anything. They are doing great work in all over Australia. We have centers all over - please come in a humble way because we have to grow and groom and become the great tree of Divinity which you all can become, I'm sure about you. Thank you very much, thank you! [CLAPPING] [CLAPPING] They'll sing one song and you should clap - that's all.
[UNCLEAR] Thank You! Keep it with you, I'll just touch it for you - alright? [INAUDIBLE] be careful Aap logon ko aana chahiye, yeh to aapka heritage hai [UNCLEAR] - hai na? - Mataji, I'm from Bombay. - Annh? - I'm from Bombay - Bombay se aaye hain - Main Bombay se aaya huun - [INAUDIBLE] - Maine to [INAUDIBLE] - Lekin ab main ab yahan rehta huun - Yahin rehte hain aap? - To ab aayiye, sahaja mein aayiye - Haan ab aayeinge - Almora se aaye hain - Almora se aaye hain? Wah, kya kehne! Bahut achche - Delhi se aaye hain - Aap log program mein aayiye Mataji bolin hain.
Mataji bolin hain aap log program mein aayiye - Hindustaniyon ka to yeh hai bas Hum aate hain to aate hain aur to koi aata hi nahin. Yehi log aage ja rahe hain - Hum Delhi se aaye hain Aapke [UNCLEAR] - Delhi se aaye hain? [MUSIC N CLAPPING] [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Anaadi Nirguni pragatli Bhawani, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Anaadi Nirguni pragatli Bhawani, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Moh Mahishasura mardana laguni, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Moh Mahishasura mardana laguni, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Trivid Tapanchi karavya jhadadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Trivid Tapanchi karavya jhadadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhakta laguni paavsi Nirvaani, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhakta laguni paavsi Nirvaani, bhakta laguni; Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Dwaita Saaruni maal mi ghaleena, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Dwaita Saaruni maal mi ghaleena, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Haati Bodhacha jhenda mi Gheiina, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Haati Bodhacha jhenda mi Gheiina, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhed rahita gaa, vaarisi jaaeena; ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhed rahita gaa, vaarisi jaaeena, bhed rahita gaa Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Navavid bhakticha karuni Navaratra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Navavid bhakticha karuni Navaratra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Karuni niraakaran maangena Gyanputra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Karuni niraakaran maangena Gyanputra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Dambha sansaara sodeena kuputra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Dambha sansaara sodeena kuputra, Dambha sansaara Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Poorna Bodhachi bhareen mi paradi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Poorna Bodhachi bhareen mi paradi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Asha Manshyacha Paadin mi daraadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Asha Manshyacha Paadin mi daraadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Manovikaara Kareen kurvandi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Manovikaara Kareen kurvandi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Amrit rasaanchi bhareen mi duradi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Amrit rasaanchi bhareen mi duradi, Amrit Rasaanchi Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Aata Saajadi jhale mi nisaang, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Aata Saajadi jhale mi nisaang, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Vikalp navyacha Sodiyela sung, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Vikalp navyacha Sodiyela sung, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kaama Krodh he Sodiyele maanga, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kaama Krodh he Sodiyele maanga, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kela mokalaa maarga ha suranga, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kela mokalaa maarga ha suranga, kela mokalaa Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Aisa Jogwa Maanguni theviila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Aisa Jogwa Maanguni theviila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Jaauni Mahadwaari Navasamya Fediila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Jaauni Mahadwaari Navasamya Fediila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Eka Janardani Ekacha Dekhiila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Eka Janardani Ekacha Dekhiila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Janma marnacha phera mi chukviila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Janma marnacha phera mi chukviila, Janma marnacha Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ud, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [CLAPPING] [INAUDIBLE] Shivji ka [UNCLEAR] Shivji What's the matter? [INAUDIBLE] You met with an accident? What has happened? Why didn't you come to our center then we'll look after, alright? We'll try. You have not got any steel inside, have you? No - then it's alright. We'll work it out, alright?
[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [UNCLEAR] has she come? [INAUDIBLE] Lalaat pe hai Chandrama, Lalaat pe hai Chandrama, chandrama, chandrama Jata mein Gangdhaar hai, Jata mein Gangdhaar hai, Gangdhaar hai, Gangadhaar hai Lalaat pe hai Chandrama, Jata mein Gangdhaar hai, Chadhi hai bhasm ang pe, gale mein sarpahaar hai [MUSIC] Nava rahe hain Shesh Dev, Sar Tumhaari bhakti mein Hai koti Surya ka prakaash, Shiv Tumhaari shakti mein, Shiv Tumhaari shakti mein, Shiv Tumhaari shakti mein Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari, Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari Ho Shankar Bhole bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC][UNCLEAR - SHOULD BE A LITTLE LOWER?] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [UNCLEAR] [UNCLEAR] [UNCLEAR] ho, ho Ho, O, O, Sab Devon mein Mahadev Tu, aa, aa, aa, Tujhsa koi na duja Bhakti bhava se sab karte hain, Bhagwan Teri Puja Bhagwan Teri Puja Shivji Tera to hai, Roop niraala, Bhola Bhaala Teri Chavi par sabhi hain balihaari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari; Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari, Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Saagar matha ke sabhi Devata, Amrit par lalchaye; Saagar matha ke sabhi Devata, Amrit par lalchaye Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar, Neelkanth kehlaaye; Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar, Neelkanth kehlaaye Neelkanth kehlaaye; Jo bhi aaya Shambhu Sharan Tihaari, Dukhhaari; Uski naiya Tune paar utaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu, sabse hai nyaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu, sabse hai nyaari [MUSIC] [MUSIC] He Shiva Shankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje He Shiv Shankar, He Pralayankar; He Shiva Shankar jahan bhi Tera, Aa, Aa, Aa; He Shiva Shankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje Dhar ke nana roop Tere Gana, sung sung Tere naache, sung sung Tere naache, Sab karte hain Bhagwan Teri Puja, Bhagwan Teri Puja Shivji Tera to hai Roop Niraala, Bhola Bhaala Teri Chavi par sabhi hain balihaari; Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale Shailbihaari, Tripuraari, Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shailbihaari, Tripuraari,Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Saagar math ke sabhi Devta Amrit par lalchaye, Saagar math ke sabhi Devta Amrit par lalchaye Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar Neelkanth kehlaaye, Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar Neelkanth kehlaaye, Neelkanth kehlaaye; Jo bhi aaya Shambhu, Jo bhi aaya Shambhu, sharan Tihaari, dukhhaari, uski naiiya Tune paar utaari Ho Shankar Bhole bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari [MUSIC] [MUSIC] He Shivshankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje He Shivshankar Shivshankar; He Shivshankar jahan bhi Tera, Aa, aa, aa He Shivshankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje Dhar ke nana roop Tere Gana sung sung Tere naache, sung sung [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Pahile naman ho Ganarayala, Pahile naman ho Ganarayala, Dusre naman Adishaktila, Dusre naman Adishaktila, Teesre naman sahajayogala, Gau ata ra Povadyala ra Ji, Ji, Ji Ek Unishte Teis Salala, Ek Unishte Teis Salala, Madhyapranti Chindavaryala, Bhar Dupari Barah Vajela Adishaktiza Zanma Zhala Ra Ji, ji, ji; Adishaktiza Zanma Zhala Dhanya Mata Prasad Rav Pita, Dhanya Mata Prasad Rav Pita, Atipunyavan Ubhayata, Daivi Kanya Tyanchi Lalita Sakal Vishwachi Ase hi Shaan Ji, Ji, Ji Sakal Vishwachi Ase hi Shaan Ji, Ji, Ji Sakal Vishwachi Ase hi Shaan Ji, Ji, Ji Nirguna tuni Sagunat, Nirguna tuni Sagunat, Ali Adishakti Jag Tat, Ali Adishakti Jag Tat, Kaliyugat Mata Ali Nirmala Devi Mayabhorli Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Nirmala Devi Mayabhorli Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Nirmala Devi Mayabhorli Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Dhanya Te Purvasukrut, Dhanya Te Purvasukrut, Kundalini Zhali Jagrut, Kundalini Zhali Jagrut, Sat Chakra Par Karit Ali Sarvanchya Sahasrart Ji, Ji, Ji Ali Sarvanchya Sahasrart Ji, Ji, Ji Ali Sarvanchya Sahasrart Ji, Ji, Ji Lehekure Amhi Adnyan, Lehekure Amhi Adnyan, Nase Amhala Gyan, Nase Amhala Gyan, Ananya Bhave Sharan, Alpamati Kele varnan Ra Ji, Ji, ji Alpamati Kele varnan Ra Ji, Ji, ji Alpamati Kele varnan Ra Ji, Ji, ji Sahaja Yogane Hote Pragati, Sahaja Yogane Hote Pragati, Ghya ho ghya ho Yachi Prachuti, Ghya ho ghya ho Yachi Prachuti, Divyatvachi Jeth Prachuti Tethe Kar Majhe ho Zulti Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Tethe Kar Majhe ho Zulti Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Tethe Kar Majhe ho Zulti Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Pahile naman ho Ganarayala, Pahile naman ho Ganarayala,